Press Release Faximum Software Inc. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: Carolanne Reynolds
[email protected] 604 925 3600 Faximum Announces New Fax Software for Linux and Windows FMS 2 seamlessly integrates fax with email to deliver improved security and higher user efficiency. West Vancouver, BC -- June 24 -- Faximum Software Inc., a leading developer of fax server software, announces a major new release of its Fax Messaging Server (FMS) product. FMS 2 runs on Linux, integrates with an organisation’s existing email server, and enables Windows, Mac, and Linux users to send and receive faxes as easily as (and using the same tools as) email. FMS 2: • enables users to send email to fax numbers (e.g.
[email protected]) • allows users to combine email addresses and fax numbers in the same message or email group • enables users to receive their faxes in the same inbox as their email • eliminates the need to route, distribute, and file paper faxes manually • makes it easy to pick up your faxes while at home or on the road travelling • keeps confidential faxes actually confidential by eliminating the manual handling of faxes • provides print drivers for Windows enabling “What You Print is What You Fax” • can bypass the long-distance phone system when installed at branch offices reducing or eliminating toll charges for long distance faxing • has web-based administration making it easy to configure and manage without having to use cryptic shell commands or to edit configuration files “We are proud of the tight integration and ease of use that our engineers have worked hard to deliver in this new Faximum Fax Messaging Server release,” says Carolanne Reynolds, Vice President of Faximum Software Inc.