Are You Acid or Alkaline??? What is your PH level?? Many of us have never even heard of such an expression. Acid? Alkaline? What's a PH Level? The closest most of us can even relate to any of these terms is the hair commercials where the young lady says, “I love my hair my PH is Great” or Acid reflux with Tums or Alka-Seltzer. All we know is that her hair looked great, and when I took the Tums or Alka-Seltzer I felt a whole lot better. So what’s up with this PH thing? I’m so glad you asked young “grass hopper”, let’s break it down and get scientific for a few minutes. PH represents (Potential of Hydrogen) and is used to measure the presence of Oxygen vs. lack of Oxygen in state. In the universe of molecules, Hydrogen is the only molecule that has a -1 and +1 ion charge, so it represents always trying to balance, the foundation of the science of balancing and going with the body not against. Naturopathy feeds the body so that the body may in turn heal itself. With all this said and done our bodies and every organ has a PH level that can usually be measured on a scale of 4.0 to 14.0 respectfully.

The body’s goal is to balance the rate of Acid (lack of oxygen) and Alkaline (oxygen) at 80% Alkaline vs. 20% Acid. If not balanced properly on the cellular level, the cells lose oxygen and start to break down and they loose their form. Cells collapse due to dehydration, malnutrition, and some even form into cancerous cells or sickles as in sickle cell disease. This state is called Acidosis the progenitor of all chronic diseases. Though relatively uncommon the body can also have too much Alkaline usually 9.0 and higher where the chronic conditions and symptoms of Acid are the same. This state is called Alkalosis. Unbalanced PH causes the body to borrow and rob minerals, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer the acid and safely remove it from the body. This process can weaken these organs and bones over time.

All chronic diseases live in this acidic environment therefore your goal is to maintain a proper PH level between (6.5- 7.5) which is considered to be neutral by utilizing PH testing strips for monitoring. Most testing strips can be purchased at any whole foods or herbal store and is tested through saliva and urine which utilizes a colored matrix chart for analysis. Testing should take place 2 hours before or 2 hours after a meal. There is a most important and profound and natural Phenomenon to remember about PH balance that you must understand CANCER, BACTERIA, FUNGUS, MOLD, VIRUSES, PARASITES and all CANNOT LIVE IN AN ALL ALKALINE STATE. So what’s your goal? Eat more Alkalizing foods and less Acid forming foods. Adopt a more Plant based diet and your body has no choice but to repair itself. The reason acidosis is more common in our society is mostly due to the typical American diet, which is far too high in acid-producing animal products like meat, eggs and dairy, and far too low in alkaline- producing foods like fresh vegetables. Additionally, we eat acid-producing processed foods like white flour and sugar and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft drinks. We use too many drugs, which are acid-forming; and we use artificial chemical sweeteners which are extremely acid-forming. One of the best things we can do to correct an overly-acid body is to clean up the diet and lifestyle. Get Dr. Paul’s Acid/Alkaline Food Chart and be amazed at what you thought was good for you may be causing you detrimental damage to your body and may be the reason for your chronic illness today. Here are just some of the symptoms of Acidosis: Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen. Weight gain problems, obesity and diabetes. Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones. Immune deficiencies, Liver damage, Pancreas disease, thyroid imbalances, Acceleration of free radical damage, cancerous tumors and mutations, Premature aging, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Rheumatoid arthritis; weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs. Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup. Low and chronic fatigue. High Blood Pressure, Anxiety, Depression, Mood swings, Digestive Problems, Constipation, Hemroids, Gout, Migraine Headaches, Stress. Remember a few things the Bible says “Life Begets Life”. Genesis 2:7- “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; (Oxygen/Alkaline)and man became a living soul.”

Dr. Paul Hopkins, N.D. – For More articles go to or call 215-779-7355.

