ORANGE FIRSf NATIONAL BANK 0 282 Main St., Just East off Day St. ORANGE Bfl. RAYMOND RILEY, President Member of Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insuranee Corp.

I I A REAL ESTATE FIRM THAT IS AN INSTITUTIONS.*- o « = Frank H. Taylor & Son, Inc...... — NOTE FIRST NAME REALTORS 57 Years INSURANCE MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Telephone Orange 3-8100 620 Main St., Brick Church Section East Orange, 10 ...... —” C 9 First National Bank O WEST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY I This Bank offers complete facilities for all branches of Banking and solicits your business, personaf] and savings accounts TRUST DEPARTMENT MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION THE HALF DIME SAVINGS BANK INCORPORATED MARCH 17, 1870 356-358 Main SL, cor. Lackawanna Plaza Orange, New Jersey

CO SAVESSTART TO-DAY for any PURPOSE you will but— U s sa t m | p AT THIS BANK— fe

WILBUR MUNN, President HARVEY M. ROBERTS, Vice-Pres. and Cashier GEORGE H. WERNER, Vice-Pres. EDWIN H. VOLCKMANN, Asst. Cashier m SecondlNational Balk O Q i 308 Main Street, Metropolitan Building O range, N . J . I I Zlz 1 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TRUST DEPARTMENT | M | | p Safe Deposit Boxes and Storage for Silverware I lO H l MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATiP| & 53 Academy Street I gps?5l F5NEST DRESS NEWARK, U SUIT RENTAL Tel. Market 2-4313 DEPT. IN NEW JERSEY RQTHROCK-TAILQRS \ NEWARK COAL CO

AVONDALE OPPERS Nature’s Finest Coal ‘blue coal’ Cone Treated



49-55 Badger Avenue Newark, New Jersey t W O u Q

MORTGAGE LOANS Applications solicited A Complete on residential and business properties and apartment dwellings in northern New Jersey. Long term loans at low interest rates payable in easy monthly or quart­ MORTGAGE erly reduction payments.

SERVICE FHA LOANS We are an approved mortgagee of the Federal Housing Administration. Loans granted with experienced executives up to 80% of value for twenty years on existing prop­ to help solve your mortgage erties and 90% on new construction. Moderate fees— problem. fair appraisals—prompt closings.

DEFENSE HOUSING We specialize in F. H. A. Our representative will Title VI defense housing loans. gladly call to discuss our services with you: FULL REALTOR COOPERATION


Telephone Essex 3-9300

Underwood-Franke Mortgage Co

Mortgage Correspondent for

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Boston, Mass. Modern Woodmen of America Rock Island, Illinois Agricultural Insurance Company Watertown, N. Y. Mutual; Life Insurance Co. of New York

Approved Mortgagee Federal Housing Administration Bergen County Office Member Mortgage Bankers’ Association of Cedar Lane at Queen Anne Road Northern New Jersey Teaneck, N. J.

1040 Springfield Avenue Irvington, N. J. The ELECTRIC “ROTO-RO OTER” The Modern Solution to an Expensive Maintenance Problem! CLEANS SEWERS

From clean out opening or house trap to city sewer main in street, its patented high speed rotating steel knives cut all roots, scale, grease, rags and other debris in tiny pieces, and constant running water washes the line free o f all foreign matter leaving the pipe clean as new.

Look for this emblem

Nite & Sunday Tel. OR. 2-2115


TO LAWNS — SIDEWALKS — STREETS — WALLS or BASEMENT necessary, we absolutely guarantee to open your sewer o f any obstruction or no charge will be made, providing sewer line is not broken. The greatest "m oney saving service” ever offered the property owner.


OUR SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ANY WHERE Phone OR. 3-6426 The Electric NIARD waste pipe cleaner is a new machine devised to clean that slow running basin, bathtub, shower, sink or wash tub waste without cutting walls or tile floors. ROTO-ROOTER and NIARD electric sewer and drain cleaning machines exclusively operated by,

S e w e r C l e a n i n g S e r v i c e C o . 10 Washington Place, East Orange, N. J. At Brick Church Station THE ORANGES (Orange, East Orange, South Orange West Orange, Maplewood)

also Irvington, Livingston, Roseland DIRECTORY 1942

Combining Five Distinct Directories:— Governmental Directory— City, County, State and Federal. Buyers Directory— A local source of sales and service. Classified Directory— Business, professional and social. Alphabetical Directory— Names, occupations and addresses. Numerical Directory— Streets, householders and business.


“Of the people, for the people”

S in ce 187 3





Page Page Page Abbreviations ...... 139 County Officers (Essex County) . . . 21 West Orange ...... 20 Alphabetical Directory: Courts ...... : ...... 21 Maplewood ...... 18 Oranges (including Maplewood) 139 Day Nurseries (Oranges) ...... 99 Irvington ...... 725 Irvington ...... 726 East Orange—“ What You Should Post Offices (Oranges) ...... 22 Livingston and Roseland.... 689 Know About” ...... 11 Irvington ...... 725 Apartment Buildings (Oranges) . . 80 Fire Department (Orange) ...... 17 Livingston ...... 687 Irvington ...... 705 East Orange ...... ; ...... 18 Roseland ...... 687 South Orange Village ...... 19 Associations, Clubs and Societies Public Libraries (Orange) ...... 17 West Orange ...... 20 Oranges ...... 82 East Orange ...... 18 Maplewood ...... 18 Irvington ...... , ...... 705 South Orange Village ...... 19 Irvington ...... 725 Bands and Orchestras (Irvington) 707 West Orange ...... 20 Banks and Trust Companies Governmental Directory ...... 17 Livingston ...... 687 Oranges ...... 87 Halls (Oranges) ...... 109 M aplewood...... 18 Irvington ...... 707 Irvington ...... 713 Irvington ...... : 725 Borough Government (Roseland). 687 Homes and Asylums (Oranges) . . . 109 School Department (Orange) .... 17 Building and Loan Associations Irvington ...... 714 East Orange ...... 18 Oranges ...... 91 Hospitals and Dispensaries West Orange ...... 20 Irvington ...... 708. Oranges ...... 109 Maplewood ...... 18 Buildings— Office and Public: Irvington ...... 714 Irvington ...... 725 Oranges ...... • • • 91 Index to Advertisers ...... 9 Livingston ...... 687 Irvington ...... 708 Justices of the Peace (O ranges)... 112 Schools, Colleges and Academies Buyers’ Directory ...... 23-78 Irvington ...... 715 Oranges ...... 130 Cemeteries (Oranges) ...... 92 Map ...... inside Back Cover Irvington ...... 720 Irvington ...... 708 Maplewood-—“ What You Should Chambers of Commerce Oranges and South Orange—‘What You Should Know About” ...... r.-...... 14 Maplewood ...... 15 Know About” ...... 12 Notaries Public (Oranges) ...... 118 Churches (Oranges) ...... 92 State Government ...... 21 Irvington ...... 717 Irvington ...... 709 Streep Directory: City Government (Orange) ...... 17 Numerical Directory: Livingston and Roseland .. 687-688 East Orange ...... 17 Oranges (including Maple­ Town Government (Maplewood).. 18 Classified Directory (including The wood) ...... 571 West Orange ...... 20 Oranges, Livingston, Maple­ Irvington ...... 853 Irvington ...... 725 wood, Roseland) ... 79 Orange—“ What You Should Know Livingston ...... 687 Irvington ...... 705 About” ...... 10 United States Government ...... 21 Corporations and Chartered Institu­ Police Department (Orange) ...... 17 Village Government, South Orange 19 tions East Orange ...... 17 West Orange— “ What You Should See Alphabetical Directory South Orange Village ...... 19 Know About” ...... 13 The Howard Savings Institution Main Office: 764 to 768 Broad Street Branches: Bloomfield Ave., at Clifton Ave. - Springfield Ave., at Bergen St. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY

Deposits Draw Interest From the Day of OPEN DAILY FROM 9A.M. TO 4P.M. Deposit. Sundays and Holidays Excepted Interest is credited and payable quarterly in S a tu r d a y s March, June, Sep­ From 9 A. M . to 12 M . tember and December.

CHARTERED IN 1857 The Oldest Savings Bank in the City and the Largest in the State The Security of Depositors’ Funds is our First Concern TRUST DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS

OFFICERS WYNANT D. VANDERPOOL. President CLIFFORD C. KIM M ERLE, Assistant Secretary HOW ARD BIDDULPH, Vice-President JOHN H. DUERK, Assistant Secretary W ILLIAM L. MAUDE, Vice-President EDW ARD R. W ILPUETZ, Assistant Treasurer JOHN W. KRESS, Vice-President JOHN FLAUSS, Auditor HENRY B. ROY. Secretary FRED C. BEYER, Branch Mgr. Bloomfield Ave. Branch G. HAYES M ARKLEY, Comptroller W ILLIAM A. VERRY, Branch Mgr., Springfield Ave. Branch EDW ARD W. TALLAU, Treasurer A. LESLIE HEDDEN, Manager, Safe Deposit Department CLARENCE SLATER, Assistant Vice-President JOHN W. KRESS, Trust Officer J. FRED SINN, Assistant Secretary J. W ALLACE SCANLON, Assistant Trust Officer J. W ALLACE SCANLON, Assistant Secretary FRED M. M ERDINGER, Assistant Trust Officer MAN AGERS

WYNANT D. VANDERPOOL PETER H. B. FRELINGHUYSEN FREDERICK FRELINGHUYSEN WILLIAM T. CARTER, JR. WALDRON M. WARD LUDOLPH H. CONKLIN HOWARD BIDDULPH FRANKLAND BRIGGS PAUL B. SOMMERS JOHN R. HARDIN FRANKLIN D’OLIER WILSON C. ELY HENRY YOUNG CHARLES B. BRADLEY JOHN B. CLARK FRANK E. QUINBY ROBERT G. COWAN SECTION 28, COPYRIGHT L A W . IN FORCE JULY 1,1909. That any person who willfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright secured by this act, or who shall knowingly or willfully aid or abet such infringe­ ment, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprison­ ment for not exceeding one year, or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or both, in the discretion of the court.

PUBLISHERS’ NOTE. The information in this book is gathered as far as possible by actual canvass, and is compiled in a way to ensure maximum accuracy. The publishers cannot, of course, guarantee the correctness of information fur­ nished them nor the complete absence of mistakes, hence no responsibility for errors or omissions can be assumed, but we will welcome the bringing to our atten­ tion of any inaccuracies so that correction may be made in the next Directory. THE PRICE & LEE CO., Publishers

This Directory is'the property of the Publishers and is a contracted Loan between the Subscriber and the Publisher...... The Subscriber agrees that it will be used for his or their private interests only and not where its use by others will endanger additional Subscriptions......

