Limpopo Proposed Main Seat / Sub District

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Limpopo Proposed Main Seat / Sub District # # C! # # # ## ^ C!# .!C!# # # # C! # # # # # # # # # # ^C! # # # # # ^ # # # # ^ # # C! # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # C!# # # C!C! # # # # # # # # # #C! # # DDzzaannaannii SSuubb DDiissttrriicctt ooff MMaakkhhaaddoo MMaaggiisstteerriiaall DDiissttrriicctt # JAN VAN RENSBURG GRASSLAND NIEUW TSHIPISE HAYOMA DEONBERG # VERA DELFT EMERY VAN HEERDEN MENTZ 105 BEATRICE PRACHTIG 525 BECKMANS i r 519 BOTHA 146 JAAR l 130 126 C! # o # ie MASERI 139 124 815 499 522 d # v 516 144 i GAANDRIK 538 ri BELLEVUE GOOSEN Mopane XMAS l Honnet 147 o r nd FOURIE WERKPLAAS PAN SMUTS D ivie Sa # Nature DAVID 162 TSHAMUTUMBU ndr 534 530 DREYER 140 Sa 145 129 HERMANUS 526 520 BECK 569 Reserve AMONDA 160 SAPS FONTAINEBLEAU ALICEDALE 161 533 568 Musiina HARDEVLAKTE VAN 138 Nwanedi Masunda # 537 152 RYNIE # # SCHALK VERDUN FRANS DER BIJL SCOTT METEOR Nwanedi Nature Luphephe Tshitanzhe C! Magiisteriiall MUSINA Musina 158 Dam Dam Gum#ela ^ 535 833 Musina NU 567 Reserve # # 542 528 HUGHES SAPS 141 nedzi Gundani # # # ANTROBUS BURTON District MARTIN Nwa # DU TOIT District 151 Main Seat Sm#okey JUTLAND STEENBOK 566 MOUNT 157 Helula B ^ 570 SEPTIMUS # BORDEAUX 563 565 NAUS TER SMOKEY Mufu#lwi # # #C! # # 536 MS GROOT BUXTON BENNIE STUART # # 555 GROOTPRAAT R525 178 BLANCHE 156 LLiimmppooppoo Matavhela # C! 617 ENDABA 575 571 TS # 153 163 Galavhani #^ STUBBS 564 155 NICHOLSON # # 581 RIET Gombani Tshitandani B He#lula A Gwagwathini 558 VRIENDEN 165 # # e # SOMME JAPIE 182 SCHUITDRIFT l Gaarside Ha-Mabila STAYT e 589 l LOTSIEUS # 611 179 e # HONEYMOON OOM 574 h GARSIDE # C! # MONS COHEN 183 z 176 Tshitandani A # 610 OOM JAN KRANSPOORT N KEERWEDER # 1#64 # # 557 591 SOMERVILLE BATTLE # LEKKERLAG 579 CHASE NAKAB 180 169 Doli#doli Khomela Tshandama A C! # 590 585 JAN THENGWE # # 580 576 184 PERSEUS Mutale # # COMMAND 586 N#dovhada VAN C! ROUX BIERMAN WILDGOOSE NAIROBI 175 RAMBUDA Ts#hitandani B # # ## 606 GRAAN 599 588 577 Tshitandani A # Kunguni Mulo#di FANIE VAN 181 Nzhelele THIEL Main Seat Mutale Guyuni 3 #C! ROOS RUNDE JOFFRE Dam 167 # Phalama A Louis THE 168 Goma Madashishi Munic NU Mafhohoni B C! # 605 578 DEVENTER AERIAL # # T#shilamba # PIJLKOP 592 584 DUEL M#UTALE# # 641 Mavhode B Mafhohoni A ^ # # # # SIDING PYLKOP GRAY 174 #Mavhode A DU PLOOY BRUILOF GENERAL Trichardt PHANTOM 