Polk Delivers Ultimatum to Mexico More TODAY's Trouble in Ira„ "'Withdraw South of Nueces' American Soil Invaded! (AM PUS Morse Telegraph in Operation
,rs A JOKE, SON WEATHER »,«'/> Student APRIL MichiganPublicationSlate College Vol. 34, 334 I ss===--— MICHIGAN, MONDAY. APRIT , ___ "r"'u i, liHB^ No. 109 polk Delivers Ultimatum To Mexico More TODAY'S Trouble In Ira„ "'Withdraw South of Nueces' American Soil Invaded! (AM PUS Morse Telegraph In Operation . K Lou# Distance WASHINGTIN, M. C., Most remarkable incident to Women to Set xPrl!1816 («iHay««i Kcure al Hie local beanerles took j ) IVt'sitlcnl Polk ioelsty -lace !aft ,,isht when Cuthbert Chance t Btheror. junior, from Nome (ilrlivernl an iilliioaliiiii tin haiu'f his hat around the lo lh«» Mexican corner in the third house from govern* Life Time iiK'nt ,|-.e right of the left turn, enter¬ declaring all Irr* al I Cii'nntl news Auto's tireecy Spool. He set hits conie rilorv north <»f ili« Rio Short i of the last meeting of Order Grande \nit>riran - foil. judiciary administrative, _ B • > fust boot, and no sooner boartl of AWS anil tlitit is General I hud he set then a waiter roared ay leer has be- that .III women on campus will tv. asked , I;nn what he wanted, ordered to the bord- have 4 a.m. permissionpermission nn Tucs- ! ;..,i they tiad it anl staggered day nights and men will have to vr. df tt was back in 2.26:3, hot and keep strict hours, according to well-muttered, and Ccuss, that The record for enroll¬ Squirrlcy llammtlick. president. lucky swashbuckling roger, was ment just established at Reporter Crinoline Corny dash out was with his hands and face MSC — ed right over to interview Miss 7.!)!18 plus ( a fig¬ bed within nfteen gkq 123456 Mammilick since she beard this ure which takes into ac¬ t23mtwyplu with about 2034555 rumor while Harry Bivens, 18.
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