THE PRICE & LEE CO. 248 Meadow Street New Haven, Connecticut



Page Page Page Page Roebling Coal Co Inc ...... 38 Abbott-Hogan Inc ...... 37 East Bidgelawri Cemetery...... ’. . 36 Lucking Joseph H In c...... 42 Acme Roofing & Supply Co Inc... 75 English Bros Inc...... 32 Mack George. F Inc ...... 69 Rosenfeld Coal Co...... 43 Rothrock Tailors Inc ...... Front Cover Alden Coal Co...... 40 Evening Transcript of the Oranges Mansfield & Sw ett...... Back Cover St Benedicts Preparatory School.. 46 Allsopp George A I n c ...... 67 & M aplewood...... 60 Maple Buick In c...... 26 Salmon George G Co _ bottom edge American Home Roofing Co...... 72 Feigenspan Christian (a Corpora­ Maplewood Record...... 60 Sauer Charles In c...... 76 Arispach B ros...... 63 tion) ...... top lines Martin & Weis In c ...... 69 Savings Investment & Trust C o.top lines Ball David W C o...... 40 Fiacre J Lew is...... 69 McCarter English & Egner...... 53 Schulz & Behrle In c...... 50 Barrett E R ...... 72 Fidelity Union Trust Co.— top lines McGlynn Edward R ...... 53 Sears Roebuck & C o...... 45 Bea Harry A ...... 63 First Nat Bank T h e...... Front Cover M cLintock Gladys R ...... 70 Second National Bank------Front CoVer Bertschlnger William F ...... 67 Forest Hill Coal Co Inc ...... 41 Meyer Gertrude Cook...... 70 Sewer Cleaning Service Co.opp Title Page Bloomfield Lumber C o ...... 55 Franklin Savings Bank...... 30 Mosler’s Pharmacy Inc _ Front Cover Sickley B ros...... Back Cover Blum and Silvers...... top lines Gerber Wrecking C o...... 35 Mullen Storage Warehouse Inc... 59 Smith A P Mfg Co The...... 78 Brick Church Buick Co...... 24 Gibb Chevrolet C o...... 25 Mull in William F & Son.. ..top lines Smith & Slingerland...... 54 Brick Church Savings & Loan Assn 76 Glover’ s Esso Stations...... top lines iMulvey’ s Service Station...... 27 Smith and Sm ith...... 48 Brown Nelson R Co...... top edge Grosshauser E T ...... 64 Murray Charles J & Sons I n c . . . . 57 South Orange R ecord...... 60 C & M Machine Co...... 57 H alf Dime Savings Bank T he.Front Cover National Oil & Supply C o...... 62 ...... 74 South Orange Storage Corp...... 77 Chadbourne F M & Co:...... 29 Harrison Edgar P Coal C o.B ack Cover National Roofing Co Naughright W Stanley...... 53 Spottiswode-Cusack Co...... top lines Chamber o f Commerce & Civics of the Hartmann William ...... 64 Newark Coal Co____ inside Front Cover Stevens Harry J In c...... top lines Oranges and Maplewood...... 15 Highland Coal & Oil Co Inc ...... 41 Stove Manufacturers Corp...... 77B Channel Lumber Co...... 56 Hinrichs Oldsmobile Co...... 25 News and Home News Pub Corp... 61 Stratton Louis D ...... 71 Child Riker Marsh & Shipman------52 Hockenjos J J C o...... 65 Niagara Fire Ins Co insert opp Oranges Numerical Directory Taylor Frank H & Son Inc Note City Trust Branch of the Fidelity Hollywood Memorial Park In c.... 36 North American Mailing List Co... 58 First Name...... Front Cover Union Trust Co...... - ...... 31 Howard Savings Institution The Terrill’s Home for Funerals...... 49 Clark J A & Sons Co I n c ------top lines insert opp Contents Oakes Brokerage C o...... 68 Thatcher N H Co...... 32 Codey Funeral Service back edge and 48 Industrial Loan Society...... 54 O’Brien J Charles C o...... 70 Orange First National Bank. .Front Cover Tisdale G W In c ...... 26 Coe - James A & C o...... 50 Iorio Louis Accordion School...... 23 Orange Roofing C o...... 74 Underwood-Franke Mortgage Co Collins Pell T Jr...... 69 Irvington H erald...... 61 Orange Sash Door & Glass Co I n c . . 57 opp inside Front Cover Comfort Insulation Co ...... 49 Irvington National Bank...... 31 Orange Valley Bank...... top lines United Fuel Yards...... 44 Connolly & Connolly...... Front Cover Irvington Trust Co ...... 31 Orange and Domestic Laundry Inc 51 VanBuskirk C G ...... 49 Conover J H oward...... 52 Irvington Wreckers Inc The...... 35 Vanderhoof E & Sons...... 36 Cork and Bottle Liquors------top lines Jancovius & Son In c...... top lines O’Rourke John Co...... 33 Kearney Thomas J Jr Inc ...... 43 Otto Herman H ...... top lines Vroom B W ...... Back Cover Corth George...... fo o t lines Kellow-Mount In c...... 46 Owen Andrew H In c...... top lines Watchung Coal & Oil Co Inc ...... 39 Courter & Sherwood Co...... 33 Kieb Company The...... Front Cover Owen James H ...... 70 Weatherhead Funeral Home The Crann Edward J ...... 73 Kimmerle G L & Bro In c ...... 65 Penn Roofing Co...... Back Cover Back Cover and 49 De-Fi-Al Roofing Co In c...... 73 Knapp W N & Sons...... 47 Pennock Oldsmobile Co...... 24 Deliduka John In c ...... 55 Weekly Review Publishing Co Inc.. 62 Kunz Gustave Estate o f ...... 48 Perry & Ruck I n c ...... 34 DeNiscia Lumber & Millwork Co.. 56 Welker Harry L ...... 71 LaMorgese James...... 44 Pettis Archie L ...... 46 Depot Cleaners The...... 37 Willett Donald W ...... 71 Levin Milton B ...... 52 Pierson J W Company...... 34 Deuchler H C ...... top lines Williams A H Inc ...... Back Cover Lindeman & C o...... 42 Preiser Godfrey K ...... Back Cover Dooner & Smith Chemical Co.. front edge Winans C G Company...... 65 Llewellyn-Edison Savings & Loan Price & Lee.C o The...... 66 Doremus R H & Son...... 58 Wolf Frederic L.... inside Back Cover Assn ...... •...... top lines Ransom J T ...... ‘ 1 East Orang Cab Co Back Cover and 77B Regal Construction Co...... 75 Woolley Coal Co Inc ...... 44 East Orange-Nash Inc ...... 26 Locher F J Fuel C o...... 43 Rodgers T F Corp...... 27 Young Shanley & F oeh l...... 54 East Orange Tire Service In c ------28 Lord & Lord...... 53 10 1942— THE PRICE : & LEE CO.’S

A Sum m ary Suggested and Planned by American Community Advertising Association Adopted as a regular feature in all directories published by the Association of North American Directory Publishers Corrected Annually Orange, N. J. Form of Government * Real Estate City— Commission. Number of homes, 8,427; about 36 per cent owned by occupants. Population U. S. Gov’t Census (1940)— 35,717. Industrial Number of establishments, 59; employing 1,831. White Population 30,097. Principal Products Colored Population Adding machines, check writing machines, roller 5,620. bearings, mfg. pharmacists, razor blades, Number of All Males numbering machines. 17,040. Number of All Females Trade (Retail) 18,677. Serves 1,000,000 within a 20 mile radius. White Population of Age Males, 11,375. Females, 12,996. Newspapers Two weekly. Predominating Nationalities of Foreign Born Residents Hotels Italian. Two, with 82 rooms. Area 2.2 square miles. Altitude 191.51 ft. Railroads D., L. & W. and Erie. Average Temperature 54.4°. Amusements Assessed Valuation Four theatres. Seating capacity 4,900. $42,669,500. Tax Rate Hospitals $3.80. Three with 581 beds. Bonded Debt $4,174,500. Educational Parks 10 public schools, 2 high schools, 5 parochial Two. Also 1 County Park of 30 acres. schools. 5,612 pupils in public schools; in Financial parochial schools, 1,215. Three banks with total deposits of $11,687,- Public Library 006.77, resources of $13,066,141.35. Two Contains 51,000 volumes. savings banks with total deposits of $14,- 951,568.22. City Statistics Telephones 40 miles paved streets, 47.89 miles gas mains. 35,115 (includes East Orange & West Orange). 4.9 miles electric railways. 23.68 miles round trip bus routes. Water works has daily Church Buildings average pump of 2,800,000 gallons. 24 representing 8 denominations. Police Department Post Office Sales $299,038.94. 64 men. 1 station. 11 motor vehicles. Building Construction Fire Department 412 permits. Valuation $546,822. 48 men. 1 station. 7 pieces apparatus. “ What You Should Know About Your “ The helpful kind of patriotism is the kind that grows out of a knowledge of one's town, of her growth, her people, her property, her government, and her needs. This knowledge develops, first, an intelligent interest; then, a sympathy; then, a reasonable affection, a wise and temperate jealousy for her good name and a wish that she may prosper and grow more beautiful; and, finally, a desire to help her to become greater and finer, a bright and clean workshop and a home for the best of men and women."— John Cotton Dana. ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 11

A S u m m ary Suggested and Planned by American Community Advertising Association Adopted as a regular feature in all directories published by the Association of North American Directory Publishers Corrected Annually East Orange, N. J.

Form of Government Real Estate City—Mayor and Council. Number of homes, 18,900 with about 36 per cent owned by occupants. Population U. S. Gov’t Census (1940)— 68,945. Industrial Number of establishments, 51 employing 1,172 White Population Principal Products 62,995. Colored Population Electric motors, generators, etc., hydrants and water works supplies, aeronautic and auto­ 5,950. motive equipment, tools, vending machines. Number of All Males 31,896. Trade (Retail) Number of All Females Serves 1,000,000 within a 20 mile radius. 37,049. White Population of Age Newspapers Male, 23,752. Female, 29,002. One weekly. Hotels Predominating Nationalities of Foreign Bom Ten. Residents. Railroads . Italian. D., L. & W. and Erie. Area 4 square miles—Altitude 225 ft. Amusements Motion Picture Theatres 4 Average Temperature Hospitals 54.4°. Assessed Valuation One with 150 beds. $107,263,700. Educational Tax Rate Upsala College, Panzer College; 12 public $4.07. schools, including 2 senior high schools and 1 Bonded Debt junior high school; 4 parochial schools. 8,003 $9,201,945. pupils in public schools; 1,353 pupils in paro­ Parks chial schools. Five valued at $925,679.. Public Library Financial Contains 21,427 volumes. Three trust companies with total deposits of $37,146,610.54, and total resources of $40, City Statistics . 046,650.67. 75.45 miles paved streets. 90.49 miles gas Telephones mains. 8.18 miles electric railways. 34.57 35,115 (includes Orange & West Orange). miles round trip bus routes. 125.03 miles water mains. Capacity of municipal water Church Buildings works 12,000,000 gallons with a daily pump 43 representing 12 denominations. of 5,500,000 gallons. Value of plant $4,000,- Post Office Receipts 0 0 0 . Police Department $381,437.66. 111 men; 1 station; 14 pieces of motor equip­ Building Construction ment. 785 Building permits. Value of buildings erec­ Fire Department ted, $923,372. 90 men; 5 stations; 16 pieces apparatus. “ What You Should Know About Your City”

“ The helpful kind of patriotism is the kind that grows out of a knowledge of one's town, of her growth, her people, her property, her government, and her needs. This knowledge develops, first, an intelligent interest; then, a sympathy; then, a reasonable affection, a wise and temperate jealousy for her good name and a wish that she may prosper and grow more beautiful; and, finally, a desire to help her to become greater and finer, a bright and clean workshop and a home for the best of men and women."— John Cotton Dana. 12 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S

A Sum m ary Suggested and Planned by American Community Advertising Association Adopted as a regular feature in all directories published by the Association of North American Directory Publishers Corrected Annually South Orange, N. J.

Form of Government Post Office Receipts Village— Board of Trustees. $123,165.20. Building Construction Population 68 Permits value $508,015. U. S. Gov’t Census (1940)— 13,742. Real Estate 3,158 homes. About 77 per cent owned by oc­ White Population cupants. 13,041. Industrial Colored Population 6 establishments, employing 68. 701. Number of All Males Principal Products 6,268. Toilet preparations, celluloid specialties. Number of All Females 7,474. Trade (Retail) White Population of Age Serves 13,742 within a radius of 12 miles. Male, 4,252. Female, 5,453. Newspapers One weekly. Predominating Nationalities of Foreign Bom Railroads Residents. D „ L. & W. R. R. French. Area Amusements 2.87 square miles. Altitude 130 to 575 ft. One theatre seating capacity 960. Average Temperature Educational 54.4°.. Seton Hall College. Assessed Valuation 6 public schools, including 1 junior high school; $32,919,285. 1 parochial. 1,996 pupils in public schools; Tax Rate 412 in parochial. 4.02. Public Library Bonded Debt Contains 20,450 volumes. $1,647,023. Parks City Statistics Two, with 43 acres. 42 miles paved streets. 51 miles gas mains. Financial 3.209 miles electric street railways. 11.29 One bank and trust company with total de­ miles bus round trip. Water works capacity posits of $2,536,000.72, resources $2,746,- 40,150,000 gallons; daily pump of 1,300,000 823.25. gallons. Value $967,136. Telephones Police Department 15,179 (includes Maplewood). 37 men, 1 station, 7 pieces motor equipment. Churches Fire Department Six, representing five denominations. 17 men, 1 station, 5 pieces motor equipment.

“ What You Should Know About Your City”

“ The helpful kind, of patriotism is the kind that grows out of a knowledge of one’s town, of her growth, her people, her property, her government, and her needs. This knowledge develops, first, an intelligent interest; then, a sympathy; then, a reasonable affection, a wise and temperate jealousy for her good name and a wish that she may prosper and grow more beautiful; and, finally, a desire to help her to become greater and finer, a bright and clean workshop and a home for the best of men and women.” —-John Cotton Dana. ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 13

A S U M M A R Y Suggested and Planned by American Community Advertising Association Adopted as a regular feature in all directories published by the Association of North American Directory Publishers Corrected Annually West Orange, N. J.

Form of Government Building Construction Town—Commission. 351 permits, value $1,085,961. Population. Real Estate U. S. G ov’t Census (1940)— 25,662. Number of homes, 5,758. Industrial White Population 25,440. 22 establishments employing 1,796 Colored Population Principal Products 222. Alkaline storage batteries, electrical goods, Number of All Males radio sets, ediphones, ediplates, toasters, 12,601. numbering machines, metal textiles, incan­ Number of All Females descent lamps. 13,061. Trade (Retail) White Population of Age Males 8,377. Females 9,113. Serves 25,662 within a radius of 12 miles. Newspapers Predominating Nationality of Foreign Bom One weekly. Residents Hotels Italian. Five. Area Railroads 12.62 square miles. Altitude 200 to 600 ft. Erie. Amusements Average Temperature Two theatres seating capacity 1,931. 54.4°. Assessed Valuation Educational $45,942,178. 11 public schools, including 1 high school and 2 Tax Rate junior high schools, 1 parochial. 4,597 pupils 3.85. in public schools; in parochial schools 425. Bonded Debt Public Library $3,299,277.81 net debt. See Orange. Parks City Statistics Two, with 835 acres. 68 miles paved Streets 67.78 miles gas mains. 6.739 miles electric street railways. 18.15 Financial round trip bus mileage. Private water works .One bank, with deposits $5,435,906.70 and re­ with capacity of 25,000,000 gallons, a daily sources of $5,906,887.94. average pump of 9,000,000 gallons (includes Maplewood). Valued at about $6,000,000. Telephones 35,115 (includes Orange & East Orange) Police Department 44 men, 9 pieces of motor apparatus and 1 Church Buildings station. Ten, representing three denominations. Fire Department Post Office Receipts 40 men, 3 stations and 8 pieces motor equip­ (See Orange.) ment.