186 Mafhohoni C MUTALE # Lukau # # 598 593 MARTHA 189 AFTON # SAPS Tshandama # 596 587 #Starlig#ht # 600 640 185 C! 171 Fefe # # # # # # # # AFSTAP CLARA Main Seat Mutale ñTE#NGWE'S # 608 LINA KLEINENBERG COEN # Maranikhwe Mutale 633 Makushu Afton # LOCATION # # MELLET 595 636 BRITZ BOAS TELEMA Mavhuwa Pile # #C! # #Natalie Magiisteriiall 255 381 # 603 646 642 19#0 Sane # # # # # TOBY MARIUS JULIANA SALAITA 296 # # Musekwa District Gogogo # Tshapa#sha # ## POPPY PIENAAR # District C! Tshibvumo # # 601 732 647 188 KONDOA Divhani # Ludzie # Tshi#ombo ## CLAUDINA MORELIG 597 BEKAF Tshitadi # Tshitwi Mangwele 625 624 Posaito 196 Thongwe A 602 LUKIN 191 MSEKWA Mufungudi # # C! # # 650 # Tshixwadz#a# # # # # EXCELSIOR DRIEHOEK 643 C!Mapuloni Rambuda # # # # M#udimeli# 194 Matadani # # 864 630 631 Mutshavhawe B Ts#hagwa # # # C!# # #^ # KOSCHADE MS # Muhotoni Mianzwi Tshiombo B Matangari C!# # MS MPHEPHU SILOAM Ma#bulo Mutshenzheni # # # # # 657 668 Luheni Mbahela # # # # # SANDSTONE FRIPP SAPS SAPS # # # 668 # Dzanani KHAKHU # RIDGE EDGE Sheshe le # # QUALIPAN SULPHUR MS TANGA 645 KILIMANJARO uta # # 658 Maan#gani Tshiendeulu TRIBAL Muiladi M # # END MAPANI SPRINGS 649 651 648 # # # Muhuyu # # # #C! 859 655 653 192 COUNCIL # # a M'TAMBA Sub 195 Tshiavha # ##^ C! 662 RIDGE tamb NJELELEPOORT Thembaluvhilo #KC!#hakhu M#akuleni Vhu#talu # Mu VLEI Mudzidzidzi # # SUNNYLAND # # M # # # # # # # 660 654 193 Maname Khaku uil Damani Khubvi # District # ad Lake Tshiwani ## # 665 MALAPCHANI Mphephu i # # WILDEBEESTHOEK KALKBULT Tshiavha Fundudzi # # 659 JAZZ DZANANI Mazwimba ## # Tshipako #C! 661 709 OVERWINNING ^ Makuleni Tshilungwi Tshidzivhe # # # WATERPOORT 715 M'PEFU Makwar#ani # # # MOUNTAIN VIEW WILHELM 713 # # # SAPS Mabvuka Ts#hituni Magoloni SENDEDZANE Tshithuthuni Sindande # # 706 SANDILANDS 801 # 202 # #Thono#nda # # # # BUSHY # # # Mamuhoy#i 200 # ni # C! C! WOODLANDS 708 MASEQUA Jazz# Tsha Gavhe # odo Tshidimbini # # # Manyi Matsa Mats#!a B Tshikhudo # # G Thathe # # C!# # # # C H#a-Rabali Man#diwana C!# Lutomboni # Thohoyandou # Makhuvha B 701 RISE QUEENSDALE 714 ZWARTFONTEIN A Ha#-Matidza # # Tshituni Vondo # # # THE FOLLY # # Zone 1 # Ma#katu 702 PRINCE'S 707 716 Mulenga # # # # CONISTON 734 # Madangani Dzanani #Tshiheni # Vhufu#l#i ## # # # Ha-Matsa # Themba # Matanda # # Milaboni Main Seat # Vondwe # # # # HILL JOHAN LKN1 FENTON Matanda Ma#nngo # # # # # # 699 R523 Luvhilo Zone1 Mudu#nungu Ngwenani # TS 762 