

JOHN A·DAMS Tonight the senior prom of the first freshman class of John Adams will The thrill of hearing your name be held at the Progress Club. Chuck read before an as~embly in John Eaton will be on the bandstand Adams auditorium can best be de­ from nine until twelve _ o'clock. The scribed by the honor students of our tickets are $1.50 and may be pur­ 1944 graduating class. At the assem­ chased by seniors from their home bly . this afternoon we were told the room representatives. Alumni are in­ person with the highest scholastic vited and may purchase tickets from standing for four years was Gloria Miss Law in room IO1. Parents of all Gundeck. Next in honors to the vale­ Left to right: Mr. Weir, Miss Rohrer, Miss Law and Miss Kaczmarek. seniors are invited to attend the prom dictorian was Marilyn Sunderlin, the as guests. salutatorian. TO THE CLASS OF '44: It has been a genuine pleasure to have you at John Adams for.the last The class of May 1944 is the first The first Student Council inaug­ four years. During the time your class has been at Adam _s the secondary class to complete the entire eight urated a merit . system whereby a schools of America have made a tremendous change in the subjects offered. semesters of high school here at student is honored because of dis­ You are to be congratulated on the way you accepted these changes and Adams. To only one other class can tinction in scholarship. We found made adjustments in your educational program. this distinction be awarded, the class Gloria Gundeck had earned the You are now joining the ranks of more than four hundred alumni of of January 1945. At the time, we, the jeweled pin, while Nancy Anderson, John Adams High School and will be our Ambassadors of Good Will as class of 44, came to Adams there Janet Bickel, Barbara Kreimer, and you interpret our school in years to come. wasn't much to shout about. We Beverly Murphy won the gold The faculty joins me in wishing you the best and bidding you God's came here not merely as a class but awards provided by the Council. Blessing as you assume new responsibilities. as founders also. Now that we have Silver awards went to Eleanor Akre, GALEN B. SARGENT. completed our high school years and Pat Brehmer, Robert Poyser, Cecil have helped to establish what we Smith and Marilyn Sunderlin. believe is t}le best school in the city, To date the only scholarships that Record Attendance Baccalaureate And we are ready to leave. We aren't have been announced are Nancy At Spring Musical Commencement going to leave as quietly as we en­ Anderson to Indiana University, and tered though, we will all be at our Paul Keb to Valparaiso University. Baccalaureate services will be prom tonight to make one last effort This spring the largest number The D. A. R. hjstory award for ex­ held on Sunday, May 21, at four to show that we are proud of the ever to attend a Spring Musical at cellence in American History went o'clock in the John Adams High school we h.elped to build. Adams were on hand the night of to Nancy Anderson. The D. A. R. School. This will be a service for the May 3. We estimate that between award for the goc;id citizen of John combined seniors of the four high 1300 and 1500 people attended. Adams was presented to Gloria Gun­ schools. The invocation and bene­ SUMMERSCHOOL PLANS The P. T. A. sponsored a ticket­ deck. The John Adams Citizenship diction will be delivered by Rev. ARE CHANGED selling contest among the members Awards which are the Gift of the Glen Weimer, Pastor of the First of the Band and Glee Club. Prizes With a report card in one hand Class of 1942 were earned by Pat Church of the Brethren. The main were given to the two students of and a summer school program card Brehmer and Jack Houston. speaker of the afternoon will he Rev. either organization who sold the in the other, the seekers of extra Besides the pins which the Glee Frank E. Davison, pastor of the First most tickets for the concert. work on Club, Band ahd Orchestra award to Christian Church. His topic is to be credits will whip right into Paul Green of the Glee Club won June 1. students for services rendered, it is "An Exhortation To Think." As there first prize for seHing 120 tickets. He There will be a summer school the annual custom for Mr. Harry will be a large number of seniors had his choi~e of a season Sym­ assembly on Wednesday afternoon, Berg to present an award to the out­ attending the service, . only a small phony Ticket or a Season Basketball May 31, at 1:00 o'clock in the Little standing student from each organi­ number of tickets will be available Ticket. Paul chose the Symphony Theatre. Classes will start Thursday, zatl.6:n. This year pendants, which to the graduates~ ticket. June 1. The charge for summer can be worn on a chain around the The third Senior Class of John Beverly Horden also of the Glee school will be only a book and sup- neck or on a watch chain were Adams will officially graduate on Club was the second prize winner. - ply fee of $2. If a student is absent, awarded to Joan Smith, _Glee Club; Monday evening, May 29, at eight She received a Tower subscription however, there will be a fee to make-­ Lawrence Reister, Orchestra; and o'clock in the auditorium. Following Russell Mills, Band. for next year. Beverly sold 59 tickets . . up the lost time, and the time must the processional, Dr. Henry Hitt Next year we expect to have an be made up in the afternoon. The This year, for the first time, the Crane, from the Central Methodist even better program, and hope for makeup fee will be. no less than Tower presented awards to staff Church in Detroit, will give the Com­ an even larger crowd. $1.00 per day of absence. members. The senior who contribu­ mencement Address. He will speak Music will be offered if there are ted most to the paper this year was on "The Four Unfailing Fundamen­ sufficient elections. Pat Kasdorf, who was awarded the tals." Gloria Gundeck will give the The wisest men the world e'er knew This announcement is to correct jeweled pin. For six semesters of valedictory. Approximately 10 tickets service with the Tower, gold pins Have never deemed it treason the information given in the Tower . . will ba issued to each senior. were awarded Jack Houston and 'I'.o rest a bit-and jest a bit of May 10. At a recent meeting of the Janet Bickel. For four semesters of And balance up their reason; school administrators this policy service, Florine Lyle and Betty Wel- To laugh a bit-and chaff a bit The man who makes a mistake was worked out in preference to the · (Continued on page 2 column 4) And joke a bit in season. and hides it makes a greater one. one announced earlier, · Page 2 THE TOWER May 19, 1944 A WORDOF APPRECIATION Pa~- T O W E R THE STAff TOWER It PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF JOHN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL, SOUTH BEND, INDIANA has been both a privilege and an honor to have been the editor of the Tower for the past year. Now, in this, the last issue of the school year, I want to take the opportunity of thanking all those who so generously lo, contributed their time and their untiring efforts to help make the paper a iss success. Publishing a paper is more involved than it appears on the surface. I • WE wl li!