CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 May 9, 2012 Right Thing to Do
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6418 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 May 9, 2012 right thing to do. This amendment is b 1800 rent resolution on the budget for fiscal not. Let’s defeat this amendment. So I just think that this is kind of a year 2013, which was referred to the I yield back the balance of my time. meat-ax approach. If you do have con- Union Calendar and ordered to be Mr. POLIS. I move to strike the last cerns, let’s do it in the regular legisla- printed. word. f The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman tive order, not just say that we’re from Colorado is recognized for 5 min- going to eliminate that whole ability COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, utes. for them to resolve conflicts. You’re AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- Mr. POLIS. I yield to the gentleman going to end up with more lawsuits and PRIATIONS ACT, 2013 a lot of concerns by people who are from Pennsylvania. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- going to wonder what the future holds Mr. FATTAH. Again, this is a little ant to House Resolution 643 and rule without a good, comprehensive plan. bit different than the optimism in Chi- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in So I again compassionately ask my cago at the Coastal Zone Conference the Committee of the Whole House on colleagues on both sides of the aisle to where the Ocean Policy just had such the state of the Union for the further reject this amendment. It would be a an enthusiastic response from constitu- consideration of the bill, H.R. 5326. very dangerous thing for this country encies all around the country and in Will the gentleman from Georgia to do, to adopt this amendment. other parts of the world. (Mr. PRICE) kindly resume the chair. The development of this is bipar- Mr. POLIS. I thank the gentleman tisan: the Pew Foundation, from Pennsylvania and the gentleman b 1803 headquartered in my home city of from California for their hard work on IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Philadelphia; the Lenfest Foundation, this issue, and I yield back the balance Accordingly, the House resolved led by Gerry Lenfest, and their invest- of my time. itself into the Committee of the Whole ments in studying the oceans. We’ve The Acting CHAIR. The question is House on the state of the Union for the seen the work that has been done on the amendment offered by the gen- further consideration of the bill (H.R. that’s led to this. tleman from Texas (Mr. FLORES). 5326) making appropriations for the De- I would hope that we would oppose The question was taken; and the Act- partments of Commerce and Justice, this amendment and we would work to ing Chair announced that the noes ap- Science, and Related Agencies for the build a further consensus and hopefully peared to have it. fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, have legislation come out of the Nat- Mr. FLORES. Mr. Chairman, I de- and for other purposes, with Mr. PRICE ural Resources Committee. mand a recorded vote. of Georgia (Acting Chair) in the chair. I thank the gentleman for yielding to The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to The Clerk read the title of the bill. me, and I hope that we vote this clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- amendment down. ceedings on the amendment offered by mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, Mr. POLIS. Reclaiming my time, I the gentleman from Texas will be post- a request for a recorded vote on an would like to yield to the gentleman poned. amendment offered by the gentleman from California (Mr. FARR). Mr. WOLF. Mr. Chairman, I move from Texas (Mr. FLORES) had been Mr. FARR. Thank you very much for that the Committee do now rise. postponed and the bill had been read yielding. The motion was agreed to. through page 101, line 10. I think you can note the passion I’ve Accordingly, the Committee rose; had on this issue because we worked at ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. HAS- it a long time. And I want to assure The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to TINGS of Washington) having assumed you—I’m ranking member of the Ag clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will the chair, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Acting now resume on those amendments on Appropriations Committee. I probably Chair of the Committee of the Whole represent more productive agriculture which further proceedings were post- House on the state of the Union, re- poned, in the following order: than anybody in Congress. I have just ported that that Committee, having An amendment by Mr. CHAFFETZ of one county I represent that has 85 had under consideration the bill (H.R. crops in it. We do about $4.2 billion of Utah. 5326) making