
- Quart.rly - Mrs. Edwin Miles Standefer, Editor

















JAMES L. BECK BIBLE • • • • • It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 191



OFFICERS AND STAFFFOR 1971 President Mrs. T. Rivers Young Vice-President Miss Jessie T. Webb Treasurer Mr. Stuart Caya Phillips Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Sidney Wilroy Recording Secretary Mrs. John W. McDonald Director of Research ...... Mrs. Reeves Hughes, Jr. Librarian ...... Mrs. Charles Roy Gilley Advisor Mr. Laurence B. Gardiner Advisor ...... •...... Mrs. Byron G. Hyde Editor: Mrs. Edwin M. Standefer Associate Editor: Mrs. Henry N. Moore Secretary to the Editor Mrs. Robert Louis Cox Subscription Manager Colonel Byron G. Hyde Query Editor Miss Myrtle L. Shelton Mr. Herman L. Bogan Mrs. Thomas Preston Dr. Edwina Campbell Mrs. S. E. Fowler Miss Carrie Boals Mr. Thomas P. Hughes. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mobley Collinsworth J. K. T. Smith, Esq.

/fyou are searching for ancestors in Tennessee, remember

IIAnsearchin' II News the official publication of The Tennessee Genealogical Society. Published quarterly - Annual Subscription $6.00 All subscriptions be~in with first issue of year All subscribers are requested to send queries for free publication. Write for four - quarter advertising rates The Tennessee Genealogical Society, "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS or the Editor assumes no responsibility for opinions or errors offact expressed by contributors or advertisers. The Tennessee Genealogical Society offers the following publications for sale:

"ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS: Volume 1-6 for 1954-59, Second Edition ($10.00) _ Volume 7 for 1960 Second Printing ($ 6.00) _ Volume 8 for 1961 Second Printing ($ 6.00) _ Volume 9 for 1962 Second Printing ($ 6.00) _ Volume 10 for 1963 Second Printing ($ 6.00) _ Volume 11 for 1964 Second Printing ($ 6.00) _ Volume 12 for 1965 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 13 for 1966 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 14 for 1967 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 15 for 1968 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 16 for 1969 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 17 for 1970 ($ 6.00) _ Volume 18 for 1971 ($ 6.00) _ SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGEREC0RDS, 1819.1850 ($ 9.00) _ Second Printing INDEX OF SURNAMES registered by guests of 1969 Seminar ($ 1.00) _ "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS covers - stamped in gold - no dates each ($ 0.50) _ V1n-ter 1971 -151-


Dear Members:

The October Meeting at Colonial Country Club was a hugh success! With 86 in attendance~ an excellent speaker, Dr. Allen Cabaniss and a de­ licious dinner the evening was enjoyed by all. We were pleased to have had such a large gathering for the election of the Officers for the next two years.

The following Officers were elected:

President Mrs. Henry N. Moore 33 So. Yates Rd. Vice-President Mrs. Augusta Brough 8504 Macon Rd. Treasurer Mr. S. Caya Phillips 1813 Carr Ave. Corr-Secretary Mrs. Thomas K. Blalock 386 Meadvale St. Recording Sec. Mrs. Dan Wes t 825 So. Perkins Rd. Director Research Mrs. R S. Wilroy 954 Mosby Rd. Librarian Mrs. Chas. R. Gilley 95 So. Mendenhall Rd. Editor Mrs~. E. M. Standefer 727 Goodlett Associate Editor Nrs. W. R. Blair 979 Colonial Rd. Advisor Mrs. Byron G. Hyde 475 So. Perkins Advisor Mr. Laurence Gardiner 1863 Cowden Ave.

( Due to the resignation of Mrs. Bunyan Webb on the Library Committee~ Mrs. Laurence Gardiner~ according to the by-laws~ will replace Mrs. Webb. We are sorry Mrs. Webb found it necessary to resign. Mrs. Gardiner needs no introduction to our Society since she has long been a loyal member.

Our November 15th study meeting will be at the home of Miss Jessie Webb~ Vice-President~ 1360 Harbert, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Members will receive due notice.

The retiring President and Board Members wish continued success to the next President and her Board. We have had many happy hours working to­ gether, including the accomplishments and the problems that are always present in the process of producing any publication.

Sincerely~ ~.~~

Katherine M. Young President "Ansearchin." News -152- NOTES FROM THE EDITOR' S DESK In this last issue for 1971 of "Ansearchin'" News we wish to express Our appreciation to our Staff for their cooperation and assistance during the past three years. We are especially grateful to our ever-ready and untiring Secretary, Lucile Cox; to our prompt and efficient Subscription Manager, Col. Byron G. Hyde; to our faithful and accurate indexers, Edwina Campbell and Carrie Boals; to our infallible treasurer, Caya Phillips and last, but of great importance, to T. P. Hughes, Jr. and Jonathan K. T. Smith for their hours of work with micro­ films and court records to bring you unpublished source material. We thank our typists, Margaret Hudgins and June Fischer, who prepare the beautiful pages which make up our bulletin and the members who have so bountifully supplied us with family and other valuable records for publication. Without this assistance and cooperation we would not have the kind of magazine which we present to you. We ask your further assistance in suggestions for future publications. Let us know what type records you would like to see in "Ansearchin'" News and please continue to send us Bible records, Family records and other data. We welcome both suggestions and materials.

NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER SOCIETIES THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY. TENNESSEE GENEAlOGICAL JOURNAL, Ann Evans Alley, Editor, Rt. 1, Box 76, Adams, Tenn. 37010, has begun a new quarterly on Montgomery Co. records. $4.00 a yr. Vol. 1-#1- Se~t. 1971 carries an inventory of Montgomery Co. records; Liberty Church records; early Montgomery County Marriages! 1799­ 1841; Bazel-Smith Bible and Montgomery County Minute Book #1, 1805-1808.

SYCAMORE LEAVES, The Wabash Valley Genealogical Society, monthly, $3.00 yearly single membership, $4.00 family subscription rate. Order from: Wabash Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 741, Terre Haute, Ind. 47808.

THE RIVER COUNTIES OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE, Jill K. Garrett, Editor, 610 Terrace Dr., Columbia, Tenn. 38401, Quarterly, $5.00 annually, single ~ssues $1.25. Vol l-4H contains some Humphreys County, Tenn. obituaries; Philip Rushing and Alexander Anderson Revolutionary War Pension Applications; Lewis R. Phebus Bible; Malcolm McAskill Bible; Joshua and Mary Patterson Parker Family Records; R. S. Walker-James William Chance Bible; Col. Richard Napier Family Notes; Perry County, Tenn. Petition, 1819; Montgomery County Obituaries; Liberty Church Records, Montgomery County, beginning 1841.

FAMILY FINDINGS, Mid-West Tennessee Genealogical Society, Mrs. L. R. Mitchell, Editor, P. O. Box 3175, Murray Station, Jackson, Tenn. 38301, quarterly, $5.00 pro year. Vol. 111-#4, October 1971- Church Book of Clear Creek, McNairy County, 1841; Weakley County, Tenn. Marriage Book 3, con't.; Haywood County, Tenn. Tax List, 1836; Shiloh Cemetery Records, Benton County, Tenn.; M~nley's Chapel Cemetery, Henry County, Tenn.; Thomas M. McGee Bible; Elizabeth C. Elam Bible.

SQUAH BOOK, Adele Olney, Editor, 2325 Blake St., San Bernadino, Calif. 92405, Quarterly, $5.00 annually. The SQUAH Book carries many family lines, charts and notes. Vol. 111-#2 has charts on John Montgomery, b. 1775, Rockbridge Co. Va.; Wm. Jordan, b. 1789, S. C.; James Reeves who d. Guilford Co., N. C., 1776; Joseph Williams, Sr. of Duplin Co. N. C., b. ca. 1735; John Kimbrough, Sr., b. ca. 1640-47, immigrant to Md. ca. 1677; John Grubb, b. 1652, Eng. to America 1677, d. 3/3/1708, Chester Co. Pa. and many other family lines brought down to the present generation. Winter 1971 - 153-


Reviewed by Herman L. Bogan

PETERSBUHG, VmGINIA HUSTINGS COURT MAKRIAGE BONDS- MAlmTACE RI':CISTlm AND MINISTERS' llliTUHNS 1784-IR5ll, compi led and indexed hy Thomas P. Hughes, Jr. and Jewel B. Standefer, (1971) 178 pagel>, 8~ x ]1, soft cover. Order from Hughes & Standefer, 727 Goodlett, Memphis, Tennessee 18111. $15.00

These marriage records were carefully copied from the original bonds and ministers' returns. All names appear just as they are on the original papers without alterations in spelling. Marriages after June 1850 are from the Ministers' Returns or the Register. as bonds were not required after that date. Grooms' names are arranged alphabetically and brides' names are indexed separately. A complete index of all persons giving consent and those appearing as witnesses or sureties, is included, as well as a list of ministers found in this area at that time. This is an exceptionally well organized and well done book.

MARRIAGE RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1853 to 1884, by members of . ~he Seattle Genealogical Society on their 40th anniversary (1963). 119 pages, index, soft cover. Order from the Society, P. O. Box 549, Seattle, Washington 98111. $5.00

The material presented in this book was copied from the marriage and license record ledgers. When both license and marriage returns or record were found they were consolidated with no attempt to correct ( differences in spelling. Chinese names are given just as they are found. Grooms' names are arranged in alphabetical order with other names in the indexw Officiating Justices, Ministers and their church affiliations, along with records from the early Methodist Church in Seattle, are included.

WOODRUFF CHRONICLES, Volume II, The Descendants of John Woodruff who migrated in 1639 from Fordwich, Kent, England to Southhampton, Long Island, America. Compiled by Ceylon Newton Woodruff and Maurine R. Herod. Fabricoid covers, 284 pages indexed. Order from The Arthur H. Clark Company, Box 230, Glendale, California 91209. $15.75. Volume I priced $23.50. The set $36.00

Volume II, a companion genealogy to Volume I (1967) conforms in format. quality and binding. The book is divided into two parts. Part One con­ cerns John and Sarah Cooper Woodruff. John is the son of John Woodruff who helped found Elizabethtown, New Jersey in 1665. Part Two is an introductory resume of the children and some descendants of Joseph and Hannah Woodruff who came to ''Westfields''. Essex County, New Jersey from Long Island in 1770. An addendum adds data about the lines of descent ' treated in Volume I, part two. There is a generation chart, a historical map and five appropriate illustrations.

A SHORT HISTORY OF THE PATILO COMMUNITY OF ERATH COUNTY TEXAS, in two parts, separate books, compiled by Charles S. McCleskey (1970). Part I, 121 pages: Part II, 241 pages, both indexed, soft covers. Order from compiler, Route 3, Box 501, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808. "Ansearchin'" News -154-

Part I deals mostly with the early settlement of the community of PaUlo, Texas; its schools, churches, cemeteries, early marriages and census records. Part II gives the history of closely associated neighboring schools whose people were identifiable with the Patilo people in their church and social life. Both books contain much information about the families of the community and give an insight into the times, customs and lives of these people. '

ARKANSAS MILITARY BOUNTY GRANTS (War of 1812), compiled by Katheren (Mrs. Paul) Christensen (1971), 256 pages, index, soft cover. Order from "Arkansas Ancestors", Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, 112 Leach Street, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas 71901. $10.00

Many Bounty Grants of the War of 1812 contain genealogical material. Survivors, of a veteran, who had a grant issued are listed by name and their relationship to the deceased is indicated. The applicant is listed by name, county, year and warrant number. The Little Rock Land Districts was opened in 1818, with the first en~ry being made in 1821. The 1820 Arkansas Census records were lost, but this book helps in placing families or people in Arkansas at that time.

LISBON WEST OF THE TRINITY by Helen B. Anthony (1971), 145 pages, index, hard cover. Order from the author, P. O. Box 3855, Dallas, Texas 75208. $6.95.

This is a warm and friendly book concerned wit~ the birth, development and maturity of a Texas community. Lisbon was annexed to Dallas in 1929. In this book one will find a collection of family histories and a list of tombstone inscriptions of Lisbon Cemetery. Also, a map showing land area names of early settlers is included. There is a very unique system of notes which fill the last five pages.

A FAMILY HISTORY Wright, Lewis, Moore and Gonnected Families compiled and published by John Wright Boyd (1968), 724 pages, index, hard cover, gold lettering on blue. Order from the author, 521 Hillside Drive N. W., Atlanta, Georgia 30342.$20.50.

Members of these and other related families were among the early English settlers in Virginia and Maryland. Immigrants are listed as to dates and where they landed. Many later moved to Georgia, particularly into Greene County.

This accumulation of material has bee~ documented in an amazing order of facts, dates and names. Wills, deeds, marriages and census records are copied in their entirety. Coats of armS of the Moore, Wright and Lewis families are beautifully depicted. The kind of life these people lived, their careers and schooling are covered through eight generations. Winter 1971 -155-

Many years of diligent searching have made this remarkable genealogical book possible. Descendants of these people can truly be proud of their heritage.

THE McMINN FAMILY IN AMERICA, compiled by Virginia (Thompson) Brittain (1970), 460 pages, index, 8\xll, soft cover., Order from Globe Publishers International, P. O. Box 5386, Pasadena, Texas 77503. $15.00

An introduction featuring the or~g~n of the name McMinn in the Old World is quite interesting. The author has a well documented record of a typically southern family. Starting in Rutherford County, North Carolina in 1775, she has traced the family across the Southern States into the southwest, with present generations included.

THE BRITTAIN FAMILY IN AMERICA compiled by Virginia (Thompson) Brittain (1971), 330 pages, no index, 8~xll, soft cover. Order from Globe Publishers International, P. O. Box 5386, Pasadena, Texas 77503. $12.50.

This is a documented and well written family story. The introduction features the origin of the name and of the people in the Old World. Georgia is the setting for these families, with a few migrating into Alabama. Data of current generations are included. It is hoped that an index can be prepared soon.

THE CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF WINSTON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI, compiled by William T. Lewis (1876), reprint 1970, 210 pages, soft cover. Order from Globe Publishing International, P. O. Box 5386, ( Pasadena, Texas 77503. $10.95

William T. Lewis, a native of North Carolina, lived most of his life in Winston County. He held several elective offices and kept in touch with county affairs. His presentation reveals firsthand observation of activities on the local scene. Names of early settlers with amusing and heartbreaking anecdotes make the book interesting. Names of Civil War Soldiers, where they served, where injured, and died, comprise half of the book. An index would have been helpful.

THE OVERMOUNTAIN MEN 1760 - 1795 by Pat Alderman, 286 pages, 8~11, hard cover. Order from The Overmountain Press, P. O. Box 126, Johnson City, Tennessee 37601. $10.00

Short, interesting, factual stories of people, places, battles and happenings of ti~es before and after the Revolutionary War comprise this unusual historical book. It dramatically tells of the exploration, settlement and founding of the first free government in America and its struggle for survival, culminat­ ing in the Battle of King's Mountain. The t~xt has five general divisions: The Overmountain Men; One Heroic Hour at King's Mountain; The Cumberland Decade; The State of Franklin; and Southwest Territory. A review cannot do justice to the readability of this comprehensive history. "Ansearchln'" News -156- OUR COKER KIN, Volume I by June B. Barekman (1967), 207 pages, index 8~11, soft cover. Order from the author, 3302 West Diversey, Chicago, Illinois 60647. $10.00

The Coker name originated in Somerset County, England This county is one of the most interesting historical sites in the British Isles. There seems to have been an East, North and West Coker. Coker originated from a Norman ancestor who was rewarded with a grant, after the Battle of Hastings. Included is a Coker coat of arms. Joseph, Charles and William Coker migrated to Virginia around 1600 and later moved southward to the Pee Dee River region in South Carolina. Joseph was a Tory and William and Charles were Whigs during the Revolution. Charles and William later settled at Knoxville, Tennessee, where the Coker line was perpetuated through William. The succeeding generations (and their many accomplishments) are traced through­ out the south and the west.

SOME EARLY TAX DIGESTS OF GEORGIA by Ruth Blair, State Historian and Director (1926), 316 pages, plus index of 174 pages in this reprint (1971), hard cover. Order from Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 405 Virginia Way, Vidalia, Georgia 30474. $20.00.

The 1790, 1800 and 1810 Census records of Georgia were destroyed when the British burned Washington in 1814. This book, combined with the 1805 and 1807 Georgia Land Lotteries, furnishes a much needed replacement. There were 82,548 persons of all races and sex in Georgia in 1790. This book contains names of 36,000 persons, including those whose land adjoined that of persons in the Tax Digest and/or the original Grantor-Grantee of the Land. If one has the 1805 and 1807 Georgia Land Lotteries one will need this book also.

OUR FERRELL GENEALOGY researched and compiled by Hubbard O'Dell Ferrell (1965), over 200 pages, 8~11, looseleaf, Aceo Binder. Contact the author, 2081 {.,rood land Drive, StephenvilIe, Texas 76401 for further information.

The genealogy of the O'Farrell, Farrell, Ferrall families is followed from Genesis through the migration to America and includes the latest descendants. In 708 AD, E Ferghal is number 156 in the line of Gaelic Kings. Other family names found in these records are Drew, Driver, 'Hobson, O'Dell, Lynch, and Nolan. These people came first to Pepnsylvania and then later moved to the South and Southwest. Some are found in the Memphis Area.

LINEAGES AND GENEALOGICAL NOTES by Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris (1967), 412 'pages, 8~1l, hard cover, index. Order from the author, "Twin Oaks" 4700 West Stanford, Dallas, Texas 75209. $16.00.

Louise Elizabeth Burton Morris, a Certified Genealogist, has traced her ancestors to the immigrant on 21 different lines. Many of these people came over on the Mayflower, SOme landed in Jamesto~n.

She has proven her direct lineage through Charlemange, William the Conqueror, Surety Barons of the Magna Charta and Knights of the Garter. This book is documented with full references. A classified and a general index have a combined total of over 4500 names. Winter 1971 -157- FRANKLIN COUNTY, TENNESSEE TAX AND VOTER REGISTP~TION LIST, 1312 TAKEN BY RICHARD CALLAHAY, COI~lISSIONER Certified by Alsalom Russell, Clerk of the Court and Les Tarrant (Tanant), J.P.

\ Transcribed by Betty Givens Moore

John Adkisson Thomas Hes lip Johrt Woods. Jesse Bean Samuel Hand.!.£y James Woods Robert Bean James Esti11 Peter Woods George Bean ) John Handly John Woods, Jr. Jacob Bean (Joab?) James Lee Hall Charles Woods John Bean Thomas Hall Andrew Woods William Bean, Jr. Christopher Hawk Archibald Woods John H. Bean Robert Hudspeth William Woods Joel Bean James Harris (1) William Wright Jesse Bean, Jr. Archibald Hatchett Henry Willis John Bell John Holder Lewis Beck Edmund Bean Nathaniel Hall Richard White David Bell Robert Hall Robert B,2!!. Robert Bell Thomas Hall Nill'rod ~1itchell Wi 11 iam Brown Samuel H. Harris Sal'1ucl Webber Nathaniel Brown John Ireland Charles to'.cDaniel Samuel Berry William Kincaid John :Hlson John Barnet Samuel Leerd William McDaniel Zacharoh Brown David Larkins John Jones John Briscoe John Larkins Jesse Goodwin Richard Benge Field Moore Nathaniel Russell Peter Be lliw James Noore Dutton Siverton Ralph Crabb Jesse HcAnally Thomas L. Duncan Thomas Crabb William NcCloud James Downing Frances Crabb David McCord Francis Smio::h ( David Ca£on Richard Miller Stephen Hun (1) Casler? Collins Wi lliam Moore Thomas L. Page William Cowan Frederick Mayberry James Lett (1) George Counts Bartly (1) Marshall Arno!!. Aryes John Carnahan (7) Ezekiel Owens William Proctor William Caperton John Owens Daniel Cook Thomas Cridley (7) James Patton Jacob Tanwater Thoma s Co 11 ins William Quisenbery Benjamin Roberts Richard Callaway Nathan Robert Samuel Yeager Charles Duncan James Richey Reubin Jorden James Dougan Hugh Robertson George T!!,bb John Dougan Isaac Robertson Philip Jones Thomas Dougan Jacob Rich Jeremiah Street Sharp Dougan Thomas Rich Jeremiah Beck Robert Dougan Barton Rice James Smith Ephraim Drake Gabriel Rice John Deloach James Drake Daniel Robertson Boykin Deloach George Dickey Abel Sparks John Smith John Dickey Benjamin Sparks Joh£\ W. Salmon Ephraim Dickey John Sparks King Patterson Ephraim Dickey, Jr. Solomon Sparks James Holly Thomas Douglass(1) Reubin Sanders John Smith William Duncan Humphrey Scoggins Thomas Smith Wallace Estill Nathan Spencer (7) John Beasly James Estill Michael Spencer (7) Thomas D2.-wly Daniel Eans George Stovall Mathew Dowly Charles Fraqier (7) John Staples Charles Rowlin Hoses Guin Samuel Smith Daniel Havens Jesse Guin t;lisha Stovall John Goodwin George Gifford Alexander Simon Peter Weliman Daniel Givans (7) Charles Simons So lomon George, Wn liam Simrnons James Wootin Samuel Henderson S·imon Trent John Phips Wi 11 iam Henshaw (blank) Trent John Dobs or Doles James Holloway (blank) Taylor Henry Painter William Hudspeth Jacob Vanzant John Painter Wall~ Heslip (1) Jacob 'Vanzant, Jr. John Jorden "Ansearchin'tt News -158-

Thor,lB s Harison John Banks Robert Bon Abraham Hargiss Simon Banks Thomas L. Duncan Harrison Sartain John McGown James Loyd James Sanders Samuel McGown Owen Loyo Solomon Sanders David McGown Stephen Bon Viilliam Forsyth Thomas Littlepage John Bon Henry Gotcher Lieper Brown David Floyd Joshua Gotcher Francis Brown William Noor William Cook John Wilkinson Thomas Harrison, Sr. Burrel Cook Samuel Sherrill William Harrison Archibald Gese~ Elijah Denway Thomas Harrison, Jr. Robert Jones Joseph Cartright Nicholas Jasper Lemuel Johnson Nevel Lea£h Obed Powell Selas Johnson Samuel Dunway Noah Wimberly John Burris William Dunway ~ Wimper Martin Sheckal Francis Crabb Lewis TS.!lwater James B2,nner Thomas Brown William Notitell James Nozworthy Elias Jorden William Colquitt Jacob B2.!l Levi Jorden Daniel A. Perdue William Fursell Wi lliam By!!£!! Benjamin Nevill William Tabb John Hunt Joseph Dunn Daniel Hill Nathaniel Hunt, Sr. Thomas Smith John S~ton Robert Frazier Williain Burgess Stephen Ful~. Reubin Jorden Jacob Bon Elisha __"--_ William Davis James Greenley Gabriel Jones Stafford Selman William Greenlee John Brumsent John Morris George Mas ters John Winn Stewart Cowan John Thrasher Anthony Burris John Crockett John Keykendall Obediah Bean John Tally James Hunt John Burrows John King Lambert Reid Moses S~ton Robert Blackwood James Petty Burrel Bagget Thomas King Stephen Fuller John Robins James Brandon Jesse King James Brooks. Robert Taylor Solomon Dodd Nathan Price John Adams Joseph Langly Silas Tucker William Northcut John Price James Sertain James Melony William Rankin Jacob Beck Henry Barro:l Daniel Roberts Henry Beck Samuel Colquitt John Long Frederick Beck John T. Colquitt James Wood Lewis Watson, Jr. George Swaler £ephus Condry Lewis Watson John Wiliman Jonathan Woodall Lewis Powe 11 Peter Wiliman Stephen Thompson John C. Smith James Brandon Jeremiah Ratley William Morgan David Farmer Joshua Ratley John B2.!l Robert Wa llace Joshua Calahan John Morris Benjamin Adkins Peter Morrison William Burgess Hamen Farmer Alexander McCulloch John Armstrong Joshua Bryant David Woods Jacob Dean Wi lliamBryant George Tubbs, ~r. David Meeks Thomas Selmon James McMistion William Law Richard Bryant Evin Todhunter Barnett Colyer Reubin Emboy Jacob Garner Wiat Ballard Thomas Selmon, Jr. David McCulloch Humphrey Hariss Abner Selmon Mathew Marshal Thoms Hill Eli Selmon, Jr. Burrell Thompson James Bell Wiley Se lmon James McCullock Edward Bon Pumphrit Hinsdon William Tubb William Harrison Nathan Rei-d--- Moses McBride William Buckhalter William Floyd David Stansshil1 Alinn Hargiss Alexander Floyd Samuel Jackson John Hargiss SKelly Moses Morris Thomas Hargiss Durham Kelly Rowlin Lane Abraham Hargiss Samuel Bradshaw John Harriss Gi"lian (?) Jackson Joseph C~ Anderson Stan~ifer And rew l'icGown Joseph Blackburn William Roark Henry Hunt James McCo lluck David May George Sherell Joseph Dunway William \Hliman Nathaniel Hunt Joshua Got..!.cher Jeremiah Hill Alexander Brown Henry Gotcher James Harrison Wi lliam Norman Isaac McElroy or McCroy William Wafford William Carrell Michael McElroy or McCroy James Charles Winter 1971

-159- Ri.chard Charles Francis Young Richard Forrest Tho~las Davison Thomas Young John S11as Johnston King William Vaughn John Cook Sevir Sirnms Kelly James Vaughn Pleasant Finney Jesse Reid Benjamin Johnson John Riddle Jesse King Richard Fads John Smith David Hendrick Ambrose Barker John Craton ~Jilliall1 Ncllride Johnson King George Sh.'mkle Nathaniel McBride William Simmons Ge 0 rge ---:--:-:-:--_ Jesse Armstrong Jacob Craves Harmon Riddle Nathan Reid Charles Simmons James Craton John Briant Henry Wi1.lis James Dougan Colintine Colbert William Crafford Thomas Dougan Daniel He Bride John Shankle John Dougan George NcPherson John Kimbrough James Faris imdrev7 Walker Owen Roark Cornelius Dollarhide John Jorden Williem Graves Wellanton ...... _ David Allen Adam Roonel Joshua Dean Jeremiah Smith W:i.P iam Travis John Bean, Jr. William Armstrong John Loury James Carlile William Davison Solomon Joiner Benjamin Rice Alexander Bird Frederick Mayberry Samuel Moss Samuel Roberts John King Abraham Womack r::'obert Dunn William ~ Samuel Hillhouse· Hilliam Young John Cook Wi lliam Sheals Simon Autry George G. Black Jonathan Eaves James Hardcastle Barney Roark Stephen Bab iHll tam Hargiss Martin Antony James McMinn Ahraham Baker John Robertson Thomas Come!!. George Ga~ Andrew Yo'.mgblood Wi 11 iam McBroom l-lered i th Ki ng John May Thomas Gi lliam Robert Hardcastle David Hunt James \4omack Britain Jones Harrison Johnson Wyley Davis Willie Tally Jacob Shakle William Metcalf \Hlliam Farmer George Sparks Alexander Standridge Zachariah Farmer John Sparks John Gilliam John Borum or Bowen John Young James Cunningham Samuel Vaughn John Beddist Samuel McBee Lewis Abbet l-loses Alexander Edmond HcGuffy Turner S~ Alexander Gray William McBee, Sr. Larkin Bethel Peter Write Joseph Evans Adam Dunlap John Bean Lemuel Bean Richard Grant Jesse Johnson Edward Nichols Eli Selman John Harley John Bean, Jr. Archilles Foster Thomas Harley Obediah Hensley Joseph Atkins Jesse Bounds Philip Clipper John Hooker George Bounds Abraham Shipman Peter Hyles John Smith James Clipper Noore Henly Joseph Denson John Dean Benjamin Camp John Denson James \-lalker William Henly Samuel Parke William Smith Wi 11 iam Long Samuel Nelms James ~lcBee Alexander Long Jacob Nelf"s Henry Davis Thomas Briant John Busby William Nichols l-lason Briant John Coffin David Nichols, Sr. Thomas A. Williams Jacob Shankle David Nichols, Jr. Philip Jeans Robert Travis John Owens James Lambeth Bernard Rowark Thomas Adams Sti~ Adcock James Embry John Patton John Lyttleton Britain Embry John Duke William McClendon William Agill Martin Frank Robert Jones William Mann Thomas Brookst John Kinley Richard Faris Thomas Stuckey Abner Armstrong John Faris James Metcalf Thomas Mathis Samuel McCormack Abner H_ John Mathis John Smally Hugh Gentry Elisha Floyd Josiah Barker John Thratcher J~ Young John Agent Elijah Arno ld James Beesly or .Busby Hilliam Edgings Thomas Kenedy Johnson King John Travis James Sherd Thomas Clark Isaac Foster VI illiam J enkins Hillis Young Peter Noah Jesse Jenkins "Ansearchin'" News -160- IH11 iam Morrow Robert Bean Thomas Higgin Tholl,as Kenerly, Jr. Daniel Norris John Wiggin IHlliam Lusk, Jr. Graves Norris Peter Harris John Morro\ol Jacob Hays William Young Jacob Dean William Patton Isaac Young Alexander Graham William Elsey Clark Thorton Samuel Heary Benjamin Rice, Jr. George Johnson Thomas Brandon Daniel _ Christopher Bullard William Lusk, Sr. Hyram Womack William Bigham Isaac Henry Levi Arnold Abner Heaves James Henry Jesse Bean William Kavanaugh Josiah Lusk George Winters Ebeneyer Puket or Picket Simon Keykendall James McMinn James ~. McWhorter William Keykendall Philip Anderson Leonard Tarrants Mathew Keykendall Alexander Rhymes Samuel Harris William Hunt John Gilliam, Jr. IHlliam Morton James McRa in Jacob Williams David Low or Love William Evans James Standridge James Givins James Linley Stephen Babb Nathaniel Bigham IHlliam Bradley John Jones Thomas Alexander Swif t Mu 11in James McLaughlin William Alexander S;;;rel Johnson Neffle Leach James Henderson David Jay J~Brandon William Forbis John Jay Peter Keykendall John Bel-l--- Jonah Leach George Thratcher Thomas Hudson Hilliam McBee John Arlington Benjamin tHer Jesse McBee Frederick Clipper James Kelly John Haven Thomas Pike James Kieth Israel Archer William Linley George McClusky Henry Hensford, Sr. George Fost·er Samuel ~1cClusky Henry Hensford, Jr. Jonathan Garrett John Emberson John Hensford Thomas Kenedy Daniel Martin Andrew Hensford Samuel Colquit David Robinson Josiah Womack Joseph Cartwright James Robinson Martin Jackson lli Nclariton John Robinson Richard Jackson Joseph Foster Daniel Harrison Isaac Cartright Hilliam Bass James Donathen Joseph Gentry Joseph Brown George Gray William Walker HilHam Bean tHlliam Gray Jesse Wilson John NcBee David Hunt Samuel Rho~ds Abraham Bleci~ John Hutchinson Silas Curtis John Holder Ha McWhorter David Crauford Mo:;es Holder Heyekiah Faris George Pea Bled~ Holder Lewis Gilaspie Joseph Pea Xass)' Holder George Hunt Lewis Hunt Na~tin Holder Sampson Reace Abraham Hunt Lewis Bledsoe William Lea­ Abraham Bon WilHam Sherod George Faris Henry Davis, Sr. James Montgomery William Logan John Moss John Nilson Silvester Worthen 1'1illiam Moss Andrew Nelson John M~tin--- JameE Moss Preston Nelson Philip Williams tHlliam Keneday Robert Bill Nimrod Harris John Coats George Keith John Peck or Pick Stephen Faris John Stuard John King Smith Faris tHlliam Stuard William Hutton John Riggins Abraham Stuart John Hutton tHlliam Wallace William Montgomery James Ma~tin Joseph Wood James Stuart John Brekem Ph ilip Iaylor Thomas Hamilton Solomon Holder Moses Saylors John Hamilton Robert Whitley Daniel Saylor Thomas Kilgore Jabey Fitzgerrel Timothy Roark George Wier William Hutson John McCormick Thomas Eliot Solomon Langham John Clark or Clack John Chilcoat Robert Langham Elisha Mayfield James Chilcoat Thomas Venzant John Ross James Chilcoat George McCarrell William Carr George Russell, Sr. HilHam Hugh Francis Nabours George Russell, Jr. Charles Wood James McHein Samuel Russell Andre Jaso or Juro Martin F~ll John Russell John Burton Alexander Gillis Joseph Bullard William Bird Winter 1971 -161-

A1exilnder Bird Mathew McAlister Win!' fte ld Shropshire James Nelson William McAlister James Stropshire Julius Cesar Sims Samuel Norwood CorneHus Burnett John Sims Robert Bell George Caperton John Montgomery Thomas Kerr Josiah Co~ E1yah Stovall Orman Morgan William Wood Willic>m Russell John Wallace Abraham Rutherford John Russell Isaac Hannah Robert Horris C:Jok Austin Richard }tartin William Wheeler James Taylor James Martin James r.. Cowen Amon Cox William Martin James Montgomery Isaac Estill Robert Cowen Daniel McAlister Fall Sullivan Henry Russell Sargent Johnston Jesse Vanpelt James Russell Thoma s Smily Francis Gholston Henry Russell Thomas Adams Edmond Russe 11 John Russell Joseph McClusky Noah Sullivan Samuel Stephens Elias Oldham Francis Jones William Stuart William Norton Jacob C. Isacks John Perry John Hodges Joseph TayloE Jacob Tally David Burton Wi lliam Scott John Tally John Burton John Henly Mathew Tally Josiah Stephen s Cornelius Dolarhide Robert Hines Ebenezer Stephens, Sr. John Smith Paul Williams James Stephens James Dawnham John Williams Ebenezer Stephens, Jr. Jesse Bounds Samuel McClellin William Jennings George Bounds Jeremiah Jeffery Martin Jennings William Rily Briton Ragsdale James King John May James Dunwoody Edward Finch Joseph Denson Henry Hill Thomas Hurly John Denson Allen Hill John Stamps MaEtain Riley Greenberry Doss George Stamps John Robinson James Wallin James Stamps MaEtain Anthony Johnston Sargant James Harrell ( James Faris Jonas Hill William Adams Bohr Emry William Champion John Winford Joseph Street Evans Richards John Dougan Thomas Evans Absalom Russell William Stamps Joseph Campbell John Champion Martin Jervis or Juins Andrew Campbell Aaron Sargent Allen Jervis or Juins John Camp be 11 Temple Sargent William Smith Nevis Russell William Sargent Leroy May Thomas RusseU Hugh Montgomery William Witt Jonathan Spyker James Montgomery Valentine Gates James Evans Robert Brooks George Taylor James Rasy William Brooks Archelus Taylor Jo~ah Ba rker Maclin Cross Lee Taylor Ambrose Barker William Hall Sylvester Stokes Samuel Glover Thomas Ross John Sturdivant Stephen Petecock James McCord Nathan Davis Avery Reaves William King William Vernon John Russell, Sr. James Sargent William Whit!. Thomas Hurly John Brewanton John Jones William Scott William Moor Martin Wigginton George Emberson James Cowan John Lee John Kieth William Jennings Cader Lee Alexander J. Allen Joshua Townsen Reubin Warren James Embuson Jesse Perkins or Pickens David Warren John Cowon or Couson William Delany John Davis Elias Debusk Martin Jennings John Pride John Caperton Nathaniel Robertson James Morrison Thomas Foster or Forbis James Kelly Reuben Herndon William Russell, Sr. John Kelly Perry Young William Russell, Jr. George Stephens Richard Sharp George Russell Gidion Walker J/lmes Sharp Martin Little Ezekiel Neal John Glaco Edmond Russell George Soop John Champion William Moore John Parish Joh11 Shepherd James Cowen Archabald Brooks Daniel Muse Robert McCamey John Hurchherson J~dethen Poe Andrew Eastis Elijah Williams G-;)rge Hiller John Eastis Benjamin Riddle John Wyat David McAllister, Sr. "Ansearchin' to News -162-

William Oldfield Stephen Williford Edward Ozburn Edmond Dickson Isaac James John Bynum George Glover William Faris Isaac James, Jun. Charles Faris Joseph James Absolom Faris Samuel Parks William Childers James Brod, John Green James R~ or Ropers Benjamin Majors John King Abner Rossen or Ropers William Sutton Thomas Williford Isaac Sanders George Parks Charles Weeks John Kenly John Hamilton John H. Aikins John Stags Moses Short Alexander Berryhill William Darwin Asa Hamilton Benjamin R;w1ings Thomas Keesse Benjamin Ea!.ly Hezekiah Lasater, Sr. Samuel Blow Richard Wilson Richard Hits John Fortenberry Moses Wood John King Carvel J. Prichard Moses Aryes Eli-Blackard Thomas Simipson Daniel Weaver lli Ea.:?.ly William-Hammons Fielden McDaniel Joshua Payne Coa1man McDaniel Stephen James William Berryhill Anya1 King Lot Strickland Archibald McCown Joab Short Rhoden Poe William Childers Edward Norton--­ James Hoge James Dotson Benjamin Thompson John Wils~ Edward Smith Robert Lacky John Eas1y Randolph Riddle Jesse Embry Daniel Roland William H. Greenwood Ezekiel Stags John Nelms George Wagoner Jane s Howard Harman Riddle Solomon Wagoner James Young Aaron Wods ~w Stricy1in Will~am Wagoner Miles Hoge Wall~ Stephen Brundridge William Beas1y Barlary Owen Taylor Abraham Jarr.es Benjamin Jones Charles M. Boyse Moses Aryes Britain Jones William Lasater Robert Jones William Boyse John Simmons Peter McFee or McGee Eliot Boyse John Hamilton William Simmons John Wagner Philip Gates Samuel Nelloms Isom Wood John McQueen David rvrd John Herrod Joshua McCarver Thomas l-Iuse Wicks Nicholson Edw. H. Himan or Henson James Lewis John Poe David Law Henry Goodwin John Keeton Joseph Moore Martin Sims Abner Lasater Allen Sims

BAILEY ANDERSON BIBLE Contributed by Mrs. Delbert Welch

"January 5, 1847

Mr. James Edwards Sir

I have enclosed to you a 1eef of my Bible it being a part of the family record whitch contains the death of Charlotte Ashelocke. ----- Yours Respectfully /s/ Bailey Anderson"

Bailey Anderson was born November 4, 1799 Nancy Anderson was born January 24, 1800 A1se (?sp) Carline Francis was born June 7 1825 POlly Ann Anderson was born July 4, 1827 ' Sary ill Anderson was born January 3 18 Druci11a Elizabeth Anderson was born'November 6 1830 Charlotte Temple Anderson was born February 15,'1831 Robert Pearson Anderson was born October 21, 1832. Eliza Jane Anderson was born April 16, 1834

Charlotte Ashe10cke died February the 28th ~841.

