Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

This letter is an introduction into the Kelley Enzyme Protocol for treating Malignancy provided by © 2003- 2003 Patricia A.D. Braun, M.D. Kin Kletso, near Lindale, Texas NUTRITIONAL & PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE & COMPREHENSIVE CANCER & CHRONIC ILLNESS CARE © 2003-5 WEBSITE MESSAGE: THE KELLEY PROTOCOL



William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S., dentist, orthodontist, with additional degrees from Baylor University, University of Alabama, and the Univeristy of West Virginia in chemistry, education, and physiology, and a self-education in nutrition, became ill in 1963, and sought medical help for 4 years, until the day of his diagnosis by open-surgical observation in Midland, Texas. A biopsy was not necessary as pancreatic cancer had spread to the liver. It was, by then, 1967 and the orthodox cure rate for pancreatic cancer was 0.5%.

His wife was told he had 2 months to live. He was told he had 6 months, and his surgeons asked him to hurry up and finish their children's dental work: so he conscientiously worked in his office only to finish the cases he had in progress. It was necessary to lie down and rest between patients. But rather than wait around to die, he began to research cancer treatment in the medical literature, and began to apply the available information to himself. Since he was so very sick, he could easily tell what made him worse, and what made him better. Today he recounts that the Holy Spirit led him to the answers. There is no doubt of that.

Kelley began a rigorous, largely vegetarian diet, except for eggs and chewed raw liver. He took the new freeze-dried pancreatic enzymes every two hours by mouth, he used coffee enemas for detoxification of the liver, and took vitamins and minerals in varying combinations. He began to get better day by day . In three months, he was back in the office full time, taking new cases, and in 6 months, he felt rather well. As you would expect, his doctors called it spontaneous remission. But Kelley knew better.

Midland was a small enough town that word got around, and many patients came to him for advise on cancer, and other chronic diseases, both for themselves and for relatives out of town. He quite naively dispensed advise, out of a sense of moral duty. He simply told them what he had done to get well, and those who did what he said got well too. He was intrigued by the staggering implications of this simple therapy. He wrote a 38 page booklet detailing his personal story and the theoretical explanation of why it worked in December of 1967. One Answer to Cancer became a National best seller in the alternative health world, which was in it's infancy. Dr. Kelley said "Among cancer victims this booklet spread like a wild forest fire. Many cancer victims never visited me, but nevertheless followed directions, recovered and went on their way."

Soon, all those who came to him came not for his expertise in orthodontics1. To make a living, he had to began charging to counsel the patients, always careful to counsel only those whose doctors had referred them to him. Of course Dr. Kelley usually saw the patients when "hope was gone" and they were sent home to die: the toughest cases. But in this position, he had

1 He was one of the early orthodontists to work with arrangement of the jaw bones not with just the teeth in their sockets. TMJ and other syndromes were of interest to him. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman opportunity to fine-tune his program to cover different kinds of cancers, which responded differently, and to include different degenerative diseases, and found that, while each and every person was an individual and reacted in their own way to different food and different supplements, he could ask enough questions and interpret a few laboratory tests to place them in categories: and this was the concept of metabolic specificity, which he perfected.

In fact Dr. Kelley fully developed four of holistic2 medicine's most advanced concepts: Nonspecific Metabolic Therapy7, the Science of Optimum Health7, Metabolic Ecology 7, and Metabolic Typing 7, which the Price-Pottenger Foundation declared to be "The most important nutritional discovery in the last 150 years." Basically, it explains how one determines if he will do well as a vegetarian or as a meat eater, and further more, to what degree he should have a mixed diet. Kelley computerized his programs on the first main-frame in Dallas, Texas3. The banks were still just considering going to computer! Over the next 18 years he saw over 100,000 patients, and fully 33,000 of them were cancer victims. Kelley was so successful that he developed a rather large organization, the International Health Institute blossoming with doctors and assistants, called metabolic technicians. He held frequent seminars and taught many doctors, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths, doctors of nutrition, nutritionists, and other professionals so that they were capably guiding in the "cure" for anyone willing to follow the protocol - including the rich and famous - notably the actor, Steve McQueen, whose treatment was ultimately the undoing of Kelley.

According to his daughter, Dr. Kelley was reluctant to treat McQueen, and relieved when McQueen decided the protocol was too difficult. However, the actor came a second time, ready for the program, as he was getting much worse, and by then thoroughly disillusioned with the establishment’s treatment of cancer. The McQueen saga garnered so much attention, it brought the Kelley program into the awareness of the entire nation. McQueen had not wanted his fans to know how sick he was, but once he was better, he wanted the nation to know what made him better. He told Kelley on the phone "Doc, I'm going to blow the lid off this whole cancer racket!" There are many versions of the ultimate death of McQueen. Those of us who know Dr. Kelley personally, believe his version.4

The booklet and success brought national attention and the McQueen saga brought the opportunity to malign the book, the success, and the man. Dr. Kelley was systematically, roasted, and trashed then persecuted in every conceivable way by the Medical powers, the state dental boards, the local and national newspapers and pulp magazines, the IRS, FBI, local city police, county sheriffs,5 and the attorney general of Texas State, and ultimately the Supreme Court of the United States. Kelley was prosecuted for printing the booklet! He was "practicing medicine without a license." The claim was that he was practicing medicine on anyone who read the book though they never even saw him! The decision of the Supreme Court (with one dissent) 6 was that Kelley was a menace to society. He was forbidden to have any of his booklets or similar books in his presence.

During this time, the New York Cancer Establishment Institute, Sloan Kettering, sent a mere second year medical student to scrutinize Dr. Kelley's records, hoping to prove him a quack. Not only that, but a liar. The student, Nicolas Gonzales, stayed for five years, insinuating himself into Dr. Kelly's life during this period of utmost distress. Kelley must have seen an opportunity in this student to present his curing protocol to the scientific world, to share it with the medical community, making it available to so many more cancer victims, and to ultimately clear his name

2 Holistic means: looking at or treating the entire person, entire body, entire physiology, not an isolated disease manifestation; from the word whole. 3 Actually it was Grapevine Texas, about 5 miles from the Dallas City Limits, just north of the DFW airport; convenient to the airport. 4 See < McQueen Saga > 5 Patients were harassed by their local police once they got back home. 6 Justice William O. Douglas, 1971 Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman and get a nod of respect, if not gratitude. I can find no other reason to entertain this student's meddling - treating him like a son. Dr. Kelley seems at a loss to give me any other more sensible explanation!

Though it took five years, Nicky Gonzales learned the methods of Kelley, personally observing and investigating the then current cases, and verifying the documentation of past patient cases, and many hundreds of undeniable cancer "cures". To finish up his assigned work, fifty representative cases of many types of cancer were summarized for Sloan Kettering, in a 500 page manuscript. He also was instructed to include in the study a series of only pancreatic cancer, as it carried a well recognized death sentence. Nicky never managed to get his glowing- with-praise manuscript published, but did manage to set up shop on Park Avenue and quietly continue the methods he had so generously been taught by Dr. Kelley. Sloan Kettering somehow neglected to publish the manuscript.7

Dr. Gonzales, though hostile to Kelley in their initial meetings, was genuinely shocked at the success of the therapy, and through the five years spent studying Kelley and the therapy, he wrote several sincere letters.8 In the unpublished manuscript, he was truly shocked that the medical establishment was so hostile to Kelley. It seems he was naive and unprepared for such unscientific, inhuman, viscous and destructive attitudes and actions on the part of the medical cancer doctors, who were expected to care about saving lives. It is really to his credit that he was so incredulous and quietly began to practice, exclusively, the saving therapy he had witnessed for so many years, rather than follow standard medicine. With any conscious at all, how could he have done otherwise?

