Journal Biological Curation
Journal of Biological Curation Volume 1, Number 1, 1989 Journal of Biological Curation Published by the Biology Curators' Group Editor Dr JH Mathias Keeper of Biology, Leicestershire Museums, Arts and Records Service, 96 New Walk, Leicester LE1 61D. Tel 0533.554100 Special Publications Editor Dr GReid Keeper of Biology, Horniman Museum and Library, London Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3PQ. Tel 01.699.1872 Officers and Committee of the Biology Curators' Group Chairman Mr SP Garland, Bolton Museum Secretary Mr D Whiteley, Sheffield Museum Treasurer and Membership Secretary Ms K Way, Natural History Museum, London Committee Members, 1989-90 Mr A Coles, Sunderland Museum Mrs R Down, University College, London Ms C Fisher, Liverpool Museum Mr J Lee, Museum of North Devon, Barnstaple Mr W Milne, Kendal Museum Mr G Stansfield, Dept of Museum Studies, Leicester University Mr R Sutcliffe, Glasgow Museum Mr A Wright, Coventry Museum Geology Curators'Group Representative Ms D Smith, Haslemere Educational Museum The Biology Curators' Group was founded in 1975 with the following terms of reference: 1. To facilitate the exchange of information between individuals concerned with collectioruco l biological specimens and records, their conservation and interpretation. 2. To present the views of biological curators to the Museums Association and other bodi<a. BCG holds regular meetings, usually based on topical themes, and occasionally in association wi th other groups. There are usually two meetings a year, one in the Spring which incorpora te~ the AGM, and one in the Autumn. BCG publishes three Newsletters a year, one volume of the Journal of Biological Curation a ye· u , and a series ofSpecial Reports and leaflets as the need arises.
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