~~f~/_}?tI/ti//t {_;~~t;~~i~f f1 would have been overwhelmed when confronte~ with such phrases as, NEWS REPORTERS ...... Pat Kedzie , Janel Bickel, Jean Steinmetz, Marion ~rassby, "18 pt. memphis bold" and "36 pt. stymie caps" had it not been for the pa­ th, Shirley Robinson, Barbara Straw, Muriel Johnson, Carol Roberts, Mci:ry Jane Wishman, co Joan Steinmetz , Joan Erickson, Jean Humrichouser, Don Stephens, Phylhs Van Houten. tient tutelage of Mr. Rupel, the linotypist. of FEATURE WRITERS ...... Betty Weiher, Jeanne Ann Finneran, Florine Lyle, Joyce Wynn. Mr. Sargent and Miss Burns will never know how appreciated their Betty Furnish, Jean Clark, Martha Lentz, Lila Slutsky, A1_1nMi.ller, Jean Douglas, Barb~ra news releases were - especially when it seemed impossible for a paper Mcfarlane, Mary Ann Doran, Philonese Chayie, Charmame Fishburn, Ahce Lord, Regma Freels. tr, go to press if some news were not printed. I'm grateful also. to the SI ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS ...... Mart Furnish , Rose Panzica, Sally Sunderlin, Pat ~indig, teachers of all departments for their many contributions. Mary Erhardt, Mary Jane Van de Moere, Carmen Sigerfoos, Ilene Weiher, Phylhs Van Houte)l, Lila Slutsky , Joyce Wynn, Mary Jane Wishman . My writers were faithful and competent. Even when they were given B' CIRCULATION HELPERS ...... Pat Alexander, Jea~ne Jockey, _Joan Eri~ks~n, assignments week after week, the news was always reported cheerfully Frances Bickel, Jo Ann Douglas, .Mary Anderson, Emily Kronewitter, Maqone Kefamit, Jim and before the "deadline." Hamblen, Bo Bayman, Margaret Jahnke, Consuelo Barclay, Lucille Janick, Betty Randt, Phyllis Beverstein. The unsung heroes of the staff are the typists. Dorothy Haller, Philonese HOME ROOM AGENTS ...... Ed Chartier , Beverly Gilman, Jim Ball, Dean Everts, Jacqueline Chayie, Dorothy Shafer, Mary Straka, and Phyllis Harter gave freely of Jennings, Jean Steinmetz, Richard Gardner, Ann Miller, George T1;1rner, Pat A;lexa~der, Jim Hamblen, Corrine Firth, Marilyn Sunderlin, Bill Snoke, Betty Zeidman, Zephme Simp­ their time to type the articles preparatory to their being sent to the linotypist. son, Nell Watson, Rosemarie Lubbers. The job of being editor could have been a burden had it not been for the splendid co-operation I received from the staff. Marilyn Sunderlin and her assistants did a beautiful job on advertising, as did Linda Meyers with FAREWELLTOJOHN ADAMS the circulation department. Not to be overlooked are Jack Houston, Dagny Lenon, and Dick Stevens. We, the seniors of the class of '44, are saying goodbye to you, John If Mr. Secrist hadn't been here, there would have been no paper at all. Adams. We are saying goodbye to the students and faculty, but only ver­ Mr. Secrist, you know, is our printer! bally since these fine people will long after live in our hearts, and in our Last, but not least, I shall always be indebted to Miss Roell for all she memories. We will remember all the little things associated with each one's has taught me. She's worked hard ... and that's putting it very mildly! ... personality. Things like Mr. Reber's sense of humor, Mr. McNamara's_devo­ and she's given me a boost when I needed it most. She's even put up with tion to Stephen Crane, Harpers, and the New Yorker; Mr. Goldsberry s cur­ my very laxadazical ways, which is really something! rent event tests and his violent dislike of "Eleanor," and Mr. Rothermel's To the countless others who aided me . I want you to know that I accusing look. But, these little things are so many and each and every couldn't have gotten along without you! teacher at Adams will be remembered for his little idiosyncrasy and it PAT KASDORF. would take a book of an infinite number of pages to note them all. However, we are taking along with these memories something else; Kathleen Franklin SENIOR CLASS GIFT something which will play a great role in our own little dramas. We are taking out into the world the attitude, the character, and the personality In keeping with the custom set up fostered in us by the faculty, the student body, and ourselves . Those quali­ by the preceeding graduating groups, ties might be and are by seme called school spirit. Don Barnbrook, president of the Long years ago, four to be exact, when we mighty seniors came to this class of 1944, spoke in behalf of the thoroughly modern building as lowly freshmen, we were quite disappointed class 'members and presented to the and bewi;ldered to find that the school lacked something, something intrinsic, school a plaque which will be a but we just did not know what it was. The school seemed just a modern permanent 'memorium to the John machine with no soul, an intellectual house with no one living there. It was Adams' Gold Star Boys. our duty to bring life and warmth into the emptiness; it was our challenge to cr~ate that intangible something which it lacked. That intangible thing was school spirit and school spirit as we have found is only what the student • Second-story Worker: "Hullo, Bill, body and faculty make it. I see you got a new overcoat. What · If, in your years' time, we have learned anything, we have learned one did it cost you?" outstanding axiom to be carried with us, all through life, and that is - life Burglar: "Six months. I never wear · is only what you make it - and to go with that we have endeared a very cheap clothes!" fitting expression from Mr. Krider, "There are no uninteresting things, only disinterested people." We leave this axiom to you who are not yet finished with John Adams; and in your hands, faculty, we intrust these individuals. We know and believe you will instill in them, as you have in us, traditions • WHO'S WHO One of our many distinguished and school spirit that the classes before us have established. (Continued from page 1, column 1 seniors at Adams is Kathleen Frank­ ber receiv(id silver pins. We would like you to remember us and above all we want to leave lin. Kathleen has maintained an en­ Eight seniors were given Drama y~u with three wishes we hold; that in the years to come students of John viable attendance record which can­ Club Awards in recognition of their Adams will carve its name even deeper in the tree of notability; that they not be rivaled by many. During her will do greater things when they leave school; and our sincerest wish is s~rvice to the club. Those who re­ thirteen years of school. which in­ ceived the pins were Pat Kasdorf, that they ·ma.y always keep a great personal friendship among _them. There cludes one year of kindergarten, she are other things we feel in leaving which we cannot express and many more Jean Humrichouser, Phyllis Van Hou­ has not been absent or tardy once. we can which would take a great deal of time to list. However, we seniors ten, Janet Bickel, Betty Welber, Mari­ simply want to say that we feel we have spent the four best years of our Kathleen, who is a member of home lyn Sunderlin, Joan Breskin, and Lila lives with the finest faculty, in the finest surroundings with the best intellec­ room 102, can certainly be proud of Slutsky. It was also announced that tual seeking accomplices to be had. her .amazing record. Warren Gregory, and John Schulte of the August graduating class; and BEVERLY MURPHY. One guy who always hands out Don Hutmdcher of the January class, an awful lot of back talk is the in­ were presented awards for their con­ The law of the harvest is to reap more that you sow. Sow an act, and stallment ·collector. tributions to the club. you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. Have your Typewriters repaired, buy Compliments your ribbons and get your rentals from BILL'S SUPER SHELL SERVICE True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise; SUPER SALES COMP ANY it arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self; and, in the next, 315 West Monroe Street 2730 MISHAWAKA AVENUE Phone 3-6878 Phone 3-0818 from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions. # May 19, 1944 THE TOWER Page 3 school boy and refused to fill out his form. Replying that he did not teach V_ THE gym three times a day for nothing, OWE Powell pulled out his draft card from T TALK. R ADAMS ­ the Civil War as proof of his age .. _ APPLE Reber verified the fact stating that WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO he knew the coach back in the days AFTER GRADUATION? Hi, Chums!! Have you hea rd the By when they both had hair. And with PAT HANSEN-I'm looking for- latest? Our dear .rivals and bo som Two Fresh Men this , they walked away arm in arm, ward to DePauw next fall. enemies, the two ,g esh men, have It's all over for the class of '44. softly crooning that old time ballad, BOB CARR-TOM EGENDOERFER been a -feudin' with us . The y are the This last semester wasn't an ordin­ "Wait For Me Hairy." . .. After the -Hitch hike to Florida, from