Gov. Scott Proposes $1 Million for Jewish Day Schools Coming In

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Gov. Scott Proposes $1 Million for Jewish Day Schools Coming In Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 08 OCTOBER 27, 2017 7 CHESHVAN, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Kristallnacht Torah coming to Orlando Seventy-eight years ago, a Torah scroll was sentenced to death along with the Jewish people. Now it will be in Or- lando, as part of a whirlwind tour that will include hun- dreds of Jewish communities all across the globe. On Kristallnacht, the “night of broken glass” when more than 1,400 synagogues were torched and 7,000 Jew- ish businesses were destroyed across Germany, 14-year-old Isaac Schwartz of Hamburg knew he had to act. Seeing a pyre of Torah scrolls and other Jewish sa- Attending the press conference with Gov. Scott were students from the Jewish Academy and pre-schoolers from the cred items left unattended, Leonard Wien is shown Early Childhood Learning Center; as well as (l-r) parent David Menoni, Alan Rusonik, Chani Konikov, a parent, Maitland he bravely doused the flames here holding the historic Mayor Dale McDonald, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs, Rabbi Mendy Bronstein, Sam Friedman, Gov. Rick Scott, and attempted to recover the scroll. Ben Friedman, Rhonda Forest, Keith Dvorchik, parent, Rabbi Hillel Skolnik, and parent. holy objects. His heroic efforts yielded a single Torah scroll. ued to deteriorate rapidly, A Torah scroll, which con- Schwartz had the scroll buried tains the Five Books of Moses, in the ground along with a Gov. Scott proposes $1 million is the most sacred object in number of other sacred items. Judaism. An authentic hand- There it lay for the duration written parchment scroll can of the Holocaust until it was for Jewish day schools take up to a year to craft at the retrieved by Schwartz and his deft hands of a sofer (trained family. But the trauma had By Christine DeSouza He then stressed that the proposal still the Richard S. Adler Early Childhood scribe). It is then stored in the taken its toll, and much of has to go through the state congress and Learning Center. One student wearing ark in the front of the syna- the scroll had been rendered Last Thursday, Gov. Rick Scott paid a encouraged everyone to contact their a T-shirt that read “Future President” gogue and read only during unusable. visit to The Roth Family JCC to announce congressmen and state senators to get caught the governor’s eye and he re- services. his proposal of $1million to provide on board for this funding. marked to her that she certainly could As the situation contin- Kristallnacht on page 13A extra security to Jewish day schools Asked if there has been any backlash be a future president (but she should be throughout Florida. The monies would from the proposal, the governor stated governonr first), and that every student be ear-marked for security upgrades and that the responses so far have been very can have the goal to be whatever they other counter-terrorism measures, such positive. want to be. JTEN grants as video cameras, fences, bullet-proof Attending the press conference were “Our children should be spending glass, alarm systems and other safety students from the Jewish Academy of equipment. Orlando and pre-school children from Scott on page 15A for education The Jewish Federation of The JTEN grants cover all Greater Orlando recently or a significant portion of Coming in November, the Jewish Film awarded $6,500 in Jewish the costs of the synagogue’s Teen Education Grants for the educational program. The 2017-18 academic year. JTEN programming is unique Festival presents six smash hits JFGO’s Jewish Teen Edu- in that each class is open to cation Network, now in its all teens in the community, By Christine DeSouza family pickle recipe, to her The film short “The fourth year, awards the grants regardless of synagogue af- son Morty (Academy Award® Chop” will precede “The to support ongoing academic filiation, and offered at the The Roth Family JCC’s Jew- nominee David Paymer) who Pickle Recipe” Jewish teen educational pro- same cost for members and ish Film committee finished is as shady as they come, to In this light-hearted com- gramming in the Central non-members. All the classes the grueling (tongue-in-cheek) grandson Joey Miller (Jon edy, what goes around does Florida community. For the will meet throughout the task of choosing five films (and Dore), the king of Detroit eventually come around for a 2017-18 academic year, four school year with at least eight one short) out of 104 to present party MCs who loses all his Kosher butcher who pretends Central Florida