In another letter, Bailey Anderson states that Charlotte Ashlock died at her resident in Graves C0., Ky., near his home, and was buried on his farm the next day. Winter 1971 -163-


Transcribed by Jonathan K.T. Smith, C. G.

p.l: Dabney D. Lipscomb and Julia F. Larkins, 4 Jan. 1838. Henry N. Hise - Maria L. Moore, 14 Jan. 1838. John H. D'\ncan - Levina Simmons, 18 Jan. 1838. Ruben Dixon - Harriett Baites, 17 Jan. 1838. Valetine Fulcher - Mary McCarty, 8 Feb. 1838. Napoleon Robeson - Caro~ine Ludewell, Is. 7 Feb. 1838, no ret. William Gossage - Sally Fitch, 15 Feb. 1838. Dyer Holder - Leannah Francis, 20 Feb. 1838. Thomas S. Camp - Rachael Herriford, Is. 7 Mar. 1838, no ret. James Klepper - Polly Jones, Is. 9 Mar. 1838, no ret.

p.2: Solomon Limbaugh - Christiana Robeson, Is. 19 Mar. 1838, no ret. William Bryant - Martha Blakely, 6 April 1838. Stephen Lowe - Sally Ann Williams, 17 April 1838. Hugh Francis - Catharine Buchanan, 12 April 1838. Morgan Grover - Elizabeth Norman, Is. 26 Apr. 1838, no ret. William King - Clary McKee, Is. 2 May 1838, no ret. James Alley - Nancy A. Brom, 6 May 1838. Henry M. Ballard - Jemima Burgess, 6 May 1838. Dr. William S. Green - Amanda Buchanan, 10 May 1838.

p.3: Ambrose Wheeler - Patsey Singleton, 27 April 1838. Thomas C. Whitesides - Margret Robinson, 24 May 1838. Lycurgus Lyncecum - Martha P. Cox, Is. 28 May 1838, no ret. William J. Williams - Elizabeth A. Hobblefield, Is. 1 June l838,no ret. John Roberts - Mary Christian, 3 June 1838. James McCollum - P. Childers, 14 June 1838. ( William P. Starnes - Amanda J. Knight, 21 June 1838. William Carroll - Nancy Ludewell, Is. 25 June 1838, no ret, James McDanie 1 - Elizabeth Wilson, 29 June 1838.

p.4: James Ellis - Mary B. Adair, 4 July 1838. Charles V. Goolsby - Sally Willerford, 8 July 1838. Samuel Pearson - Eliza C. Whitson, 12 July 1838. F. B. Faris - Martha Henley, __ July 1838. Nathaniel Partos - Mary Royalty, 15 July 1838. Elijah Lynch - Elizabeth Williams, 2 June 1838. Gilbert Mills - Nevey Bass, 10 June 1838. Clinton Bagget - Nancy Runnels, 19 July 1838. - Mary Duboice, 24 July 1838.

p.S: William C. Boid - Lucind Brannon, 26 July 1838. David D. Smith - Martha Davidson, 7 August 1838. Beverly M. Williamson - Eleanor Douga~, Is. 31 July 1838, no ret. Jessee Lilley - Martha B. Steward, Is. 13 Aug. 1838, no ret. Miles Taylor - Margret Nugent, 19 Aug. 1838. Richard Lyons - Nancy A. Smith, 23 August 1838. Preston Warren - Mary Jones, 6 Sept. 1838. Joseph C. Cook - Martha Anderson, 10 Sept. 1838. Benj. Sells - Mary A. Stewart, 9 Aug. 1838. Thomas Pasley - Susannah Davis, 30 Aug. 1838.

p.6: Amanzey B. Gordon - Harriet March, 11 Sept. 1838. Barney M. Runnels - Betsy Crocket, 13 Sept. 1838. Lewis Hill - Cynthia Driver, 26 Sept. 1838. John J. Miller - Mary Ann Hines, 20 Sept. 1838. H. R. Bennett - Clarisa Keaton, __ Sept. 1838. Martin C. Burkes - Sally Osborn, 4 Oct. 1838. Nathan D. Stamps - Winney Cambrey, 27 Sept. 1838. Minor Carroll - Lucinda Browning, Is. 26 Sept. 1838, no ret. Jacob Holt - Lucinda Holder, 27 Sept. 1838. Richard Burkes - Charlott Burkes, Is. 27 Sept. 1838, no ret. "Ansearchin'" News -164-

p.7: James Sandford - Martha Usleton, 27 Sept. 1838. John Williams - Phebe Lasori, 8'Aug. 1838. James Pyland - Sally Lastar, 4 Oct. 1838. James Faris - Margret Caroll, Is. 3 Oct. 1838, no ret. William Puryor - Mary E. Pttt, 4 Oct. 1838. JamesA. Phillips - Franc.!s M. Hill, 4 Oct. 1838. William C. Hally - Pemey Easley, 11 Oct. 1838. 'I;homas D.. Martin - Lydia A. Miler, 11 Oct. 1838. Edwin H. McDaniel - Ma1issa J. Barnes, 10 Oct. 1838. Samuel Weaver - Nancy Hill, 20 Oct. 1838.

p.8: John F. Stephens - Nancy Newberry, 18 Oct. 1838. Elisha H. Sims - Sally Ann Herriford, Is. 24 Oct. 1838, no ret. John Brown - Mary Ann Jopes, Is. 27 Oct. 1838, solemnized, but no date. Jessee Beaver - Betsy Carr, Is. 1 Nov. 1838, solemnized, but no date. Noel Green - Mary Francis, 8 Nov. 1838. Bird Grills - Mary Boyd, 8 Nov. 1838. Burrell Campbell - Martha Hill, Is. 9 Nov. 1838, no ret. John Luck - Cathrine Williamson, 8 Nov. 1838. Mathew W. Watson - Rebecca Smith, Is. 27 Nov. 1838, no ret. William Grant - Elizabeth Webb, Is. 5 Dec. 1838, no ret.

p.9: John Chitwood - Franc!s L. Martin, 25 Dec. 1838. William Smith - Delila Yates, 18 Dec. 1838. Josias Guinn - Juda Majors, 1 Jan. 1839. Joel Vangant - Sally Limbaugh, Is. 22 Dec. 1838, no ret. Robert C. Lasater - Susan Davidson, Is. 22 Dec. 1838, no ret. Hugh Jones - Nancy March, 27 Dec. 1838. Jourdan Banks - Rachiel Baines, 31 Dec. 1838. Joh~ W. Smith - Mary Simpson, 1 Jan. 1839. Jacob P. Analt - Rebecca P. Morgan, Is. 2 Jan. 1839, no ret. Joseph Lynch - Sarah A. Martin, 2 Jan. 1839.

p.lO: William Yates - Martha Byrom, 6 Jan. 1839. John G. Brazelton - Ann Bledsoe, 10 Jan. 1839. Samuel Caldwell - Eliza B. Thompson, 11 Jan. 1839. West S~ Childers - Maria Muse, 17 Jan. 1839. John F. Black - Mary Sarton, 17 Jan. 1839. William Sanders - Julia Greenlee, Is. 14 Jan. 1839, no ret. Powell Davion - Nancy Kennedy, Is. 14 Jan. 1839, no ret. Nelson Finney - Martha Dyal, 17 Jan. 1839. Thomas Foster - Tempy Jones, 17 Jan. 1839. George P. Heath - Mary Church, Is. 17 Jan. 1839 "license burnt".

p.ll: Jessee Rogers - Susan Sutton, 15 Jan. 1839. Joel A. Woodall - Sarah Douglass, Is. 26 Jan. 1839, no ret. Jeremiah Arnold - Elizabeth Hobblefield, 4 Feb. 1839. E. B. Mclaughlin - Elizabet~ Maj~rs, Is. 4 Feb. 1839, no ret. George Speck - Holley Awalt,S Feb. 1839. James N. Keith - Nancy J. Larkins, 9 Feb. 1839. Allen Lackey - Nancy Fannan, Is. 14 Feb. 1839, no ret. George P. Heath - Mary Church, 17 Feb. 1839. Richard Hall - Narcissa Neal, Is. 18 Feb. 1839, no ret.

p.12: Hayden March - Mary E. Finch, 21 Feb. 1839. Isaac Bridges - M. J. Smith, 18 Feb. 1839. Henry Weaver - Patsy Morgan, 25 Feb. 1839. L. D. Jones - Isabella Osborn, Is. 6 Mar. 1839, no ret. William Bryant - Melinda B.Olliver, Is. 18 Mar. 1839, no ret. David McGowan - Sarah A. Thompson, Is. 29 Mar. 1839, no ret. Hiram Wallace - Ann Brown, Is. 30 Mar. 1839, no ret. A. S. Myrick - Mary Martin, 8 April 1839. Charles Wood - Betsy Smith, 16 April 1839. A. H. Martin - Nancy J. Estell, 19 April 1839. Winter 1971 -165-

p.13: David Dyal - Susan Jones, 28 April 1839. N. H. Coulson - Ellen Sims, 30 April 1839. Johnny Blackwood - Margret F. Blackwood, 29 April 1839. James M. Matlock, Jr. - Mary Jane Dyer, 9 May 1839. J. W. Kelly - Susan Crabtree, 25 April 1839. Robinson Wagoner - Elizabeth Riddle, Is. 9 May l839, no ret. Samuel Du~kworth - Luvina Devenport, Is. 15 May 1839, no ret. Richard Sharp - Indiana C. 1'1cSpain, 16 May 1839. Mordent Young - Louisa Warren, 18 May 1839. John Osborn - Cardine Baker, 6 June 1839.

p.14: John Noah - Telitha Hendrix, 30 May 1839. R. C. Smith - Mourning W. Miller, 4 June 1839. George Moseley - Christian Tate, Is. 14 June 1839, no ret. Jacob Burris - Mary Jane Branch, 24 June 1839. John Burks - Martha Lucas, 28 June 1839. John Berry - America Anderson, 4 Aug. 1839. John P. Miller - Rebecca Hendley, 4 July 1839. Joseph Taylor - Eli~abeth A. Matlock, 27 July 1839. Willie Ludewell - Sarah E. McKinzey, Is. 28 July 1839, no ret. Alexander G. Key - Ann E. Spann, Is. 1 Aug. 1839, no ret.

p.lS: Benjamin F. Jones - Sarah Smith, 1 Aug. 1839. A. P. Darell - Louisa Ward, 6 Aug. 1839. Jonathan M. Runnells - Syntha Sanders, 10 Aug. 1839. John Pennington - Sarah McIyea, Is. 13 Aug. 1839, no ret. Franklin Reed - Mahala Reed, 27 Aug. 1839. Noah Rice - Polly Mason, Is. 2 Sept. 1839, no ret. Nelson Simpson - Elizabeth Adkins, 2 Sept. 1839. Benjamin Vernor - Nancy Russell, 3 Sept. 1839. Joshua Smith, Jr. - Margret Wakefield, Is. 4 Sept. 1839, no ret. ( Daniel Walls - Sally Kersey, Is. 7 Sept. 1839, no ret.

p.16: Minor Anderson - Kiziah Hopper, 15 Sept. 1839. James V. Acklin - Sarah Rollins, 9 Sept. 1839. Henry Cowan - Elizabeth Franklin, 29 Sept. 1839. Peter A. Williams - Mary McKinzie, 4 Oct. 1839. John M. Brannon - Mary A. Rogers, 8 Oct. 1839. William A. Ragsdale - Justine Hodges, 6 O~t. f839. William Bowman - Hannah Isbell, 15 Sept. 1839: Hardin Hill - Mary Morill, Is. 9 Oct. 1839, no ret. F. A. Loughmiller - Elizabeth F. Dechard, Is. 10 Oct. 1839, no ret. Kindred Majors - Mary C. Byrom, 10 Oct. 1839.,

p.17: Giles W. Bass - Susan Keith, Is. 12 Oct. 1839, no ret. Douglas Hendrix - Hulda Martin, Is. __Oct. 1839, no ret. Andrew Jackson Brazelton - Francis C. England~ 23 Oct. 1839. Henry Crawford - Elizabeth Henshaw, 29 Oct. 1839. Howell Holly - Elizabeth Seaton, 4 Nov. 1839. Henry Wallace - Peggy Hill, Is. 11 Nov. 1839, no ret. David Lyons - Nancy Farrell, Is. 27 Nov. 1839, no ret. John S. Farris - Sarah L. Hines, 29 Nov. 1839. James M. Shed - Margret Sims, 3 Dec. 1839. John S. Williford - Margrett Cook, Is. 7 Dec. 1839, no ret.

p.18: Thomas F. Moseley - A. V. H. Simmons, 10 Dec. 1839. William M. Reynolds - Patsy Duncan, 19 Dec. 1839. Ozwill Jones - Polly Cook, 17 Dec. 1839. Robert J. Murphy - Francis Esoridge, 17 Dec. 1839. Thomas Emerson - Mary Seargent, 19 Dec. 1839. Andrew J. Duncan - Dicy Duncan, 23 Dec. 1839. William Johnson - Manerva Austin, 25 Dec. 1839. Solomon Sells - Lucy Taylor, 26 Dec. 1839. James Burkes - Amy Lucas, 26 Dec. 1839. Oliver H. Bridges - Mary A. Nuckles, 4 Jan. 1840. "Ansearchin'" News -166-

p.19: John Anderson - E. F. Reagin, 7 Jan. 1840. William W. Grady - Martha E. Mathews, 8 Jan. 1840. Sehorn Holt - Sarah Simpson, 10 Jan. 1840. Richard H. Mclaughlin - Isabella C. Walker, 16 Jan. 1840. Berry Barnes - Harriett Hooser, 15 Dec. 1839. Derrell McKee - Kiziah King, 26 Jan. 1840. William H. Matlock - Lucy E. Moore, 30 Jan. 1840. Joseph L. Starnes - Margrett Bible, 24 Jan. 1840. Thomas R. Taylor - Nancy Martin, Is. 3 Feb. 1840, no ret. George Hill - Nancy ScotL, 20 Jan. 1840.

p.20: William Copishaw - Nancy Guinn, 8 Jan. 1840. W. R. Francis - Margret Mclheran, Is. 12 Feb. 1840, no ret. G. W. Adkins - A. M. Smith, Is. 10 Feb. 1840, no ret. Jordan Driver - Dicy Vaughan, 13 Feb., 1840. A. P. Moore - M. E. Oliver, 14 Feb. 1840. Ryon Caperton - Susan Williams, Is. 15 Feb. 1840, no ret. James Robinson - Eliza Hotckins, 18 Feb. 1840. H. C. Bass - Mahala Smith, Is. 10 Feb. 1840. George Walker - Betsy Wagner, Is. 18 Feb. 1840, no ret. D. H. McCoy - M. E. Jarrett, Is. 21 Feb. 1840, no ret.

p.2l: Williamson Brannon - C. Cherry, Is. 26 Feb. 1840, no ret. H. A. Bingham - Sally Gossage, 26 Feb. 1840. D. A. Conner - Mary Askins, 4 Feb. 1840. Samuel H. Cowan - Mary E. Moore, Is. 5 Mar. 1840, no ret. William G. Jenkins - Mary J. Green, Is. 7 Mar. 1840, no ret. William Cooper - Margrett Windsor, 18 Mar. 1840. John Ethridge - Eliza McK~e, 19 Mar. 1840. Joseph Holder, Jr. - Susan Williams, 27 Feb. 1840. B. A. Myers - Clementine Francis, Is. 26 Mar. 1840, no ret. Robert Hancock - Julia J. Sharp, 16 April 1840.

p.22: John Smith - Easter Ann Pickett, Is. 23 April 1840, no ret. Davis McElroy - Christiana E. Wakefield, 27 April 1840. James B. Foster - Susan J. Thurman, 6 May 1840. Jacob M. Bean - Nancy Bowling', 11 May 1840. Jonathan H. Davis - Pelitha A. Williams, 21 May 1840. John Streeter - Susan Bent, 11 June 1840. James Lakey - Lucinda Holder, 15 June 1840. William Wagner - Mary Singleton, 28 June 1840. Alford Bent - Elizabeth Brasford, 5 July 1840. W. A. Branch - Louisa Jane Sisk, _'_July 1840.

p.23: John Poe - Francis Poe, 20 July 1840. William Holder - Carolina Bates, 20 July 1840. Archibald Campbell - Mary Noe, 26 July 1840. Melton D. Farris - Mary A. Sims, 30 July 1840. John A. Talley - Margrett A. Meeks, 29 July 1840. Samuel McKelvey - Elizabeth Embrey, Is. 30 July 1840, no ret. William Conn - Ede Hunt, 6 Aug. 1840. H. L. Lambert - Sarah Tayl~r, 10 Aug. 1840. Captain McKelvey - Elizabeth Willhite, 16 Aug. 1840. Peter W. Tipps - Louisa C. Moore, 20 Aug. 1840.

p.24: James S. Colyar - M. A. Provine, 28 Aug. 1840. A. M. Garrett (or Gannett) - Sarah A. Gilham, 20 Sept. 1840. A. L. Hyder - Mary A. Keith, 22 Sept. 1840. Joseph Miller - Milly Perkins, Is. 20 Sept. 1840, no ret. Williams Sims - Susan P. Grills, 1 Oct. 1840. Thomas Lewis - Sarah Cowan, 4 Oct. 1840. James G. Collins - Sarah P. Breeden, 4 Oct. 1840. Thomas W. Jones - Cathrine E. Kunningham, Is. 22 Oct. 1840, no ret. Abel McNiel - Mahala Chitwood, Is. 22 Oct. 1840, no ret. A. G. Grant - Roda H. Bobo, Is. 22 Oct. 1840, no ret. · Winter 1971 -167-

p.25: Joseph Hambrick - Bethana Wilson, Is. 22 Oct. 1840, no ret. Eli Frazier - Rhoda A. Minnix, Is. 26 Oct. 1840, no ret. Orin Hill - Elizabeth Custer, 27 Oct. 1840. B. H. Emerson - Elizabeth Meredith, 10 Nov. 1840. Robert J. Green - Nancy W. Green, 19 Oct. 1840. James E. Travis - Martha Stovall, Is. 23 Nov. 1840. Peter Brown - Rebecca Dunbar, 1 Dec. 1840. Joseph M. Burrough - Elizabeth Estell, Is. 8 Dec. 1840, no ret.

p.26: Ross B. Cowan - Mary H. Brazelton, Is. 8 Dec. 1840. no ret. Jacob W. Hise - Amanda Thompson, Is. 8 Dec. 1840. no ret. William H. Knuckles - Sarah A. Linsley. 20 Dec. 1840. John James - Elizabeth Willis, __Dec. 1840. Lewis Anderson - Char10tta Moore, 17 Dec. 1840. Thomas Parks - Nancy Chambers, Is. 26 Dec. 1840. Willis Wilson Young - Eliza Ball, 29 Dec. 1840. John B. Lusk - Marie1 L. Roseborough, 27 Dec. 1840. John A. Swann - Kathrine Barnes, 27 Dec. 1840. A. Campbell - Mary Noah, 28 Dec. 1840.

p.27: C. N. Williford - Sarah Day, Is. 30 Dec. 1840, no ret. James T. Edwards - Elizabeth McClure, Is. 31 Dec. 1840, no ret. R. M. King - Amelia Judd, Is. 31 Dec. 1840, no ret. L. Williams - Violet Mcl1henan, Is. 31 Dec. 1840~ no ret. Henry Hill - Phebia M. Frame, 3 Jan. 1841. Jessee D. Stalham - Eveline Hightower, 3 Jan. 1841. John Buchanon - Elizabeth Ander!on, 5 June 1841. J. W. Williams - Mary F. McNabb, Is. 3 Jan. 1841, no ret. Thomas Sanders - Mary A. McDaniel, 7 Jan. 1841. Solomon Holder - Elizabeth J. Looney, 9 Jan. 1841.

p.28: Joseph Cowling - Permelia Camp, _ Jan. 1841. James Davison - Harriett Lakey, 7 Jan. 1841. Ruben Richison - Dida Nabors, Is. 23 Jan. 1841, no ret. William Davis - Nancy Darnaby, 20 Jan. 1841. John A. Unden~ood - Martha Jane King, 6 Feb. 1841. Richard B. Thacker - Nancy Green, 21 Feb. 1840. Shelton Watson - Mary Shain, Is. 16 Feb. 1841, no ret. Samuel H. Martin - Sarah Martin, 20 Feb. 1841. Thomas D. Farris - Eveline Farris, Is. 18 Feb. 1841. John Wagner - Huldah Brannon, Is. 19 Feb. 1841, no ret.

p.29: Moses Hill - Vina McCarver, 21 Feb. 1841. C. B. Rogers - Mary Brewer, Is. 21 Feb. 1841. D. M. Baytes - Sarah Holder, Is. 18 Mar. 1841, no ret. Daniel Kitchings - Mary A. Bamling, Is. 23 Mar. 1841, no ret. John Dyal - Hannah Guthree, Is. 24 Mar. 1841, no ret. Anderson Hill - Manerva Guinn, 25 Mar. 1841. John M. Hawkins - Jemima Perry, 26 Mar. 1841. Cornelius Cooper - Jane Taylor, Is. 27 Mar. 1841, no ret. J. C. Wiseman - Sophia Hickman, Is. 29 Mar. 1841, no ret. William Prince - Lucinda Lynch, 24 Mar. 1841, no ret.

p.30: Edward S. Bowman - Letha Jane Alexander, Is. 7 April 1841, no ret. Stephen M. Francis - Roxanna Gross, Is. 8 April 1841, no ret. James B. Garner - Lucy Embry, 8 April 1841. John W. Brandon - Eliza Jane Rich, 11 April 1841. Benj. Roberts - E. J. Tucker, 14 April 1841. Andrew B. Anderson - Adaline Dickenson, 18 April 1841. Andrew J. Norwood - Caroline Guthrie, 24 April 1841. James C. Malone - Elizabeth Sisko 29 April 1841. William J. Farris - E!izabeth Gamble, 4 May 1841. Lewis Holder - Mariah Lakey, 19 May 1841. "Ansearch1n'" News -168-

p.31: James Hall - Cathrine Winkler, 2 June 1841. Stephen Pylant - Martha E. Lasater, 3 June 1841. Will Edw. Venable - Jane E. Curle, Is. 9 June 1841. William Guinn - Susan Odear, 25 April 1841. ,.alliam G. Griffith - Elizabeth Rice, Is. 17 June 1841. Joel G. McCutcheon - Emily Conn, 26 June 1841. William St~ne - Matilda Hollin, Is. 12 July 1841: Nathan Bostick - Caroline Stovall, 18 July 1841. Jourdan Ashley - Sophia Bradford, 23 July 1841. John M. Ladd - Lucinda Jane Carroll, 21 July 1841.

p.32: William Stewart - Nancy Elliott, 7 June 1841. Norman Cates - Jane Williams, 27 July 1841. Samuel Guinn - Cathrine Sherrell,S Aug. 1841. Clement C. Mattenlee - Mary Farris, 3 Aug. 1841. Lancen Hunt - Mary Crowder, Is. 7 Aug. 1841, no ret. Alexander M. Crawford - Polly McClure, 7 Aug. 1841. Abner Wilkinson - C. A. Oliver, Is. 11 Aug. 1841, no ret. Sherrod G. Nowlin - Ruthy Methoin, 12 Aug. 1841. William A. Ragsdale - Martin R. Purvers, 7 Sept. 1841. Samuel P. Cole - Rosanna M. Baker, Is. 1 Sept. 1841, no ret.

p.33: Caleb C. Call - Sopherias M. Lynch, 3 Sept. 1841. William Jones - Clarrissa Berry,S Sept. 1841. Lorenza D. Lynch - Mary Flayco, 15 Sept. 1841. Joseph Stewart - Sally Kelley, 1 June 1841. John Kitchings - Drusid Alexander, 25 Feb. 1841. George Taylor - Peggy Walker, 12 Sept. 1841. Jessee Shulls - Char10tt Bucks, 9 Oct. 1841. Thomas Liuticum - Ellen Russell, 7 Oct. 1841. Thomas S. Houston - Malinda Baker, 12 Oct. 1841. Joshua P. Cole - Rachiel J. Moore, 12 Oct. 1841.

p.34: Elbert W. Custen - Louisa Adaline Caraway, 25 Oct. 1841. Hardy H. Smith - Susan A. Young, 17 Oct. 1841. Turner Jones - Rutha Carolina Dougan, Is. 25 Oct. 1841, no ret. Isaac Reed - Rebecca Long, 2 Nov. 1841. Melmuth Coker - Milly Gipson, _ Nov. 1841. W. L. Wilkinson - Nancy Stubblefield, 6 Aug. 1841. John Marsh - Susan Smith, 14 Nov. 1841. William C. Franklin - Martha F. Gramb1er, 19 Nov. 1841. George W. Powers - Martha Montgomery, 19 Nov. 1841. Sion S. Brazier - Mary L. Baker, 22 Nov. 1841.

p.35: Elizabeth Mason - Eliza F. Kilpatrick, Is. 24 Nov. 1841 A. M. Sims - Evaline Winkler, 2 Dec. 1841. William D. Metcalf - Martha Morgan, 9 Dec. 1841. Grant T. Hamilton - Nancy Davidson, 9 Dec. 1841. E. A. Wagner - E. A. Knight, 9 Dec. 1841. Martin Mason - Sarah Bridges, 11 Dec. 1841. William W. Brazelton - Charlott P. Sims, Is. 16 Dec. 1841, no ret. Jessee Megee - Rebecca F. Wiggin, 19 Dec. 1841. Richard C. Holt - Mary Waneer, 23 Dec. 1841. Hezekiah Jiles - Lovina Osborn, 27 Dec. 1841.


LAMB CEMETERY, 14th DISTRICT OF RUTHERFORD CO., TENNESSEE (Located Qn the Old Williams Home Place)

Contributed by Mrs. H. H. Jones

Lamb, Capt. Nick Ralston, Dora, Lamb, Burton 7/14/1831 1872 11/30/1864 1945 (Co. D 24 10 NCSA) Fell in the Battle of Franklin Burton, Davy, husband of Dora Lamb Lamb, Carol H. (no marker) 1835 1910 Auberry, Rocky A. Lamb 1876 Lamb, Fannie Williams 1938 1845 1908 Auberry, Henry (no marker) Williams, C. H. (Houston) 1870 Winfrey, Ma Ussa Lamb 1900 1863 1925 Williams, J. B. (John) 1841 Winfrey, George ( 1903 (no marker)

Williams, Jennie (Mary Virginia) Lamb, Edward W. 1860 1867 1930 1935

Williams, William Lamb, Sally Reed Jones (no marker) (no marker) (Died 1852) Winfrey, John Williams, Lavester Holden (no marker) Wife of William (no marker) Winfrey, Etta (no marker)

Winfrey, Earl (no marker) NEWSPAPER NOTICES- THE MEMPHIS (TENNESSEE) ENQUIRER Contributed by Frances M. Clarke AprilS, 1836: Married, Mr. Lloyd W. Deloach in Tipton County to Miss Harriet Allen, daughter of Col. James Allen, on the 1st ult. by Rev. J. McFerrin. Married: In Hunti~don. Carroll County, on Tuesday the 20th ult. Mr. Joseph Luter to Miss Lucy Green. Died: On the 3rd Inst. at his residence near Memphis, Mr. Whitsett, Sr., age 63 years. April 12, 1836: Died: At his residence in this town last evening, Mr. Thomas Reid. Married: On the 22nd Inst. by James Rose, Esq. ,Dr. D.F. Sims, of Chocchuma, Miss. to Mrs. Mary Fleetwood of this vicinity. July 20, 1836: Married: On yesterday, Col. Gardner B. Locke of this place and Miss Mary Jane, only daughter of Dr. J. B. Prescott, and late of Louisianna. "Ansearchin'" News -170- DESOTO COUNTY, MISS ISS IPPI CEMETERY

Copied by ErIe (Mrs. Sidney) Wilroy

Cemetery located t mile south of Pleasant Hill Road on Malone Road. The following are the only tombstones I could find, but feel sure there are many other graves.

1. In Memory of 6. Josiah Cobb WILLIAM COLE b. November 9, 1848 Born in Maryland d. February 11, 185(7) in the year 1775 d. October 17, 1849 7. Henry P. M. Cobb in DeSoto County, Miss. b. May 12, 1842 d. March 10, 1846 2. James B. Son of 8. Elizabeth Payne J.B. and M. Henley b. June 22, 1778 b. December 28, 1847 d. January 7, 184(?)possib1y 1 d. February 6, 1850 9. Humphrey Cobb 3. Mary J. b. May 22, 1801 Daughter of d. March 20, 1854 W. H. and Mary A. Denty b. September 8, 1840 (7) 10 John W. Manning d. June 19, 1840 b. June 16, 1797 d. March 12, 1841 Thomas J. Son of 11. Sarah Glover William H. and Mary A. Denty Daughter of b. December 30, 1844 R. L. and E. J. Targart (7) d. September 5, 1851 b. March 8, 1848 d. March 28, 1848 4. In Memory of Mary Ann 12. Our Mother Consort of Mary Baker William H. Denty b. In Germantown, Pa. b. October 14, 1821 July 24, 1797 d. June 5, 1858 d. In DeSoto County, Miss. Age 36 yrs. 7 mo. 22 days September 6, 1852

5. Locha V. Cobb 13. German Baker b. August 4, 1844 b. June 7, 1792 d. February 9, 1850 or 56(7) d. June 8, 1879 DAVIS CEMETERY RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE Contributed by Mrs. H. H. Jones CRICK, Elizabeth Williams, 1815-1902 DAVIS, Sarah E. 1862-1886 wife of N. C. Crick ELEY, Jo~n Franklin 1878-1897 DAVIS, Alfred W. 1860-1882 WARD, Burl 1855-1920 DAVIS, B. N. 1817-1891 WARD, C. Y. 1892-1894 DAVIS, Inez Hoskins 1872-1960 WARD, Emma Davis 1862-1940 DAVIS, James T. 1868-1952 WARD, James R. 1922-1930 DAVIS, Louisa M. Williams, 1830-19 7 WARD, John M. 1886-1950 wife of B. N. Davis WARD, Mary E. 1858-1901 DAVIS, Rebecca J. 1856-1917 WARD, Mary Gladys Horton 1899-1917 DAVIS, Robert Matthew 1854-1935 DAVIS, Wm. Barton 1866-1945 Three unmarked graves "Winter 1971 -171-

The M~rion F~mily Lineage of France and South Carolina Contributed by Elizabeth Barnett Atcheson (Mrs. Sam) In the 15th century, the new art of printing made the Bible available to many for the first time. Owning a Bible was punishable by death; therefore, religions groups met in secret to study their Bibles. Literacy and membership in these groups Set the Huguenots apart from the French people as a whole, since few other than the Clergy could read and write. Not since the early Christian Martyrs had such religious zeal been felt. Influenced by their studies of the Bible and the teaching of John Calvin, the great French Reformer, the Huguenots urged reforms in the Established Church and protested, among many things, the "Divine Right" of the Church and the feudal lords to rule the people. For several years they worked in pe~ce and were among the leading thinkers of France. As they gained Some political power, they were considered dangerous and when Louis XIV became King of France, their freedom was taken from them by the "Revocation of the Edict of Nantes" in 1685. Their property was con­ fiscated, often their Bibles were used as fuel to burn them at the stake. Thousands were tortured and killed, rather than renounce their faith. The order "Flee or Die" forced all who were able, to escape to England, Holland and the Colonies. Jean Marion and his wife Perinne Boutingnon did not escape. Their SOIl, Benjamin Marion and his young wife, Judith Baluet, of LaChaume en Poitou, France, settled in South Carolina in 1690 on the Santee River. He was our first Marion Huguenot ancestor, the grandfather of General Francis Marion, "The Swamp Fox". Benjamin Marion and wife Judith Baluet, settled near her kin, the Cordes, who had preceded them to South Carolina and settled on Santee River, later known as French Santee. Their children were: Esther, Gabrielle, Benjamin. After Judith's death, Benjamin married Mary __ by whom he had a son John (lst). John Marion (1st) born in South Carolina after 1695, died l739-married Frances, they had a son John (2nd). John Marion (1st) was ~ brother of Gabriel who married Esther Cordes, a cousin. Esther Cordes and Gabriel Marion were the parents of General Francis Marion, b. 1732; d. 1795 ABSTRACT OF THE WILL OF BENJAMIN MARION Translated frOm the French: pp 162-65 Will Bk 1732-75, Charleston Co. S. C. I direct that my executors shall give to the poor fifty pieces. When I settled my sone Gabriel and my daughter Gignilleat, I gave them all I could, but to my sane Gabriel a Bond of Two hundred and fifty pieces. To my grand­ daughter Esther Gignilleat when she comes of age or marries, a negro. I have already settled my son John and my son Benjamin. I gave them each land. John sold his land and I let him use one hundred acres at Wasmesaw joining my son Paul's. Benjamin sold his land back to me, and I acquit him of a debt to the children of Peter Guerain, dec 'd. To my sane Paul, I gave him land at WaSmesaw. To my daughter Mary, on her marrying I gave her a negro called Cools, his wife and three children. To my grand-daughter Nensy, a young negress. To my three other daughters, Anne, Elizabeth and Judith, they shall have the same as their sister Mary, when marrying. To my dear wife, I give daddy Giny and his last two children. If my wife remain a virtuous widow, I appoint her my executrix, with my son Peter and my son James, when he is of age. When God shall take your mother from this world, you will not fail to bury her by my side. After the death of my wife, Peter is to have choice of the two plantations. If he die without heirs, all to James. If James die without heirs, all to Peter. Made in Caroline, on my plaptation, this 13th January 1734. Wit: Peter Guerin, Jas. Saunders, Daniel Galiot. Pr: 2 May 1735 by Peter Guerin and Daniel Galiot sl B. Marion (L.S.) -172- " Ansearchin I II News

John Marion (2nd) born in South Carolina ca 1738 died 1785. He married 1st Mary Sanders ca 1760, who was mother of Mary and John Marion (3rd). His second marriage was to Mary Wickam ca 1765. His will in 1785 lists his two oldest children, Mary Roberts and John Marion. His second wife preceded him in death. Their children mentioned are: Nathaniel Wickam Marton and Martha Wickam Marion.

John Marion (3rd) born in South Carolina 1763 died 1799-1800. He married Catherine Palmer, had one son Job V. Marion. John Marion died at an early age, about 35-36, too early to be listed in 1800 Census of Abbeville, S.C., according to South Carolina Archives and Records of Huguenots of South Carolina. He served as private and corporal in S. C. Line in 1783 as per audited acc~unt from S. C. Archives and family record.

Job V • Marion born 1799 in South Carolina died after 1861, Lafayette Co. Mississippi. His will dated 29th December 1861, W. B. A p 143 lists his wife Martha E. Marion and Charlotte, her daughter. His son John; daus. Caroline E. Campbell, Georgianna H. - Execs. wife Martha and son John. Job Marion moved from Abbeville, S. C. to Lafayette Co. Mississippi and was a member of the oldest Presbyterian Church, where he was among the first settlers and built at College Hill in 1836.

1850 Census of Lafayette Co. Miss. Roll 375 DW 52 L 27

Job V. Marion Age 51 Farming 2500 a Born South Carolina Martha E. Marion 45 "" " Charlotte E. 25 "" " Haseltine 12 " " " *John H. 19 Clerk-DW 312 L 27 " "" *John Henry Marion born April 12, 1830 Abbeville, S. C. died June 1. 1896 DeSoto Co. Miss.; married Elizabeth Rachel McGowen Feb. 27. 1851 in Lafayette Co. Miss.

1870 DeSoto Co. Miss. Ro 11 4f728 Page lS-Fm "00 123" 118 Lines through 25.

Marion, John H. (Henry) Age 42 Farming Born South Carolina Elizabeth Rachel McGowen) 33 Wife " Tennessee Sallie (Sarah Artimecia) Twins 12 Dau " Mississippi Mattie (Martha Elizabeth) 12 Dau " Mississippi Susan 9 Dau " Mississippi Adele (Roberta) 4 Dau " Mississippi Ella (Gabriella) 3 Dau " Mississippi Black Domestic-Mary Marion 45 (John McGowen Marion, only son died as infant) 1880 Mississippi-DeSoto Co. page 607 R-Rec. Group 29 Marion, John Age 50 Merchant B-S.C.- Father B-S.C. Mother B-S.C. Elizabeth (nee McGowen) 45 Wife Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Sallie (Sarah Artimecia) Twins 20 Dau Miss. S.C. Tenn. Mattie (Martha Elizabeth) 20 Dau Miss. " " Susie (Susan) 17 " " "" Adele 14 " " " " Gabriella 12 " " " " Diana 10 " " " " Maud ) twins 6 " " " " Minnie ) 6 " " "" Winter 1971 -173·


*Wm. McGowen-Revolutionary soldier served as Q.M. Sgt. and Indian spy, South Carolina-Born August 1756 Orange Co., N. C. - 1st wife Sarah - 2nd. Elizabeth Maddox. Was priosoner of British and the Indians. His house \\las burned and family taken to a fort for safety, where his first wife Sarah died of smallpox. He later lived in Johnson Co., S. C., Randolph Co. N. C., Montgomery, Henry and Weakley Cos. Tenn. (Rev. Claim 19519­ Book E-Vol. 7-p 89 June 7. 1832 - Pension S 1692 Tenn.)-- His son:

"John McGowen b Oct. 8, 1799-N. C. d Feb. 10, 1862 DeSoto Co. Miss., buried \\lith wife Sallie Lowe Greer McGowen b Sept. 19, 1813 Tenn. - d. Feb. 23, 1884- New Bethlehem Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Walls, Miss. Sallie Lowe Greer m John McGowen Nov. 2, 1829 Paris, Henry Co. Tenn. at residence of her father, James Greer. Her children:

Cynthia McGowen b Oct. 13, 1831- d Holly Springs, Miss. May 1, 1847-age 16 Susan Jane McGowen - b Nov. 2, 1833 - m Dr. S. T. Parham Jan. 18, 1856, DeSoto Co. Miss. Elizabeth Rachel McGowen b Apr. 7, 1836 m John H. Marion Feb. 27, 1851, Lafayette Co. Miss. (great grandparents of compiler) Mary Ellen McGowen b June 1838 m Francis H. Williamson July 13, 1858, DeSoto Co. Miss., d. Dec. 17, 1907, Memphis, Tenn. James Greer McGowen b Dec. 7, 1840 d 1875, Capt. CSA Co. A~Oth Reg. Miss. Vol. m Mary Dean, DeSoto Co. Miss. Robert Searcy McGowen b Aug. 7, 1843 d Feb. 10, 1862- CSA Co. A4.0th Reg. Miss. Vol. Martha McGowen b July 22, 1845 m F. Wm. Myers 1869- Lived Dallas, Texas, 2nd mAdams? ( Artimecia McGowen b Feb. 15, 1848, m James A. Lamb, d. Dec. 5, 1915, Lake Cormorant, Miss. John H. McGowen, b Apr. 1850 in Lafayette Co. Miss. (Judge James Greer McGowen died Dec. 25, 1940, Jackson, Miss. (Jr.?)