“ What You Should Know About Your City”

“ The helpful kind of patriotism is the kind that grows out of a knowledge o f one's town, of her growth, her people, her property, her government, and her needs. This knowledge develops, first, an intelligent interest; then, a sympathy; then, a reasonable affection, a wise and temperate jealousy for her good name and a wish that she may prosper and grow more beautiful; and, finally, a desire to help her to become greater and finer, a bright and clean workshop and a home for the best of men and women."— John Cotton Dana. 14 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S

A Sum m ary Suggested and Planned by Am erican Community Advertising Association Adopted as a regular feature in all directories published by the Association of North American Directory Publishers Corrected Annually Maplewood, N. J. Form of Government Post Office Receipts Township— Committee. >,369.12 Population Building Construction U. S. Gov’t Census (1940)— 23,139. 679 permits, value $781,140 White Population Real Estate. 22,824. Number of homes, 5,825; about 83 per cent owned by occupants. Colored Population 315. Industrial Number of All Males Number of establishments 14, employing 472 11,062. Principal Prpducts Jewelry, wire chains, golf clubs, razor blades. Number of All Females 12,077. Trade (Retail) Serves 23,139 within a radius of 12 miles. White Population of Age Males, 7,674. Females, 8,710. Newspapers One weekly. Predominating Nationality of Foreign Born Residents Railroads German. D .,L . & W . Amusements Area Altitude One theatre seating 1,400. 3% sq. miles. 250 to 450 ft. v Educational Average Temperature ^ 'ii. public schools including 1 high school (serv­ 54.4°. ing South Orange and Maplewood), 1 junior Assessed Valuation high school. 4,556 pupils in public schools; $42,684,140 321 pupils in 1 parochial school. Tax Rate Public Library $3.88 Contains 30,626 volumes. Bonded Debt $1,607,653.57 net debt. City Statistics 58.52 miles gas mains. 5% miles electric rail­ Parks ways. 30.95 miles round trip bus routes. Pri­ Two, with 38 acres. vate water works with capacity of 25,000,000 Financial gallons, a daily average pump of 9,000,000 gallons (Includes West Orange). Valued at One trust company with total deposits of about $6,000,000. $7,518,697.71 and resources of $8,147,070.50 Telephones Police Department 15,179 (Includes South Orange). 36 men, 1 station, 14 pieces'of motor equipment. Church Buildings Fire Department Eight, representing seven denominations. 26 men, 2 stations, 7 pieces of motor equipment. “ What You Should Know About Your City 99 “ The helpful kind of patriotism is the kind that grows out of a knowledge of one s town, of her growth, her people, her property, her government, and her needs. This knowledge develops, first, an intelligent interest, then, a sympathy; then, a reasonable affection, a wise and temperate jealousy for her good name and a wish that she may prosper and grow more beautiful; and, finally, a desire to help her to become greater and finer, a bright and clean wor shop and a home for the best of men and women."— John Cotton Dana. ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 15 1924 - 19th YEAR - 1942 Chamber of Commerce and Civics Oranges and Maplewood

This commercial and civic organization represents five municipalities, namely: East Orange, Orange, West Orange, South Orange and Maplewood. The population of the five is approximately 168,000. The Chamber not only participates in community affairs pertaining to each municipality but is a clearance house through which any two or more municipalities may act collectively on one project. The membership of the Chamber of Commerce and Civics includes nearly 1,000 of our most prominent and influential citizens and business men and women in industry and mercantile activity. The organization serves all business and residential interests of the Oranges and Maplewood and gives information to visitors to the five municipalities constituting its area of service.


President: NATIONAL AND STATE LEGISLATION: Measures pending at Washington and Trenton E. MORGAN BARRADALE are carefully analyzed as to their effect upon local business and community interests, and representa­ Senior Vice-President: tions made to members of Congress and of the State Legislature accordingly. JOHN O’CONNOR PUBLIC HEALTH:

- Participation by the five municipalities in the Vice-President in charge of Commerce: annual national contest for health conservation NORMAN E. NORMAN has brought substantial improvement in the com­ munity health program.

Vice-President in charge of Civics: COMMUNITY PLANNING: Analysis of deteriorating areas, and study of CARROLL DURHAM SMITH methods for rehabilitation are part of the long­ time objective of the Chamber. National Councillor: HIGHWAY SAFETY: DENIS F. O’BRIEN The hazards of the road, reflected in serious increases in accidents, justify the important place Treasurer: this subject is given by the organization. MILTON A. DISBROW NEW INDUSTRIES: Intelligent and properly directed efforts in the Executive Secretary: placement of new industrial units, appropriate to the high-class residential character of the com­ A. EDMUND WILLIAMSON munity characterizes the Chamber’s work in this direction. COST OF GOVERNMENT: DIRECTORS Sub-committees for the five municipalities partic­ ipate with public officials in analysis o f proposed Everett P. Batch Howard B. Lloyd budgets each year, to assure economy in govern­ ment consistent with high local standards. E. Morgan Barradale Mrs. Clarence B. Mills WASTE DISPOSAL: Norman E. Norman Stanley R. Bristow A long-time plan for effective and economical R. C . D oop John O ’Connor waste disposal is under way, and has the fullest cooperation of the municipalities. Charles Hasler Ralph Richards WAR-TIME ACTIVITY: Rt. Rev. James F. Kelley Carroll Dunham Smith Every department of the Chamber gives first con­ sideration to interests related to the war, and the Richard H. Weber William E< Kennedy fullest cooperation is rendered to all business Edgar Williamson, Jr. interests affected thereby.


E xe c u tiv e S e c r e t a r y - 19 So. H a r r is o n S t . EAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY 16 . 1942—THE PEICE & LEE CO.’S

Common Sense About City Directory Circulation

e true value of advertising circula­ tion is circulation consulted.

o be ex a ct by actual survey in twenty-four average American cities by actual count each city directory averaged three and one-half con­ sultations for each business day.

be conservative we will eliminate the sixty Sundays and Holidays when no tests were made.

F or every thousand directories sold there will be an average of three and one-half daily consultations for each book for three hundred and five days, therefore—

1000 x 354x305= 1,067,500 Consultations or Circulation Consulted OEANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 17


City Hall, 29 N Day. Sec. to the Chief and Sec. Bureau of Fire Prevention— 57— Main c Park. Board of Commissioners— (Regular meetings on 1st and Charles W. Post. 58— Main c Hillyer. 3d Tuesdays of each month at eight o’clock in the Chief Inspector of the Bureau of Fire Prevention- 59— Main and N Jefferson. evening in the City Hall.) Director of Public Affairs, Deputy Chief, Charles Roberts. 61— Hillside av c Berkeley av. Thomas Moloney; Director of Revenue and Finance, First Platoon. 62— 'Centre c Tremont av. Mayor Ovid C. Bianchi; Director o f Public Safety, Truck No. 1)—Capt. James Walsh. 63— Main c Day. Maurice‘H. Caldwell; Director of Public Works, Rus­ Engine No. 1 and 2— Capt. Edward Burke. 64— Berkeley av c Heywood av. sell ~A. Riley; Director of Parks and Public Property, Engine No. 3— Capt. James Andrurilo. 65— Hawthorne c N. Day. Ralph E Giordano. Second Platoon. 67— Main c Centre. Planning Board— Frank M. Reynolds, Sec.; Mrs. Sher­ Deputy Chief— 'Charles Roberts. 68— Scotland rd c McChesney. man L. Black, Marcel Villanueva, Chairman; James Truck No. 1— Capt. Max Sagerer. 71 and 414— Orange Memorial Hospital (private), H. Bynum, John Harrington, Felix J. Verlangieri, Engine No. 2— 'Capt. George Eager. 72— Centre c Reynolds. Kenneth F. Crane. Engine No. 3— Capt. Lawrence Smith. 73— Heywood c Haxton av. City Clerk— William F. Christiansen. Fire Alarm Telegraph. 121— F. Berg & Co. S. Jefferson c Forest, (private). City Counsel— Edmond J. Dwyer. 7a— Orthopaedic Hospital, Frankfort c Lincoln av. 122— Electric Light Station Lakeside av. (private). Treas.— -John C. Crowe. (private) 124— Car Hoifse, Washington, (private). City Physician-— Dr. Frederico Luongo. 12— Forest c Valley. 125— Burnside and Carroll. Judge of Police Court— Philip Singer. 13— Center opp St. Mary’s Hospital. 212— Lakeside av c Mt Vernon av. Supt. of City Home— Richard D. Quinn. 14— Central av opp Central pi. 321— Essex c D. L. & W. R. R. Asst. Supt. of City Home— Mrs. Katharine Quinn. 15— Parrow c Hickory. Overseer of 'Poor— Harriet L. Pierce. 16— In front of Cleveland St School. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT/ Building Inspector— Edward A. Morrison. 17— Oakwood av opp Public School. Board of Education— Pres., Daniel J. Brennan; John R. Plumbing Inspector— Patrick Cahill. 18— Centre opp Reock. Pitman, Mrs. S. Bayard Colgate, William Hilde­ Sanitary Inspector— Edward Gerner. 19— Hill opp Collins. brand, Dr. Alexander Cecere. Daniel Brennan. City Engineer— Kenneth Crane. 21— Thomas c Hayward. Supt. of Schools— Howard J. McNaughton, office, Cen­ Chief Engineer— Fred Luthy. 23— Dodd c Sheridan. tral av c Lincoln av. Cotnmissioners of Sinking Fund— Frederick G. Burkardt, 24— Washington opp High. Schools, Location and Principals. George E. Spottiswoode, Ovid C. Bianchi, William H. 25— Ward c Park. High School— 384 Central av c Lincoln av. Howard L. Werner, Clifford G. Issler, Secretary. 26— Washington opp Day. Goas. Tax Assessor— Frank M. Reynolds. 27— High opp Hawthorne. Central School— 373 Main. (Back of Colgate School). Municipal Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control— Wilbur 28— Cleveland c Park av. Wallace M. Broadbent. J. Bernard, 'Chairman; Robert W. Rossi, Harry J. 29— Park Av School. Cleveland St. School— 355 Cleveland. Frank L. Yost. Callaghan, Sec. 31— William opp Canfield. Colgate School— 369 Main. Howard L. Goas, Prin., 32.— Park av c Summer. Frank L. Yost, V. Prin. 33— White c Ridge. Forest St School— 651 Forest. Florence J. Lacey. POLICE DEPARTMENT. 34— Tremont c Lincoln avs. Heywood Av. School— 421 Heywood av. Robert M. Headquarters, 29 N. Day. 35— Tremont av c Langdon. Rodgers. Chief— Joseph P. McGonnell. 36— S Day c Ilurlbut. Lincoln Av. School— '216 Lincoln av. Dwight B. Burley. Capt.— Michael Giordano. 37— Day c Wallace. Oakwood Av. School— 135 Oakwood av. Chester B Lieuts.— Thomas Riley, Harry Kloeble, Thomas Hamil­ 39— High c Alden. Bunco. ton, Martin Rogers. 41— Henry c Essex av. Park Av. School— 231 'Park av. Leonard Cronk. Sergeants— William Bryne, Anthony DeBellis, Joseph 42— Forest c S Jefferson. Tremont Av. School— 593 Lincoln av. Robert M. MeCartney, Michael McDermott, Peter Mahon, Ed­ 43— L'ncoln c Mechanic. Rodgers. ward Burke, Elmer Johnson, Grover A. Dietrich. 44— S Jefferson c Freeman. Director of Public Safety— Maurice Caldwell. 45— Valley c McChesney. LIBRARY. Police Chaplains— Rev. Edgar R. Schlueter, Rev. Victor 46— Scotland rd c Frankfort. Orange Free Library— 348 Main. Hours, Mon Wed J. Ranly. 47— Jefferson c Glebe. Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Sat., 9 a.m. to 6 Patrolmen— 49. 48— 'Mitchell c S. Jefferson. p.m. Reading Room same hours. Pres., John L. B. Matron— Anna Murphy. 49— Bell opp Maryland. Williams; V. Pres., William G. Halsey; See., Solomon 51— Nassau c S Jefferson. C. Strong; Asst. Sec., Winthrop Holmes; Treas., Mrs. 52— Highland av c Lincoln av. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Edward 0. Stanley; Asst. Treas/ Mrs. L. Stowell 53— Valley c Argyle av. Clark; Librarian, John B. Fogg; Staff, M. Gladys 419 Central av. 54£—Morris c Scotland rd. Quinby. Charlotte Jenkins, Lillian Hammers, Harriot Director of Public Safety— Maurice H. Caldwell. 55— Main c High. W. Grosenbaugh, Helen Morin, Florence Ingels Chief— George J. Gmeiner. 56— Main c Pierson al. Elizabeth Reeve, Grace Nelson.