CURRENT STATUS OF DR. GONZALES At the present time (2002), since the creation of the government's Office of (OAM), under the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Gonzales has a research grant for 2.5 million dollars, to "properly study" the metabolic enzyme treatment for cancer. The protocol was to have 40-50 patients under the Kelley enzyme-metabolic treatment and 40-50 paired cases undergoing chemotherapy. But the protocol has had to be altered! There were very few takers willing to sign up if they got the random selection of chemotherapy.9 The current prospective study is simply a repetition of the retrospective cases which Gonzales summarized in 1987, and of the many he has treated in his New York office, and of the thousands of cases treated under the Kelley protocol by his students and technicians - with one exception - this study will merely pit the skill of Gonzales against the legendary skills of the humble Dr. Kelley. In the past it has been Gonzales 80% and Kelly 97% or 100 %.10

Dr. Braun has studied under Dr. Kelley, who is alive and still willing to teach. There are some counselors around the country who instruct patients in the Kelley protocol.


short version

DEFINITION OF CANCER Dr. Kelley always begins a discussion of what cancer is, by saying what it is not. Cancer is not that mass of cells brought to our attention by a tumor or lump. Cancer is a process by which the

7 The manuscript is commonly available however, as Dr. Kelley had a copy and shared it with many. I have made an analysis of this manuscript, so that the results of that 5 year inquisition are available. See under < the Gonzales study > 8 See under < Gonzales: letters > 9 As of this printing, those on the chemo protocol have already died. 10 See Gonzale's web site for his expected cure rate. See the unpublished manuscript for Kelley's rate. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman body metabolism11 becomes so altered, by various causes, that it fails to maintain normal surveillance of the cells that make that mass or tumor or lump. It is commonly said that each of us contains a few cancer cells every day, and that our immune systems, if competent, kill the abnormal cells. If these cells go unchecked, they replicate 12 and eventually are recognized. The tumor is but a symptom. The process of cancer is what must be addressed. The metabolism must change. We must be metabolically competent to destroy the abnormal cells we get for all future time. Obliterating the mass is only part of the problem, no matter how immediately necessary.

THE DIRECT CAUSE OF CANCER Whatever causes the process of cancer to begin, whatever causes the metabolism to alter, whatever causes the cells to exist in the first place or to become atypical, whatever causes the cell begin to reproduce, whatever causes the immune system to neglect their surveillance, the fact stands, that the tumors form and grow. For the present, without studying the theory in detail at this point, 13 assume and trust, that your cancer is ultimately the result of insufficient pancreatic enzymes - pancreatin.

That may strike you as a very strange direct cause of cancer. The causes of that insufficiency will require discussion later.14 But remember the best of doctors once thought that Beri-beri, with its profound and odd mental changes, was a psychiatric condition, and they institutionally confined people for custodial care, when all they needed was B1 vitamin, thiamin Remember that in 1920, when the direct cause of diabetes was unknown, and while it was noticed that the urine was sticky and sweet, it was said that diet made no difference; that patients could eat anything they liked. There was no idea that insulin even existed until 1920, and that diabetes would respond to insulin replacement. 15

OBJECTIVES Since pancreatin insufficiency is the immediate cause, then the objectives of the Kelley Protocol are: (1) to provide the cancer victim with the proper amount of enzymes to stop the growth of the malignant tumor; but (2) not overload the body with excessive enzymes that would produce digested tumor mass beyond the capacity of the body to remove such debris; (3) to instruct in detoxification and detoxication16 procedures that remove the toxic tumor remains from the body:17 (4) to achieve neurological stimulation to repair the body; and (5) to instruct in diet and supplementation, exercise, and spiritual attitude, the problems which led to the ultimate pancreatic failure.

11 Metabolism: the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms and cells, comprising those of assimilating food into protoplasm and those of using and breaking down products into waste matter, with the release of for vital processes. 12 Reproduce 13 See discussion: Theory of Cancer, past and current proofs. 14 See Discussion: Causes of Cancer 15 You will later be interested to read about the graduate student who discovered insulin: Ernest Lyman Scott, and his book. No, it was not Banting and Best of Canada, who did get the Nobel prize for this discovery. 16 Detoxification: the natural body processes that render products of metabolism or extraneous foreign substances that enter the body less toxic or non-toxic for purposes of excretion . 1 Detoxication: what a person does to takes to aid in the process of rendering toxic metabolic products, less toxic and cause their excretion. 17 While toxicity caused by dead and dying tumor breakdown products is the primary cause of death in a cancer victim treated with otherwise potentially successful chemotherapy. 1 Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

TIME TO CURE It takes several years for metabolic errors to begin to cause pancreatic failure. It takes a minimum of two to four years of pancreatic enzyme-production failure to allow a malignant tumor mass to grow. It takes no less than six months of enzyme and metabolic change to stop the growth of a mass of malignant tumor cells: and it may require 18 months of hard work and careful attention to resolve a malignant tumor mass. It will take constant vigilance and maintenance to remain "cancer free." That means that any one with 6 months to live, could conceivably effect their cancer cure. It also means that someone with only "2 weeks to live" might as well try! And why would one even bother? Because no one can say how long you have.

ALLOTTED TIME When a medical doctor states you have only 2 months to live, or even just 2 weeks to live, he is probably wrong. While studies have been done which show that the despairing patient commonly dies on cue, almost to the day using up their "allotted time," this situation is not truly in the physician's control, and he is just predicting by past experience: but, none the less, the prediction is implanted into the patient's mind. It is ultimately in God's hand: and my personal belief is that God expects us to correct the situations that cause our problems. Why else would God give us knowledge, opportunity and self-determination?

DEFINITIONS OF CANCER CURE "Cancer cure" legally, as defined by the American Medical establishment, means: absence of malignant tumors or malignant blood or lymph abnormalities 5 years after initial biopsy diagnosis. This occurs in 0% to 20 % of cancer victims using standard medical cancer treatment protocols. It occurs in 4 % to 31 % of cancer victims using so called "alternative" medical protocols. If cancer recurs after 5 years, it is still defined as a cure, under this definition. "Cancer cure" complete, means: absence of malignant tumors or malignant blood or lymph cell abnormalities, indefinitely without metabolic support and dietary changes after initial biopsy diagnosis. This occurs in less than 1 % of the cases. This is the rare spontaneous remission. (That is to say, for 99% of us, some changes have to be made.) "Cancer free": absence of malignant tumors or malignant blood or lymph cell abnormalities indefinitely, using metabolic, dietary and detoxification support. This occurs in 93 % to 100 % of cancer victims using the Kelly Enzyme-Metabolic Protocol. Cure cancer: a feat no physician, or other health care professional can do for you, or to you. It is up to you, as you are the one who has to perform the steps of the treatment. Your family can help, but only you yourself can decide to follow through and once you begin to get better, it is up to you to continue your program - essentially for the rest of your life

When you study the cases of Dr. Kelley from the 1960s through 1980s18, you find indeed, that the malignant masses do go away. The personal physicians were shocked to see the patients alive many years later. You also find, from what we know of the follow-up, so well documented in the Unpublished Gonzales Manuscript, that if the victim did not continue with the metabolic prevention and correction, tumors returned.19 That is really not so amazing, as these people may not have continued to rebuild their body to the point of not needing the extra enzymes and

18 See : The Unpublished Manuscript. 19 The unfortunate thing we cannot know from the manuscript, is how many were tumor free, went on they way with few- to-no corrective changes in their lifestyle and never got any recurrent tumors. Dr. Kelley feels there are probably a great many in this category, lost to follow-up. Maybe none. There is no way of knowing. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman additional nutrients to handle protein digestion and substitute for adequate natural foods. What is rather amazing however, is finding that upon reinstating the program, the recurrent tumors went away again!20

By definition it is illegal for a doctor to cure cancer. They treat cancer. But you can cure your own cancer. It is totally within your power, God willing. So what are the obstacles that would interfere?

CREDIBILITY AND FEAR There is no doubt that medical doctors and the Cancer Treatment Centers have lost credibility. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy have an incredibly miserable record in curing cancer: and the procedures often inflict as much misery, pain, and deformity as the cancer itself. That is the reason for the wretched fear that virtually paralyses the cancer victim and then makes him leap at the usual, quickly proposed treatment, grasping at the straw of slim chance. See < Opinion paper on chemo and surgery >

ATTITUDE For one afflicted with a malignant tumor mass, the most difficult obstacle to overcome is the burden of attitude caused by the advanced technology of evaluating and monitoring one's condition. It would be much better to have the medical community simply start the "already proven scientific cancer cure" right after a diagnosis, and then use the technology, with a sparing touch, for problem solving. It would certainly save money and misery. The scans, MRI's, and Cancer Marker Tests, of all kinds and expense, and even the pathology tissue description of the cells create a false sense of "knowing" the size, type, and extent of the malignant mass, as if the proposed treatment could be adjusted to fit some special parameters and become more accurate. The use of such technology is the source of calamitous control of the patient's decisions and of the subsequent delay in choosing the effective cure for cancer. Pretending to know the cell type and extent, and the special sensitivity of this cancer or that, leads to hope that since so much is known about the tumor, there must be as much knowledge about how to cure it. That is erroneous. Knowing the cell type, only gives a little closer prediction of the time of demise: that should be irrelevant to you at this point.