Excerpts from Will of General Francis Marion-St. John's Parish, Charleston District, South Carolina. Dated October 16; 1787-Again dated July 16, 1792- Proved March 6, 1795, before Charles Sining Esquire O.C.T.D.-- Mary Esther Marion qualified as executrix March 12, 1795. (Bir virtoe of a dedimus before Gideon Kirk) Estate to support and educate nephew Francis Marion Dwight in college and profession until age 21. Use of all estate real and personal to wife Mary Esther Marion during widowhood or to death if widowhood not altered. After her widowhood or death estate to~wJ'hew Francis Marion Dwight, subject to his always take the name of Francis Marion only, and leave .out entirely name of Dwight, I then adopt him as my son, by name of Francis Marion only. If he does not comply, estate I give to my nephew Robert Marion--- Mary Esther Marion, executor. In case of her death, my nephews Robert Marion and William Marion, Execs.

Will of Francis Marion (II) formerly Dwight, of St. John's Parish, Charleston District, State of South Carolina-··To my wife Harrie·tt Marion- daughters Louisa- Carolyn, Catherine C., Mary Videaux, and Gabriella and grand nephew Francis Marion Dwight, son of Dr. Samuel Dwight--Execs: friends Peter Gaillard, Wm. Cain. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testators-Affadavit of Col. Thomas Libre, taken to prove heirs of Francis Marion (formerly Dwight) and as such the legal representatives of General Francis Marion of the Revolution~Jan. 3, 1838. "Ansearchin'" News -174-

Heirs of Francis Marion II (formerly Dwight)--Catherine Marion, wife of John C. Palmer, Mary Videaux, wife of Richard Yeadon, Jr., Gabriella Marion wife of Philip C. Kirke and Louisa Carolynn Marion-- Affadavit signed by L. C. Marion, J. G. Palmer, C. G. Palmer, Phillip C. Kirke, Gabriella Marion Kirke, Peter P. Palmer 31st day of January A.D. 1838.

Tomb of GENERAL FRANCIS MARION, located north of Lake Moultrie, on Highway 45 between St. Stephen and Eadytown, South Carolina


SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF GENERAL FRANCIS BENEATH THIS STONE MARION (LIE) THE MEMORIAL REMAINS OF Who departed this life on the 27th of February 1795 The 63rd year of his t1ARY ESTHER MARION age deeply regretted by all his fellow citizens. Relict of

History will recall his worth and r~s~ng GENERAL FRANCIS MARION generations embalm his memory as one of the most distinguished patriots and heroes Who Died on the 26th of July 1815 of the American Revolution which elevated Age 75 years his native country to honor and independence and secured to her the Among the many Virtues of this Blessings of LIBERTY AND PEACE, amiable lady were those of Piety, Charity, Affection, Benevolence This tribute of veneration and grati­ and Humanity, particularly to the tude is erected in commemoration of domestics the noble and distinguished virtues of the citizen and gallant exploits of She died lamented as she lived the soldier who lived without fear and esteemed by all who knew her died without reproach.

FlAKE CEMETERY Contributed by Jonathan K. T. Smith Located about 2 miles' SW of Parker's Crossroads, Henderson Co .• Tennessee William S. Pearson, s Wm. and Eliza Pearson, May I, l837-Aug. 15, 1840 James C. Pearson. s Wm. and Eliza Pearson, Sept. 8, l853-March 12. 1854 D. L. Williams, d. March 4. 1851, aged 45 Mary. wife of D. L. Williams. d. Sept. 8, 1850. aged 35 Laura H., dau of D. L. and Mary Williams, d May 4, 1866, aged 15 years James B.• s J. and N. E. Pearson, d.July 18, 1859, aged 1 yr., 14 d's. Mary, dau J. & N. E. Pearson, d. April 14, 1861, aged 1 yr, 5 meso 1 da. John W.~ s of J. & N. E. Pearson, d. Sept. IS, l861~ aged 4 meso 11 d's Naomi E., w John Pearson, d. June 14, 1864, aged 25 yrs. 11 meso 16 d's. William Pearson, April 4. l839-Nov. 24, 1900 S. F .• w William Pearson, Sept. 15. l844-Apri1 I, 1885 Inf. son of Wm. and S. F. Pearson, Feb. 8, 1878-Feb. 10, 1878 Inf. son of Wm. and S. F. Pearson, March 29, 1884-April 13, 1884 Dudley S. Pearson, Jan. 30, l869-Sept. 9, 1877 M. E. Pearson, w T. L. White. Feb. 7, l867-July 25, 1876 (1) M. E., dau of D. L. & Mary Williams, d. 5 Dec. 1909, aged 68 yrs, 9 meso 18 d's William S. Flake, Aug. 6, 1840-Sept. 10, 1867 D. L. Flake, Sept. 29, l81S-May 26, 1863 Syntha, w of D. L. Flake, Jan. IS, 1822-April 25, 1872 Unmarked grave: Elizabeth Williams Flake (1788-18.61) Winter 1971 -175- WEST TENNESSEE DISTRICT, LAND GRANTS, BOOK lA

Abstracted from Mi~rofilm by Lucile Hendren Cox and Frances T~gwe11 Fowler

Page 579. If42. Gibson County. Entered 1 Jan.{,J844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to James B. Blakemore, 126 A., R. 3, Sec. 1. james C. Bradford, James Lowell (?).

Page 580. #41. Gibson County, Entered 1 Jan. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to S. B. Partee, 200 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. John McNary, D. Cherry ..

Page 581. #8. Madison County. Entered 6 June 1843. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to William Dickins, Sr. Admr. for the children of Alfred Lane and wife, 375 A., R. 2, Sec. 11. Nathan Scrugg, Phillip Rushing.

Page 583. #__ Tipton County. Entered 4 Mar. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to Cornelius Cooper, 121+ A., R. 5 and 6, Sec. 6 and 7. I. K. Hamilton, McLemore.

Page 584. #2156. Benton County. Entered 8 Feb. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to William Howe, 200 A., R. 7, Sec. 2 and 3. S. Swindle.

Page 585. #___ Benton County. Entered 30 Mar. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to Robert Rushing, 22+ A., R. 7, Sec. 5. Wm. James.

Page 586. #___ Benton County. Entered 3 Oct. 1842. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to James Gorden, 24+ A., R. 7, Sec. 4. Wm. H. Jackson, Serratt. West boundary, town of Camden. ( Page 587. #811. Dyer County. Entered 4 Jan. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to Heirs of Hiram Shelton, 193 A., R. 7, Sec. 2. Jno. Rutherford, Drake.

Page 588. # Benton County. Entered 13 Apr. 1844. Granted 30 Apr. 1844 to John Askew, 149+ A., R. 9, Sec. 7. Obediah Baker. Tennessee River.

Page 589. #79. Shelby County. Entered 12 Jan. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Henry A. Young, 140+ A., R. 4, Sec. 1., on Winchester State Line, A. Tharp, Wm. Gee.

Page 590. #90. Shelby County. Entered 22 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William Harrell, 600 A., R. 4, Sec. 1, on Wolf River. Samuel Louk (?), Smith.

Page 591. #68. Shelby County. Entered 26 Dec. 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Benjamin Brown, 200 A., R. 8, Sec. 3. G. and M. Pillow, A. B. Carr, I. McIvers.

Page 592. #85. Shelby County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Heirs of Joshua Pursser, 83 A., R. 8, Sec. 3. Thomas Hickman, A. B. Carr, 1'. Tolbot.

Page 593. #84. Shelby County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Edward Cherry, 195 A., R. 9, Sec. 4. Follows the meanders of the Mississippi River. Nathaniel Potter, Royster and Bransford, Hall.

Page 594. #83. Shelby County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to James M. King (Key?), 112 A., R. 7, Sec. 1. G. Wallace, T. Polk. "Ansearchln'" News -176- Page 595. #112. Fayette County. Entered 4 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to loJilliam L. Long, 50 A. ,R. 5, Sec. 5. Wm. Campbell, H. Williams.

Page 596. #53. Fayette County. Entered 17 July 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Aron B. Wilson, 25+ A., R. 1, Sec. 2. W. Roberston, __Jones, Jesse Holland. B. Herndon.

Page 597. #98. Fayette County. Entered 16 Jan. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Aron B. Wilson, 9A., R. 6, Sec. 2. __Madca1f, __Botts.

Page 598. #102. Fayette County. Entered 6 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Seaborn 1. Gwyn, 8+ A., R. 1, Sec. 1. Richard A. Watkins, Robison.

Page 599. #47. Fayette County. Entered 3 July 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Humphrey K. Green, 8+ A.', R. 6, Se,c. 1, adjoining entry tn95. Pres. and Trustees of Universi ty of North Ca ro lina .

Page 600. #106. Fayette County. Entered 17 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William Sullivan, 13+ A., R. 5, Sec. 2. A. Fisher, Jno. Strodder.

Page 601. #113. Fayette County. Entered 5 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Samuel W. Davis, 157+ A., R. 1, Sec. 3. Mary H.Scrugs, Jno. Loving, S. Smith.

Page 602. #108. Fayette County. Entered 22 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Jackson Clark, 122+ A., R. 1, Sec: 3. S. Roach.

Page 603. tn2. Madison County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Ezekiel Fuller, 75 A., R. 3, Sec. 6, adjoining NW corner of E. Fuller's entry of 25 Acres.

Page 604. #36. Madison County. Entered 27 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Moses Wood, 50 A., R. 1, Sec. 7. G. A. Davis, C. Rea, Jno. Starnes.

Page 605. #27. Madison County. Entered 13 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William W. Garland, 200 A., R. 2, Sec. 7. Thomas Bond.

Page 606. #30. Madison County. Entered 13 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to John C. Garland, 108 A., R. 2, Sec. 7. Thomas Bond, Jno. Sparks.

Page 607. #28. Madison County. Entered 13 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Thomas Busick, 34 A., R. 2, Sec. 7, adjoining entry #485.

Page 608. #1681. Henderson County. Entered 18 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to John Howell, 173 A., R. 3, Sec. 7. Wm. L. Petty.

Page 609. #1906. Henderson County. Entered 1 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William Howard, 423+ A., R. 5, Sec. 10.. Wm. Tate.

Page 610. #596. Henderson County. Entered 26 July 1843. Granted 12 May 1844, .to Joshua Penn, 25 A., R. 3, Sec. 11. Joseph Lynn.

Page 611. #1548. Henderson County. Entered 27 Feb. 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Elisha Collins, 200 A., R. 5, Sec. 9. Aron Pitts.

Page 612. #330. Henderson County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Elijah Brey, 175 A., R. 3 and 4, Sec. 5 and 7, adjoining entry 4/409. 'vi inter 1971 -177-

Page 613. #3505. Henderson County. Entered 14 Sept. 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to John A. Crook, 156+ A., R. 4, Sec. 7 and 8. R. H. Wynn.

Page 614. #2508. Henderson County. Entered 28 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Elisha Bond, 14 A., R. 3, Sec. 7. Enoch Banks.

Page 615. #2074. Henderson County, Entered 12 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to John Powers, 1~ A., R. 7, Sec. 8. Jas. Lacy.

Page 616. #3917. Henderson County. Entered 20 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Henry Hendrix, 192+ A., R. 7, Sec. 10. David Wilson.

Page 617. #2209. Henderson County. Entered 1 Oct. 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Joshua Lucas, 120 A., R. 4, Sec. 11. Jno. H. Burton, Butler.

Page 618. #3443. Henderson County. Entered 4 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to John D. Smith, 89 A., R. 3, Sec. 7. Jno. Howell.

Page 619. #70. Hardeman County. Entered 7 Nov. 1842. Granted 12 May 1844 to Thomas Whitford, 86 A., R. 2, Sec. 5 and 6. Goodlett and Campbell, Walter Scott.

Page 620. #71. Hardeman County. Entered 7 Nov. 1842. Granted 12 May 1844 to Thomas Whitford, 37+ A., R. 2, Sec. 6, Clover Creek. Walter Scott.

Page 621. #89. Hardeman County. Entered 5 Dec. 1842. Granted 12 May 1844 to William H. Wood, 18 A., R. 3, Sec. 3. E. Polk, J. Harvey. ( Page 622. #143. Hardeman County. Entered 17 Aug. 1843. Granted 12 May 1844 to Eli Harriss, 55 A., R. 3, Sec~ 5, Hatchie River, corner of mill survey name of Joseph Cruas, David Davis.

Page 623. 1t85. Lauderdale County. Entered 30 April 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to A. G. W. Byrn and Isaac M. Steel, 160+ A., R. 3, Sec. 11.

Page 624. #29. Madison County. Entered 13 Aprf 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Thomas Busick, 20 A., R. 2, Sec. 7. Richard Fenner.

Page 625. #32. Madison County. Entered 19 Feb. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Nancy May, 6 A., R. 2, Sec. 10, adjoining entry 1t262. Jno. McIver.

Page 626. #33. Madison County. Entered 20 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William T. Godwin, 121 A., R. 2, Sec. 10. Samuel Moore.

Page 627. #26. Madison County. Entered 2 May 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Leannah Nolan, 158+ A., R. 2, Sec. 7. Sam'l Polk.

Page 628. #34. Madison County. Entered 14 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to William McKnight, 45 A., R. 2, Sec. 7. Wm. Spencerp James Cason.

Page 629. #963 . Carroll County. Entered 3 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Robert Stokes, 240 A., R. 6, Sec. 4. Estes.

Page 630. #24. Carroll County. Entered 19 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Tilman Gregory, 66 A., R. 1, Sec. 4. Daniel Cherry.

Page 631. #1833. Carroll County. Entered 3 Apr. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Robert Stokes, 90 A., R. 6, Sec. 4. Wm. Stokes. l "Ansearchin " News -178- Page 632. #1571. Carroll County. Entered 26 Mar. 1844. Granted 12 May 1844 to Moses Green, 184 A., R. _, Sec. E. Hunter

Page 633. #582. Perry County. Entered 12 Mar. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Anthony Hays, 30 A., R. 7, Sec. 9. Charles Graham, Jno. Hays.

Page 634. 1/3317. Perry County.- Entered 10 Mar. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Kinchin Ivey, 228 A., R. 7., Sec. 9. D. Carter,!. Essery.

Page 635. #102. Perry County. Entered 15 May 1843. Granted 18 May 1844 to Thomas Ashcraft, 27 A., R. 8, Sec. 8. D. B. Funderberk, Joseph Shephard.

Page 636. #3154. Perry County. Entered 2 Mar. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to James Johnson, 200 A., R. 8, Sec. 9, adjoining 200 acre entry of said Johnson.

Page 637. #31. Madison County. Entered 6 May 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David I. Wrenn, 4 A., R. 1, Sec. 7. James Haley.

Page 638. #29. Carroll County. Entered 17 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to James Keating, 200 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. Thomas W. Gwinn~

Page 639. #236. Lauderdale County. Entered 1 May 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Thomas Bond, 144+ A., R. 3 and 4, Sec. 11. Samuel Dearin, John C. Mclemore, Adam Boyed, C. Acuff.

Page 640. #533. McNairy County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Heirs of Odom Castleberry, 155 A., R. 5, Sec. 1. James Wardlaw.

Page 641. #837. McNairy County. Entered 8 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Henry White, 93 A., R. 5, Sec. 4. Wm. Hughs.

Page 642. #1358. McNairy County. Entered 25 Mar. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Benjamin Sanders, Jr., 200 A., R. 5, Sec. 1. B. C. Watters.

Page 643. #14. McNairy County. Entered 27 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Joel Blankenship and Levi Smith, 225 A., R. 3, Sec. 1, including and excluding entries #337, 338 and reserve #14. John Ramer.

Page 644. #6. McNairy County. Entered 1 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Benjamin Sanders, Jr., 17 A., R. 5, Sec. 1. David Thompson, Wm. O. Sims, L. Seay.

Page 645. 1/4. McNairy County. Entered 4 Mar. 1844.' Granted 18 May 1844 to Pleasant M. Huddleston, 44~ A., R. 1, Sec. 4. Jacob Crafford.

Page 646. #1. McNairy County. Entered 7 Aug. 1843. Granted 18 May 1844 to Abner Warren, 80 A., R. 1, Sec. 2. Henry Flowers.

Page 647. #79. McNairy County. Entered 9 Jan. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to William Deaton, 163 A. v R. 2, Sec. 5. James Tucker. Page 648. #2738. McNairy County. Entered 1 Apr. 1844. Granted May 1844 to Stephen Smith, 198 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. Jno. Smith.

Page 649. #111. McNairy County. Entered 8 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Richard Browder, 443 A., R. 4, Sec. 2. Jno. Oxford. Winter 1971 -179 Page 650. #2446. McNairy County. Entered 8 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Heirs of John Rowsey, 130 A., R. 2, Sec. 4, adjoining entry #258. Trustees of University of North Carolina.

Page 651. #478. McNairy County. Entered 17 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Bennet Smith, 200 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. James Pigg.

Page 652. #384. McNairy County. Entered 17 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Temple Smith, 155 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. James Pigg.

Page 653. #5. McNairy County. Entered 1 Apr. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to James Lane (?), 43 A., R. 2, Sec. 4. Jno. Cobb.

Page 654. #1574. McNairy County. Entered 5 Mar. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David McKenzie, 200 A., R. 5, Sec. 3. A. S. McKenzie, R. Choat.

Page 655. #868. Hardin County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Stanly Hargrove, 13 A., R. 12, Sec. 4. D. Hargrove.

Page 656. #867. Hardin County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David Cook, 13+ A., R. 12, Sec. 4. Wm. King.

Page 657. #866. Hardin County. Entered 22 Jan. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David Robison, 61+ A., R. 14, Sec. 2. Lewis Williams.

Page 658. #864. Hardin County. Entered 22 Jan. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David Robison, 76+ A., R. 13, Sec. 2. J. R. Pickens, S. R. Pickens.

Page 659. #877. Hardin County. Entered 17 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May ( 1844 to Robert A. Churchwell, 257 A., R. 6, Sec. 3. Robert Forbes, Jno. Taylor, Wm. R. Hickey.

Page 660. #__• Hardin County. Entered 23 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Robert A. Churchwell, 245+ A., R. 6, Sec. 3, on Tennessee River. Thomas Shute.

Page 661. #875. Hardin County. Entered 16 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to John J. Williams and G. M. Milligan, 58 A., R. 13, Sec. 1 Thomas Winchester.

Page 662. # • Hardin County. Entered 5 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to William C. Hughs., 115 A., R. 6, Sec. 4. Thomas Lov1ady, __McDaniels.

Page 663. #865. Hardin County. Entered 22 Jan. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to David Robison, 20 A., R. 13, Sec. 2, adjoining entry #864.

Page 664. #881. Hardin County. Entered 25 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to William H. Wilson, 39% A., R. 6, Sec. 3. Wm. T. Blanton.

Page 665. #874. Hardin County. Entered 11 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to Francis Coburn, 22% A., R. 12, Sec. 3. Jno. Worley, Henry Reynolds.

Page 666. #880. Hardin County. Entered 19 Feb. 1844. Granted 18 May 1844 to William T. Blanton, 25 A., R. 6, Sec. 3. Joseph Webb, William H. Wilson, Jessee Webb.

Page 667. #122. Fayette County. Entered 3 Apr. 1844. Granted 20 May 1844 to Young Montague, 643 A., R. 2 and 3, Sec. 4. I. Smart, Tipton, ____Killough. "Ansearchin'" News -180-


Copied from the microfilm by Ami Preston (Mrs. Thomas)

Continued from Last Quarter

Groom Bride Date Bondsman

Archibald Thomas Edith H. White July 28, 1826 Peter M. White Daniel L. Thomas Martha Jones Jan. 23, 1826 C. Crain William Jones Henry Towe 11 Martha Joyner May 3, 1826 Benjamin Taylor Darham Tracy Eadey Allsup Feb. 19, 1826 Jonathan Davis, J.P. John Bradley John Taylor Sally Allen Nov. 20, 1826 William Stone John Walton Charity Perry Jan. 19, 1826 Robert Patton, J.P. Bartho10mur Watkins Margaret Rawlings Aug. 1,8, 1826 Wm. Edwards Stephen F. Weatherford Ericey Moodey Aug. 5, 1826 Jonathan Davis, J.P. Elijah Williams Elizabeth Martin May 8, 1826 Andrew S. Dickey Green B. Williams Martha Phipps June 6, 1826 Elijah Boddie, J.P. George Elliott William Williams Elizabeth Henderson Sept. 27,1826 Robert Holmes William Wi 11 iams Elizabeth C. Bennett Jan. 2, 1826 Josiah W. Baldridge Addison Wilson Ann Moore Aug. 2,1826 James Wallace, J.P. Samuel Wilson John Wilson Margaret Strode Apr. 22, 1826 Granville R. Morris Pleasant Wilson Sarah Stone Dec. 26, 1826 Stephen R. Robert,J.P. Richard A. Tompkins Francis Wood Lucy Milton July 3, 1826 Jacob Reynolds Gideon Wood Betsey Grason Aug. 4, 1826 Jacob Gregory Thomas Woodcock Polly Cl~orn Aug. 17, 1826 Jonathan Davis, J.P. Joseph Woodcock Berry Wynne Catharine Weathered Sept. 6, 1826 Walter B. Morris George Abbott Frances Watson July 25, 1827 P. C. Mills, J.P. John Alderson Po 11y Hoc!.ges Sept. 26, 1827 ? -----Creed Hodges Hugh Alexander Adaline Orr Dec. 18, 1827 Samuel Brown PIing Anderson Mary May July 30,1827 William Parker Sampson Anderson Elizabeth Hinton July 23, 1827 by ? Albert G. Holmes George Anthony Nancy Borrin July 25, 1827 William Hobey,J.P. Francis Borrim Dickinson Austin Sally Hall Dec. 24, 1827 Reuben Searcy, J.P. Thomas Potts, Jr. Edward Bandy Evalina Harper Sep t. 11,1827 by ? James Cain Patton Bell Jane Gilbert Apr. 28, 1827 Wm. Hobdy, J.P. Jacob Brown Daniel B~nbrook Margaret Boyer Dec. 18, 1827 by ? A. F. Young Richard Boyles Any Center May 27, 1827 Michael Tracy Cyrus W. Brevard Pollyanna Mills Jan. 22,1827 Horace Lawson Richard C.Brizendine Frances Ashford July 26,1827 Meredith Hodges,J.P. Young P. Brizendine John Brooks Nancy B!l:.E:.ndine Dec. 1,1827 by Robert Norvell J.P. Brizendine Winter 1971 -181-

Groom Bride Date Bondsman

A))el Broughton Eleanor Soaper Dec. 20, 1827 William Barr, J.P. James I Gwin Jeohn Brown Fanny Simmons Jan. 4, 1827 Edw. Stratton James G. Browning Polly Ann Neale Nov. 20, 1827 by ? Jno. Dobbins Lewis Burk Elizabeth Letzinger June 8, 1827 Green L. White Di.ckson Burris Jane Fraley Aug. 10, 1827 Jonathan Davis, J.P. John Busby Polly Barrett Jan. 1, 1827 Ar10ch Thomas Larkin Carmon Elizabeth Cochran Aug. 16, 1827 James Cochran Robert Caruthers Sally Saunders Jan. 15, 1827 Baily Payton James C. Carr Harriett Be10te Sept. 25, 1827 John Parker, L.D. Luce1ius Winchester John Casney Nancy Summers Mar. 27, 1827 by Ed Edwards Green H. Cate Rhody Alley July 1, 1827 Sam l !. Gwin, J.P. Benjamin Chapman Rebecca Bull Aug. 6, 1827 by ? Joseph McReynolds Michael Cline. Nancy Rippy Feb. 27, 1827 John Rippy Dowuder H. Coleman Patsey Hall Mar. 13, 1827 James Coleman Dempsey Cook Polly Watkins Nov. i2, 1827 Phillip Watkins Martin Congill Sally Perry Nov. 19, 1827 Wm. Walton, J.P. Richard Cornelius Betsey Reynolds Apr. 28, 1827 John Crumpler Washington Coventon Eliza Hughes Sept. 19,1827 by ? William Covington Sarah Hunter Mar. 13, 1827 Demcy Ashford, J.P. Epps Cunningham Caroline Lassiter Nov. la, 1827 Roblt. Patton Wyatt Dalton Matilda Bowling Feb. ]3,1827 Francis Duffy Isaac Day Elizabeth Scott Dec. 17, 1827 Francis Day ( Martin Douglas Margaret Warren Nov. 26, 18n John Douglas Ballard Downs Polly Joiner July 18, 1827 by C. Crain Wm. Twopence Nicholas L. Drumhelm Eliza Hollis Apr. 7, 1827 John Hollis Abner Dunn Polly ? Nov. 16, 1827 Josiah Henson Benj. Wilson Seaborn Edwards Sally Hodges June 9, 1827 Ramsom Hodges John H. Foster Maranda Martin Sept. 17, 1827 by ? A. W. Wormington James Frud1e Susa-n Boyles Nov. 27, 1827 John Bell Benjamin Fowler Marguritt Williams June 11, 1827 Robert Patton Richard Harrison Marcus L.B. Gibson Matilda Osbourn Dec. 14, 1827 Meredith Hod~es, J.P. Jeremiah Sarver Robert K.Gillespie Adaline Cage Apr. 12, 1827 Wm. Cantrell Stephen B.Gilliam Nancy Duffer Apr. 22, 1827 by ? Seton Duffer Robert Grainger Martha McDale May 21, 1827 William Lovell Thomas Gregory Mary Markham Mar.25, 1827 Stephen R. Roberts, J.P. James Gwin Po lly Harper Apr. 26, 1827 Able Broughton William Ha 11 Hannah Clark Mar. 18, 1827 John F. Carr, J.P. James Carr Gilbert Harding Adah Stork July 12, 1827 Isaac Lindsy, M.G. Thomas Stork Hugh N. Harris Ce1ia Bowman Jan. 10, 1827 James Charlton, J.P. Robert Chapp John Harper Jane Gardner Apr. 4, 1827 John F. Carr. J.P. Simon Mi llar John M. Henley Mary Ann Turner Oct. 18, 1827 Wm. Walton, J.P. John H. Lewis "Ansep,rchin'" News -182- Groom Bride Date Bondsman

William D. Higgason Mi 11y Turner Jan. I, 1827 Samuel Higgason Uriah How Mary Blair Dec. 22, 1827 C. Crain Wi 11iam Jones Thomas Howell Ann Phipps Mar. 10, 1827 William Prince W. C. Huffman Lucy Ann GOudall Aug. 30, 1827 John Wiseman, M.G. S. H. Lauderdale Clavin Hunter Susanna Mayes Nov. 30, 1827 Demcy Ashford, J.P. John Hunter Isaac Hunter Elizabeth Cook Nov. 3, 1827 Thos. Cook Ballard W. McCarty Willis Hunter Mary Yarborough Dec. 10, 1827 R. Ashford, J.P. John Hunter Mathew Iny Sarah Summers Jan. 29, 1827 Ed. Edwards Wi 11iam .Jackson Benjamin Israel Edy Jacobs June 26, 1827 David Ingram Francis Jackson Martha Crenshaw Nov. 8, 1827 Jacob Reese John Jackson De lia Love11 Oct. 24, 1827 John Stalcup William Jackson Charlotte Griffin Feb. 17, 1827 Josiah Walton, J.P. Joseph Ing Charles Johnson Catherine White Nov. 21, 1827 John R. Baer Charles Jackson John Johnson Malinda Rohey Feb. 10, 1827 by Ed Edwards Wm. K. Smith Fountain P. Jones Lucretia M. Wynne Dec. 3, 1827 by J. B. Wynne David W. Parrish Willie E. Jones Elizabeth H. Butterworth Jan. 23,1827 Isaac Lindsey, E.M. Moses C. Preston Charles Keys Elizabeth Draper Sept. 19, 1827 John T. Carr, J.P. Marshall B. Duncan Anderson Kirkpatrick Eliza Moss June 27, 1827 Thos. Anderson James Vinson William Lambert Rebecca Nanny Aug. 17, 1827 James Nanny John La rre11 Susannah Jackson Aug. 14, 1827 ---? Bondsman William Lassiter Susan Joiner Oct. 17, 1827 Robert Patton James Crossley John Marlin Margaret Griffin Dec. 19, 1827 Josiah Walton, J.P. John Jackson Frederick Martin Rebekah Smith Jan. 25, 1827 Silas Polk, J.P. Daniel McAllister Louc isa Moore Mar. 21, 1827 James Wallace, J.P. Samuel Wilson Pollard W. McCarty Esther Stephens Nov. 3, 1827 William Hobdy, J.P. Thomas Cook Isaac Hunter James McGowen Mary Cartwright May 23, 1827 Wi 11 iam McCa 11 Jacob McLain Hannah Boykin July 22, 1827 B.P.C. Mills, J.P. John McMane Nancy Charlton Mar. 27, 1827 Charles Jackson Leonard McReynolds Elizabeth Lambert Apr. 20, 1827 David Lamberth Robert Miche 1 Miley Wood a 11 Jan. 18, 1827 John Henry James Mil1f'r Matilda Thomas Jan. 30, 1827 John Carr Spenct'r Moody Suslln Hendrix Oct. 10, 1827 John Moody Cyrus Lovell Abraham F. Mom i ngton Pa tsey Turpin Feb. 26, 1827 by ? David Ingram John Murphy Polly Hall Apr. 14, 1827 Jacob Strather John Norvell Susan Jackson Aug. 14, 1827 J. W. Gilliam Winter 1971 -183- Groom Bride Date Bondsman

E!isha Oglesby Ann Allen Jan. 3, 1827 John F. Carr, J.P. Robert Pursley Benjamin Pearce America C. Stovall Dec. 28, 1827 John Wiseman, M.G. Gideon Pitt Roxanna Furgason Apr. 28, 1827 Solomon Shoulders Fountain E. Pitt Martha Britt Aug. 14, 1827 Henry Sarver David M. Porter Eliza Burkner Apr. 30, 1827 William M. Swain Joseph Potts Ma linda Roney Jan. 9, 1827 Willis Wilkins Benjamin Rainey Catherin Towell Oct. 30, 1827 Samuel Towell Joseph Randle Rebecca Co1quit Aug. 16, 1827 Wade Davis Joseph Rice Malissa Ambrose Jan. 22, 1827 B. L. Rutherford William Rice Centhia Cotton Oct. 31, 1827 by ? Jesse Gambling John Richmond Sally Mandrill Oct. 29, 1827 by ? Solomon Mandrill Josiah Rippy Margaret Bell July 21, 1827 Meredith Hodges, J.P. William Rippy Green B. Sanders Mildred B. Tins ley Mar. 21, 1827 James Harrison Caston Sarver Polly Fraley Feb. 1~, 1827 John Snow Willie W. Scruggs Hariette Scruggs Nov. 1d, 1827 David Saunders Samuel Senter Nancy Crenshaw May 7, 1827 Richard Johnson Benjamin Crews Harvy Shannon Mary Gibb Jan. 15, 1827 Lewis Parker Samue1 Towe 11 Solomon Simmons Josiah Henson? Oct. 25, 1827 Sam' 1 Davis, Jr. Charles E. Smith Francis B. Whitted Aug. 7, 1827 by C. L. Jefferies C. L. Jefferies ( James Smith Margaret Troutt Jan. 11, 1827 Joseph Coster William W. Smith Elizabeth M. McMurry Oct. 9, 1827 John R. Barn William H. Bowman Andrew Smothers Polly Sununers Aug. 13, 1827 by E. Edwards John Summers Edward Spurrier Janthe Cuffman Oct. 31, 1827 Robt. Montgomery John Stanly Sally Lomux Dec. 27, 1827 Moses Lomux Noah Summers Polly Bryly Aug. 13, 1827 Robert Gunthrie, M.G. Thomas Sununers Augustus L. Tally Polly McClain Jan. 27, 1827 S. L. Blythe, J.P. Ezekiel <;Win John A. Todd Rachel Shpe1ey Nov. 5, 1827 by ?J.P. Wade Davis William Trousdale Mary Ann Bugg Jan. 30, 1827 H. H. Douglass Henry Trout Polly Roberson Mar. 20, 1827 George Troutt Jacob Troutt Suezy Clay Feb. 13, 1827 Jonathan Davis, J.P. Joseph ? Mathew Turner Tabitha Richardson Apr. 14, 1827 Richard Allen Terrisha Turner Priscilla Parish Aug. 20, 1827 Robert Bell William Twopence Julia Early Jan. 6, 1827 by S. P. Blythe (alias Julia Holeum) David Twopence Jordan Tyler Patsy Busby Jan. 4, 1827 Stephen Tyler William Watson Catharin Vane Dec. 18, 1827 B. F. C. Mills, J.P. James Weathers Patsy Yarbrough Jan. 30, 1827 by ? Jacob Taylor

William W1180n Margaret Null Nov 0 13, 1827 by ? Addison Wilson John W. Williams Polly Moss Oct. 31, 1827 Luke P. Allen Lew is Williams Eliza Buck1y May 21, 1827 by ? Wesley Blakemore "Ansearch1n t " News -184-


Contributed by T. P. Hughes, Jr. and Jonathan Kennon Smith

(Continued from Last Quarter)


Sept. 19 119 Bertha K1astmeyer 28 FW M Germany Minor Banksnd1t(?) 22 MW M NY Philip M. Cheek 53 MW M Germany Sammers Perry 18 M\.J S Unk Helina B. Hilson 40 FW M Ird U1a Hudson 9 da. m City 120 Mary Paine 35 FH M TN William Capehart 35 M\.J M Unk (?) Ackland 9 mo. MW S City David Badinelli 20 MW S Italy Clara M. Shirter 26 FW M MO W. C. Dukes 27 MW M England M. Maltese 30 FW M Unk E. (Engelbert) Loeffel 35 MW M Germany Mollie Ames 13 FW S City Father Troostenberg 37 MW S Belgium John O'Brien 26 MW S Unk C. V. S. Monier 49 MW M France Sophia Gabu 7 FW S Unk Hattie Barker 14 FW S Unk Josie Smith 19 1"\-1 S Cincinnati, OH Frederika Balle 38 FW M Germany Thos. Burk 34 MW M Ird M. Castillo 40 MW M Unk Robt. Lover Unk Charles Clives 35 MC M US William Breckenbridge 46 MC S US Ella Green 18 FC S US Taylor Banks 30 HC M US S. Chaple 87 HC M VA J. Pointer 45 MC M TN Francis Tucker 45 FC M US Susan Brooks 80 FC S US Lizzie Smith 26 FC M US Jack Idley 55 MC M US H. Brown 27 MC M US Laura Hallter 19 FC S US H. Jones 30 MC M US Child of M. Belford 11 da. MC S US Alf Fox 19 MC S US Adoplh Lane 45 MC M AL Thos. Barnes 9 MW S TN H. McKenzie 17 MC S TN R. F. Calhoun 27 N\.J KY Joseph Horsnick 35 MW Germany Thos. Fraim 26 MW. KY V. Haston 18 Fl.J S KY Fort Felton 15 FC TN Wm. Byrd 36 MC TN Henry Howard 30 MC TN Sept. 20 121 Peter Shields 40 MW Ird {"\ ...... _ 1 1 t.T':"': .... __ ron Winter 1971 -185-


\ Sept. 20 121 H. Bernard 38 MH S US Alex. Chaff 45 W-J VI Unk Mary Stein 48 FI\' M Unk Mary Quigley 17 ~-J S Unk Alice O'Neil 5 FW S City Daisy Jones 4 FH S City F\ . C. Steele 28 F':\T S Unk Franklin Adams 35 MW M KY H. P. Dickinson 32 MH Unk Jennie Grey Fi'] S Unk R. W. Barry, Jr. 6 n-J S City John Griffin 6 MH S City Hm. Kirchner 17 MH S Unk Rev. Father Slcinnell 27 H~v S KY Hm. Neyers 5 n·J S City Louis Littlejohn 30 W-l Unk J. 1. Ammonett 5 MH S City Mrs. J. H.Mitchell 40 FH M Unk Toney Solari 22 MVJ S Italy Anna Porter 37 TIJ M Unk Joseph Dargis 44 M'i-J S Unk Hayden Coe 60 MC S US Thomas Hayes 28 HC M US Mary Hering 11 da. FC S US F. Demens 19 MC S TN John Ross 27 MC S US Calvin Jagner(?) l~O HC S US \']ood h'ilson 30 MC M US Country Johnson 27 HC S US Virginia Hard 40 FC M TN Mary Noady 16 FC S TN Dick Fields 35 MC M US \Va lter Coe 35 HC M TN Henry Jourdan S Me s US Hm. Ed,varcls 26 HC M US Thomas Pierce 25 MC S US And re"l Sims 19 MC S US Infant of Charlotte Exom - MC US Samuel Nelson 30 MC M Unk Chaney Robinson 60 FC S US Jim Lindsey 45 MC H US Alfred Armstrong 24 MC M US Sept. 21 122 J. H. Bliner 37 MH KY Lizzie Ray 17 FW S Unk Mrs. Sledge 40 FH M Unk W. H. Spive 38 NH NC Julia S. Narrow 10 FiJ S Unk Frank Sossaman 10 HIIJ S Unk Louis Arft 30 NH S Unk John Carson 28 HH Unk R. B. Nhoon 16 HH S City --D.L McCrae }1\\l Unk Thomas Bacon 63 }1\-J M Unk James H. Scally 23 !'l'H N Unk H. N. Dickinson 29 HH S TN (?) Hyman 38 MH S Unk Jacob Phister 30 MH Unk "Ansearchin'" News -186-