there ones who write that seldom read a ry nine weeks either. A lot of c1azy rains had come and gone, Mrs. ,Pate to Cuba. seedy column 'the Adams Apples' things happened. The humorous gave us the Spring Musical and we MARIAN BOWLES-I'll stay at which is censored by everyone here events are the ones we're going to. th!ew it right back at her. Joan Smith Sears for a while, otherwise it's very at Adams from , the Great Whi te recall years from now, so let's see rendered a never to be forgotten indefinite. father to the lowly mail man. Con­ what we can dig out of the last nine solo, "From the Land of the Sky DOROTHY HALLER-I hope to get · fidentally, the only reason they ever weeks. Blue Water Into the Murky Old Saint into nurse's training in August. tpought up thi$ feud idea was to get - The Last Mile - Joe." And the band, directed by GILDA BOWMAN, MARJORIE some cheap publicity in a column The new year we:xsushered in by Russet! ("If you play your ace, I can SHURR, LEE ETTA BOWMAN­ you students read now and th:n. a visit to Mj.chigan City of the bas­ trumpet") Mills, played the well Triple Telephone To:mado. Therefore, in order to comply with ketball team and accompanying known "March of Youth," or "Pardon PAT CLAUCH-I'll be supporting their ·wishes, we hereby challenge wol ves. The usual mode of traveling me Bud, Wher~ is the Bowlmor?" a husband on a Ball-Band paycheck. them to a duel to be fought at high is the convenient South Shore but The finale was "Uncle Tom's Cabin" PAT MEGAN-Vacation first (sigh) noon on Senior day with bean shoo t­ the Jeeps, (driven ' by Daganey narrated by Creepj Schall. Several -Nursing later. ers at 105 paces . (Not that we don 't Lemon) barred from the orange people were heard to comment: "If PAT BREHMER-The First Bank is trust them!) orgy, decided · to wear short skirts I didn't know Uncle Tom was dead, going to trust me this summer. Now for some gossip . What do and hope for the best. According to etc." Strangely coincidental with .this CECIL SMITH-ASTRP-Location you think of our latest triangle? - Frank Wolf, the bowling alley Bal­ affair ~as the Senor initiation , dur- at whim of Commanding General of Cecil, Barny, and Marge! Cecil doni, "We came, we saw, we got ing which was discovered one of the 5th Service Command. seems to be out in the cold, but addresses." . . . A little later came Senors was a direct descendant of PAT FRANK, HELEN MORGESON Barny seems to be in the pink of the North Side game. Also came two the Barber of Seville. That evening -Just call us two Cadet Nurses. condition. Speaking about such mat­ nieces of Mr. Rothermel. Al Smith they featured "cut rates." ... This PAUL KEB-By the time yon read ters, how about Sarbe L Payton, etc., and Bob Thoner promptly went to brings us almost up to date. Tonight this I'll be at Valparaiso, Indiana, etc.? G. G\ certainly is being true to work on the girls. After showing the is the Senior Prom. As per usual, the studying like mad. her Flying Marine! Gosh ~ she hasn't facetious females their bus cards, Senors had their say about the af- SHIRLEY WAGNER-Studebaker's looked at another buy since his last they soon had them believing they fair. They were st~ongly in favor of Siren. < furlough. Nice going, G. G.!! Wilma were Adams' representatives of the having it a Blue Jean dance with the NEIL WALTER-I'm leaving for the Davis has a variety of service men N. I. T. One thing led to another and music of Harry Basil and his Classy Navy. to her credit. She collects pins and an other happened to Mr.Rothermel. Cute Cut ies. And then they decided . BEVERLY MURPHY-First I'm go: rings and hearts. What do s'pose she These boys should . graduate by '50 on the Harlan Hogan Quartet. Har- ing on the swing shift, and then I'll has that Matti doesn't have bnly at the latest . . . Soon the man from Ian was unavailable, however, as he "shift" to a school of Journalism. moreso?? the Air Corps came to sf,!e us and had a previous engagement with DONN RANSBERGER-I am now We can always depend upon dazzled us with tales of silver wings Barry Nicodemus for his Sour Sewer- in the U. S. N. R. and I am subject Patty 'n Darwin to be together at pnd Air Wacs. Twenty boys and Mr. screwers' Stomp at Harry's new to call about June 1. Destination un­ everything-even homework. Hele rr Weir took the exam and the twenty dredge dock down by the dam . The known. Morgeson looks lost without her boys passed. These men flew all Senior Committee therefore took GLORIA gUNDECK-Comes Sep­ Paul. He'll be back for the Prom, · right, right smack into the infantry over and engaged Chuck Eaton and tember 1, I'll be heading for Arizona tho. What do you think of Bill Shee­ . . . And it wasn't long before the his fine outfit. And so, readers, this University where I can bask in the han?? He's only here for one period Connecticut Yankee was i n King is the "30" mark for the Two Fresh sun while you northerners are freez­ per day. (Ding bust it, any!!) Arthui's , Court. About this time a few Men . It's been fun -writing this col- ing. Here-to-fore, we have been very of our own lads were in court, too­ umn and we sincerely !lope you PHYLLIS VAN HOUTEN-I'm go­ careful as to what we say about Judge Kowalski's Court. The play• have had fun reading it. Mr. Sar- ing to Business College for a year Editor Kasdorf-she's our boss and was a huge success though, and Mr. gent, Mr. Rothermel, and the entire and when I finish there, I'm plan­ censors this column. But-(Here 's Cassady and Mrs. Pate were able faculty have been swell sports about ning to go on to college. taking the bull by the horns) she and to walk out the front door unguarded the kidding we have handed them. Mort Ziker are seen here 'n there ... Two weeks later th.e Drama Club And you students have always made together some of the time-includ­ began posting clever signs around the top notch material to write about YOU STILLGET ing the Prom. QUALITY the school such as: "Use you r tires and we sincerely trust none of you Using the above paragraph as a SPORTS EQUIPMENT and come hear Myers!" This turned have been offended by our remarks. starter, we shall now deal with an out to be the "Manhunt : ' spo r.sored Many thanks to all the students who AT exceedingly interesting s u b j e c t : by Local Draft Board No. 3. As thEl had patience enough to read "The WHO'S TAKING WHO TO THE boys filed past the door, question­ Apples," · and our , congx:atulations to RECD PROM. Wayne Holmgren and Pat naires and round trip tickets to In­ those who didn't. Thanks, fellows, SportingGoods Otie1ette look cute running around for the laughs. And, before we sign dianapolis were issued. Everything . 113 N. Main 4-6731 together~h, well-there's a meth­ wc;;s going along nicely until a row oH, Mr. Sargent has requested we "LOOK FOR THE LOG FRONT" od in her madness . Jack Wilhelm is was started at the door. Upon closer make' an announcement. "There will speeding up here to take Hum to the examination it was discovered Coach be no Senor jackets admitted on the Prom. Phil will undoubtedly take Powell, having worn his new spring floor tonight!" Andy (foregone conclusion.) Johnny sport suit, had been mistaken for a Good bye. (Ed. note: Sob! Sob!) Phone 3-4200 Ray and Janet are doubling with Joe & Jack . Jack Houston and frqn Bickle. The divulge the name of his date. If you Rudolph K. Mueller best parts of the track team will be all strain your eyes toward the dark­ Let the little piggy go to market­ Jeweler ' in Indianapolis-worst luck!!!.Joe 'n er corners, you'll see Jim Smith 'n you stay home and buy War Bonds. -+c Corrine will be there. Hmmmmmm . Millie and Ned Schwanz, Jr. with 'we wonder · about Al Morgan and Georgianna. THE RELIANCE DIAMONDS· WATC:KIB Betty Martin. Ed Chartier will be And as for Harri-expect her if and SILVERWARE tripping the light fantastic with Jerry when you see her! PHARMACY,INC. 230 W. Washington Ave ., cor . Lafayette 214 N. Michigan Street Decker, and Jack Miles prefers to be Expectingly yours, SOUTH BEND INDIANA South Benet Ind. fantastic and silent by refusing to Matti 'n Harri. Page 4 THE TOWER May119, 1944

