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Showboat Inside Jonuary 16, 1976 Kern Health Dept. January 16, 1976 anti-rabies clinics planned Jan. 23, 24 SHOWBOAT INSIDE ... MOVIE RATINGS TIle 19'/8 vaccination and The objective of the ratings is to IIcerudng clinics for ooga ht ibis area wln'be inform parents about the suitability of Nat'l Prayer Breakfast Planned .......... 2 beld nnt Friday 8ld Saturday, Jan. 23 and movie content for viewing by their Bluejacket of Year Fete .. .... ........ .... 3 31. EEO Counse\ors Avatlable ............... 4 children. Naval Weapons Center On Jan. 23, Kern Qumty Healtll Depart­ (G)· ALL AGES ADMITTED China Lake Rabbits Damage GoH Course ...... .... .. 5 ment officials will be at the county fire General Audiences nwe rocketeel California Vol. XXXI, No. 2 Sports ...................................6 department ht Randlburg frem 8:30 to 9:30 (PG) - ALL AGES ADMITTED Anti-rables ClInics Slated ................. 8 am., and at the <lIIna ake Girl Scout but Parenta I Guidance Suggested on HaiRy Ave. frem 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 (R) - RESTRICTED It Inlt.llltion dinner to 7 p.m. Under 17 requires accompanying On Jan. 31, officials wtn be at tile comty Parent or Adult Guardian Civic group's function as communication link fire department ht lIIYotem frcm 8 to 9:30 CS· Cinemascope a.m., and at tile RI",ecrest Park building STD· Standard Movie Screen frem 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 8ld 2 to 6 p.m. Regular starting time--7:30 p.m. Both vaccinations and licensing between Command, China Lake residents cited Matinee-J p.m. are reqlBred by law for all dogs over 4 Statements ccmmend\ng tile past year's morKbs of age. FRI. 16JAN. efforts and acc(UJplislments of the Cltna Only at tIIese public cItolcs, CHpOIIIICI'ed "THE HOUSE ON SKULL MOUNTAIN" Lake Community Council's board of (85Min.) by tbe Kern <llmty Healtll Department and directors, and a cbaUenge to the ~ Victor French, Janee Michelle tile Veterinary Medical AssocIa1ion, can (Horror Drama) Four people. remnants of the board to continue its vital function as the oog owners get both immunization EXPLORE THE AMAZON - John Goddard, shown here on one of his treks once-powerful Christophe family, arrive on Skull bonafide communications link between the and license tags for their dogs at the same through the Amazon valley in South America, will thrill his audience by presenting Mountain to find their grandmother dead. Before <llmmand and-the ccmmunlty, bigbligJted time. a travel / adventure film, "Andes to Amalon," tomorrow night, starting at 7:30 the will can be read, these unlikely relations must tile local civic group's annual Installation p.m. in the Cerro Community College lecture hall. As a boy made aware 01 remain in the house for a week. Meanwhile, Jean TIle vaccination, costs $2, provides Durand, a servant, begins eliminating the dinner held last Friday night at the <llm­ protection agahtst rabies for two years. In the possibility of lelling life Slip by, Goddard once listed 127 goals he wanted to members of the group. (PG) missioned Officers' Mess. addition, colDlty and <lIIna UIIre residents accomplish in his lIfelime. One of the goals on that list was to travel the Nile river, SAT. 17JAN. The speaker was Rear Admlrsl R. G. must pay $5 for the two-year license tags; and he first gained international recognition with his expedition down that 400.mile "A WARM DECEMBER" (101 Min.) Freeman m, NWC <llmmander, wbo also RI",ecrest residents must pay fl. waterway. Another of his boyhood goals was to "explore the Amazon River." He Sidney Poitier, Ester Anderson presented a letter of commendation and a will share that adventure with those who attend IIImorrow night's film. Tickets are (Meldorama) Set in the London embassy of an Vaccinations are avatlable througbout the emerging East African state, this story of intrigue personal gift to Robert C. Fletcher, the year from private veterhtary ~11als for a on sale at the College Business Office, the NWC Stallon Pharmacy, and at the Gift concerns an American doctor and a mysterious comcil's outgohtg president wbo bas beld bigber fee. Dog licenses can be purchased Mart In Ridgecrest. They also will be available at the door iust prior III the young v.oman. (PG) tIIis post for the past two years. SUN. &MON. 11-19 JAN. AMHI James E. HIli at the local to: conector's office tbroughout program. The genera I admission price is $1, while holders of college student body The gift to Fletcher was a bandscme "EARTHQUAKE" (122 Min.) the year. cards will be admilled for $1. engraved plate - a memento of tile Navy's Charlton Heston. George Kennedy AMH 1 Hill gets Rabies vaccination is essential In Kern (Action·Dr.mal Earth tremors follOWed by a :Ilnb birthday - on wblch was inacribed the <llmty to protect both tile animal and Special adivities slated at Youth Center drowning death at the dam controlling the Los dates 1775 to 1975 and tile slogan "Buildl~ bmnan population, shtce tile state ~ Angeles water supply. plus seismology indicators on a Proud Tradition." CaHfornla bas clellgna1ed Kern County as a Reglatratlon is now being taken from tIIat is scbeduled on Saturday, Jan. 24, at the Institute of Seismology, lead officials to the Blueiacket of Installing Officer Youtb Center members for a variety ~ starthtg at 2 p.m. 