Sept. 21 122 Rhody Cobb 98 FC M US vIm Morton 34 MC S US David Rice 23 MC S US Nancy Williamson 6 FC S TN Canne Love 60 FC M US Emily Cole 50 FC Roe. us J. M. Mathe~l1s 46 MC M TN Cinda Hayes 12 FC S US Hatch Williamson 55 MC M US Stephen Crutcher 28 MC M US Frances Fauwein 44 MC S us George H. Adams 35 MC M us Virgil Anderson 45 MC M us Sept. 22 Frances D. McMiname 5 FW S Unk Sarah Cox 30 FW S .Unk Mrs. Cook 35 FW M Unk Mrs. Dyke 60 FW W Unk Leany Carroll 30 FW M Unk Irselfline Tuife1 9 FW S City Mrs. Burk 50 FH W Unk Hi1helm Wittel 18 MW S Unk Lucine Brown 39 MW M Unk Fritz H'arneke 21 MW S Unk James Tige 21 MH M Unk Mary Ransom 45 FW M Unk Thomas Varlay 14 MW S Unk Mrs. H'right 40 FW W Unk Edward Johnson 52 MW M Unk Thomas Violet 14 MW S Unk 123 Bass, T. C. 42 MW M AL Kane, John 28 MW S Unk Hainenstein, J. 38 MW S Unk Schmidt, Andrew 30 MW S Germany Thompson, Ann Eliza 5 FC S City Gray, Susie 10 FC S us Noah, Eliza 30 FC S US Exom, Jeff 16 MC S US Endsley, Eddie 14 MC S US Sanders, \Hllie 8 MC S US Cornelia, Eliza 50 FC W US Holst, Theodore W. 39 MW S MA Sept. 23 Foster, Ida 13 FW S Unk Hunt. Francis T. 35 FW Unk Nelson, Mrs. 35 FW Unk Gregg, Sallie 12 FW Unk Volkner, Fred 28 MW S MO Armstrong, w. 40 MW S Ird Nieman, Wm. 28 MW S Unk Shreed, Fred 56 MW M Unk Shears, Mr. 65 MW M Unk Cook, John 45 MW S Unk Pattum, Joseph 45 MW S OH Anderson, Oscar 2 MW S Unk McGi1ivruy, David 2 MW S City Lew~s , John 28 MW S Unk Monteverde, Kate 13 FW S City Hagge, John 42 MW M Unk Jones, Bettie 20 FC S US Smith, Burrell 64 MC S US Winter 1971 -187- DATE OF SEX & MAR:rTAL DEATH PAGE NAME AGE COLoR STATUS NATIVITY

Sept. 23 123 Jones, Alfred 47 MC M US Suggs, }lr. 27 MC M US Burrell, .-112- 15 FC S US Settle, Anna 11 FC S US Lewis, Noel 31 MC M US McNeil, Willie 13 MC S US Olliver, wu 29 FC M US Countee, Drunard 3 mo. MC S City Cox, Wm. 33 MC S KY Hough, G. 28 MW Germany Pamers, Mr. 40 MH M US Hinis, Jackson 27 MC Unk Sept. 24 124 Thompson, Mrs. 25 FW NY York, H. P. 25 MW Unk Bernard, Henry 13 MW S Unk Bacigalupo, Mary Alice 6 Fto1 S Unk White, Dr. MW GA Kirchner, Alice 15 Ft-1 S Unk Burk, A. A. 25 MW M Unk Smith, B. P. MW Unk Steel, ....i.12- 7 da. MW S Unk Connell, Annie 17 Fto1 S Unk Chin, vlalker 33 MW Unk Catron, R. B. 27 MW Unk Boiseau, D. E. 30 MW Unk Schlick, Mrs. 30 FW Unk McKa 11, F. F. 58 MW Unk Horton, H'. C. 38 M\o1 M Unk ( Pierce, Ne llie 35 FW S Unk Wheit, Gatteib 22 MW S Germany Mitten, Frank 45 MW S Germany Shurtts, Mrs. Unk Dawson, Annie 29 FC M&S GA Hright, King 38 MC M US Anderson, Dan 65 MC Unk Woo lley, Emily 40 FC S Unk Gordon, Albert 38 MC S Unk Strong, Henry 40 MC M US Smith, Patsey 37 FC M TN Brown, Louis 21 MC S .Unk Harris, ....i.12- 12 FC S Unk Griffin, Mary E. 35 FC Unk Lans, B. ( ?) 12 MC S TN Sept. 25 Campbell, Dolly 22 FC S GA Weston, Richard 45 MC M US Lawson, Fred 24 MC M US Banks, Gettie 8 FC S US Jackson, Clara 45 FC S US Courtney, Lucinda 15 da. FC S US Grisby, Samuel 70 MC US Patterson, Willie 3\ MC S us Jefferson, B. 16 FC S US Johnson, F. 46 MC M US Moss, A. 40 FC W us Conrad, Monroe 45 MC S US Coleman, Adam 50 MC S US 125 Lowe, Rose 28 FW S Unk Burchard, Dr. R. MW S OH Monteverde, Mary 8 FW S Unk "Ansearchin' " News -188-


Sept. 25 125 \~are , J. H. 6 MW S Unk Schilling, L. 49 MW M Unk Meath, John 21 Mt-1 S Unk Whitford, C. L. 19 FH M Unk Tomney, Hale 11 MW S Unk Britton, Robert MW M Unk Tobin, Hil(e MW Unk Nitche11, J. H. 40 11\01 M Unk Govin, Eugene 21 Mto1 Unk Haller, M, B. 40 F101 Unk Stoll, August 45 MW S Germany Carro11, Ellen 65 FW M Unk HcKinney, John 50 MW M Unk Walsh, -..ilL 6 MW S Unk Nutall, N. H. 32 MW SC Muller, Nrs.~I. 27 FH M TN Muller, George 37 MH M Gennany Runge, C. A. 32 Mto1 GA Reiner, Hartha 56 M.V1 Germany Miller, \-1. H. C. 45 Mt-l S Unk Sept. 26 Manoid, Ch. of B. 5 MC S US Dickerson, A. B. 40 MC S US High to\-1er, Louis 28 MC M US Kelley, F. 22 MC S US Ste\-1art, George 48 MC S US Lewis, Nary 18 FC S US Bowers, Nancy 65 FC S US Blockwell, Frank 25 HC S US Atkinson, M. S. 46 MC M TN Blackmire, H. J. 22 MC M TN Latson, B. 30 MC M US Price, Sarah A. 2 FC S City Merritt, Jane 35 FC S US Smith, Aggie 55 FC S US Crawford, Norman 18 Mt-l S TN Young, Thomas 50 MH M Unk Jones, John 29 M\-1 M VA HaIsh, Martin 11\01 S Unk Bradford, Ellen 75 FW M US Allingham, J. S. 55 MW M England Greupe, Charles 23 HH S Berlin 126 o I Connell, Patrick 38 Mt'l M trd. Haggerty, John F. 5 M\-1 S City Johnson, Hm. 40 MW M Unk Symour, Henry J. 4 MW S City Hilcox, S. H. 36 MW M Unk Tuf ts , Peter T. 40 M\-1 H Unk Carson, Edward 35 MW M Unk Foster, Clara 17 FW S Unk McNemaro, Child of John 5 mo. HW S City Cheeves, Dr. C. S. 25 MW S SC Foster, Charles 10 MW S Unk Fisher, Charles G. 37 MW M Unk Meath, Thomas 24 MW M Unk Genoka, Caroline 65 FW S Unk Wood, Jonathan 30 MW S Unk Jamison, Wm. 50 MW M England Ebler, Virginia 9 FW S Unk Winter 1971 -189-


Sept. 26 126 Venn, Mary T. 30 FW M Unk Williams, Dany 46 MH VA Sept. 27 Donohue, John 21 mo. MW S City Decker, Mary 38 FW M Unk Mclanahan, Thos. 27 MH S Unk Garrett, W. C. 55 MW M Ird Narsa, Mary O. 30 FW M Unk Rynders, John 33 M\-J M Unk Riley, Katie 19 FH S Unk Modim, John H. 47 MW \oJ Denmark Wright Casper 40 MW M Unk Jering, Ch. of Dr. 7 da. FW S City Thomas, H. 15 FC S City Gas ton, Eliza 67 FC M US Johnson, Caroline 35 FC M US Jones, Calvin 18 MC S US Ellis, J. 70 MC M US Cooper, George 65 MC M US Cartmill, Henry 60 MC M US Le\"ellyn, Mary 29 FC W US Johnson, Jennie 26 FC M US Cleary, Mary Ann 39 FW M VA McDonald, Mrs. 38 F'\\1 M US Goodman, A. 50 MW M Germany Hunt, h'm. 10 MW S Unk Firth, M. E. MW S Unk ( Sept. 28 127 Redford, M. W. 39 MW M Unk Jones, Hannah 39 F\·l M Unk Gerlich, Franz Jr. 16 MW S Unk Gerlich, Franz, Sr. 40 MW M Unk Brass, Fanny 18 FH S Unk Bennet, Mr. 45 MH M Unk Cavanaugh, Martin 50 MW M Unk Palmer, Lucinda 44 FW M Unk Smith, H. 35 FW M Unk Marsa, Mrs. 70 F\'1 M Unk O'Hally, Mrs. 36 FW M Unk Tobin, Wm. MW M Unk Cleary, Mary 2 FW S City Wills, Mr. 44 MW M Unk Marks, Jacob 66 MW M Germany Maloney, Eliza 35 FW M Ird Schelly, F. MH M Unk Cortron, J. E. 35 MW S Sweden Boyd, Charles 35 MW S GA Wylie, Wm. 14 M\'1 S Chicago Wilburn, Ned 40 MC S US McKay, Mack 40 MC M US Deiner, Mrs. 45 FC M TN Taylor, M. 6 FC S TN Flemming, Wm. 19 MC S US Dempsey, Charles 40 MC M US Sept. 29 Haggerty, Annie FW S Unk Burk, A. A. 5 da. MW S Unk Burke, Henry M. 50 MW Scotland Noonan, Mary 5 da. FW S Unk

(Continued Next Quarter) "Ansearchin'" News -190~

Correction of infonnation published in July 1961 issue of "Ansearchin' " News titled ''Woodward and Gower Family Bible Records"

Corrections made by Mrs. W. H. Lee, g.g. dau of Berry Franklin Gower, who owns the Bible. Mrs. Lee says the records were sent to Miss Irene Gower, our con­ tributor, by herself, in the correct form. We sincerely wish to correct the errors made in our earlier record.



Marriages Marriages

Fielder Woodward was married to Thomas Woodward was married to Catherine Joseph July 1, 1804. Marget Kilpatrick July 26, 1828.

John Woodward was married to Jane Nathan McClendon Bot this bobk as Williams November 23, 1826. the property of Fielder Woodward on the 21st day of Jany.1833. Moses Woodward was married to Eliza W. Lock August 20, 1829. Nathan McClendon and Caroline Eliza Franks daughter of John and Sarah Nicholas Gower was married to Frankswere married on the 6th day Matilda Woodward September 17, 1829. of December 1832.

Sarah Eveline McClendon daughter of Nathan McClendon born July 7, 1796, Nathan McClendon and Caroline Eliza Anson Coty, N. C. his wife was married to Berry F. Gower Dec. 11, 1856 on Spring Creek Caroline Eliza. Franks daughter of in Lawrence County, Tenn. John & Sarah Franks born June 21, 1818 in Blount Coty, Ten.

Minerva J. McClendon daughter of Nathan & C. E. his wife married to F. M. Frank Feb. 15, 1852 in Lawrence County, Tenn.


Fielder Woodward was born Sept. 15,1779. Nicholas Gower was born Oct. 29, 1807.

Catharine Joseph was born June 26, 178.4. Berry F. Gower was born Nov. 11, 1830.

Thomas Woodward was born April 7, 1805. William Fielder Gower was born May 28, 1832. John Woodward was born March 1807. 5, Mary Minerva Jane daughter of Nathan McClendon and Caroline Eliza his wife Moses Woodward was born July 19; 1808. was born on ~uesday evening 17th September 1833. Bennet Woodward was born Feb. 21, 1810 Sarah Eveline 2nd daughter of Nathan Matilda ~oodward was born Oct. 23, 1811. McClendon and Caroline Eliza his wife was born on !!!,onday morning 2nd day of Pollyann Woodward of John Woodward was May 1836. born Sept. 18. 1827. Franklin McClendon son of Nathan McClendon & C. E. his wife was born Thursday night 25th October 1838 in Lawrence County, Ten. wi nter 1971 -191- James L. Beck Bible Contributed by Nrs. Daniel West who adds the parentheses

FAMILY RECORD Marriages James L(ewis) Beck to Sarah Gillison Dec. 29th 1831 at Coo~~watchie,S.C. Joseph lI(uguenin) Beck to Sarah Jane Sledge 15th of June 1836 Joseph Harrold Beck to Mary Hetty Shepard the 29th of Feh. 1864 (son of Joseph H. & Sarah Jane Beck) J. Edwin Beck to Leeanner R. Irvin 21st of Jan. 1869 (son of J. H. & Sarah Jane Beck) Lucien P(inkston) Beck to Louise A(manda) Beck June 28th 1871 (son of J.H. & Sarah Jane Beck) (dau of J. L. & Sarah Elizabeth Beck) Noel T(rewick, called Frank) Knight (later known only as N.F. Knight) to Hettie Maud Beck (dau of Lucien P. & Louisa A. Beck-Beck) Oct. 6, 1892 J. W. Ford to Louisa LeCost Beck April 21, 1900, San Antonio, Tex ~au of L.P. and Louisa A. Beck-Beck) James L Beck to Lilly Ginger (Yinger?) 18 of April 1902, New York City (son of Lucien P. & Louisa A. Beck-Beck) Daniel Edwards to Elizabeth Knight 23rd of Dec. 1917, New Orleans, La. (dau of Noel T. & Hettie Maud Knight) John C. Stratford and Mary Louise Beck 19 April, 1859 (dau of J.H. & Sarah Jane Beck) Mary Louise Beck was born 4 of March 1838 in Montgomery, Ala. Joseph Harold Beck was born on. the 18 of August, 1839 in Montgomery, Ala. Josiah Edwin Beck was born on the 4 of July, 1843 at Laselle, Texas John Chappell Beck was born on the 15 of March, 1847, at Capo Point, Texas Lucien Pinkston Beck was born on the 3 of Feb. 1849 in San Antonio, T~xas Eugene Huguenin Beck was born on the 17 of June, 1851 in San Antonio, Texas Walter Barton Beck was born on the 2 of August, 1853 in San Antonio, Texas William Edgar Beck was born on the 16 April, 1856 in San Antonio, Texas Augustus Maverick Beck was born on the 1 day of October 1858 in San Antonio, Tex. Mary Hetty Beck, wife of Joseph H. Beck was born the 17 df Sept. 1842 Joseph Huguenin Beck was born on the 1 October 1801 Sarah Jane Beck, wife of Joseph H. Beck, was born on the 22 Jan. 1819 James L. Beck was born on 2nd October, 1810 in Savannah, Ga. Sarah E. Beck, wife of James L. Beck, was borq in Bufort, S.C. 11th Feb. 1815 Louise A. Beck, wife of Lucien P. Beck, was born in Florida 3rd May, 1849 Lucien P. Beck was born on the 10 May 1872 (son of L.P. & Louise A. Beck) Hetty Maud Beck was born on the 27th of Jan. 1875 (dau of L.P. & Louise Beck) Joseph Huguenin Beck was born on the 18 of Sept. 1877 (son of L. P. & Louise Beck) Louise LeCost Beck was born on the 24th of Nov. 1878, San Antonio, Texas Roy Cullen born on the 3rd of July 1881, Denton, Texas (son of Louise A. Beck Cullen and her second husband, Cicero Cullen whose marriage is not recorded here. Louise took back the Beck;name after Cullen's death.) Richard Cullen born on the 31st Dec. 1883, San Antonio, Texas Bessie, daughter of Noel T. Knight and Hettie Maud Beck, was born 11 Dec. 1893, Yoakum, Texas Frank, son of Noel T. Knight and Hettie Maud Beck, was born June 5, 1895, Guero, Tex DEATHS Joseph H. Beck died on the 1st of April, 1862, aged 61 years and six months. S. J. Beck (Sarah Jane) died on the 5 of July 1877, aged 58 years, 5 mo., 13 days. L. P. Beck (Lucien Pinkston) died on the 1st of Sept. 1878 in San Antonio. James L. Beck died at Sparta, Ala. 13th Jan. 1865. Eugenie Huguenin Beck died in San Antonio, Texas, June 4, 1881. Sarah Gillison Beck died Aug. 15th, 1898 at San Antonio, Texas, aged 84 yrs., 6 mO. an infant son died on the 29th of April 1842, aged 5 weeks. an infant daughter on the 27th of March, 1846 Joseph Harold Beck, eldest son of Joseph H. and Sarah J. Beck, died 20 of Sept., 1867, aged 28 years, one month and two days, of yellow fever. Mary Hester Beck, wife of Joseph H. Beck, died Sept. 26, 1867, aged 26 years (possibly 25 as 5 written over 6) and 8 days in Brinham, Texas. Joseph Huguenin Beck died at Morenci, Arizona, April 6, 1899, 21 yrs. 6 mo.& 10 days. "Ansea.rchin'" News -192-


The cemetery is located on the Coosa River about fifteen miles southwest of Childersburg, Ala., at or near the site of Jackson's encampment during the War of 1812. Contributed by Colonel Donald E. Burns


Every stone has both Tennessee and War of 1812 inscribed thereon.


James Boaz, Pvt., Buchanan's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., May 17,1814 Jacob Yount, Pvt., Buchanan's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., March 29, 1814 George Hellums, Pvt., Child's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., March 28, 1814 Able Dockery, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. John Leeper, Pvt., Laughmiller's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. David Rankin, 1st Lt., Berry's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., March 27,1814 Moses Thompson, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., September 24, 1814 Joseph Kathcart, Pvt., McNare's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., April 3, 1814 Able Rice, Mus., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. William Moiers, Pvt., Hoyal's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 8, 1814 John French, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Joseph Homes, Pvt., Laughmiller's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. David Fi~lds, Pvt., Everitt's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., March 27, 1814 Nicholas Alstadt~ Pvt., Chile's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., May 2, 1814 . Andrew Cahoon, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 Wes t Tenn. Mi 1. Gale Cox, QM., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., March 15, 1814 Jacob Bruner, Pvt., Hoyle's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., February 14, 1814 George Gross, Pvt., King's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., March 20, 1814 Thomas J. Johnson, 1st Lt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., November 6, 1814 William Bunch, Pvt., Rainey's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., May 10, 1814 John Huffman, Pvt., Griffin's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., March 27, 1814 Jacob Crumley, Sr., Pvt., King's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 28, 1814 Joseph Marshall, Pvt., Cumming's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., December 23, 1813 Peter Masoner, Pvt., Hoyal'~ Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. Caleb Horton, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Richard Hill, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Samuel McConka, Corp., King's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 28, 1814 Spencer Rogers, Pvt., Newlin's Co., I West Tenn. Mil. Spencer Hill, Pvt., Richeson's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., February 24,1814 Row1ing Rice, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. William Cloud, Pvt., Everitt's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., March 27~ 1814 John Usher, Pvt., Breden's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., April 8, 1814 Thomas Ritchey, Pvt., Trimble's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., April 12, 1814 Enoch Rector, Pvt., White's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., April 13, 1814. Archibald Nall, Pvt., Newlin's Co., I West Tenn. MiL, September 20,1814 William P. Harden, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., August 30,1814 Elias Waddle, 2nd Lt., Laughmiller's Co., Allison's Co., East Tenn. Mil., Ma reh 27, If! 14 Winter 1971 -193-

Edward King., 1st Lt., King's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Milo, April 28,18]4 Briant Smith, Pvt. Laughmiller's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. Alfred Sims, Sgt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., September 20, 1814 Joseph Robertson, Pvt., Everitt's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 27,1814 Sawyer Smiley, Pvt., McAlpin's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., January 4, 1814 Rueben Hutchinson, Pvt., Breden's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Milo, April 17,1814 Robert Glasco, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Nicholas Gibbs, Capt. Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., March 27, 1814 William Miltonberger, Pvt., English's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., February 2, 1814 Jeffrey Reffew, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Stephen Pankey, Pvt., Rainey's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., May 6, 1814 Thomas Ford, Pvt., Hampton's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Milo, February 14, 1814 Robert Yates, Pvt., Allen's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., April 10, 1814 Phillips Bell" Pvt., McNare's Co., Bunch's East Tenn., Milo, March 19,1814 Thomas Hamblen, Pvt., Everitt's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. James Hamilton, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., September 21, 1814 James McCoy, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Thomas Dawson, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., October 13, 1814 David McAnts, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Riley Pankey, Pvt., Berry's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., April 20, 1814 Allen Duncan, Sgt., Howell's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., February 14, 1814 John Austin, Pvt., Huston's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., January 5, 1814 Joshua Laton,Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Jacob Sharper, Pvt., Allen's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., February 12, 1814 George Watson, Pvt., Dyke's Co., 2 East Tenn. Inf., January 26, 1814 Samuel Abbot, Pvt., Houk's Co., Bunch's East Tenn. Mil., April 27, 1814 Robert Miller, Pvt., Laughmiller's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil. ( Paris Tracy, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil., September 20, 1814 Henry Sawry, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. John Jones, Pvt., Laughmiller's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 27, 1814 James Ellis, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. Elijah Bright, Pvt., Newlin's Co., 1 West Tenn. Mil. William Pursell, 1st. Sgt., Everitt's Co., Allison's East Tenn. Mil., April 27, 1814

"The monument to General Jackson and the headStones were erected some years ago by the Talladega and Sylacauga Chapters of the D.A.R." Col. Burns

ACCOUNT OF SALE OF PROPERTY OF MARY SHANKLE, DECEASED HENRY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, December 29, 1836 Contributed by Betty Shultz Jno. C. Thompson John Randle Joseph Whitson W~ B. Goodman Thos. Lee Robt. Swor L. P. Lee Richard Lee Jno. Finch Allen Dean Nathan Simpson Thos. Frazier, Jr. David Ethedridge Richard Manly David Hogan Jno. Swor Henry S. Moody E. Ebinor Voluntin Shankle C. Randle William Manora Lucy Whitson Peter Kendall, Administrator T. C. McLester, J. C. Gaines, B. B. Bunch, Commissioners of County Court Mary Shankle, widow, died in Henry County, Tertnessee 1835. It Ansearch1n'" News -194-


Prepared for Publication by Myrtle L. Shelton

71-153 BIGGERS-MORTON: Wanted par. of Alexander Jackson Biggers, b. 8-26-l8l5,N. C. Mother, _Morton. Father d. when he was 6 weeks old. Mov. with mother to Middle Tenn. She d. when he was 9. Liv. with Aunt, Mrs. McFadden, nr. Somerville, Tenn. What relation to Mortons, Fayette Co. from Greenville Co. S. C.? Marcus Eugene Morrison. 118 Price St.• Oxford. Miss. 38655

71-154 SULLIVAN: Need par. bros. sis. and other info. Divin Sullivan. b. 1801. Va. Raised by Taylor family, Overton Co. Tenn., md. Fredrick Amonett in Overton Co. abt. 1826. Was Philip Sullivan. 1836 Overton Co. tax list her bro? Mrs. Mattie V. Walker. R #2. Box. 144. Centerville. Indiana 47330.

71-155 CROW-CUNNINGHAM-ELLIS-HAGEWOOD-HARRIS-STARNS-PATTERSON-TOLER: Need pts. Ruben Harris, b. ca. 1844, Tenn., m. Mary Crow ca. 1873, prob. Dickson Co. Thos. Starns mov. Casey Co. Ky. ca. 1815. Were Eliz., John, Frederick his children? Need mg. record Eliz. Starnes to Jas. Ellis, Ky. Need infor. Wm. Patterson-Annie Cunningham, Fam. Dickson Co. Also info. John Hagewood. b. 1776, N. C., m. Mary b. 1775, N. C.; both d. Dickson Co. Mrs. Vester B. Harris. 705 Apple St.• Normal. IlL 6176L

71-156 BRADLEY-KINCAID-STUBBLEFIELD: Desire names, b. d. dates, ch. Col. Edward Bradley, wife Francis Stubblefield; Shelby Co. Tenn. 1823. Also, same info. David G. Kincaid, Sr., and Jr., same co. and time. Edna S. Miller. 2211 Post Road, Austin. Texas 78704.

71-157 FRY: Need par. of Henry Peter Fry, b. Jan. 1, 1805, m. Elizabeth Sharkey Peck, 11-2-1826, Jefferson Co. Tenn. 1880 census Jefferson Co. shows he and par. born in N. C. Mrs. Bernice Fry White. 506 Glendale. Houma. La. 70360

71-158 DEMARQUES-SHUMATE: Need par. b. d. place &d. date & place of Deborah DeMarques. m. Mark Shumate, ca. 1784. Prince Wm. Co. Va. Liv. Claiborne Co. Tenn. where he d. ca. 1838. Mrs. L. Jay 'Thomson. 1107 High Grove Road. Grandview,Missouri 64030

71-159 EVENS-MCCOMB-NOEL: Need info. Jacob Shaw McComb, b. 1774, Ireland. Liv. Roane Co. Tenn. in 1804. m. Sarah Evens 1800. What was his connection with the Noel Family? Mrs. Wray Smith. East Broad St., Sparta. Ga. ,31087

71-160 HUNT: $50.00 reward for 1st. proof of names of par. of these Hunts: Jesse, b. 1755, d. Wash. Co. Tenn.; Uriah, b.1757. Wife Sarah, d. Wash. Co. Tenn.; Esli b. 1759, Bedford Co. Va., d. S'. C.; Mary b. 1761 (did she marry a Walton?) Thos. b. 1763, d. Wash. Co. Tenn.; Asenath, b. 1765, m. Richard Humphrey; Joel. b. 1766 d. Franklin Co. Ga.; Peter, b. 1768; E1iz. b. 1769 (did she marry Sam Lane 1793?); Moses b. 1771. m. Sussanah Gibson; John ~. 1773, m. Mary? Jarvis. live Allen Co. Ky.; Ben b. 1774; Phoebe. b. 1776. Miss Mildred O. Eubank. Route 5, Franklin, Ky. 42134 Winter 1971 -195-

71-161 EDINGTON-LASLY-LASLIE-LESLIE-LESLY: Need par. bros. sis. pl. of birth and other infor. about James Leslie, Monroe Co. Tenn., m. Ann M. Edington, ca. 1820. David E. Leslie, 2262 Paco Real Ave. Rowland Hghts., Calif. 91745

71-162 NEWBERN: Need info. par. of Seni.th Martha Newbern, b. 1847, d. 1921; 1iv. Wayne Co. Tenn., m. Jasper Reaves, b. 1843, d. 1911. Was she dau. of Eli and Phebe Newbern or Thos. and E1iz. Newbern? Frank Reaves, 1202 S. Martinson, Wichita, Kansas 67213.

71-163 RAINEY: HISTORY of Clinton &Marion Co.'s. of Ill. states Johnson Rainey of Tenn. and son Thos. A. (Anderson or Adison) improved land in Wheatfield Twsp. nr. Carlyle, Ill. in 1850. Death record of T. A. gives A1a.as his birthplace. Need info. on these men. Mrs. Luther E. Cisne, 1868 Bret Harte, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303.

71-164 COLLIER-DOUGAN-MCWHINNEY: Need info. John McWhinney, son of Thos., b. Tenn. 6-6-1790, m. Mary Dougan 9-26-1809, Knox. Co. Tenn. She had sis. Tennie. Need info. Col. John Collier b. nr. Harrisburg, Penn. 1732. D. after 1792, perhaps Tenn. Miss Janet K. Pease, 4681 Kipling, #96, Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80033

71.-165 CRm-lDER-GUNTER: Need parents of William Gunter, b. 1815, Lincoln Co.Tenn., m. Mary A. Crowder, 2-28-1839. They were in Giles Co. in 1848. Mrs. A. L. Box, 509 Frontier, Fort Worth, Texas 76114

71-166 CORDELL-LEACH-STEPHENS: John Cordell, m. Mary Diadema Crain; had 2 dau. Louisa E. and Mary Jane. Louisa E. b. Ga. 8-15-1844 m. Alvin Stephens, 2-20-1862, Scott Co. Tenn., d. abt. 1911, Scott Co. Tenn. Need date of ( d. and middle name. Mary Jane, b. Ga. abt. 1851, m. John W. Leach, prob. Scott Co. Want d. birth, d. marriage, d. and place of death. John Cordell Hicks, 1138 23rd St., Santa Monica, Calif. 90403

71-167 BRINLEY-DEROSSETT-HORTON: Need par. Stephen, Asa and Elijah Brinley, b. late 1700's or early 1800's; mother a "DeRossett". Polly (Mary?) Horton m. Stephen Brinley. Who were her par. and pl. b.? Was her father Henry Horton? Helen Heine Herbst, Powell Butte, Oregon 97753

71-168 JACKSON-ROSE: Need par. Rutherford Rose, b. ca. 1814, S. C., m. Eliz , b. ca. 1814, Tenn. 1839 tax liSt Bradley Co. Tenn., 1850- 1860 Cocke Co. Tenn. Was E1iz. a Brummit? Had son Brummit M. Rose. Need par. David Jackson, b. ca. 1775-80, Va.~Tenn. Mounted Cav. Creek Indian War. 1814 in Bedford Co. Tenn. Moved from White Co. Tenn. ca. 1832 to Madison Co. Ark. Mrs. Tom W. Brown, 602W. Nicholson Ave., Harrison, Ark. ·72601

71-169 GARNER: Want par. bros. sis. and children of John Garner, b. 1777, N. C., m. Eliz , b. 1787, N. C. settled Lawrence Co. Tenn.ear1y 1800's. Was son, John, Jr., b. ca. 1809 father of Andrew Jackson Garner, b. 1840? Mrs. Harold G. Garner, 543 E. 101 Terrace, Kan~as City, Mo. 64131 "Ansearchin'" News - 196-

71-170 BUCHANAN-TAYWR: Need pari. & info. Geo. M. (or W) Taylor and Jerusha Buchanan, 01.12-16-1793, Granville Co. N. C. Geo. Sr. left will, Rutherford Co., Tenn., 7-11-1827, jlaming wife, Jerusha & ch. Wm. Adin, Geo. James, Leonard, Jane, Sally, Trying to locate m. records for ch. Census shows Adin and Geo. Jr. b. N. C. Geo. Sr., in Williamson Co. Tenn. 1813. Geo Jr. o1. Keziah Seay, ca. 1825-26. Adin m. Eliz -l . Mrs. J. E. Roberts, 3001 W. 11th St., Plainview, Texas 79072

71-171 CARTWRIGHT-HUNTER: Want info. Pembroke Hunter, m. Robert Cartwright from Va. 1764. vlhere did they marry? Both died Davidson Co. Tenn. Mrs. Clyde E. Hall, 1807 Ave. P., Huntsville, Texas 77340

71-172 HALLIBURTON-JOHNSON-ORR-RUSSELL: Need info. Wm. Johnson b. 4-20­ 1807 Tenn.; o1. Eliz. Halliburton in Tenn. When? Where? Mov. to Ark. abt. 1852. Ch. b. Tenn. except youngest. Need info. Robt. D. Orr, b. ca 1822 in Tenn. O1. Susan P. Russell 7-21-1852, Carroll Co. Tenn., had bros. Jas, John. Mrs. C. E. Gibson, 1111 N. 5th St., Neodesha, Kansas 66757

71-173 FOSTER-FLEMMING: Need par. Julia Ann Foster, b. 1815, Tenn. In 1840 Bledsoe Co. Tenn. census. Son, Jas. Anderson Foster, b. 1835, Bledsoe Co., m. Ollie Ann Flemming ca. 1857. Where? Who were her par.? Was Samuel Flemming her Uncle? Mrs. Mattie V. Walker, R.#2, Box 144, Centerville, Indiana 47330.

71-174 YOUNG: Want info. Joseph Young, liv. E. Tenn. 1800; Rutherford Co. Tenn. May 1808; land granted him 1812. Was his mother Eliz. Young, widow Jas. Young, Sullivan Co. Tenn? Her 2nd husband, Samuel Crockett, Sr. Joseph's son Samuel Crockett Young, b. E. Tenn. 1800, m. Nancy Sarah Leigh 1823, Rutherford Co. What relation was Thos. D. Young to Joseph? Mrs. Charles C. Pace, 2105 Laurelei Ave., San Jose, Calif. 95128

71-175 GEORGE-MUSTAIN: Need info. Wm. Allen Mustain, m. Ann George, in Missouri. Have been told Mustain Fam. came from Pittsylvania Co. Va. to Hardeman Co. Tenn., then to Mo. and Ark. Mrs. C. W. Lovins, 908 N. 29th Ave., Yakima, Wash. 98902

71-176 BAKER-PARKER: Want par. other info. Col. Olive Byrd Parker, b. ca. 1813, m. Martha Macon Williams, Somerville, Tenn. 10-6-1840; d. 1891. Both bur. Corsicana, Tex. Want par. other info. Jos. Baker, father of Francis Baker, b. 1780. Was he Rev. Soldier? Will dated 1817, provo 1-5-1819, Baldwin Co. Ga., names Wife Janny ? What was her maiden name? Mrs. Ruby Baker Slay, 1622- 54th St., Sacramento, Calif. 95819

71-177 CHANDLER-DAVIS-HAIUlY-MCCRARY-ROSENBUM-VERNON: Need par., pl. birth of John B. Davis, b. 11-3-1805, S. C. d. Giles Co. Tenn., March 1862 and 1st. wife Haney Chandler, b. 3-24-1809, S. C" d 1-2-1846, m. 2nd Sarah M. Hardy. Dau. Dorothy m. Wm. Rosenbum; Mary M. m. __ V~rnon;, Bluford Griffin m. E1iz. McCrary. Family 1iv. nr. Pulaski, Giles Co. Tenn. for number years. Mrs. Dewey M. Warren, R. I, Box 20lA, Jacksonville, Texas 75766 Winter 1971 71-178 ATKINSON-CARLlLE-CATES-HARDIN-TRICE: Need info. on John Hardin Carlile, b. abt. 1762. Where? Son of John & Ann Hardin Carlile, m. Sarah Cates, b. 1766, d. 1854, Montgomery Co. Tenn. 2 dau. Polly b. 1790, m. T. A. Trice, 1825 & Eliz. b. 1792, Ky. m. T. W. Atkinson. John Hardin Carlile had 2 known bros. Jas. m. Eliz. Cates, Edgecombe, N. C. & William. Mrs. Sinclair Darnell. 638 Madison St.• Clarksville. Tenn. 37040

71-179 WARNER: Info. wanted Warners in N. Ala. & N. C. Wm. M., physician, b. 1791. N. C. m. Eliz. F. (or J) _ liv. Alia. 1821-1830; Fayette Co. Tenn. ca 1830-40; Shelby Co. Tenn. 1840-1860; in Memphis, 1860 1iv. 1~ miles out Charleston R. R•• had 9 children. Mrs. Reeves Hughes. Jr., 7545 Richmond Rd., Germantown, Tenn. 38038

71-180 PATTON-REED-SMITH: Want location of James Reed & family (wife, Suzannah Smith) in Tenn. 1820-40. ch: Wm. Ingles. b. 1805; Bird Smith, b. 1807; Rhody, b. 1809; Christianna b~ 1811; Mariean. b. 1813; Catherine, b. 1815; Susan. b. 1817, Amanda b. 1819 m. John Patton, 1839. Mrs. Theron Bratton. Route 4, Box 32, Oxford, Miss. 38655

71-181 FOX: Need info. Sarah Fox, b. l-16-l836 j Warren Co., Tenn. Father b. abt. 1800, N. C. Bro. Hugh, b. 1825, N. C., Sis. b. 1840, Ill. Most of this info. from Alexander Co. Ill. Census. Mrs. CecilL. Griffin. 670Q Robbins, St. Louis,.Mo. 63133

71-182 STALCUP-STALLCUP-STAULCUP-STALLCOP-STALKOP: John Anderson Stalcop migrated from Sweden, settled in Delaware Colony. 1641. Would like to correspond with anyone bearing this surname or who has ancestors with this name. Have history and charts on the family prior to 1800. ( Earl E. Jones, 232 Old Hickory Blvd., Madison. Tenn. 37115

71-183 RISON: Ellery & Richard Rison came to Smith CQ~ Tenn. after the Rev. Ellery's will recorded, 1829; Richard, Sr.'s, recorded 1839. What happened to Richard, Jr. m. Polly Cobb, Madison Co. Ala. 1819 after 1840 when he was still in Smith Co. Tenn.? Mrs. Geo. D. Clark, 2005 S. Memorial, Pasadena. Texas 77502

71-184 FLEMINGS-IDIDADES: Need par. bros, sis., other info. on Wm. H. Rhoades, m. Sarah Jane Flemings, ca. 1830. Both reputed to be born in Henry Co. Tenn. Mrs. Mildred Rhoades, Perrin, Texas 76075

71-185 BOWEN-FITZGERALD: Need par. & siblings of Hartwell M. Fitzgerald, b. 5-11-1821, Maury Co. Tenn., d. 1906 and wife Amanda Mariah Bowen. b. 10-19-1814 Where in Tenn.? Both d. in Iowa. Did Amanda have a prior marriage? Mrs. Karen Venable. 8545 San Vicente Ave .• Riverside. Calif. 92504

71-186 BEDWELL: Wish info. on Bedwell Family, early settlers in White, Bradley, Lincoln, Sevier, Bedford Counties in Tenn. Mrs. Joe Ericson. 1614 Redbud St.• Nacogdoches. Texas 75961

71-187 LOGAN-SHOFNER: Jeptha Harriston Shofner, b. 1811, d. 3-11-1886, m. Nancy Logan, b. 1817, d. 4-15-1904, Lincoln Co. Tenn. Wish to know the names of their par•• place of origin and where they settled. Mrs. Grover E. Marshall. P. O. Box 187. Sumner. Miss. 38957. "Ansearchin'" News -198-

71-188 BIRD-KINC-MOORE-PARKER: Need par. & desc. of these bros. Exum Parker, b. 1795, Gates Co. N. C., m. Susan King, b. 1796, Ky., Wm. Mallory, b. 1810, Gates Co. N. C., m. Sarah Evans, b. 1819, Tenn. Liv. Stewart Co. Tenn. Need information Dreury Dudley Bird b. 1786, N. C., m. Lissia? b 1795, N. C. Son Benj. Dudley b. 1822, Stewart Co., m. Nancy Moore, b. 1825, Ky., 9~9-l849 Stewart Co. Doris C. Pike, 3112 Leatha Way, Sacramento, Calif. 95821.

