Published by the Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. October 2005 Issue

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Published by the Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. October 2005 Issue • aen Published by The Company of Fifers & Drummers, Inc. October 2005 Issue 116 $5.00 PERSONAL • BUSINESS • TRUST • INVESTMENT SERVICES Offices: Essex, 35 Plains Road, 7o7-2573 • Essex, 9 Main Street, 7o7-S238 Old Saybrook, 155 Main Street, 388-3543 • Old Lyme, 101 Halls Road, 434-1646 Member FDIC • Equal Housing Lender 41 EssexFmancialServices Member NA.SD, SIPC Subsidiary of Essex Savings Bank Essex: 176 Westbrook Road (860) 767-4300 • 35 Plains Road (860) 767-2573 Call Toll-Free: 800-900-5972 INVESTMENTS IN STOCKS. BONDS. '\.iUTIJAL Fl.NOS & ANNUITrES: Ir-or A DEPOSIT jr-or ro1c 1ssLRED! r-oT BA:-IK GuARA;\;TEED !MAY LOSE VALuEj jsor ,~sL'RED sv ~" FEDERALGOVER~\1C~T AGE.'\CY I Ancienffimes 2 From the Editor 1 Im~ I U,, 0,1,i«r !005 THE PERFECTIONISTS· Published by The History ofRudi mental Snare he theme of this issue is the 40th Anniversary The Company of Drnmming: Part 2 Year of The Company ofFifers & Drummers. It's been a great 40 yean., and we've come a Fifers & D rummers 6 long way. I'm sure you will all enjoy the arti­ hup/k' Dmms Along the Maumee cle presenting the minutes of our founding f.dllor: Editor: Dan JfQJlan, Pro Tm, Tmeeting in I 965. Which of us knew that the original name An & Design Dirtctor: Da\t Jone,; 8 of the organization had been decided as "The Committee of Ad1erming Managtt: uoBrtnnan Roy! Fifers & Drummers''? According to Pace ·s minutes, there A$!illdalt Edltorl: Dormnicl Cuccia. \IU>ic EdilOr 10 were sixteen corps represented, though l have been told Owcl Rtley. Website and C)~ Edi!Of Befletra Fifre et Tambour wi1h authority that there were thirteen, or even twelve. It's AJJunda Goodhe.1n. Jwuor ~CV. I Editor nice now to know.Our founding meeting adopted the fol­ Troupe de la Marine Mm: Logsdon. :\W\\N Edrtor lowing phrase for our lenerhead: "Dedicated to the perpetu­ Bill Maling. Current £\C!U> Omspondent Dave :-iodl. Online Chat lnte1V1CW, 12 ation of early American manial music." That this dedica­ Ed Olsm, Mo Sdioo,,, Obn~ The Commiuee of tion continues to strike a chord with folk is one of the rea­ \l.uty S.tnp,;o11. WN Coost Editor Fifers & Drummers sons for our success. ~tmbershipiSul>l,criptions: In For corps. ,ndi, ,J11al, or lift monbmhip mformanon or The Meeting Minutes case you don't see the separate article in this issue 111J111uti011<il rubimpno,u. on the subject, be aware 1hat there is to be a celebratory Arm .\f,mbmhrp Tht C~·,! Fi/m & Drummers 14 open house at the Company HQ and Museum in the after­ PO Bot277,lrOl')IOfl,CT06#UJ277 Perpetuation is noon following the General Meeting on 19 November. t-m..ri/· 111nnbmlup(Jwnp,1ny,'1fifeanJJrum~ tr/• (8/IJ) 767-1337:far:/8{i0/ 7767-'1765 Our Mission Come, bring your instruments, and celebrate! Editorial: In keeping with our theme, be sure to read Bill For ar11de pholo subn11s.sioru, or </l~stions: 16 Maling's excellent article "Perpetuation Is Our Mission", .~rtn. ,Wl<IIJ TiNJ. P.O. Box 2n, PO Bot 277, /ronron, which details Lancraft's outreach program aimed at their CT 06#1-0177 . e-mail: :incim~comp, Rewrns to local schools as well as latent musicians of all stripes in the 1el· 1l!60) 767-:337:f,u: (860) 767-'1765 Hale Farm & Village _ a..J...___.. general public. Lancraft's immediate object is to increase AdHrthiog: membership - their long-term object is the perpetuation of For rollt> and a,.ulabiLit} cont3CI: fifing and drumming. Go thou and do likewise. TM ,-lnnt111 T,mn, P.O. Bo, m. 621\onh Main S1., 1•0!)1011 CT 064-!2-0m The intervie\\ with Judge Stickney appearing in this 1203) 245-9543 issue recounts anecdotes from the tum of the last century, 20 about a corps long since disbanded. But in this issue also, The Co_mp_any of It's in the Book Fifers cff'D rummers we highlight a newly fanned corps from Pon Huron, Michigan, the Belletra Fifre & Tambour. soon to join as a Pre:.idffll: Joe \looncy (203)483.9735 21 email [email protected] The Company Review member of The Company. Bienvenue! first \ lee Pffiidenl: Frw Oiasncy (2031466-3034 .----..----, I was really sorry to hear from Jim Smith I.hat ,,m.ul: ,·icqlresidcn!