The Mirror 33 November-December 1995

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The Mirror 33 November-December 1995 THE MIRROR Newspaper of the International Dzogchen Community November/ December 1995 Issue No. 33 H. E. 12th Tai Situpa Spectacular Rainbow Appears as Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Resumes Teaching at Merigar will give teachings at Merigar December 12-17,1995 The Editors of The Mirror, on appeared in great form as he kindly computer with a Tibetan language behalf of all the members of the posed for a group photograph with program installed. The amount of The lineage of His Eminence Tai Situpa dates back to the Dzogchen Community all over the the large crowd of Community writing he has continued to do even bodhisattva Maitreya, one of the principle disciples of the Buddha. world, dedicate this issue of the members who had gathered to during his illness is truly staggering. A later important Tibetan incarnation was Marpa Lotsawa (1020- newspaper to the celebration of welcome him at the entrance to the Among other things, he has been 1097), the great translator whose teachings constitute the essential Chögyal Namkhai Norbu' s recovery yellow house holding white scarves, writing an autobiography, and has so nucleus of the Kagyupa tradition, and then Chokyi Gyaltsen and return to teaching. flowers and burning sticks of incense. far covered the time from his birth up (1377-1448), who was the firstto bear thetitle of TaiSitu, conferred We have all been so filled with He then went indoors and upstairs to his arrival in Italy and the founding on him in 1407by the Chinese emperor Yung Lo. The words 'Tai joy to see Rinpoche seated on his to drink tea in the veranda of the of Merigar. Situ" are an abbreviation of a longer Chinese expression which teaching seat once again in the Meri- yellow house, where he received a During this last month Adriano means "far reaching, unshakeable, great master, holder of the gar gonpa, "The Temple of the Great few of the many Community Clemente has visited Rinpoche command". From that time the title has passed through an Liberation', which is now adorned members who wished to greet him. regularly to clarify points of the uninterrupted line of reincarnations. The 11th Tai Situ (1886- with all the paintings of the Masters The Community's children were translation of the text of the Second 1952) was the principle master of the 16th Kannapa who is the of the lineage, the divinities of the allowed upstairs first, "and they all level of the SantiMahaSangha train­ supreme authority of the Kagyupa school. mandala, and with the text of the gathered round him to ask him ing which Adriano is now working The present 12th Tai Situpa, born in 1954 in Derghe, east Tibet Tagdrol tantea which can place a questions about his health and his on, and as the paper is prepared for to a family of farmers, was recognised according to traditional cause of liberation in the mind stream long absence. He lovingly and with press most of those who came for the methods and enthroned at Palpung monastery, the principle seat of all who see it. great humor told them all about the recent retreat at Merigar have left, of the Tai Situpas, at the age of eighteen months. When he was six Indeed, at the retreat that has just ups and downs of the medical but students are arriving from all years old he fled from Tibet and finally joined the 16th Karmapa ended here, Rinpoche very treatment he had received, laughing over the world for the exams of the in Sikkim, taking up residence, after a few years, at the new generously gave the initiation of the at the memories of the difficult Base and First Levels of Santi Maha Rumtek monastery, home of the Karmapa. In 1975 at the age of 22, Tagdrol tantea and teachings on that months that had so recently ended. Sangha training, and forthe teachings he assumed his traditional responsibilities, founding his own tantea to all the many hundreds of He then spent several days resting at of the First and Second levels which monastery, Sherab Ling, in north India, which today is a very people who filled the gonpa to his private residence, Gadeling, will follow the exams. active monastic community. capacity, spilling out onto the wooden before he began to receive small As the fervor of intense study groups of students who went there to In 1980, at the request of various Buddhist organisations, the deck that surrounds it. once again grips those in the visit him. 12th Tai Situ began his travels to Europe, America and south-east Fortunately the weather remained Community who have committed Asia and in 1984he founded the Maitreya Institute, an organisation fine throughout the whole retreat, Prior to the beginning of the retreat themselves to take the exams, The based on the principle of multi-discipline. In