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Future in the long haul. There really is no free speech anywhere; the only question is to what degree it is punished. The sooner Majorityites start serving time for what is now regarded as free In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano­ States, the people of New France have actually speech, the quicker we'll get our country back. nymity, most communicants will be identified acted upon their wish to have their culture sur­ Things probably have to get worse-much by the first three digits oftheir zip code. vive without the destructive immigration prac­ worse-before they get better. tices that have plagued English Canada. 506 o I have been listening to FM classical music 700 stations for the last five or six years. In this o Am I the only one to notice that every time the number of Jewish solo performers has o Some dream, that Dream Team! I am so time Hillary is photoed and videoed her hair swelled conspicuously. Always disproportion­ ashamed of my country when the best we can gets a shade blonder? ately prominent, they have the stage almost en­ offer is the obnoxious Charles Barkley, a lippy 320 tirely to themselves. They are seldom bi lied as colored boy completely untainted by manners Jewish. They are IISoviet born" or IIRussians or sporting ethics, and Magic Johnson, an HIV o When European missionaries went to civil­ who emigrated to Israel, then settled in the carrier who never should have been given a ize/Christianize Negroes in Central Africa they U.S." The few non-Jewish soloists seem, in the passport! How do you teach sportsmanship to had to teach them how to make love face-to­ main, to be Chinese. Christian soloists are as the young with these rebarbative examples? In face-and in private. Such is the origin of the rare as Jewish miners, as one Instaurationist fe­ unpardonable na'ivete I had hopeJt that Bark­ Hmissionary position." licitously put it. The glorious music was all ley's behavior would have elicited severe repri­ 218 composed by Christians. Christians built the mands from TV newscasters, but I only heard wondrous instruments to give it tone. Are not whispers. Poor Quayle took a drubbing for his o Suggested marriage ceremony etiquette: Christian artists, with Christian instruments, at comments about HMurphy Brown." Sam Donald­ white couple, use white rice; Hispanic and least as capable as others of playing the musical son, usually hypercritical of just about every­ white, use brown rice; black and white, use masterpieces of the West? How is it that this body, only smiled and wiggled his unkempt black-eyed peas. has become practically a monopoly of non­ eyebrows (but not his wig) in amusement at 366 Christians? Barkley's boorish antics. 087 590 o The declining Western popUlation is often presented as an irrefutable argument for open­ o As far as Ross Perot and the other bums o When Clinton has been installed by lOG door immigration. Whites must be replaced by go, my grandmother said it best: IIThese people next January, Majority boobs will see very blacks and browns, else there'll be no one to are anybody's dog that will hunt with 'em." quickly just how transient and illusory were the collect the garbage. No one seems to have the 344 Reagan-Bush IIreforms." An acquaintance who wit to offer whites tax breakS or bonuses for in­ works for one Democratic congressional hack creased family size. o For Instaurationists who may desire are· in Cesspool (DC) told me that informal talks 222 freshing holiday on the North American conti­ are already being held sub rosa by Democrats nent, I would recommend Quebec City, Cana­ about increasing the number of federal judges o As a babe in arms, I read John Hersey's da. This city with a population of about half a next year, so they can once again pack the The Wall and wept. When I became a man, I million is virtually crime-free. A majority of the courts with liberals. Not that it makes much put aside my childish things, as St. Paul ad­ people of the area are of Norman French de­ difference, since the Reagan-Bush appointees vised, and saw The Wall as a perverse piece of scent with racial characteristics something like turned out to be cryptoliberals all along. But propaganda designed to reassign the rights of one would see in Bavaria. There have been Vic Olvir is right-until King Money is over­ the Wailing Wall to the warped whelps of lion­ some ignorant comments in the past about thrown, our dispossession will zoom ahead in ism. If I had a chance now, rather than wail French Canadians in certain issues of Instaura­ automatic overdrive, regardless of which politi­ over the wall, I'd put Hersey up against it, tion. Since the Nordic-Mediterranean racial cal party is partying with our extorted tax mon­ along with leon Uris, jejune James (mish-mush) make-up of those originating from Northern ey. Michener and his Covenant, and all the rest of France is similar to the make-up of those who lip Withheld that Zionist-massaging crowd. trace their ancestry back to England (remember 453 1066 and all that!), I fail to understand these o My letter in the Safety Valve Ouly 1992) derogatory comments, which only continue to described the writing of Richard McCulloch as o Instauration's front-page editorial, IIAmeri­ divide whites. Unlike Wilmot Robertson, who IIprissy and dilettantish." I sincerely regret hav­ ca Is Dead" Oune 1992), struck me as master­ only dreams of a racially separated United ing written these things and would like to take ful-the most significant piece to come down the opportunity to retract them publicly. I apol­ ogize for writing so thoughtlessly and careless­ Instauration ly. Richard McCulloch's writing is intelligent CONTENTS and worth reading. I have one of his books, and is published 12 times a year by African Eve Theory Is Kaput...... 5 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. I recommend his writings to others. I must have been having a bad day when I wrote in­ Olympics, Past, Present, Future...... 6 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 sulting comments about his ideas. Mea culpa, Reevaluating the Noble Savage...... 7 mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. (If readers need The Conspiracy of Money...... 8 Annual Subscription a translation, ask the next Catholic you meet 118" Movie Video Guide ...... 10 $30 (third class) who remembers the church before Vatican II 12 $39 (first class) cleansed it of latin!) All of us need to avoid The Sting of Truth ...... $40 Canada Madness In High Places...... 13 $44 foreign (surface) taking cheap shots and leveling ad hominem at­ $56 foreign (air) tacks on Majority activists. 8acktalk...... 14 210 Cultural Catacombs ...... 16 Single copy price $3, plus $1 postage Inklings...... 18 o I don't agree with Bush (referred to as Waspishly yours ...... •••...... •••. 20 Wilmot Robertson, editor HThe Shrub" by a writer for the Nation) about Satcom Sam...... 21 Make checks payable to Howard Allen. much of anything these days, but I admire his policy on the Haitians. View from the White Tip...... 22 Florida residents, please add 60/0 sales tax. 190 Primate Watch ...... 24 Third-class mail is not forwarded. Talking Numbers...... 25 Advise change of address well in advance. o It's a sobering thought that free speech Elsewhere...... •.•...... •• ...... 26 ISSN 0277-2302 won by a one-vote margin in the Supreme 01992 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Court. Perhaps a defeat would have been better Sti rrings...... •.••••.•••...••••..••.....•...•..•• 28