71-189 DENISON-ROBERTS-SHIELDS-WARREN: Need info. Banner Shields, b. 1772, Md.; liv. Blount & McMinn Co. Tenn. Need par. Robt. Curry Denison, b. 1857, Tenn.; mOVe Tex. 1875. Need info. John Warren, b. abt. 1810, m. Sallie Roberts, liv. Grundy Co. Tenn. Had bros. Seim, Thomas and Cyrus. Mrs. Dean Newhouse, 1133 Drexel Drive, Plano, Texas 75074.

71-190 COMBS-FLEMING-FOY-PAYNE: Need par. of the following: Benj. F. Foy, b. 1830, Ga., par. b. N. C., Mary Eliz. Payne b. 1838, Tenn., m. B. F. Foy. Par. b. Tenn. John Fleming b. 4-11-1790, Ireland. Par. b. Ireland, Nancy Combs, b. 11-25-1797. Knx. or Hawkins Co. Tenn., m. John Fleming, par. b. Va. Mrs. Omar Smith, 411 Crescent, Bryan, Texas 77801

71-191 CROW-MCHANEY-SIMS: Need info. on ancestors & desc. of Chess1ey Sims, N. C. to Ga. abt. 1810. Dau. Sally m. John McHaney of Tenn. Dau. Betsy m. a Mr. Crow in Ga. or Tenn. Mrs. W. 1. Gresham, 235 San Luis Rey Road, Arcadia. Calif. 91006.

71-192 DRAKE-LANE: Need info. John Y. Lane, b. abt. 1792, Tenn. Where? Mov. to Ill. abt. 1827; son Tidence W. b. 1839. Also moving to same area at this time, were Richard Lane, b. 1796 m. Rachel Drake and another Tidence W. Lane, b. 1794, m. Ellen__. \.]ere the 3 bros: Were they from Warren Co. Tenn.? Who were their par.? Have Illinois data to share. Mrs. Olin Laws, Route 9, Bloomfield, Iowa 52537.

71-193 BREWER-TOLIVAR: Need info. Russell Brewer, b. 1785 N. C., d. 1858, m. Nancy Tolliver, b. 1785, N. C. d. 1869, in Warren Co. Tenn. by 1812. Both died there. Their children (13) all b. in Tenn. Need par. of both. Mrs. Eclw in H. Smi th, 502 Co Idstream Dr., Ta llahassee, Florida 32303.

71-194 CANSLER-EDWARDS: Was Geo.Calvin Cansler, b. 3-14-1840, Hendersonville, N. C., m. Sarah Ell~n Edwards, probe Eastland, Texas, d. 7-24-1929. Hollis, Okla. a dese. of Philip W. Cansler, Lincoln Co. N. C. from Germany? Orien Worley, 2304 River St., Susanville, Calif. 96130.

7l-l95HEMBREE-FORREST-LOVINS-MARLEY: Need info. Hugh Lovins, 1812 Bedford Co. Tenn. Tax list, m. Eliz. Forrest, 1798. His father, Arthur Lovins, his mother Marley, need first name. Isaac L. Hembree'liv. Roane Co. Tenn. until 1852, son of Joel Hembree, need name of mother. Have much data on

Hembrees, other than my line. I Mrs. C. 'W. Lovins, 908 N. 29th Ave .. , Yakima. Wash. 98902.

71-196 BRATTON: Need par. of these bros: Jas. W., b. 1820, Tenn., Thos. b. 1822, Ala.; Hugh, b. 1827, John b. 1829, Tenn. Were there other bros. & sis? Need location of Hugh Bratton and wife, Louiza, in 1850. Need her maiden name and data on her family. Mrs. Theron Bratton, Route 4, Box 32, Oxford, Miss. 38655. Winter 1971 -199-

71-l97-SHELBY: Will exchange info. on any line of Shelby Family. especially Reese, Jacob. Jonathan. Ethel Schonert. 1424 Vanderhoof. Decatur. Ill. 62521.

71-198 FRANCISCO-SIMMONS: Christian Simmons. b. 1765 & Jas. G. Simmons (age 81 in 1850 Census) carne from Va. to Hawkins Co. Tenn. abt. 1795. Were they related? Christian's dau.Catherine. b. 1801. m. __Francisco; need his full name. par. name and residence before Hawkins Co. Mrs. H. T. Simmons, Highland Heights, Ardmore, Tenn. 38449.

71-199 BAKER-HENDRICKS-HENDRIX-THORNTON: Were Josiah. Stephen. Wm. & Mordica Thornton listed in 1840 Wayne Co. Tenn. census related to Hosea Thornton. b. 1786-96. S. C.? He m. Catherine Hendrix (Hendricks) and live in Wayne Co. She m. 2nd John Baker and by 1860 liv. in Izard Co. Ark. Mrs. W. G. Duckworth. Route I, Box 2, Lock Haven. Pa. 17745.

71-200 BANKS-BROOKS-GIBSON-GIPSON-VAN PELT-WILMOTH: Need info. John (Houston)Banks b. 1818. m. Margaret Gibson (Gipson), b. 1824. in 1846. What co. in Middle Tenn.? Mov. Ark., then Tex. Both d. Polk Co. Ark. Need info. Andrew Van Pelt, ca. 1816. Tenn. Was he related to Van Pelt's Green Co. Tenn.? He m. Cecelia Wilmoth Brooks, b. ca. l824,N. C.• 10-6-1841. Lawrence Co. Ala. Need her par. liVe Morgan Co. Ala. 1850. Mrs. William R. Ellis. Box 96, Yale, Okla. 74085.

71-201 BRAY-GANN-MCKINNEY-SIMPSON: Need info. on Gann family, settled E. Tenn. abt. 1790. Nathan Gann, d. 1839. bur. Jonesboro. Wash. Co. Son. Abraham. m. Polly McKinney, Roane Co. abt. 1824. Need her par. Need info. John Simpson. b. Tenn. 1815. m. Martha Bray. b. Va. 1822. in 1837. move Mo, had ( 8 ch. She was dau. Eliz. Bray; need her father's name. Mrs. &oy McDonald. 332b Willos St., S. W., Tacoma, Wash. 98439.

71-202 CASTLEBERRY-POTTER-ROBERTS: Need info. Columbus Clay Roberts. b. 1B49, Savannah. Tenn .• m. 1st. Castleberry. 2nd 1891, Van Buren Co. Ark .• Malinda Inez Potter. dau of & Amanda Potter. 2 children married Bonds. Delores Hartman, P. O. Box 853, Greenfield, Ca. 93927.

71-203 MCFARLAND-MCFARLIN-PRICE: Need info. Wm. McFarland (McFarlin) b. 1780. probe Va.; in Warren Co. Tenn. by 1820; d. there 1840; m. abt. 1812 Christian Price. dau. Jane Price & Anger Price, b. 1794, Va., d. 1874, Tex. Christian & 10 oldest ch. in Jasper Co. Texas by 1848. Mrs. Edwin H. Smith, 502 Co1dstream Dr., Tallahassee, Fla. 32303.

71-204 GRIFFIN-SHARP: Need info. Bluford-(Bleuford) Griffin. b. abt. 1801. Va.• m. (2'!) Susan Sharp (date) said to have settled in Knox Co. prior to 1830; there 1860 census. also 1880. 3 of 5 sons in Civil War. Mrs. Cecil L. Griffin, 6700 Robbins,St. Louis, Mo. 63133.

71-205 CHILDRESS-MERRILL-MURRILL: Mary Malinda Merrill (Murrill). b. 11-22-1824. Tenn .• m. Solomon Collins Childress. 5-t8-1843 in Belmont. Panola Co. Miss. Need her par. bros. & sis. and place of birth. Mrs. C. L. Neill, Box 103, Pharr, Texas 78577.

71-206 CANTRELL: Need info. about Benjamin, b. 1837; John b. 1838; Isaac, b. 1843; Watt. b. ? The 4 bros. moved to Lawrence Co. Mo. from Tenn. 1850­ 1860. All b. Tenn. W. G. Bud Cantrell. Bradford-Surridge Funeral Home~ Marionvil1e~ Mo. 65705 "Ansearchin'" News -200-

71-207 BAY: Need par. of Thos. Bay, b. Davidson Co. Tenn., 1-28-]793. Novcc1 with parents to Hilson Co. Tenn., 1802. '-las Andrew Bay his father? Mrs. Iantha Smith, Box 482, McCarney, Texas 79752.

7]-208 BENEFIELD-MESSICK-WILKERSON: Need info. Benefield family; Nancy Ann, b. 10-26-1829, Ind. or Middle Tenn., m. Solomon Lewis Scott, prob. 1844-45. Need info. Messick family: Richard b. ca. 1767, Delaware, d. 1867, Coffee Co. Tenn. His son Richard, b. ca. 1795, N. C. had 2 children. I.Jack m. ______?, had dau. Hannah. 2. Lydia m. Jas. Alfred Wilkerson, 1833. Need info. on his family, son of Chas. b. County Tyrone, Ireland & Betsy (Perkins) Wilkerson. Mrs. Vernon L. Redinger. 1214 E. Oak. Othello. Wash. 99344.

71-209 CLAYTON-HILL: Need pts., pI birth, James Hill. d.9-4-l826, m. Mary Clayton, dau of Stephen Clayton. Jas. Hill liv. Hinds Valley nr. Anderson and Knox Co. Also need pts., pl. b. of a J~s. Hill, settled on Chucky Creek, Jefferson Co. Tenn. abt. 1782. Need pts. Florence Hill, d. 1918, Jefferson Co. Tenn. Maiden name Hill, m. Mastin Hill. Russell A. Hill, P. O. Box 248. Trenton, Ga. 30752.

71-210 HOBBS: Need name wife, b. p. Wm. Hobbs, son of Jas., Iredell Co. N. C.; b. ca. 1760, d. Lincoln Co. Tenn. 1837. His son Nathaniel m. Sarah Caruthers. Need info. Reddick Hobbs, son of Jesse, b. ca. 1790 m. before 1807. Iredell Co. N. C.; liv. Franklin Co. Tenn. Mrs. Raymond Handley. 946 Regal Rd .• Berkley. Calif. 94708.

71-211 BRADLEY-SAUNDERS: Need pts. Dr. Daniel L. Saunders, b. 10-29-1802, m. Coosa Bradley, dau. of Lt. Col. Edward Bradley, Sumner Co. Tenn. Need name of Edw. Bradley's wife. Mrs. Mary E. Allen. 2436 S. Graham. Apt. 12. Seattle. Wash. 98108.

71-212 GURLEY' Need pts. Rachel Gurley, b. 11-10-1807, Tenn •., m. Rev. John F. King, 1-17-1828 in Ala. Mother's name AlIa or Allie Boon (Boone) Gurley. Was father Joel? Mrs. Mary E. Allen, 2436 S. Graham. Apt. 12. Seattle. ~ash. 98108.

71-213 ELLISTON-ALSTON: Need pts. Brunette Alliston (or Alston) b. Tenn. 1830, prob.Tipton Co., m. 1. Jas. Aplin, 9-11-1844, Williamson Co. Ill. 2. m. W. J. Coan, Oct. 1865, Pope Co. Ill. Mrs. Floy (Glass) Neeseman. 410 High St•• Peoria. Ill. 61606.

71-214 JOBE-MOORE-STRATTON: Need ancestry. Lucian Moore, m. Michaux Stratton, Hines Co. Miss. Ch: Peyton E., Richard, Lea, Edw. E. & Ernest. Peyton, postmaster, Malvina, Bolivar Co. Miss., 1936. Need name of husband and ch. of Eliz. Moore, dau. of Wm. F. &Mahala B. (English), Hardeman Co. Tenn., m. prob. Tippah Co. Miss. Jobe. 1 known son, Thomas, b. 5-10-1859. James T. Goodbread. Route 1. Cleveland. Okla. 74020.

71-215 PARTON-WILHITE: E1ender Connie Wilhite (mother a Baxter) b. Ky. 6-6-1832, d. Pope Co. Ark. 10-16-1892, m. prob. Marion Co., Tenn. 3-15-1855, Russell Jones Parton of Ga. Uer sis. Lucretia m. Wm. Parton, bro. of Russell. Desire ancestry of these families. James Goodbread. Route 1. Cleveland. Okla. 74020. W1.:nter 1971 - 201 -



- A - - B-

Abbet 159 Allen 6, 7, 11, 16, App, 83, 133 Baar 146 Abbott 9, 60,70, 96, 26, 3L" 35, 45, Applewhite 7, 33 Bab 159 180, 193 48, 58, 59, 60, Archer 160 Babb 110, 130, Abel 44, 45 65,66, 69, 70, Arft 185 160 Ahe rna tby 60 71, 74, 79, 81, Argo 69 Baciga 1upo, 84, Able 1,5 89, 91, 92, 95, Arlington 160 84, 187 Abshire 124 104, 111, 122, Armfield 15 Backin 134 Abston 78, 129 124, 130, 135, Armor 28 Bacon 185 Achinson 30 147, 159, Armstrong 34, 36, Bade1li 27 Ackerly 141 161, 169, 180, 37, 57, 70,74, Badger 116,120 Ackland 184 19::, 200 79, 98, 125, Badine11i 184 Aclin 165 Alley, 79, 152, 163, 130, 133, 158, Baen 131 Acterson 121 181 159, 185, 186 Bagget 158,163 Acuff 178 Allingham 188 Arnold 32, 61,67, Bagby 60 Adair 125, 146, 163 Allison 192 69, 87, 100, Bagley 74 Adaire 126 Alliston 149 120, 121, 132, Bailey 12, 16, Adams 6, 7, 8, 16, 24, Allsup 180 134, 159, 160, 81, 93, 121, 32, 48,57, 59, Alpin 149 164 141, 144,149 64, 65, 71, 74, Als tadt 192 Arnsbam 31 Bai ly 134 78,119,123, Alston 8, 9 (2)10, Arrowood 106 Bain 14, 16, 18, 133, 158, 11, 12, 13, 37, Arts 123 78, 130, 182 159, 161,185, 200 Arthur 62 Bainbridge 35 186 Alsup 15, 17, 18 Aryes 157, 162 Baines 164 Adare 146 A1rerson 120, 125 Ashburn 35, 37 Baird 8, (2), Adcock 122, 159 Alvis 15 Ashcraft 178 13, 36 Addersoh 7 Amato 148 Ashe, 20, 31 Baise 34 Adier 120, 121 Ambrose 183 Ashe10cke 162 Baites 163 Adkerson 108 Ames 184 Ashford 18, 81, Baker 17, 33, 35, Adkins 7, 12, 33, 90, Amis 13 130, 180, 181, 57, 58, 59,65, ( 93, 94, 127, Ammone1t 31, 185 182 66, 67, 68, 69, 158, 165, 166 Ammonette 83 Ash1~y 168 70, 71, 74, 79, Adkinson 37 Amott 84 Ashlock 162 80, 86, 93, 94, Adkisson 35, 157 Ama1t164 Askew 175 107, 110, 119, Agard 37 Anderson 8, 14, 15, Askins 166 120, 121, 122, Agees 16 16, 18, 28, 29, Asp ley 14, 15 123, 124, 129, Agent 159 51, 59, 60, 67, Asp1y 77 132, 138, Agi 11 159 77, 78, 79, 80, Atkins 9, 32, 133, 159, 165, 168, Aikin 13 83, 85, 93, 94, 159, 162 170, 175, 196, Ailsworth 121, 125 106, 107, 110, Atkinson 6, 7, 29, 199 Akers 58 111, 116, 119, 30, 47, 59, Balch 33, 49, 57, Akin 59, 61,67,149 120, 121, 123, 188, 197 99 Alberson 98 124, 127, 129, Auberry 169 Baldridge 15, 131, A1bison 98 131, 133, 135, Austin 28, 30, 51, 180 Alderman 155 145, 151, ·81,86,107, Ba len 137 Alderson 14, 77, 78, 160, 162, 163, 112, 119, 120, Bales 79 180 165, 166, 167, 125, 131, Ba less 62 Aldridge 6, 37, 138 180, 182, 186, 161, 165, 180, Baley 6 A1en 62 187 193 Balfour 30 Alexander 15, 19, 37, Anderton 167 Autry 59, 61, 65, Ball 53, 167 57,58,59,63, Andrew 124 68, 70, 71, 74, Ballard 6, 13,95, 66, 72, 91, 95, Andrews 6, 94 159 134, 142, 158, 112, 146, 150, Andrws 103 Avent 85 163 159,160, Aner 133 Avery 82, 86 Ba lIe 184 167, 168, 180 Angee 121 Avise 134 Ballew 59 A1gea 72 Angles 14, 17, 18, Awalt 164 Bal10ck 70 A1gee 57, 68, 72 129 Awberson 98 Ba1uet 171 Alger 62 Annis 124 Ayers 44, 62 Bamling 167 Alison 36 Anstunn 31 Ayres 97,141 Bandy 15, 17, 78, Allbright 15, 62, 91, Anthony 79, 96,154, 131, 180 97,123,131 159, 161, 180 Banister 141,144 " Ansearchin'" News -202-

Banks 18, 58, GO, 65, Bates 6, 7, 58, 95, 104, Bennett 33, 58,59, Blackmire 188 100, 158, 164, 116, 119, 166 60, 65,67, 68, Blackmore, 79, 187, 199 Batte 141 69, 82, 95, 102, 134 Banksnd1t 184 Batton 57, 71 110, 111, 122, Blacks 60 Banks ton 137 Baucom 62, 65, 167, 124, 126, 163, Blackston 131 Bane 15 74, 100 180 Blackwell 21, Banner 68 Baugh 25 Bent 166 23, 48, 80, Banton 54 Baxter 59, 62 Bentha1 15, 78 91, 146 Barbary 44 Bay 200 Bentley 79 Blackwood 158, Barbee 57 Bayless 146 Bently 129 165 Barber 38, 83, 85 Bayley 141 Benton 37, 38, 42, Blain 22 Barcroft 139 Baynard 104 43, 59, 61,65, Blair 13, 57, Bard 20 Baynes 130 67, 89, 146 59, 74, 82, Barefield 8 Baysted 132 Berdon 28 100, 118, Ba rekman 156 Baytes 167 Berfect 31 129, 130, Barham 60, 66, Baze 58 Bergen 135 151, 156, 74, 80 Beacham 14 Bergin 132 182 Barkam 24, 66, 74 Beadget 70 Bergis 6 Blais 68 Barker 57, 61, 62, Bea 1 25 Berkin 135 Blake 61 69, 141, 159, Bea Ie 16 Berliner 132 Blakely 163 161, 184 Bean 124, 157, 159, Bernard 15, 17, 57, Blakemore 130, Barkhurst 99 160, 166 138, 185, 187 131, 141, Barksdale 74, 144 Bearnheart 57 Bernes 136 175, 183 Ba rlow, 128, 136 Bear 31 Berry 13, 58, 63, Blalock 151 Barn 21, 183 Beard 10, 15, 16, 65, 68, 69, Bland 33, 35,36 Barnard 96 17, 20, 44, 46, 124, 157, 165, Blankenship 140, Barnell 62 79, 80, 91, 168, 192, 193 178 Barnes 59, 79, 86, 129, 130 Best 84 Blanton 115,179 123, 136, 164, Beardin 7 Bethel 159 B1anz 82 166, 167, 184 Beasley 121 Bethell 60 B1ar 131 Barnet 157 Beas1y 157, 159,162 Bevens 83, 97 B1ay 67 Barnett 89, 105, Beason 77 Bevers 28, 79 B1edsaw 160 114, 122 Beatty 82 Bibb 6, 63, 95 Bledsoe 6,37, Barnhart 62,67,68 Beaty 37 Bible 166 58, 59,60, Barnheart 58 Beaver 15, 164 Bickers 91 68, 74,100, Barns 65, 70 Beck 58, 70, 133, Biddle 131 129, 131, Barnum 89 146, 157, 158, Bidwell 123 160, 164 Barott 60 191 Bigger 47, 59 Blew 133, 134 Barr 15, 43, 62, Beckwith 124 Biggers 194 Bliner, 185 68, 69, 80, Becton 6, 8 Biggs 6, 15, 35, Bliss 136 81, 98, 181 Beddist 159 79, 129 B10ice 60 Barrett 6, 14, Bedford 37, 38, Bigham 59, 62, 66, B10neship 120 103, 181 42, 43 67, 68, 69, 70 Bloodworth 17, Barron 90, 158 Bedwell, 110, 197 72, 160 77, 79, 80, Barrons 120 Beecher 28 Bill 160 141 Barrott 71 Beeler 14 Billeter 55 Blount 10, 21, Barrow.15, 37, Beers 98 Billings 7, 9, 10, 37, 38, 39 43, 79 Be 1cher 111, 124 36, 111, 123 Blow 64, 162 Barrum 60 Belew 61,65, 66 Billingsly 61 B10yce 69 Barry 17, 185 Be Hord 134, 184 Bills 40, 42 Blunt 61, 97, Bartholomew 138 Be1k 52 Bingham 166 144 Bartlett 7, 112, Bell 2, 16, 21, 29, Bird 11, 60, 62, Blythe 16, 89, 123, 127 30, 57, 59, 60, 159, 160, 183 Bartnella 85 67, 69, 71, 74, 161, 198 Boak 103 Barton 16, 61, 141 78, 81, 119, 121 Birdwell 61, 147 Boals 2, 151 Ba rtus 19 157, 158, Bishop 57, 68, Boar 146 Barwinn 144 160, 161, 180, 69, 71 Boatman 115 Base1mann 181, 183, 193 Bivens 57 Boaz 192 (Bosse1mann?)30 Bellherry 60 Black 8, 27, 69, Bobbett 38 Bashears 121 Belliw 157 72, 87, 122, Bobo 166 Basier 121 Belote 181 159, 164 Boddie 16, 78, BaskervilIe 129 Benbrook 180 Blackard 15, 77, 79, 80, 141, Baskins 8, (2), Bender 80 162 180 34, 35 Benefield 200 Blackburn 30, 33, Boe1n 124 Bass 141, Benge 157 12i, 158 Bogan 3, 5, 53, 160, 163, 165, Benjamin 103 Blackemore 15, 17, 103 166, 186 Bennet 189 23 Bogle 59, 71 Bateman 8, 59, 65, B1ackfan 38 Bohan 127 67 Win-ter 1971 - 203 -

Bohannan 51, 53, 54, Boyed 141, 178 Brekem 160 Brown 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 123 Boyer 180 Brenard 8, (2) 14, 15, 16, 21, 30, Bohns 137 Boykin 131, 182 Brevard 180 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, Boid 163 Boyle 91 Brewanton 161 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, Boiseau 187 Boyles 14, 17, Brewer 54, 59, 61, 57, 62, 63, 64, 66, Bolen 134 180, 181 68, 167, 198 67,77,79,80,90, Bolger 32 Boyce 162 Brewton 57, 14\1 91, 92, 98, 108, Bolin 124 Boyte 60 Brey 176 110, 113, 116, 119, Bomar 96 Bozart 121 Briant 125, 159 120, 121, 122, 123, Bomer 62 Boze 8, 90 Brice 124 124, 125, 127, 129 Bon 157, 158, 160 Bracey 29 Brickle 94 130, 131, 132, 133, Bond 136, 176, 177, Bracken 17, 67, Bridges 58, 59, 134, 135, 136, 137, 178 79, 131 61, 62, 65, 138, 139, 140, 141, Bonds 69, 149 Brackins 61, 69 66, 68, 69, 150, 157, 158, 160, Bonine 33 Bradey 124 164, 165, 164, 167, 175, 180, Bonner 11, 15, 158 Bradford 6, 31, 37, 168 181, 184, 186, 187, Bonners 91 38, 42, 59, Brigance 17, 58, 195 Bonnett 22 61, 63, 85, 62 Browning 15, 17, 18, Booker 6, 12, 34, 122, 123, 129, Briggs 108, 140, 22,38,57,69, 37, 39, 43 147, 175, 188 141, 144,148 70, 77, 81, 129, Boon 7, 90 Bradley 14, 22, 72, Brigs 90 163, 181 Boone 37, 129, 146 78, 79, 107, Bright 9, 193 Broyles 110, 124 Booth 9, 36, 45 124, Bright~ell 107 Bruce 38, 39, 62, 129 Boram 11, (2) 160, 194, 200 Briles 123, 137 Brummit 195 Boren 17, 25, 138 Brad1y 124 Briley 17, 128 Brumset 158 Borrin 180 Bradshaw 8, 11, 12, Bri1y 79 Brundridge 162 Borum 6, 159 89, 107, 118, Bringle 6, 7 Bruner 192 Boss 82, 84 138, 158 Brinkley 35, 59, Brunson 33 Bosse1 68 Bradway 70 61,68,71 Brunt1y 123 Bosson 126 Brady 27, 60, 64, Brinley 195 Bruster 119 Bostick 168 115 Brinson 57 Bruton 149 Boswell 26, 33, 34, Bragg 12, 13, 21, Briscoe 157 Bryan 19, 37, 97, 104, 35, 36, 64, 74 36 Bristow 32 107,113,116,118, Bott 23 Braham 115 Briton 124 119, 120 Bottom 17, 103 Brahan 60 Britt 7, 36, 39, Bryant 7, 57, 62, 64, Botts 176 Bra 1y 74 59, 60, 68, 71, 97, 119, 122, ( Boucher 58 Bram 123 74, 183 129, 158, 163,164 Bouch i lIe 89 Bramby 123 Bdttain 155 Bryen 120 Bounds 107, 113, Bramlett 119 Britton 17, 188 Bry1es 139 120, 123, 159, Branch 7, 33, 36, Brizendine 180, Bry1y 183 161 38, 74, 165, 181 Bryrd (?) 6 Boundy 123 166 Broach 60, 69 Bryson 82 Boutignon 171 Brandon 59, 61, 74, Brock 47, 61, Buar 146 Bow 25 158, 160, 167 108, 125, Buch 44 Bowden 7, 8, 29, Brannon 163, 165 162 Buchanan 163, 192,196 60 166, 167 Brogans 107 Buchannan 6, 42, 61, Bowen 20, 63, 106, Branock 72 Brogden 124 124 108, 159{'1,97 Branon 59 Bro1a 65 Buchanon 167 Bowers 6, 30;,~~:3t, Bransford 175 Brom 163 Buck 123 35, 36, 13i~ Branson 123 Bromington 124 Buckalew 37 188 Brantz 136 Bromley 121 Buckhalter 158 Bowie 7 Brasford 166, 168 Brooker 138 Buckes 107, 163,165 Bowles 7, 8, 33, Brashers 21 Brooks 6, 8, 10, Buckhanon 60 34 BrasS 189 17, 23, 30, Buckingham 144 Bowling 15, 165, Brasse11 17 33, 34, 41, Buckle 87 181 Braswell 23 57, 59, 60, Buckley 18, 79, 183 Bowman 15, 30, Bratton 97, 150, 71, 89, 94, Buckner 69, 106, 123, 104, 108, 197, 198 103,128,131, 134, 183 118; 120, 123, Braun 86 133,136,137, Bucks 168 129, 165, 167, Brawner 32 138,146, Buckun 59 181, 183 Bray 122, 124, 199 158,161,180, Budd 44 Box 61, 71, 195 Brazelton 98, 164, 184, 199 Bugg 17, 78, 128,183 Boyd 9, 21, 28, 31, 165, 167, Brookt 159 Bull 15, 181 44, 53, 63, 65, 168 Brough 151 Bullard 160 (,7, 69, 70, 71, Brazia 1 24 Broughton 181 Bullock 2, 122, 123 73, 74, 79, 83, Bra z ier 168 Browder 178 Bumber10w 59 lOR, 112, 122, Breckenri.dge 184 Bunch 58, 124, 192, 124, 154, 164, Breden 143 193 189 Breeden 96, 166 Burnes 59 Boydc 59, 60, 61 Breen 31 Bunn 70 Boye 132 ~reese 78 Buraigh 7 " Ansearchin '" News - 204 -

Burch 61 Byram 129 Capps 58, 65, 66, Caton 18,146 Burchard 187 Byrd 12, 89, 141, 67, 69 Catron 53, 110, Burchett 58, 67 184 Caps 80 113, 187 Burden 119 Byrn 57, 63, 80, Caraway 26, 168 Cats 108 Burdin 107 177 Carder 123 Caus1ey 134 Burford 24, 99 Byrne 54 Cardwell 66, 122 Cavanaugh 189 Burger 87 Byrom 164, 165 Carey 121, 129 Caviness 131 Burgess 122, 158, Byson 80 Carivan70 Cary 81 163 Bozorth 115 Carley 15 Center IS, 180 Burin 121 CarliIe 159, 197 Certin 122 Burk 82, Ill, 137, Carlton 64 Chaff 185 181, 184, 186, Carmiche1 123 Chainey 7 187, 189 Cabaniss 151 Carmon 181 Cha1nus t 134 Burke 28, 189 Cabe 70 Carnahan 157 Chambers 6, 7, 8, Burken 70 Cabiness 101 Carnes 13 11, IS, 21, Burkhart 35, 59 Cader 60 Carney 17, 79 29, 59, 61, Burks 165 Cage 78, 81, 97, Carnick 119 64, 69, 70, Burleson 51 129, 181 Carns 70 74, 139, 167 Burlison 37 Cagle 60 Carpenter 53 Chambless 68,74 Burnett 24, 89 Cahoon 192 Carper 48 Chambliss 62 Burns 17, 28,34, Cain 6, 22, 35, Carr 6, 8, 14, IS, Champion 161 69, 76, 77, 79, 117, 130, 35, 40, 41, 79, Champness 144 86, 193 173, 180 80, 81, 84, 129, Chance 152 Burnsides 116 Cairtt 77 130, 131 Chander 135 Burow 71 Ca1shan 135, 137, 160, 164, 175, Chandler 32, 70, Burr 85 158 181, 182, 183 120, 196 Burrell 187 Caldwell 10, 13,17, Carrell 126, 158 Chandliss 61 Burres 97 20, 51, 60, 79, Carrington 141 Chaney 7, 90 Burris 34, 36,129, 141, 164 Carroll 98, 120, Chanley 69 158,165,181 Calhoon 6, 7, 8,114 163, 164, 167, Chapen 39 Burrough 167 Calhoun 33, 136, 184 168, 186, 188 Chapill 17 Burrow 57, 59, 67, Callaway 157 Carrothers 11 ChapIe 184 77, 70, 74, Ca 11 168 Carsign 62 Chapell 66, 81 138, 139 Ca1mease 38 Carson 20, 57, 58, Chapman 7, 10, Burrows 89, 97, Calmes 6, 38, 39,40 68, 69, 157, 15, 18, 24, 158 Calvin 171 185, 188 35, 38, 181 Burton 35, 87, Camaill 121 Carruthers 148 Chapp 181 107, Ill, Cambo 124 Carter 17, 57, 58, Chappell 140, lIS, 145, Camborn 17 59, 60, 61, 65, 141. 144 149 Cambrey 163 66, 68, 71, 74, Char1emange 156 160, 161, Camde1e 121 79, 90, 96, 99, Charles 120, 169, 177 Cameron 38, 138 109. 119, 120, 158. 159 Busbay 8, 74 Camp 31, 119, 122, 123, 132, 178. Charlton 15, 16, Busby 80, 181,183 124, 163, 167 183 17, 18, 79, Bush 16, 17, 60, Campbe1 62 Cartmill 189 128, 129, 181, 66, 78, 79, Campbell 2, 7, 8, 10, Cartwright 45, 78, 182 84, 140 13, 15, 17, 21,34, 79, 158, 160. Cheek 87, 184 Bushy 89, 13~,> 35, 36, 38, 39,43, 182, 196 Cheeves 188 Busick 62,176j177 59, 60, 71, 81, Caruthers 6, 37,18l Chenault 129 Buskins 86 lIS, 124, 129, lSI, Carver 60, 63, 64, Cherry 21, 23, Busseck 68 161, 164, 166, 167, 117 24, 39, 57, Bussey 125 172, 176, 177, 187 Cary 61, 68 79, 89, 138, Buster 99 Campbelle 121 Caseland 140 166, 175, 177 Bustle 115 Camrell 122 Cash 113, 123 Chester 23,24. Butler 6, 7, 11, Cam ron 123 Cashion 148 103 17, 26, 35, 36, Can1e·I- 123 Cashon 148 Chilcoat 160 40, 42, 57, 59, Canard 122, 123 Casney 181 Childers 28. 97, 60, 61, 62, 66, Candray 21 Cason 177 162. 163,164 67, 68, 69, 70, Candy 93 Cassady 115 Childress 10, 20, 71, 74, 79, 90, Caneron 90 Casson 84 22, 39, 44,47, 91, 129, 133, Cannady 7 Castello 31 95, ISO, 199 139, 177 Cannon 6, 22, 33, 38, Castillo 184 Childs 192 Butram 123, 125 62, 63, 79, 121 Castle 105 Chile 192 Butt 15 Canon 57 Castleberry 178, Chilton 74 Butterworth 128,182 Cansler 198 199 Chin 187 Butts 88 Cantam 121 Castleman 136 Chism 22, 110, Ill, Buxton 121 Canter 147 Cate 59, 181 116, 118, 120 Byers 124 Cantrell 12l, 122, Cates 140, 168,197 Chissom 13 Byler 37, 38 181, 199 Cathcart 6 Chittenden 103 Bynon 158 Capehart 184 Cathey 128 Chitwood 164,166 Bynum 30, 162 Caperton 157, 161, Cato 60 Choat 179 166 Winter 1971 -2D5 -

Christensen 154 Coburn 17~1 Cook 15, 16, 30, Covington 49, 58, Christian 24, 59,164 Cochran 17, 66, 79, 32, 38, 41, 69,70,78,181 Christman 137 18] 59, 61, 62, Couwenhover 104 Christmas 128 Cochrin 69 74, 82, 99, Cowan 7, 33, 107, Church 164 Cock 26, 66, 78 ]03, 119, 121, 149, 157, ]58, Cit"rchill 39 Cockrill' 6, 33, 39, 122, 137, 139, 165, 166, 167 Churchman 57 91 140, 146, 157, Coward 7, 34 Churchwell 62, 67, Cocks 59 158, 159, 163, Cowell 46 179 Coda 124 165, 179, 11l1, Cowen 161 Cisne 99, 195 Coddle 17, 79 182, 186 Cowgill 8, 129 Clack 160 Codney 132 Cooke 140, 144 Cowlin 158 Claborn 58 Cody 60, 97 Cooks 107 Cowling 167 Clapp 60 Coe 22, 132, 185 Cookwood 147 Cowon 161 Clara 114, 116 Coenner 85 Cool 121 Cox 2, 6, 7, 13, Clark 7,9,10,11, Coffee 34, 35,122 Cooley 17, 130 36, 58, 61,62, 23, 29, 33, 34, Coffer 51 Coo1y 122 66, 68, 69,70, 35, 36, 38, 39, Coffin 159 Coon 91 74, 89, 113, 57,58,59,62, Coffy 34, 35 Cooper 7, 8, II, 119, 123, 135, 63, 66, 69, 74, Coggin 42 12, 23, 35, 36, 138, 152, 161, 103, 119, 121, Coker 156, 168 58, 59, 60, 62, 163,186,187, 123, 125, 126, Colbert 159 65, 67, 73, 74, 192 136, 137, 145, Cole 6, 32, 36, 87, 122, 123, Cozart 22, 59, 60 146,148,153, 46, 48, 58, 125, 166, 167, Crabb 16,17, 117, 159, 160, 176, 63, 65, 79, 175, 189 157, 158 181 80, 87, 89, Coopwood 150 Crabtree Ill, 165, Clarke 6, 7, 113, 113, 118, 119, Cope 18, 77, 120, 168 115, 117, 118, 121, 124, 146, 121, 122 Crafford 159, 178 169 168, 170, 186 Copeland 6, 19, 65,Craft 31, 76 Clarkson 45 Coleman 30, 39, 41, 98, 121, 140, Crafton 129 CIarver 74 62, 70, 79, 83, 148 Craig 12 (2), 59, Clary 133 86, 129, 181,187 Copher 124 62, 65 Cleary 189 Coles IS, 20 Cop.!.shaw 166 Crain 125, 180, C1aspi11 129 Collier 6, 8, 18,40, Cop leaner 7 181, 182 Clay 24, 183 107,122,129, Coppedge 36, 102 Cran 129 Claybrook 119,126 140, 141, 142, Coppell 31 Crane 14, 79, Clayton 200 143, 195 Corbet 126 108, 109,124 ( Cleavenger 149 Collins 44, 58, 61, Corbit 119 Craton 159 Cleaver 60 69, 74, 91, 119, Corbitt 89, 97 Cravin 59 C1ebom 128 120, 123, 139, Cordell 195 Crawford 18, 28, C1emants 57 157, 166, 176 Corder 59, 130 80, 95, 133; Clement 9, 11 Collinsworth 91 Cordes 171 139, 140,145, Clements 6, 10, Co 1quit 160, 183 Corey 87 160, 165,168, 36, 74, 109 Colquitt 158 Corhom ,58 188 Clemmons 119 Colton 59 Corlan 67 Crawley 121, 122, Clendening 38 Colvil1 39 Corley 99, 147 125 Clendenning 18 Colwell 63 Comb1ow 91 Credwell 122 C1enny 16, 18, Colyer 158, 166 Cornelia 186, Crenshaw 6,.15, 16, 119, 124 Combs 78, 79, 80, Cornelius 181 17, 20, 21, 33, C1entin 66 198 Corry 2 77, 80, 92, 128, Clibom 180 Comes 159 Cortron 189 182, 183 Clifford 66 Compton 58 Costaritt1 87 Cress 9 Clifton 39, 92, Condry 158 Cothran 33, 35, Crew1y 124 89 Conemer 67 36, 38, 48, Crews 57, 58, 61, Cline 119, 181 Coner 62 79, 91 65, 71, 79, Clinton 21 Congil1 181 Cothren 60 80, 83, 99, Clipper 110, 159, Conley 127 Cotrill 6 129, 147, 183 160 Conn 161, 166, Cotton 6, (2), 13, Cribbs 23, 24 Clives 184 168 19,38,39,79, Cribs 57 Clopton 7, 45, Connell 129, 187 183 Cricks 83 138 Connelly 49 Coty 190 Crider 62, 69 Close 123 Conner 107, 119, Couch 58, 119, Crid1ey 157 Cloud 13, 35, 46, 121,129,166 120, 121 Crim 114 96, 192 Conners 83 Coulson 107, 165 Crispin 39 Clouse 121, 126 Connor 93, 98, Countee 187 Crisup 60 Coats 6, 7, 8, 111 Counts 157 Crittenton 7 18, 34, 36, Connolly 83 Courtney 187 Crittentun 10 129, 133,160 Conor 94 Courts 134 Crocket 163 Cobb 33, 36, 44, Conrad 187 Cousar 34, 35 Crockett 70, 129, 57, 83, 170, Conway 121, 122 Conson 161 147, 158, 196 179, 186,197 Couts 49 Croley 119 Coble 58 "Ansearchin'" News -206-