A DAY UNDER THE BIG T©P,I with magnifying glass, two-way cap distinguished mob. It is Father John Lucille Gooley, Dorothy Taylor, Phyl­ / ·Good afternoon, ladies and gentle­ and yellow admits? Now I recognize Ray with the first grade class from lis Rearick, Phyllis Culp, Marjorie men, this is Jack Miles on radio sta­ him. It is Sherlock Rothermel, look­ his parish school. Good afternoon, Shurr, Marian Wharton, and the tion WSBT broadcasting the gala ing for the Truant Andrews . Follow­ Father, how's everything? Father well known psych iatrist , Helen Trad­ opening of the Egendoerfex;, Kirken­ ing the super sleuth into the big top, says he is teeling fine, but at the er. My friend Jac k has just returned, dorfer, and Bott Olympia Circus. This but on different business, is James present moment two of his charges being led by five usherettes, Phyllis broadcast is brought to you through E. McLean, M .A., Ph .D., B.S. Dr. Mc­ are applying a shoulder block on the Kronewitter, Pauline Kelley, Dorothy - I the courtesy of Harry Nicodemus . Lean is at present collecting material Padre. · Smith, June Stanton , and Mary Remember, "Joles and Bowles dig for the Encyclopedia McLeanica. Here comes Dick Meyers, folks, Siney . He claims he _heard John Tay ­ holes for moles for Harry Nicode­ "Just a minute , fans, a Nils Carl­ the famous jockey who rode Nancy lor paging Dr. Richard Hudson, em ­ mus." son Courtesy Cab has just pulled up Sibley's "Givanny" to victory in the inent veterinarian . Well, well, well This day, Friday, May nineteenth, to the grounds, and getting out of recent Kentucky Derby. Slinking in (that's a deep subject) here comes 1954, will go down in South Bend the hack, replete in top hat, cane, after Dashing Dick is a stupid look­ Pat Kasdorf, the personal press agent history as one of. its greatest days. spats, and purple sweater, is the ing character. It is that well-known of F. D. R. Yes, he's still president! First, my assistant, Joe Casasanta, business tycoon, Garfield E. Walker. horse thief, Cunning Charles Car­ Closely behind Pat comes Neil Otto and myself, will conduct a brief tour Due to tha illness of his chauffeur, penter. And here comes our sheriff, Walters, expert of Information Pliz, of the side show. Blonde Beve Liebig, Mr. Walker has Cecil Smith, in search • of the Nag­ and his two quiz kids, Mary and As we enter the immediate vicin­ employed the services of a taxicab. nabber. Jane. Over to the left , under the ity, the unmistakable voice of Wilma Why, I do believe that cab driver is Coming into the front box right tight-rope walkers, we see Don Barn ­ Davis is heard barking the acts. -no, it ·can't be, but it is. Yes, our now is that distinguished inventor, brook and Louis Rosner pacing fever­ Passing into the sideshow, we see old friend, Darwin Hoose. How are Pugnacious Paul Johnston, who has ishly up and down hoping to scare the tatooed woman , who, under her you, Darwin? Where's Patty? Oh, recently invented a lawn mower op­ up business for their . undertaking rather deceptive exterior, is om: old she is, eh? I hope you'll pardori the erated by a slide rule while seated parlor . The balmy embalmers are ac­ friend, Pat Crowe. interruption. He informed me that on the front porch. He appears to be companiec;I by Joan Smith, who sings Now over here, there is the­ his spouse, the former Patty Brown, leading something on a leash. Oh, the funeral dirge for special custo- hmmm , just a minute, folks, my col­ is attending the matinee at the Col­ yes, it is our old friend Bugsy. mers. league has spotted a likely looking fax today . By the way, the show now Well now, let's swing back to the Who is the glamorous creature prospect. The-ahem-feminine por­ playing features Amorous Al Mor­ center ring. The animal act is now slinking this way? Oh, now I remem­ tion of the program is over here­ gan and Glamorous Pat Megan in in progress . Out in a cage with ber-the most photographed face in I've always admired the side show. "A Tree Grows in Roseland," from twelve lions, twelve tigers, and the country, that of Eleanor Jean Out on the runw-I mean platform the book of the same name by Mar­ twelve leopards, is that fearless fel­ Douglass, heirress to the Douglas is Little Egypt. Well, well, imagine garet Moore. Jack Miles has just low, the greatest animal trainer in . De-rumbleizer millions. Jean is chat­ that! Li'l Egypt is none other than come back from his spotting job and the business, Maurice Hoban. And ting away with the famous violinist, ' Barbara Kreimer. Right under the I'll now turn fhe mike over to him." in the side ring is that famed tumb­ Carl Culp, who is still pulling strings. platform is the second Tommy Man­ "Thank you, Joe and Hello again, ling team of.Louie Dempsey, Beverly Sitting way, way up Jn the bleach­ t ville, Jack Houston, who is throwing people. Joe, I saw -some old friends Murphy, and · Lester VanDeWalle. ers is Kathleen Franklin, proprietress f marbles up on the stage in hopes of ours in the show. Your old pal. Up above, the world-renowned Bow­ of Franklin's Feed and Fertilizer that something will come his way. Rosemarie Lubbers, is in the employ man Sisters are going through their Store. She is. busy trying to sell a bill This looks interesting, folks , so I'll of the circus as snake charmer, and paces on· the trapeze . Nothing much of goods to farmer Carlos Corona, turn the mike over to Joe while I go the hula dancers were the S-S-S girls is going on in the center of the big winner of this year's 4-H club award C in and - spot. Take it away , Joe! back at Adams,-Sigerfoos, Slutsky, top right now, so we'll swing up for baking the best cake at the coun­ l "Hello, guys and gals, this is Joe and Sunderlin. They told me to say into the stands for another look ty fair. Also up in the country yokel's r. Casasanta sending ya. Do you dig hello, and that if you had time, to around. section is the Daintymaid Dairymaid, C this five, or aren't you an alligator? drop around and see their act. I can Just entering now are those traffic Rachel Jenn'ings. t, Well, well, well, well, look who just vouch for it. It is a bit of all right. menaces, Daniel Dickens, Dominick Over in the corner is Thomas Get­ V blew in. The governor of Nebraska , "And now, with a blare of trum­ Catanzarite, and Lester Anderson. It zinger, demonstrating to Maynard, l: the Honorable W qrren L. Booth. pets, the .circus parade is beginning. is rumored that they ah, hitched a the theory he presented in his Pul­ What do you know about that? Leading the parade is the pretty ride out to the circus gro~d with itzer Prize book, "How to Flip Nickles C Bringin' up the rear is Honest Jim drum majorette, Glorious Gloria Judge Kowalski. Filing into their re­ and Win ." Mr. Powell is watching i: Smith, Democratic Senator from In­ Gundeck. Clad in classy clothes de­ served seats at the present time are the demonstration, because he is try­ f diana. Yesterday, Senator Smith in­ signed by that designer of dazzling the members of the Ladies' Knitting ing to get school city to adopt Tom's d traduced a bill which advocates the dre~ses, John (Figures are no prob­ Club, with Janet Bickel as the head book for a textbook. V return of Prohibition. Following this lem) Fink. Following this gorgeous Knit-wit. There will be a short pause Just a minute folks , an important distinguished group into · the box is damsel comes Dickie Bruce Law­ for station identification. announcement is coming over the a a seedy looking character. I don't itzke, the tight rope walker. Stagger­ This is station WSBT, South Bend , P. A. Let's listen in ... believe I know who he is. Oh , yes, ing along beside "My Friend Brucie" Indiana, operating on 1944 kilo­ "Your attention, please, as a spe­ y thank you. My spotter informs me are the bareback riders, Ransberger cycles. After the performance, .go to cial feature attraction, the Egendor­ fl that it is Fred "Nobby" Norblad, who and Schwanz. And here comes that Sunny Italy, owned, operated, and fer, Kirkendorfer, and Bott Olympia VI has