International Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering Workshop

16-20 September 2019, ,

Institute for Medical Physics (IFMP), Ambilly, Healthcare Yerns for Bright Researches for Imaging data (HYBRID) University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” Medical University – Plovdiv University Hospital "St George“ – Plovdiv Union of Scientists – Plovdiv Medical Physics Education in Plovdiv

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Todorka L. Dimitrova Department of Physics Faculty of Physics and Technology University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” Bulgaria University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” Created in 1961, promoted to university status in 1972

Plovdiv University employs over 910 academic and non-academic members of staff. There are 620 full-time academic employees, of whom 85 are Full Professors, 210 Associate Professors and 325 Assistant-professors. More than 13,000 full-time students and approximately 5,300 part-time students are studying in the nine faculties and the two colleges of the University. University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”




EDUCATION Faculty of Physics and Technology (2017)

Faculty of Physics – since 1974 Technical College of Smolyan – since 1989

Faculty Departments

Base - Plovdiv Base Smolyan . Physics . Mechanical Engineering and Transport . Electronics, Information and . Electrical Engineering and Communications Communication Systems . Education Technologies Medical Physics Education in Bulgaria 1878 – liberation from the that lasted for five centuries 1888 – University in 1912 – Bulgarian Academy of Science 1918 – Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sofia 1921 – Sahatchiev А. The effect of X-rays as function of the value and voltage of the current applied to the tub // Journal of BAS. – 1921. V. 21. – P. 51 [in Bulgarian] 1948 – Department of Physics at the Medical Faculty of the University of Plovdiv (created by Victor Vranski ) 1953 – Victor Vranski - “Basics of the X-ray Dosimetry” Since 1950 - Dosimetry and radiation protection laboratories at the hospital oncology divisions (Sofia, Plovdiv, ,Shumen, etc.) - University Hospital "Tsaritsa Yoanna” – ISUL - National Oncology Center 1960 - National Center for Radiobiology and Radiation protection 1975 - National Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory Medical Physics Education in Bulgaria

1990 – Master’s course in Medical Physics and Radioecology, University of Shumen

1995 – Bachelor ‘s course in Medical Physics, University of Sofia

1997 – Master’s course in Medical Radiation Physics and Technique, University of Plovdiv

2000 – Master’s course in Medical Physics - University of Sofia

2009 – Bachelor's course – University of Plovdiv

2013 – Bacelor’s course in Medical Physics and Radioecology, University of Shumen Medical Physics Education in Bulgaria

Postgraduate specialization - One of the firsts in Europe!

1982 – at the National Center for Public Heath Safety are introduced 2 specializations:  Medical Radiation Physics  Medical Sanitary Physics Nowadays: . National Center for Radiobiology and Radiation Protection, Ministry of Public Health . Bulgarian Association for Biomedical Physics and Engineering (since 1971) – co-organiser of EFOMP, member of IOMP and IFMBE. Medical Physics Education in Plovdiv

EC project TEMPUS S-JEP 09826 EC Interuniversity Center for Education in Medical Radiation Physics and Technique

Partners: Supported by:

King’s College London (UK) Bulgarian Parlament University of Florence (Italy) EFOMP ECProgram PHARE Univeristy of Dublin (Ireland) Plovdiv University, Plovdiv Medical University, Plovdiv Technical University, Plovdiv Medical Physics Education in Plovdiv

EC project TEMPUS S-JEP 09826 EC Interuniversity Center for Education in Medical Radiation Physics and Technique Coordinators:

Prof. Victor Colin Roberts Prof. Slavik Tabakov Prof. Franko Milano University of Dublin King College University of Florence Medical Physics Education in Plovdiv

EC project TEMPUS S-JEP 09826 EC Interuniversity Center for Education in Medical Radiation Physics and Technique Participants: • Plovdiv University, Plovdiv – 5 professors • Medical University, Plovdiv – 5 professors • Technical University, Plovdiv – 2 professors • Medical University, Sofia – 1 professor • Bulgarian Academy of Science – 2 professors • Sofia University, Sofia – 1 professor • Radioisotope Center of the University Hospital – all team • Medical Technique Engineer 1 person Medical Physics Education in Plovdiv EC project TEMPUS S-JEP 09826 EC Interuniversity Center for Education in Medical Radiation Physics and Technique

 During the first 5 years the teaching was delivered only in English.  All Bulgarian lecturers have got education abroad.  20 books covering all educational modules were published in English.  In 1999 the MSc course got 5 years accreditation from the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), UK, and was approved from EFOMP.  Several countries have used our experience for organizing their MSc courses in Medical Physics. Between them are: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Malaysia, Sudan, Indies, Jamaica, and others.  Nowadays the MSc program adapted to the new accreditation requirements is active at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”. EC project TEMPUS S-JEP 09826 EC Medical Physics Education at the University of Plovdiv

Bachelor Program Educational modules in: Medical Physics • Physics 4 years, 8 semesters • Engendering disciplines • Mathematics • Informatics • Specialized disciplines • General education disciplines • Elective disciplines • Practice Medical Physics Education at the University of Plovdiv

Master Program 1 Semester Medical Radiation Physics and Technique • Anatomy and Physiology 2 years, 3 semesters for specialists • Radiation Physics 2 year, 4 semesters for no specialists • Nonionizing environment factors and human health • Elective discipline 1 2 Semester 3 Semester • Radiation Measurements • Biomedical Sensors • Physics and Technique of the Diagnostic X- • Signal and Imaging Analysis in Medicine rays Therapy • Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging • Physics and Techniques of the Clinical diagnostic radiotherapy • Elective discipline 2 • Nuclear Medicine • Elective discipline 3 • Radiation Protection Erasmus+ Programme

Teaching mobility: • Kaunas Technology University (KTU), Lithuania Student mobility: • Riga Technical University (RTU), Latvia KTU, Lithuania: • University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Bulgarian students • National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), 4 Lithuanian students Greece • University of Zagreb, Croatia • Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Professional realization

• Hospitals • Imaging diagnostic centers • Labor Medicine Institutions • Regional Inspectorate for Public Health Control and Safety • Import/Export of medical equipment • Medical equipment maintenance and reparation • Ecology monitoring • Food quality control • Medical materials quality control • State institutions • Education MEDICAL PHYSICS EDUCATION IN PLOVDIV

Student practices Operational Program “Human Resources Development”

• Medical center “Hipocratus" • First Dialysis Center • Laser Medical Center • Medical center – Assenovgrad • Medical Center – Madan • Ecotechnology’21 • TRI Soft Ltd • OPAL D Ltd Nuclear Pharmacy Integrated Course for Students in Pharmacy, Medicine, Medical Physics and Nuclear Chemistry - 2012, 2013 International Organization for Medical Physics International Day of Medical Physics IDPM 2019 It’s a Medical Physics World The Medical Physics and the city of Plovdiv

St. Erm – promoter of Plovdiv Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019