congregations sessions. at the Central Florida Jewish equipment in a freak fire. He to be a Muslim to get a job at received awards: Congrega- JTEN grants awarded for Film Festival. Partnering with is so desperate to make some a halal butcher shop. If only tion Ohev Shalom, Southwest these 2017-18 classes: Maitland’s Enzian Theater for money that he is willing to the real world could be like Orlando Jewish Congregation • Congregation Ohev Sha- the last 19 years, The Roth steal his grandmother’s fa- this! Winner of six festival (SOJC), Congregation Beth lom: “DDD: Dinner, Daber & Family JCC is once again, mous top-secret dill pickle audience and jury awards, Am and Chabad Lubavitch of Dvar” (now in its fourth year) bringing the community films recipe she has vowed to take including Cleveland, Denver, Greater Orlando. Teens meet twice a month. to her grave. Palm Springs Shortsfest, and The topics offered in the The program begins with As funny as this film is, Seattle Jewish. JTEN courses are diverse dinner, followed by study and you’ll need a tissue by the end UK, 2015, 17 min, Directed as teens themselves, with discussion of different topics as the family really come to by Lewis Rose, in English and classes on faith, social action, relevant to teens through a with Jewish and Israeli themes terms with each other, and, of Arabic with English subtitles self-expression, community Jewish lens. Each session is that will make you laugh, cry, course, discover what’s really “1945” service, leadership and He- designed to stand alone, so and think. important in life. Sunday, Nov. 5, 11 a.m., brew language studies. Rabbi if a teen is unable to attend As in the past, each film USA, 2016, 97 min, Directed Enzian Theater Hillel Skolnik of SOJC wrote every session, he or she will offers something totally dif- by Michael Manasseri, Rated about their Hebrew studies still benefit. For more infor- ferent and totally wonderful. PG-13, in English Films on page 15A grant: “The very definition mation, contact Amy Geboff, So it is worth it to see all five of Jewish teen education is to director of Youth and Family, films. And without further give our teens the knowledge at [email protected]. ado, here is the lineup: to become better educated • Southwest Orlando Jew- “The Pickle Recipe” Jewish adults and to increase ish Congregation: “Adayin Saturday, Nov. 4, 8 p.m. their Jewish identity. It is hard M’dabrim Ivrit.” After the Orlando Science Center, to image a project that better success of last year’s JTEN 777 E. Princeton St. fits those goals than to give program at SOJC entitled, This film puts a new twist our teens a chance to increase “Kahn M’dabrim Ivrit,” SOJC on the expression “getting their Hebrew knowledge. is continuing their Hebrew in a pickle.” All of the main Knowing more Hebrew will characters in this film have make them want to go to Isra- JETN on page 13A a quirkiness about them el, make them want to become that you love and hate at the more involved on their college same time—from Grandma campuses, make them want Rose (Lynn Cohen), who is a to attend more synagogue “T-rex that swears at you in related events, and make them Yiddish” and won’t share her want to keep learning.” PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, OCTOBER 27, 2017 I didn’t know they’re Jewish... AND from Orlando Della Wolf Phillips, hosted Did you know... concerts in their home and The winner of the 1968 contributed greatly to the Nobel Prize in Physiology cultural development of the or Medicine, Dr. Marshall city. The Phillips citrus busi- Warren Nirenberg, was Jew- ness was sold in 1954, and ish and grew up in Orlando? his legacy continues to fund Dr. Nirenberg (1927–2010) many charitable community graduated from Orlando projects. High School (1944) and Did you know... received his bachelor’s and The Guinness Book world master’s degrees in zool- record holder for the larg- ogy from the University of est collection of Converse Florida where he was also a sneakers is Jewish and lives member of Pi Lambda Phi in Central Florida? Penny Fraternity. He received his Gold grew up wearing Con- PhD in biochemistry from verse sneakers in Brooklyn, the University of Michigan N.Y. She and her husband, in 1957. Nirenberg received Barry, moved to Longwood the Nobel for “breaking the Dr. Marshall Nirenberg (r), a 1944 graduate of Orlando more than 25 years ago, genetic code” and describing High School, receives the Nobel Prize in Physiology or when she began to collect how it operates in protein Medicine, 1968. the shoes—892 pairs and synthesis. counting! You’ll discover these and By David Bornstein and Fort Ogden in the 1860s, Did you know..
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