recently completed a tour of the supercilious Sampsonian superman, mortgaged by Vince Fragomeni. For Circus will endeavor to shoot a hu­ tl South Sea ·Island and Siberia speak­ the strong man, Boisterous Bobby spaghetti supreme, drop into Sunny man cannonball from the circus a ing in behalf of the Women's Chris­ Sanders. "Muscles" is carrying a Italy. Incidentally, the torch singer grounds -into a front row center seat VI tian Temperance Union . And . . . one thousand gram block in each at this promising establishment is at the El Kasba night club where s' whoops, somebody just bumped my hand, and a five thousand gram ·Pat Brehmer. This last is through the the Russell Borton Follies are now li leg. Oh, it is only the king of the weight hangs suspended from his courtesy of Local No. 999 Federated showing." h hoboes, Peter Rose, entering by his waist. What strength! Union of Musicians, and Blasters. Let us· watch, folks, while the hu­ usual under-cover method. And now come the laugh-provok­ "This is Joe again, folks, taking man cannonball, Wayne · Sarber, "Looking into the stands we see ing, side - splitting, merry - making, over temporarily while Miles steps climbs into the cannon. We're get­ many faces, familiar and otherwise. mirth-maddening clowns, a few of over to the hot dog stand for a Pat ting set to follow his unusual journey There is Phyllis Van Houten , ac­ whom look familiar - for example, FRANK-furter and a cup of SE­ .. . Marianna Merkle, the season's y companied by Andy who has skip ­ that one over there with the Maroon FRANKA Coffee. a No. 1 debutante, is lighting the fuse ped school especially for the occa- jacket is none other than Bob Dickey. Headed this way is this decade's ... he's off ... Correction, please, he soin. Yes, he is still going to Adams And I can recognize at least two swooner crooner, Billie Vermande, almost went off. Egendoerfer, Kirk­ working sheepishly for a sheepskin. others. They are Paul Markward and followed by a mob of hysterical endorfer and Bott bought sorne bum it Oh, oh, who is this suspicious-look­ Dean Williams. crooner-crazy housewives who look fuses from the Kathryn Carrow Can- fr ing character bearing down on us And here into the stand comes a like Eileen Trimble, Peggy Myers, (Continued on page 7 column 1) May 19, 1944 THE TOWER .. Page 5 OUR. LAST WILL A D TES TAMENT We, the Senior Class, being of sound mind, on this, the nineteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and forty-four, do will the following to our posterity at John Adams: I, PAUL KEB, will my ability to I, MARILYN JOLES, will my ability ity to get along 'in shop to anyone get along with Miss Bennett to Dale in Geometry II to "B. G." Sellers, who needs it. . I, MARY ROSE CAMPBELL, will Douglass. who was one of the unfortunate. I, MARTHA DITSCH, will my abil­ my messy Fibber McGee locker to I, DAN HOBBS, will my ability to . · 1, JUNE. JOHNSTON, being in a ity to read good books to Alice anyone who is willing to clean it out. frequent Mr. Rothermel's office to sound ~tate of mind, will all my old Thomas. I, VERA HOFF, will my ability to Wade Risner. golf balls to Mr. Krider. I, WARREN BOOTH, do hereby get .along with Mr. Thompson with­ I, NILS CARLSON, be ing sound of I, "RACH" JENNINGS, on a rainy will my prominence at all social out bringing him cake to Joan bone and brain (it says here), here­ day, will my straight curls to Vir­ gatherings to Pete McNamee. Gudates. by bequeath my knack for turning ginia Hyde. I, MADALYN BLANTON, do here ­ I, LUCILLE GOOLEY, will my ath­ gray the pedagogues' hair to my I, EDITH CURTIS, will my future by will my success in Chemistry to letic ability to John Goldsberry. bosom buddy, Elmer "Frosty" Win- immunity to scarlet fever to the rest, some poor student who is worse off I, BARBARA KREIMER, will my ters. of the Adams students. than I am. heavy eyebrows to poor Donna Lip- I, PAULINE KELLEY, will my abil- I, ELEANOR POLMAN, will my I, JANE COOK, do hereby will my skey, who almost doesn't have any. ity to keep from skipping school to straight, straight hair to Lynn ("cur­ height to Mr. McNamara. I. PAT CROWE, will my_ ability some underclassman who is always ly") Minzy. I, PHYLLIS VAN HOUTEN, do in tumbling ·to Sally Sunderlm. being caught in the act. I, ZEPHINE SIMPSON, will my he reby will Andy to my sister to I, JANET BICKEL, will to my sister, ,. I, JACK HOUSTON, will my enyre nick-name "Zeb" o some up and take care of for me. Fran, the school locket which my school fortune which I accumulated coming young farmer who think s he I; MARY VERDUIN, do hereby will sister willed to me. Wonder if I can't during four profitable years at Dear wants to fit the part. the mirror in my locker, that every­ get my mother and father and broth ­ Old Adams to the most deserving, I, PAT MEGAN, will my hair to body uses, except myself, to my er in here some way. up and coming underclassman, Er­ Conrad (Reber) in that the hope that locker partner, Norma Patterson. Let I, MARY COLELLA, will my win Karlin. he may not take after his father. her fight it out. straight black hair · to any girl in I, "G. G.", will my ability to keep I, BETTY MARTIN, will my abilit y I, PHYLLIS WHITTIER, do hereby John Adams. a straight face to my favorite gig­ to sneak in home room late without will my unceasing amount of energy I, CHARLES CARPENTER, will my gler, Sally Sunderlin. being caught to any up and coming in gym to Patty Ouellette. abillty to say, "What's the story," to I, FLORINE LYLE, will my ability sophomore who likes sleep as well We, MARILYN SUNDERLIN and _.Bruce Harlem . to never get a poor work slip to a as I. LILA SLUTSKY do hereby will our I, RUSSELL BARTON, will my mighty receiver, Janice McLean . I, HELEN MORGESON, will my locker, number 363, to Sally Sunder­ ability to answer Charles Carpen­ I, BF;TTY LANGE, will my job at height to Peggy Kedzie. lin and Shirly Kline. It is a good ter's question, "What's the story," to the bakery and my extra 20 pounds I, MARY SINEY, will my ability to place for bear traps-make the best anyone who doesn't know the to Mary Ann Calvin. get along with the sophomores to of it girls. answer. I, BETTY CLEGHORN, will my last Norma Zimmerman. I, DOROTHY TAYLOR, will my I, JOE CASASANTA, will the pic­ Hershey Bar to Mr. Reasor. In good faith, I, BEVERLY MUR­ ability to pass refresher math to ture of Chillia Williams to Andy I, PHYLLIS KRONEWITTER, will PHY, will and bequeath to any junior anyone who wants it. Andrews. my fingernails to hungry Dorothy girl my seat in Physics Class (Mr. I, DOROTHY SMITH, will my abil­ I, JANICE COFFIELD, will my Smith. Reber) in the hope that she, too, will ity in physical education to my sis­ leaky locker to any drip who wants I, MARY LOU LAFORTUNE, will come hence with a greater ability to ter, Louise. it. my ability to go steady to Peg Ked- throw slams. I, JUNE WATKINS, do hereby will I, PATTY BROWN, will my ability zie. I, MARJORIE SHURR, will my abil­ my ability for smooth sailing in Re­ in Geometry IX (Em. Math) to any­ I, PAT HANSEN, will my ability ity to go steady to Lois McNab b. tail Merchandising to Frank Darnell. one that is smart enough. to blush to A. T. Krider. I, DONN RANSBERGER, will my I, FRED NORDBLAD, JR., do here­ I, CARL CULP, will my tapered I, HUM, will my sharp all-weath er ability to shoot 78 to Al Smith. by will my weak mind and strong eants to the up and coming, hand­ coat which has lasted 4 years, to I, RAY SEFRANKA, on this day in body to Jim Bowlin who already some sophomores, Zoot Barnabae, Pat Kindig. She's the only othe~ per­ May, hereby will- posse~ses the former. and Homer Badget. son in school who appreciates it. My chin whiskers to Timmy How­ I, JOHN TAYLOR, do hereby will l, MILDRED BEEBE, will my ability I, MARJORIE HAVILAND, will my ard. · my lovely auburn hair to Mr. Paul to participate in gym . activities to natural curly hair to Carley Hudson. My girl, Mabel Kadiddleh opP.er­ (free regional ticket) Reber. Amen~! Janice McLean, and Alice Lord. I, DARWIN HOOSE, will my good to anyone who's lones ome. I, SHIRLEY