
Common “Sovereign” Phrases

Sovereigns employ a confusing and quasi-legal vocabulary during their interactions with enforcement officers. Their goal is to both confuse and destabilize the officer and to demonstrate superior legal knowledge. The following is a list of common terminology that Sovereign adherents tend to use. Importantly, any attempt to dispute the validity of these concepts, which most of them believe to be legitimate, tends to result in dangerous escalation which, occasionally, results in violence.

Affidavit of Truth: a document used to declare “Sovereign Citizenship”. Sovereigns will often provide this during a traffic stop, hearing or during other government interactions.

Citizen/citizen: based on 18th-century government where all nouns were capitalized, Sovereigns see a secret meaning in the use or non-use of capitalized letters. “Citizen” is a 14th Amendment citizen who must follow the rules and of the government where as a “citizen” is Sovereign and can access natural rights.

Commercial Activity: A sovereign views commercial activity as driving, traffic, transport, business, any other privileged, licensed or criminal activity. They make a point to say, “I am not engaged in any commercial activity.”

I do not consent: is a common statement provided by Sovereigns to demonstrate that they are unwilling to establish a contractual relationship with another party. Sovereigns argue that officers try to trick individuals into , by asking for date of birth and full legal name, in order to assert over a situation where they have none.

Kidnapping: Sovereigns refer to being “arrested” or “detained” as being kidnapped. They might say, “You lack any jurisdiction and are committing under USC Title 18, for impersonating, kidnapping, involuntary servitude, false imprisonment, slavery, peonage, embezzlement, , and other crimes which are punishable by fines and up to 14 years imprisonment for each . I have every right to use lethal force to defend myself and my private from unlawful acts forced upon me under color of law.”

Personal Means of Conveyance: any vehicle that they are in, which Sovereigns will argue is not subject to the rules, acts, or of the . Sovereigns believe that they are “traveling,” not “driving,” and therefore use personal means of conveyance, not automobiles or vehicles. They might say, “You cannot seize my personal means of conveyance. It is privately owned and operated.”

Name in all capital letters: JOHN ROBERT DOE signifies the corporate shell identity of a person as opposed to the flesh-and-blood person. They will take the time to spell their name using lower case lettering or additional punctuation and often confirm that that the officer has recorded their answer verbatim.

Name punctuation: John-Robert: Doe is the flesh-and-blood person named John-Robert “of the family” Doe, as opposed to punctuation-free name JOHN ROERT DOE. This “of the family” or “oft” is a common indicator that one is interacting with a Sovereign.

Notice of Understanding: This is a Sovereign developed affidavit consisting of a ‘notice of understanding and intent and claim of right’ that states the individual consists of a human soul and has no corporate and that they have not willingly given up any sovereign rights so the USG has no jurisdiction. “Whereas it is my understanding that in the absence of mutual, informed consent neither representation nor governance can exist.”

Pirate: Sovereigns often times refer to Law Enforcement Officers as Pirates. This goes along with the vessels and verbiage based on their belief/understanding of /Law of the Seas.

Right to Travel: Sovereigns believe that each individual has God-given rights to travel as they see fit. It’s not considered “driving” and no government agency has the right to stop them from doing so. They might say, “I’m not driving, Sir, I’m traveling about the land.”

Sanctuary: A sovereign refers to their home or dwelling as a private sanctuary. Signs may be posted on property lines/doors/windows and even on apartment doors or RV’s warning “This is a private sanctuary. No Trespass.”

Truth language: A complex and bizarre set of language rules designed to mimic the secret language of the law. All sentences must start with the preposition "for," have a minimum of 13 words, and use more nouns than verbs. Punctuation rules are just as complex.

Vessel/ship/carriage: another term for a vehicle; privately-owned and operated. “You have no jurisdiction over my private vessel.”

14th Amendment citizen: this amendment gave citizenship to freed slaves and following a sovereign theory; this amendment holds African-Americans subject to the government, which is the opposite of a sovereign. All citizens who have not become sovereign are 14th Amendment citizens. Sovereigns believe that you can be freed from the government through a process called “asseveration.”

For more information, contact: Dr. Jarret Brachman at 701.318.0165 or [email protected]