Friendly Endeavor, February 1941
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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 2-1941 Friendly Endeavor, February 1941 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, February 1941" (1941). Friendly Endeavor. 238. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. James Bishop R t . 1 , B o x 1 2 8 "TSE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR JOURNAL FOR FRIENDS IN THE NORTHWEST V o l u m e 2 0 N u m b e r 2 CAMAS, WASHINGTON February, 1941 The Choice Annual Twin Rocks Wormy Banquet, March 29 B y P a u l C a m m a c k Of Ruth Do you remember that the manna that The long-looked for Christian Endeav the Israelites gathered above their daily B y E v e r e l l C r a v e n or event to "Twin Rockers"—the annual needs became wormy and smelled awful? Pastor of Boise, Idaho, Friends Church spring banquet—will be held at Salem How is the manna of our hearts? Do T h i s b e a u t i f u l s t o r y f r o m t h e O l d on Saturday, the others look at our lives and say that the Testament has much in it that wc may 29th of March, at worms of bitterness and the smell of a p r o fi t b y t o d a y . 6:30 o'clock. This rancid disposition are about all we have We will not here discuss the rectitude i s t h e t i m e o f f u n , left in our hearts where once we had a of Naomi and her family going to Moab, nonsense, good clean, fervent heart life? nor the marriage of Ruth, and Orpha to We young people attend revivals. Con fellowship, peppy t h e i r M o a b i t i s h h u s b a n d s . A s i s t r u e i n ferences and camp-meetings within the singing, witty last year. We received help from the many lives today, the past cannot be speeches, and, oh recalled and we must face the future meetings. Many were saved. But we won from today, however, the past must yes, the time when der how we stand in our souls right now. t h e c o n f e r e n c e needs be forgiven, if it is sinful, and we Did we think that we could gather enough p r o g r a m i s an- do reap what we have sown. manna for our souls out of Conference and n o u n c e d ! Of revivals to keep us for a year? The choice that Ruth made, is com course no one parable to that which every young per w o u l d m i s s t h i s I f e a r t h a t m a n y o f u s h a v e w o r m y son faces when he, or she, comes face ' o c c a s i o n w h i c h Christian Experiences right now just be to face with his need of a clean heart, r a t e s s e c o n d i n i m - cause we haven't gathered manna recently. and before the Holy Spirit will come Be tty L o u Ga rd n e r p o rta n ce o n l y to The Israelites gathered for a day at a time. in as Sanctifier, there must be a full conference to endeavorers. We must gather fresh food each day from surrender, and the crucifixion of the old Then to insure a splendid time for all reading the word and praying. self life. Here perhaps are some of the the board named the following commit Unless we are getting the fresh manna things she struggled over; tee to plan the program and fun: Betty of heaven each day our supply is spoiled The choice between God and loved Lou Gardner, chairman, Lois Harmon, and we have turned to live on the devil's diet. My friend, will you review your life ones, ch. 1:8. Natural affection is legiti Paul Lundy and Myron James. These mate, and right, however loved ones oft well known young people are already at to see if sins have slipped into your life en are the cause of tremendous struggle, work on "the what's going to happen" and you arc unconcerned about the un saved about you—all because your manna when my love, and desire regarding part of the evening. them, or their wishes for me, run con So one and all, endeavorers, 6 to 100, became wormy? trary to the call, and will of God. Jesus put March 29 down as a date that must said, "He that loveth father and mother be kept. God's hands. After all, is the future not more than me is not worthy of me," Mt. in His hands anyway? What can the puny 10:37. God does not call everyone to be Plan now to go to Salem and take will of a man do, against the inevitable? some one else with you. Let's break all separated from loved ones, but as far W h a t f o l l y f o r a m a n t o d i s o b e y, o r d e f y attendance records in good old Twin as you are concerned they must be dedi the Creator. It would seem that in this R o c k s s t y l e . cated to God. day of confusion, and uncertainty, any The appeal of a home, and companion sober minded person should be delighted of her own: ch. 1:9. This is another nat 1:15. Is she going to continue on in the to have Christ Jesus, the Conquering ural and legitimate desire, which only old way, the way of habit, the way of One, as the captain of his soul, and to least resistance, or is she going to follow occassionally God requires one of His resign all to His will. children to forgoe. However it should be the God of Israel, of whom she has It is always of interest to know how evident to every thinking person that caught a first glimpse? the heroine succeeded. What was the at this point in life the one making the It is not easy to break with the past, result of the choice Ruth made? decision needs to exercise the greatest with its standards, with the emotions First we might take a look at Orpha, care and to be assured of the will of the and ambitions I had courted. I think that she is never heard of again. Possibly Lord. Even a companion, and a home is why it is more difficult for older peo she gained the things she went back to must be consecrated to God. ple to get saved, and live for Christ, Moab after. But she lost God forever, At this point Orpha turned back, add t h a n i t i s f o r y o u n g p e o p l e . I t i s s u c h a n d h e r o w n s o u l . ing to the pressure on Ruth to do like a great and decided change. The whole But what of Ruth? She doubtless was wise. Blessed is the young person, or old set of life is different, and the would-be tried, perhaps was lonely a time or two, er person, who has the courage to do Christian does not feel like himself, at least. But God did not forget hen what is right, even if they must go alone. hence many who start, soon go back the She became the wife of the noble, and The urge to follow the crowd, "To be old way. wealthy Boaz. She became the great like the people about me," has been the But Ruth, after counting the cost, de grandmother of David, and was in the. r u i n o f m a n y a s o u l . liberately choose to go with God, reck direct line of the Messiah, an honor The appeal of Jehovah or idols: ch. l e s s l y p l a c i n g h e r f u t u r e , h e r a l l i n (Continued on Page Two) Page Two THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR February, 1941 February, 1941 THE FRIENDLY ENDEAVOR Page Three 1940-41 CHART QUOTAS F A C I N G T H E F U T U R E gets and looking toward a time of ex In regard to the $1100.00 indebtedness The Friendly Endeavor See your Chart for classification ex The Present pansion.