Index Compiled by Jane Purton
Index Index to Kym Thompson’s – A history of rehousing policy a disaster, 65–66 the Aboriginal people of East Gippsland: a survey reveals sub-standard dwellings, 67 report prepared for the Land Conservation Aboriginal languages, 47 Council, Victoria. Melbourne: Land Aboriginal linguistic units, 42, 43 Conservation Council, 1985. Aboriginal marriages affected by the shortage of women, 16, 30, Index compiled by Jane Purton 58 (ANZSI Index Series; no.5) arranged at inter-tribal gatherings, 45 arranged by Bulmer, 30, 36 Note:Page numbers followed by ‘n’ indicate by elopement, 30, 58 notes subject to Board approval, 35 Aboriginal men hunting role, 53, 56 initiation ceremonies, 9–10, 58 A religion and the exclusion of women, 11 abalone (shellfish), 76 Aboriginal mythology, 8–12 Aboriginal bands, 42, 48, 49, 50, 56 see also Aboriginal spirituality; creation pre-history, 88 myths; the Dreaming Aboriginal birth rate, 33 exclusion of women from secret affected by the kidnap of women and ceremonies, 11 disease, 16, 17 foretold the conflict between groups, 30 Aboriginal children knowledge of dying out, 12 denied access to secret information, 9, 58 and the Nargun, 107 removed from families and placed in Lake 'outside' versions for women, children and Tyers, 34–35 whites, 9 and Save the Children Fund Aboriginal population, East Gippsland, 13, 24 Aboriginal clans, 30, 43, 56 in the 1980s, 3, 67 Aboriginal culture pre-history, 88–89 see also Aboriginal mythology reduced by disease, 18–19 cultural allegiances see Aboriginal tribes reduced by infanticide,
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