WAGNER, do hereby I. TOM GETZINGER, will my naturedness and ability to get along My funny face and ability to crack will my first chair in the band to ability to get out of school the last with others to Mrs . Smith. To Miss corney jokes to Mr. Reber. Mary K. Fabian. two hours to any unlucky sopho­ Kaczmarek I will all my boyfriends My love for John Adams, faculty, I, DONNABELLE SHINDOLLAR, do more. who are as handsome a·s I am. and beautiful girls-that I keep. hereby will my ability of running I, WILMA DA VIS, will all my en­ I, JOHN FINK, being of sound I, JUNE STATON, being of sound to catch the late bus every morning ergy to Miss Beldon, and anyone mind and body , will · my ab i!ity to mind (?) and body, will my ability and my locker right inside the door else who needs it! hook a certain beautiful blo nd to to make friends, to Maynard Cohen. to anyone who has the same trouble I, PAT BREHMER, will my recently Floyd Fishburn. I, HELEN TRADER, will my ability getting to school. developed muscles to Joan Stein­ I, ROSEMARIE LUBBERS, will my to get along with every one to my I, MARY BADMAN, will my ability metz. naturally light hair to my sister, sister, Mary Ellen. to keep a back seat in Miss Rohrer's I, PRISCILLA ESTEP, will my seat Elaine, who thinks that peroxide can I, JOAN SMITH, will my long and math class to anyone who needs it. in typing and my high speed of 20 do a better job. thick hair to "Curly" Reber. I, NEIL WALTERS, do hereby will to Betty Randt. ' I, DOROTHY HALLER, will my ap­ I, VINCE FRAGOMENI, will my my ability tq get ineligible to any­ I, BEYERLY GILMAN, will my pendix to Rosemae Smith who , since collection of pin-up girls to Mr. Roth­ one who wants it. Chemistry drawer full of broken she lost hers, really needs one. ermel to brighten up his office. I, RICHARD DEAN MEYERS, will glass to any Chemistry student who I, ELAINE HEPLER, will my abil­ I, DON BARNBROOK, do hereby my success with my blue eyes, well can afford it. ity to play the "classics" on the will my inability to keep out of do­ combed hair, good looks, and CON ­ I, DICK LAWITZKE, being of "sad" to Calvin Joris. ing work for the senior class to the CEIT, to anyone that can afford to sound mind (?) and body, will my I, PAT KASDORF, will my collec­ unfortunate person who is president take it over. beautiful yaller pants to Mr. Krider tion of cleaning bills accumulated in 44-45. I, NED SCHWANZ, will my old providing he wears them on Senior as a result of Chem II class to Pro- I, JIM SMITH, do hereby will my dirty taped up, and draped down Day. fessor Reber who will be only too checkered racing suit to Doug Rob­ corduroys to Fred Crowe who need& I, PAUL JOHNSTON, will my abil­ glad to accept them. ertson in case he wants to play the a good pair of pants. ity on the drawing board and slide I, PAT · FRANK, will my brown ponies. I, CARMEN SIGERFOOS, will my rule to all energetic students. eyes to Delores Kelly. I, BILL VERMANDE, will my abil- (Continued on ;page 7, column 2) Page 6 -i.- n.c. row .r.n M-ayr':I, :,~ .----- CLASS SURVEY A Few Servicemen's Addresses ·For Your Little Black Book A poll was taken in the senior home rooms to determine the most outstanding members of James Carson A / S R. W. Primmer, Lt. (j. g.) U. S. N. R, Thomas L. Delahanty A / S Co. 1105'u. T. Co. 995 U. S. N. T. S. F · the class. It was l9arned that the best dancers s. N. s. 129 North Avenue. N. E. Great Lakes, Illinois Livingston Apt. A2 Great Lakes. Illinois -:: ar e: A. R. Elliott. ARM 3 / C Atlanta , Georgia Corp . Russell Shindollar 35548020 Radio Training Box 34 Pfc. Warren Buck 35556678 Provisional Sqd . A-1 1 U. S. Naval Air Station Btry. A. 126 AAA Gun Bn. (Mb!) Temp . APO 12793-A Jacksonville. Florida Camp Davis, North Carolina c / o Postmaster A / S Robert F. Shank -15343832 George F. Haslanger A / SU . S. N. R. New York, New York I Flight 15 510 Wms . West Quad. Pfc. Paul J. McNamee 15343127 I 302nd C. T. D. (Air Crew) University of Michigan 279th Station Hospital I Galesburg , Illinois Ann Arbor. Michigan APO 9301 c / o Postmaster I Robert W . Spaulding S 1 / C Jack T. Beverstein A / S New York, New York 1 U. S. N. A. F. Annapolis Detail Pvt. Rolland Thorpe ( Engineering Hanger Bks. 613 Div. 6 Sec. 1 • A. S. M. 35554 789 Port Columbus. Bainbridge, Maryland Co. H. 2nd Bn. Columbus 3, Ohio Morris Hoban Normoyle Ord. Depot Corp. Stanley Barber ASN 35559676 126 Andrew Place San Antonio , Texas Btry. A 831st AAAMG Bn. West Lafayette. Indiana Mort Ziker Betty Matiin APO No. 360 Richard J. O'Connor S 2/ c Gerhart Gerbeth S 2 / c Voted the most · popular by their <::amp Roberts, California U. S. S. Houston Div. 2 Brks . 19 Sec . G Pfc. Harold C. Chevillet 36734627 N. A. T. T. C. classmates were: c Io Fleet Post Office Cannon Co. 324 Inf. New York, New York Memphis. Tennessee APO No. 44 Pvt. Carl L. Keyser 35226929 Pvt. Robert Plotkin Fort Lewis , Washington Company H A. S. N. 35894137 Wayne Stanton F 3/ C 840th Bn. Co. A 4th T. C. T. N. G. Bn. Ship Repair Unit Camp Kohler, California 1st Pit. T. C. R. T. C. N. 0 . S. A. c / o Postmaster Div. M New Orleans 12, Louisiana Pfc. Samuel J. Pressler San Diego. California Co. "C" Relp . Bn. T. C. Eugene B. Allen S 2 / c Don Claeys N. R. 0. T. C. V. A. C. c / o Fleet Post Office U. S. N. A. S. Commissaru 29 Room 334 Walsh Hall San Francisco , California Glenview. Illinois University of Notre Dame, Pfc. Carroll C. Hyde, Jr. Notre Dame , Indiana Pvt. Glen Hulbert 15345206 A. S. N. I. 35554715 L. Riley Brehmer, F 3/ C 59th T. G. Class 185 19th Med . Lab. General A. S. F. Elect. Co. 6, Sec. A. U. S. N. A. Keesler Field. Mississippi Jessup Area R. A. Bowden S 1/c 7600 E. Jefferson Avenue Ft. McPherson. Georgia Detroit 14, Michigan CBMU No. 596 Personnel Office Richard G. Alabaugh A. S. V-12 /ohn Ray Barbara Kreimer Pvt. James W. Glaser 15359815 c / o Fleet Post Office Co. A 2nd Bn. E. R. T. C. San Francisco, California V-12 Barracks c / o-100 The honors for the best dressed Indiana State Teachers College Fort Belvoir, Virginia Pvt. Ronald H. Winebrenner 15359755 girl and boy went to: Terre Haute, Indiana Pfc. Albert F. Verduin 3rd Bn. Hq . Co. 424th Inf. Hq. Btry. 126th AAA Gun Bn. APO No. 443 Pvt. Vasil Evanoff. Jr. Santa Mar ia Army Air Field Camp Atterbury. Indiana Co. D 3225 A. S. T. U. S. C. S. U. 1560 Amsterdam Avenue Santa Maria, California Cpl. Anthony Panzica New York 31, New York Pvt. Jack W . Smith 442nd A. A. F. Base Unit Pit . 38 R. C. M. C. B. Brown Field . Cpl. Elvin Huss . San Diego 41, California Otay Mesa, California Btry. _A 220 F. A. Bn. APO No. 44 Pvt . R. A. Smith K. C. Kuespert R. M. 3/ c fort Lewis , Washington 110th General Hospital U. S. S. Halsey Powell Camp Campbell. Kentucky c/o Fleet Post Office William F. Taylor, A. S. R. San Francisco. California Bn. 7 Pit. 23. Co. 28 William I. Voilmer Fl / c U.S. C. P. C. G. T. S. Richard Stoll S 2 / c U. S. S. Durant D. E. 389 Manhattan Beach , New York c / o Fleet Post Office Box 6 No. 122 New York, New York U. S. N. A. S. Pvt . Joseph M. Slater 672 Base Depot Co. Pvt. Ralph Markward 35559413 Sanford, Florida Nancy Sibley Carlos Corona N.O. S.A. A. A. F. F. G. S.-S . V. A. A. F. Samuel Katz S 1/ c ARM New Orleans. Louisiana Those most likely to succeed are: Las Vegas, Nevada Squadron Essex 41-44 Cpl. Paul Meyers, Jr. Robert E. Glunt S 2/ c Section 3 N. A. G. S. Hollywooa . Florida 372 Sqd. T. S. S. Brks 1022 Bobo Raton Field , Florida U.S . N. R. B. Pfc. Ray D. Emrick 35552985 Shoemaker. California Co. C 526th A. I. Bn. Robert G. Hatch V-12 Co. B. Sec . 6 Pvt. Donald E. Alter 35099672 APO 9895 New York. New York N. F. S. Purdue University Battery E. 32nd Bn. Brks. 4 West Lafayette, Indiana 8th Rgmt. F. A. R. T. C. Pvt. Donald G. Martin 35894134 Fort Sill, Oklahoma Co. K. 2nd Regt. Charles Francis Piper Group 6, Barracks 1533 S.S . J. Maurice Thompson George Krovitch A / S _American President Lines Co. 254 Brks . 1106E Camp Reynolds, Greenville, Pennsylvania • c/ o Postmaster Camp Downes, U. S. N. T. S. San Francisco, California Great Lakes , Illinois Warren W. Gregory HA 2/c Pvt. Charles D. Allen Pfc. Robert E. Underwood U. S. Naval Hospital Staff Pit . 