Dr. Paul's Herbal Formulas "Food For Your Soul" MakersMark Technologies, LLC, P.O. Box 25931, Phila. PA 19128 Phone: 215-779-7355 or Email: [email protected] Food & Chemical Effects on Acid / Alkaline Body Chemical Balance Most Alkaline More Alkaline Low Alkaline Lowest Alkaline Food Category Lowest Acid Low Acid More Acid Most Acid Baking Soda Spices/Cinnamon •Herbs (most): Arnica, White Willow Bark Spice/Herb Curry Vanilla Nutmeg Pudding/Jam/Jelly Valerian Bergamot, Echinacea Slippery Elm Stevia Licorice Chrysanthemum, Artemesia Annua •Black Cohash Ephedra, Feverfew, Agave Goldenseal, Lemongrass Aloe Vera Nettle Angelica Sea Salt Sulfite Preservative MSG Benzoate Aspartame Table Salt (NaCL) Mineral Water •Kambucha •Green or Mu Tea Ginger Tea Beverage Kona Coffee Alcohol Coffee Beer, 'Soda' Black Tea Yeast/Hops/Malt Molasses Rice Syrup •Sucanat Sweetner Honey/MapleSyrup Saccharin Sugar/Cocoa Soy Sauce Apple Cider Vinegar •Umeboshi Vinegar Vinegar Rice Vinegar Balsamic Vinegar Red Wine Vinegar White/Acetic Vinegar •Umeboshi Plum •Sake •Algae, Blue Green Therapeutic Antihistamines Psychotropics Antibiotics •Ghee (Clarified Processed Dairy Cream/Butter Cow Milk •Casein, Milk Processed Cheese Butter) Protein,Cottage Cheese Human Breast Milk Cow/Human Yogurt Aged Cheese New Cheese Ice Cream Soy Soy Cheese Soy Milk Goat/Sheep Goat/Sheep Cheese Goat Milk •Quail Egg •Duck Egg Egg Chicken Egg Meat Gelatin/Organs Lamb/Mutton Pork/Veal Beef Game •Venison Boar/Elk/•Game Meat Bear Fish/Shell Fish Fish Mollusks •Mussel/Squid Shell Fish (Processed) Shell Fish (Whole) •Lobster Fowl Wild Duck Goose/Turkey Chicken Pheasant Oat •Triticale Buckwheat Maize Barley Grain Coffee' Grain Millet Wheat Barley Groat Processed Flour •Quinoa Cereal Kasha •Spelt/Teff/Kamut Corn Wild Rice Grass Brown Rice Farina/Semolina Rye •Amaranth White Rice Oat Bran Japonica Rice Poppy Seed Primrose Oil Avocado Oil Nut Pumpkin Seed Oil Almond Oil Pistachio Seed •Cottonseed Oil/Meal Pumpkin Seed Cashew Sesame Seed Seeds (most) Seed/Sprout Grape Seed Oil Sesame Oil Chestnut Oil Hazelnut Chestnut Cod Liver Oil Coconut Oil Oil Sunflower Oil Safflower Oil Lard Walnut Pepper Almond Olive/Macadamia Oil Pine Nut Tapioca Pecan Brazil Nut Hydrogenated Oil •Sprout Linseed/Flax Oil Canola Oil •Seitan or Tofu Palm Kernel Oil Fried Food Lentil Kohlrabi Potato/Bell Pepper Brussel Sprout Spinach Split Pea Green Pea Soybean Brocoflower Parsnip/Taro Mushroom/Fungi Beet Bean Fava Bean Pinto Bean Peanut Carob •Seaweed Garlic Cauliflower Chive/Cilantro Vegetable Kidney Bean White Bean Snow Pea Noril|Kombu|Wakame|Hijiki Asparagus Cabbage Celery/Scallion Black-eyed Pea Navy/Red Bean Onion/Miso Kale/Parsley Rutabaga Okra/Cucumber Legume String/Wax Bean Aduki Bean Legumes (other) •Daikon/Taro Root Endive/Arugula •Salsify/Ginseng Turnip Greens Pulse Zucchini Lima or Mung Bean Carrot •Sea Vegetables (other) Mustard Greens Eggplant Squash Root Chutney Chard ChickPea/Garbanzo Dandelion Greens Jerusalem Artichoke Pumpkin Artichoke Rhubarb •Burdock/•Lotus Root Ginger Root Collard Greens Lettuce Sweet Potato/Yam Broccoli Jicama Lime Grapefruit Lemon Orange Citrus Fruit Coconut Nectarine Canteloupe Pear Apricot Guava Plum Cranberry Persimmon Honeydew Avocado Banana •Pickled Fruit Prune Pomegranate Raspberry Citrus Apple Blueberry Dry Fruit Tomato Watermelon Olive Blackberry Pineapple Juice Fruit Fig Tangerine •Dewberry Cherry Raisin, Currant Persimmon Juice Pineapple Loganberry Peach Grape •Cherimoya Mango Papaya Strawberry Date Onion Tea

By Dr. Paul Hopkins, N.D.

