Full Index for Issues 1-50
07 Indices CMCS50 6/1/06 11:59 am Page 97 Indices to CMCS, 1–50 (1981–2005) THE starting page is noted in the case of reviews (Indexes II–III), but not in the case of articles, since the page references may easily be found from the contents page of the relevant number. I. AUTHOR-INDEX TO ARTICLES ASTILL, GRENVILLE, and WENDY DAVIES, Fieldwalking in East Brittany, 1982 — CMCS 4. BACKHAUS, NORBERT, The Structure of the List of Remscéla Tána Bó Cualngi in the Book of Leinster — CMCS 19. BAILEY, H. W., Bisclavret in Marie de France — CMCS 1. BARRELL, A. D. M., and R. R. DAVIES, Land, Lineage, and Revolt in North- East Wales, 1243–1441: A Case Study — CMCS 29. BARROW, JULIA S., Gerald of Wales’s Great-Nephews — CMCS 8. BHREATHNACH, EDEL, Killeshin: An Irish Monastery Surveyed — CMCS 27. —— Tales of Connacht: Cath Airtig, Táin Bó Flidhais, Cath Leitreach Ruibhe, and Cath Cumair — CMCS 45. BLACK, RONALD, Studies in Honour of James Carney (1914–89) — CMCS 23. BOLL, SHEILA, Seduction, Vengeance, and Frustration in Fingal Rónáin: The Role of Foster-Kin in Structuring the Narrative — CMCS 47. BOLLARD, J. K., The Role of Myth and Tradition in The Four Branches of the Mabinogi — CMCS 6. BORSJE, JACQUELINE, The Meaning of túathcháech in Early Irish Texts — CMCS 43. BREATNACH, PÁDRAIG A., Bernhard Bischoff (d. 1991), the Munich School of Medieval Latin Philology, and Irish Medieval Studies — CMCS 26. —— The Aesthetics of Irish Bardic Composition: An Analysis of Fuaras iongnadh, a fhir chumainn by Fearghal Óg Mac an Bhaird — CMCS 42.
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