Crook lOO, 1.13, 122, -D- Dea 84 Dickenson 167 123, 1. 24, 177 Deakins 7 Dickerson 79, 100, Croshy ilL, Dacus 7, 8, 11,34, Dea 1 16 122, 123, 133, Crosit 60 35 Deaman 122 135, 188 Cross 92, 161 Dai.ley 58 Dean 22, 100, 158, Dickey 13, 18, 45, Crossett 57, 70 Dale 111, 119 159, 160, 193 79, 157, 180 Crossley 182 Da lIma11 32 Deatin 178 Dickins 175 Crotto 84 Dalman 132 Dearing 122; 123, Dickinson 27, 185 Crouch 36 Dalton 18, 59, 74, 127 Dickson 7, 9, 12, Crow 9, 18, 44, 59, 73, 115, 122, Dearman 129 16, 57, 58,60, 71, 194, 198 128, 130, 131, Deaton 93, 94, 178 66, 68, 71,74, Crowder 3, 79, 80, 181 Debusk 161 97, 162 85, 122, 168, Dan 33 Dechago 17 Diffee 25, 26 195 Daniel 11, 15, 23, Dechard 165 Diggs 61, 65, 66 Crowe1 59, 123 81, 111, 117, Decker 97, 189 Dilday 61, 62, 69 Crowell 60 123 Defraze 122 Dildine 121, 122 Crownover 111 Danie11y 2, {~4 Degraffenried 80 Dildy 67 Crowson 98 Danie1 1')2 Dehart 7, 11 Diledine 115 Cruas 177 Danso 32 Dehow 80 Dill 14, 61, 62 Cruikshank 29 Darby 35, 57, 65 Deiner 189 Di11and 132 Cruim 114 Daucy "17 De Kay 104 Dillard 87 Cruise 128 Darden 25, 93 Delaney 30, 58, Dillingham 21, 98 Crum 7, 11 Darell 165 67, 74 Di11is 7 Crumley 192 Dargis 185 Delashmit 6, 33 Dillon 15, 117, Crump 18 Darnaby 167 De1ass 78 120 Crumpler 181 Darnel 61 De1avine 127 Dinning 18, 128 Crutcher 58, 107, Darnell 3, 18, Dellis 96 Dinsmore 149 113, 186 150, 197 Deloach 157,169 Dinwiddie 58, Crutchfield 58, 74 Darr 7 De1ushmit 74 65, 68, 74 Cryer 15, 18, 77 Darwin 162 De Marques 194 Dirgan 106 Crymes 1 Dashier 121 Demeno 185 Dismuke 18 Cuffman 183 Daulton 79 DeMoss 58, 62, Dinwoody 34 Culbertson 79, 90 Davenport 9 70 Ditty 122, 125, Culbreath 33, 34, Daverson 66 Demp 74 126 35, 36 David 16, 34 Dempsey 80, 120, Dixon 15, 97, Cullen 191 . Davidson 8, 24, 189 123, 163 Cullins 13 34, 39, 53, Dening 124 .. poak 66 Culley 61 55, 57, 66, Denison 198 Dobbins 15, 129, Cullum 12 94, 163, 164, Denney 129 181 Culp 57, 59, 168 Denny 119, 120, Dobs 157 60, 65 Davion 164 125, 126 Dockery 192 Cummins 34 Davis 2, 6, 7, 15, Denson 159, 161 Dodd 68, 130, Cumming 22, 192 17, 18, 21, 22, Dent 102 139, 158 Cummings 24, 27, 23, 30, 34, 35, Denton 106, 109, Dodds 19 80, 108, 109, 36, 38, 39, 43, 117, 118, 120, Dodson 14, 58, 97, 120 56, 57, 58, 59, 124, 125, 126 107, 109, 117, Cummins 26, 35, 60, 61, 62, 65, Denty 170 119, 120, 125, 125 69, 70, 71, 78, Denway 158 126, 139 Cunningham 17, 57, 79, 80, 81, 82, Derafie1d 119 Doer1e 97 83, 120, 139, 84, 86, 87, 89, Derman 121 Dogherity 68 146, 159, 181, 91, 94, 95, 119, Deming 16 DogIe 121 194 120, 121,122, Derossett 49,195 Doherty 23, 92 Cupper 117 124, 125, 126, Derrington 148 Dolan 84 Curl 2 127, 128, 129, Derryberry 16, 20 Doland 58 Curle 168 130, 131, 158, Desha 80 Dolarhide 161 Curles 6, 8 159, 160, 161, Deson 26 Dolby 92 Curley 68, 200 163,165,167, DeVaughan 3 Dolen 65 Curry 84 176, 177, 180, Devenport 68, 165 Doles 157 Cursey 6 181, 183, 196 Devereux 21 Dolin 65 Curtis 6, 8, 36, Davison 55, 159, Devote 83 Do ling 71, 74 160 167 Devoto 83, 136 Dollarhide 159 Curts 8 Daviss 114, 115 Dew 80, 122, 129, Do1ora 27 Cussip 67 Davy 27 131, 180 Donahan 90 Custen 168 Daw1y 157 Dewar .62 Donaldson 13, 20 Custer 167 Dawnham 161 Deweese 122 Donathen 160 Cutbreath 7 Dawson 45, 59, Deweise 106, 110 Donavan 24 Cutler 133 .61,87,91, Dewhit 59 Done1son 92, 131 Cutton 18 \;JWq~?2, 187, 193 Dews 129 Dongan, 157, 159, Curtwright 45 Day 15, 17, 47, Diamond 49, 56 161, 163, 168, Cutting 85 .98, 167, 181 Dibrell 119 195 Cyder 127 Dayton 47 Dick 66 Donhoff 32 Cysena 39 Dea 84 Dickason 15,131 Donnell 18 Winter 1971 -207- Donoho 15, 17, 129 Dunnagan's 3 E1k ins 8, 71, Evens 194 Donohue 189 Dunnagin 122 Ellenor 66 Everett 60, 61 Doolin 7 Dunway 15H Eller 124 Everhart 132 Doo1y 86 Dunwoody 161 Ellinor 65 Everitt 192,193 Dorch 97 Dupant 58 Elliot 122, 160 Evell 6, 10 Dorre 11 114 Durant 36, 102 Elliott 15, 56, Ewen 90 Dorris 15, 16, 58, Duq';ess 79 81, 83, 85, Ewers 100 79, 80, 128,129 Durham 77, flO, 124, 168,180 Ewett 39 Dortch 97 130 Ellis 61, 137, 139, Ewing 80 Doss 129, 161 Durrossett 107 148, 163, 189, Exom 185 Dotson 121, 137, Duty 18 193, 194, 199 Eyers 142 162 Duval 18, 77,131 Elliss 18 Eyke 27, 83 Dougherty 59, 60, Dwight 173 E11isson 122, 125 Ezell 46 68, 79 Dyal 164, 165,167 Elliston 18, 22, Douglas 14, 17, 18, Dyer 113, 124, 165 200 -r- 28, 34, 38, 141, Dyers 136 Elmore 7, 9, 33, 157, 181 Dyke 186, 193 34, 58, 122, Faben 82 Douglass 161, 183 123, 127 Fahey 29 Dover 61 -E- Elms 123, 124 Fairchild 32 Dovedy 36 Elrod 114, 115 Faires 40 Dowell 14, 16, 35 Eans 157 Elsberry 62 Fairless 18 Dowly 157 Eakin 57 Elsey 160 Falkner 63 Downing 68, 157 Eally 69 Emberson 160,161 Falance 122 Downs 15, 80, Earhart 68 Embrey 166 Fa lIen 33 84, 181 Earles 120 Embry 44, 159, Falls 84 Downy 120 Earls 67 167 Falvey 7 Doxey 77 Early 17, 87, 134, Embuson 1fl1 Fancher 107,126 Doyle 119, 120 162, 183 Emerson 165,167 Fannan 164 Draffin 12 Earnes 61 Emery 18 Fargerson 94 Drake 4, 8, 58, Earp 44, 58 Emmerson 7, 45 Faris 36, 74, 59, 70, 71, Easier 122 Emboy 158 159, 160, 157,198 Easley 33, 34, 94, Embry 162 161, 162, Draper 182 122, 164 Endsley 186 163, 164 Drenham (Dunhan) 33 Eas ly 162 Engalls 82 Farley 121,122 Drew 156 Eason 58, 63 England 111,113, Farmer 9, 33, 40, Driggers 57 Easterly 44 114, 122,123, 77, 100, 158, Driggs 66 Eastis 161 124, 126, 165 159 ( Driver 124, 156, Eastland 124 English 7, 113, 193 Farmington 6 163, 166 Easton 111 Enloe 68 Farnsworth 45 Drumhe1m 18 Eaton 22 Enocks 57, 67, 74 Farr 58, 65 Drullll10n 117 Eaves 110, 159 Emry 161 Farrar 11, 127 Drummons 6, 34, 35, Ebber 134, 188 Eperson 58 Farrell 86, 100, 36, 60 Eberly 135 Epom 186 156, 160,165 Duboice 163 Ebinor 193 Epperson 35, 45 Farrer 7 Duckworth 165 Echols 77 Eppes 141, 142 Farris 7, 77,165, Dudley 58 Ecuffey 137 Erb 87 166, 167, 168 Dudney 68, 71 Edgar 140 Ernest 77 Farrow 31 Duffee 24 Edgings 159 Erskin 129 Faulk 34, 35 Duffer 80, 130,181 Eddington 82, 187 Erskine 86, 136 Fauwein 186 Duffy 18, 181 Edington 195 Ervin 121 Fens1er 86 Dugger 18, 130 Edison 130 Erwin 115, 129, Fenwick 86, 87 Duke 39, 58, 61, Edmiston 40 131, 150 Feezor 40 67, 68, 69, Edmiston 123 Eshelman 99 Fe1dgram 134 80,145,148, Edmonds 87, 96, Eskew 18, 59,69 Felin 120 159 119 Esoridge 165 Fellows 21 Dukes 120, 184 Edney 39 Essery 178 Felt 2 Dukinson 79 Edwards 6, 8, 11, Essex 18, 78,129 Felton 124, 184 Dulaney 58 14, 15, 16, 26, Estell 164, 167 Felts 114, 121, Dunagin 122, 130 28, 36, 37, 40, Estes 177 122 Dunaway 133 57, 58, 59, 61, Estham 18 Fenbery 115 Dunbar 139, 167 65, 67, 68, 69, Es till 157, 161 Fennell 138 Duncan 15, 31, 65, 71,74,79,92, Etheridge 24, 58, Fenner 177 67, 77, 99, 111, 128,129, 130, 193 Fennick 28 121, 124, 129, I 61, 13/+, 137 , Ethridge 166 Fenster 134 130, 132, 157, 143, 167, 180, Eubank 194 Fentress 40 163, 165, 182 181, 182, 183, Eubanks 7, 62 Fenwick 135 193 185, 191, 198 Eudy 62 Ferguson 15, 116, Dunham 10, 39, 124 Eisler 85. Evans 6, 7, 14, 146 Dunkin 122 Elam 7, 9 18, 19, 27, Ferrell 80, 156 Dunlap 61, 159 E1can 39 28, 34, 39, Ferrin 31 Dunn 2, 18, 61, 71, Elder 34 40, 59, 61, Fesler 102 120, 122, 158, Eliott 39, 40,48 81, 91, 119, Fesmire 25, 26 159, 181 Eliner 62 121,129,159, Fielder 94 160, 161 "Ansearchin'" News -20e- Fields 58, 60, 113, Ford 6, 54, 66, 79, Froggue 100 Garther 31 185, 192 121, 135, 139, Frogue 100 Garthright 161) Fighe 29 144, 162, In, Frohock6 Gary 106 Filtch 122 193 Fronville 17 Gaskill 95 Fim 80 Fore 54 Frosh 19, 124 Gaskin 8, 35 Finch 58, 60, 62, Foree 54 Frudle 181 Gaslea 119 68, 69, 161, Foreman 83, 98 Fry 59, 62, 71. Gaston 189 164, 193 Forest 63 194 Gates 62, 141, Find ley 60, 74, Forester 67, 80 Frye 126 161, 162 85 Forgason 146 Fuloy 158 Gather 8 Finley 119, 127 Forgesson 123 Fulcher 163 Gatis 28 Finly 65, 124 Forgey 93 Fu1ger 135 Gatland 81 Finney 159, 164 Forrest 159, 198 Fulkerson 107 Gatley 61 Firth 85, 133, Forrester 45 Fuller 26, 29. 57, Gattuson 140 137, 189 Forrestu 14 91,158, 176 Gauch 65 Fischer 151 Forsyth 158 Fuger 6, 7 Gause 146 Fish 124 Fortenberry 162 Fu1shire 6 Gear 123 Fishback 130 Fortner 7. 9, 36 Fulton 81, 111,129 Gears 8 Fisher 3, 6, 3D, F'ossit 40 Funderberk 178 Gee 12. 58, 60. 32,60, 68, 74, Foster 8, 19. 34, Fuqua 14, 68, 74, 62, 74 90,91, 117, 120, 38, 40, 61,98, 78 Genner 30 134, 138, 176, 109, 119, 124. Furgason 183 Genoka 188 188 128, 131, 159, Furgison 59, 61 Genshaw 37 Fisk 106, 119 160, 161. 164, Furguson 91 Gentry 44. 62, Fitch 163 166, 181, 186, Fusse11 23, 74, 147, 159, Fite 47 188, 196 158 160 Fitchen 103 Foust 24 \ Futrell 54 George 7, 26. 33, Fithian 84 Fowler 2. 23, 57, Fuzz1e 61 94, 157. 196 Fitzgerald 24, 48, 62, 66, 70i 89, Gerfee 68 117, 118, 197 138, 181 Gerinan 28 Fitzgerrel 160 Fox 59, 111. 123, Gerlich 189 Fla (?) 27 184, 197 Gabu 184 German 3D, 45 Flack 38, 77, 83, Foxall 15 Ga i llard 173 Gertrude 86 84, 90, 132 Foy 198 Gaines 27, 70, 141, Gese1 158 Flake 174 Frailey 77 142, 193 Getchell 32 Flanagan; 27 Fraley 129, 131. Gains 58 Gholston 161 Flanery 85 181, 183 Galbreath 80 Gibb 183 Flanikin 33 Fraim 184 Galion 70 Gibbins 119 Flannagan 32 Frame 167 Galiot 171 Gi~bons 74, F1annakin 6, 7 Francis 163, 164, Gallion 62 Gibbs 27. 93. Flatt 117 166, 167 Gambe1 98 94. 106. 121. Flayco 168 Francisco 199 Gamble 46, 107. 119, 193 Fleetwood 18, 169 Frank 55, 159, 125. 167 Gibson IS. 31. 57, F1eggin 85 190 Gambler 106 58. 59. 62. 65. Fleming 51, 57, Franklin 16, 62. Gambling 183 66. 80. 124, 129. 62, 65, 66, 78, 133, 165, Gammill 146 130. 131, 136. 81, 125, 197, 168 Gammon 123 141. 180. 181, 198 Franks 6, 117, Gann 118. 121, 199 194. 199 Flemming 121. 126, 118, 119. 120, Gant 29 Giddens 120 189, 196 190 Gant1ett 69 Gifford 157 Fleny 30 Frankum 93 Gappins 58 Gignilleat 171 Fletcher 60. 119 Fraqier 157 Garber 24 Gilaspie 160 Flewellen 65 Fraser 119, 126 Gardiner 1,101. 151 Gilbert 14, 16, FUm 11 Frashier 107 Gardis 123 65, 66, 180 Flippin? 24 Frazer 30 Gardner 6, 16, 17, Giles 16, 59, 60, Flood 141 Frazier 24, 119. 34, 35, 58. 59. 62, 64, 70, F10rrence 62 120, 124, 158, 60. 71. 80. 81, 80, 129, 131 Flowers 13, 99,178 167, 193 124. 181 Gilham 166 Floyd 6, 158, 159 Frazor 18, 77 Garge 21 Gilkey 73 Fluvellen 62 Freed 40 Garland 24, 37, 122, Gill 7. 59, 93, Fly 73 Freedle 6 176 124 Flynn 29, 134 Freels 69 Garlington 99 Gilliam 144, 159, Fodge 58 Freeman 6, 9, 35. Gamer 48, 135, 158, 160 Foldstone 61 36, 57, 62, 73, 167, 195 Gilland 134 Folkner flO 126, 150 Gamey 79 Gillard 67 Fonvia 1 128 French 40, 68,192 Garrett IS. 18, 78, Gillentine 109,125 Forbes 58, 179 Fresham 44 129, 151. 160. Gi11er1and 59 Forbess 13, 35 FrodFe 100 166, 189 , Gilles 59 Forbis 7. 160, Ftinch 65, 66,69 Garrison 14. 18. 60. Gillespie 14, IS, 161 Frisby 122, 125 80, 85. 129 16, 21, 47, Forbus 138 Froedge 100 Garry 31, 83, 137 80, 92, 128, Forcus 39 Frogge 100 Garsus 159 138, 146, 181 Winter 1971 -20<;-

Gilley 1, (2), 51, Gorden 175 Greupe 188 Haile 61, 92, 198 101" 151 Gornon 31, 58, 67, Grey 15, 135, 185 Hailey 121 Gilliam 2, 7, 52, 6B, 93, 94, 95, Grider 57, 91, 139 Haily 122 64, 65, 78, 163, 187 Griffin 38, 48, 62, Haines 57, 77, 134 181, 182 Gorton 68 63, 69, 79, 80, Hainensteir 186 Gi1lilimd 33, 34, Goss 7, 8, 33, 36 81, 87, 140, 182,Hainey 45 35, 36, 40 Gossa'ge 163, 166 185, 187, 192, Hainie 61 Gillis 66, 76, 160 Gossett 46, 57, 66 196, 197, 199 Hains 61 Gillison 191 Gotcher 158 Griffith 40, 110, Haithcoat 47 Gi lIs 83 Goticher 158 122, 168 Haithcock 47, 56 Gilmore 11, 17, 22, Goudges 109 Griffitt Hale 5, 7, 59, 94, 136 Gough 79 Griffy 93 61, 80, 81, Gilpin 131 Govin 34, 188 Griggs 109 92, 119, 121 Ginger 191 Gowen 66 Grills 164, 166 Haley 115, 178 Ginn 35 GOWer 7, 16, 190 Grimes 94 Hall, 6, 7, 8, Gipson 168, 199 Grace 6 Grisby 187 10, 13, 17, Gist 60, 67, 82, Gracy 93, 119 Grisevo1d 31 18, 19, 29, 106, 119, 120 Grady 28, 166 Grizzard 62, 63, 32, 33, 34, Given 130 Graham 21, 22, 79, 71 38, 40, 41, Givens 89, 160 80, 81, 91, Grodell 182 57, 59, 60, Givin 37, 81 113,119,20, Groghn 69 61, 62, 63, G1aco 1,61 122, 123, 125, Groom 58, 74 66, 68, 70, Gladden 55 127,157,160, Grooms 14, 17, 18, 71, 90, 92, Glasco 178 33, 149 98, 119, 128, G1asgou 81 Grainger 181 Gross 7, 33, 167, 129, 130,132, Glass 6, 7 (2), 8 Gramb1er 168 192 150, 157, 161, G1awson 60 Granger 80 Grove 134, 140 164, 168, 175, Gleason 82 Grant 59, 65, 68, Groner 163 180, lin, i82 Gleeson 114, 121 107, 123, 137, Grones19 Ha 11iburton 196 Glenn 91, 111, 117, 159, 164, 166 Grubb 152 Ha lloway 107 120, 121, 122, Grantham 107, 119, Guerin 171 Hallum 58, 132 125, 126, 127 125 Guild 81, 129, 130 Hally 164 G100ver 58 Grass 121 Gui1lin 63 Ha1mark 62, 66 Glover 66, 103, Grass1y 124 Guin 157 Halterman 107 127, 128, 161, Grattum 34 Guinn 66, 164, 166, Ham 58 162, 170 Gratz 48 167, 168 Hamblen 193 Gnann 5 Graves 12, 18, 46, Guins 74 Hambrick 167 Goard 109 59, 61, 67, 77, Gullage 74 Hamer 51, 101 Godard 109 91, 95, 128, Gulledge 61 Hamell 60 Goddin 93 139, 159 Gullet 59, 62, 68 Hames 74 Godfrey 38 Gray 3D, 31, 32, Gulley 59 Hamet ,61 Godwin 177 57, 70, 71, Gu1usha 103 Harnett 70 Goetz 29 133, 138, 159, Gunter 195 Hamilton 6, 37, Goff 79, 90, 121 160, 186 Gurley 8, 33, 60 38, 40, 41, Goforth 34 Grear 141 Guthree 167 58, 60, 62, Goggin 40 Green 6, 12, 18, 20, Guthrey 129 67, 69, 70, Going 32 32, 34, 37, 38, Guthrie 14, IS, 74, 93, 94, Go1byhom 123 39, 40, 57, 58, 16, 77, 78, 129, 130, Golding 110 60, 62, 65, 66, lOS, 129, 167, 136, 160, Golston 129 67, 68, 70, 74, 183 168, 175, 193 Gooch 59, 61, 65, 78, 81, 82, 92, Guye 126 Hamlett 25, 90, 66, 71, 74, 107, 119, 120, Gwen 131 ll7, 118 96, 120, 123 121, 129, 130, Gwin 16, 58, 73, Hamlin 13, ll9, Good 6, 8, 123 135, 140, 147, 78, 86, DO, 123 Goodall 119 162, 163, 164, 181, 183 Hanun 149 Goodard 125, 128 167, 169, 176, Gwind1e 65 Hammersly 96 Goodbread 200 178, 184 Gwinn 49, 86, 178 Hammett 68 Goode 11 Greenfield 94, 126 Gwyn 176 Hanunock 137 Goodlett 177 Greenlee 158, 164 Hammond 90 Goodman 8, 58, Greenley 158 -!!- Hammons 122, 162 189, 193 Greenwood 60, 162 Hammer 129 Goodnoe 36 Greer 39, 40, 59, Habaron 136 Hammon 175 Goodpasture 104, 74, 93, 94, Hacker 141 Hamons 61 107 141, 146, 173 Hackett 99 Hampton 15, 18, Goodrich 29, 59, Gregary 14 Hacksima 149 57, 61, 62, 84, 135 Gregg 186 Hadish 28 63, 70, 71, Goodrum 6, 135 Gregory 16, 17, 18, Hagewood 194 80, 122, 124, Goodson 60, 121 26, 58, 60, 78, Haggard 58, 66 134, 145, 193 Goodwin 121, 122, 80, 130, 180, Hagge 27, 186 Hanby 124 157, 162 181 Haggerty t7, 188, Hand 141 Goolsby 113, 122, Grerer 94 189 Handcock 145, 166 163 Gresham 8, 100,198 Hagler 20 Handley 157 "Ansearchin'" News -210-

Hanert B4 1l.1rris, 6, 7(2), P., Hawk ]57 Hennessee 123 :Il111CS lR, liO, R5 16, 18, 19, 20, Hawkins 37, 38, 40,Hennur 1'l7 E

Hill 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, Holley 57 Hounsha 11 130 Hunter 16, 22, 24, 18, 33, 39, 40, 5il, Ho 11 iman 128 House 24, 49, 57, 28, 34, 48, 71, 66, 70, 76, 92,109, Hollin 168 59, 65, 77, 81, 83, 119, 113, 117, 20, 123, Hollingsworth 35, 80, 118, 123, 121, 123, 124, 124, 125, 140, 141, 125 128, 133 178, 181, 182, 145, 158, 161, 163, Hollis 181 Houser 130 196 164, 165, 166, 167, Holl iway 7 Housewright 48 Huntington 103 168, 192, 200 Holloday 44, 37, Houston 5, 107, Hur1y 161 Hillard 57, 59, 60, 67, 41 168 Hurn 49 68, 70, 74 Hollomon 47 Houts 49 Hurst 40 Hillsman 71 Holloway 7 How 182 Hurt 12, 34, 36, Hilsman 74 lIo llowe11 14 Howard 11, 33,35, 57, 59, 63, Hilton 133 Holly 7, 157, 41, 49, 57,63, 66, 68, 82 Himan 162 165 110, 113, 119, Huse1ton 98 Hindman 7 Holm 67 121, 122, 123, Huston 57, 120, Hindsley 122 Ho1mark 58, 69 139, 162, 176, 193 Hines 93, 161, 163, Holmes 6, 7, 9, 184 Hutcheson 140, 165 35, 41, 57, Howe 121, 175 141 Hinis 187 63, 66, 67, Howell 1, 67, 71; Hutcherson 93 Hinsdon 158 70, 71, 74 91, 122, 127, Hutching 121 Hinson 15, 99 78, 80, 95, 131, 176, 177, Hutchings 13, Hinton 180 180 182, 193 62, 191, 114 Hipp 99 Holms 130 Howerton 16 Hutchins 89 Hisaw 57, 58, 74 Holoday 63 Howiston 34 Hutchinson 16, Hise 163, 167 I Ho1oway 61, 91 Hoya1 192 18, 35, 36, Hitchcock 114, 122 Holshouser 7(2) Hoyle 192 93, 128, 160, Hits 162 Holst 186 Hoyt 73 193 Hitzfie1d 85 Holt 39, 40, 41, Hubert 32 Hutson 121, 122 Hobblefie1d 163, 164 45, 109, 163, Huddleston 122, Hutton 160 Hobbs 44, 107, 119, 166, 168 123, 178 Hyde 1, 2, 151, 200 Halteman 121 Hudgins 119, 152 Hobday 17 Holton 33 123, 152 Hyder 113, 123, Hobdy 77, 180, 182 Homes 122, 192 Hud1ey 119 166 Hobson 156 Honea 49 Hudson 8, 23,34, Hyer 123 Hockaday 40 Honey 58, 66,74 86, 93, 94, Hyles 159 Hockley 40 Honeycutt 16, 130 110, 111, 117 , Hyman 185 Hoddinott 104 Hood 8, 28, 32, 122, 124, 130, ( Hodge 120, 123, 125, 33, 3f, 59, 184 - 1 - 126, 131, 183 61, 65, 67, Hudspeth 1.57 Hodges 14, 15, 16, 69, 74,148 Huey 5'9, 60, 61, Id1ey 184 17, 18, 33, 38, Hooker 23, 159 62 Ijams 20 41, 58, 61, 62, Hooks 123 Huffman 6 , 7, 63, Ike 135 65, 67, 69, 70, Hooper 68 69, 71, 182, Ing 16, 182 81, 83, 86, 91, Hooser 166 192 Ingram 39,58, 92, 128, 161, Hooten 122 Huggins 40, 136 65, 67, 69, 165, 180, 181 Hope 83, 133,136 Hugh 160 80, 131, 182 Hoffler 9, 36 Hopkins 40, 57, Hughes 23, 27, Irby 29, 30, 140 Hoffman 58, 62, 119 71, 102, 125 35,' 51, 62, Ireland 157 Hofler 7 Hopson 28, 73, 64, 82, 96, Ironmonger 140, Hog 109 148 124, 150, 151, 141, 142 Hogan 121, 131, 193 Hopper 11, 165 153, 181, 197 Irvin 121, 122 Hoge 162 Hard 119 Hughlett 6, 37, Irwin 2, 10, 98, Hogen 77 Horn 29, 31, 59, 40 99, 115, 126 Hogg 22, 112, 137 61, 66, 67, Hughs 141, 178, Isacks 161 Hogshead 125 68, 69, 70, 179 Isbell 165 Holland 77 71, 123 (Hulman)? 2. Isham 93, 113, Holcomb 53 Hornbeak 45 Hullman 91 117, 118, 141 Holcombe 57 Horne 8, 33,110, Hurne 16 Isom 119, 123 Holden 49 111 Humes 83 Isreal 182 Holder 117, 120, 121, Horsely 134 Humphrey 194 Ivey 178 157, 160, 163,167 Horton 16, 59, Humphreys 36, 57, Ivory 135 Holderfield 119 60, 65, 67, 58, 62, 67, Ivy 138 Holeman 124 68, 70, 98, 114, 121 Holhouser 41, 42 187, 192, Hun 157 -J- Holiday 59 195 Huney 49 Ho 110m 66 Hoskins 88 Hungerford 10 Jack 149 Ho lladay 68, 70 Hotchkis 136 Hunicutt 117 Jackson 3, 16, 21, Holland 8, 9, 36, Hotchkise 21, Hunley 33, 34 31, 35, 61, 63, 109, 110, 117, 24 Hunt 7, 10, 15, 77, 80, 82, 85, 120, 121, 139, Houck 44 40, 51, RO, 89, 96, 99, 111, 176 Hough 24, 187 89, 128, 130, 120, 123, 128, Hollaway 69, 77,157 Houck 193 158, 159,160, 131, 133, 138, 166, 16R, 186, 140, 158, 160, 189, 194 168, 175, 182, 187,192,193,195 "Ansearchin'" News -212-

Jaco 122 Joi ce 31, Kee 59. 75 Kine R6 Jacobs 11, 14, 27, Joi.net" 14, 62, 67, Keefaner 28 King 13, 14, 1R, 119, 53, 80, 121, 77, 13q, 181, Keelin·6. 62 38, 44, 48. 59. JIl2 1112 Kelly 1;8. 159, 60, 61, 62, 65, Jagner 1115 Jolley 59, 67, 69, 160, 161 66, 70, 71, 75, Jamerson 75 70 Keen 77 77. 78, 81, S6, James 12, 21, 28, Jones 3, 6, 7, 8, Keesse 162 111, 112. 114, 34, 47, 58, 61, 15, 16, 18, 19, Keiferle 30 119, 124, 125, 79, 90, 95,114, 20, 26, 27, 34, Keiser 135 128, 130. 131, 119, 128, 162, 35, 36, 41, 48, Keith 109, 160. 139. 144. 158. 167, 175 51, 57,. 58, 59, 164, 165, 166 159, 161, 162, Jamison 12, 188 60, 61, 62, 63, Keither1y 109 163, 166, 167. Jarman 45 64, 66, 69, 70. Keller 40. 41.43 175. 179, 192, Jarnigan 99 71, 75. 78. 79. Kelley 6, 8. 12, 193. 198 Janet 58 83,85,87.88. 31. 32, 34, 46. Kingsley 2 Jarrett 59, 60, 62, 89, 90. 92. 93, 64, 94, 96, 147, Kinley 95. 159 75, 166 94. 108. 110. 149. 168, 188 Kinnard 45 Jarrott 67 Ill. li2, 115. Kellough 59. 62. 66, Kinnell 32 Jarvis 98, 121, 133, 118. 119, 120. 67, 68. 69. 70. Kinney 8. 24. 135 194 t21, 122. 124. 71, 75 Kirby 15, 18. 24, Jarvus 124 126. 130, 132. Kelly 59. 61. 75, 61, 65, 71. 75. Jaso 160 137. 138. 139. 77. 122, 123. 77, 78, 87, 128 Jasper 158 140, 143. 144. 147. 165 Kirchner 185. 187 Jay 44, 123, 160 146, 149. 157. Kemp 62 Kirk 62, 70. 91. Jean 99, 103 158. 159, 160. Kendall 82. 193 120 Jeans 159 162, 163. 164, Keneday 160 Kirke 174 Jebby 28 165, 166. 168. Kenedy 159. 160. Kirkland 41. 48 Jefferson 80, 187 176, 180, 182, 164 Kirklin 125 Jeffery 161 184. 185, 186. Kenerly 160 Kirkpatrick 67. 77, Jeffreys 73 188, 189 Kenly 162 79. 80. 81. 128. Jeffries 183 Jopes 130 Kennedy 22. 40. 129, 130, 131. Jeh1 137 Jordan 110. 148. 41, 79 182 Jenkins 6, 8, 10, 152 Kenneml1r 58 Kirlin 123 23, 32, 33, 66, Jorden 57, 157, Kenney 7 Kirwan 136 70, 119, 120, 158, 159 Kennon 61. 141 Kitae1e ? 121 121, 124, 159, Jordon 41, 46, 62, Kenny 146 Kitchens 75 166 63,92,141, Kent 7 Kitchings 167. 168 Jennett 80 144 Kenzley 29 Kitchum 82 Jennings 92, 131, Joseph 190 Kerby 60. 78. 119. Kite 31 161 Josephs 27 126 Kitrell 93 Jering 189 Jotirdari 17, 67, Kern 33 Kittle 65 Jernigan 77 150, 185 Kernell 30 Kizor 115 Jervis 161 Jowers 61 Kerr 41, 82. 95. K1astmeyer 184 Jett 106, 125 Joyce 29. 67 114, 120. 124, K1easner 49 Jiles 168 Joyner 71. 77. 80. 126, 161 Klepper 163 Jimerson 60, 61 81, 128. 129. Kerrpak 61 Knight 18. 163. Jinkens 70 135, 180 Kersey 60. 165 168. 191 Jist 109 Judah 31 Kester 84 Knowles 117. 120. Jobe 200 Judd 167 Ketchum 58 121, 141 Jobes 62 Judge 132 Keterside 124 Knowlton 132. 140 Jobs 104 Judson 122 Key 2, 38. 61, 70. Knowse 58 Joete 29 Juino 161 71. 78. DO, Knowx 60 Johnson 1, 6, 7,15, Julin 121. 123 165 Knox 8. 67 16, 17, 18, 22, Juro 160 Keykenda11 158.160 Knuckles 167 24, 25, 27, 36, Justice 65. 70. KeYlJ 182 Kooks 119 38, 41, 46, 57, 79, 80 Kidwell 124 Koon 34 58, 59, 60, 61, Kieth 160, 161 Krock 83 62, 65, 66, 68, - ! - Kilburn 135 Kuhn 86. 120. 124 69, 70, 75, 77, Kilgore 160 Kummins 106 78, 79, 80, 81, Kales 132 Ki1grove 127 Kunningham 166 84, 85, 86, 87, Kammerer 136 Killion 22 Kuykanda1e 60. 73 101, 103, 119, Kauns 137 Killer 37 Kuykenda1 23. 49 123, 124, 125, Kavanaugh 160 Ki1dingsworth 36 Kuykenda11 148 127, 128, 129, Kane 186 Ki llough 179 Kyle 62. 66 130, 158, 159, Keams 30 Kilpatrick 12, 14. J60, 178, 182, Y.eathley 21 16, 17. 18. 183, 1115, 186, Keathly 120. 168. 190 187, 188, 189, 121 Kimbrough 92. 152. Lackey 102. 164 192, 196 Keating 178 159 Lacky 129. 162 Johnston 114, 116, Keaton 57, 62, Kincaid 157. 194 Lacy 103. Ill. 130, 161 163 Kindrick 93 112. 138. 144,177 Winter 1971 -213-