FALSE HOPE Staging procedures have the same effect. The more that precision of diagnosis is sought, the more precise and scientific the treatment becomes in the mind of the victim and the more hopeful he will become. As wonderful and advanced and precise as the visual and chemical studies and staging jargon may seem, they can not stop one malignant tumor cell. Use of such technology gives a false sense of security21 and then as the treatments fail, as they usually do, the same technology instills death within the mind of the cancer victim. Tests and staging have caused more fear, and wasted more money than the use of them can ever justify.

Likewise, any wide-awake person will know that ordinary medicine cannot effectively cure even such degenerative diseases as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and arthritis - though "treat" the condition, they may. Cure means reverse the condition to a point of normalcy, without having to take medicine to control symptoms: as in making a diabetic absolutely non-diabetic, the way he was before he became diabetic. In cancer language, "cure" means living 5 years past the initial

20 The follow-up study desperately needed is this: have all who experience the cancer cure, continue on the follow-up protocol, until there is some laboratory evidence they have rebuilt their bodies; thereafter, all retain the good diet, but then (a) 1/3 stay on the enzymes only, (b) 1/3 stay on the supplements without enzymes, and (c) 1/3 stay on the enzymes and supplements. Follow forever, or until some get recurrent tumors and then, of course, allow them to resume enzymes + supplements. We do not need a study pitting the Kelley protocol against chemotherapy! 21 It is the height of irony that Establishment Cancer Doctors accuse "alternative doctors" of giving false hope, when it is they that do so! Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman discovery of the cancer. In contrast, the goal and expectation with Metabolic therapy is to reverse the condition, i.e. truly cure it.

PLAYING DOCTOR Although Dr. Kelley successfully treated his own "terminal" pancreatic cancer 40 years ago and although he has the highest cancer cure rate in the world known to date, he and those whom he teaches to help you with your cancer22, in general do not claim to cure, as they recognize and admit that YOU and God cure your cancer. Not all victims of cancer will succeed in playing doctor. Who is it that tries to play doctor?

A large segment of the population, in disgust with the poor salvage record of standard medicine, and not without justification, have chosen to play doctor. Their view of the situation is, "We'll do it ourselves - it can't be any worse, and it might be a lot better." Dr. Kelly's observations over these 40 years, have been that there are four classes of individuals who like to "play doctor." (1.) Those who are most observant and intelligent, but without funds to properly address their dilemma: they know what not to do and are limited in what they can do. They may have insurance, but that is not theirs. They usually have enough faith to accept their fate within their abilities. Thus they conquer one of the gigantic enemies of the cancer victim - fear. (2.) Those who are intelligent enough to know what not to do (let the cancer establishments get a hold of them): with enough funding to try every unproven protocol known to man. Usu- ally by the time they find the Kelley Program they have been de-funded and are in class 1. (3.) Those who have bought "hook line and sinker, Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy" and have been told, "there is nothing more medicine can do for you - go home and get your affairs in order." (4.) Those who come to the Kelley Program playing doctor, start doing what they think is best for themselves because of something they read or were told or heard about. Thus a lot or a little of meddling with the protocol goes on. Everything is tried - "even if it kills me" and it usually does.23 All four groups scour the Internet, alternative health care clinics, alternative health care publications, health food stores, and the myriad of sensationalist health newsletters. They at least have a wide streak of self- sufficiency left in their beings. This is the one critical thing which the victims of standard cancer treatments lack from the beginning: they throw themselves into the lap of the standard cancer treatment purveyors, and they most usually go home and die in the allotted time given them from the beginning.

BUT..... Dr. Braun WOULD ADD ...... The appeal of enzymatic-metabolic therapy is to those exact people who do want to "play doctor", for the therapy must, ultimately, be understood and administered by the person who has the condition. Some doctor/counselor must be your guide, and the family may help, but the cancer victim is the most active participant in the process of regaining health. It is impossible to heal without the victim's full knowledge, desire, cooperation, and commitment. So why would anyone fail?


22 that is, MOST do not claim to cure, as they recognize and admit that YOU and God cure. 23 The Kelley Protocol does allow a few scientific additions: after all, science has advanced a great deal in the last 40 years. However, these things are a matter of discussion with your guiding doctor, and not to be added without a consensus. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

Most obviously, the primary reason for failure is simply failure to try. These failures however, are caused by several emotions. If I just list them, you can probably find some of your own current feeling among these: (1). PERSONALITY TRAITS Lack of self determination Lack of self-confidence Fatalistic attitude Lack of faith Laziness Fear of failure Procrastination Gullibility: belief that the Cancer-Industry can cure (2). DEPENDENCE ON OTHERS Attitude of family and friends: usually, "if this worked, why wouldn't it be commonly known? Why doesn't our doctor know about this?" Opinion of your own personal physicians: "if this worked, I would know about it, and it would be taught in medical school."


(1). TOXICITY FROM THE DEAD AND DYING TUMOR DEBRIS. (full discussion of toxicity follows) (a). Failure to perform the tasks necessary to detoxify. This protocol is not difficult, it may be unpleasant. (i) Coffee enemas (ii) Gall bladder flushes (b). Inability to detoxify: (i) Pain requiring pain medicines, that decrease bowel functions, causing failure of bowel movements, thus blocking detoxication. (ii) Enzymes disabled by heavy metal overload: this requires discussion, see also (5) below. (2). NAUSEA: SUCH THAT THE DIET AND SUPPLEMENTS ARE NEGLECTED. Hopefully the cause of nausea can be determined and addressed. (3). OBSTRUCTION: sometimes honorable and necessary surgery can salvage this situation, e.g. Stints in pancreatic or bile ducts, or in other sites can be quite necessary and useful. (4). OTHER CONDITIONS: (i) congestive heart failure (ii) fluid collection in the lungs (pulmonary edema); or abdomen (ascites) (iii) broken bones (iv) Infections: kidney; sinuses; prostate; viral hepatitis of the liver; chronic mononucleosis; EB and other herpes viruses; cytomegalovirus, etc.. (5.) INTERFERENCE: 24 (a)Mixing with other protocols Previous treatments having destroyed the immune system. (B). ENZYME INHIBITORS: if the patient carefully follows the Protocols for 3 cycles and does not become toxic, there is a problem. The physician should diligently search for the blocking agent and resolve the cause: (i) Heavy metals: mercury, aluminum, copper, iron, cadmium, lead, etc.

24 Though this is variable. Please see footnote number 18. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

If taking the enzymes causes the upper abdomen to suffer pain or irritation, consider the possibility of Heavy Metal Poisoning. Special testing is required and one should contact the guiding physician. (ii) Dental conditions: cavitations25in the tooth-bearing bones or root canals (all of which are infected) (6). MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE FAILURE: THE KELLEY- BEATY SYNDROME: which follows

KELLEY-BEATY SYNDROME This destructive condition is caused by the failure of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, and involves malfunction of the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands as well as the hypothalamus - the command post or switch board of metabolism. Represented by rapid weight loss and muscle wasting it is often misdiagnosed as Cachexia or Addison's disease and assumed, in error, to be the end stage of a "terminal" cancer. This condition is sometimes the result of metabolic stress in long term degenerative illnesses as well as the stress of cancer. Many physicians fail to properly diagnose this entity as an autoimmune disease, or endocrine malfunction. Metabolic function arises out of structural balance. In both acute and chronic stages, it must be supported metabolically and structurally. The overwhelming stress of chronic illness inhibits or stops the metabolic functioning of major glands of the body and disrupts structural 26 balance. Being similar to parasympathetic atonia , it responds to neurocranial and neurosacral therapy.