EAST ORANGE CITY GOVERNMENT City Hall, 56 Arlington PI. Street Opening— Joya, Olson, Macwithey. Pension Commission. Mayor— Charles H. Martens. Ordinance— Metz, Fry, Joya. Mayor Charles H. Martens, Pres.; Alvin W. Johnson City Cle’rk— Alice I. Webster. Poor and Alms— Olson, Joya, Vincent. Sec.; Warren A. Clapp, Treas.; Anthony Sicoransa’, City Counsel— Walter C. Ellis. General Welfare— Macwithey, Knolhoff, Olson. William Wiley, J. Easton Williams, Charles E Asst. City Counsel— Luke M. McICenny. J. Easton Williams— Secretary to Council Committees. Daniel. City Treasurer— Warren A. Clapp. Board of Assessments. Collector of Taxes— Harold E. Nooney. Board of Health. James H. Muchmore, Chairman; Herman B. Lehlbach, Acting Auditor-—J. Easton Williams; (Offices at 441 Main). Sec.;' Donald W. Willett. City Engineer— W illiam'D. Willigerod. George A McLellan, M.D., Pres.; J. H. McCroskery, Overseer of the Poor— Clarence A. Hastings. Board of Assessors. M .D ., Mrs. Frederick M. Knapp. W illiam C. Goss’ City Physician— Walter L. Harrington, M.D. Edward M. Terry, Pres.;»Henry C. Williams, Herbert L. Henry E. Freytag, F. J. Osborne, Health Officer and Police Surgeon— William P. Burpeau, M.D. Vanderbeek, Sec.; Clifford B. Hoyt, Edward H Sec. Terrell. Recorder— Herman E. Hillenbach. Board of School Estimates. Building Inspector— Mattheus Howard. Board of Adjustment. Mayor Charles H. Martens, Chairman; Karl J. Olson Engineer of Water Dept.— Roswell M. Roper. Charles E. Rousek, M. DeForest, Soverel, Sec.; Edgar Scott Harris, James A. Quinn, Herbert C. Mercer. City Electrician— William H. Jordan. Williamson, Jr., Pierce M. Berry, V. Chairman; Municipal Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Sec. to Mayor— Helen B. Barnes. George L. O’ Brien, 'Chairman. Harry Sharp, Pres.; Harry T. Nolan, Edward L. Hazen Sec. C ity Council. . . Sinking Fund Commission. First Ward— James L. Macwithey, Karl J. Olson. William A. Jones, Pres.; Herbert J. 'Packer, Sec.; War­ Board of Police Commissioners— See Police Dept. Second Ward— Cyrus H. Vail, Arthur C. Knolhoff. ren A. Clapp, Treas.; E. Rowland H ill, Charles T. Board of Fire Commissioners— See Fire Dept Third Ward— William S. Levins, Nicholas Joya. Riottfc, Karl J. Olson. Board1 of Education— See School Dept. Fourth Ward— Reginald P. Vincent, Charles W. Fry. District Court. Fifth Ward— James A. Quinn, William F. Metz. Shade Tree Commission. 61 N. Munn av., E. 0. Council Committees. Franklin I. Marsh, Pres!; Martin A. Herman, Sec. and Harry W. Lindeman, Judge; Denis L. Conroy, Clerk. Finance— Olson, Knolhoff, Joya, Vincent, Metz. City Forester; Arthur L. Felsenheld. Recorder’s Court. Roads— Metz. Macwithey, Vail, Levins, Vincent, Board of Recreation Commissioners. 61 N Munn Av., E. 0 Sewer— Macwithey, Vail, Metz, Levins, Fry. DeWitt C. Reynolds, Pres.; John M. Rowley, sec.; Herman) E. Hillenback, Judge Sanitary— Vincent, Knolhoff, Fry. Frances H. Haire, Director of Recreation; Howard b ’ J. Frank Tilley, Clerk. Building— Olson, Fry, Vincent. Lloyd, Mrs. Roy V. Wright. Transportation— Levins, Vail, Knolhoff. Zoning— 'Vail, Knolhoff, Levins. Board of Water Commissioners. Headquarters, 61 N. Munn av. Legislative & Motion Picture— Joya, Frv, Metz. Frank H. Taylor, Pres.; Roswell M. Roper, Sec.- W. Street Lighting— Vail, Macwithey, Levins. Hillyer Ragsdale, John L. Becker. Police Commissioners— Pres., Frank L. Kramer. See George A. Beardsley; Stephen P. Robinson Jr 18 1942-^THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S Chief— Christian N. Dell. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Trustees— Howard Krausche, N. Plainfield; Robert L. Captains— William E. Wiley, James F. Flannery. Board of Education— -Pres., Herbert C. Mercer; V. Pres., Stewart, Glen Ridge; J. Frederick Cook, Newark; Lieutenants— Frank Clintock, Joseph A. Hector, James Scott Harris; Mrs. George Ross Starr, Charles P. C. John Kuhn, Montclair; Wildy V. Singer, Rahway; H. Jones. Gulick, Alexander B. Dewar. Mrs. Paul Blakeslee, E. Orange; Scott Harris, East OrAnge. Sergeant^— Thomas Collins, John Silvey, Earle Mac- Supt. of Schools— Henry E. Kentopp, office 19 Winans. Intire, Edward H. Williams, Frank A. Sullivan, John Sec.-Bus. Mgr.-— Herbert J. Condit, Jr. Dean— Holger F. Kilander. J. Beck, Robert Springfield, Joseph McGinley, Armon Medical Inspectors— Dr. Anne S. Brim, Dr. William B. Registrar— Agnes Burnham. Hilliard, John Walsh. Nevius. Alumni Assn.— Pres., Vincent Farrell. School Dentist— Dr. James Finley. Secretary— Mrs Franklin A. Duelly. Schools, Location and Principals. High School— 34 N. Walnut. Galen Jones. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Clifford J. Scott High SchooLr^l29 Renshaw av. Lemuel LIBRARY. Headquarters, 466 Main. R. Johnston. Free Public Library (G ift of Andrew Carnegie)— 291 Main. Open Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 9 P.m., Satur­ Fire Commissioners— John A. Bowman, V, Pres.; Fred­ Vernon L. Davey Junior High School— 161 Elmwood av. day 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Trustees, Pres., James L. Gara- erick Swift, Sec. Paul S. Miller. Ashland School— 450 Park av. Arthur D. Hollingshead. brant; Hoyt D. Lufkin, Mrs. Howard V. Mattoon, D. Chief— Charles A. McGinley. Columbian School— 420 N. Grove, Paul F. Pochler, Jr. Barclay Nevius. Reuben T. Peabody. Mrs. Howard V. Asst. Chiefs— Samuel Cohen, Thomas W. Baldwin. Eastern School— 200 Main. John T. Greenan. Mattoon, Secretary. Mayor Charles H. Martens, ex- Lineman— William Stucky. Elmwood School— 339 S. Burnet. W. George Hayward. officio; Supt. of Schools Henry E. Kentopp, ex-officio. Asst. Lineman— Harold J. Alger. Franklin School— 215 Dodd. Ernest W. Tuttle. Librarian and Asst. Secretary, Adeline T. Davidson; Clerk— Mrs. Grace S. Petri. Lincoln School— 120 Central av. Charles T. Cowan. Asst Librarian, Florence I. Holmes; Heads of Depts.; Engine Co. No. 1— ’466 Main. Captain Henry Menzel. Nassau School— 330 Central av. C. DeWitt Boney. Lending, Jessie R. Avery; Reference, Ora F. King; Engine Co. No. 2— 35 Hollywood Plaza. Captains Stockton School— 100 Greenwood av. John T. Greenan. Cataloguing, Marjorie M. Spencer; Children’ s, Ruth Arthur Albers. Thomas Weir. Washington School— 171 Sanford. Charles R. Collins. L. Girton; Order, Ethel C. Trudeau; Supv. School Engine Co. No. 3— 321 Dodd. Captains William Har- Ungraded School— 200 Main. John T. Greenan. Work, R. Nance Stauffer. rigan, Einer Nelson. Supervisors and Special Teachers— Home Economics Su­ Ampere Branch— 39 Ampere Plaza. Open Mon. Wed. Engine Co. No. 4— 410 Springdale av. Captains George pervisor, Laura C. Fawcett; Industrial Arts Super­ Fri. 2-9 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Sat. 2-6 p.m. Librarian, Daggett, Augustus Maher. visor, Ernest W. Tuttle; Instrumental Music, Clar­ Anne J. Hubley. Engine Co. No. 5— 205 Elmwood av . Captains George ence P. Herfurth; Penmanship, Florence M. Smith; Elmwood Branch— Elmwood av c S. Clinton. Open Mon. Rebhan, William Handler. Supervisor of Art, Louise Naber. W'ed. Fri. 2-9 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Sat. 2-6 p.m. Li­ Truck Co. No. 1— 466 Main. Captains John Wiley. Attendance Officer— Ruth Coryell. brarian, Anna F. Weibezahl. Thomas Walsh. Franklin Branch— Dood c Colonial Ter. Open Mon. Truck Co. No. 2— 35 Hollywood Plaza. Captain Anthony PANZER COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND Wed. Fri. 2-9 p.m. Tues. Thurs. Sat. 2-6 p.m. Li­ Sicoransa. HYGIENE. brarian, Grace H. Hoysradt. Rescue Squad Co. No. 1— 466 Main. Captains John 139 Glefiwood av., E. 0. Main Library and branches closed on Sundays and holi­ O’Connor, Henry Hector. Pres.— Margaret C. Brown. days


Town Hall, 574 Valley M. Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1— Dunnell rd., M. Capt., Clinton School— 27 Berkshire rd., M. Anne B. Stock- Township Committee— Milo S. Borden, Chairman; Col. Charles Haas; Lt., Dennis Maher; Lt., Louis Zimmer. well, A.M. Francis F. Longley, Harold G. McNeil, Ellsworth G. Maplewood Hose Co. No. 1— Dunnell rd., M. Capt., H. Fielding School— 525 Academy, M. Juliaette Stewart. Ferreira, Thomas W. Sweeney. C. Stewart. First St. School— 61 First, S. 0. Frank B. Stoner. Collector of Taxes— Stephen Y. Ronnie. Hilton Hose Co. No. 2— 1536 Springfield av., M. Lt., Jefferson School— 518 Ridgewood rd., M. Ruth W. Assessor--!-A. E. Weiler. Joseph Scott; Lt.. Alvin Aman. Munson. Township Clerk— Edward R. Acularius. Marshall School— 262 Grove rd., S. 0. Elizabeth H. Overseer of Poor— Edward R. Acularius. Arcularius, A.M. Recorder— Thomas Ingham. Montrose School— 356 Clark, S. 0. Katharine Duryee, Township Physician— William F. Thornley, M.D. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. B S Road Supervisor— Robert Wareing. (S. Orange and Maplewood.) Seth Boyden School— 280 Boyden Av., M. Grace E. Koerner, A.B. Board of Education— Pres., Walter C. Bennett; Edward South Mountain School— 464 S. Orange av., West., S. POLICE DEPARTMENT. H. Austin, Mrs. Grace U. Sayre, Albert H. Hedden-, 0. Lucina G. Carter, A.M. Headquarters, 90 Dunnell rd., M. Samuel W. Murphy, Oliver E. Buckley, Mrs. Marjorie Tuscan School— 25 Harvard av., M. Ruth A. Ireland. Chief— -Gustave Swan. F. Hosford, Ambrose J. Walsh, Martin Bennett. Capt.— Edwin Adler. District Clerk— Margaret M. Pryor. LIBRARY. Capt.— George Gitt. Custodian— Herbert C. Kammerer. Sergeants— William Fatzler, Robert Price, Harold Supervising Prin.— John H. Bosshart, A. B., office Maplewood Public Library— 162 Maplewood av. Opens Dowd, Fred Tuefel, Herbert Volk. Clinton School, 27 Berkshire rd., M. every day excepting Sun. and holidays, hours, 9:30 Patrolmen— 28. Schools, Location and Principals. a.m. to 6 p.m .; Mon. Wed. and Fri., 9:30 a.m. to Mechanics— Frank Young, Donald Bahrs. Columbia High School— 17 Parker av., M. Curtis H. 9 p.m. Pres., Mrs. L. A. Keyes; Sec., Mrs. E. Horn- Stenographer— Samuel Houghtaling. Threlkeld, A.M. beck; Treas., D. W. Rauscher; Librarian. Mabel F. Maplewood Junior High School— 7 Burnet, M. Ross 0. Langton. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Runnels, B.S., A.M., Ph.D. Hilton Branch— 1536 Springfield av., M. Daily 2 to 6 Headquarters, Dunnell rd c Oakland rd, M. South Orange Junior High School— 21 Academy, S. 0. p.m. Mon., Tues. and Thurs., 2 to 9 p.m. Sat. 2 to 6 Chief— Fred W. Cordesv Amy B. Barnetson, A.M. p.m., Branch Librarian. Mary L. Hetherington. ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 J9