Ladd 72, 75, 16:l Lawler 25, 26, 90 Liggins 138 Love 14, 32, 93, Lafferty 77 Laurence 1.1,47, Liggon 6 124, 13;;. lMJ, Laflore 58 59, 62, 66, 75, Ligon 7. 34 160, 186 Lahoty 27 80, 95 Lilburn 45 Lovelady 113 Lain 57 Lawrince 67 Lilley 15. 163 Love1ass 62 Lair 136 Laws 62, 82, 198 Lilly 7 Lovell 77, 97, Laird 61, 76 Lawson 77, 78, 120, Limbaugh 163, 164 un, 182 Lake 141 180, 187 Lindgren 96 Love]y 84 Lakeman 104 Lax 110 Lindley 14, 16, Lover 184 Laker 54 Laxson 118 77 Lovick 7 Lakey 166, 167 Lay IS, 17,47, 95, Lindsey 35, 60, Loving 7 Lamar 150 - 120, 121, 123, 70, 82. 128, Lovins ]47. 196, Lamb 6, 7, 12, 36, 130, 132 DO, 167, 198 103, 124, ]69, Laycock 59, 60, 68 182, 185 Lov1ady 179 ]73 Lazarini 84 Lindsy 181 Low 6, 160 Lambert 14, 16, 166, Lea 65, 160 Lincoln 119 Lowder 58, 61, 66 182 Leach 7, 35, 57, Linley 160 Lowe II, 20, 95, Lamberth 182 69, 71, 75, Linn 7, 139 163, 187 Lambeth 159 158, 160, 194 Linnville 122 Lowell 175 Lan 141 Leachman 97 Linny 66 Lower 124 Lancaster 22 Leak 94 Lions 58 Lowry 68, 106, Lance 110, 124 Leake 150 Lipe 62, 69 108, 119,120, Landers 18 Leat 16 Lipscomb 163 124, 159 Landreth 58 LeBey 5 Lipsey 20 Loyd 98, ISO, Landrum 85, 129 Ledbetter 106 Lisher 32 158 Lane 6, 16, 20, 39, Leddy 130 Lisk 121, 122 Lubin 83 77, 94, 108, 118, Lee 17, 19, 28, 77, Literal1 7 Lucas 5. 39. 61, 119, 120, 125, 119, 121, 130, LittIe 9, 57, 65. 68, 69, 132, 158, 175, 141, 161, 190, 62, 67, 68, 103, 140, 165, 179, 184, 194, I 193 71, 75, 115, 177 198 Leech 63, 88 121, 1.24, Luck 164 Laner 76 Leeper 94, 192 161 LUc~y 119 Lang ley 58, 77 Leerd 157 Littlefield 57 Ludewe11 163,165 Lang]y 158 Leferon 122 Littlejohn 22, Lumb1ey 96 Langston 146 Leferer 122, 127 139, 185 Lumley 46 Lanier 24, 57, 75 Leffler 77 Littlepage 158 Lunceford 34 ( Lankford 58, 7] Leftwich 119 Liuticum 168 Lundy 115, 122, Laniphere 104 (Legge?) 45 Llyda 106 132 Lans 1117 Lego 132 Lock 6, 36, 190 Lusk 44, 160, Lanse]on 75 LeGrant 41 Locke 169 167 Lanton 36 Leigh 148, 196 Lockett 1/.0,141 Luster 136 Laq~ent 119 Leller 122 Loeffe11 184 Luter 169 Larimore 6, 7, 33, Lemmons 7, 9, ]1 Lofquist 96 Lyda 122 41, 47 Lemon 133 Logan 45, 160, Lyles 16, 58 Larkin 99 Lenunond 23 197 Lyncecum 163 Larkins 13, 157, Lemons 34, 59, 61, Lollar 114 Lynch 41, 56, 163, 164 62, 70 Lo 11er 123 78, 156, Larre11 182 Lenard 70, 113 Lo 11'ess 11.9 163, _164, Lasater 162, 164, Leonard 41 Lomax 130 167, 168 168 Leopold 83 Lomux 183 Lynn 176 Lasiter 67 Lerke 87, 137 Lonal1 120 Lynvi11e 115 Laslie 195 Lesles 122 Long 13, 33, 38, Lyons 58, 163,165 Las 1y 195 Leslie 62, 195 39, 41, 57, Lytle 40, 60 Lason 164 Les1y 195 66. 75, 84, Lytt1eton 159 Lassiter 130, 181, Lester 66 91, 111), 122, 182 Leston 62 158, 159. -Mc- Lastar 164 Letcher 28 168, 176 Latham 121­ Letsinger 62 Lono1d 119 McAdam 14 Lathum 6 Lett 61, 69, 157 Longbottom 103 McAdams 77 Latimer 16, 77, Letzinger 181 Look 29 McAdoo 59,60,64 80, 81 Lever 87 Looney 13, 58, McAlexander 57, Laton 193 Leverson 31 167 66, 67 Latson 188 Levy 69 Lorance 60. 61, McAlister 26, 182 Lauderdale 6, 9, 10, Lewe llyn 189 66 McAllister 161, 17, 18, 33, 78, Lewis 10, 21, 23, Lott 19, 119­ 181 128, 182 41, 43, 58, Loue1 78 McA11 19 Laughan 123 108, 111. 119, Louer 119 MeAlly 139 Laughmi11er 192, 193 124, 132, 154, Lollk 175 McAlpin 193 Laurence 16 155. 162. 166, Loughmiller 165 McAmish 82 Law 79, 80, 158, 162 181, 186, 187, Lound 140, 141, McAnally 157 Lawall 119 188 145 McAnts 193 Lawhorn 130 Lieben 134 McArthur 59 "Ansearchin'" News -214-

NeAlI]ey 65, 69 McCorka 192 McGill 75 McLavrin 100 MeAully ll5 McCorkle 7, 33 McGilvery 108 McLeary 7, 33, 34 NeAwly Ii McCormack 159 McGlothlin 14 McLelland 7 }"\cece 159, 160 McCormic 119 McGill 22, 69 McLemore 22, 23, !'kllride 9, 12, 53, McCormick 12, 136, McGlothin 125 38, 39, 40, t,u, 69, 10'), 160 McGowan 40, 42, 41, 42, 43, llO, ]20, 121, McCorry 139 121, 164 63, 85, 90, 124, 125, 126, NcCown 148, 162 McGowen 121, 172, 133, 141, 127 !'lcCoy 6, 35, 47, 173, 182 175, 178 McBride 135, 158, 82, 119, 126, McGown 158 McLepish 27 159 166, 193 McGrann 85 McLester 193 McBroom 159 McCracken 60, 61, McGraw 7, 24,1.19 McLure 19, 75 McBryde 146 62, 71 McGready 26 McMachin 92 HcCain 7, 8, 12, McCrae 185 McGregor 12, 133 McMackins 58, 60, 19 McCrary 124, 196 McGuffy 159 65, 69 McCaills 135 McCraw 7, 11, 33, McGuin 124, 125 McMahan 75, 150 McCaleb 93, 94 34, 36 McGuire 6, 15, NcMane 182 McCa If 87 McCreight 12 19, 41, 106, McMannus 119 McCa] 1 20, 23 McCright 11 125, 127, McManus 136 132, 182 McCrocker 66, 69 145, 179 McMath 121 McCa llum 69 McCroy 158, 166 McGwine 179 McMayon 58 McCamey 161 McCryer 131 McHaney 198 McMillan 33 McCampbell 39, 43 McCuller 61 McHein 160 McMillen 37, 39 McCan 123, 124 McCu lloch 79, 133, McIheran 166 McMillians 3 HcCann 45, 111 137, 158 McI1heran 167 McMims 43 McCa rreII 160 McCullom 134 McIlmore 77 McMiname 186 McCarter 104 McCu110vgh 124 McIlvain 87 McMinn 9, 100, NcCarty 87, 163, McCullum 57 McIntire 6 155, 159, 182 McCutcheon 168 McIntosh -Chart 160 McCarver 162, ]67 McCuthern lIS McIntyre 33, 34, McMistion 158 McCarvery 108 McDale 121, un 35 McMontgomery 179 McCau]a 33 McDaniel 54, 89, 108,McIver 22, 96, McMullen 61 McCauley 61, 90 109, 117, 121, 177 McMullin 57, 68 McCaully 59 ]24, 131, 157, McIvers 175,90 McMullins 66 McChatton 90 162, 163, 164, McIyea 165 HcMut"ry 14, 81, McClain 57, 61, 66, 167 McKain 160 183 115, 183 McDaniels 179 McKa11 187 McMurtry 16, 17, McClanahan 24,26. McDew 27 McKamie 58 18, 77, 78, 33 McDogle 57 McKay 189 130 McClane 106, 119 McDole 126 McKelbury 14 McNabb 167 McClarp.n 132 McDonald 12, 19, McKee 6, 62, 86, McNamar 136 McClelland 133 21, 24, 29, 138, 163, McNare 192, 193 MCClellin 161 58, 73, 120, 166 McNary 175 McClendon 159,190 134, 135, 148, McKelvey 166 McNeel 24, 68, McClerkin 33 189, 199 McKendre 17 89 McCleskey 153 McDonnald 121 McKenney 34 McNeely 130 McClary 65, 91 McDonnell 86 McKenon 34 McNei 1 58, 68, McClelland 7, 85 McDoo 66 McKenzie 32, 64, 187 McC lerkin 13 McDougal 27 70 McNemaro 188 McClewer 58, 61 McDowel 57 McKer1ey 91 McNichols 32 McCUn 12 McElhaney 106 McKiney 59 McNiel 68, 70, McCloud 59, 60, McElroy 121, McKinley 30, 133 166 157 158, 166 McKin1y 132 McPeters 102 McClure 67, 75, 90, McElwee 13 McKiney 16, 59, McPheaters 13 112, 139, 167, McEwen 38 71, 124, 188, McPherson 22, 159 168 McFadden 12, 194 199 Mcqueen 162 McClurkin 10 McFarland 199 McKinniss 103 McQuistin 35, 36 McClusky 160, 161 McFall 82 McKinzey 165 Mcquiston 7, 8, McColluck 158 McFarlan 49 McKinzie 58; 165, 13, 33, 36 McColllll1l 75, 163 McFarland 6, 36 179, 184 McRee 138 MeCum 121 ~:cFarlane 26 McKnight 24, 92, Me Reyno Ids 81, McComb 194 NcFarlen 57 177 181, 182 McCommack 120 McFarlin 199 McKoy 47 McSpadden 75 McCommon 20 Mcfee or !'lcGee 162 McLaffey 80 McSpain 165 McConnell 22, 30, McFeely 134 McLaffy 133 McSwaim 60 31, 48, 75, McFerrin 8, 33, 35 McLain 27, 182 McVab 124 82, 122 McGee 22, 23, 25, Mclanahan 189 McWhinney 195 McCool 36 26, 124, 152 Mclane 11, 154 McWhorter 59, 160 McCoppin 103 McGeehee 46, 100 McLariton 160 McWilliams 57 McCord 60, 61, 88, McGhee 29 McLary 58 McWLlson 93, 94 157, 161 McGi1ivruy 186 Mclaughlin 85, McYanh 121 160,164,166 Winter 1971 -215-


Maag 133 Marlar 56 May 15, 16, 17, 60, Mhoon 185 Maberry 8, 60 Marler 5 65, 68, 77, 91, Michals 68 Maburry 94 Marley 198 106, 129, 131, Miche 1 182 Mackay 109 Marlin 136, 182 158, 159, 161, Mickelbery 8 Mackie 122 Marlow 16, 121, 177, 180 Micke1bury 14, 41 Mackin 30 126 Mayberry 70, 128, Midcalf 23 Nacklin 8, 36 Marr 39, 49, 124 157, 159 Midd Ieton 8, 14 Macon 36 Narriner 6 Maybourn 109 Midgett 121 "Nacoy 42 Marrs 47 Mayes 85, 182 Midkiff 109, 110, Macum 117 Marsa 189 Mayfield 160 115 Madcalf 176 Marsh 7, 123, 125, Mayhew 14, 80, Mid1ant 67 Macy 6 168 81 Miers 17, 128, 129 Maddock 130 Mar~ha1 158 Maynor 109 Mike 136 Maddox 80, 173 Marshall 7, 13, 27, Mayo Chart Milam 26 Madhart 86 29, 38, 59, 64, Mays 80, 93, 94, Milenus 83 Mad ison 25, 13 6 75, 80, 157, 117, 120, 137 Miler 164 MaHer 85 158, 192, 197, Mayse 147 Miles 77 Magnew 95 Chart Mazetta 32 , Mi1hous 103 Magnus 95 Martin 14, 15, 18, Meachum 61 Millar 181 Maguire 31 36,41, 43, 58, Mead 29 Miller 2, 6, 7, 8, Mahn 18 59, 61, 63, 65, Meador 16, 79, 10, 11, 13, 14, Mahney 84 67, 68, 69, 70, 81, 131 24, 33, 34, 36, Maidwell 127 71, 75, 77, 80, Meadows 70, 131 39, 40, 42, 43, Hailey 35 93, 94, 104, Meagher 137 52,58,62,64, Mainard 58, 60, 109, 114, 119, Mea1es 124 70, 75, 77, 84, 65, 75 121, 122, 125, Meals 68 86, 87, 92, 95, Mainer 34 127, 130, 131, Mearkham 8 98, 99, 108, Majers 164 145, 150, 160, Mears 11, 175 113, 117, 120, Major 133 ,Chart 161, 164, 165, Meath 188 122, 124, 125, Majors 77, 162, 166, 167, 180, Mebane 60, 62, 179 127, 131, 134, 164, 165 181 Medaris 59, 61 138,146,147, Mallard 60 Martinez 97 Medanis 71 157, 161, 165, Mallett 40 Mase 93, 94 Medley 109, 114, 166, 182, 188, Mallon 29 Mason 7, 23, 36, 121, 126 194 ( Mallory 198 37, 38, 70, 98, Medlock 169 Milligan 179 Malloy 20 119, 120, 124, Medwe11 123 Million 129 Malone 18, 65, 135, 139, 141, Meek 81, 89, 109 Mills 16, 41, 89, 84, 130, 167 165, 168 Meeks 21, 119, 96, 113, 122, Maloney 189 Masoner 192 158, 166 129, 131, 150, Naloy 24, 120, Mass 121 Megee 168 163, 180, 182, 124 Massa 114, 121, Meggs 131 183 Maltese 184 122 Mei 1more 77 Mi1tonberger 193 Ma1ugin 6 Massee 87, 94 Meirs 64 Minnick 131 Manaker 129 Massey 7, 35, 58, Me10ny 158 Minnix 167 Manard 124 60, 61, 65, Melton 46, 61, Minor 91 Mandrill 183 75, 129 115, 148 Minshew 95 Manert 84 Massy 7 Menchew 95 Mitchae1 58 Manifee 13 Masters 158 Menus 134 Mitchel 23 Maning 57, 59 Mastin 160, 182 Mercer 67, 119, Mitchell 6, 7, 17, Manley 22 Ma ternus 31 150 28, 30, 32, 36, Manley's Chapel Matheny 58, 64 Merdyth 119 38, 39, 41, 61, Cemetery 152 Mathers 31 Meredith 81, 167, 62,67,68,75, Manly 32, 193 Ma thews 16, 35, Cha rt 78, 79, 81, 82, .Mann 41, 81, 159 38, 41, 42, Merit 62, 121 84, 108, 109, Manning 75, 87, 59, 83, 136, Meritt 57 Ill, 120, 122, 106, 119, 120, 166, 186 Meriwether 145 124, 125, 126, 126, 170 Mathis 46, 58, Merrell 62 128, 136, 141, Manoid 188 59, 62, 100, Merril 7 152, 157, 185, Manor 113 141, 159 Merri11 199 188 Manora 193 Mathus 124 Merritt 188 Mitchum 59, 67, Mansker 77 Matlock 59, 69, Merton 77 71, 73, 75,100 Manuel 61 122, 165, 166 Mertz 86 Mitten 187 Marbut 49, 56 Mattenlee 168 Meshon 119 Miza11 20 March 164 Matthews 9, 47 Messer 66, 150 Modim 189 Ma rcum 126, 130 Maucher 31, 136 Mess ick 200 MoHis 60 Mariner 33, 36 Mauldin 124 Metcalf 60, 123, Moffitt 26 Marion 171, 172, Maurtan 65 159, 168 Moiers 192 173, 174 Maxwell 58, 66, MI~ux 85 Moncrief 6 Markham 13, 91, 70, 75 Methoin 168 Monier 185 121, 181 Meyars 125 Monk 89 Ma rks 134, 189 Meyers 185 Monroe 61, 68 "Anse:irchin I" News -216-

MonsOlv 21 Mosely 90, Chart Neal 33, 46, 79, Noonan 189 Montague 179 Mosley 123 80, 83, 100 Nordan 69 Monteverde 180, 187 Moss ~8, 57, 120, Nea ley 26 Nordon 61 Montgomery 6, 8, 12, 135, 159, 160, Neblett - Chart Norington 61 14, 15, 16, 52, 182, 183, 187 Nell 16, 77 Norman 62, 66, 58, 59, 60, 61, Motley 28, 60 Neeley 59 158, 163 64, 66, 68, 71, Moton 93 Neely 30, 31, 65, Norris 2, 28, 68, 75, 89, 121, Mourning 23 66, 67, 69, 113, 121, 122 160, 161, 168, Mulekin 6 70 North 67 183 Mulhivet 82 Neeseman 149, 200 Northcut 57, 158 Monts 35 Muller 188 Nehs 44 Northing 71 Moodey 180 Mulligan 85 Neidig 82 Norton 146, 150, Moody 182, 185, Mullin 160 Neil 8 161, 162 193, Chart Mullins 93 Neill 44, 100, 150 Norvel 123 Moon 65 Munford 8, 38, 93, Nei11e 111 Norvell 14, 15, Mooney 108, Chart 94, 139 Nei Ison 39 17, 18, 77, Moonyham 124, 125 Munn 59, 61 Nelloms 162 78, 128, 131, Moor 17, 70, 80, Munroe 63 Nelms 159 180, 182 AI, 158, .161 Murchherson 161 Nelson 35, 42, 70, Norwell 78 Moore 6, 7, 8, 10, Murchison 33, 35, 77, 82, 87, Norwood 61, 161, 11, 12, 14, 16, 36 119, 132, 133, 167 29, 33, 34, 35, Murden 16 160, 161, 185, Notitell 158 36, 45, 46, 48, Murdin 18 186 Nottingham 5 57, 58, 59, 60, Murfer 124 Newland 48 Nowland 115 61,63,65,67, Murphey 13,59,103 Nesbit 57 NOWlin 168 68, 69, 70, 75, Murdock 132 Nesbitt 60. 65, Nozworthy 158 77, 80, 81, 84, Murphy 30, 35, 41, 67, 75 Nuckles 165 95, 97, 99, 100, 46, 66, 84, 86, Netherton 117. Nugent 133, 163 102, 108, 114, 119, 96, 99, 103, 123, 124 Null 58, 66, 120, 121, 122, 104, 112, 144, Netrolf 137 70, 75, 183 123, 125, 131, 147, 165, 182 Nevi11 68, 106, Nuner 131 13 7, 148, 151, Murray 58, 68, 118, 158 Nunery 67 154, 157, 161, 71, 119, 150 New 62, 66 Nunnery 71 162, 166, 167, Murrell 13, 106, Newble 60 Nutt 60, 148 168, 177, 180, 131 Newbern 195 Nutall 188 182, 200 Murri 11 199 Newberry 164 Moorehead 11 Murrin 33 Newhouse 198 -Q.- Mooring 70 Murrow 6 NeIYlin 192, 193 Moran 28 Murry 33, 70, 128 Newman 8, 10, 117, Oakes 12 More 7, 93 Muse 161, 162,164 119, 126 Oakley 59 Moreland 97 Music 110 Newton 6 Oakly 67 Morelock 95 Mustain 196 Nichol 59 O'Brein 134 Morgan 13, 16, 18, Myat 86 Nicholas 6, 32, O'Brien 184 26, 65, 66, 68, Myers 6, 9, 36, 75, 91, 108, O'Connell 85,188 78, 85, 93, 111, 58, 84, 124, 123 O'Conner 85 120, 158, 161, 166 Nicholl 57 Odam 16 164, 168 Myhon 117 NichoIs 24, 25, Odear 168 Morgen 59, 60 Myno1t 31 33, 57, 75, O'Dell 30, 90, Morgin 59, 61, 62 Nyres 7, 75 119, 120, 140, 156 Mori 11 165 Myrick 164 123, 159 Odem 114 Morison 93 Nicholson 162 OdIe 113, 120, Morissy 83 -N- Nicles 120 1211 Mormington 182 Nico1atti 84 o' Donne11 84 Morow 68 Nabors 167 Nicols 120 O'Farrell 84,86 Morphis 20, 40 Nabours 160 Niece 58 Officer 123 Morris 14, 16, 17, Nail 192 Nieman 186 Ogden 119 58, 61, 62, 65, Nakes 120 Nighswanger 104 Offutt 134 66, 67, 70, 77, Name1 122 Nileway 120 Ogle 109 79, 81, 114, Nance 70 Ni1son 7, 160 Ogles 81 119, 124, 128, Nanifer 122 Nimrod 66 Oglesby 80, 183 130, 156, 158, Nanny 182 Nisser 70 O'Hair 54 160, 161, 180, Nany 70 Niswonger 104 Okey 42 Chart Napeyer 119 Noah 159, 165, Oldfield 162 Morrison 6, 8, 36, Napier 77, 152 167, 186 Oldham 34, 42, 85, 115, 133, Nash 122 Noble 136 119, 161 158, 161 Naylor 46 Nobles 8 O'Leary 27 Morron 160, 185 Neace 44 Noe 166 Olison 93 Morron 61, 65, 98 Neal 127, 141, Noel 194 Olivar 60 Morten 67 161, 164 Noell 65, 68, 71 Olive 61 Morton 61, 68, 86, Neale 181 Noel1er 136 Oliver 57, 66, 160, 186, 19<', Nea1es 122 Nolan 156, 177 71, 75, 91, Moseley 165 Neacl 65 Nolen 24, 122 103, 144, 159, 166,168 Winter 1971 -217-

011iver 115, 164, Panl!;er 99, 103 Pearson 56,103, Phebus 152 187 Pardue 149 124, ]25, Phelps 7, 15, 106, 01stead 136 Parham 75, 173 127, 130, 130 O'Ma11y 189 Parish 35, 59, 61, 163, 17 /• Phenix 129 O'Neal 29, 81,132 66, 68, 99, 122 Pease 195 Phifer 121, 124, O'Neil 185 Park 57, 58 Peatey 131 126 O'Neill 66 Parke 67, 159 Peck 7, 194 Philips 28, 59, O'Niel 60 Parker 17, 18, 21, Peck or Pick 160 60, 62, 63, Oral 70 35, 48. 61, 63, Peden 16 68, 79, 80, Orear 77 64, 65, 69, 70, Peebles 85 81, 120, 123, Ordway 4 71, 77, 79, 80, Peeler 61 130, 132 Orman 51 111, 113, 123, Peeples 57, 65, Phillips 1, 14, Orr 62, 180,196 124, 125, 131, 67 16, 19, 25, Orre1 60 146, 152, 180, Peete 36 26, 52, 131, Orrick 147 183, 196, 198, Pemberton 58 139, 140, Orvanshim 60 Chart Pendergrass 123 lSI, 152,164 Orwenshire 70 Parkerson 62 Pendleton 108, Philmot 29 Osborn 8, 164,168 Parkison ::.13 120 Philpin 24 Osbourn 181 Parks 58, 62, 69, Penick 46 Phipps 60, 69, Osborne 112 86, 129, 162, Penn 8, 33, 176 180, 182 Osbourn 128 167 Pennell 34 Phips 157 Osteen 46, 99 Parish 161 Pennington 123, Phister 185, 186 Ottinger 44 Parmer 110 165 Phoebus 32 Overa11 6, 42 Parnell 62 Pennybacker 47, Pica 28 Overby 119 Parrish 7, 77, 182 95 Pickard 8, 12, 81 Overstreet 77 Parson 17, 22, 62, Penticost 14 Pickering 95 Overton 38, 42, 70, 75, 80 Peop1es 63, 68 Pickett 166 81, 121, l3b Parsons 6, 7, 28 Peper 82 Pickins 179 Owen 6, 7, 8, 11, Partee 93. 94, 175 Percell 62 Pickler 60, 62, 67 13, 33, 34, 36, Parteet 62 Perdew 16 Pickrell 115 41, 42, 62, Partlow 85 Perdue 158 Pierce 185, 187 123, 139 Parton 200 Perkin 122 Pierson 110 Owens 10, 27, 29, Partos 163 Perkins 42, 59, Pierce 33, 57, 30, 32, 120, Pascal 122 65, 68, 87, 59, 62, 116 157, 159 Pasca11 84, 134 114, 166 Pigg 179 Owenby 58, 60,70 Pas ley 164 Perkins or Pike 104, 160, Ownby 75 Pass 123, 124,127 Pickens 161 198 ( Owsley 6 Passon 119, 122 Perkinson 10, 34 Pilch 30 Oxendine 123 Pasture 69 Permipion 122 Pile 81 Oxford 178 Pastures 57 Permot 122 Piles 79, 81, 131 Oyer 123 Pate 58,60,67, Perodean 32 Pilkington 6, 9 Ozart 121 69 Perrell 67 Pi11ow 175 Ozburn 162 Patterson 23 Perren 113 Pinkley 59, 61, 69 Ozer 179 Patillo 31, 84 Perrin 13 Pinks ton 6, 11, Ozier 59, 61, Paton 45 Perry 14, 16, 44, 58, 61, 62, 62, 67, 69 Patrison 121 55, 70, 78, 67, 69, 75 Ozieri> 75 Patterson 8, 38, 57, 129, 161, Pinson 33, 58, 59, 58, 59, 68, 69, 167, 180, 64, 69, 75, -P- 70, 72, 91, 139, 181, 184 90, 149 157, 187, 194 Person 122 Piper 16 Pace 24, 98, 148, Patton 14, 16, 58, Perti11er 122 Pipkin 58 196 59. 60, 72, 75, Pervis 70 Pirtle 14, 121, Paden 33 77, 81, 97, 130, Petecock 161 122 Padgett 139 157, 159, 160, Peter 78, 80, Pistole 122 Page 8, 13, 59, 180, 181, 197 81 Pithfoot 119 60, 75, 85, Pattons 75 Peters. 48,.136 Pitt 164, 183 157 Pattum 186 Peterson 119 Pittman 22 PagHt 18 Paul 31 Petit 120 Pitts 176 Pain 13, 57, 58, Payne 33, 71. 75, Pettey 57 Plant 97 59 78, 81, 82 Pettijohn 114 Pleasants 22 Paine 6, 8, 184 Paxton 10, 42 Pettit 125 Plumlee 108 Painter 157 Payne 6, 16, 135, Petty 62, 158 P1umly 125 Palmer 35, 59, 60, 162, 170, 198 Petway 31 Plummer 30, 133, 61, 62, 66, 68, Payton 181 Pewitt 33 135, 136 70, 75, 172. Pea 160 Phagan 16 Po 122 173. 174. 189 Peace 27 Peyton 16, 72, Poch 115 Pamers 187 Peacock 44 75, 129, Poe 58, 81, 161, Pandert 27 Pealey 70 130. 131 162, 166 Pankey 193 Pearce 46, 57, 128, Pharas 103 Poh1 83 Pannell 7 149, 183 Pharis 121, 122 Pointer 135, 184 Panous 35 Pheaton 65 Po1eston 60 l "Ansearchin " News -218-

Pollard 38, 42, 67, Provine 166 Randles 120 Reynolds 16, 2-2, 60, 75, 121, 123 Pruett 61 Randolph 42, 123, 62, 117, 118, Pol~ 7, 20, 21, 23, Pruitt 60, 93 Chart 135, 165, 179, 31, 37,40, 42, Pryer 123 Raney 61 180, 181 46, 89, 90, 91, Pryor 30, 42, Rankin 19, 158, Rhea 42, 111, 114,150 129, 130, 135, 113, 114, 128 192 Rhoades 197 139, 175, 177, Pucket 106 Ranney 103 Rhoads 69, 160 lR2 Pudett 8R Ransom 186 Rhodes 12, 18, 36, 1'011 inr, 123 Puket or Raper 119 40, 94 Pond 131 Picket 160 Rasco 18, 78 Rhymes 160 Ponds 16 Pulliam 117 Rash 30 Rice 6, 10, IS, 16, Ponlson 86 Purdon 39 Raushwe11 19 17, 35,42, 77, Pool R, 122 Purdy 140 Rawlings 29, 44, 78, 81, 124, 131, Poo Ie 77 Purkins 13 100 157, 159, 160, Pope 6, 10, 21, 37, Pursell 193 Rasier 122 165,168,183, 40, l,2, l,6, 5_~, Pursley 183 Rasy 161 186, 192 70, 97 Pursser 175 Ratley 158 Rich 157, 167 Porter 14, 20, 68, Purvers 16R Rawlings 162, Richard 119 6<), 109, 1?3, Purviance 95 180 Richards 7, 33, 93, lR') Puryor 164 Rawlon 66 94, 161 Porterfield 24, 106, Putman 57, 63 Ray 19, 60, 81, Richardson 7, 35, 115 Putnam 71, 75 122, 144, 37, 41, 78, 90, Posey 78 Pyland 164 185 109, 132, 146, Pos te lwa it 7 Pylant 16R Raymon 118 183 Poteet 1') Pyle 16 Raymond 23 Richeson 192 Poter ')9 Pyne 86 Rea 176 Richet 121 Potson 117 Reace 160 Richey 124, 157 Potter 31, 42, 75, -Q- Read 9, 32, 33, Richison 167 175, 199 60, 61, 62, Richman 120, 121 Potts 41, 42, 89, Quallin 119 70, 75, 78 Richmond 120, 134, 111, 122, 123, Quade 58 (Reagan 183 124, 127, 128, Quarles 113, 118, (Regan 146 Ricketts 123 129, 180, IH3 119 Reagin 166 Riddle 159, 161, Powell 29, 62, 68, Quigley 185 Ream 28 162, 165 78, 134, 158, Quillen 70 Reardon 30 Riddles 125 179 Quincy 22 Reaves 46, 146, Rider 78, 79, 130 Power 7, II, 35 Quine 147 160, 161,195 Ridge 110, 118 Powers 47, 168, Quinley 13 Reavs 67 Ridings 59 177 Quinn 57, 58, 68, Record 3 Ridley 58, 75 Prasty 124 71, 84, 147 Rector 192 Rieves 68 Prater lOb, 120 Quisenberry 157 Redd 21 Rievs 59 Pra the r 100 Quntruse 139 Reddit 18 Riggins 160 Pratt 120 Redditt 92 Riggs 62 Predaux 81 -R- Reden 63 Rigsby 14, 81, Prescott 31, 169 Redford 189 121, 122, 131 Presh 32 Rackley 15 Redin 62 Riley 57, 59, 60, Preston 2, 84, 99, Radd 83 Redlinger 200 86, 137, 161, 12R, 129, 182 Rader 140, 141 Reed 25, 32, 33, 189 Prewet 109 Ragan 22 42, 68, 69, Rily 161 Prewit 118 Rag land 14, 113 95, 97, 165, Rimmer 130 Prewitt 61 Ragsdale 15, 161, 168, 197 Ringwald 32 Price 14, 65, 70, 165, 168 Reese 6, 14, 33, Rippey 14, 15, 81, 119, 121, 122, Raines 34, 57, 34, 78 131 1511, lRR, 199 124, 138 Reeves 152, 179, Rippy 130, 181, 183 Prichard 162 Rainey 65, 99, 182 Rison 197 Pride 43, 161 183, 192, Reffer 193 Ritchey 48, 49, 192 Priest SR, 62, 70, 193, 195 Region 93 Ritter 53, 61 71 Ra ins 99 Rehovich 29 Rivers 7 Pries t 1y 71 Ralph,6, 7, 8, 9, Reid 13, 78, 93, Roach 44, 57, 61, Prim 121 12, 16, 18, 26, 94, 158, 159, 64, 65, 67, 68, Prince 62, 6&, 75, 33, 35, 41, 90 169 69, 70, 71, 72, 121, 131, 167, Ralston 169 Relfocd 133 75, 176, 179 182 Ramer 178 Reiner 188 Roache11 65, 66 Printer 61 Ra~ey 122 Rembert 89 Roane 7, 33 Prior 112 Ramsey 7, 22, 23, Renfrow 44 Roark 26, 33, 158, Pritchard 61, 66, 27, 42, 113, Renner 44, 13 6 159, 160 69, 75 120, 123, 124, Rentz 85 Roat 135 Pritchett 70, 78 127, 131 Ress 1er 132 Robb 129 Proctor 77, 157 Randel 67 Restinger 30 Robbens 126 Provence 62 Randle 58, 64, 75, Retherford 92 Robbins 104, 121, Province 75, 121 134, 183, 193 Revis 91 167 Winter 1971 -219-

Robenson Ifl3 Rooks 7, 1.1 Rust 57,60, ()5, Scal10rn 57 Roberson 57, 58, 59, Roonel 159 69, 70 Scanland 122 61, 65, 67, 68, Roorbach 55 Ruth 136 Scarborough 57 119, 124 Roper 14, 61, 68, Rutherford 16, 18, Scarbrough 65, 66, Robert 157, 180 81 161, 175, 183 67, Ill, 120 Roberts 48, 55, 58, Rorabacher 55 Rut 1age 124 Scates 57, 58, 71, 60, 71, 75, 78, Rorahaugh 55 Rutledge 116 75 80, Ill, 119,120, Rorabeck 55 Ruyle 131 Schaf 32 122, 129, DO, Rose 7, 9, 10, Ryan 82 Schelly 189 131, 149, 157, 16, 42, 66, Rymer 147 Scheick 133 158, 159, 163, 75, 110, 124, Rynders 189 Schilling 188 167, 172, 181, 169, 195 Schlick 187 198, 199, Chart Roseborough 167 -S- Schmidt 186 Robertson 11, 15, Rosenbum 196 Schneider 132, 133 33, 34, 67, 71, Ross 7, 8, 14, Sadler 17 Schoffer 47 80, 91, 106, 16, 20, 28, Saffan 84 Schonert 199 109, Ill, 112, 58, 60, 61, Saffarns 14 Schulge 31 120, 121, 122, 66, 67, 69, Saffons 30 Schulte 87 123, 157, 159, 70, 71, 75, Safford 103 Schu1y 84 176, 193, Chart 75, 89, 91, Sahapper 82 Schumaker 133 Robeson 163 124, 133, Sailor 132 Schuryler 137 Robins 12, 158 160, 161,18,5 St.C1are 146 Schutter 31 Robinson 9, 10, 11, Rossen or Sale 8 Scoburn 123 13, 14, 22, 31, Ropers 162 ·Sales 124 Scoby 62, 66 34, 35, 36, 37, Rosser 69 Sallis 60 Scoggin 124 39, 42, 43, 60, Roswell 57 Salmon 157 Scoggins 119, 120, 69, 71, 75, 78, Rotan 120 Sa 1mons 69 122, 157 83, 85, 123, Roth 179 Sa1zburger 5 Scoggon 108 132, 135, 137, Rothban 120 Sammons 61 Scolly 185 160, 161, 163, Rottom 118 Sample 14, 16,59 Scott 6, 20, 30, 166, 185 Rotton 108 Sampson 60 57, 59, 63, Robison 67, 89, Roundtree 57 Sanamy 65 65, 66, 67, 68, 127, 176, 179 Rovins 12 Sanburn 135 69, 70, 84, 113, Robonet 8 Roward 61 Sander 66 122, 123, 124, Roche1e 57 Rowark 159 Sanderlin 89 131, 132, 134, Roche11 67, 68 Rowden 148 Sanders 14, 15, 144, 161, 166, ( Rockey 104 Rowe 61, 67, 68 16, 17, 62, 177, 181, 200 Rodes 58, 121, Rowland 59, 60, 66, 80, 81, Scrborough 124 145 62, 68 86, 87, 95, Scuff 121 Roddon 58 Rowlin 66, 67, 121, 129, 138, Scrugg 175 Roddy 10, 47, 48 157 157,158,162, Scruggs 5, 80, 86, Rodes 8 Rowlins 67 164, 165, 167, 87, no, 131, Rodgers 32, 47, 58, Rowsey 179 172, 178, 18), 183 59, 60, 61, 62, Royal 60 186 Scrugs 176 65, 66, 68, 69, Roya 11 Chart Sanderson 16 Seabon 122 70, 71, 77, 85, Royalty 163,168 Sandidge 45 Seales 125 86, 106 Royster 18,175 Sanford 7, 12, Seamore 57, 59, Roen 19 ~ubenstein 87 16, 25, 34, 64, 119 Rogers 14, 24, 33, Rucker 131 38, 39, 41, Searcy 14, 78, 65, 75, 79, 95, Rudd 31 78, 99, 128, 180 119, 120, 121, Ruder 22 164 Seargeant 44 123, 124, 131, Ruff 58, 62 Sapp 120 Seargent 165 164, 165, 167, Rukman 81 Sargant 161 Searsey 20 192 Rule 78, 129, Sargent 161 Seat 14, 123 Roggers 119 131 Sartain 158 Seaton 22, 165 Rohbach 55 Rumington 120 Sartha 29 Seaver 150 Rohrbach 55 Rumley 62, 70 Sarton 164 Seawell 81 Rohrback 55 Rumly 60 Saruer 81 Seay 16, 26, 81, Rohrbaugh 55 Rummage 58, 75 Sarver IS, 18, 178, 196 Rohrbough 55 Runge 188 131, 181, 183 Sebring 104 Roister 16 Runnels 19, 119, Saunderline 114 Seifer 27 Roland 45, 46, 163, 164,165 Saunders 98, 109, Selah 110 162 Rushen 68 120, 171, 181, Se1cher 29 Ro1ings 59 Rushing 96, 99, 183, 200 Se1ky 87 Rollings 57 152, 175 Savage 93, 94, Sellers 59, 61, 65, Rollins 65, 165, Russell 31, 37, 122 66, 67, 70 167 41, 42, 43, Save1y 14, 79 Sells 164 Rollo Chart 52, 57, 60, Sawry 193 Se1man 158, 159 Romanga 85 66, 68, 69, Sawyers 13, 77 Se1vin 32 Romines 147 70, 78, 114, Saxton 36 Semmons 71 Rone 62 119,120, 121, Sayers 95 Senter 183 Roney 60, 77, 79, 122, 157, 160, Sayles 28 Sergeant 44 182, 185 161, 165, 168, Saylor 160 Serratt 175 196 Saylors 160 Sertain 158 "Ansearchin'" News -220-