Kelley-Beaty Syndrome is a metabolic malfunction and in the acute stage must be brought back into proper function. Doctors who are aiding the patient in his early care should begin specific protomorphogen care and structural support therapy with a skilled practitioner. Call for a referral in your area: (1). Dr. Berry Beaty 817-737-6464 or (2). Dr. Daniel Duffy, Sr. 1-440-466-1186. (3). Hydrazine Sulfate: Developed by Dr. Joseph Gold, M.D. and staff of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute. Physicians may call 315-472-6617. It was used by Dr. Dean Burke of the NCI. One may obtain hydrazine sulfate from Life Pharma in Vancouver, Canada, 1-604- 856-0171, and several compounding pharmacies by prescription. (4). The intake of trace minerals in a natural food source is critical to the patient suffering from Kelley-Beaty Syndrome. Natural and whole Multi-Grain Cereal should contain these important minerals; and instruction in their use is crucial.

Breaking the cycle of the Kelley-Beaty Syndrome is often indicated by increased appetite, hunger, better sleep, more energy, increased strength and sense of well being.

following are samples, and not updated to late 2003 THE CARCINOMA-SARCOMA PROTOCOLS of The Kelley CANCER THERAPY

during weight loss & heavy metal removal for those a little more sturdy AA Therapeutic Protocol A Therapeutic Protocol

A. Upon arising before breakfast A. Upon arising before breakfast 8 Pro - B - 7 4 Pro- B- 5 2 Hypothalamus PMG 1 GO-GO (for men only) B. Every 3 hours B. Every 3 hours 1 Stress-Repair 1 Stress-Repair

25 Cavitations are literally cavities in the jaw bones, usually at the roots of teeth that have had multiple traumas, such as root canals, implantation, stresses of bridges, and so forth. They are filled with dead material from dissolved bone and infection cells, and usually a lot of mercury. The material appears like bloody sawdust. It must be removed to get well. 26 Sympathetic atonia : loss of sympathetic tone, so that part of the nervous system does not work. The body can not respond to stress. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

C. 1 hr. before meals 1 Extra-C 10 Formula Ca + C. 1 hr. before meals 2 A/C Carbamide 10 Formula Ca + D . 1/2 hour before meals chew well 1 Big-B 1 GTA D. Once with Breakfast 1 Drenamin 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 Parotid 2 tbsp. Water of Life E . Once with Breakfast 1 RNA 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 Super CAL-MAG 2 tbsp. Water of Life 1 Remember. 1 Super CAL-MAG 1 Joint Ease F. With each meal E. With each meal 2 Sea Cure 2 Sea Cure 12 Formula Ca+ 12 Formula Ca+ 4 CHERUB 1 MSM + 1 Full of Life 1 B-Mins 1 Betaine Hydrochloride 1 CHERUB 15 drps. FLOW 1 Full of Life 1 Magnesium Lactate 1 Co-Q-10 1 tbsp. EPN 15 drps. FLOW G. 1 hour before bedtime chew 1 B-Lively 2 Hypothalamus PMG 1 tbsp. EPN 1 Drenamin F. At Bedtime/3:30 am. 1 Magnesium Lactate 6 Formula Ca + 1 Parotid 1 tbsp. Water of Life H. At Bedtime/3:30 am. 6 Formula Ca + 1 tbsp. Water of Life 2 HAPPY

CYCLE: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. On OFF days, TAKE 1 or 2 Ca+ with each meal. CYCLE: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. On OFF days, TAKE 1 or 2 Ca+ with each meal. Take AA Protocol until free of malignant tumors plus six months after your physician says you are Take A Protocol until free of malignant tumors cancer free. plus six months after your physician says you are Then, Precede with B Protocol. cancer free. Then, Precede with B Protocol.

If you are elderly and/or very weak or ill, the first, and perhaps the second cycle, should be to take 1/2 dose for 3 to 6 days. Stop 5 Days. Then increase the number of supplements and the number of days in each ON cycle until all the supplements are taken for the maximum of 10 days.


*Transition Protocol* *Maintenance Protocol* B PROTOCOL C PROTOCOL

A Upon arising before breakfast A Upon arising before breakfast 4 Pro- B- 5 4 Pro- B- 5 Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

1 GO-GO (for men only) GO-GO (for men only) B Every 3 hours B Every 3 hours 1 Stress-Repair 1 Stress-Repair 1 Extra-C 1 Extra-C C 1 hr. before first meal C 1 hr. before first meal 6 Formula Ca + 1 Big-B 1 Beta 1 3D Glucan 1 Beta 1 3D Glucan D Once with Breakfast D Once with Breakfast 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 tbsp. Formula F+ 2 tbsp. Water of Life 2 tbsp. Water of Life E With each meal E With each meal 6 Formula Ca+ 3 Formula Mg 2 Metabolic subtype Vitamin/Mineral 2 Metabolic subtype Vitamin/Mineral Formula 2 Metabolic subtype Glandular Formula 2 Metabolic subtype Glandular Formula 1 Metabolic type Vitamin Mineral Formula 1 Metabolic type Vitamin Mineral Formula 1 Metabolic type Glandular Formula 1 Metabolic type Glandular Formula 10 drps. FLOW 10 drps. FLOW F At Bedtime/3:30 am. F At Bedtime/3:30 am. 6 Formula Ca + 3 Formula Mg 1 tbsp. Water of Life 1 tbsp. Water of Life 2 HAPPY 1 HAPPY

Cycle: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. Cycle: 5 days ON, and 2 days OFF.

After completing Protocol AA or A, * Take for the rest of your life. follow B Protocol for a 6 months.

Then go to C Protocol.


samples and not updated to late 2003 THE LYMPHOMA-BLOOD TUMOR PROTOCOLS of The Kelley THERAPY

during weight loss & heavy metal removal for those a little more sturdy AA Therapeutic Protocol A Therapeutic Protocol

A. Upon arising before breakfast A. Upon arising before breakfast 8 Pro - B - 7 4 Pro- B- 5 2 Hypothalamus PMG ** 1 GO-GO (for men only) B. Every 3 hours B. Every 3 hours 1 Stress-Repair 1 Stress-Repair C. 1 hr. before meals 1 Extra-C C. 1 hr. before meals 10 Formula L(*) 10 Formula L(*) 2 A/C Carbamide ** 1 Big-B D . 1/2 hour before meals chew well D. Once with Breakfast Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

1 GTA ** 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 Drenamin ** 2 tbsp. Water of Life 1 Parotid ** 1 RNA E . Once with Breakfast 1 Super CAL-MAG 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 Remember. 2 tbsp. Water of Life 1 Joint Ease 1 Super CAL-MAG E. With each meal F. With each meal 2 Sea Cure 2 Sea Cure 12 Formula L(*) 12 Formula L(*) 1 MSM + 4 CHERUB ** 1 B-Mins 1 Full of Life 1 CHERUB 1 Betaine Hydrochloride ** 1 Full of Life 15 drps. FLOW 1 Co-Q-10 1 Magnesium Lactate ** 15 drps. FLOW 1 tbsp. EPN 1 B-Lively G. 1 hour before bedtime chew 1 tbsp. EPN **2 Hypothalamus PMG F. At Bedtime/3:30 am. **1 Drenamin 6 Formula L (*) **1 Magnesium Lactate 1 tbsp. Water of Life **1 Parotid H. At Bedtime/3:30 am.

6 Formula L (*) 1 tbsp. Water of Life 2 HAPPY CYCLE: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. CYCLE: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. On OFF days, TAKE 1 or 2 Ca+ with each meal. On OFF days, TAKE 1 or 2 Ca+ with each meal. Take A Protocol until free of malignant tumors Take AA Protocol until free of malignant tumors plus six months after your physician says you are plus six months after your physician says you are cancer free. cancer free. Then, Precede with B Protocol. Then, Precede with B Protocol.

