BOOK REVIEEWS ELIZABETHCOWLES, DEPARTMENT EDITOR $l gE i Sl Er [@ l l 13iE 1 !A of species presented) as well as notes to the text, a glossary, and a bibliography. Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction of the country where there is still an ongoing Dolphin Mysteries is awell-written, inter (2nd Edition). By Eugenie C. Scott. 2009. debate about restricting the teaching of evolu esting book on several levels. The authors' Greenwood Press. (ISBN 978-0-313-34427 tion. Luckily for us, we have Eugenie Scott's fascination with their subjects and respect 5). 351 pages. Hardback. $49.95 scholarly writing to support the teaching of for their habits and habitats are in evidence Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the evolution while it continues being targeted by throughout the text.Much of dolphin behav National Center for Science Education, is the antievolution movement. ior remains mysterious; the authors vividly one of the leading authorities in discuss convey the difficulties of the study of swift ing the controversy around the teaching of moving underwater animals. However, many Jose Vazquez behaviors are so clearly described and illus evolution. The second edition of her book Master Teacher Science of trated that the reader feels as if real dolphins includes recent developments in the evo Liberal Studies Program lution/creationism controversy in schools, had swum across the pages of the book, New York University playing with seaweed, displaying affection such as the Dover trial. This book is hard New York, NY 10003 or aggression, and at times being as curious Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 ly an introduction; it is the equivalent of
[email protected] an encyclopedia since she covers so much about the researchers as the humans are of ground, and includes plenty of reference them.