Recognized as the ancient "Bush Man Formula". The Onion is used for its medicinal anti-bacterial properties. With the extraction of these properties into a tea represents a process of alkalizing the entire blood stream and cleansing all internal organs and plaque build up. "Bush Formula" of Onion tea was given for the purpose of lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, cleansing organs, and in extreme cases clearing out blood clots in the legs within 48hours if taken every hour on the hour for the first 4 hours. The process for extracting and making tea goes as follow:

1. Boil a large pot of water. (Spring water preferred) 2. Pick medium to large size Onion. (Red Onion preferred because of higher medicinal qualities and Red Onion is the progenitor.) 3. Remove the husk of the Onion and with a knife put slits in the Onion without fully breaking. This allows the Onion to breath. 4. After water starts to boil put the Onion in the water and proceed to allow Onion to boil for 10mins or more. The key is to check the Onion and when it is as soft as a ball it is ready. 5. Remove the Onion and pour off Tea into a large thermos to drink all day. 6. The remaining Onion can be discarded because the essence is now in the tea. 7. Add honey or stevia for taste but the natural sweetness of the Onion's flavor in the tea will surprise you. 8. Remember this is all natural its "Food". You can drink as much as you want. Always drink hot. Recommended as a daily tea drink for blood pressure and cholesterol 2 times a day.

Dr. Paul’s Herbal Formulas MakersMark Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 25931, Philadelphia, PA 19128 “Food for Your Soul”. Order Online NOW!! WWW.DRPAULHERBS.COM Contact: 215-779-7355 Dr. Paul’s Herbal Formulas “Food For Your Soul” Order your products Today Online 40 Day Fast Top 10 Reasons for a Colon Clenz

With the ever popularity of , one just has to ask is it really worth it? It's amazing that we regularly take a shower, brush our teeth, and even change the oil in our car. But how often do we take the time to clean our colons? Below you'll find the top ten benefits of cleaning your colon and just maybe convince yourself to give it a try!

1. Relief from constipation and diarrhea --When our colons have a lot of build-up, it makes it very difficult to have healthy regular bowel movements, often causing constipation or diarrhea. When your colon is clean, this is a non-issue, a healthy individual should have a bowel movement after each meal.

2. No more gas or bloating -- Some of the fecal matter can sit days, months, even years in our colon releasing toxins and poisons. Gas and bloating is just a side effect of this condition. Eliminate the toxins equals no more bloating.

3. Reduce excess weight and feel lighter -- It has been said that the average individual may have anywhere from 5-15 pounds of fecal build-up lining the colon walls. I've read testimonial after testimonial how people have lost weight and feel much lighter after a cleanse.

4. No more stomach cramping or abdominal pains --This is just the colons reaction to when there is too much waste clogging the colon. Believe me, if you have 5-10 pounds of fecal matter stuck to your colon, you will experience occasional cramping and pains.

5. Increase energy levels and vitality -- After a thorough colon cleanse, you will experience a new boost in energy and no longer feel tired and lethargic.

6. Better absorption of nutrients -- The body absorbs nutrients from food through the intestines and it gets its last chance when it reaches the colon. Here the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through the colon walls. When the colon is clogged, absorption can be extremely low maybe just 10-20%. A colon cleanse, flushes out this excess buildup allowing maximum absorption for the body.

7. Flatter stomach and waist line -- With no more bloating, gas, and excess weight, you will definitely see a flatter stomach. This is not to mention a thinner waist line! This is just a bonus!

8. Improved concentration -- This is connected to benefit #6, when the colon is clean, the body is able to absorb nutrients and vitamins and at much higher efficiency and retention. This aids in a sharper mind, the ability to focus, and improved concentration.

9. Clearer skin and healthier hair -- Do you suffer from ? After you rid yourself of the toxins, your body will not have to fight these excess pollutants. This will give you a cleaner, healthier complexion.

