4242 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, January 24, 2019 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 43, No. 51 Chamber gala planned The South Belt-Ellington Chamber of Commerce will hold its 35th annual gala on City to disperse $1B+ to Harvey victims Friday, Feb. 8, at Golfcrest Country Club. Cocktails will begin at 6 p.m. to be fol- The City of Houston has taken a critical step lowed by a dinner. State Sen. Larry Tay- (Southeast, 11550 Fuqua St., third fl oor; North- the affected homeowners as possible, especially wants another delay in the process. The survey forward with the opening of four Housing Re- lor will be guest speaker at the event. All in- east, 9551 N. Wayside; Northwest, 13101 North- those who are hardest to reach – our disadvan- will help us understand each homeowner’s situ- source Centers, one in each quadrant of the city, coming chamber offi cers will be sworn in west Freeway (Highwawy 290), Suite 101; taged, senior citizens, those with limited English ation better and determine which program they to use $1.17 billion in federal aid to assist Hous- at the function. Sponsorships for the event Southwest, 6464 Savoy Drive, Suite 110). profi ciency and those with special needs,” Turner may be eligible for.” tonians whose homes were damaged by Hurri- are available. For more information, contact Mobile outreach teams are also available to said at the event. “We will not leave anyone be- Tom McCasland, director of the City Hous- cane Harvey.