If you are elderly and/or very weak or ill, the first, and perhaps the second cycle, should be to take 1/2 dose for 3 to 6 days. Stop 5 Days. Then increase the number of supplements and the number of days in each ON cycle until all the supplements are taken for the maximum of 10 days.

samples and not updated to late 2003 THE LYMPHOMA-BLOOD TUMOR PROTOCOLS of The Kelley THERAPY page 2

Transition Protocol Maintenance Protocol B PROTOCOL C PROTOCOL

A Upon arising before breakfast A Upon arising before breakfast 4 Pro- B- 5 4 Pro- B- 5 1 GO-GO (for men only) GO-GO (for men only) B Every 3 hours B Every 3 hours 1 Stress-Repair 1 Stress-Repair 1 Extra-C 1 Extra-C Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

C 1 hr. before first meal C 1 hr. before first meal 6 Formula L 1 Big-B 1 Beta 1 3D Glucan 1 Beta 1 3D Glucan D Once with Breakfast D Once with Breakfast 1 tbsp. Formula F 1 tbsp. Formula F+ 2 tbsp. Water of Life 2 tbsp. Water of Life E With each meal E With each meal 6 Formula L 3 Formula Mg 2 Metabolic subtype Vitamin/Mineral 2 Metabolic subtype Vitamin/Mineral Formula 2 Metabolic subtype Glandular Formula 2 Metabolic subtype Glandular Formula 1 Metabolic type Vitamin Mineral Formula 1 Metabolic type Vitamin Mineral Formula 1 Metabolic type Glandular Formula 1 Metabolic type Glandular Formula 10 drps. FLOW 10 drps. FLOW F At Bedtime/3:30 am. F At Bedtime/3:30 am. 6 Formula L 3 Formula Mg 1 tbsp. Water of Life 1 tbsp. Water of Life 2 HAPPY 1 HAPPY

Cycle: 10 days ON, and 5 days OFF. Cycle: 5 days ON, and 2 days OFF.

After completing Protocol AA or A, Take for the rest of your life. follow B Protocol for a 6 months.

Then go to C Protocol.


EXPLANATION OF THE PREVIOUS 4 PAGES METABOLIC - ENZYME THERAPY FOR A PERSON HAVING MALIGNANT TUMORS ( INCLUDES THE SUPPLEMENTATION ) Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. For the person having cancer, based on the type of cancer,27 there are different beginning protocols, and then a transitional protocol for use after the mass is gone, and another protocol for maintenance, to be used lifelong. They are called AA and A, and B, and C. Supplements are taken about 11 times during the day. They are simply considered concentrated foods, and consist of vitamins, minerals, protomorphogens,28 digestive enzymes other than pancreatin, and of course, pancreatin. A discussion of the methods of using the protocols follows. The actual protocol will be given to you by your doctor/counselor.

The AA Protocol The AA protocol is taken during weight loss, advanced age, otherwise fragile health, and other stressful situations, such as heavy metal removal. It will be taken in cycles of 10 to 25 days (as tolerated), with 5 days off between cycles. The only supplements taken during the 5 days off cycle are one or two of the pancreatin enzymes with each meal. During the 5 days between cycles, the body must remove the tumor debris, which is toxic.

27 The only distinction is whether the mass occurs in the blood forming organs and cells, or in the solid tissues of the body. 28 Protomorphogens are concentrated extracts of animal gland origin: a common example would be U.S.P Thyroid, once called Armour thyroid as it was made by the Armour packing plant. For many years, it was the only supplement available for treating low-thyroid conditions and it is still preferred by many, over the synthetic substitutions. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

If one is elderly, or very weak or ill, the first cycle, and perhaps the second cycle, should be taken in 1/2 doses for 3 to 6 days, then 5 days off. With each cycle resumed, increase the number of supplements and increase the number of days on cycle, until 10 days are achieved, without becoming ill. Thereafter go for 25 days on, and 5 off, providing toxicity is being managed well.

The AA protocol will be taken until the malignant mass is gone and for an additional six months after your physician say that you are cancer fee. At this point you can start B Protocol for six- months, and then proceed to C Protocol. The A Protocol This is the supplementation used by those who can handle the maximum amount. It may be self- defeating to add anything else which has been proven to help someone else, or which you think might be helpful. You must get clearance from your Metabolic physician or counsel to add or subtract from this protocol.

The A protocol is used in cycles of 10 on and 5 off, using only the Pancreatin with each meal in reduced doses on the off days.

As in the AA protocol, if one is elderly, or very sick or weak, the first cycle, and perhaps the second cycle, should be taken in 1/2 doses for 3 to 6 days, then 5 days off. With each cycle resumed, we increase the number of supplements and increase the number of days on cycle, until 10 days are achieved, without becoming ill. Thereafter go for 25 days on, and 5 off, providing toxicity is being managed well.

The B Protocol transitional The B Protocol consists of metabolic supplementation, taken for six months after having completed the protocols AA and A, during which the malignant mass was removed, and held in check for an additional 6 months. B protocol is also used in cycles of 10 days on and 5 days off.

The C Protocol maintenance The C Protocol is designed for those who are cancer free and have completed protocols AA or A, and then B. One should plan to take this protocol as long as one is cancer free and for the remainder of one's life. The cycle is different: it is 5 days on and 2 days off. Should one fail to take the maintenance, and a new tumor occur, he must begin again with AA or A. THE Kelley METABOLIC SUPPORT FOR REBUILDING THE HEALTH OF THE CANCER PATIENT Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. in other words, change the metabolism

Dr. Kelley's education in physiology and chemistry, and his observation of the human body in disease, led him to conclude that the body, in health, is a self-building, self-repairing, self- regulating, self-adapting autonomic instrument. It is the most complex creation known. It is a complete and competent health building laboratory. All our tampering will not fix it. It may fix itself if we give it the raw materials. Therefore, we must not use our dietary intake of foods, and the concentrated foods called supplements, as medications to provide therapeutic treatment of disease. We can and must use our food as the source of raw materials which the body can use to repair itself.

We can not comprehend the trillions of biological procedures that must be accomplished every second of our lives. Your body is much more profound and intelligent than all the professors and medical doctors in all the universities of our civilization. Smart doctors run away as fast as possible when you ask your very first dietary question, "what can I eat, doctor?" The presumptuous ones of the medical community are constantly dreaming up "fad diets" that flourish for a season, and are replaced by another in a new season.

Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

The concept of autonomic instrument must have imprinted on Kelley's mind very early on. For when he began to recover from his cancer, and apply his protocol to the health problems of his very own family, he found they reacted differently to foods and supplements than he had. Their bodies needed different things than he had needed. Their system in automatic control, was different than his. He restudied the concept of biological individuality 29 and attributed this individuality to the autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system is known to extend control in two parts, in order to turn a function off or turn it on, to speed up or slow down, to contract or relax, to secrete and stop secreting, to stimulate opposite effects of all the organs of the body. The two parts of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, also called the adrenergic and the anadrenergic, because the adrenergic stimulates by secreting adrenalin, and the anadrenergic, secretes nor-epinephrine 30 .

Kelley found that some people function normally and comfortably under the adrenergic system, some under the anadrenergic, and that some are halfway in between, or balanced. Futhermore, functional assessment revealed that most people are somewhere in-between these three functional zones, with admixtures of functional input, almost to the point of being infinitely variable and, again, individual. He had to draw the line somewhere, so he settled on 12 categories and designed metabolic diet and supplement programs for each of the 12. The metabolic protocols were issued in book form printed on a professional press, which Dr. Kelly acquired. The books contained comprehensive instruction on equipping a kitchen, buying and choosing foods, elementary and complex preparation, and menus and recipes for each and every meal on each day for an entire year! What cookbook ever gave us that? And these books were each individualized for the patient's one of twelve possible metabolic types, and contained comments about the degrees of function in one category or another, and what developmental category the patient had when he was young and healthy: that is, the category he was to strive for in order to recapture his health.

Dr. Kelley found that some people were genetically designed to function and one category, and upon stresses to the system, began to function in a mode grading to the opposite extreme, for which they were not designed. With dietary manipulation, that person could begin to heal and change his category until he finally was functional in the category of his predestination. This became the Metabolic Typing7, mode of dietary therapy, so successful in rebuilding health. We are then leaning on the metabolism and hoping that the body will adapt in a specific and more beneficial way. There are many current spin-offs or, Dr. Kelley would say, imitations, of this metabolic system classification and mode of therapy. None are as comprehensive as the system Kelley designed and taught.31

IS THAT DIET THE ONE TO FOLLOW TO RESOLVE THE TUMOR? NO After a cancer protocol is taken to completion with resolution of the tumor, and for control of other disease in everyone, this Metabolic Typing7 program should be adopted and it should become a way of life, as natural as it was to man upon his creation.

The diet during cancer resolution however, is not entirely the same as a healthy diet based upon your genetic design. It is for sick persons who must heal, and that diet follows immediately.