Sessmn 159 Sherrill 13, 158 SimRl16, 121, 122, Smoot 62, 70 Sessell 28 Sherrod 6, 13, 124, 13 5. 161, Smotherman 49, Sessions 2 3/" 36, 92 162. 164, 165, 88 Settle 80, 187 Sherry 17 16B, 169, 178, Smothers 59,61, Settles 49 Shields ~6, 78, 185, 198 70, 75, 81, Severton 158 184, 198 Singleton 57, 122. 131, 183 Sevier 62, 159 Shiloh Cemetery 152 163, 166 Sneed 14, 50 Sewe 11 22 Shinn 94 Sining 173 Sneid 58 Sewter 60 Shipherd 75 Sisk 166, 167 Snodgrass 124 Sexton 36, 59, 69 Shipley 42, 43, 47 Sisson 127 Snow 183 Seybold 95 Shipman 61, 75, Sitgraves 41 Snyder 86 Seymore 28 97, 159 Sivells 42 Snowden 62, 70 Seymour 48 Shirley 110 Siverton 157 Soaper 181 Shabe1 129 Shirter 184 Sizeman 113 Soby 70 Shackleford 14 Shockley 108, 109, SkarbrOl,gh 123 Soeffe1 31 Shadding 114 120, 125 Skeen 1B Solari 135,185 Shaffer 6 Shoffner 60 Skelton 54 Solomon 7 Shain 21, 167 Shofner :>8, 65, Skiles 149 Somers 2, 40 Shak1e 159 70, 75, 197 Skinne11 185 Somerve11 13 Shamblin 47 Short 56, 81, 117, Skipper 30 Somerville 7, Shane 49 121, 126, 139, Slack 85 8, 9 Shankle 6, 13, 34, 162 Slatin 122 Sommerville 36 59, 65, 66, 67, Shote 19 Slattern 121 Soop 161 68, 69, 70, 71, Shoulders 14, 79, Slaughter 7,38, Sooter 60, 65 159, 193 128, 131, 183 122, 137, Soper 78, 80 Shannon 183 Shreed 186 Chart Sorrell 122 Shapbell 78 Shreve 81 Slay 148. 196 Sorrels 108 Shar10ck 17, 75, (Shropshire or Sledge 185, 191 Sosselfian 185 128 (S tropsh ire 161 Sliger 127 Spain 16, 17, Sharp 6, 12, 33, Shuffle 63 Sloan 24. 89 68, 83 120, 161, 165, Shuff1ebarger 95 Slocum 42 Spann 165 166, 199 Shugart 119 Slover 116 Sparkman 120, Sharpe 17, 66 Shull 146 Small 37. 38, 39, 121, 124, Sharper 193 Shulls 168 40, 42. 43 125 Shaver 14, 59, 61, Shultz 29 Sma 11man 125 Sparks 58, 64, 129, 131, 149 Shumake 121 Smallwood 21 67,121, Shaw 2, 11, 28, 33, Shumate 194 Smally 159 123, 157, 54,57,80,84, Shur1y 111 Smiley 193 159, 176 93~ 94, 117, 121, Shurtts 187 Smi1y 161 Spearman 10 129, 131, 137 Shute 179 Smith 4. 6, 7. 8. Spears 124 Shay 30 Shuttle 111 9, 10, 11, 12, Speck 164 Shea Is 159 Shuttleworth 134 13, 14, 15. 16. Speer 148 Sheares 119 Shy 78, 79 17, 19. 21. 22, Speers 29, 131 Shears 186 S idda 11 146 25, 27. 28, 29, Spellman 27, 43 Sheckal 158 Siddle 48 31. 33, 34. 35, Spence 88 Shed 165 Sides 60 36. 37. 38. 40. Spencer 59, 75, Shee ly 43, 199 Sike 20 41, 44, 49. 57, 81, 103, 157 Shelby 81, 93 Silas 159 58, 59, 60. 61, Sperry 119 Shell 146 Si1e 86 62, 63, 65, 66. Spic 123 Shelley 67, 139 Siler 11 67, 68. 69, 70 , Spicer 48 Shellock 57 Sim 135 71, 72. 75. 78. Spieght 87 Shelly 62, 75, 87 Simeon 119 79, 81, 82, 84, Spier 146 Shelton 6, 14, 16, Siminton 34 89, 99. 102. Spi11er 78, 131 35, 44, 45, 95, S imipson 162 106, 108, 109, Spillings 59 96, 100, 150, Simmons 18, 23, Ill, 114, 118, Spinser 67, 68 175 24, 28, 57, 119, 120, 121, Spive 185 Shepard 191 60, 73, 80, 122, 124, 126, Spivey 6, 13, Sheperd 57 84, 86, 120, 128, 130, 131, 17, 57 Shephard 178 124, 125, 131, 134, 136, 138, Spivy 75 Shepherd 7, 54, 68, 149, 157, 159, 140, 145, 146, Spon 30 111, 117, 121 162, 163, 165, 147, 148, 150, Spoon 69 Shephord 75 181, 183, 199 151,152,157, Sport 67 Shepley 183 Simons 18, 128, 158, 159, 161, Spradlin 93, 129 Sheppard 30, 137 135, 157 163, 164; 165, Sprigg 28 Sherd 159 Simontin 8 166, 168, 175, Spring 92 Shere1 59, 60, 61 Simonton 6, 11, 37 176, 177, 179, Springer 57, 61, Sherell 122 Simpson 7, 11. 35. 182, 183, 184, 63 Sherman 6 36, 59, 61, 62. 187,188,194, Sprott 46 Sherod ')7, 69, 160 100. 108. 119. 197, 198, 200 Spurr 124, 127 Sherrel 114 120. 121. 124. Smithea 40 Spurrier 183 Sherrell II, 65, 67, 127. 131, 164, Smitheal 6 Spyker 161 61\. 70. 71, 16R 165, 166, 193, Smitherman 49 Stack 29 199 Smithers 62 Stacy 14, 59, 60, 62. 65, 67, 75 Winter 1971 -221-

Stafford 57,58, Stewart 7,14,16, Stuck1ey 109 Tally 81, 128, 158, 68, 75, 103, 17,' 21, 30, 31, Studard 68 159, 161, 183 104, 147 36,48,57,59, Studderts 20 Tanwater 157, 158 Stags 162 63,69,86,87, Studivan 60 Tapley 124 Stalcup 80, 128, 111, 114, 116, Stump 42, 43 Tarkinton 24 129, 131, 182, 119, 122, 123, Stumpss 121 Tarpley 59, 62 197 124, 126, 131, Sturdivant 39, Tarrants 160 Staley 82 140, 147, 164, 161 Tarver 131 Stalham 167 168, 188 Sturgeon 128 Tate 13, 60, 61, 62, Sta1kop 197 Stichey 86 Sublett 124 76, l l ,l, 165 Sta1y 131 Stidham 23 Sublette 49 Tatum 15 Starnes 163, 166 Stigall 23, 49 Sugg 117 Tavenor 80 Stamp 123, 130, Stigar 122 Suggs 61, 62, 66, Tayler 121, 166 131, 161, 164 Stinson 10~, 110, 187 Tay1ers 122 Stamps 117 135 Suiter 75 Taylor 6, 7, 8, 9, Stanard 4, Chart Stipe 125 Sulcer 106 11, 12, 17, 18, Stanberry 120 Stipes 109, 124, Sulivan 57, 59 19, 24, 25, 30, Standefer 1, 51, 125 Sullivan 6, 13, 35, 36, 37, 38, 151, 153 Stives 67 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 48, 52, Standford 59, 61, Stobaugh 143 36, 39, 44, 57, 59, 60, 61, 69 Stockard 62 67, 83, 84, 64, 65, 76, 77, Standley 61, 78, Stoker 57 95, 100, 116, 79, 82, 90, 91, 131 Stokes 6, 8, 33, 121, 122, 161, 98, 105, 109, Standridge 159, 35, 58, 61, 176, 194 Ill, 112, 115, 160 65, 69, 70, Sumberry 133 116, 120, 121, Stanfield 15, 16, 161, 177 Summers 21, 29, 124, 128, 136, 78, 79, 80, Stoll 188 79, 128, 130, 137, 139, 147 81, 128 Stone 13, 18, 42, 181, 182, 150, 157, 158, Stanford 65, 67, 57, 59, 60, Chart 160, 161, 162, 68, 69, 70, 65, 66, 67, Sumner 22 163, 165, 166, 78, 79 69, 75, 78, Sundrirs 27 167, 179, 180, Stanis1aus 84 106, 111, 113, Suthard 123 189, 196 Stanley 28, 36 123, 125, 129, Sutherland 7, ChartTeag 113 Stanly 140, 141, 131, 168, 180, Suttle 17, 123 Teague 26, 89 183 Chart Sutton 62, 83, 87, Teas 59 (S tansifer 158 Stonebury 28 162, 164 Ted1eton 120 ( (Standifer Stoode 17 Swad 75 Teeters 125 Stansshill 158 Storm 106 Swain 183 Tema1ton 121 Stanton 20, 22, Story 7 Swa1er 158 Temple 6, 10, 89, 134, 137 Stovall 128, 131, Swan 128 138 Staples 157 157, 161, 167, Swaney 15, 16, 18, Templeton 117, 120 Stark 14, 181 168, 183 77, 79, 131 Temps 87 Starnes 9, 11 , Strange 35 Swanly 15 Tenbroeck 104 36, 43, 176 Stratford 191 Swann 167 Tennessuan 141 Starns 194 Stratton 14, 81, Swayne 75 Ternoth 132 Starr 7, 34 181, 200 Sweat 114 Terrell 39, 145 Starrett 83 Strawhorn 89 Sweeney 7, 12, 34 Terrence 19 Staton 64 Street 49, 123, Sweeny 84 Terry 8, 52, 86, Steaga1 49 157, 161 Sweet 126 109, 122, 123, Steed 148 Streeter 166 Sweringer 128 143, 144, 145, Steel 14, 60, 81, Strek1 132 Swift 28, 59, Chart 140, 177, 187 Strickland 92, 121, 122 Tester 66 Steele 3, 48, 83, 162 Swindle 60, 117, Thacker 62, 167 185 Stricklin 162 120, 121, 126, Thackman 119 Stegall 49 Stringham 137 175 Thamto 70 Stegar 124 Strode 180 Swiney 57, 58, 59, Tharnhi11 17 Steiga1 Strong 7, 8, 9, 62 Tharp 59, 141, Stein 185 12, 34, 35, Swinney 70 175 Stem 88 37, 39, 43, Swor 193 Tharpe 20 Stephens 14, 129, 89, 187 Sydarn 106 Tharrman 106 161, 164, 182, Strother 182 Symour 188 Thekla 86 195 Stroud 49, 98, Sypert 131 Thiers 30 Stephenson 86, 150 Thomas 7, 16, 17, 132 Strout 49 -1- 26, 28, 29, 30, Stepherson 67 Stuard 160 35, 36, 56, 58, StE!phinson Stuart 14, 160, Tabb 157, 158 60, 63, 65, 67, Steth 91 161 Tabor 110 68, 76, 92, 102, Steven 11 Stubblefield 17, Tackett 43 106, 107, 108, Stevens 6, 8, 17 58, 98, 114, Tailor 124 113, 121, 123, Stevison 57, 62 128, 168, 194 Talbot 41, 43,110 124, 128, 131, Steward 23, 70, Stubbs 19 Tallen 9 137,140,149, 86, 163 Stuckey 159 Talley 6, 11, 33, 180, 181, 182, 166 189 "Ansearchin'" News -222-

Thomason 63, 150, Townsand 49 68, 69, 70, Veltilla 66 194 Townsen 161 78, 79, 99, Venable 82, 149, Thomerson 68 Townson 49 112, 119, 122, 168, 197 Thomison 68 Townsend 6, 8, 124, 131, 139, Venn 189 Thomisson 119 27,34,36, 183 Venzant 160 Thompson 7, 8, 14, 49, 62, 76, Turney 119 Vernon 22. 161, 15, 23, 25, 27, 77,78,112, Turnsta11 142 196 3],35,37,41, 116, 121, 128 Turpin 182 Vernor 165 44, 59, 60, 65, Towson 146 Tussel 31 Vesche 87 68, 87, ~9, 91, Tracy 78, 79, Tuttle 78, 79, Vickers 62 107, 110, 132, 103,180,193 130 Vicks 94 134, 135, 147, Tradewe. 11 38 Twisda Ie 35 Vincent 6, 9, 33, 150, 158, 162, Trantham 11 Twopence 77, 181, 34, 35, 36, 164, 167, 178, Trapp 114. 118 183 65, 67, 82, 186, 187, 192, Trausda Ie 78 Tyler 12, 183 97, 119 193 Travis 57, 60, Ty10r 61 Vincintia 83 Thorn 139 68, 71, Tyner 48 Vindom 17 Thornton 199 159. 167 Tyre 34 Viney 130 Thor~ 65, 66, 67, Traywick 63 Tyree 17, 18 Vinson 61. 68, 68, 70 Trawig 57, 59 69, 76. 131, Thorton 23, 24, Treadwell 133 -U- 182 160 Trent 157 Vinter 22 Th.ra 11 31 Trentham 6, 33 Umstead 23 Violet 186 Thrasher 158 Trigg 16, 83 Underwood 120, 121, Virguson 137 Th ra tcher 159, Trice 197 126, 167 Volentine 14, 77, 160 Trim 57 Unette 133 130 Thurman 166 Trimble 17, 41, Untran 136 Vo1kner 186 Thweat 85 42, 43, 192 Upchurch 117 Tige 186 Troostenbery 184 Upper 30 Tilly 17, 127 Trobough 7, 8, 10, Upigrow 61 Ti 1man 34 11, 35, 36 Ursey 122 Wade 22, 33, 47 Timberlake 61 Troffi1sted 14 Usher 192 Waddell 146 Tiner 48 Troglin 125 Us~eton 164 Waddle 146, 192 Timberson 68 Trott 61 Usrey 119 Waddington 71 Tindle 120 Trotter 93. 94 Ursury 107, 110 Waddle 58, 122 Tingle 61 Trousda Ie 183 Uselton 98 Wadington 71 Tinker 56 Trout 61 Usery 119 Wadkins 32, 58 Tinnon 7 Trout Usilton 98 Wadley 66, 84 Tinsley 77, 80, Troutt 183 Usselton 98 Wafford 158 81, 121, 131, Trundle 45 Usury 110 Waggoner 14 183 Truner 68 Wagner 162, 166, Tipps 166 Trusty 47, 78 -V- 167, 168 Tipton 2, 7, 37. Tubbs 158 Wagnor 80 40, 41, 42. 43, Tucker 7, 12, 35, Valentine 35 Wagoner 162. 165 47, 48, 104, 57, 59, 66, Valier 87 Wakefield 34, 165, 175, 179 67, 68, 69, Vance 14, 47, 166 Titus 92 84, 88, 120, 78 Walden 13, 120 Tobin 134, 188, 140, 141, Van Cortlandt 104 Waldren 29 189 Chart, 158, Vandaver III Wale 60 Todd IS, 18, 58, 167, 178.184 Vandiver 124 Walk 6 183 Tuckery 96 Vane 183 Walker 6, 7, 8, Todhunter 158 Tufts 188 Vangant 164 10, 12, 27, Tolbot 175 Tuifel 186 Vanhook 35 28, 34, 38, Toler 194 Tuifu1 136 Vanhorn 137 40, 42, 43, To llerson 121 Tu11 89 Vann 120 45, 48. 59, Tolliver 198 Tu11ey 33, 69 Van Pelt 104, 161, 67. 68, 91, Tomerson 60 TulIs 89 199 99, 108, 110, TOmlin 121, 141 Tully 66 Van Tuy1 104 119, 120.122, Tomlinson 98,129 Tu1y 19 Vanwincle 124 123, 124, 126. Tomney 188 Tunison 104 Vanzant 157 132, 137, 152. Tompkins 66, 131, Tuns1y 32 Vaper 39 159. 160. 161, 180 Tupper 39, 43 Varlay 186 166, 168. 184. Toombs 17, 57 Turker 80 Vasser 42 194. 196 Torrance 19 :furman 147 Vast 119 Walkins 78 Torrence 83 Turnage 6, 7, 33, Vaughan 6, 26, 35, Wa 11 21. 60, 91 Tosh 59, 60, 61. 35, 36, 90 48, 166 Wallace 17, 70, 63, 65 Turnbull 102 Vaughn 15, 57, 58, 81, 119. 123, Totty 93, 94. 148 Turner 14, 15, 60, 60, 120, 130. 131. Chart, Towe 11 180, 183 16, 18, 27, 125, 128, 159 158. 160, 161, Towler 95 29, 39, 49, Vaught 7, 10 164, 165. 175. Towns 57, 62 58, 61, 66 Vaulx 39, 40. 41. 180. 182 (con't) 42 Wa11ce 130 Winter 1971 -223-

\~a11er (,], 108, 188 "Jea thers 59, 63 Whitefield 95, 122 132, 134, 135, \I.'allin 161 Weaver 7, 34, 60, 'iJhitehead 43 137, 141, 144, Halling 118, 119, 110, 111, 112, Whitehorn 62 148, 152, 159, 120, 121, 125, 118, 119, 122, White1sy 67 160, 161, 163, 126 123, 124, 125, vlhiteside 135 164, 165, 166, Wa1lingsford 49 162, 164 Whitesides 62, 64, 167, 168, 169, Wallis 60, 61, 103 'ivebb 17, 25, 26, 93, 163 174, 176, 179, Walls 165 41, 43, 57, Whitfield 82 180, 181, 183, \.;ra1sh 31, 84, 132, 61, 66, 84, Whitford 177, 188 184, 189, 190, 133, 188 85, 93, 101, Whithom 62 196 Walters 15 120, 121, 122, Whitley 6, 8, 36, Williamson 14, 20, Walton 7,17,18, 123, 140, 151, 43, 60, 119, 32, 48, 58, 20, 21, 36, 59, 164, 179 160 62, 70, 72, 67, 70, 77, 79, Webber 157 Whitmon 35 76, 83, 91, 80, 81, 128, Webster 120 Whitmore 6, 82 113, 117, 122, 129, 130, 131, Week 17 Whitson 122, 123 125, 135, 139, 180, 181, 194 Weeks 162 Whitt 62, 161 Chart, 163, Wamack 31 Weilheit 31 Whitted 183 114, 173, 186 Wammock 110, 118 Weir 37 Whitsett 169 Williford 162, 165, Waneer 168 Weirich 29 Whitson 163, 193 167 Warbritton 57 We1bon 39 Whittington 101 Willis 17, 57, 68, Ward 7, 14, 34, Welch 120, 121, Whitworth Chart 79, 100, 122, 35, 57, 58, 123, 125, 133, Wickam 172 128, 133, 157, 60, 66, 80, 135, 150, 162 Widner 13 159, 167 84, 86, 89, We1dair 120 Wiedman 54 Willoughby 78, 97 98, 113, 114, WeHman 157 Wier 160 Wills 79, 90, 129, 125, 133, 138, Weller 10, 33, 34, Wiggin 160, 168 189 141, 165, 179, 135 Wiggins 21, 96 Willsea 121 185 Wells 21, 54, 60, Wiggonton 131 Willson 10, 14, 62, Wardlaw 178 70, 86, 118, Wigintgton 131 119, 120, 121, Wardlow 86 122, 128 Wilbon 43 122, 124 Ware 188 Welsh 19, 84 Wilborn 57, 76 Wilmarth 148 Waring 87 Wenbury Wilbourne 39, 43 Wilmoth 199 Warmath 12 Wesche 86 Wilbur 103 Wilmouth 148 Warneke 186 Wescot 43 Wilburn 112, 189 Wilroy 151 Warner 95, 197 Wescott 11 Wilcox 188 Wilso 121 ( Warren 17, 58, 86, Wesley 6, 84 Wilder 59, 66, Wilson 6, 7, 10, 97, 107, 119, Wessen 33 67, 69, 70, 12, 13, 17, 124, 126, 141, West 49, 80, 92, 76 20, 21, 22, 148, 164, 165, 133, 151 Wiley 76,93 26, 29, 30, 178, 181, 198 Westbrooks 149 Wilheims 83 33, 34, 36, Warriner 119 Westcot 43 Wilheit 85, 136 40, 43, 46, Washington 31, 126, Westfrilds 32 Wilhite 122, 123 54, 57, 58, 135, 144 Weston 187 Wiliman 158 59, 61, 62, Waterman 120 Wetherford 122 Wilkerson 200 65, 68, 69, Watkins 14, 15, 16, Wetherington 6 Wilkes 53 71, 76, 78, 17, 18, 80, 83, Wetherly 111 Wilhelmina 32 80, 81, 85, 91, 119, 128, Wever 81 Wilkins 11, 12, 89, 108, 130, 176, 179, Wharton 34, 48 13, 33, 42, 113, 120, ·180, 181 Wheeler 29, 62, 183 128, 131,160, Watson 8, 10, 14, 104, 161, 163 Wilkinson 158, 162, 163, 167, 21, 22, 46, 52,· Wheit 187 168 176, 177, 179, 61, 70, 121, Wherry 92 Wilks 59 180, 181, 182, 123, 124, 125, Whi11is 69 Wil1erford 163 183, 184, 185 126, 158, 164, Whistler 104 Willes 59 Wimberly 141., 158 167, 180, 185, Whitaker 44, 123, Willhite 124, Wimms 94 193 127 166, 200 Wimper 158 Watt 49 White 6, 7, 8, Wil1tam 120 Winbourn 14 Watters 178 13, 14, 15, Williams 6, 7, 8, Winburn 130 Weathers 183 17, 23, 27, 9, 10, II, 17, Winchell 97 Watts 2, 78, 93, 29, 32, 33, 19, 20, 21, 27, Winchester 15, 81, 128, 129 34,36,37, 28, 29, 30, 32, 92, 128, 131, Wayman ~4 40, 44, 57, 34, 37, 38, 40, 179, 181 Waynick 72 58, 59, 60, 43, 47, 59, 60, Wincoff 106 Weakley 40 62, 65, 69, 61, 62, 66, 67, Windex 32 Weakly 87 76, 81, 82, 68, 69, 70, 71, Windham 34 Weathered 16, 17, 84, 87, 108, 76, 78, 79, 82, Windle 77 43, 180 110, 119, 120, 84,87,90,94, Windom 8 Weatherford 131, 122, 124, 125, 108, 112, 116, Windsor 166 180 126, 129, 133, 118, 119, 120, Wine! 86 Weatherred 81 137, 157, 178, 121, 122, 123, Winford 9, 29, 34, 180, 181, 182, 124, 129, 130, 161 187, 194 {Con't} Winfrey 169 "Ansearchin'" News -224-

Wingo 59, 62, 76 WornsnicK 135 Younger 60, 62, 66, \Hnham 14, 17,77 Horsham 133 83 I,inkler 7, 33, lo8 \';orsnick .184 Yount 192 Winkles 10') Worth 136 York 136, 187 Winn 7, 10, 35, \-Iortham 6, 7 43, 04, 83, Worthen 1'60 -~- 128, 158 Wray 63, 150 ~anns 17 Wren 58 Zachary 91 Winston 11, 35 \']renfro 60 Zahn 44 Winters 160 ~!renll 178 Zammi 27 Wisdom 124 Wright 7,. 8, 9, Zaugg 49 Wise 129, 183 ll, 12, 14, Zericon 15 Wiseman 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 33, 9, 12, 17, 18, 34, 35, 36, 34, 36, 61, 78, 52, 61, 62, ·ADDENDA TO 1971 SURNAME INDEX 81, 129, 130, 65, 66, 71, 167, 182, 183 85, 88, 97, Acklin 165 Wiser 123 99, 121, 123, Witherington 8, 9, 128, 1.38, 154, Adams 34 34 157, 186, 187, Adcock 94 Witt 120, 121, 189 Aikens/Akins 67 162 123, 161 I~ri te 159 Albertson 98 Wittel 186 Wyat 161 \~oods 162 \';yatt 62,- 65 Albright 97 128 Wolf 29, 123 Wyett 66 Alderson 17 18 128 \~omack60, 1l0, Wyley 23 Allen 15 49 77 78 159, 160 Wylie 189 183 Wommack 121 Wynn 9, 69, 128, Womock 29 177 Allison 193 Wood 6, 12, 14, Wynne 18, 78, Allsup 17 18 17, 18, 33, 180, 182 Alverson 120 125 34, 57, 59, Ambrister 45 65, 66, 67, -Y- 68, 69, 70, Am(m)onett 185 194 77, ll2, ll8, Yaden 47, 95 Ana1t 164 121, 133, 139 Yadon 47, 95 Anderson 17 52 81 158, 160, 161, Yagar 124 Andrus 103 162, 164, 176, Yager 123, 124, 125 179, 180, 188 Yancy 14, 23 Angel 121 Woodall 71, 78, Yande1 14 Ang1ea 17 18 128, 158, 164, Yarborough 33, 128, Antony 159 182 182 Aplin 149 Woodard 57, 59, Yarbro 26, 34, 35, Applewhite 35 61, 65, 68, 36, 38, 43 69, 70, 71 Yarbrough 7, 8, 11, Arnsban 31 Woodcock 128, 180 35, 36, 69, Armstrong 22 Woodfin 100 90, 97, ll9, Arther 62 Woodruff 6, 153 183 Asburn 37 Woods 31, 36, 48, Yargon 70 59, 61, 62, Yates 33, 49, 54, Atcheson 171 66, 67, 76, 120, 121, 130, Austin 52 128 90, 109, 122, 137, 164, 193 BaCOn 145 157 Yeadon 174 Baer 182 Woods ides 93 Yeager 124, 157 Woodward 69, 190 Yearger 124 Bagby 71 Woodwards 70 Yeates 108 Baily 81 93 121 Woolbanks 14 Yergin 60 Bain 81 128 Woo Ibright 120 Yergon 67 Baker 16 97 Wooldridge Chart Yoakum 110 Woollen 73 Young I, 6, 7, 8, Ballinger 87 Woolley 187 10, 28, 36, Banks 177 184 Wooten 7, 12, 20, t~5, ~1, 58, Baor 146 34, 35, 122 59, 86, 93, Barker 46 Wootin 8, 157 94, 98, 101, Wooton 18 ll9,121, 125, Bar1ary 162 Worker 18 p6, lSI, 159, Bar1aw 136 Works 80 160, 161, 162, Barnes 128 Worley 108, ll9, 165, 167, 168, Barr 128 120, 121, 147 175, 180, 188, Wor1y 120 196 Bates 93 Wormack 122 Youngblood 19, Baucom 67 Wormington 181 159 Baze1 152 Winter 1971 225

Beard 77 Burkes/ks 107 165 Crane 18 Edmond 95 Bedford 40 Burkner 183 Creekmore 13 Edmunds 119 Bees1y 159 Burkett 67 Crenshaw 36 Edwards 79 131 162 Be1k 53 Burleson 52 Crews 81 E1am 152 Be11e~17 59 Burnes/ns 62 192 Cu11am 7 Eliot 160 Bennet(t) 61 122 Burnett 161 Culwell 130 Ellery 197 126 Burton 145 Cumming 120 E11ins 74 Benson 97 Busby 130 159 Cummings 23 125 Elliot 48 Berryhill 162 Busey 74 Cummins 36 Elliott 39 40 Bevin 21 Bush 77 Cupp 59 60 65 Elliston 122 Bibb 93 94 Calahan 135 137 Dancy 77 Embry 159 Bigbee 150 Caldwell 52 Daniel 54 Emerson 45 Biggar 59 Cameron 90 Danne11 18 Empson Lf5 Bigham 57 Camp 159 Darnell 70 71 Engles 3 Bilby 49 Campbell 62 91 95 100 Ericson 197 Billingsley 69 Campdele 121 Darwin 36 Eskew 67 B1ackamore 23 Cannon 39 Davis 77 166 Evans 198 Blakemore 128 Carnich 119 Davison 66 Evett 38 B1an 58 Caro11 164 Dayton 29 Ewart 147 Blackwell 188 Carter 67 Delany 161 Ewell 6 10 Blount 97 Cartright 160 Demens 185 Ezell 15 Blythe 81 Casey 99 Denny 107 Exom 186 Boake 103 Cavy 81 Derman 121 Fa1hins 124 Boals 152 Chalmers 34 De Vaughn 3 Farmer 7 127 Bobbitt 46 Chan1er 120 Dewar 82 Fenwick 28 Bogan 153 Chappell 81 Dickason 16 18 Finley/ay 74 85 ( Baham 127 Chisum 110 111 112 Dickerson 15 Fischer 152 Bohannan/on 52 123 117 118 120 Dickey 96 Fleming 18 52 Bondsman 182 Christian 57 163 Dickinson 16 100 F1iggin 85 Booker 128 Christy 59 Dickson 123 Flippin 66 Bottum 103 Church 36 Ditty 127 Folk 92 Bowling 166 Clack 100 Dinning 128 Forrester 74 Boyd 128 Clark 6 79 80 Donoho 77 Foust 20 Boyle 15 133 197 Donovan 24 Fowler 175 Boyse 162 Clarkson 6 Dortch 141 *Fox 100 Bracken 128 Claud 46 Dotson 14 Freeman 140 Bradford 36 168 Cleary 189 Dougal 77 Frost 19 Brad1ey/1y 17 18 Cleborn 180 Dougan 157 159 Frud1e? 6 79 128 180 Clements 85 161 163 168 195 Frye 127 Brady 58 C1enny 125 Doughtry 79 Fuqua 67 Breden 192 193 Clifton 42 Douglas 39 42 77 Galusha 103 Brett 39 43 Climer 94 97 129 130 Gannett 166 Bridgforth 136 C10ar 78 Douglass 17 18 28 Gardner 84 Bristow 45 Cochran 48 78 97 157 164 Garland 28 Britton 92 Coffer 52 Dowdy 36 Garrett 152 Broach 20 67 Cohan 137 Downing 104 Garrison 68 Brookes/ks 81 103 Condray 21 Drumhe1m 181 Garther 39 Rrookst 159 Conner/or 98 111 Dudney 58 Gat1anc1 71 Brown 36 49 59 128 Cook 79 Duff 114 Gee 175 Bruce 41 Coo1y 17 122 Duke 79 102 Gerinn 28 Bryant 35 58 Coppage 102 Dunagan 3 Gertude 86 Buchanan 42 Coster 183 Dupont 58 Gibbins 58 Buckhannon 61 Coventon 181 Durham 10 Gibson 196 Buckhart 59 Covington 146 Durossett 107 Gilburt 65 Buck1y 79 183 Cowan 161 Easley 93 Ci1ca 60 Bullock 134 Cowgill 81 Eb1er 134 188 Gildwell 115 Bunch 79 140 Cox 175 Eckford 10 Gillam 69 Burim 121 Crain 124 195 Eddington 87 *Frasier 120 124 226 "Ansearchin'" News

Gillis 70 Harriss 158 Hudgens 119 Lanphere 104 Gillpatrick 124 Hartgrove 90 Hudson 160 Latham 6 Gilmor 11 Harvey 64 71 86 Huff 95 Lau1er 26 Givans 157 94 96 Hughes 8 9 106 125 Laurence 61 Glasco 193 Harvill? 93 126 132 152 184 Lavinor 80 Glenn 123 Harwell 93 Humphrey 62 Law 80 Glison 22 Haslett 52 Humphry 67 Lawrance 59 66 Goff 149 Hatchell 80 Hunt 52 Lawrence 62 75 95 Golden 124 Hayes 26 28 48 Hurt 23 60 Lawry 85 Gooch 69 83 Huseman 135 Laycook 68 Goodall 182 Haynes 71 *Hutchison 16 18 93 Leach 195 Goodman 137 Haynie 11 128 Lee 80 Goodrun 131 Hays 160 178 Hutson 94 124 160 Leech 85 Gorden 68 Heath 136 Hynes 94 Lefever 122 127 Gorison 68 Hedgepeth 45 Iny 182 LeGrand 41 Graham 120 Hellartin 128 Irvin 191 Lemond 23 Grant 69 85 Helton 125 126 James 48 Leonard. 113 Grason 180 Henderson 65 130 Jenkins 60 Lewis 92 121 Graves 96 Hendricks 94 Johnson 5 133 135 Lindsay 35 60 Gray 3 45 Henry 81 91 136 137 138 141 Lindsey 16 119 Gregary 80 Hensford 160 150 165 Lindsy 82 Gregory 177 Hern 49 Johnston 36 51 79 Linsley 167 Griffin 150 Herndon 44 Joiner 159 Little 119 Grisham 121 Hightower 132 Jones 52 161 170 Loflin 39 Griswold 31 Hill 41 120 187 193 197 Long 97 Groan 74 Hillhouse 159 Jordan 22 41 46 Loggins 121 Groves 19 Hilliard 57 60 67 63 92 Lott 113 Guery 105 68 70 74 Jourden 17 Loury 159 Gunthrie 183 Hilsman 60 Juins 161 Loveless 62 Guthrey/ery 128 130 Hindmon 7 Kathcart 192 Loving 176 Guthrie/ry 79 Hobey 180 Keefaver 28 Lowrey 106 108 Gwin 17 Hodge 33 58 61 Keeton 162 Lumbey 46 Hacksma 149 62 65 67 69 Kelly 6 8 12 31 Lumb1y 46 Haile/1y 98 121 70 91 32 34 Lyles 61 Hainenstein 186 Hodges 183 Keelin 61 Lynn 8 133 Hainie 6 Holder 166 Kennedy 164 Mafford 136 Ha1ecomb 87 Holes 59 Kenney 7 Magnes 95 Hall 196 Ho1eum 183 Kerby 16 61 Malone 141 Hame1ton 93 Holladay 69 Ketherside 124 March 163 Hamet 60 Holliday 37 41 Key 58 Martin 182 Hamilton 65 162 Holloday 20 Killingsworth 36 Marvin 149 Hancock 145 Holloman 48 Killough 57 59 66 May 69 Handly 157 Holloway 77 157 67 68 69 70 71 75 McAllister 182 Hanley 45 Ho1mark 62 King 160 McAski11 152 Hanna 15 Ho1ms 66 Kirley 87 McCaleb 139 Hanner 129 Holshouser 42 Kirk 47 75 McCaw1y 7 Hansher 124 Holt 85 Kirkpatrick 14 15 McCom 121 Harall 92 Homes 61 16 17 18 93 Mc Conka' 192 Harbis 150 Honey 49 Kiykenda11 49 McCu110ck 158 Hargas 71 Hopkins 111 Kock 83 McCullough 124 Haris/ss 66 67 Hook1ey 40 Kuykendall . 49 McGehee 46 Harmon 58 Hooks 8 Lacefield 21 Mchaffy 133 Harper 9S Hotchkiss 21 24 Lacey 67 McIver 107 Harrington 94 Hotckins 166 Lamphear 104 McIvor 111 Harris 66 127 Houk 193 Langham 160 McKenzie 179 184 Harrison 77 158 Housewright 47 Lanphear 104 McKinney/ny 16 S9 *Hutchings 8991 71 124 188 l..Jinter 1971 227

HcLaurin 100 Petecock 161 Smith 96 132 162 \~lite 99 174 192 HcLemore 45 89 Petty 176 178 186 193 Whitlock 95 McMillon 6 62 Phares 103 Smithers 7 Wiedeman 5fl McMurtry 79. Phillips 66 67 69 Sneed 60 Wigginton 161 Mears 6 71 75 90 91 117 Snider 45 Wiley 44 Merre1 62 Pierce 104 Snowden 62 Williams 46 149 Midiant 67 Pinkston 100 Sossaman 185 Williamson 164 Miller 163 193 Polk 39 *Spears 148 Wilson 94 147 157 Milton 180 Porter 38 Sta1cop 197 Wods 162 Mitchell;;,45 119 Preston 180 Staley 131 Wood 97 177 Mitchll 119 Prichett 70 Stal1cop/cup 197 Woods 158 Monier 184 Quinly 7 Stau1cup 197 Woodward 68 Montgomery 152 Quinn 85 Stamps 130 131 Worley 179 198 Moore 130 163 198 Race 49 161 163 \-lright 59 Morehead 6 7 35 Raine 15 Stanford 66 150 Wynn 59 Mornington 182 Randle 60 Steiga1 49 Yinger 191 Morrison/sy 83 194 Randolph 40 43 Stevenson 7 49 75 Young 32 Morrow 61 65 98 Rawlings 44 81 Younger 57 160 185 Reed 94 Stewart 58 163 Morton 70 Reese 182 Stoker 64 Murrel 106 Reffew 193 Stork 181 Murry 79 Revere 4 Strehl 132 Myrick 71 Rich 82 *Stringhan 137 Napier 61 Riddle 48 Strodder 176 Nathaniel 93 Roads 94 Summers 183 Neal 45 Roberson 183 Suttle 111 Nee1 16 77 Roberston 176 Swaney 17 ( Neilson 139 Robert/s 133 196 Tally 140 141 Nellson 121 Robertson 161 Tate 176 Nelms 162 Robinson 17 Tauenor 80 Neuenschwandger 104 Rochelle 60 Taylor 45 107 168 New 78 *Rogers 45 183 194 Newland 48 Rooks 34 Thompson 97 Nichols 16 Ross 97 138 Thomson 194 Nox 62 Rossen 162 Tibbs 99 Norfleet 97 Rutherfords 48 Timberlick 61 Nut 148 Salee 123 Trigg 129 O'Brien 27 Salls 60 Trout 183 0'Farrell 156 Sa1sburgers 5 Tucker 119 Ogburn 16 Sargeant? 44 Turner 71 181 182 Olney 152 Schuter 31 Uptigrove 61 Osborn 163 165 Searcy 43 Utley 59 Owens 53 Sells 165 Vinson 59 Owensby 60 Selmon 158 Vaughn 70 Page 83 Sevir 159 Voss 8 13 22 Parish 183 Sharpe 37 Wadley 140 Parker 181 Shelton 194 Walker 49 60 96 Parton 96 Shepherd 161 Walters 5 Pasturs 57 Sherell 158 Walton 182 Paterson 23 Sherrod 2 Wammick 110 Patterson 17 Simon 157 Ward 139 Patton 182 Simonson 7 Warren 161 163 196 Pearson 5 Simpson 71 Watson 183 Peasley 45 Sims 166 193 Weathers 183 Pender 135 Sist1er 103 Webb 15 Penn 102 Sloan 45 Wenbury 71 Permentah 61 Smart 179 West 191 "-Roney 183 *Strather 182 oj(Schaper 82 ''-Spencer 177