PAGE 2-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 the pike in years. Yet even such a solemn belt dian and English), "ve always had a lot of re­ Iy forced to resign or retire following charges to the belly won't shake up those sorry whites spect for Northern Europeans. You people, as a of blatant sexual harassment. Of course, they who, each in their own way, have cr~ssed the race, certainly have much to be proud of. Cer­ were also incompetent, spending much of their Rubicon of race betrayal. At any rate, for such tainly you're one of the more classically hand­ 10-to-3 workdays on the telephone transacting a pamphleteering tour de force every Instaura­ some races and your intelligence and contribu­ private and NAACP business. tionist should doff his hat. Bravo! tions to American society are well known. And Beltwayite Canadian subscriber while I'd agree that Germans have definitely been given a bum rap from our friends in the o It used to be considered quite droll to o Instaurationists familiar with hinterland mass media, I just kinda wish you would spend dress chimpanzees in tuxedos and have them America already know how its downtown has more pages pointing out how good Nordics are give a tea party. African efforts to achieve par­ grown dangerously and destructively dark from and less pages pointing out how bad other rac­ liamentary democracy are in the same genre. blacks, browns and God-knows-what-else occu­ es are. Just a thought. 842 pying IlSORs," federally subsidized IIsingle­ 947 occupancy rooms." They are spotted in what o Instauration Oune 1992) carried an article once were played-out, turn-of-the-century ho­ o Down here on the south coast and in the by Vic Olvir. I like Olvir; he is a good strategist tels, good for little more than hosting the odd Southwest (Devon-Cornwall-Dorset) blacks are for our team. One of the things that he recently Odd Fellows gathering, floating crap games, or rarely seen. In Chichester in 12 years I have pointed out was the folly of criticizing our acti­ liaisons with the local ladies of easy virtue. The seen no more than a dozen all told on the vists in public, regardless of their sins. It was product (the same as in big-city America) is streets. suggested that because our ranks are so thin, crime-muggings and murders in the very same British subscriber because we need every man on deck, because places where our grandparents used to dine, we need every dollar we can come up with, we bank, shop and worship. Small-town police o I recently joined a nightclub that is known need every brave man who will stand up and forces, ill-equipped to wrestle with the boom­ for its high-class clientele. /t's a private club, so do battle. It is suicide for us to fight among our­ ing drug trade (and addiction, even among lo­ you have to be a member to be admitted. One selves, especially over trivialities. cal whites), petty theft and vandalism that inev­ night I was at the bar and a blonde approached 142 itably accompany the arrival of Roosevelt and (one of the horned angels McCulloch is so fond Tiffany and their assorted brood, find them­ ot). She smiled a seductive smile and I smiled o When the end comes in this country, selves, their jails and their budgets overwhelm­ back. A little later, 10 and behold, this blonde whites can tell their children how funny Cosby ed. Small-town newspapers report stabbings goddess was dancing her heart out with the was, how exciting the big game was, how they and shootings these days, not church socials. only two blacks in the place. The blacks were never had to work jury duty-anyone of their The barbershop gossip is all about strange do­ in heaven. I talked to the white males at the millions of excuses for not resisting being made ings last night up at the housing project-sad, bar, and nobody was upset. They told me if that into slaves. sorry events that have nothing to do with white is what she wanted to do, it was her own busi­ 775 culture and everything to do with our politi­ ness and nobody else's. This in the very heart cians' decisions to "widen our racial horizon." of Dixie! o When the Russians invaded the Baltic So goes America! 716 countries in 1939, a political officer was asso­ 220 ciated with each command and had as much o Had the police anticipated the actions of authority as any military commander. The po­ o The religious vs. secular division of the the rampaging L.A. savages and immediately litical officers were Jewish, and they were the Majority is troubling. The middle way between used submachine guns, semi-automatic shot­ ones who ordered the extermination of the the two, liberal Christianity, is unsatisfying to guns and concussion grenades (to lop into the Lithuanian intelligentsia. When the Germans both camps. stores among the looters), the riots would have liberated the Baltics in 1941, the Lithuanians 889 come to a screeching halt. No lawsuits. No fi­ killed all IItheir" Jews themselves, which is why nancial compensation. The only obligation for there has been such official antipathy or apa­ o The movie, Silence of the Lambs, has a cu­ los Angeles would be to bury the unclaimed thy, toward Lithuanians on the part of the rious and droll ending. The insane criminal gen­ dead. Had this been done, there would not American news media. ius, Hannibal the Cannibal, has escaped and is have been a later riot in Washington Heights 606 in hiding, no one knows where. The camera (Ny) by Dominican drug pushers after a white shows him in tropical attire sitting at a table at policeman shot one of their ilbrothers." o Mexican politicians never cooperate, in an outdoor cafe. As he gets up and walks away, 324 any way, with the U.S. Border Patrol. The offi­ the camera pulls back and up. From a God's dal Mexican line is that all their people have Eye view, we see him become an anonymous o With whites still 75% of the U.S. popula­ the right to immigrate to the II10st territories." blob in a gaily dressed chaos of blacks. Many tion, strident black demands for their death are To cut the illegal flood to a trickle, the U.S. years ago G.K. Chesterton asked, NWhere is the condoned or even applauded. What will it be need merely announce that for every 500 iIIe­ best place to hide a lean" The answer is well like when whites are no longer a majorityl gals apprehended, the number of U.S. tourists known: lIin a forest." Did some waggish Holly­ Belgian subscriber allowed to enter Mexico would be reduced by 1 %. wood scriptwriter ask, NWhere is the best place 919 to hide a canniball" o More than anything in the world whites 100 want to have fun. They like candy, baseball o I used to work at a jewelry kiosk in the games, singing Negroes and ridiculous movies. middle of our local shopping mall. (Not out of o Never underestimate the power of Instau­ They care less that the Asians are buying up the any great interest in jewelry; it was a great ration. When Ross Perot saw himself in that land. They ask only for more classic rock and place to meet girls.) I'll never forget one slow fool's outfit on the magazine'S cover Ouly roll and perhaps another coke or beer. Because day. I was doing some paperwork when I 1992) and read about the dire fate that awaited they believe fellow whites in days long past did looked up and saw two black youths checking him, he threw in the towel. a disservice to the black race, whites must now out the gold. The more vocal of the two was 306 think seriously about total racial suicide. "Why decked out in ANC colors with a huge pendant not," they say, Ilwe owe it to them." of Africa hanging on his chest. As he surveyed o Tipper and Hillary are the Thelma and 577 the case where we kept our charms and pen­ louise of American politics. dants, he noticed that we carried crosses and 330 o With all the hullabaloo over sexual harass­ Stars of David, but no Islamic crescents! He im. ment in the workplace, one fact is discreetly ig­ mediately began to expound on the blatant ra· o lately friends of mine have been sending nored: black male supervisors in government cism behind this marketing decision, saying me copies of Instauration, which I quite enjoy. tend to view females within their administra­ that black IIculture" got no respect in white so­ While I'm not a Nordic or whatever it is you tive domain as their personal harem. I know of ciety. Surprisingly, I didn't get too upset, since guys call yourself (I'm half-Italian, American In­ three high-ranking blacks who were very quiet- I had him pegged as a Farrakhan follower. I've

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PAGE 3 dubiousness, Mormon theology endures for the same reasons the American civil religion en· dures: (1) serious questioning is taboo; (2) faith makes us feel good. never had any problem with black separatists, Wagoneers. It's worth it for the title song alone, 770 even though this one was a little loud and ob. a driving homage to the heroes of the Alamo, noxious. My feelings changed, however, when with no apologies to Santa Ana or his greasers. o I would have ,added a sweetener to my re· the girlfriend of one of the blacks arrived. Sure The rest of the album contains some fine rock­ subscription to Instauratio~ify were not so enough, she was a cute little blue.eyed blonde. tinged country. Highly recommended! atheistic in your outlook. Onl vibrant Chris­ Apparently he found some aspects of white so- " 181 tianity can cope with th· od·cursed Jews. ciety easier to take than others. You should realize that. 110 o Persevering Pete's letter to the Safety 838 Valve (July 1992) was terrific. His call for inter­ o A few years ago a shopping mall on Chica. esting signatures to Safety Valve letters, instead o IISupport the Negro College Fund." IIA go's southwest side sponsored an annual sum· of dull zip digits, is most welcome! Dull signa­ mind is a terrible thing to waste." Question: mer carnival, complete with rides and attrac­ tures are the bane of modern journalism. If we What does proposition 1 have to do with prop­ tions. I was amused to see a ride with the giant have to be anonymous, we should at least do so osition 21 Answer: Absolutely nothing. The no­ neon-lit name, THE lYKLON. But my shock in a colorful way. Thank heaven for liberators tion of blacks in college makes about as much was even greater to see the carnies sporting, III like Persevering Pete! sense as bees in Buckingham Palace. Blacks' survived the lyklon" T-shirts. I am now sorry Suffering Sam lack of commitment to the academic whirl that I did not attempt to obtain such a rare frustrates them as much as it maddens white Holocaust-related souvenir. I wonder if the o As a convert, I have spent a year observing teachers and students. The black answer to lyklon ride is still touring the American carni­ Mormons close up. The church, with its vigor­ their own failure is to spew out cliches which val circuit or if the ominous name has been ous Third World missionary program, is project­ demand that lithe system" (yes, always lithe spotted by some professional holohoaxer and ed to be majority nonwhite by the end of the system") be changed in favor of "socially rele­ been decried as "insensitive." century. This is a dramatic change for a relig­ vant" courses aimed at "blackening the curriu. 604 ious body which did not allow Negroes to be­ lum" and "leveling the playing field." While all come priests until 1975. Most converts of what­ this academic shuffling and rescheduling is go­ o A single woman working two jobs to keep ever color do not remain zealous in the faith ing on in American colleges, the racial tension her niece out of Houston's public schools (Safe. because their main interests are looking for grows daily. ty Valve, lip 770, July 1992) is certainly a wor­ friends and getting a pay raise. When they find 220 thy Instaurationist who puts her money where the church does not provide either, but rather her mouth is. She deserves to receive our favor­ imposes duties and expects tithings, they gradu. If Instauration's editor and contributors ite magazine. Please use the enclosed to pay for ally lose their religious fervor. The church has a think it important to flay those of us who de· her subscription to Instauration. minority hardcore composed of older old.stock clare bankruptcy or watch John Wayne mo­ 212 members (the younger, old-stock Mormons are vies, then our masters in lOG shouldn't have equally cliquish) and newly converted fanatics, much to worry about Does anyone remember o I was glad to see rockabilly, that long­ with a larger, more or less loosely affiliated out· Tom Wolfe's Irish detective, Martin? He had underestimated, purely white art form, finally er shell. I doubt Mormons can ever be rallied to an expression which covered a number of situ­ mentioned in Instauration (July 1992). Instaura­ the Majority cause. They are too prejudiced, ations. I'm afraid that it applies all too often to tionists who like country, rockabilly or even too narrowly focused and too obedient to au­ what appears in the pages of Instauration. 50s-style rock In' roll should check out a 1988 thority ever to think independently. At best "B.S. reigns." album, Stout and High, by a group called the they are conservative Republicans. Despite its 675 Jewish Weather Report

You may have heard ofJewish lightning-no, we're not referring to that atmospheric disturbance behind Charlton Heston on Mount Sinai-but have you heard of these other aspects ofJewish mete­ orology?