THE Kelley DIET DURING TUMOR RESOLUTION in outline form It is amazingly simple. There are only two rules, Rule A and Rule B.

29 Dr. Roger Williams, 30 The confusing switch of terms came from the early days of investigation when some researchers used the Latin terms, others used Greek terms. Just remember the sympathetic uses epinephrine (adrenalin) That help? 31 See , for example, and , < Book References, Metabolic > Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

A. USE SMALL AMOUNTS OF A VARIETY OF NATURAL UNPROCESSED ORGANIC FOODS 1. Use two eggs daily 2. Use heavy cream and pure butter freely, Green-grass fed if available: that means from a grazing cow. Do not use lean-ground beef as that is from a expended dairy cow! 3. Use foods that are unprocessed, hopefully organic as in the Multi-grain Porridge, below. 4. Rotate meats: a. Day one - three ounces of beef liver raw blended with fresh vegetable juice or frozen, cut in 1/4 inch dice, and swallowed b. Day two - three ounces of cooked chicken; c. Day three - three ounces of fish (Mercury free). e.g. never Tuna, sushi, shark, blue-fin marlin, swordfish: (see discussion of mercury, seafood and fish) B. USE FRESH NATURAL WHOLE FOODS. Your body demands it. 1. Fresh fruits in abundance, as raw as feasible for your digestion 2. Fresh Greens and yellow and red vegetables, in abundance, as lightly cooked as possible 3. Whole grains, never refined: see the recipe for Porridge below

The list is simple. Unfortunately it forbids that which constitutes the average American diet. The list of what not to eat is critical. For that discussion, and all the reasons, you should go to What NOT To Eat.

THE CHOICE EAT TO LIVE - OR LIVE TO EAT MINERALS Trace minerals are essential for enzyme function. No matter how skilled we are in the production of mineral supplements, minerals from foods are better utilized and more balanced from unprocessed whole foods. None the less, some minerals are given in supplemental form, as it is generally acknowledged that full mineral content is no longer present in our food supply, even if grown organically.

VITAMINS Natural, non-synthetic vitamins will be proved by the formulae in your AA or A and B, C protocols. They are specially chosen for the type of tumor you have (either of the blood system, or solid tissues) and the degree of debility you suffer. Most of the vitamins you need will be provided in the foods you eat, if they are fresh and organic. MULTI-GRAIN PORRIDGE The recipe that follows is an example of the type you will be provided as part of your foods program.

Make multi-grain porridge daily. From a health food store purchase one pound of each organic grain, seeds and/or nuts. Mix well in a large container or clean plastic garbage bag. Keep cool, below 80 degrees, or in a refrigerator. The object is to obtain as many different nutrients from as many different gene pools as possible, from as many different fields as possible. The recipe will appear below. < > CONTENTS BY EQUAL WEIGH OF ORGANIC: INGREDIENTS GRAINS AND SEEDS ALPHABETICAL ORDER (ORGANIC WHEN AT ALL POSSIBLE) Amaranth Rice, brown, long grain Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

Barley flakes Rice, brown, short grain Barley, whole Rye berries Buckwheat groats Spelt berries Corn meal, blue Sunflower seeds Corn meal, yellow Triticale flakes Kamut Wheat berries, hard red spring Millet Wheat berries, soft pastry Oat groats Wild rice Pumpkin seeds

NUTS, BERRIES, FRUITS ORGANIC WHEN AT ALL POSSIBLE NON-SALTED, NON-ROASTED, RAW FRESH IN SEASON, & CHOPPED, DRIED Almonds Apple Black walnuts Apricot Brazil nuts Banana Cashew Blackberries English walnuts Fig Hazelnuts Peach, nectarine Macadamia Pineapple Peanuts Plum Pecans Rasberries Strawberries


(1) Grind in a seed mill (or use whole) 1/3 cup of porridge mixed grains. (2). Add 1 cup boiling water, stir well and cover. (3). Soak at room temperature, overnight. (4) Next morning, rinse twice. This removes the anti-enzyme factors which prevent the grains from spouting during storage. (5) You may use the grains either cold or hot (a) For Breakfast, to cold grains, add fresh or frozen berries or fruit, alternating: for example 1. Today add 4 tablespoons of frozen pineapple juice concentrate, 1/2 cup frozen blackberries and 1/3 cup heavy cream. 2. Tomorrow add frozen raspberries, frozen grape juice concentrate and heavy cream 3. Next day add frozen strawberries, frozen orange juice concentrate and heavy cream NOTE: you may add yogurt instead of the heavy cream, or alternate the two. (b) To serve hot: soak in a covered double boiler overnight, and heat in the morning. Serve with heavy cream and/or butter, and fresh fruits.

Note: a 10 grain non-organic multi-grain and a muesli cereal are available. Mix 1/4 cup of each in yogurt and let stand in the refrigerator overnight and eat raw.

The objective in varying the nuts, seeds, and grains is to obtain amino acids, and minerals from as many various fields and gene pools as possible. The objective of varying the berries and fruit juice concentrate each day is to obtain as many trace minerals from as many sources as possible. The fruit juice concentrate is the sweetener for the fruit.

WARNING Many sources of grain, even organic grains, are stored with anti-mold or anti- fungal compounds and other deadly preservatives to extend the shelf life. One Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

should make an effort to contact the primary source of the grains and inquire about the additives. Diatomaceous earth is acceptable. Thimerosal is the mercury compound commonly used in vaccines and prescription drugs and has been found in stored grains, so no amount of caution is in excess.

TOXICITY does it exist? It is strange that the establishment medical doctors do not believe in toxicity. It is one prominent reason for their failure to save a patient from death during their cancer treatment. Nevermind the fact that chemotherapy drugs are quite toxic, and that those consequences should be addressed,32 but when chemo kills off tumor cells (and normal cells), the sick, dying and dead tissues leak, exude, and extrude toxins. WHAT IS A TOXIN? A toxin is anything that is produced in the body, or enters the body, either by eating or drinking, absorbing through the skin, by inhalation, or by injection into muscle or blood vessels, which the body was not designed to use, and thus does not use for growing the body during youth, repairing the body after grown, or use for energy production to perform work of the body. Some toxins may be mild, and easily broken down and excreted. But it is toxic, just the same, and invariably there will be some poor soul that reacts to it and has a symptom.

Why did we establish that some toxins originate in the body? The worn fragmented and misshapen hormone molecules, and protein molecules of worn out cells and enzymes, and the byproducts of fat and sugar metabolism are toxic. Even products of wholesome foods being digested in the bowel may be toxic. It is even more true that unwholesome foods are either toxic of themselves or come with manmade toxins. Certainly many people unknowingly harbor bacteria and yeast of the wrong sort in the bowel and excreted metabolites of these organisms are toxic. Infections, either overtly known to us, or covert, cause cellular damage, which is toxic, and the agents being killed by our immune system cells create toxins. If the infectious agents kill our immune cells instead, their debris is toxic!

DETOXIFICATION what the body does Fortunately we are all endowed with an efficient and wondrous detoxification system. But two things have compromised it's function. We have overwhelmed it by being born in the 20th century, and have failed to protect it by ignorance. It was designed to handle the internal metabolic and infectious situations mentioned above. It was not designed for the industrial waste and electronic waves we absorb each and every day.

WHERE IS THE DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM? The bowel has some capacity for the work of detoxification. That makes sense, as the bowel is in first contact with much of what we voluntarily and normally put into our bodies, and we generate a lot of toxic waste there. But the principle detoxification organ is the liver. Now, please realize, that the liver is also the primary site of manufacture for the precursors that the body uses to build and repair us! If we need some more cell membrane fats, or knee cartilage type molecules, or heart muscle proteins, or skeletons to hang our fresh hormone molecules on, the liver produces it, ships it through the blood stream, and the needy area selects what it requires as the substrate to produce the product it produces. The more time and energy the liver must spend in detoxifying the chemical soup we live in, the less time and energy it can spend in keeping us repaired, and making the precursors of molecules needed to make us function efficiently.