appropriations for the De- An amendment by Mr. TIERNEY of agriculture out of that county. partments of Commerce and Justice, I can assure you that coastal States’ Massachusetts. Science, and Related Agencies for the agriculture is very much concerned An amendment by Mrs. BLACKBURN of fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, about all of these issues that are com- Tennessee. and for other purposes, had come to no ing up and really supports the ideas Amendment No. 38 by Mr. DUNCAN of resolution thereon. that we can have a coordinated effort. South Carolina. This is a long effort. We had the mili- f An amendment by Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. tary involved in this. We’ve got FEMA REPORT ON H.R. 4966, SEQUESTER An amendment by Mr. SCHWEIKERT of involved in this. We’ve got the Depart- REPLACEMENT ACT OF 2012 ment of Agriculture involved in this. Arizona. We’ve got every other agency. And it’s Mr. CHAFFETZ, from the Committee Amendment No. 46 by Mr. WEBSTER how you resolve conflicts that are on the Budget, submitted a privileged of Florida. there. report (Rept. No. 112–469, Part 1) on the The first amendment by Mr. FLORES Yes, we in Congress have enacted an bill (H.R. 4966) to amend the Balanced of Texas. awful lot of laws. And I want to say Budget and Emergency Deficit Control The second amendment by Mr. FLO- there isn’t anything the President has Act of 1985 to replace the sequester es- RES of Texas. done or any of these agencies are doing tablished by the Budget Control Act of The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes that isn’t authorized in law. We gave 2011, which was referred to the Union the minimum time for any electronic them those authorities. We just never Calendar and ordered to be printed. vote after the first vote in this series. required them to all sit down and talk f AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. CHAFFETZ about those conflicts and how to re- The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished solve those conflicts. REPORT ON H.R. 5652, SEQUESTER business is the demand for a recorded We have a huge responsibility here. REPLACEMENT RECONCILIATION vote on the amendment offered by the This is a long effort to create a Na- ACT OF 2012 gentleman from Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) tional Ocean Policy. It’s the smart Mr. CHAFFETZ, from the Committee on which further proceedings were thing to do. It’s got all the Federal on the Budget, submitted a privileged postponed and on which the ayes pre- agencies at the table, finally, and it’s report (Rept. No. 112–470) on the bill vailed by voice vote. got all the user groups, both private (H.R. 5652) to provide for reconciliation The Clerk will redesignate the and public. pursuant to section 201 of the concur- amendment. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:19 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR12\H09MY2.000 H09MY2 jstallworth on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with BOUND RECORD May 9, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 158, Pt. 5 6419 The Clerk redesignated the amend- Miller (NC) Rigell Smith (WA) Stated for: ment. Miller, Gary Rivera Southerland Miller, George Roby Speier Mr. FILNER. Mr. Chair, on rollcall 226, I was RECORDED VOTE Moore Roe (TN) Stearns away from the Capitol due to prior commit- Mulvaney Rogers (AL) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Stivers ments to my constituents. Had I been present, Murphy (CT) Rogers (KY) Stutzman I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ has been demanded. Murphy (PA) Rogers (MI) Sullivan A recorded vote was ordered. Myrick Rohrabacher Sutton AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. TIERNEY Nadler Rokita Terry The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished The vote was taken by electronic de- Napolitano Rooney Thompson (CA) business is the demand for a recorded vice, and there were—ayes 381, noes 41, Neal Ros-Lehtinen Thompson (MS) not voting 9, as follows: Neugebauer Roskam Thompson (PA) vote on the amendment offered by the Noem Ross (AR) Thornberry gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. [Roll No. 226] Nugent Ross (FL) Tiberi TIERNEY) on which further proceedings Nunes Roybal-Allard Tierney AYES—381 Nunnelee Royce were postponed and on which the noes Tipton Ackerman Culberson Holden Olson Runyan Tonko prevailed by voice vote. Adams Cummings Holt Olver Ruppersberger Towns The Clerk will redesignate the Aderholt Davis (CA) Hoyer Owens Rush Tsongas Akin Davis (KY) Huelskamp Palazzo Ryan (OH) amendment. Turner (NY) Alexander DeFazio Huizenga (MI) Pallone Ryan (WI) The Clerk redesignated the amend- Turner (OH) Altmire DeLauro Hultgren Pastor (AZ) Sa´ nchez, Linda ment. Amash Denham Hunter Paul T. Upton Amodei Dent Hurt Paulsen Sanchez, Loretta Van Hollen RECORDED VOTE ´ Austria DesJarlais Israel Pearce Sarbanes Velazquez The Acting CHAIR.