Jewish blizzard -snow job re the Holocaust Jewish cloud cover-the ADL descending on any scene where a swastika is discovered Jewish cold front-what an amorous Jewish man contends with when he cozies up to a JAP (jewish American Princess) Jewish drought-describes current conditions in Russia Jewish flood-annual occurrence at the New York University admissions office Jewish fog-the Talmud Jewish hail-melts when a goy yells "Heil" Jewish heat wave-nuclear weaponry in Israel Jewish high pressure system-the Israel lobby in Washington jewish hurricane-tropical storm that grows in intensity, takes aim at Miami Beach and is given one of the follOWing names: Hurricane Barry, Hurricane Irving, Hurricane Isaac, Hurricane Isidore, Hurricane Itzhak, Hurricane jake, Hurricane Moe, Hurricane Seymour or Hurricane Sidney. Jewish ice storm-a jewelers convention Jewish sandstorm-the Six Day War Jewish sunshine-The Diary ofAnne Frank Jewish thunder-the Intifada jewish tidal wave-Ellis Island circa 1900 jewish windstorm-a lecture by Alan Dershowitz

PAGE 4-INSTAURAliON-SEPTEMBER 1992 The African Eve Theory Is Kaput

n 1987 a team of scientists at the University of Califor­mankind differ profoundly not only in their physiology but, nia at Berkeley announced that all human beings were most importantly, in their cerebral apparatus, the locus of I descended from a woman who lived in sub-Saharan Af­intelligence and personality. rica some 200,000 years ago. This startling discovery was African Eve was of the highest importance to the leftist made on the heels of a super-sophisticated computer analy­intelligentsia because, if it could be proven that a Negro sis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Simply put, mtDNA is woman was an ancestor of every living person, then every inherited solely through the mother and is not "mixed" like living person was, at least in part, a Negro. Consequently, DNA inherited from two parents. This meant, in theory, the "fascist" anthropologists, like the late great Carleton that human ancestry could be traced back in a direct line Coon, who held that the evolution of races took place in through the mother, which is what the Berkeley scientists different areas and in different time frames, would be large­ claimed to have done. Their findings, they said, led them ly discredited. An important byproduct of the Eve theory straight to an African (and presumably Negro) ancestor for would be the psychological blow to so-called "racists" of all mankind. knowing that a remote ancestor was a black, thus making Although the research was sloppy, unscientific and claims of racial difference-or superiority-sound rather speculative, the political left strongly supported farfetched. the African Eve theory, which the "mainstream" Alan Templeton, a geneticist at Washington press reported as scripture. Newsweek ran a cover University, has put paid to this whole dreary story with a painting of "Eve," clearly a Negress, in spectacle. He has demonstrated beyond a shad­ case anyone missed the point. ow of a doubt that the whole African Eve theory To say that this shabby Lysenko-like scientific is nonsense. Perhaps in penance for its previous fraud and the accompanying media bl itz was misleading article, Newsweek (March 2, 1992) transparent and, shall we say, lacking in subtlety, broke the news, though it did not make Temple­ is to waste one's breath. The motivation behind ton's research a feature article, an honor given to this audacious canard was to buttress the Marxist the flawed findings of the Berkeley qew. After anthropological school of Franz Boas and his fac­ Templeton stated that the African Eve theory was totum, Margaret Mead, who together have lorded not supported by "data," Newsweek reported . over American anthropology for all too many that the Berkeley people "gracefully conceded" years. (Mead, already exposed as a silly, unprofes­that their findings no longer stood up. Given the sional day-tripper rather than a serious scientist, circumstances, there is not much else they could was a prize exhibit of the Boas school, which have done. bears as much relation to real anthropology and There appears to be a closet Instaurationist (or science as the defunct Patrice Lumumba Universi­An Eve merely an honest man or woman) working at ty in Moscow bore to a real university.) some SCientific journals. Templeton was contacted by Today, modern methods of research are giving scientists somebody from such a journal and asked to check out the the tools to obtain hard data in areas that formerly were the false claims of the Berkeley team. He did-and the rest is exclusive domain of Jewish academic sandwich men like anthropological history. Boas, Montague Francis Ashley Montagu and Stephen J. But the other side never gives up! Mark Stoneking (a Gould. It is no surprise to Instaurationists that this renewed, namechanger?), who is now peddling scientific schlock at objective approach to science is proving that the human Pennsylvania State University, whimpered that the fossil ev­ race inherits, rather than learns, vastly more than was previ­idence "still supports" an African origin for mankind. Leav­ ously thought. Furthermore, non-ideological anthropology ing aside the entire issue of the efforts of prominent anthro­ is willing to consider the possibility that man developed pologists in other parts of the world, Stoneking'S yelp is separately in widely scattered parts of the earth and that utterly meaningless and unrelated to the African Eve affair. various races took their present form on parallel tracks, fol­It is entirely possible that every living human race evolved lowing widely varying schedules of development. Any from primates that had their origin in what is now Africa. common ancestor, if there was one, existed a long, long This may simply mean that Africa, at that time, provided a time before man had reached anything close to his present suitable environment for primate development. The higher evolutionary grade. primates moved on, to evolve far from the Dark Continent, As evidence for this theory accumulates, the inevitable into modern humans. As for the lesser developed or "slow" result will be the recognition that the different races of primates left behind, might they not have evolved into Ne­ groes? They surely might.

I NSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 -PAGE 5 Olympics-Past, Present, Future

Whose Home Team? If you watched the Summer Olympics eously rooting for their favored cleated capitalists. Panem et cir­ did you cheer for your racial cousins or did you still put citizen­ censes. Present-day America would put even decadent Rome to ship above race? Did you cheer for the American-born blacks shame. The unquenchable urge to watch makes instant multimil­ when they competed against the Europeans and Russians? Did lionaires of the premier athletes. your chest swell with pride as Old Glory was raised and the Na­ Many of these athletic Midases belong to an al ien race, and tional Anthem sung after black sprinters, hurdlers and jumpers often one of the first prizes their newfound wealth brings them is a easily polished off their pale competition? white wife or girlfriend. Journalists who have covered professional I pull for the white folk, regardless of nationality. This is not to or college sports know-sadly-that there are no lack of white fe­ denigrate the performances of these blacks who were born in this males among the sports groupies, eagerly waiting to be chosen by country and won gold medals. But I would have preferred that a sports hero, of whatever color. these great athletes were on the teams of nations in their ancestral If you are addicted to spectator sports, strike back! During the continent. next Big Game take a brisk walk or an invigorating swim. You'll The women's heptathlon and the men's decathlon point up find it a tremendously liberating experience. Instead of vicariously once again that, in general, whites do better in the strength and winning or losing with the Home Team, you will experience a stamina portions of the games, while blacks excel in running and joyful return to your Self, your "deepest self," as the mystics put it. jumping. Even so, a blonde Swede outperformed a number of You will embark on a marvelous voyage of self-discovery that will blacks in the high jump to finish second (to a black Cuban), and a be far more exciting than a triple play or a 1DO-yard TD run. Russian and a German woman won the silver and bronze medals And just so you won't miss the essentials of the upcoming Na­ in the heptathlon (African-American Jackie Joyner-Kersee won the tional Football League season (this being written before it starts), a gold). An attractive Dutch woman won the gold in one of the hur­ great sports sage has passed the word that long-shot Miami will dle races. All of which proves that white men-and women-can meet-and lose to-moderate-odds Dallas in the 1993 Super Bowl. jump. There are genetic reasons why blacks are good runners and Berlin, 2004: The 28th Olympiad. The biggest story of these whites good swimmers. For saying as much some years ago, AI next-century Olympic Games is how The Unified Team will do. Campanis and Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder lost their cushy jobs as Long one of the dominant factors in the quadrennial atHletic vice-president of the Los Angeles Dodgers and CBS sports report­ events under the banner of the United States of America, it is now er, respectively. Campanis said lack of buoyancy was responsible an unknown quantity. Some believe that the four separate nations for the blacks' poor performance in swimming, meaning that the (Columbia, the white republic; Farrakhania, the black one; Atzlan, blacks' ratio of bone weight to body weight was much higher than for Hispanics; and Hawaiistan for Asians) are ill-prepared to win that of whites. Jimmy the Greek suggested that breeding programs many medals. Despite the skilled athletes on most of these teams, during slavery and the physiology of Negro thigh bones partly ac­ it is conjectured in some quarters that the violent turmoil of the counted for their running prowess. Every Olympics tends to bear past half dozen years that led to the breakup of the former U.S.A. out their statements, but the two men never got their jobs back. will prove to be a concentration-breaking trauma for the competitors. The four new nations agreed to compete this year as liThe Uni­ Sports Is Not Everything. When the National Socialists came fied Team," much as the ethnic nations of the former Soviet Un­ to power in Germany in 1 933 they began a program to emphasize ion did in the 1992 games. However, the difficulties faced by the sports and games, as contributing to the development of the current Unified Team are more severe than those of their name­ "whole man." They believed that German schoolmasters overem­ sake of a dozen years ago, as many of the top black athletes have phasized the development of intellect, producing specialized been lured to compete for several African countries rather than for weaklings ill-suited to participate in the task of national renewal. Farrakhania. (N ietzsche had written: "Another generation of readers and spirit These defections may seriously affect The Unified Team in its itself will stink.") hunt for medals, especially in the running and jumping events. There is scarcely any danger of intellect being apotheosized in Moses Johnson and Sammy Jones, perhaps the world's best in the the U.S.-or of sports and games being neglected. Americans as­ 1DO-meter race, will be competing for Liberia this Olympics. The sume that sports and games are vital; that things of the mind and situation is just as bad in basketball, as the Dream Team which the spirit are to be viewed with considerable suspicion. The dazzled the world in 1992 now belongs to Nigeria, which paid sportsman as Hero is a revered icon in America. millions to former Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan to come and The advent of television has made of the professional athlete a both play for and coach their Olympic hoops team. Jordan, aging kind of demigod. But for the masses, active participation in sports but still capable of showing flashes of his old self, has been joined has taken a backseat to viewership, often to a powerful psychic in Nigeria by LSU alumnus and longtime Orlando Magic dynamo merging of the fan (fanatic) with his beloved "home team," a sort Shaquille O'Neill. Younger former NBA superstars like Leroy But­ of incorporation into one's own soul of an athletic corporate en­ ler and Rashid Stone will be playing for Nigeria as well, making terprise. Indeed, for some fans the Home Team is their soul. As this new Dream Team the indisputable favorite for the gold. much as any cloistered mystic focusing on the travails of his spirit, While The Unified Team, led by Columbia, is expected to the fans anguish deeply when the Home Team loses and rejoice once more dominate the swimming events, the consensus of neu­ to the heavens when it wins. tral experts is that the aggregate of medals won will not nearly ap­ It is not a "generation of readers" that is pandemic in America, proach those garnered in years past by the defunct U.S. but a generation of watchers: millions of lumpy sofa spuds right­ V.O.