'lbls activity, wblch will conclusion that a major earthquake is about to hit "Declared Area" 'lbls is due to the Duties ~ installing officer were handled tournaments that win be held on Saturday, continue for approxlmately I", bours, is Los Angeles. Before any official action can be htddence of bats, coyotes and 00ga taken. the earthquake hits the city and the film Month . honor by Harry Parode, tile Center's Public In­ Jan. 31, starting at Il00II. free ~ cbarge to Youtb Center members. details how it affects several people who have had fomd to be rali.d. A member of Air Test and Evaluation formation Officer, who officiated 88 Flet­ Competition is scbeduled In pool, table Announcement also was made that the some close or distant interrelation. Charlton cher turned over the prestdent's gavel to Unvaccinated pets, wblch bave poesbly Heston, a construction engineer, and George Squa.ron Five (VX-5), who bas been temIs, cbeas, checkers and a1r boekey. Youtb Center is maintainhtg a reserve list been eJpOlled to rabies, by law mlllt be Kennedy, a policeman, team upas a rescue force. 88 Wilt Wyman. ether <llnmunity <llUlcl\ ~ players for all divisions ~ the Youth assigned to temporary duty shop destroyed or kept In a total quarantine fer All entrants wtn be competing wltb1n This is a disaster film in the tradition of "Poseidon rl.flcers fer 1976 wiIo were In_alled wltII Basketball League. ThIs reserve 1IIt is Adventure" and " Towering Inferno." (PG) supervisor of tbe Naval Air Fadllty's In­ u mootbs. All dog owners abould protect tiler own age groupa, and tbe winner of two (IMA) Wyman are Jim Walden, vi~prelident; essential ht order to insure fu\\ rosters III all TUE. 20JAN. termediate MaIntenance Activity Ibetr pets and tIIemselves against the out ~ each three games played wtn advance Robert McCarten, secretary; and ChIef teams in the league, wblcb covers boys "THE TIMBER TRAMPS" (108 Min.) Hydraulics Work Center, bas been singled nacellity for taking alch stepe. to the nen level ~ the ihtgle elimination Robert Kaufmann, treasurer. frcm ~ years ~ age tbtoug\I blgb school Tab H"~t.r. q~uR'I\~i~~ out fGrftOCJgll!tion 88 NAF's Bluejacket of totrneY In the particular event In wblcb be (Action Dr.m.) This film centers around three.. The remainder of tile group's board ~ Those Interested ht bavlng tIIelr names tile Mooth for J8lDlary. Coast Guard Aux. to or she is entered. carousing loggers traveling and working their directors, wblch Includes Fletcher _ past p\aced on the Youtb Basketball League way to Alaska in order to help salvage the logging This specia1 bonor bas gone to James E. presldem, is ccmposed ~ AletIIa Benson, oRer sailing course Parents 8ld friends are invited to visit the buSiness of a fellow logger. Once in Alaska a IU, an aviation structural mechanic reserve list should cortact the Youtb Center Don <llot, Dick Mahan, Gall RIchards and Loca1 Flotilla No. 78 ~ the U.s. Coast Youtb Center and observe the tournament by ca\llng ext. Any reserve players competitor sabotages their equipment. They bycrau\lc, wbo (in mld-December) was 2!HII. overcome this misfortune and complete their iob, Rudy Sbepard. COMMUNITY COUNCIL PRESIDENT COMMENDED - R..... rt FIetcIIer, who Guard AuxIlIary will ~fer a course on competition. wiIo team premoted to his present first class petty are added to a will be required to making friends and renewing an old love. The Cblna ake Ccmmunlty CouncI1 was has served twa terms as president of the China ukl Community Council's_rd aa11Ing starting nen Tueaday at 7 p.m. .In Next speclal event on tile Youtll Center However, wanderlust takes over and in the end ~flcer rating. pay all fees charged fer participation ht the htcorporated on Sept. \9, 1950, by tile of directors, received a leiter of commendation from RHr Admiral R. G. Freeman the Auxillary but on McIntire St. calendar will be a candy bar game league. they move on. { PGI AMHI H1l1, wbo began his Navy career 12 California Secretary ~ State, wblch makes III, NWC Commander, during the local civic group's InstallaHon of 197' officlrs. In TIle 7-week COtrse is free; tile ten book WED. 21 JAN.. years ago following graduation from hlgb this is tile aUver anniversary year of the addition, the Skipper presented Fletcher with the personal gift he Is holding.
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