770 Mapakophele Ha-Rabali Zone 3 # # SiloC!am Tshilapfene Tshitereke # # # # # # 704 Maname # DOORNHOEK # 198 Y#a M#apholi # # # # # Tshirolwe # Funyufunyu # Sende#dza # Tshisinise Thulamela NU TSHIVHASE# # # BLACKSTONE KING'S # # # Parkvie#w 203 ^ C! Radali # # # 741 Tshik#uwi Kwokwane # HaMphaila SILOAM # Mu#kumbani # # ^ KLOOF THORNDALE # Ext 2 # # # # EDGE Tshituni A Mawoni BOABAB Tsh#ikombani # # # Ngudza # 737 MARIUS Luvhalani DRYLANDS Tshirolwe # # # 705 738 M#akungwi # i # # # # Ha-Mapila 210 Tshirenzhe#ni C! ud Dzingahe C! # # 732 SEROLLE ñ# # # Fondwe le # # ind # C! 718 SETOONI M#adangani # #C! le Tshivhase # sh # # CLOSEBURN # # Mandala Nzhe # Gondeni A ut KIDSGROVE 204 208 Mungomani C!# # # MaR#adalize M # # THORNHILL Tshiswenda Dopeni # # # Thullamella TH#OHOYANDOU C! # # LONG EDGE 742 DAVENHAM # # # Shanzha # # # # 743 739 Mauluma # Khalavha SAPS # Tsh#ivhulani Tshabvuma ### # DEEPKLOOF ##Tshivhilidulu M#akanga Tshififi 744 740 NOOITGEDACHT CLIFFSIDE Magiisteriiall V#ondo # # # # # Mbilwi # # DEVILS 211 Dzumbathoh#o 197 Tshikunda Ngwenani C! # # # MORNINGSUN 721 225 # # Tsh#ikweta Siambe # # AINTREE 736 White### # # # FRANZHOEK GULLY CLIFFSIDE Tshio!vhe Diistriict # C! # # 729 C # Area Sibasa##Makw#a#rela # # C! 726 Mazha#zhani ! # RUSHTON 782 225 283 R523 21##3 C C! .! Ha 278 HULME TWEMLOW WALLACE 720 Khund#a STONY Madzuwa CHEW#AS Manyuwa TS # Ngovhela Th#ohoyandou # Mbaleni # # ZWARTHOEK DALE # # # # Magidi # VERGENOEG 215 282 Phiphidi # # # # C! # 774 775 786 MOOIPLAATS 727 GREYSTONE EDGE # ## Tshikhudini # ## # 796 ROXONSTONE 228 RIETBOK # # Mbaleni # # # 728 CLYDESDALE WATERFALL 222 Mudzulathungo # Hatshisele Phugeni PUNCH SANDFONTEIN # 226 # Extension # 795 224 220 # # # BEESTON BOWL 800 232 Nzhelele Thohoyandou F # # # JOUBERTSTROOM # # # # # ANDOVER WALFIELD 858 MAKHADO HIGHFIELD 799 RUSTFONTEIN Matshavhawe # Duthuni# TH#O##HOYANDOU#^ Tshilungoma # VLAKFONTEIN GELUK 246 # University # # # # 785 NEWGATE FIG #ñ#Thohoyandou Mphego # # # 768 773 SAPS 797 802 227 240 C! ## SEVILLE # # Makumbane 253 of Venda ^ BOSLEY FIFE 806 # # # LEEK ALASKA SCHYFFONTEIN # VREEMDELING TREE Maelula Murunwa Mapate # MPHAPHULI # # 790 2#50 ENTABENI T#hohoyandou # C! # 778 784 798 236 238 Gudumabama # Lwamondo # # BUDWORTH SUNNYSIDE BOSCH # # ## # M 769 MINASTONE ## Vu#vha A 251 252 # TshisahuluC! 283 # # # #Muledane 777 807 CADIZ Murahu-ha-#thavha # ## C!## # CREWE 804 234 # 254 Tshikovha C! # HANGLIP ## 213 C!