PAGE 6-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 Reevaluating the Noble Savage

his year is the quincentenary of Christopher Columbus's claimed their place in the sun as the heirs of North America's first visit to the Americas. Puffed up with excusable pride, rightful owners. Bending to the red man's will, wimpish white jur­ T Italian and Spanish Americans are celebrating the event, ists declared moldy old Indian treaties to be sacred, unalterable smack in the face of a triple-pronged hate campaign launched by pacts guaranteeing that the white man would live up to his prom­ Indians and their many liberal-minority flunkies. Whites are ac­ ises for as long as the grass grows and the water flows. cused of owing the Indians a massive debt, of doing much evil to Today, with an almost daily assist from the media, this sanctifi­ them and coldly and ungratefully receiving much good in return. cation of the Indian has been given one of the nation's highest pri­ James A. Clifton, a preeminent ethnohistorian and psychologi­ orities. Whites, or at least those whites who make policy, have ir­ cal anthropologist who has specialized in Amerindian culture and revocably stipulated that the Indians can forever be allowed to history for over 30 years, is the author or editor of seven books on govern themselves, living in their chosen way, separate and isolat­ his specialty. His latest effort is The Invented ed from mainstream America-with the provi­ Indian: Cultural Fictions and Government rr======il so that they will retain their own special keys Policies (Transaction Publishers, New Bruns­ to the federal treasury. wick). Clifton began his professional career Meanwhile, this "revised version" of Indi­ when the United States was ending its long­ an history has become so pervasive in Ameri­ established, government-to-government rela­ can pop culture that a whole generation has tions with the Indians, along with its intru­ been raised on such cinematic flackery as sive stewardship over their day-to-day exis­ Custer Died for Your Sins, Bury My Heart at tence. This change of heart was known in Wounded Knee, Little Big Man and, more re­ government circles as "termination." In the cently, Dances with Wolves. Philo-Indianism teepees it was known as lowering the curtain is now so politically correct that film moguls, on "assimilation." eyeing what scripts come to them and know­ Starting in the late 1960s, ambitious Indi­ ing what audiences will eagerly accept, ad­ an elitists took control of their race's affairs here mechanically to this revisionist prettifica­ from the supposed enemy, the white man. tion. Academics go along with Hollywood by Their theme song, put bluntly, was, "Thou readily identifying the Indian cause as their Shalt Not Say No to an Indian," which was cause, some out of idiosyncratic motives, supposed to sum up the new pol icy of "sov­ some for ideological or pragmatic reasons; ereignty" and "self-determination." Clifton's none for valid reasons. view of what had transpired was not so rose­ l':::======::::J In an effort to debunk some of the wilder ate. He defined Washington's new attitude as one that gave Indi­ glorification myths, Clifton solicited essays for The Invented Indi­ ans "absolute political autarchy [of their own affairs] while perpet­ an from an assortment of experts on Indian manners and mores. uating utter fiscal dependence [on the government]." Afraid of the title and what it might portend, many reputable sa­ Indian relations with whites had by no means ended, Clifton vants dared not contribute for fear of being labeled racists or anti­ asserted. Only the nature and extent of their interracial dealings Indian. Others opted out lest their cooperation endanger their fi­ had changed. While it was true that the Native Americans' loyal nancial ties with the new-style Indian chiefs. In the end, 14 schol­ white boosters (academics, attorneys, foundation heads, churches, ars, most of them anthropologists, wrote 16 chapters, the last five environmentalists, New Age cults, Hollywood celebrities) were of which reviewed how history has been manipulated to present relegated to support roles, these auxiliary forces could still be rap­ an attractive image of what have now become legendary beings. idly mobilized and deployed in defense of any attempt by "ra­ In the Introduction, Clifton writes of his experience in court­ cists" to reduce or modify the Indians' new autonomous perks. rooms as an advocate of Indian rights. Over the past three decades, a fashionable story line about In­ The paramount aim, at last I had explained to me by an unusu­ dians and their relationship with whites, past and present, has ally impetuous counsel, was not veracity but to win at all costs. been foisted on the unsuspecting public. What Americans have These particular attorneys were interested in neither truth nor social been convinced "they know" about the Indian rests on a multiva­ consequences, except those of obtaining for their clients the largest lent epic that has become a fixture of North American mass cul­ short-term benefits attainable-money and power. Rather than a ture. quest relying on reasoned probity and a careful array of all relevant In the beginning, the story goes, North America was the moth­ evidence in search of justice, they were purely political contests .... erland for between 20 and 30 million Edenic human beings. Then It is interesting to note that Clifton, a frustrated racial integra­ came the evil white man who invaded, despoiled and seized the tionist, and his colleagues did not deem it politic to release their property and persons of these onetime Bering Strait island hop­ attack on the idealized version of the red man and all his works pers. The Noble Indian, rather than retaliate in kind, fed the dis­ until separatists gained control of Indian affairs, and the Bureau of oriented whites and taught them the lore that enabled them to sur­ Indian Affairs instituted an affirmative action program. This raises vive in the wilderness. But Indian altruism did not stop there. Out the question: Will a disgruntled white or Jewish liberal expose the of their folk wisdom emerged the first draft of the U.S. Constitu­ false history now being confected for and by black separatist tion. groups, once their white godfathers and godmothers lose control Let's jump ahead a couple of centuries to the aftermath of of Negro funding? WWII, when masses of Indians exited their reservations and EDWARD KERLING

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PACE 7 The Conspiracy of Money