Village Hall,, 101 S. Orange av. Board of Trustees. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Village Election Fourth Tuesday in April. Village President, Spencer Miller, Jr.; Thomas H. Ben­ Headquarters, First and Sloan at DL&W Station. ton, Dilliam S. Doyle, Joseph J. Dreyer, John J. Chief— John C. Loughran. Village President— Spencer Miller, Jr. Magovern, Jr., Charles R. Piper, Harold Sinclair, Fire Alarm Telegraph. Village Clerk— M. A. Fitzsimmons. . M. A. Fitzsimmons, Village Clerk. In case of fire go to the nearest telephone and call Asst, to Village Clerk— Mary S. Hartigan. S. 0 . 3200. Treasurer— Howard S. Watkins. 12— Prospect c Irvington av. Collector of Taxes— M. A. Fitzsimmons. 13— Prospect c Garfield pi. Collector of Water Kates— M. A. Fitzsimmons. 14— Academy c Roland av. Asst to Collector— 'Sadie M. Scully. 15— Valley bet 4th and Roland av. Police Justice— John S. Magee. STREET AND SEWER DEPARTMENTS. 16— Academy n 4th. Overseer of Poor— M. A. Fitzsimmons. Trenchard Place. 17— Valley c 3d. Water Superintendent-—Joseph E. Scott. Foreman Street Dept.— Thomas F. Fitzsimmons. 21— S Orange av c Prospect. Health Inspector— Dr. A. C. Benedict. Foreman Sewer Dept.— D. Mercadante. 22— S Orange av c Ward pi. Engineer— Arthur L. Demarest. 23— Irvington av c Fairview av. Inspector of Buildings-—Everitt Bird. 24— Cameron rd c S. Kingman rd. Plumbing Inspector— Joseph J. Turner. 25— S. Orange av c Stanley rd. Board of .Health— Mrs, Nevltt S. Bartow, Joseph J. 26— -Irvington av c -Eder ter. Turner, Dr. Charles Dane, Fred Radd, Dr. Thomas STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF 31— Centre c Montrose av. Magovern, Dr. A. C. Benedict. TRUSTEES. 32— Centre c Warwick av. Board of Assessments— Albridge C. Smith, Pres.; Louis Pres. Ex-officio member of all committees. 33— Berkeley av c Warwick av. F. Bird, John F O’Brien, Henry J. Auth, Alfred S. Building Code— Piper, Dreyer, Sinclair. 34— Montrose av c Hartford rd. Clark, Sec. Finance— Benton. Doyle, Dreyer. 35— Grove rd c Turrell av. Board of Assessors— Sadie M Scully, Clk.; John F. Fire— Magovern, Doyle, Benton. 41— Scotland rd c Raymond av. O'Brien, Pres.; Walter E. Williams, Fred J. Lovatt, Insurance— Magovern, Piper, Dreyer. 42— Scotland rd c Montrose av. Sec. Lamps— Benton, Piper, Sinclair. 43— -Charlton av c Raymond av. Legislative— Doyle, Benton, Piper. 44— Charlton av c Irving av. Board of Recreation Commissioners— Joseph A. Carter, License— Doyle, Magovern, Benton. 45— Vose av c Mead. Pres.; Mrs. Emily L. Hill, Sec.; Clarence B. Riker, Ordinance— Magovern, Sinclair, Dreyer. 51— 'Vose av c Randolph pi. M. A. Fitzsimmons, Richard A. Hartz. Parks— Dreyer, Doyle, Piper. 52— Montrose av c Meeker. Shade Tree Commission— Mrs. David L. George, Pres.; Police— Doyle, Dreyer, Benton. 53— Hillside pi c Mountain House rd. A. Louis Scott, Carleton B. Riker, Sadie M. Scully, Poor and Alms— Dreyer, Magovern, Sinclair. 54— Ridgewood rd c Melrose pi. Sec. Purchase— Benton, Sl-nclair, Dreyer. 56— Ridgewood rd ,c Mead. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund Commission— 'Vil­ Public Buildings— Piper, Doyle, Magovern. 61— S Orange av and D. L. & W. R. R. lage President, John R. Salisbury, Pres.; Walter C. Public Utilities— Sinclair, Magovern, Piper. 62— Ridgewood rd c Tillou rd. Bennett, Irving Sickley ; Howard S. Watkins, Treas.; Scavenger— Piper, Benton, Sinclair. 63— Church c '3d. Pres., Ex-officio. Sewers— Dreyer, Piper, Magovern. 64— —Ridgewood rd c Rynda rd. Streets— Dreyer, Magovern, Benton. 65— Ridgewood rd; c Lenox av. Police and Fire Pension Fund Commission— Village Water— Sinclair, Piper, Doyle. 67— Wyoming av c S Orange av. President, Peter J. Loughran, Pres.; M. A. Fitz­ 71— Underhill rd c Laurel pi. simmons, Sec. Zoning— Sinclair, Doyle, Magovern. W. P. A.— Piper, Benton, Doyle. 72— Brookwood rd e Wyoming av. Municipal Employees Pension Fund— Village President, 73— S. Harding dr and Hemlock ter. James A. O’Hearn, David H. Jones, Sadie M. Scully, 74— Duffield rd c Brewer ct. Sec. 75— Hoskier rd c Glenview rd. Board of Adjustments— Harry Wright, Pres.; Wilbur B. Halsey, Cyril C. Baldwin, Ralph G. Schwebemeyer, POLICE DEPARTMENT. LIBRARY. Russell P. Walker, Mary S. Hartigan, Sec. Headquarters, S. Orange av c Scotland rd., S. 0. South Orange Public Library— Scotland rd c Taylor pi. Planning Commission— A. Burton Cohen, Chairman: Marshal— Thomas L. McGuire. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily except Sundays John J. Magovern, Jr., Franklin R. Sandford, Jr., Lieutenants— John J. Mattie, John R. Preston, Peter and holidays. Pres., Arthur L. Brainerd; Sec.. Louis E^ Bird, Harold Sinclair, Mildred W. Farrell, J. Loughran. Richard T. Wood; Treas., James L. Black, Jr.; Li­ Sec. Pat rol men—th ir t y . brarian, Helen Hill Harris. 20 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S


Municipal Bdg., 66 Main. . 5— Senior High School. 325— -Pleasant Valley Way c Eagle Rock Mfg Co. Mayor— Bernard M. Degnan. 6— Fairmount School. 326— Eagle Bock av c Laurel av. Town Clerk— Ronald C. Alford. 7— Washington School. 331— Johnson rd and Caldwell ter. Collector of Taxes— George W. Koclier. 8— Eagle Bock School. Telephone Call 3-0220. Back Taps 3 blows. Recorder— James A. Degnan. 9— Pleasantdale School. Special Calls— 5 Blows. Town Treasurer— George C. Kayes. 12— 'Burnet ter. * Town Attorney— Gerald T. Foley. 13— Lawrence av c Overlook av. Custodian— Patrick A. Quinn. 14— Hillside av c Wellington av. Director of Public Affairs— Charles! L. Neill. 15— Gregory av c Forest Hill. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Director of Revenue and Finance— F. C. Erwin. 16— Joyce c Valley rd. Board of Education— Pres., Herbert Barry; V. Pres., Director o f 'Public Works— 'Frank A. O’ Connor. 17— Ashland av c Lakeside av. William J. Murray; District Clerk, W. Russell Rine­ Director of Public Safety— Francis A. Byrne; 18— Cross c Hazel av. hart, Henry E. Mecke, Mrs. Chester Guinn, Clifford 21— Northfleld rd c VaUey rd. Director o f Parks and Public Property— Bernard M. R. O’Neill. Degnan. 22— 'Riggs c Bollinson. Supervising Prin.— Solomon C. Strong, office, High Engineer— Henry C. Warnick. 23— Edison Works, (p) School Bdg., Northfleld av. Building Inspector— Fred J. Wolfe. 24— Mt Pleasant av' c Mountain View av. Overseer of the Poor— Mary E. Knevels. 25— King c Main. Medical Inspectors— Austin Thompson, M.D., Fred Health Officer— Dr. Kurt W. Thum; Herman Fred­ 27— White c Main. Hasney, M.D. ericks, Chief Clk. 26— Washington c Watchung av. Dentist— B. F. Sweeney, D.D.S. 28— Rollinson c Pillot. Tax Assessors— William Kerr, 0. Warwick Telfair, Schools, Location and Principals. Louis Lando, Joseph Harrington, Tax Search Clk. 31— Mitchell c Tompkins. High School— 120 Northfleld av. Frederick W. Reim- Playground Supervisor— William Boland. 32— High n Ridge av. herr, M.A. Sinking Fund Commission— Ronald C. Alford, Sec.; 33— Harrison av c Main. Gaston St. Junior High School— 10 Gaston. John J. George C. Kayes, Treas.; Famham Yardley, Harry E. 34— Ft of Cable rd. Griffin, M.A. Pickenbach, Frederick C Erwin, Bernard M. Deg­ 35— Park av c Ashland, av. nan, Charles Hosier. 36— Watson av c Chestnut. Thomas A. Edison Junior High School— 75 William. Zoning Board of Adjustment— Douglas P. Laidlaw, 87— Main c Charles. Leslie F. Bender, M.A. Chairman; Fred C W ilcox, Vice-Chairman; J. Edward 41— Lawrence av c Valley rd. Theodore Roosevelt Junior High School— 36 Gilbert Fadde. S. Whitney Landon, Jr., George W. Merck. 42— Walker av c Gregory av. pi. Raymond E. Hearn, M.A. Andrew H. Owen, Sec. 43— Northfleld av c Cobane ter. 45— 'Kingsley c Whittingham pi. Eagle Rock School— 29 Eagle Rock av. Earl McCaw. Planning Board— John Drake, Chairman; Dorothy Con- M.A. dit, David B. Blake, Peter H. Glannan, Edgar Bam­ 51— Hutton 'Park. berger, S. Whitney Landon, Jr., William F. Bert- 52— Mountain av c Park Way. Fairmount School— 22 Municipal Plaza. Charles Lee schinger, Mayor Bernard M. Degnan; Commissioner 53— Tulip av c Oak Bend. Weigle, M.A. Frank A. O’Connor, H. C. Wamick, Engineer. 54— Lindsley av c Caston. Gregory School— 301 Gregory av. Eugene P. Miller, West Orange Board of Alcoholic Beverage Control— - 55— Essex County Country Club, (p) A . B. F. C. Erwin Chairman; R. C. Alford, Sec.; Francis 61— Park Way c Glen av. Hazel Av School— 45 Hazel av. Chester H. Wine, A. Byrne, Mayor Bernard M. Degnan. 62— Northfleld av c Whittingham pi. 64— Alden c Watchung av. M.A. 65— Ridge c Franklin av. Pleasantdale School— 539 Pleasant Valley Way. Sixth 71— Maple av c Harrison av. Grade, Mildred MacMillan. POLICE DEPARTMENT. 72— Valley Way and Allen. St Cloud School— 95 Sheridan av. Sixth Grade A. M. 73— Franklin av c Elm. Headquarters, 66 Main. Atwan, M.A. 74— Cherry c Ashwood ter. Chief— Harry H. Hain. 75— McKinley av c Main. Washington School— 176 Franklin av. Neal D. Quimhy, Captain— Anthony Christiano. 81— Colony dr E n Brook dr. M.A. Lieutenants— Bernard Heslin, William H. Wood, Henry 82— 'Mitchell and Gregory av. Supervisors and Special Teachers— -Elementary Super­ W. Closs, John Neagle. 83— Bradford av and Belgrade ter. visor, Inez M. Johnson, M .A .; Art, Raida Osborn; Sergeants— Philip Christ, Edward Greene, John B. 84— Club blvd and Collamore ter. Instrumental Music, Jennings Butterfield; Asst. In­ Dangler. 86-— Roosevelt School. strumental Music, Robert C. Heath, B.S.; Vocal Patrolmen— Thirty-Five. 121— Northfleld av c St Cloud av. Music, Earle W. Barnes, M.A.; Asst. Vocal Musie, 122:—Eagle Rock c Forest av. Maureen Montgomery; Household Arts, Edna J. 123— St Cloud pi. Benson, M.A.; Physical Training, Ida L. Menne, 124— Fairview av c Ridgeway av. B . S., Supv., Robert C. Callard, B .P .E .; Manual Arts, FIRE DEPARTMENT. 125— Northfleld av. Bell Entrance. Merlin J. Finch, B.S., George Lush, B.A.; Teacher Headquarters, Valley rd c Whittingham pi. 126— Harvard ter c Orange Heights av. of Crippled Children, Mary E. Barry, Marjorie M. 213— Northfleld av. St. Cloud Hotel. Cotton, B.A.; Testing Teacher, Mary Francisco, Hose Co. No. 1— Valley rd c Whittingham pi. Acting 231— Edison Storage Battery, (p) M.A.; Home Economics, Jeanne A. Gladwin. B.S., Capt. Joseph Allerton, Capt., Martin P. Odendahl, 232— Edison Phonograph Works, (p) Jeanne G. Savadge, B.S. Jr. 233— Alden. (p) Hose Co. No. 2— 92 Washington. Capts., Leo G. 312— Mountain av c Ridgeway av. Coleman, James P. Byrne. 313— Robinson Entrance and Prospect av. Hose Co. No. 3— M t Pleasant pi. Capts., Frank R. 314— Prospect av and Mt. Pleasant av. LIBRARIES. Dunham, David B. Syme, Jr. 315— Mt. Pleasant av at Incinerator Fire Alarm Telegraph. 321— —Pleasant Valley Way n Pine House. (Branches of the Orange Free Library) (p) Private. 322— r-Pleasant Valley Way c Eagle Rock av. Deposit Stations— Gregory Av. School, Pleasantdale 3— Gregory School. 323— Prospect c Eagle Rock av. School, St. Cloud School. 4— Hazel Av School. 324— Pleasant Valley Way n Eagle Rock av. Tory Comer Branch— 242 Main. ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 21

Courts and County, State and U. S. Government Officers, Post Offices, etc.