MELATONIN It takes a great deal of energy to detoxify, and it seems reasonable that this task is best attempted while the rest of the body is in suspended mode and not requiring as much energy. Thus,we detoxify primarily at night, while we sleep. The melatonin hormone, secreted by the pineal gland, tucked under the big cerebral lobes of the brain, is turned on when the light level

32 Toxicity of treatment is seldom addressed, except to prescribe toxic prescriptions to manage nausea, vomiting, pain, and depression . Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman falls. It travels to the liver and activates the repair and detox33 pathways, and is itself a high- powered anti-oxidant to help buffer the dangerous products created in the intermediary steps of detoxication. Melatonin has been used in Italy, in large doses with no other therapy to cure breast cancer. A study on breast cancer done in the USA revealed that in the women who worked a night shift rather than a day shift, were (1) more likely to develop breast cancer and (2) statistically, did not respond to therapy as well as those working day shifts. It is not inconceivable that insufficient, or inefficient time exposure to melatonin is part of a causation link to the emergence of some cancers. The explosion of the incidence of cancer in the last 50 years, may partially relate to the habit of staying up and working into the night because we have the light to do so. I feel that anyone who has cancer should have a melatonin level test and be place on melatonin supplementation.

DETOXICATION THROUGH THE SWEAT The skin is a large organ of the body. Taken altogether it is roughly the size of the liver. Sweating is a natural method of detoxification, and again occurs chiefly at night, while other systems are down. The sweat, being primarily water based, can only handle water soluble toxins. The oil soluble toxins are stored in the fat all over the body and much of that fat is just under the skin. When we sweat at night some of the oil soluble toxins are mobilized along with the water soluble and these recirculate into the blood stream, and leave us feeling sickly the next day.

If the sympathetic nervous system is not working properly, we are less able or, perhaps totally, unable to sweat. Needing to sweat, and trying to sweat makes us more ill. In this case, sauna therapy is often helpful. See .

ELIMINATION OF TOXINS The body has more than a few biochemical ways of handling toxins, which are ideally made less toxic soon after arrival into the blood circulation. Many of the chemical equations for altering toxins are known. Many are still undefined. You may commonly read of Phase I and Phase II of liver detoxification, depending on the area in the cell and the enzymes and the type of chemicals altered in each area.34

ANTIOXIDANTS Antioxidants are critical to us in detoxification, because they change the dangerous nature of many of the toxins we must deal with, or buffer the damage to our cells. Many substances in the blood and tissues act as antioxidants: albumin, creatinine, even bilirubin for example. Some of the vitamins and minerals act in this capacity, as well as in the chemical equations that build tissue: vitamin C and E, the beta-carotene family, Vitamin A, and alpha-lipoic acid for example. These are supplements that all people need to use, not only those with cancer. ENZYMES Many enzymes are utilized to detoxify. In the Phase I reactions alone there is a system called the P45035 system, that contains over 375 enzymes steps which are known. Enzymes are proteins, made, as are any other protein, from several amino acids. Enzymes make chemical reactions initiate and complete, and run at a necessary rate. Each one is specific to the task, is under genetic control, and may be damaged to the point of being nonfunctional. We know of and understand many of the amino acids that are building blocks of the enzymes we need. There are some amino acids we can add by mouth or by IV (intravenous injection or infusion) to build up the building blocks and increase enzyme production, to aid in detoxification.

DETOXIFICATION REQUIRES MINERALS AND VITAMINS Many minerals are needed for the enzymes to work: they are the cofactors that must be present to initiate, potentiate, or complete the enzyme action. It is known that, for example, magnesium is

33 Detox: short for detoxification. 34 There will be a discussion of the chemistry of detoxification further along, or KEY on now. 35 So named from physical chemistry wherein it was found to be visual in tissue at a Photo-wave-length of 450 nanameters. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman required in at least 350 different enzymatic reactions of detoxification; that is in addition to its normal role in functions of muscle, bone, brain, and so forth. Vitamins are used in the chemical systems that detoxify as well as those that build and rebuild tissue. The more needed by the detoxification chemistry, as that is life sustaining, the less we can have to supply repair, and the tissues will degenerate. Taking a few vitamins is worth the "expensive urine" as we are not smart enough to recognize our own needs, especially under stress. The FDA couldn't possibly know what any particular individual needs. The old and inadequate MDA (minimum daily allowance) meant the amount to keep one alive, not healthy! And why use the word allowance. Would there be interest in disallowing me to take any vitamin I choose? Now we have the RDA (recommended daily allowance), which is generally lower than the old MDA.

WHERE DOES THE TOXIN GO? The cells of the bowel, performing the detoxification tasks, probably discharge some altered toxins back into the bowel: but some toxins enter the body through bowel lymphatics and small veins, and then travel directly to the liver. There the toxic components may be further rearranged by the liver. In any case, the liver gets the burden coming off the bowel as well as the burden being absorbed by the blood from the lungs, and skin. The liver handles both oil and water soluble toxins, and some toxins are soluble in oil on one end of the molecule and soluble in water on the opposite end: they are bipolar. The liver secretes the lipophilic (fat loving, or fat attracting) toxins into the gall bladder. The bile is expelled into the upper small bowel and, if not resorbed by the small bowel lining, will pass further down to be expelled in the stool. From the liver, the water soluble toxins go into the general circulation, hopefully to be excreted by the kidney through the urine. It is the case, that many molecules are so dangerous, they can kill the liver and kidney cells before the task of altering them is even initiated: toxins from mushrooms and some petrochemicals being classic examples.36

It behooves us to keep the bowel clear to minimize resorbtion of toxins from the bile, and to keep a brisk rate of refuse moving through the bowel.37 In cancer therapy it is critical. It is wise not to abuse the liver. Alcohol is a known liver toxin, and so are the chemical additives in our food supply, the chemicals coming across in city tap water from the byproducts of chlorination, and the worldwide fumes of the average big city. In cancer, these things can be critical. DETOXICATION WHAT WE DO TO RID OURSELVES OF THE TOXINS What we do to initiate the process and enhance the method of removing the byproducts of detoxification is termed detoxication. There are several ways we can voluntarily alleviate the burden of toxins, by aiding the body in handling and removing the products: (1). Voluntarily eat the foods that will give the raw materials needed to make the enzymes. < eat > (2). Take enzymes and take amino acids, when needed, to feed the production of enzymes. (3). Take the required antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. (4). Use sauna if you can sweat. Rinse and dry off several times during the session. (5). If you can not sweat, use Far Infra Red Sauna38 (FIR) under medical supervision. (6). Encourage lymphatic drainage via massage, body brushing, exercise39. (7). Do the required gall bladder flushes and coffee enemas: discussions follows.< active liver detox > (8). Insure your sound sleep of adequate length, using melatonin as needed. (9). Remove heavy metals from the body 40. These are often the “enzyme blockers” Kelley mentions.

36 At a later time, key on alpha-lipoic acid < alpha-lipoic acid > and read that story. 37 See the paper mentioning entero-hepatic circulation and membrane toxicity < Detoxx > by Kane, Foster, and Speight. 38 Larger cities have FIR sauna shops, or you could get a kit and build your own. Be very careful the sauna you choose is not toxic, See Heavenly Heat Saunas on the Internet or < sauna protocol > < non-toxic saunas > for the best NON- TOXIC saunas. Dr. Braun has this kind. 39 These techniques will be detailed to you, and safe exercise reviewed. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

TO PREVENT TOXIN ACCUMULATION (1). Voluntarily do not eat the foods that add to the burden. 41 (2). Take care with the source of water, and drink it in a proper amounts. (a). Check your well water or < Doctor’s Data. Water test > (b). Buy distilled water for drinking. < water and other things > (3). Use a chlorine filter on your shower, bathtub and kitchen sink 42 for bathing and doing dishes. (4). Don't swim in, or sit in a hot tube of, chlorinated water: if you have a pool, ozonate it. (5). Indoors: use an ozone generator, clean the ducts, use the proper filters on air handlers43 (6). Stop the use of all man-made chemicals in your home and work. 44 (7). Stop all petrochemical based, hair and "beauty" aids and personal hygiene products. (8). Stop all prescription medications unless essential to survival. (9). Learn stress management via counseling and attending to spiritual matters, avoiding prescription and "recreational drugs" (a misnomer as they do not re- create45) including alcohol, tobacco.