@compan) 22 Frederick Fennel had died (see the Muffled Drum). He was Second\ lee Pffiidenl: Bill Boorcgy (860) 526-1433 email: dccpmcrbW) The40th one ofmy favorite people. His F&D recording was my SemtarJ: S{'(1/I Grumtrur (S60J 653-3363 A1111iversa1)' first audio introduction 10 F&D and one of my all time cm;ul: sgmorfifrr@rn;;J~l Company Corps favroite recordings. I well remember when he came to Trwum: fad Do)le(415) 334-5707 cnud: ll'C'4.,w-ct@compan) At Westbrook Concord. MA and gave a lecture/demonstration on Anciem AncitnlS Fund: Dan \1o)lan (6171232-2360 drumming at the First Parish Church. When Russ Kirby t111JJI •jdn-@ Dlll) 26 and I introduced ourselves afterward, his reaction was, Ardtil~'1~m Cunitor: &I 01,en (8601399-6519 facilitie, Co-\lanagm: :--cil O'Brien (R60l 267-8250. The Muffled Dmm "Why didn't you bring your instruments? We could have cm;ul: nomrnOl@',nct.nc1 played together." A very gracious man. Ke1m Brov.n 1860) 399-757 28 As we were going to press, the email. bro"nwind(<i' Ancient Times '1embtNlip Chair: Bob~<allo (860),155--9417 Westem Wind received word that Roy Watrous had just died. an event to email: mcrnhCl'h1JXf! compan) sadden all our hearts - ironic. considering the heanwann­ ~1w;ic Chair: Dominid Cuccia (845)228-2Al6 29 ing article about Roy by Cap Corduan in this issue. We email. mu,icromm1ntt@compan) On the Web The Company Stort: S.Uid) Bidv.cU will all miss him. His obituary will be in the next issue of Tht Comp,m_1· of Fifm & Dnmun.-n. /11(., 32 the Anciew Times. Coo,pany Start And lastly. in times of increasing cost, it is impera­ P.O. Box 1n. l\CJl)100 CT. ~2-0277 An /111erview With arwl: compaR)>im@compan)· Judge Stickney tive I.hat The Company increase its revenues. The most AIICU'nl Tl/Pits i., p.ibli.Jied qu:uterl) b} Tht Company of basic approach 10 do this, short of increasing the price of fr/tr.. & Drummm, /nc., MUltllm. Music Library, Hca<ijuan,'I\, P.O. Bo\ m, hOl)100 CT, 064-!2-0m 34 memberships (the approach of last resort). is to expand the 1860) 767-2237. Now Featuring memben;hip base. Individual memberships are the life The pubbcxioo !ISS\0091-71761 ,cid,> JO ktep llldmdml. UISIJlll­ oonal. ll>l .wmarpi membtn dlouplWl lbcqid iafomxd blood of The Company. Sign up yourself. persuade your imunll oa !he ll1l'1be\ ol tr>di!IOIIII AmClnn fife ml ckum 36 corps to provide memberships for its members, encourage CIXp! lnooo'I! 15 AllcicnJi. The IIWllLllm I mi,l!Clllll nl The Tau/er-Revisited ~onr.o-plulacn,; llsttuJOperpcttalheluslin:al others to sign up. and consider giving gift memberships to lignilic;mo:• ml foll. lndill00$ OI Amen<1n f,cld mu,,c aod JO fos, family and friends. icr lb< >J11111 ot fclloo>lhlp amq all fifers 11111 lkum:nm Foonded Let's all pull together. 1111'165, T1ttComp,"1of F(m 6. D111111fflm, lflr i,,1 Ill• eump. w-dtJucuhlc. rm-pn,li1 CllpOlillOl1 by Dan Moylan, On The Cover: Editor, Ancient Times The 40111 Annfrersary Company Corps Ar Wesrbrook 2 Ancient Tunes From Military Code to Field Competition (continued from A-T Issue 115) byKe11Ma:11r hampion drummers from 1875 to 1983 built coordination and speed using a difficult 300 year old method of gauging progress - the breakdown - where one gradually accelerates and decelerates. Breakdown length differs: Stone ( 1931 ): from 3 10 6 The History ofRudimental minutes. Sturtze (1954): I 1/2 minute accelera- tion and a I 1/2 minute ritard. McCormick ( 1965): two minutes. This was carried forward to Part 2 the beginning of DCJ lnclividuals in 1973. Snare Drumming eliminated in 1984. PAS has recently used one minute but is changing 10 a more representative thoughts 10 one per diddle. an imponant maturation Legion National Titles and 12 Northeast Titles.) test at 90 seconds. The discipline is similar to the of mental concentration and coordination. Al LinquHy: "Redican was one of the basic instruction of skaters ·'figures.. where judges • Endurance. There is no "rest period" or greatest students Srunze ever had. He was kind of would go on ice to observe ·'edgei>•· (etching~). "timeout". Mental lapses place the cliscipline of aloof then. I mean everyone got along but it was Similar!}", drummers looked for volume consi~tency. many simultaneous factors in jeopardy: volume, WIN THAT MEDAL! Pretty fierce. Very fierce!" note ,pacing and a gradual change in tempo. position, accent power, timing, coordination. John Flowers (Reading Buccaneers): Breakdowns- like exercises • are a musical simula­ fatigue and how to adjust to fatigue after peak "Redican was more powerful. but Arsenault was tion: "It has been only since the 1970' s that a strong speed during ritard. Changing your grip due to just a machine." desire 10 link an athletes' training process through fatigue is a risk. They played strong through the Bobby Redican: "I always liked beating modeling.
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