COURTS. Essex County Court. Raymond L. Mahoney; County Purchasing Agents, U. S. Circuit Court o f Appeals for the Third Circuit. 1st Toes, in April, 3d Tues. in Sept, and 2d Tues. in George C. Bergen; County Pb^ieian, Harrison S. Hon. Owen J. Roberts, Circuit Justice, Washington. D ec. Mart land; Asst. County Physicians, C. BeraidineDi, D . C. Chief Justice Supreme Court, Presiding. Charles W. George P. Oleott, Jr. Circuit Judges— Hon. John Biggs, Jr., Wilmington, Parker; Circuit Court Judges, William A Smith. DeL; Hon. Albert B. Maris, Pennsylvania; Hon. Edwin C. Caffrey, Joseph L. Smith; Common Pleas William Clark, New Jersey; Eton. Charles Alvin Jones, Judges, Dallas Flannagan, Walter D. VanRiper. Pennsylvania; Hon. Herbert F. Goodrich, Pennsyl­ Daniel J. Brennan, Bichard Hartshome; Juvenile STATE GOVERNMENT. vania. Court. Felix A Forlenza; Prosecutor of Pleas, Wil­ Governor— -Charles Edison. Retired Circuit Judges— Hon. Joseph Buffington, Penn­ liam A Waehenfeld; 1st .Asst Prosecutor, Donald C. Secretary to the Governor— Harry Gflroy. sylvania; Hon. Victor B. Woolley, Delaware; Hon. Fox; Assistants, Emmanuel Millman, Leon W. Eapp, Fi nance Commissioner— Frank EL W alsh. J. Whitaker Thompson, Pennsylvania. * Vincent Schultz, C. William Caruso, James L. Me- Secretary of State— Joseph A Bropby. District Judges— Guy L. Fake, Newark; John Boyd Kenna; Prosecutor’s Detectives, Chief, James F. Assistant Secretary of State— Walter V. Moorbouse. Avis, Camden; Phillip Forman, Trenton. Mason; Capt., Joseph Coeozza; Lieuts., Clarence W. Treasurer— William H. AibrighL Clerk— Benjamin F Havens, Trenton. Menell, Louis Sklarey, William J. Callahan. Detec­ Deputy Treasurer— James B. Sautter. Deputy Clots— Chief Deputy, Charles S. Chenier, tives, Charles Woodkoski, George L. Mayer, Benjamin Comptroller— Homer C. Zink. Trenton; William B. Reilly, Charles EL Jaeekel, Schaffer, Martin E. Kenny, Frank P. MeDevitt, Joseph Deputy Comptroller— Owen W. Kite. Newark; William C. Kramer, Camden. Gmliano, Joseph Goldberg, Hugh O’Neil, Bart J. Attorney-General— David T. Wilentz. Distriet Attorney— Charles M. Phillips. Freeman, George EL Meagher, James Afflitto, William 2d Asst. Attorney-General— Theodore Baekes. Asst. Distriet Attorneys— Thomas V. Arrowsmith, Paul X. Jackson, Joseph Linardneci, John Gfllics, James Commissioner of Motor Vehicles— Artbw W. Magee. J. Mulcahy, Vincent E. Hull, Biebard J. Hughes, Waldron, J. Bernard Johnson, John Schultz, Edward State Purchase Commissioner— Albert G. Waters. John L. Morrissey, Thom Lord, W. Orvyl Sehliek. F. Hartnett, Thomas J. McNally, William B. Fer- Supt. of State Police— Charles H. SeboeffeL Charles A Stanziale. lanti, John Lucy, Jerome L. Kessler. State Auditor— Frank Durand. Marshal— Hubert J. Harrington, Newark. Record Clots, Charles P. O’Neil, Abe W. Holder, Athletic (Boxing Commissioner)— Abe J. Greene. Deputy Marshals— William T. Brady, Chief Deputy, Samuel B. Vemiero, Duncan MaeKennan; Secretary State Beverage Commissioner— Alfred EL DriseoIL Trenton; Robert Forrest, Newark; William J. Kish. to Prosecutor, Irene Basil; Stenographers, Caroline Department of Banking and Insurance— Commissioner, Trenton; Stanley Seaman, Camden. Foster, Gertrude Unger; Switchboard Operator, Ana Louis A Reilly; Deputy, Christopher A Gough- The United States Distriet Courts in and for the Dis­ S. Pennell Grand Jury Clerk, William J. Caffrey, Commissioner of Labor— John J. Toobey. triet of New Jersey are held at Trenton on the 3d AssL, Edward L. Nugent; Stenographers, Sopbya Commerce and Navigation Dept,— Frank Holmes, Di­ Tues. in Jan. and 2d Tues. in Sept.; at Newark 1st Sultzbach, Genevieve Hough- rector and See., Trenton. Tues. in April and 1st Tues. in Nov.; at Camden, 2d Chief Probation Officer, Joseph P. Murphy. Conservation and Development Dept.— Director and Tues. in May, 1st Tues. in Dee. Psychiatrist, ML Openchowski, 11 1). State Forester, Charles P. Wilber, State Geologist, Court of Errors and Appeals. Executive Assistant, Elizabeth E Nfcklans. M eredith EL Johnson, Consulting Geologist, Dr. Henry The Chancellor (presiding) the Justices of the Su­ Deputy Chief Probation Officer, Matthew J. Smith B . Hummel. preme Court and Judges specially appointed. Offieers-in-Oiarge— John L. Nulty, Anna West, Thomas State Highway DepL— A Lee Grover, See. Judges— Joseph A. Dear, Harold B. Wells, John J. MeGaim, Charles A Vogel, David L. Kraemer. Institutions and Agencies Dept.— William j. HI is. Com­ Rafferty, William D. WolfsKeD, Frank Hague, Jr., Probation Officers— Joseph A Bellofatto. John A m issioner. Lloyd Thompson, Westfield. Bolger, Thomas A Cosgrove, John A Coyle, Helen Public Utility Commission— Emmet R. Drew, See. Clerk— The Secretary o f State, ex-officio. T Darning, James T. Evans, Katherine M. Fox, Bating Commission— William HL Cane, Hobokus; Joseph Meets in Trenton 3d Toes, in Jan. and 1st Tues. in Charles K. Franeis, Edmund R. Hopper, Marjorie A. Bropby, John R. Rogers, Louis A Reilly. May and Oct. Jones, Walter L. Joyce, Frank Lanzara. Paulin? Beal Estate Commission— Mason P. Pringle, See., Jersey C ity. Supreme Court. Leshins, William J. McLaughlin, John J. Merck, Chief Justice— Thomas J. Brogan, Jersey City. Mitchell, William F. Mulligan, John E. Mul- Rehabilitation Commission— John J. Toobey, Director Associate Justices— Frederic B. Colie, Newark; Charles rihill, Joseph H. Murphy, Margaret O’Reilly, J. Shell Fisheries DepL— -Joseph N. Fowler, Director. W. Parker, Morristown; Clarence E. Case, Somerville; Fred Peters, William Bicigliano, William P. Rossetti. Sinking Fund Commission— Governor, Comptroller ami Treasurer. Joseph L Bodine, Trenton; Balph W. EL Donges John F. Rush, Michael J. Ryan, T. Raymond Ryan, Camden; Harry Heher, Trenton; Joseph B. Perskie’, Mary F. Scanlon, Raotta M. Schenk. Edward H. State Employees’ Retirement Commission— John A Atlantic City; Newton H. Porter, Montclair. SmeMs, Evelyn h . Sinaiko, William C. Smith, Joseph Wood, See., Trenton. Clerk— Fred L. Btoodgood. F. Swankie, Sydney S. Szelewa, Arthur L. Tirieo State House Commission— Governor, Comptroller and Reporter— Charles E. Gummere. Horace S. Volz. Treasurer, and Chairman of the Senate and the As­ sergeant-At-Anns— John H. GOdea; Asst., Lester g Soeial Investigators— Margaret ML Gorman, Gertrude sembly Appropriation Committees. Warwick. EL Suns. Commissioner on Statutes— Chairman, Frank Sommer, Meets in Trenton 3d Tues. in Jan. and 1st Tues. in Investigator of Gun Permits— Charles A Osterritter Newark. May and Oct. Comity Clerk and Clerk to all Courts— Russell C Teachers Pension and Annuity Fund— John A Wood, G ates. Supreme Court Commissioners for New Jersey of the See., Trenton. Oranges—-Daniel J. Brennan, Henry J. Camby, Joseph Acting Deputy Clerk— Arthur B. Tew*. Tax Commissioner— William D. Kelly. C. Cassini, William A. Lord, Arthur B. Seymour, Special Clerk— Milton A Hallett Tax Appeals Boards— Charles EL Cook, See. David A MeBride, Balph W. Sterner, Edwards T. Criminal Court Clerks— William Crowther, James Fox Uniform Legislation Commission— Charles R. Hardin. Casebolt. Thomas Casta'll, Alvah B. Brown, William B. Cohen! Newark; Alexander F. Ormsby, Jersey City. 7th Distriet— Justices, Charles W. Parker; Circuit George Cohen. Workmen’s Compensation Bureau— John J. Toobey, Jr., Court Judges, William A. Smith, Edwin C. Caffrey, Ciraiit Court Clerks— John F. O'Brien, Arthur Gold- Commissioner; Daniel A Spair, See., Trenton. J. L. Smith, Essex (Newark) 1st Tues. in April, 3d baum, Anthony Gmeiner. State Judicial Council— -Arthur T. Vanderbilt, Chair­ Tues. in Sept, and 2d Toes, in Dec. Surrogate— Eugene Hoffmann. man; William T. Boyle, William M. Seufert, Clarence Court of Chancery. Deputy Surrogate— Alfred Clapp. E. Case, Dallas Flannagan, Vivian M. Lewis, A Day- Chancellor— Luther A Campbell, Trenton. Essex County District Court ton Oliphant, Henry EL Ackerson, Jr., David T. Viee Chancellors— Vivian M. Lewis, Paterson; James F. 1st Judicial District— Meets each Wed. and Fri. at 6 S Wilentz, William J. Morrison, Jr., William H. Spear, Fielder, Jersey City; Maja Leon Berry, Toms River; Fullerton av., Montclair; Includes the towns of Mont­ Robert Boseerans, H. Edward Toner, Sec. John 0. Bigelow, Newark; Alfred A Stein, Elizabeth; elair, Verona, Glen Ridge, Essex Fells, Cedar Grove Trustees of the Sehool Fund— Governor, Secretary of William F. Sony, Atlantic City; Charles M Egan, and all the Caldwells. State, Attorney-General, Comptroller, Teasnrer and Jersey City; Henry T. Kays, Newton; Albert S. 2d Judicial Distriet— Meets eaeh Tues.. linns, and Fri Commissioner of Education. Woodruff, Woodbury; Wilfred H. Jayne, Lakewood. at 1068 Clinton av., Irvington. Includes Irvington. Commissioner of Education— Dr. Charles H. ElliotL Clerk— Edward L. Whelan. Maplewood and Millbum. Civil Service Commission— Charles P. Hessick; Chief Deputy Clerk— George McElroy. Orphans Court and County Court. Examiner and Secretary, State House, Trenton. Reporter— W illiam J. Baekes. The Orphans Court and County Court (Which latter have Transfer Inheritance Tax Bureau— William D. Kelly, Speeial Masters in Chancery o f the Oranges— Edward L. been established in the place of the inferior courts State Tax -Commissioner. Davis, Daniel A. Dugan, Joseph C. Cassini, Guy of Common Pleas, Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and George Gabrielon, William A. Lord, Henry J. Camby, Courts of General Quarter Sessions), for the respec­ Henry Carless, Walter C. Ellis, Stanley L. Gedney. tive counties held at same times and places as Cir­ Frederick P. Sebenek, William J. MeCormaek, Charles cuit Courts. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. E. MeCraith, John J. MeCtoskey, Edward B. Me- President— Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York; salary. Glyim, Aaron A. Melniker, Anthony F. Minisi, $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 . Arthur B. Seymour, Albert L. Vreeland. ESSEX COUNTY GOVERNMENT. Viee President— Henry A Wallace of Iowa; salary, H all of Records, Court House, High bet. 13th av. and $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 . W. Market, Newark, N. J. Secretary of State— Cordell Hull of Tennessee; salary, Board of Freeholders— Meetings 2d and 4th Thors, at $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 . Prerogative Court. the Hall of Records. Supervisor, Ernest A. Reed; Secretary of the Treasury— Henry Moigentbau, Jr., of Ordinary, the Chancellor; Viee Ordinaries, the Vice Director, Walter S. Gray; Clerk, Bussell H. Han­ New York; salary, $15,000. Chancellors; Register, The See. of State. ford; Mrs. Elizabeth A Harris, Philip Lindeman, Secretary of War— Henry L. Stimson of New York; Court of Pardons. William H. Bawson, Curtis B. Burnett, Philip B. salary, $15,000. Composed of Governor, Chancellor and the Judges of the VanDuyne, Joseph A Bonnet, Mrs. Mary W. Bum- Attorney-General— Robert H. Jackson of New York, Court of Errors and Appeals specially appointed. stead, Charles C. Giffoniello. salary, $15,000. Clerk, the Secretary of State; Pardon Clerk, C. Sheriff, George H Becker: Under Sheriffs, Wilson Kier- Postmaster-General— Frank C. Walker of New York; Thomas Sehettino. Meets the 1st Toes, in April and stead, Frank Miller. County Clerk, Russell C. Gates; salary $15,000. 1st Tues. in Sept. Surrogate, Eugene Hoffmann; Registrar of Deeds and Secretary or the Navy— Col. Frank Knox or Illinois; Circuit Court Judges. Mortgages, George Stickel. salary, $15,000. Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., Keyport; William A. Smith, Hospital at Overbrook, Medical Supt. and Director, Guy Secretary of the Interior— Harold L. Iekes of Hlinoiv Montclair; Frank L. Cleary, Somerville; Edwin C. Payne, M.D. Plant Supt., Henry H. Berg; Jail War­ salary, $15,000. Caffrey, Newark; A Dayton Olipbant, Princeton; den, Charles A. Steadman; Jail Physirian, Edward W. Secretary of Agriculture— Claude B. Wiekard of In­ Thomas Brown, Locust; Joseph L. Smith, Newark; Martens, M .D.; Penitentiary Warden, Floyd L. Ham- diana; salary, $15,000. V. Claude Palmer, Moorestown; Samuel M. Shay, ma; County Treasurer, Zenas G. Crane; Auditor, John Secretary of Commerce— Jesse H. Jones of Texas- sal­ Merehantville; Joseph G. Wolber, Upper Montelair; Cash; County Supt. of Public Schools, Lawrence S. ary, $15,000. John C. Barbour, Clifton; J. Wallaee Leyden, Hacken­ Chase; Cotmy Counsel, Arthur T. Vanderbilt; County Secretary of Labor— Frances Perkins of Ney York- sack; Robert V. Kinkead, Jersey City. Sunt. Soldiers Burials, John Cash; County Adjuster. salaty, $15,000. 22 1942— THE JPKICE & LEE CO.’S POST OFFICES. Foreman— Joseph Sherry, Burt A. Coen, John F. Con­ No. 11— William and N. Walnut. Michael Sordill, Orange Post Office. way. clerk in charge. Main Office c Main and Lincoln av. Supt. of Mails— Francis J. McGarry. Postmaster— Charles Ippolito. Asst. Supt. of Mails-—Thomas J. Holey. South Orange Post Office. Asst. Postmaster— Bernard A. Beirne. Supt. of — Benjamin J. Simpson. 31 Vose av. Supt. of Mails— Joseph M. Brennan. Supt. of Brick Church Station— Bernard A. Finneran. Postmaster— Rose C. O’ Hanlon. Asst. Supt. of Mails— James Christiano Supt. of Central Station— W. J. Morrissey Asst.— A. Grove. Foremen— George J Cooper, John J McCormack. Main Office open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. Supt. of Mails— A. R. Nelson. Supt. W. 0. Branch— John J Gieson. to 1 p.m. Office open— 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Main office open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Holidays 7 Registry Division from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays 7 a.m. to 1 p.ffi. Not Insured and C. 0. D. Division, from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Maplewood Branch, South Orange Post Office. • open for business on Sundays Money Order Division from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 92 Baker Registry Division, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. P ostal Savings Bank from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Supt.— A. C. Rockefeller, Jr. Money Order and Postal Savings Bank open daily from Stamps from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Foreman— William Huthmacher. 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. except Sundays and H oli­ Sub-Stations Office open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. days. For sale of stamps, etc., and Money Orders and Regis­ Sub-Stations. Sub-Stations. tering of Letters. No. 1— 499 Valley. Raymond S. Bennett, clerk in No. 1— 317 Washington, 0. Robert J. Burnett, clerk Ampere (Independent station) Benjamin J. Simpson, charge. in charge. supt. in charge. No. 2— 1559 Springfield av. N. A. Kaiser, clerk in No. 3— 625 Scotland Rd. Ralph Ruick, clerk in charge. Brick Church Bernard A. Finneran, supt. in charge. charge. No. 4— 298 Main, W. 0. Thomas Tully, clerk in charge. Central Station Ward J. Morrissey, supt. in charge. No. 3— 1885 Springfield av. Ernest Topf, clerk in No. 6p-138 S. Valley Rd., W. 0. Salvatore G. Darina, No. 2— Springdale and N. Clinton. Herman Bernstein, charge. . clerk in charge. clerk in charge. No. 5— 1755 Springfield av. Charles* Matter, clerk in t . 0 . D. Station— Main Office. No. 3— Main and Grove. Charles A. Tuck, clerk in charge. Orange' Valley Station— 478 Valley, 0. Joseph L. Ford, charge. No. 6— 319 S Orange av. Paul H. Weiss, clerk in clerk in charge. No. 5— Dodd and N. Brighton av. Sidney G. Schneider, charge. East Orange Post Office. clerk in charge. West Orange— Branch Orange Post Office. Main Office— Munn av and Arlington pi. No. 7— Park av and Grove. Joseph R. Schafmann, clerk 324 Valley rd. Postmaster— Philip L. Fellinger. in charge. Supt. John J. Gieson. Asst. Postmaster— Philip G. Wall. No. 8— 159 Sanford. Herman Hotkin, clerk in charge. Open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Mortality of Advertising