795 .H. S. Company Oakland, California Training A. E. G. T. Jack Houston Gloria ,Gundeck Amph . Tractor Bn. Cpl. Thomas C. Moore 35556364 R. D. M. C. B. The titles of "most beautiful girl" Boat Basin, T. C. 839th Ord . Dep . Co. San Diego 41. California and "most handsome boy" went to: U. S. M. C. APO No. 9787 Oceans ide': Califoq1ia c/o Postmaster ,Sgt. William J. Roshelang A. S. N. 15339338 Pvt. Richard L. Troeger New York. New York 328th F. G. T. S. Pit. 148 R. C. M. C. B. Pvt. Kenny Follmar Kingman Army Air Field Co. E. Pit. 3 San Diego. California Kingman , Arizona Pvt. Robert McIntyre - N. T. S. V-12 Unit Lafayette. Indiana Pvt. Christ Vlahakis 35902712 Co. C 195th Btt. Pit. 494, Training Reg!. John P. Doran, Radioman 61st Reg . Infantry Training Center Recruit Depot M. C. B. Camp Blanding, Florida Armed Guard Center San Diego 41, California Pvt. James Trimble 35902715 New dr!eans. Louisiana Robert Jay Fox S 2(c 61st Reg . 195 Batt. Co. A Pvt. Eugene E. Gardner 35869955 Barracks 0932 Camp Blanding , Florida ,,.- Co. A 395th Inf. Regt. United States Naval Receiving Barracks APO No. 449 Pvt . Don A. Hutmacher Shoemaker , California A. S. N. 35902713 Camp Maxey, Texas Sgt. Paul Smeltzer 35542935 Med . Det. 272 Engr . (c) Bn. Pfc. Lloyd Stoll 418 N. F. S.- A. P. 0. 322 Unit No. l Al Morgan Pat Brehmer Camp Butner, North Carolina Sqdn . D c/ o P. M. The seniors voted that those hav- 410 A. A. F. B. U. Pvt. Robert C. Gerrard 15343165 San Francisco. Calif . ing the best personalities were: 436 Fighter Sqd . P. 0 . Box "A" Army Air Field Avalon. California Palmdale, California Sgt. Joe S. Fragomeni A well-known professor, famous Pvt. Bob M. Parker Co. A 303rd Engr . Bn. for absent-mindedness, once met an APO No. 78 A . S. N. 35226830 old friend in the street anel stopped Medical Service School Camp Pickett. Virginia Fort Sam Houston , Texas R. L. Culp. R. M. 3/ c to talk with him . When about to High B. McVicker A / S V-12 Armed Guard Center (Pac) separate, the professor's face sud­ Company A. V-12 Barracks San Francisco, California denly assumed a puzzled expression. Pvt. Harold E. Slutsky 35899977 I. S. T. C. "Tom," he said, "wheu we met, Terre Haute. Indiana Btry. B. 789th Field Artillery Bn. Pvt. Leon Simon E. R. C.-A. S. T. R. P. Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri was I going up or down the street?" Co. "C" 1545 S. U. Pvt . Wallace R. Gilman 35833790 "Down," replied Tom. Section 6 B. Btry. 32nd Bn. 8th Trg. The professor's face cleared. "It's c / o Cary Hall P. 0. F. A. R. T. C. Bks. 3 Don Barnbrook June /ohnston West Lafayette, Indiana Fort Sill, Oklahoma all right, then. I had been to lunch." May 19, 1944 THE -TOWER Page 7 CLASS PROPHESY CLASS WILL I, MARIANA MERKLE, will my every night after school from G. F. . (Continued from page 4, column 4) (Continued from page 5, column 4) locker that hasn't worked for four to an incoming soph. P.H. who also non Fodder Fireworks . Company. ability to get out of gym to Janice years, to any sophomore who doesn't is always broke. They are lighting a new fuse ... McLean. know any better. I, MORT ZIKER, of strong body (?) we're holding our breaths ... He's I, MARY ROBERTS, will my abH­ I, JOHN RAY, will my shyness to and weak mind, will th~ presidency off! ity to attend the many 7:30 Glee Tim Howard. of the Senors (that honorable organi­ Wayne is hurtling over the house­ Club rehearsals without having a I, PAT POWERS, will my chewing zation) to the young lad who knows tops , past El Kasbci's flashy door­ nervous breakdown to Jean Stein- gum, and my ability to chew it in little about the ·troubles before him. man, Joe Mester, through the pearly metz. Mr. Goldsberry's class to my broth­ I, DEAN WILLIAMS, being of gates, checking his derby with Pay -· I, DOROTHY SALTZGABER, will er, Joe, who will enter school next sqund mind and body, do hereby ton and Weatherman, the hat-check my ability to study Math to Frank year. will my locker 607 and my love to I, JAMES MILLER, will any "home Shirley Goddard. To all Adamites, chicks, and Wayne is bouncing right Marrs. = into the lap of Mary Lou La Gran­ I, AL MORGAN, will my ability to runs" I make in gym class to Bill I will happiness, luck, and pros­ 4 ning, who is sitting at a ringside keep quiet in home room to anyone Anderson, who needs them. perity. :: I table . (Bill is home minding the who can use it. We, JACK MILES and WAYNE To my Cousin Beanty, I, BETIT kids.)" I, "BASIL" HUDSON, will my bot­ SARBER being of sound mind and WELBER, will my roller skates, so body, do hereby will our ability to I Th lights are dimmed ... the mu­ tle of H20 2, hydrogen peroxide, to that sh~ may keep close behind Bev­ sic is soft . .. and waltzing out into any boy or girl who wishes to have pass all Mr. Goldsberry's tests to erly on the way to school. , . the spotlight is Polly, the Dolly of hair like Mr. Reber. any two seniors who understand I, GERTRUDE ZEISZ, do hereby the Follies, Constant. The house is I, LOIS PAYTON, will my studious Morse Code. will my ability to touch my toes in quiet ... Polly is opening her mouth (?) nature to Georgia Miller. I, BOB SANDERS, will all my abil­ calisthenics to some short armed . . . she is about to snap her bubble I, KATHLEEN FRANKLIN, will my ities to the Navy, which will have Junior. gum when ... Jules Biron, South ability to do Miss Beldon's physical them pretty quick. I, MARY WEATHERMAN, being Bend Firechief, yawns. After every­ fitness exercises with the greatest I, PAUL MARKW ARD, hereby will of weak mind do hereby will my one helps Jules retrieve his teeth, of ease to Ruth Misinski. all of my car parts and tools (mainly dancing ability and slimness to my Polly continues her act. Backing her I, BILL GRANNING, will my abil­ . junk) to Dean Mars. (Ne needs some sister, Marjorie . up is the Russell Borton chorus, con­ ity not to go steady to any up-and­ more.) I, MARGIE KIRKINDORFER, do_ sisting of Elaine Hepler, Vera Hoff, coming sophomore. I, RUSS MILLS, will my success hereby will the swell times I've had Pat Powers, Haller, Hansen, and I, ROBERT POYSER, will my abil­ and ability in music to those up and at Adams to my sister, Mona. Haviland. That one in the back cor­ ity to get good grades to my brother, coming Trombone players. I, MARIAN BOWLES, will my ner counting out loud is Janie Cook, soon to be a sophomore in John I, BOB DICKEY, will my ability to ability to laugh withqut crying to owner of Maxine Mollenhour's Adams. get last semester's drawing in this Mary Ann Shank. School of the Dance. I, ROLLIN MAIS, will my brass semester, to Jack Chappel. I, LESTER ANDERSON, will my Up in the front r9w with his chin knuckles to Jack O'Connor to help I, CARLOS CORONA, will my ability to hitch-hike to Carl Cook. on the stage is multi-trillionnaire, him keep the admiring women from valuable, good - lQcking, unfaded I, JOAN BRESKIN, will 1 /4 of an playboy Bobbie Carr, (Carr's Cars.) overrunning him. SENOR jacket to Bob Casey, so that inch of my height to Bev. Herman, Bobbie is playing patti-cake with he can throw away that old, beat-up who may need a little more of it in ing people are identifiable. There pink club jacket of his. Zeph Simpson and Beanie Roberts her senior year. · are Paul Keb, bus driver for the I, JEANNE DOUGLAS, will the use who are perched on his knees. But I, LEE ETTA BOWMAN, hereby . N. I. T., Rollin Mais, half-track truck of my ever-ready car to Ann Miller, here is Miles again. It seems he has will my ability to keep quiet and driver, Dan Hobbs, black market gas who will, no doubt, put it to good use been up at the bar talking things enjoy life to Maynard Cohen. dealer, and his assistant. Dick Me- in her remaining year at Adams. over with his old colleagues. There lahn. The women accompanying I, BOB CARR, will my old, worn­ I, LILLIAN BUBICH, will all the was Bob Poyser, the bartender, them are June Johnston, massive out Physics book to anyone who chewing gum I've thrown in his Theresa Goheen, his able assistant, masseuse, Betty Lange, still