After the appearance of my article, "Another Lost War: The for space and light, the same urge that made possible rockets to Politics of Distortion" (Nov. 1990), a reader wrote to say that my the moon. mention of the Money Power suggested some grand conspiracy, The Western Culture moves through the same approximate and that since he quit the Birch Society such talk left him cold. A phases of those High Cultures that preceded it, allowing for the stupid foreign policy, he wrote, was often just that and nothing significant differences in their respective world-views. Feudalism, else. the Aristocratic and Absolute state-forms, then Democracy fol­ I don't blame my critic for being adverse to conspiracy theo­ lowed inevitably by an Authoritarian state, or Caesarism-these ries. I remember years ago listening to one intense cabalist detail are the general political lines along which a High Culture unfolds. a conspiracy that stretched back to the 10th century. All the famil­ The democratic phase and the rule of Money are coterminous, iar names were there: Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati, Grand Ori­ Money being the necessary precondition for the establishment of ent Freemasons, Marx, et al. When I asked who had initiated this the democratic forms. That is to say, thinking and feeling in terms monstrous and long-running plot against humanity, he whispered of Money, where recondite but vast real power may be executed "Satan." without ultimate responsibility, are the ideas that excite the lead­ I have been handed literature (it is almost a genre) that proved ing personalities in the democratic phase of history. These ideas beyond any doubt (of the authors) that one or another Rockefeller are formulated by the principal political thinkers of the times as or Rothschild was the Evil Prince who headed up this organized the means whereby power is both diffused and harnessed by con­ intrigue against honest, industrious republican folk. Talented stitutions; in reality, it is a power greater than that exercised by Douglas Reed spoiled what could have been a landmark study of monarchs, but now it is hidden and irresponsible. It evades ac­ Jewry with cantankerous and labyrinthine concepts of conspiracy, countability for its acts, because, after all, the "people" elected which he poured into The Conspiracy ofZion. the "government" that made the disastrous decisions. Conspiracy theorists want no indeterminacies in history, no The original mechanism by which the Money rower ascended blurs, no overlaps, no hanging threads. Like a good mystery or de­ to the apex was through finance capital-the creation of wealth tective novel, all loose ends must be neatly tied. Postulating cen­ through the use of money-not by way of production. In more re­ turies-long conspiracies concretely answers all questions; nothing cent times the "multinational corporations" have joined finance is left to the natural rhythms of history, to chance, to accident, to capitalism as the homes of abstract Money Thought, and thus as inherent contradictions, to stupidity. molders of international politics. However, it would be equally obtuse to reject out of hand the Like all power, Money wants to expand. Because we are existence of conspiracies. Not· nec~ssarily the generations­ speaking of Money inside the· Western Culture, we know it wants spanning variety, but those that materialize for the exigencies of to expand infinitely. This is accomplished under the cover of "de­ the moment. Conspiracies on the part of the mighty are the norm; mocracy" and "human rights." A New World Order, spanning ra­ only when they are found out is there scandal. Watergate and var­ cial and national boundaries, an amorphous mass of coffee­ ious other "gates" are examples from recent American history. The colored consumers covering the earth like a fungus, this is the fact is the United States was founded. by high-level conspirators. grim reality towards which M9ney points. It would be incorrect, The Founding Fathers clearly engaged in a criminal plot against however, to assume that this is an "ideal" of Money, since it has the English Crown that culminated in revolution. Had they been no grand vision other than the accumulation of units of profit discovered and apprehended they likely would have been which are converted into power, anonymous and malignant. hanged. Even ordinary citizens engage occasionally in conspira­ To a Money-thinking democrat, self-government means only cies-usually of a non-criminal nature-to gain some desired end democratic government as it exists in Western nations, with the in the affairs of love or business. IIfree market" the controller of economic life. To such an ideo­ Conspiracy-acting in secret concert to gain specific ends-is logue, no "people" can possibly prefer some other state or eco­ a part of life and a part of politics. But conspiracies are not the nomic form. If they do, then surely they must have been misled by driving forces of history. They are really the result of these forces. "reactionaries" or "fascists" or others upon whom the Democracy­ Only those who begin an historical quest with a very narrow and warriors habitually vent their spleen. absolutist mentality will deduce otherwise. Money and Democracy encouraged the breakdown of Tradi­ History-High History, the development of a complex Cul­ tion and the demise of Religion, while reveling in the rise of Ra­ ture-flows in "spiritual" streams, with various "ages" dominated tionalism and the other "liberating" brews that accompanied the by certain leading ideas, which create social and political forms spread of their favored institution. Some of these liberal humani­ and shape the history of each era. There really is no "progress" in tarians, the agents of the ideas, even wished to have it both ways: the modern sense; democracy is not superior to feudal ism, as both they wanted to be known as enemies of Money and opponents of are simply techniques of rule suited to the conditions of the times. "big business." But as Democracy is the executive organ of Mon­ The middle-aged man is not "superior" to the boy he was, nor is ey, that wish was only realized in the dreamworld of propaganda, the child more praiseworthy than the man he is destined to be­ not in fact. come. Money-Democracy makes war against all forces that do not As with individual organisms, so with those organic units share its world-view or fall under its aegis. It militates against the known as High Cultures. At the birth of our own Western unit the exclusive and particular, except for the cachet achieved by the ac­ technological innovations of ribbed vaults and flying buttresses al­ cumulation of riches. lowed the construction of the Gothic cathedrals, but these struc­ Both Capitalism and Communism derive from thinking primar­ tures were made possible only by Western man's insatiable quest ily in economic terms. Deriving their impetus from the abstract

PAGE 8-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 power of Money-thinking and Money-feeling, both sliced across faithful against the godless worshipers of Mammon. racial and national borders and proclaimed universal validity. To Israel, on the other hand, wished devoutly to transform Iraq the Communist a wretched Third World inhabitant was an en­ into a barren desert, as a warning to all Islamic and Arab states slaved worker. To Money he was a prospective consumer. Both not to dare raise a hostile hand against the Chosen of God. The Is­ were hostile to forces that acted from the heart and the spirit rath­ raelis would also have liked to stage war crimes trials for the top er than the stomach. Iraqi leadership. The Central Intelligence Agency was and is both the Dirty Because some of the primary players of the Money Power are Tricks Department and the mailed fist of Money. It does not repre­ also jews, conflicts do develop. Money tends to be antagonistic to sent and has never represented the national interests of the Ameri­ all nationalisms, including the jewish variety. One may therefore can people, only that aspect of their lives and feeling infected by read in historic Zionist writings some denunciations of the Roths­ Money. This is to say that the CIA is mainly the enforcement agen­ childs for not doing enough to support Jewish nationalism and for cy of the international Money Power. Its documented involvement their close relations with Gentile Masters of Money. There have in the international narcotic trade is not a roguish deviation from also been more recent criticisms by Zionist factions of Henry Kis­ its activities, but a natural part of them. singer, whose loyalty to his own people often seems tempered by Several generations ago, when Communist regimes were es­ his duty to his principal master, the Money Power. tablishing themselves around the world, the CIA waged a long Those who have captured the trappings of power in the West and ultimately successful war against Argentina's Juan Peron and in this century have usually been subservient to both powers. (Not his "Third Way" between Communism and Capitalism. Adding to as a matter of conspiracy, but because most aspiring office­ the alarm that Money felt at the prospect of Peronism was the fact holders instinctively grasp to whom they must bow.) In the past that its leader had some racial ideas. (Shortly before Peron died he quarter century each Americall president, while performing de told an interviewer that race was lithe great issue of our time/' and facto as the errand boy of both entities, tended to shade towards boasted that Argentina was the whitest country in South America.) one or the other: Nixon, Carter and Bush towards Money; Johnson Money democrats do not understand those who think, feel and Reagan towards Jewry. These are mere nuances, however, and act in other modes. To one dominated by the Idea of Money, and do not indicate that anyone of these designated marionettes it is bizarre, truly insane, that a man should offer his life for a re­ is inherently or potentially hostile-truly hostile-to the other ligious belief. The partisans of Money believe that if things of the force.* spirit cannot be counted and measured they cannot possibly have It is nonetheless accurate that both powers war against the any value or power in the world. white race and against the destiny of the West. They rose more or Thus the terrible miscalculation the CIA made in its estimate less in tandem and they will decline in tandem. In fact, they have of Khomeini's influence in Iran in the late 1970s, and of the stay­ been on a slow downward spiral the past several decades, despite ing power of the Shah, who was an agent of the Money Power. their apparent universal triumph Money does not understand the fire and force of Islam, behaving On the surface it does seem as though Money and jewry are towards it like an elephant charging a rabbit. It does perceive that invincible. They have in this century vanquished one foe after an­ Islamic fundamentalism is a threat to its dominance, and it desires other. Soviet communism, a roadblock only insofar as it represent­ to destroy or to neutralize it. In the same manner, Money waged ed Russian nationalism, has been at least temporarily chastened, war against the European authoritarian regimes that came to pow­ and both it and its former satellite states are clamoring for that old er in the 20s and 30s. Like Khomenini's Iran, these regimes also free market and democratic magic. (To the extent that Commu­ had their cen~er of gravity outside the orbit of Money. And any nism was also the revolt of the colored world against the whites, manifestatio~ of racial exclusiveness is automatically combated by that floodtide is now totally controlled and directed by Money.) Money, as proved by its lengthy duel with the whites of South Africa. The victories of money have had a price, a terrible one. We There are those who believe that the term, "Money Power," is need only look at the diseased body of the West to see the results. simply another way to describe the Jewish ascendancy in the The United States, the chief agent for both powers, has "won" West. The fact is these are two separately developed phenomena, everywhere. In our disintegrating society-crime-ridden, sick in which have entered into many symbiotic relationships over the spirit, morally bankrupt and now well on the road to what, by past two centuries. Money's own standard, is the ultimate failure, namely permanent Both powers prefer anonymity and use the press and elected economic decline-we can taste the bitter fruits of our many vic­ puppets to advance their agenda. Both are destructive of Western tories. tradition. Both prefer the controlled anarchy of Democracy to dis­ Employing a Spenglerian analysis we know that the crises cipline and order. Both militate against race; Money from inner brought on by the appearance of money has lasted in the West compulsion, Jewry as a matter of its own racial policy. much longer than the history of other, fulfilled High Cultures The Money Power was an organic development in the West, would predict. Money is a 19th-century Idea, and its continuation but its long dom inance in our lands is bizarre and unnatural. It into the 21 st century would be a tragiC and ugly distortion. Money has tarried far too long, probably due to the injection of energy re­ has absorbed much of the energy and ability of Jewry to help ceived from Jewry. The Jewish input-Francis Yockey called it drive its tired engine thus far. Money was also aided byaccelerat­ "culture distortion"-was foreign to the prime impulses of the ed transportation and the technology of instant mass communica­ West and in its parasitism is a threat to the West's survival. tions which have permitted it to push the Money Idea-and its Money operates more or less unconsciously, largely from in­ products--out into the broad, barbarian world. (Primitives are en­ ner necessity. jewry operates consciously in accord with what it thralled with the products of high technology.) perceives to be its desiderata for survival. The goals of the jews and Money are often the same, though the means are sometimes "'The mere possession of money in quantity does not necessarily make of at variance. In the Gulf War, Money-represented by the U.S. re­ one a Money Thinker. Bush, who has devoted his entire life to the service gime-wanted to destroy Iraq's war-making power, without put­ of Money, has only a tiny part of the wealth owned by Ross Perot, whose core values seem to significantly vary from the abstractions of Money ting Saddam's oil wells and of the oil wells of the entire Gulf area Thinking. Perot, however, could not cross the Rubicon to become a true at risk. It was also in the interest of the Money Power to keep the man of Politics-the final counter to Money-as his failed and clownish war from widening, from becoming a regional jihad of the Islamic presidential "campaign" proved. ~