rjT H E waste basket is the grave of millions of dollars JL worth of advertising every year. Keep your advertising out of the waste basket by using mediums that are not thrown away. The City Direc­ tory is on the job 365 days in the year and no level headed man will think of the waste basket and the City Directory at the same time.

T h e Price & Lee C ompany ______Accordion Schools ______I______ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942______23 Louis Iorio Accordion School §1Learn to Play the Iorio IPay”


Musical Instruments


3 Automobiles 24______1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S

East Obange Oldsmobile Agency (Pennock Oldsmobile Co.)

Sales Service

352 Central Aye. East Orange, New Jersey

An Authorized General Motors Organization Large Enough to Inspire Confidence — But Not Too Large for Individual Service.

Telephone Orange 5 - 5555

66 Completely Equipped for Every Service— At Your Service55 Automobiles ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 25




Salesroom: 473 MAIN STREET Phones: Orange 3-0787, 3-0788, 3-0789, 3-0790 East Orange, New Jersey

Service Department: 151 CENTRAL AVE.

Cars Tested Free For Phone: Orange 3-0790 Our Service Department State Inspection Using Will Call For and Official Weaver Equipment Orange, New Jersey Deliver Your Car


Telephone South Orange 2-2700

60 So. Orange Ave. South Orange, N. J.

Used Car Dept. 12 Valley St. South Orange— Telephone South Orange 2-9802 EAST ORANGE-NASH, INC.

Sales - Service - Satisfaction

Phone ORange 5-0700-1

441 Main and Clinton Streets East Orange, N. J. G. W. TISDALE, INC. Authorized Dealers DODGE and PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARS and TRUCKS DEPENDABLE SERVICE - USED CARS Specialists in Chrysler Products 490 MAIN STREET PHONE ORANGE 3-3443 EAST ORANGE, N. J. Auto Painting and Coach Work,—Auto Service Stations ORANGE'S DIRECTORY— 1942 ____27

T. F. RODGERS Corp’n

Automobile Collision Repairs Painting — Upholstering

Fine Coach Work Since 1885

A. T. RODGERS, Manager Night Towing Service Residence Phone OR. 5-0927 OR. 3-2921

Telephone OR. 2-1560

34 North Park Street East Orange, New Jersey

MULVEY’S SERVICE STATION -----Better Service, With Courtesy------BATTERIES RECHARGED - RENTED OR CHARGED WHILE YOU WAIT TIRES Sales — Service Motor Tune-Up and Minor Repairs — Road Service Expert Lubrication

385 Main Street Phone ORange 5-9841 West Orange N. J. Auto Tires and Accessories 1942—THE PEICE & LEE CO.’S

Established igo8 WILLIAM ELDER Phone OR 3-0212 EAST ORANGE TIRE SERVICE ■ INCORPORATED — ~ Formerly East Orange Vulcanizing Co.

G o o d r ic h “Safety” Silvertown

Switch to b . f . GOODRICH First in Rubber

DELUXE SILVERTOWN LIFE-SAVER Duramin - made. SILVERTOWN Gives best combina­ tion of mileage, safe­ No tire can stop ty, comfort, and quiet running. you quicker, or keep you safer from SAFETY SILVERTOWN skids. Gives 20% Duramin gives it more miles than the longer wear, and top original Life-Saver quality Hi-Flex cords make it stronger than tread tire. ever.

N ew Tires Batteries Sales and Sales and Service Service

15 Prospect Place East Orange, N. J. Bankers and Brokers ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 29 F. M. Chadbourne & Co. Investment Securities Suitable for Banks, Insurance Companies, Trustees and Individuals. We are glad to have you consult us. Broad and Market Building, 786 Broad St. Newark, New Jersey Telephones: Market 2-0103—-2-0104— 2-0105 Banks 30 1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S

P U T YOUR SAVINGS IN A MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK Franklin Savings Bank 770 Broad Street, Newark, N. J.

ROBERT L. ROSS P r e s i d e n t WILLIAM G. BRENN T r e a s u r e r IRVING RIKER V i c e -P r e s i d e n t O. S. THOM PSON, Jr. S e c r e t a r y ROLAND W. HOPPER A s s t . S e c r e t a r y Managers WILLIAM SCHEERER ROBERT L. ROSS O. S. T H O M P S O N , Jr. JOSEPH D. SCHEERER Retired President S' ecretary Newark Milk & Cream Co. W IL L IA M G. B R E N N PHILIP LINDEMAN CHARLES 7 ROH JOSEPH M. BYRNE, Jr. Treasurer Lindeman & Co. President, Murphy Varnish Co. Joseph M. Byrne Co. EDGAR W. HELLER IRVING RIKER HENRY B. ROGERS ALBERT B. DRAKE Lecourtenay Co Lawyer Retired Lehigh Warehouse & Trans. Co., Inc. COMPOUND INTEREST PAID Quarterly on all Deposits The accounts and a ffa irs of this Bank are under direct control o£ and are subject to periodical examinations by the Department of Banking of the State of New Jersey

There are no ST O C K H O L D E R S Earnings paid to DEPOSITORS N o financial Institution can be safer in which to deposit your money than a Mutual Savings Bank Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage TRAVELERS CHECKS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES #5.00 PER YEAR All transactions between this Bank and its Depositors are Strictly Confidential Banks ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 31 City Trust Branch FIDELITY UNION TRUST COMPANY Orange Street and Roseville Avenue Roseville Branch Newark, N. J. of New Jersey's Largest Bank

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Irvington National Bank This Bank Offers Complete Banking Facilities and Solicits Your Business

Open Mondays from 9:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. and from 6:30 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. Telephone Essex 3-1500 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Springfield Ave. and Clinton Ave. Irvington Centre, Irvington, N. J. Irvington Trust Company


Complete Banking Facilities for Savings, Checking, and Commercial Accounts

Cor. Springfield & Stuyvesant Avenues Irvington, N. J.


nrO let people know who you are, where t you are and what you have to sell. The Directory is a Buyers’ and Sellers’ Guide on the job 365 days in the year. Are you in right? Builders


Developers of HOMES KNOLLWOOD Always Under TRACT Construction Madison, N. J. •

ESTIMATES GIVEN Jobbing and Repairing of all Kinds • Phone: ORange 3-8352 444 MAIN STREET EAST ORANGE, N. J.

N. H. THATCHER, Pres, and Treas. CHAS. L. WILSON, Secretary EDWARD W . WHITEHOUSE, Vice President Telephone Orange 3-2869 Orange 3-4311 Orange 4-2078 N. H. THATCHER CO. ESTABLISHED 1884 Masons and Builders All Branches of Mason Work Special Attention to Jobbing

390 Alden Street Telephone Orange 3-2869 Orange, New Jersey


D Y Advertising in the City Directory. Others have done it and so can you. XSXXSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJGXXXXX x x x I 59 Main Street Street Main 59 I | POE RNE 3-4700 ORANGE PHONE | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: SHERWOOD, rs W. . Sec.-Treas. , R E T R U O C S. . W Pres. , D O O W R E H S . B 7 ak vne t re alod s Oag, . J. N. Orange, est W Railroad Erie at Avenue Park 17 on Ruk Company ’Rourke O John OL- OPR CK FE OIL FUEL COKE- KOPPERS - COAL Courter & Sherwood Co. Sherwood & Courter ons Mat i l ria te a M s’ n so a M - r e b m u L SUPPLIES BUILDING Hardware - Millwork- Roofings - Millwork- Hardware ULIG E IAL TER A M BUILDING ult ad Service and Quality sn Materials M ason M ulig aeil ad Supplies and Materials Building Rne -65 3-7626 — 3-7625 ORange tkr i Burners Oil - Stokers COAL and COKE COKE and COAL RNES RECTORY—1942 — Y R O T C E IR D ORANGE'S —West -— • rne N J. N. Orange,


IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXl Building Materials and Supplies ____ || 1942—THE PRICE & LEE C O / S . ______| J. W. Pierson Company BUILDING MATERIALS Masons’ Material, Lumber, Coal and Wood

Concrete Block - Fuel Oil - Oil Burners

Lowe Brothers’ Paints and Varnishes

Roofing Materials

M ain Office and Yard Branch Office and Yard 87-105 Dodd Street Tel. Orange 3-5000 39 Lincoln Avenue East Orange, N. J. Orange, N. J.

