48 HISTORY OF . Digbys ; Gainsbnrongh to the N oels; and Yarborough to the Anderson-Pel­ ham family. Bolingbroke gives tbe title of Viscount to the St. John family, and A.lford the same to Earl Brownlow; Boston that of Baron to the Irbys-; and A.veland the se.me to the Heathcotes. (See page 704.) The title of Baron , formerly held by the Robinsons, is extinct. The village i>f A.ncaster once gave th11 title of Duke to the Bertie family; and Ooningsby that of Earl to the Coningsbys, but these titles are now extinct. The NOBLEMEN who have SEATS in the county, or near its borders~ :are the Duke of St. Albans, Redbourn Hall; Duke of , Belvoir Castle; Marquis of Exeter, Burghley House; Earl of Yarborough, Broc­ "klesby Park; Earl Brownlow, Belton Park; Earl of Winchilsea, Haver­ Jwlm Priory; , Uifington House; Earl of Ripon and Vis· ·

MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. NoRTH DIVISION OF LINCOLNSHIRE-(Parts of Lindsey)-tbe Right Hon. R. A. C. Nisbet Hamilton, of Bloxholm Hall; and James Banks Stanhope, Esq., of Revesby Abbey. ~OUTH DIVISION OF LINCOLNSHIRE (Parts of and Holland.)­ Lord Burghley, of Bmyhley House; and the Right Hon. Sir John Trol­ lope, Bart., of Oasewick House. CITY OF LINCOLN.-Major Sibthorp, of Oanwick Hall; and Geo. Fieschi Heneage, Esq., of Hainton Hall. Bo.sTON.-Benj. B. Cabbell and Herbert Ingram, Esqrs. GRANTHAM.-Sir Glynne Earle Welby, Bart., and Lord Montagu William Grab am. GREAT .-Earl of Annesley, of Castle Wellan, Ireland. flTAMFORD.-Sir Frederick Tbesiger, Kt.; and Lord Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoigne Cecil, (son of the Marquis of Salisbury.) __ ,_,_ (For Dignitaries of the Diocese, and Ecclesiastical Officers, see page 75.)

PUBLIC OFFICERS OF THE COUNTY. Lord Lieutenant, Custos Rotulorum, and Vice Admiral-the Marquis of Granby, (son of the Duke of Rut1and,) Belvoir Castle. High Sheriff ( 1856 )-Major Moo re, Frampton Hall. Under Sheriff (1856)-Henry Peake, Esq., . Deputy Under Sheriff-Henry Williams, Esq., Lincoln. CLERKS oF THE PEACE.-J. H. Hollway, Esq., of , for Parts of Lindsey; M. P. Moore, Esq., of Sleaford, for Parts of Kesteven; and J. R. Carter, Esq., of Spalding, for . Clerk of Gaol Sessions-J. Burton, Esq., of Lincoln. CouNTY TREASURERs.-Henry Pye, Esq., of Louth, for Parts of Lindsey; John Warwick, Esq., of Sleafo1·d, for Parts_of Kesteven; and John Carter,. Esq., of Spalding, for Parts of Holland.