TRANSPLANTED TO A NORTHERN CLIME: CALIFORNIAN WIVES AND CHILDREN IN RUSSIAN ALASKA Katherine L. Arndt Elmer E. Rasmuson Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, P.O. Box 756808, Fairbanks, AK 99775-6808;
[email protected] ABSTRACT For nearly thirty years (1812–1841) the Russian-American Company maintained an outpost, Ross, in northern California. During that time, a number of the company’s Alaska Native, Creole, and Rus- sian personnel formed unions with California Native women and fathered children by them. With no priest in residence and priestly visits rare, most of the unions were sanctified by marriage only retro- actively, if at all. This paper traces the evolution of Russian-American Company policy toward such unions and the children born of them, as well as the fate of some of the families who braved the trip north and made Russian Alaska their home. Ross1 (Fig. 1), the Russian colonial outpost in north- Company, subject to recall at any time, many were retained ern California (Fig. 2), has long interested archaeolo- (and some detained) for years on end. Far from friends gists, historians, and ethnographers alike (Hussey 1979). and family in Alaska, they formed ties of friendship and Multidisciplinary research, particularly the Fort Ross kinship among themselves and with the local California Archaeological Project (Lightfoot et al. 1991; Lightfoot Natives. When they did eventually return to Alaska, some et al. 1997) and recently published compendia of archi- of those ties persisted, coloring individuals’ and families’ val documents (Gibson et al. 2014a, 2014b; Istomin et al. social relations long after California was left behind.