making wants to take the battered thing. waste basket, to Mr. Goldsberry. Josie Breskin the martini mangler, dough at the East Side bakery, right I, BOB BEVILHYMER, hereby will I, GILDA BOWMAN, will my abil­ and Mr. Neff who is now chief ath­ next door to Ziker's cleaners (Special my slow and safe driving ability to ity to behave · in math class to Dor­ letic director at dear old Adams. rates for Senor jackets), Mary Bad- Dick Shreve. othy Underwood. Heading for the door is the chief man, city hall spy, and Margaret I, DORIS CASPER, will my short- I, MARY RITA BOTT, will my abil­ bouncer, Martha Ditsch, who is herd­ Rose Doran, a rich dowager. Getting ness to my sister, Marilyn Kuhn. ity to· paint pictures to Mrs. Hayes. ing Dorothy Saltzgaber, Shirley the latest scoops at the ringside I, VIRGINIA BACHMAN, will my I I, MARGARET ROSE DORAN, will Wagner, and Doris Casper who w.ere tabfes is- Eleanor Akre, the society ability not to be absent from school my place in geometry to ... Oh, you trying to get away with Admiral Al editor of the Tribune . .Bwang-there to anyone who loves school. poor sophomore. Waid's gold braid . All they could goes that cigarette girl, Betty Wei- I, DOMENICK CATANZARITE, will I, WAYNE HOLMGREN, will my get, however, was · red tape . I see her. Russ Mills, the chef. has just my certificate for hitch-hiking to ability to make friends with Mr. the WACS are well represented this poked his head out oft e kitchen as Judge Kowalski. Rothermel .and Mr. Sargent to an up evening. At a little table are seated Betty walks by. He has just cooked I, PAT CLAUNCH, will my red suit and coming young Student Council Colonel Nancy Anderson and her • up a big deal with Bob Bevilhymer, to anyone in Miss Roell's Retail representative, Pete McNamee. aides, Lt. Madelyn Blanton and Ser­ the Fuller brush man, Wayne Holm- Selling class. geant Betty Martin. The fast moving I, NANCY SIBLEY, will my affec­ gren, c;ue man for the Stadium, and I, NANCY ANDERSON, will my ti6n for older people to Gene Geliede. character in front of us is Ed Char­ Harold Burkett, the janitor. (Let the red hair to Carl Cook so he can have I, JOE MESTER, will my winning tier, noted race track driver, sur­ chips fall where they m<;xy,)LeRoy a thousand · "flames." ways with Mr. Thompson to Jack rounded . by his fans , Carol Mc­ Collins, the dogcatcher, is>also there, I, LOUIS DEMPSEY, will my abil­ Creary, H;;len Morgeson, Donnabelle O'Conor. and he will catch something else ityto sleep in cla~s with my eyes Shindollar, Pat Clawson, and his when he gets home. Hot Doggy! Our open, to Carl Cook. I, DICK MELAHN, will my height to Mr. Reasor. grease monkey, Phyllis Whittier. time is almost up, but just coming I, POLLY CONSTANT, will my Wonder what their husbands will in the door are some back-bay Bos- weakness for servicemen to any I, LOUIS ROSNER, will my ability think when they see the picture tonians, Virginia Bachman, Gertrude · poor girl who hasn't already ac­ to be prompt · and attentive to Eleanor Polman just snapped for her Zeisz, and Mary Verduin, who are quired it. "Stinky" Stepnens. paper. As usucil, Allen Schrager , nurses at Epworth. With them are I, ELEANOR AKRE, will my locker I, ALLEN SCHRAGER, will my nice successor of Mr. Anthony, is on hand Janice Coffield, catcher for the South down by 109 to any new sophomore sleek sharp razor to John Golds­ to quell any arguments that may Bend Blue Sox, Beverly Gilman, tele- who has the energy to run from one berry. arise. Almost immediately his ears phone operator at the Huddle, and end of tl1e hall to the other early in (Continued on page 8, column 4) perk up as he overheads a disagree­ Jean Humrichouser, switchman at the morning. ment between the head waiter, Bob the South street viaduct. That's all I, LESTER (FUZZ) VAN de WALLE, McIntyre, and Jim Miller, the owner Compliments we have time for, so speaking for do hereby will my will power to of the club. At the present moment myself and Jack Miles, this is Joe anyone who can use it. a party of representative bourgeois THEeo ·o1 S.HOP Casasanta bidding you a very good, I( EILEEN TREMBLE, do hereby is parading into the club. The follow- 130 No. Michigan St. gooq afternoon. • will my borrowing coke money Page 8 THE TOWER May 19, 1944 18 MONOGRAM MEN GRADUATE OUTSTANDING GIRL CLASS WILL (Continued from page 7, column 4) ( ATHLETE To anyone lucky enough to -get Just as a faithful parent must at some time ·or another sadly watch his it, do I, CARQ_LMcCREARY, will my" loved offspring ente r the inexorable world so does J_ohn Adams mournfully The outstanding senior girl in the back seat in Miss Law's Spanish issue its faithful athletes . But as we see them break our farewell embrace John Adams sports world this year Class. · . we have no fear that they will be ensnared in one of the many iniquitous is Lucille Gooley. She has been an I, PHYLLIS REARICK, will _ my whirl pools or pitfalls of this deceiving earth, for in their past three years active member of G. A. A. since her "Fibber McGee" locker to any on­ they have gained an empirical knowledge of facing hardships. Through sophomore year. Lucille is a whiz at coming sophomore. contest after contest they have proven their mettle and more than a score basketball and in addition plays ex­ I, PETER ROSE, will "a rose by of times when the going was really rough have they come up from behind cellent softball, volleyball, badmin­ any other name" to whoever is un­ -victorious! Yes that traditionally famous fighting spirit of John Adams ton, and just about any other sport fortunate enough to get it. sportsmen is certainly something to be proud of and it is with that same you can name. She also is an ex­ I, DAN DICKENS, will my ,hitch pride that we print the following list of Eagle "Letter holders." ceptionally good bowler, having hiking ability to someone who is Barnbrook - Basketball , 3 years; Track, 2 years; Kiwanis award in broken the 200 mark on several oc­ more fortunate than I. Basketball . Biron- Football , Z years ; Track, '43. casions. Carr - Track, 2 years . In her sophomore year Lucille River Park Theater 30th and Mishawaka Avenue Fragomeni-Football, 3 years. earned the letters and numerals STARTS SUNDAY Granning-Foo tball , '43. G. A. A. '44. By the end of her junior Houston .:._Basketball, '44; Tennis, '43. Dorothy Lamour, Dick Powell year Lucille had received the letters in Keh-Football , 2 years. S. B. Now, in her senior year she has "RIDIN' _HIGH" Lawitzke - Baseball, 3 years; Football, '43; Basketball, '44. been awarded the G. A. A. plaque, Technicolor Mclntyr ·e-Baseball, 2 years; Basketball , 2 years. the highest award made. This is -PLUS- Mester - Football, 2 years. given to a girl who has accumu­ Jimmy Lydon in Meye{s - Tennis , '43. lated 350 points. This is a remark­ "CARRIBEAN ROMANCE" Miles-Basketball Mgr., 4 years. able record to have achieved and Technicolor Nordblad - Football, '43. for this reason we are very proud . John Ray - Football, 3 years ; Baseball, '43; Basketball, '44 Reco Award. of Lucille. Award. Sarber - Track, 2 years; Football, '43. Sefranka - Baseball, '43 - '44. GOOD FOOD IS Smith - Baseball, '43. GOOD HEALTH Walters - Football and Track-I year. -+c ORIOLE COFFEE SHOP Compliments of SUNNYMEDE 1522 Mishcawaka Avenue Zimmer's Food Market PHARMACY i( 736 South Eddy Street 1432 Mishawaka Avenue South Bend . Indiana Mildred and Ford Strong New Managers +I ·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-,+ i WILLIAMS, the Florist WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY i 219 W. Washington JOE THE JEWELER i FINE WATCH REPAIRING The Priddy-Tompsett i • 113 ~- Jefferson J. Trethewey i Studio I FLOWERS ! for cell occasions . j wishes to thank ! i ERNIE'S THE SENIOR CLASS I Phone 3-5149 ! ! . I SHELL STATION for +-·-··-··-··-- ··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·+ Their Fine Cooperation SHELL GASOLINE GIFTS STATIONERY - SCHOOL SUPPLIES Twyckenham Drive and * We hope you li~e your picture: Mishawaka Avenue •

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