# # # # RUDYARD CLOUDEND PIESANGHOEK 248 LEVUBU Pambani # 2 Thohoyandou L # # 771 # # C! R524 ## # # # #C! # # ^ 244 275 244 SAPS TS Sha#yandima Muledane J # C!# ^ C! NELLIES 279 GROBLERSPLAATS Shura # # u ## HAPPY NEBO WATER Makhado LISBON # h C! TREURFONTEIN GARDEN C! # v # # # HIGHLANDS MOW 282 # Mahu#nguni Itsan#i u Dididi REST 259 281 RESERVE TSAKOMA # # v # # ## # 234 ROODEWAL 12 Matata#ni # u # C!## 239 277 COP Magisterial Makhado NU Mutandani T#shifulalani L # ## TOKWE PERTH SARUM LAST 278 Magisterial 18 # # # # 234 TROMP 1 # # # # NEBO # 280 # Dzindi Tsw#C!inga 204 # 242 245 252 R522 HOPE # GOEDGEVONDEN Hlanganani Tshakhuma Zwavhavhili VERZIERKERF TS 273 Diistriict BAROTTA # # # 238 BRISTOL LOUIS Luk#au Tshiful#anani # # # 1196 RIVERSIDE 264 7 # # C! KUTAMAS YORK Louis Trich#ardt TRICHARDT 17 # Tshishushuru # Makovha # # 254 ^ SCHOONUITZICHT Vuwani ntha ha bada Manamane LOCATION 241 251 Sub # # # # # MULENZHE # ASHFIELD RIETVLY C! # WELGEVONDEN # # # # 225 DAMPLAATS # .!ñ # 10 MuC!hovhoya Khumbe # # 246 MANOR ñC! # PALMIETFONTEIN 4 # # ### # # # # # 276 Tshikota Louis # # # 230 # 255 256 El#tivillas VONDELING VYGEBOOMSDRIFT District # Ludanani Sub C! # Khangale Tambaulate # DOWNTOWN 2 STERKSTROOM ## # Tshidzate # # # Louis Trichardt 283 LEVUBU Diambele # # # C! Tshilwavhusiku 250 # 285 R524 # # # # 22 # Malamulele # # # # LONGFORD NOOITGEDACHT Louis Trichardt u 6 BEJA BOOMRYK TS NOOITGEDACHT VIREERS Tshinganwe ## # Mutsha Gombameni # # # # # Trichardt1 R524 uvh R524 15 SubD istrict # # # # TS uv District # Ha Mashawane # Sub District Sinthumule 290 Industrial Area Luvuvhu L TS 14 24 Luvhalani #Khwekhwe Dzwerani # ## # # # # 248 39 11 ^ # # # # C! # # ^ For more information # # DATA SUPPLIED BY: # ## C!# # ^ # regarding this map, # C! # # # # # # # # Lege#nd # kindly contact # ^ ## Statistics South Africa # # #C! # # # # # !. C! # # Main Town # # # Rivers Provinces C! Mr A# S #NC!onyane # ## #C! # # # # # Department of Water Affairs & Forestry # # # # # of # ; Main Courts National Roads PPrrooppoosseedd MMaaiinn SSeeaatt // SSuubb DDiiss#ttrriicctt # # # Proposed Magisterial District Department of Provincial & Local Government A S Nonyane & Associates # # # # C! ! # # ## SubPlace # #C # # $ ## ®# # # C! # Place of Sitting Main Roa#ds Department of Health Tel: 011 786 3591 # # ## ## Proposed Seat / Sub District wwiitthhiinn # # # # # # ^ PoliceStations
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