10. Overall healthier lifestyle!

Dr. Pa ul’s Herbal Formulas MakersMark Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 25931, Philadelphia, PA 19128 “Food for Your Soul”. Order Online NOW!! 215-779-7355 [email protected] WWW.DRPAULHERBS.COM Oil Pulling For Detox By Solay Wellness

Dating back thousands of years, the practice of oil pulling was a popular Indian Ayurvedic treatment. Oil pulling is the process of swirling and pulling oil around the mouth and in between the teeth. When done, the used oil is spit out and then one rinses their mouth with water. The purpose of oil pulling is to remove toxins, contaminants, and bacteria, and infection pus from inside the mouth and in between the teeth.

A person will use one tablespoon of oil and rinse their mouth one to three times a day for about 20 minutes. As the oil mixes with the saliva, the composition will change from its thick consistency to thin, foamy, and a yellow color. The gargling action will trigger enzymes to activate and they will pull out toxins from the blood. You will know it is working because as you continue swishing and swirling, the oil gets thinner and becomes white. Those who study oil pulling report that movement of oil in the mouth causes the sublingual muscles to expel toxins. However, others say the saliva mixing with the oil stimulates the release of stored toxins. It is important not to swallow the oil when done because it contains the toxins and bacteria. Make sure you rinse your mouth our at least 3-4 times with warm water after pulling because toxins are still in the mouth. Research scientist have shown that after oil pulling, fluids were magnified 600 to 800 times and what was found was live organisms.

Organic, unrefined sunflower, sesame seed and cold pressed oils are the most recommended oils to use. Experts state that oil pulling should be performed on an empty stomach because you may vomit if you have a full stomach. As well, the recommended time to perform oil pulling is in the morning and a couple of other times throughout the day and evening.

Oil pulling is a component of the Ayurvedic custom of holistic medicine. Health conditions it is used for include: strengthening the jaw, gums, and teeth, as well as for bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth decay, dry throats, and cracked and chapped lips. After a few weeks of use, one will normally notice such results as whiter teeth, a pink tongue, and better breath. Indications that oil pulling is working is that one will experience an increase of mucous flow from the sinuses and throat. As it builds up, you can spit it out and start again with a fresh tablespoon of oil. It is normal to feel a little nausea because your body is experiencing the toxins being removed. Your body is actually being cleansed and detoxified. These symptoms will gradually diminish as you get healthier. That is, there is a reduction of toxins in the body.

There have been some astounding benefits reported such as bleeding of the gums will stop, loose teeth will tighten, whitening of the teeth occurs as stains are removed, and there is a reduction in migraines. As well, oil pulling treats the whole body and there have been improvements in such conditions as blood disorders, kidney disease, women's hormonal troubles, leukemia, bronchitis, meningitis, arthritis, eczema, Intestinal disease, peritonitis, heart disease, diabetes, and illnesses such as cancer, AIDS, and other long term diseases.

Another benefit of oil pulling is that it is inexpensive and easy to perform. It is completely safe for people, that include children, elderly, and pregnant women. For one looking to embrace a healthier lifestyle by pulling out toxins, pus, bacteria, and other unhealthy elements from the body, oil pulling may be a way of working to achieve that lifestyle. Dr. Paul’s Herbal Formulas “Food For Your Soul” Order your products Today Online 215-779-7355

Dr. Paul’s Herbal Formulas

The Crossover Diet Guidelines:

STEP #1— Eliminate when possible or greatly reduce the five whites from your diet – white flour, white sugar, white salt, white rice and white potatoes.

STEP #2— If you eat meat, reduce your intake to 3-6 oz. a day. Select one or two days a week that you don’t eat any meat at all. There are many good meat-free ideas in the Meatless section of a recommended Healthy Meals Cookbook.

STEP #3— When possible, buy organic fruits and vegetables because they are grown without harmful chemicals and pesticides. Add some raw fruits and vegetables to your diet every day. #9 is what you look for.

STEP #4— Make a grocery list of herbs and spices and alternative products you need to start your Crossover Diet. Make a meal plan for the week so you can purchase the items necessary to prepare the meals you have selected. Do not eat after a set time in the evening (7Pm). It should be a few hours before you go to bed.

STEP #5— Drink plenty of water. It is suggested that you should drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces. You can also replace many of your beverages with water. Figi water is great or Penta.

Dr. Paul’s Herbal Formulas MakersMark Technologies, LLC. P.O. Box 25931, Philadelphia, PA 19128 “Food for Your Soul”. Order Online NOW!! WWW.DRPAULHERBS.COM 215-779-7355