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PAGE 9 Westerners, and above all Americans, still think in terms of tually transit to what it was, to what it is in its depths, and with a Money. Money, pleasure, produds, satiety, safety: these have minimum of outward disturbance. been such an intimate part of the lives of Americans for so long Meanwhile, Money rides victorious, with Jewry in its wake. that they cannot conceive of anything else. lilt has been so in my But at the moment of its greatest triumph we can at last see its ulti­ time, it was so in my father's time, and in his father's, and it will mate defeat. The outer forms no longer meet the inner needs of be so forever in the future. 1I This is how they might express their those who carry the Future of the West. As the juvenile grows into thoughts about Money, if they thought about it at all. The soul­ the man, so Money and Democracy are slowly replaced by Faith state of their ancestors who built the Gothic cathedrals, that in­ and Authority. ward-looking society where angels and devils were everywhere, is As many in the contemporary West still cannot even imagine simply inconceivable to them, far beyond their imagination. Even a different spiritual world than their own, and who would look many of those who intellectually understand non-economic con­ upon a 13th century Westerner as mad, so too will the Westerners cepts and who are consciously on the side of the White West are a century or more hence be unable to imagine a world where still immersed in Money Feeling. Money was the measure of all things. While this does not mean There IS a Conspiracy of Money and WE are the conspirators. that Money-thinking and trade in general will disappear, it does But at this very moment when the New World Order ostensi­ mean that they will assume their proper place in the structure of bly rides triumphant over the globe, there are strong awakenings, things. revivals, counter-movements and indications, which are respons­ There are those who are fond of saying that the white man has es to a hollowness in the soul and a creeping paralysis of the "no souL" Under the domination of Money such charges often heart. The culture-bearers of these remedial organisms wax strong­ seem valid. But as the soul of the West has been the most vibrant er each day, and ever growing numbers of the general populace this planet has ever seen, with the liquidation of Money and the are sick unto death ofthe present chaos and emptiness. emergence of Authority the Western soul will soar beyond the fur­ Old nationalisms in the former Soviet empire have come back thest reaches of our own technology with a speed that will to life. Slavs and non-Slavs are seeking sanity in the roots of their astound the slanderers. lives and attempting to solidify with their own kind, even at the It is now time for the Western banker and man of Money to re­ cost of violent demographic upheavals. In America, the very belly tire from the field. His retreat will be forced by the new realities, of the beast, race constantly surfaces and Money is increasingly the forces building beneath the shell of the West with the terrible powerless to cement the widening fissures with material toys, as it strength of earthquakes, shattering forever the rule of Money. As is caught in its own contradictory trap of being obliged to export Yockey wrote some 45 years ago: the wealth that its American foot-soldiers created and actually be­ lieved was theirs in perpetuity. On the front of the tottering edifice is printed in gaudy letters: 'Even Money's proudest prior triumphs are now seen to be illu­ Democracy. But behind it is seen to be a cash-till, and the banker sory. Japan, defeated militarily in 1945, has apparently been re­ sits, running his hands through the money that was the blood of the structured as a bastion of Money Thought, a modern, economic­ Western nations. He looks up in terror, as the sound of marching feet is heard. driven democracy. The structure of Japanese society may change, but not the ingrained militarism of the Japanese people, notwith­ standing that businessmen are now atop the social heap rather VICOLVIR than at its bottom, as was the case for centuries. Japan will even­

Prize-winning critic's mini-reviews of all known Mud People films

"B" Movie Video Guide

The Mud People (1942) •••• 84 minutes. A race of savages is Return of the Mud People (1947) ••• 87 minutes. "What if" introduced into civilization and taught how to use all the Western film about how different America would be if all African Ameri­ amenities with devastating results for all concerned. This low­ cans had been repatriated to Africa before 1861. Stinging social budget cult sleeper spawned 20 sequels. The original, however, is satire with plenty of food (watermelon) for thought. Directed by still the best of the bunch. Directed by Irving Katzenberg and Bar­ Julius Kleinberg. Starring Roosevelt Braggs, Impetigo Abednego bara Boxstein. Starring Yabba Dabbadu, Ashanti Washington and and Vertigo Williams. Booker T. Hooker. Abbott and Costello Meet the Mud People (1948) ••1/2, fi99 Frankenstein Meets the Mud People (1945) ••112, 74 minutes. minutes. Traveling salesmen Bud and Lou go hut to hut to sell Dr. Frankenstein sets up shop in reconstruction-era Mississippi, meat tenderizer to cannibals. One of the duo's better efforts. Lou where he attempts to create the perfect servant by sewing together in blackface is not to be forgotten. Extensive use of leftover foot­ spare parts from the dead bodies of lynched Negroes. All goes age from Africa Screams. Filmed in Ghanavision. Directed by Sid­ well until the monster goes after the local belles and arouses the ney Slatkin. Starring Bud Abbott, Lou Costello and Stepin Dog­ ire of the KKK. Shuddery climax features a live c'rucifixion on a doo. fiery cross. Directed by Jerome Weisenheimer. Starring Basil Szell­ Carcinoma (his first appearance as Dr. Frankenstein), Shango Invasion of the Mud People (1955) •••1/2, 105 minutes. "Social Aquavela and LaScuba Tangue. conscience" 50s flick shows how blockbusting, abetted by Jewish