Perry & Ruck 9 I n c . The House of Service Since 1909 Building Materials,Concrete Blocks Asphalt—Asbestos Roofing and Siding Fire Brick, Refractory Cements Industrial Maintenance Supplies Offices, Fabyan Place and Lyons Avenue Newark, New Jersey Storage Yards, 154-170 Shaw Avenue Tel. WAverly 3-0200 Irvington, New Jersey

V /D U insure your life, your A home, your building, why not your business ? The Price & Lee Advertising is business in- Company surance it makes your Directory Publishers name an asset which neither New Haven Bridgeport n i i . Springfield Newark nre nor disaster can destroy. Paterson Building Wreckers ______ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 35 GERBER WRECKING CO. We Wreck All Types o f Buildings Fully Covered by Insurance BUILDING MATERIALS - ROOFING - PLUMBING SUPPLIES TELEPHONE ESSEX 3-0077

530 Chancellor Avenue Near Coit Street Irvington, N. J.



208 Coit Street Irvington, N. J.

Means something to you But it is only seen by people who pass your way


by being listed in large type under every heading in the CITY DIRECTORY, where a buyer might look for you— giving information that a bu^er wants when he wants to buy.

Advertising That Lives and Works for a Year

The Price & Lee Co. Buses to Hire-Cemetries 36 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S E. VANDERHOOF & SONS DE LUXE BUSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS

Phone ORANGE 5-7100 18 Wilfred Street West Orange, N. J. East Ridgelawn Cemetery Established 1905 Phone PASSAIC 2-1725 Main Avenue Delawanna, N. J. TWENTY MINUTES FROM NEWARK Both Monument and Memorial Park Plan Cemetery Office at the entrance Newark and Paterson busses pass the entrance New York Office, 170 Broadway LOTS AT REASONABLE PRICES CONVENIENT TERMS OF PAYMENT HOLLYWOOD MEMORIAL PARK THE CEMETER Y BEA UTIFUL PERPETUAL CARE ON EVERY LOT Stuyvesant Ave. Union N. J. Telephones MARKET 3-2880 -1 - 2 Executive Office: 60 Park Place, Newark, N. J. Cleaners and Dyers ORANGE'S DIRECTORY— 1942 37

• e x p e r t d y e i n g • BLOCKING A SPECIALTY • FUR STORAGE The Depot Cleaners


6 SOUTH ORANGE AVE., SOUTH ORANGE, N. J. (At the D. L. & W . Station)

SO uth Orange 2-7464

ABBOTT-HOGAN, Inc. Dependable Dry Cleaning We Call and Deliver in the Oranges and Maplewood


All Work Done in Our Model Plant (Always Open for Inspection) TELEPHONE ORANGE 3-0880 575 Scotland Road near Tremont Ave. Orange, New Jersey

ADVERTISE IN THE .. .CITY DIRECTORY It is consulted every hour in the day by some one who is look­ ing for your goods* and if you are not properly advertised the other fellow gets the business Coal 38______1942— THE PRICE & LEE CCVS______

Roebling Coal Co., Inc. COAL, FUEL OIL and COKE



Wholesale and Retail



Phone Bigelow 3-5100

Night Exchange Tel. Waverly 3-8811

29 Elizabeth Avenue Newark, N. J. Coal ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942______39

Watchung Coal & Oil Co., Inc.


Pittston and “Old Company V’ Lehigh Coal

June to Sept, is Any Heating Furnace Cleaning Koppers Coke Problems? Time If so call us, we A Complete Fuel Oil will gladly Vacuum Cleaning Service Oak Wood help you

Telephones ORange 3-0177, 3-0178

Office and Yard

57 Main Street West Orange, N. J. Adjoining St. Mark’s Church

4 Coal 40 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO/S



Thermostats installed and serviced.

PHONE OR. 3-6842


David W. Ball Company Distributors of Lehigh COAL Scranton A l s o Exclusive Agents and Distributors in the Oranges for JED D O COAL The Aristocrat of Anthracite KOPPERS COKE FUEL OIL

F or Over 30 Years at Office Pockets 31 Washington Place East Orange, N. J. Rear 473 Main Street Telephone Orange 3-3990 Coal ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 ______41 Forest Hill Coal Co., Inc.

D. & H. Cone Cleaned Fuel Oils • Soft Coal Anthracite

Oil Burners KOPPERS Stokers Coke

Telephone Humboldt 3-3400

29-41 Anthony Street Newark, New Jersey Coal 42 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S Coal ______ORANGES DIBECTORYf-1942______43 Thomas J. Kearney, Jr., Inc. 29 Lincoln Avenue Orange, New Jersey Phone Orange 3-0458 ‘blue coal’ Lehigh Valley Coal Koppers Coke Fuel Oil Fluid Heat Oil Burner ‘blue coal’ Thermostat Iron Fireman Rotary and Gun Type Automatic Stokers F. J. LOCHER FUEL CO. ESTABLISHED 1891 COAL ‘blue coal* KOPPERS COKE METERED FUEL OIL

Telephones ESsex 2-2700 - 3-7623 If No Answer Call ESsex 3-0866

590-600 21st Street Irvington, N. J. ROSENFELD COAL CO. Anthracite - Bituminous - Coke - Fuel Oils

Fuel Oil Burners and Stokers Installed

PHONE: Unionville 2-4600

Office and Distribution Yard at 700 RAMSEY AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J.

Maps of the Oranges and Newark

For Sale at News Stands, Book and Drug Stores

PRICE 35 CENTS Coal,—Contractors



Essex County Distributors Other Makes Serviced ELECTRIC FURNACEMAN r ELECTROL OIL BURNERS

SO Orange 2-7400 t e l e p h o n e s ESsex 2-5390 Burnett Avenue at Springfield Avenue Maplewood, N. J.



Needs polishing up occasionally. Try good snappy copy in the Directory and see for yourself the big results it will bring to you. Directory Advertising Pays Department Stores


. . . for a needle or a tractor you “ Shop and Save at Sears.” Tens of thousands of addi­ tional items to select from, through


Saves time . . . saves effort . . . saves annoy­ ance. Courteous clerks will show you sam­ ples, help you make a selection and write your order. No letter postage or money order fees.

SEARS.ROEBUCK AND CO. NOW! RETAIL DEPARTMENT STORE BUY 587 Central Avenue ANYTHING TOTALING *IO°° OR MORE Phone ORange 4-2411 ON SEARS EASY PAYMENT EAST ORANGE, N. J. PLAN Educational,—Electrical Appliances,— Electrical Contractors and Supplies 46 1942— THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S

ST. BENEDICT’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers

ESTABLISHED 1868 520 High Street Newark, N. J.

Our splendid buildings are modem in every respect. Fully equipped physical and chemical laboratories. SHANLEY GYMNASIUM, one of the best in the State.

Academic Coursesj Classical - Scientific Four Years. Prepare for any College or Scientific School. /

For further information ask any of our Students or Alumni or apply to the Rev. Boniface Reger, O. S. B., Head Master Telephone Market 2-1655


187 Main St. Tel. Orange 4-6060 Orange, N. J. Archie L. Pettis Electrical Contractor Electrical Repairs Radio Repairs

Telephone Orange 3-2912 10 Northfield Avenue West Orange, N. J. Funeral Directors ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 47


The Colonial Home


HAROLD D. KNAPP, P r e s id e n t

Parking space for 150 cars in rear of the Colonial Home

Telephone Orange 3-3131

132 South Harrison Street

104-106 Prospect Street Telephone SO 2-4870 South Orange, N. J Funeral Directors

48 1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S KUNZ FUNERAL HOME ( Estate of Gustave Kunz)

Home: 480 Pork Avenue, Orange



Phone Orange 3 - 0230

F R A N K J. C O D E Y , Jr. FRANK J. CODEY, Sr.

ORange 3-4090 - 3-4091 486 Valley Street

C o d e y F u n e r a l S e r v i c e MOntclair 2-0005 - 2-4769 77 Park Street



Directors of Funerals

“ Home for Services’*

Telephones Bigelow 3-2123, 3-2124, 3-2125

160 Clinton Avenue (Our Only Establishment) Newark, N. J. Funeral Directors,-Insulation

ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942______j j


Home For Funerals

Telephone Essex 2-2203

660 Stuy vesant Ave. Between Springfield Ave. and Lyons Ave. Irvington, N. J.

C. G. Van Buskirk


West Orange, N. J.



Telephones Orange 3-5278, 3-5279

Office, Display Rooms and Funeral Parlors

126 Main Street, opp. Y. M. C. A.______Orange, New Jersey Comfort Insulation Co. Rockwool Insulation Specialists

For Com fort and Fuel Saving


Phones Orange 3-5005 Evenings Orange 4-6136

41 Lincoln Ave. Orange, N. J. Interior Decorators,-Iron and Steel i5 * 1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S




MARKET 3-0269—0270 1001 Broad Street Newark, N. J.

James A. Coe & Co.

IRON a n d STEEL CUTTING — BURNING — SHEARING AGENTS, JESSOP’S SHEFFIELD TOOL STEELS Tel. Market 3-2675 Office and Warehouse, 395-401 Washington St. and 55-81 Marshall St. Newark, New Jersey Laundries ORANGES DIRECTORY— 1942 51

S a v e H our B a n d s ftttl6nir Hand BbnsehfflSiaii into tiie Hands o t Orange and Domestic Laundry, Inc

T h e appeal of spotless table linen is universal. The sat­ isfaction engendered thereby is a distinct pleasure, par­ ticularly when company arrives. The best home laundry work falls far short of perfection no matter how modern the equipment or diligent the laundress. Trust us with your finer, daintier things— you’ll not regret it.

TELEPHONES ORANGES 3-0338 and 3-0339

177-179 Oakwood Avenue Orange, New Jersey Laundry Service Lawyers _ 52 ______1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S______


EVERETT M. SCHERER STOCKTON D. FISHER HOWARD F. CASSELMAN JOHN C. DEMOS Child, Riker, Marsh C& Shipman COUNSELLORS AT LAW SUCCESSORS TO Riker and Riker— Child and Shipman 744 Broad Street Telephone Market 3-1900 Newark, New Jersey

Residence 4 Montview Road, Summit, N. J. Tel. Summit 6-2698M J. HOWARD CONOVER Counsellor at Law

Telephone Orange 3-4185

Room 9 Ashford Building

19 North Harrison Street East Orange, N. J.


Counsellor at Law

Federal Trust Building

24 Commerce Street Newark, N. J. Telephones Mitchell 2-1316, 2-1317, 2-1318




SUITE 1707, NATIONAL N EW ARK BUILDING 744 Broad St. Newark, N. J. Telephone Mitchell 2-0079

MAIN AND DAY BUILDING 301 Main Street Telephone Orange 5-9665 Orange, N. J. McCarter, English Ct& Egner Counsellors at Law •RAYMOND COMMERCE BUILDINC 13 Commerce Street Newark, N. J. ROBERT H. McCARTER (1882-1941)


Franklin J. M cGlynn Joseph Weintraub Anthony C. Stein

Counsellor at Law

Telephone Market 2-2750 17 Academy Street Newark, New Jersey

Office Telephone Residence, 39 North 22nd Street Mitchell 2-4393 East Orange, N. J. Telephone Orange 5-0607 W. STANLEY NAUGHRIGHT Counsellor at Law

Suite 1903 National Newark Building 744 Broad Street Newark, New Jersey Lawyers,-Loans 54______1942—THE PRICE & LEE CO.’S______

FREDERIC W. SMITH ARCHIBALD F. SLINGERLAND DAVID TRAUTH ELMER F. HOLTZ EDWARD G. SLINGERLAND SMITH <& SLINGERLAND Counsellors at Law Tel. Market 3-0581, 3-0582, 3-0583 Room 2401 National Newark Building 744 Broad Street Newark, N. J.


National State Bank Building

Tels. Market 2-2341, 2-2342 810 Broad Street Newark, N. J. QUICK CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ONLY______YOUR ______SIGNATURE______REQUIRED INDUSTRIAL LOAN SOCIETY

2 Convenient Offices East Orange - 589 Central Av. Or. 5-7181 Irvington - Over Post Office Es. 3-1664 Monthly rate 2^>% on Balances i M A P W of the ORANGES AND NEWARK For Sale at News Stands Rook and Drug Stores Price 35 Cents Lumber and Millwork ORANGES DIRECTORY—1942 55

Established 1911 JOHN DELIDUKA, INC.

Phones ORange 2-0700 - 0701

A Complete Line of M IL L W O R K - LU M B ER

Johns-Manville Products Stair Builder, Frames, Sash, Doors, Trim, Mouldings, Insulation


WE “WOOD” SERVE YOU BEST BLOOMFIELD LUMBER CO. • Hardwoods - Softwoods Saw and Planing Mill

Tel. Bloomfield 2-4500, 2-4501, 2-4502 4 BELLEVILLE AVENUE BLOOMFIELD, N. J