HOW TO DETERMINE IF THE METABOLIC-ENZYME CANCER CURE PROTOCOL IS WORKING There are two ways to tell if the program is being effective: (1). Within 3-10 days of starting the program you become toxic and feel worse - that is a very good sign that your program is working. The program is digesting some of the debris of the tumor and your body and sending it to your liver. When you stop the Metabolic Supplements for the five days, this allows the body to clean up. Then you start another cycle. (2). The white blood cell count goes up. That is a good sign. It is responding to toxic waste. (3). The tumor markers always elevate for a few months when the malignant tumor masses begin to be digested and removed from the body. The tumor has been cloaked in the glycoprotein shield that hid it from the immune system. Once that is dissolved the immune cells see the tumor cells again, make the antibodies to it again, and we can measure them in the blood. If you insist on medical laboratory tests, the physician/ counselor may recommend Dr. Schandl's "CA Profile©." from American Metabolic Laboratories, 1-(954) 929-4814. If there is any doubt of progress, these tests should be utilized. Dr. Kelley has used this laboratory profile for 25 years. It is accurate and considerably more sensitive than the Cancer Marker tests performed by your local laboratories. It serves as a reference point for future elevations and therapy evaluations. Be forewarned: the marker enzymes will elevate; and the tests are expensive. For those who do desire a cancer screening test, and have no doctor to draw blood for the American Metabolic Laboratory tests, the following test is offered as a do it yourself project.

40 This includes mercury, lead, cadmium, antimony, arsenic, aluminum, uranium, beryllium and others. < heavy metal detoxification > 41 All of these details will be provided for your consideration. 42 Home Depot, Lowe’s and hardware stores willl stock these. 43 Find a good local distributor of an ozone generator and use it wisely. 44 Read and apply: The Healthy Household by Lynn Marie Bower. And on building, The Healthy House, by John Bower. 45 Recreational activities are those that instill new energy and repair from stress, not that which would be destructive to the mind and body and cause physical stress, even if delayed in time. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

NAVARRO BETA-HCG URINE CANCER TEST A safe, cost-effective, non-invasive, accurate screening test for Cancer. PROCEDURE to send urine samples by mail to Dr. Efren F. Navarro for the Beta-HCG Urine Immunoassay for Cancer Detection: 1. The specimen should be the first urine after midnight. For women, there should be no sexual contact for 12 days before collecting the urine specimen. Do not send a urine sample if the woman is pregnant. For men, no sexual contact for 18-24 hours before. 2. Mix 50 cc (1.75 oz.) of the urine with 200 cc (7 oz.) of acetone (can be purchased from hardware store or pharmacy) and 5 cc of 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol or 95% ethyl alcohol. Stir and mix well. 3. Let the mixture stand for 2 hours in the refrigerator until a sediment forms. 4. Throw off about half of the urine-acetone mixture without losing any sediments. Filter the remaining mixture through a coffee filter paper or a laboratory filter paper to retain the sediment. 5. After filtration, air dry the filter paper with the sediments. 6. Fold the filter and place it in a plastic bag. 7. If results are wanted quickly, send the specimen by courier, i.e.(FedEx, UPS, or DHL) or by USPS Global Priority Mail to Dr. Navarro, with the patient's name, age, sex, brief medical history and/or diagnosis, and a Xerox copy of a money order or check for $45, made out to Erlinda N. Suarez. Otherwise, send the specimen by regular air mail and allow 4-6 weeks for test result delivery. THE ADDRESS IS: Dr. Efren F. Navarro, M.D. 3553 Sining Street Morningside Terrace Santa Mesa, Manila 2806 Philippines Tel. # 632-714-7442 email: [email protected] 1. Mail the money order or check (personal checks drawn on a U.S. bank are OK) to: Ms. Erlinda N. Suarez 631 Peregrine Drive Palatine, IL 60067-7005 1. The specimen will be tested immediately upon arrival. Results will be sent by e-mail as soon as they become available to the patient's and/or physician's Email address, if they have Email addresses. The official report will be sent back by air mail.

Dr. Braun suggests doing the Caprofile from American Metabolic Laboratories in Florida. < CaProfile >

HEALING CRISIS Many people are unprepared, fail to understand, and frequently misinterpret the symptoms which a beneficial metabolic change will bring. Many of these symptoms and changes are unpleasant but they are of short duration and are sporadic. The symptoms are a well documented and observed phenomenon and apparently a necessary part of the healing process. There are theories to explain why these symptoms appears: (1). The body and mind begin to show changes because the quality of nutrients coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissues of which the body is made. The body then begins to discard the lower grade materials to make room for the superior materials.

Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

(2). Indigestion, heartburn and burping usually start soon after you are on the program. A normal mass of beneficial bacteria will be generated in the bowel.46 You may have been deficient of digestive function and the nutrients that support it for a long time. The body's digestion always improves after the liver resumes making precursors of the digestive enzymes, and once the autonomic nervous system is stimulated to function again.

(3). Suppressed body functions often will be stimulated to detoxify, sometimes inducing colds, diarrhea, fevers, swelling, and vomiting: the immune system is regaining function and tacking latent infections, and the cells are releasing toxins, long in storage. These are temporary and are part of the healing process. The body will return to at least the same level of health as before. More often it attains a superior level of function.

(4). Nervousness, headaches, fatigue, irritability and depression often happen when you abstain from artificial stimulants such as sugar, chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, tobacco, caffeine or drugs. Once the artificial stimulants are eliminated, the agitation is gone and the body is ready for the building process.

(5). Skin eruptions, boils, or acne may occur. The skin is the largest eliminating organ of some chemicals, such as water soluble toxins (PVC, PBP, etc.), and it is a large toxic dump for the heavy metals. That is why mercury, arsenic and so forth are found in the nails, hair and skin. The sweat may smell bad at night and stain the sheets and pillow cases. Unbox your oldest one and prepare.

(6). Aches and pains of myalgia and arthritis will often reappear, even if you have not been suffering with it for years. The resolution you had was most likely encapsulation and fibrous scaring of sites of the irritation: either calcium deposition or infectious agents.47 As the body heals, the remolding of the encapsulated sites releases the organisms and a more competent immune system has a new chance at it. If the aches and pains persist, the infection must be diagnosed and treated. The immune system may have more that it can handle and need some help. Also the calcium remodeling may be temporarily painful but should cease. This sounds discouraging but, the healing crisis is intermittent, and usually doesn't last very long at each episode. The benefits of cleansing the body of these toxins and disease elements are vitally important. It is always better to go through the healing crisis than a major health crisis.

"At this point it might be appropriate to point out that the day after a cancer cure is found, (accepted as Dr. Kelley found the cure 40 years ago) most, if not all, of the cancer industry will be out of a job. The degree of self interest exhibited by their policy pronouncements is often so obviously self-serving as to be an embarrassment. These are the folks that have been faithfully promising to find a cure for cancer for decades without finding one. However, Mexico and Europe have been curing many cancers for years with treatments that are banned and greatly discouraged by persecution in this country." - Thomas Smith

THIS IS IT! Dr. Kelley would close, saying: "There is no other successful scientific solution for resolving cancer with the possibility of regaining one's health. There are a multitude of ways to commit suicide and be murdered in a sociably accepted manner. You have a 93-97%

46 Discussion of bacterial flora, and the importance of a competent bowel will follow < > 47 See the two web sites The Arthritis Trust < > and the Road Back Foundation < >. Learn about the infections that cause so called "autoimmune" disease, or see my shorter discussion.< >. Private Archive of Jimmie L. Holman

chance of resolving it yourself on the Kelley program; and a 0-20% success by asking the ordinary cancer establishment doctors to do it to you. Give God thanks for all the blessings He has provided for you up to now. Just pick out your casket and distribute your keepsakes to your children and drop out of this most wonderful kindergarten 30 years before God hands you your graduating diploma.

You can moan and groan, cry, whine and bellow about everything, from "I don't have any money" to "God doesn't love me," which does not change the facts or increase the length of your life. So either get on the Metabolic program and start to reclaim you life, or get on to the standard program and don't waste any more of your Metabolic Doctor's or Technician's time. They have patients who want to get well and will work at it.

In either case, may our Father, God Almighty, extend His loving kindness, protection and blessings to you in all ways - always! Respectfully, Dr. Kelley"

This letter is provided as an introduction into the Kelley Enzyme Protocol for treating Malignancy