SPEECH BY MS INDRANEE RAJAH, MINISTER IN THE PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, SECOND MINISTER FOR FINANCE AND EDUCATION, AT ASIA INFRASTRUCTURE FORUM 2019 ON WEDNESDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2019, 9.30AM AT SANDS EXPO AND CONVENTION CENTRE Your Excellency Anisul Huq, Minister, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Your Excellency Mr Lattanamany Khounnyvong, Vice Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Your Excellency Vongsey Vissoth, Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic and Finance, Kingdom of Cambodia, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, 1. A very warm welcome to all of you, especially our friends from overseas, to this inaugural Asia Infrastructure Forum today. 2. We are very privileged to have with us Ministers and senior officials from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, as well as senior representatives from our Asian neighbours, including the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport and Urban Development (JOIN). A warm welcome too to colleagues from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the World Bank Group, as well as leaders across the private sector. Thank you all for making a special effort to be here. Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Financing in Asia 3. Let me start first with sustainable infrastructure development and financing in Asia. Infrastructure development remains a critical driver for economic and social growth. The Global Infrastructure Hub estimates that developing Asia requires US$51 trillion in infrastructure investment through 2040, to maintain its current growth momentum. 4. Many countries are proactively taking steps to address their infrastructure needs.
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