PACE 10-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 social workers, destroys a white working-class neighborhood in Roodi Kazoodi and T'wenni T're Skidoo. Brooklyn. Based on the bestselling novel, Day of the Mudslide. Directed by Jerry Blavatsky. Starring LaTuba Horn, Meshach Up­ Tarzan and the Mud People (1973) **, 89 minutes. Legendary widyoo and Mantan Statuskwo. apeman runs afoul of African Americans who have taken Marcus Garvey's advice about going back to Africa. Typical "get whitey" I Was a Teenage Mud Person (1957) **1/2, 72 minutes. Nice blaxploitation film enlivened by humorous touches, such as Gar­ Jewish boy imitates black people, much to the consternation of veyites teaching Tarzan black English. Directed by Seymour Dim­ his Orthodox parents, then finds himself turning into a Negro witz. Starring Brick Whiteman, Dyspepsia Kola and Melanoma whenever there's a full moon. Classic teenage drive-in shocker. Bilko. Look for cameo by Sammy Davis Jr. in the bar mitzvah scene. Di­ rected by Irving Ripoff. Starring Alan Israeloff, M.T. Weinglass and Revenge of the Mud People (1974) **, 75 minutes. Neighbor­ Sheeza Lulu. hood gentrification displaces ghetto dwellers, who exact revenge by returning to murder, rape and rob the new tenants. Humdinger The Invisible Mud People (1959) **, 92 minutes. High yellow of a pubilc housing crime drama filmed in Baltimore. Directed by zombies passing for whites take over a small town in Georgia. Schlomo Lieberman. Starring Steven Bunko, Oddibe Stinko and Creepy thriller with arty film noir pretensions. Originally shown Cujo Brown. under the title of Night of the Living Mud People. Directed by Isa­ dore Fishbein. Starring Yaphet Johnson, Lamont Robeson and Attack of the Mud People (1980) **, 90 minutes. Roving youth Naphtha Jackson. gangs attack unsuspecting New York subway riders. Bloody acts of slashers and mashers sparked violence in inner-city movie thea­ Hercules Against the Mud People (1960) **, 101 minutes. ters when initially released. Supposedly seen over 50 times by Greek strongman is given the ultimate Herculean task: defending Bernard Goetz before he began his subway crusade. Directed by his village against African invaders. This is typical sword and san­ Benjamin Goorwitz. Starring Wrigley Gumchu, Akeem Mumbo­ dal fare with atrocious dubbing, laughable dialogue and poor act­ jumbo and Upyoo Kazoo. ing. Look for the starting offensive line of the 1959 L.A. Rams as Nubian warriors. Directed by Murray Musselman. Starring C. Ara Mark of the Mud People (1980) **, 90 minutes. Feud between Leone (his final film as Hercules), Jamal Akiwowo and LaToya black and Latino gangs to see who can create the most objection­ Storer. able graffiti starts out as simple neighborhood rivalry, then be­ comes more violent as knife fights erupt on playgrounds. Infa­ Planet of the Mud People (1963) ***1/2, 110 minutes. Grim, mous spray can/blowtorch scene earned film an "X" rating for sci-fi offering depicting the world of the future in which white violence. Directed by Nathan Berkowitz. Starring Millie Bonilla, people are extinct and all earthlings are coffee-colored mixed Jemimah Brouhaha and Jai-jao Silva. breeds. Film's unusual racial requirements resulted in an all Puer­ to Rican cast. Formerly released to wide acclaim in Europe under Island of the Mud People (1981) **1/2, 101 minutes. Voodoo the title, It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World. Directed by Hyman doings on the island of Hispaniola make for scary, tension-filled Feldman. Starring Pepe Negrito, German Judio and Moa Drano moments. Chicken dismemberment scene caused controversy at Moreno. time of release, resulting in short-lived boycott of Kentucky Fried Chicken and demonstrations commemorating Haitian massacres Bride of the Mud People (1966) **, 75 minutes. Black football of whites. Directed by Melvin Kershbaum. Starring Inkatha Hee­ players compete to see who will marry the dissolute yet beautiful beejeebee, Gaston Negraux and Babatunde Grungi. white daughter of the team's owner. First film to feature interracial perspiration. Controversial at time of release, somewhat dated to­ The Giant Mud People (1982) **1/2, 103 minutes. Rich Jewish day. Directed by Lenny Schiffman. Starring Muhammad Jones, woman imports entire tribe of 7 -foot-plus Dinkas from Africa and Reggie Kenyatt and Macumba Jefferson. teaches them how to play "in yo' face" basketball. Hilarious so­ cial satire. "Sweet Georgia Brown" scene at the synagogue is a GexiziJIa vs. the Mud People (1967) *%, 89 minutes. Boatloads must. Filmed in Siamajamarama. Directed by Howard Mandel­ of immigrants are washed up on Japanese soil and immediately baum. Starring Anna Chaim, Az Oosa and Kooka Munga and a start to trash the island nation. The locals invoke Godzilla to supporting cast of African National Congress members. come to their rescue. Risible special effects and dubbing. Okay as a babysitter. Directed by I. Wannabe. Starring Toshiro Ozone, Dracula Meets the Mud People (1988) ***, 80 minutes. Legen­ Hari-Kari Jr. and George Bushido. dary Transylvanian vampire pulls up stakes and moves to Sub­ Saharan Africa, where "transfusions" from the locals give him Kiss of the Mud People (1968) **, 102 minutes. Dying African AIDS. Odd mixture of horror and gay-rights commentary. Original witch doctor puts a curse on his village so that whenever the ex­ prints featured introductory short on safe sex. Directed by Stanley truded lips of the villagers touch anything organic it shrivels up Lipshutz. Starring Max Schlock (first of six appearances as Dracu­ and dies. Gross-out fun for teenagers. Don't miss "spin the bottleH la), Dumbo Darki and LaKeisha Limpopo. scene. Directed by Manny Weintraub. Starring Nwampa Wilson, Oganda Smith and Duo Denham. Cruise of the Mud People (1989) *1/2, 96 minutes. Foul­ mouthed ghetto opera proves boyz will be boyz. Film pushes "R" The Mud People Strike Back (1971) ***, 99 minutes. Over­ rating to the limit with not a minute going by without someone crowded slave ship sinks as drowning victims vow revenge on yelling, "Yo, bitch," "mf-----" or other profanities. Likely to offend Jewish owners of shipping company. Fast forward 400 years. sensitive viewers, which seems to be the whole point of the mo­ Modern-day reincarnated blacks gain revenge by mugging Jews in vie. Directed by Barry Moskowitz. Starring Hip-Hopalong Cas­ New York. Directed by Norman Greenblatt. Based on the off­ sidy, Ice Scraper and Candy Rapper. Broadway play, Look Black In Anger. Starring Kukla Frananolli, JUDSON HAMMOND


The reason whites good-naturedly tolerate the ethnic slurs marginalize their peoples, in addition to depriving them of slung at them is that such slurs lack the sting of, say, "nigger" or good livelihoods such as the Cherokees' manufacture of toma­ "greaser." For the Chosen the simple word "Jew" can amount to a hawks for the Atlanta Braves trade. slur. One woman I know reacts as if slapped in the face when oth­ Ice People, whereas melanites are "sun people." WASPs ers guess out loud she's a Jewess. "How dare they!" she fumes. have been hammered for years by Jews and Mediterraneans for Evidently it isn't "nice" to notice. being reserved, repressed "cold fish." Some Anglos must be Even though whites are hated worldwide for their virtues, it is taking it to heart, if the business boom among Jewish therapists difficult to find a potent pejorative for whites qua whites. Spike is any indication. Now blacks, casting about for some flaw to Lee called Mozart a "creep" on television not long ago, but if Mo­ flail us with have jumped on the "they're too cold-blooded" zart was a creep-Lord, what does that make Spike? At the first bandwagon as well. Seeing the trouble people have with over­ wheeze of a sneer, one should consider the source: mestizos, for ly emotional in-laws, though, I'm heartily grateful that mine instance, yearning to insult Anglos by saying "gringo" (ouch!). The have a decent sense of modesty and restraint, along with a yen etymology and meaning of the intended slur must also be consid­ for privacy. One newly married half-Jewess I know was taste­ ered: fully presented with an ovulation predictor kit by her warm 'n' caring in-laws-and then informed it better be a boy and it bet­ Gringo, according to Hervey Allen's 1933 masterpiece, An­ ter be soon! At a party recently a Filipina was chattering about thony Adverse, originated from the ballad, Green Grow the "how constipated English people are," to which I replied, Rushes-O, sung by American prisoners during the Mexican "That's not constipation, dear, that's sublimation." Obviously War. Can you imagine a film being permitted the title, The Old the phlegmatic temperament-slow to boil, able to conserve Nigger? But The Old Gringo, a classic Hollywood inversion of heat and transform it into useful work-has distinct advantages the truth about Ambrose Bierce, passed without comment. over the volatile, passionate temperament that is so easily Whatever its makers' intent, it got no one's goat. aroused, so quickly dissipated. This temperamental distinction Honky derives from "hunky," a contemptuous term for East­ is also the boundary between adolescence and maturity. But ern European i'mmigrants adopted by Americans whose ances­ you knew that. So do They, of course. tors came from more sophisticated regions of Europe. In its Cracker is a type of hard-bitten agriculturist. Offhand I don't day, used by one white group against another, "honky" was in­ know its exact historical origin. (lnstauration's review of Albi­ deed hurtful. Blacks are still trying to get a rise out of us with on's Seed said the term came over from England.) Suffice it to it-successfully on at least one recent occasion. Two white say the intent to wound may be present when "cracker" is in­ morons were booked in Maryland for attacking two black voked, but the term is too obscure to raise the dander of its tar­ women after (they claim) enduring taunts of "honky." Some gets. white skin's are apparently thinner than others. More likely Redneck, on the other hand, despite honorable connotations they were just trying to test the "hate crime" statutes. of hard work in the fields, does come close to injuring white Mister Charlie is a baa-aad white man in a James Baldwin feelings. As with "white trash," the implication is that "red­ novel. In Tom Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities the term de­ neck" attitudes (like hating niggers and kikes) are lower class, volved simply to "Chuck." A couple of years ago a street Ne­ bone dumb and know-nothing. There are, of course, white gro tried to intimidate my husband by repeatedly calling him people of debased or zero culture-lots of 'em. If the shoe "Charlie." Far from getting riled, my dearly beloved soulmate pinches, let them wear it. The term "black trash" does not exist patiently explained to the unhappy thug that his name was not because it's redundant. Charlie. Whitey doesn't exactly pack the same punch as "darky," Only the truth hurts, so no wonder it's so hard to draw blood which Douglas Wilder and other experts in resentment would in individual white hearts. Yet headway is surely being made in like to excise from Virginia's pretty state song (penned by a the Outsider campaign to make us feel bad about ourselves as a colored minstrel in the last century). Doesn't carry quite the race. Years of propaganda-liThe white race is the cancer of histo­ same punch as "tar baby," much less "mud perso'n," does it? ry," Martin Mull's History of the White People in America, bump­ How about "touch of the whitewash" vs. "touch of the tar er stickers reading, "Whites Off Earth!", the virulence of the quin­ brush?" Black children actually taunt each other with "tar centenary's anti-Columbus diatribes-have all taken their toll. I baby" on playgrounds nationwide; so much for Black Is Beauti­ agree with the activist in San Jose who recently told the Washing­ ful. Wafting from such sewers as MTV and Black Entertainment ton Times that amid the rising tide of color in this festering multi­ Television come related slang terms like "snow/' signifying a cultural society, the designation "white" should give way to "Eu­ white chick. But snow is nicer stuff than mud. And who would ropean American." Euro-American, besides being more accurate, be insulted if the besieged Washington Redskins were to stresses the cultural content of the way of life our race prefers and change their nickname to the Palefaces? In view of the racial will have to fight very, very hard to reestablish and preserve. Cul­ composition of the football team, that would be howlingly in­ ture, to be sure, is an emanation of inner nature, or race, but it is accurate. But then the purpose of the nickname, Redskins, as wiser to shift the terms of conflict from the racial to the cultural any healthy person knows, is to commemorate white respect arena, especially since the defeat of Nazism continues to cast a for our erstwhile opponents in the Indian wars. Far from gain­ pall upon honest discussion of racial differences. ing greater respect by outlawing Indian mascots and nick­ 207 names in the sports world, radical minority spokesmen further