the same year he and in fact on one of the days of the of teachings on the Tagdrol tantea Mirror staff wish all the candidates returned to Tibet for the first time where he tried to promote the retreat a spectacular circular rainbow Rinpoche took time off for a short aood luck! preservation of Tibetan Buddhist culture. Strongly committed to appeared high up in the sky where it holiday in Sardegna, where he swam fostering the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, Tai remained serenely static for a whole in the Mediteranean and relaxed in CONTENTS Situpa often organises and participates in many projects related hour when there was no rain anywhere the warm sunshine. in the area. The rainbow had a most On his return to Merigar, he spent to these aims in different countries, attempting to make compassion The Essential Tantea unusual form, quite different from some time reorganizing his house, and wisdom the common patrimony of humanity. of the Six Liberation 2 the usual kind, not descending to the which the Community has enlarged, Chògyal Namkhai Norbu earth at any point. making a new kitchen and reception A transcription of part of the room and two bedrooms on the Letter to the Community 3 Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche extraordinary teachings that Rin­ ground floor that enable Rinpoche Chògyal Namlduii Norbu poche gave on the Tagdrol tantea is and his family to be more comfortable in Australia included in these pages, and Rinpo­ as well as giving him more space for Interview che literally delighted all present once his library and study. He also has a with Penor Rinpoche 4 again by reminding us of the way in beautiful small meditation room in Reviews 5 Retreat of Teachings at Namgyalgar which he is able to bring any aspect the house for his own and his family's December 26 - January 1 1996 of the teachings to life, using any one use. Rinpoche and Rosa Tolli Australian's Pilgrimage 7 topic to illuminate the whole of the Namkhai, his wife, worked for several Elisabeth Stutchbury teachings. weeks to archive all the personal Rinpoche will give the Santi Maha Sanglia Base Level exam and First International Community papers and writings in his study, Level Teachings in Australia When Rinpoche returned to News 8-11 where Rinpoche also sat at his desk Exam of Base Level: February 2 Merigar, he had taken a long flight to continue writing the Third level of Who's Responsible Now? 12 Dates of training of the First Level not yet established. from New York to Rome, but even the Santi Maha Sanglia training, for See page 6 after such a tiring journey following John Shane his recent illness, he nevertheless which he is using a new portable An Oral Commentary by Chögyal material than our energy, and with studying the words of something like the state is sufficient. Consider an called Rigpai Tsal Wang. Namkhai Norbu on 'The Essential regard to the mind aspect of our philosophy one can achieve real example from the history of the But in a wang energy is always Tantra of the Six Liberations ', a existence, the initiation given in knowledge. One always has to know lineage of the Dzogchen teachings: involved, and even in the case of an how to use the various methods for Manjushrimita was one of the most oral presentation of the teachings, tenna ofRigdzin Chanchub Dorje. Tantrism is called the 'Wisdom Initiation', orthe initiation of Prajña. discovering the state. When we say important disciples of Garab Dorje, the state of the individual is being From the cycle of teachings Prajña has two meanings : it can mean that someone really knows how to the first master of Dzogchen in this introduced through explanations of called: "The Self-Liberation of Sam­ wisdom beyond concepts, as it does work with the oral transmission of present time cycle. But when the various ways that the energy of sara and Nirvana Through the when referred to in the Wisdom the teaching^, what we mean is that Manjushrimita first went to see Garab the individual manifest. Dzogchen Manifestation of the Peaceful and Initiation, or it can mean the intellect, they know how to use the various Dorje he didn't go to receive masters know very well that it is not Wrathful Divinities. ' Teaching from the tìscriminating aspect of the mind kinds of experiences of practice to be teachings. possible to introduce the state of Friday September 29th, Merigar. which studies and tries, through able to arrive at the primordial state. Manjusrirnitra heard that Garab knowledge directly in Dzogchen by At the end of the empowerment analysis and logic, to understand what . If the oral transmission is followed Dorje was giving teachings, Dzog­ means of words alone, but they also which I gave yesterday connected to is beyond the mind and logic.
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