PAGE 12-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 Is America blindly setting the stage for WWIII? Madness in High Places

We came out on top in WWI, a!1d Jews came out with the Bal­ vengeance. Relations have been established with nearly all the four Declaration which promised them the Promised Land. We Middle Eastern countries, Israel excepted. At present a lively one- won WWII, which destroyed the ARCH ANTI-SEMITE and accel­ way trade is going south to Iran, including items dear to the hearts erated the Jews' migration to the thousands of square miles they of merchants of death. Says Kazakhstan president Nursultan Na­ were stealing from the Palestinians. The Korean War concluded in zarbayev: "We are looking for stronger ties with the Arab and the a standoff, one reason being that Jews had no bone to pick with Muslim world [since] it is to the Muslim world that we belong." the North Koreans. We lost the Vietnam War, a conflict in which Says the Reader's Digest (Aug. 1992): ''The British press reported the Jews had so little interest they led the quasi-mutinous agitation that three nuclear weapons had been sold to Iran from the heavily that forced our retreat from Southeast Asia. We won the Gulf War, Muslim republic of Kazakhstan." in which the Jews had a definite interest, Iraq being the leading So Bush of Arabia, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and you Clin­ anti-Zionist state in the region. Ever since, we have been figuring ton-Gore lickspittles of the Israeli lobby, what are you and the rest out ways, including military strikes and assassination attempts, to of the human race gaining by infuriating the Muslim world, now get rid of Saddam Hussein, still a main objective of the Zionists in reinforced by a tougher breed of Muslims (some with blue eyes) the conflict they cheered from the sidelines. armed with the nuclear weapons that Arab states like Iraq and Strange, how we win wars Jews support and don't win wars Muslim states like Iran and Pakistan have labored so hard to manu­ they don't support! Strange, when we don't achieve the Jewish facture themselves? war aim of deep-sixing Saddam, it sooner or later becomes our It's true that Yeltsin says he is trying to pry their nuclear .weap­ war aim. ons away from the Kazakhs. It's true that Nazarbay­ Over time, however, it's not a great idea to fight ev has sworn he will defuse the country's nukes. for the cause of another nation instead of fighting for But it's also true that up till now they are still in our own. We didn't fight for America in WWI; we place. fought for the British, French, Russians, Jews and for What does our crystal ball tell us is in store for a few other folks who didn't want a German victory, the Middle East once Yeltsin is gone, an exit that although such a victory might have established a may not be long in coming, since revolutions have new balance of power in Europe, avoided the fright­ a habit of eating their own? Who can say that some ful imbalances that produced communism and fas­ anti-Western, Pan-Slavic strongman won't take the cism and led directly to WWII. helm in Russia and back up the Muslims in an all- What about the next international conflagration? out war to remove the nettle of Zionism from the Whether or not they know it, a lot of politicians are Boss of 1,690 nukes Middle East. Should this occur, Israel, as is its wont, setting the stage for it. Every threat, every sanction, every inspec­ will order the U.S. to come to its rescue. Presto, we'll be off on tion team humiliating Saddam is polishing his martyr image in the another rush to Armageddon. eyes of 935 million Muslims, including 125 million Arabs. Sad- Wouldn't it have been nice if the U.S. had put its own inter­ dam is not much of a believer but, because of the sympathy of ests above the interests of other nations and peoples in the last 75 Muslims for picked-on fellow Muslims, he is emerging as a sort of years? The lives of 117,000 Americans would have been saved in second Ayatullah Khomeini, someone more and more Muslims WW I; 407,000 in WWII; 64,000 in Korea; 58,000 in Vietnam. would be willing to die for-or at least pray to Allah for. This sym­ Wouldn't it have been nice if the U.S. had not drained away a siz­ pathy intensifies as the U.S. and UN step up their bullying. able part of its wealth and resources on foreign wars, Marshall Heading the Israelis' current enemies' list is Iran, a Muslim plans, stationing American troops abroad, mountains of foreign fundamentalist regime that is arming itself to the teeth. Iran has aid, the $50 billion given to Israel (so far) to placate the Israeli been buying missiles from China and North Korea, biological lobby and the $10 billion given to Egypt (so far) for making peace weapons from various European states, and plans and parts for nu­ with the Zionist state in the Camp David Accords? Wouldn't it be clear weapons, wherever they can be procured. nice if the Arab people and not a cohort of corrupt millionaire What will make the next Middle Eastern conflict different from sheiks were still our friends, as they were before we started subsi­ the preceding ones is the entrance of an ominous new player, Ka­ dizing the beggar state of Israel, as it went about grabbing and, zakhstan, the largest of the six Muslim states that have spun off despite Rabin's assurances, continuing to grab land from the Pal­ from the defunct U.S.S.R. It's a Texas-size country with an area of estinians-and in the process killing 1,002 and injuring 120,193 1,049,000 sq. mi. and a popUlation of 16.5 million. Numbers, since the beginning of the Intifada, while resorting to the Jews' however, don't mean much in high-tech wars, but fusion and fis­ patented practice of blowing up a family's home because one of sion bombs do. It so happens that Kazakhstan has at least 100 the kids threw a rock at the occupation forces? ICBMs in its arsenal of 1,690 nuclear weapons, which makes Ka­ None of the above major and minor tragedies would have oc­ zakhstan the world's fourth strongest nuclear power, after Ameri­ curred if Americans had recognized the simple truth that foreign ca's 19,000; Russia's 17,505; and Ukraine's 4,356 (New Times, policy and engagement in foreign wars should be based on the in­ April 1992). It was in the former Soviet Republic's vast expanses terest of its citizens, not on the interest of a grossly affluent trans­ that the Russians chose to build launching sites for many of the national minority. ICBMs aimed at the U.S. Each hydrogen warhead on the tips of Meanwhile, as Bush & Co. tighten the screws on Saddam, these missiles is capable of just about wiping out New York City. Muslims grind their teeth and await the coming of a new Saladin What's cooking in Kazakhstan these days? After 70 years of to drive the hated Israelis and their Western acolytes out-and, if enforced atheism, the Muslim majority is returning to Islam with a necessary, nuke them out-ot the Middle East.

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PACE 13 Puleeze-Stop the Whining! to the Living Dead while they gnaw at our tendons. Might Makes The invariant structure of writings in Instauration: Oh look, Right. White Is Right because we WILL it to be so-not because THEY did THIS. If WE did THAT, do you think WE'D get away we're morally superior. Save Christianity for the time when Chris­ with it? Not on your life! tendom-a Euro homeland with defensible borders-has actually In other words, the magazine is mired in ressentiment. Time been reestablished upon this earth. and again the wail goes up: Why are THEY so hypocritical? Why 207 do THEY have a double standard when it comes to the Majority? Why is life so unfair? Back to Europe Nietzsche would read all of it with a rising gorge. I drove down the main street of my "hometown," Allentown It is time to break out of this tiresome and pointless Christian (PA), the other day. I saw-and I am not exaggerating-not one logic. The Christian moralist demands that his enemies try to see white person. Scrawled on a storefront was the slogan, "Riot To­ things from his point of view, that they be able to identify with day for Rodney K." I came home and watched a few minutes of him and to relativize their own interests (as he is so easily able to the Democratic National Convention. Here were the leaders of do with his), that they humble themselves, that they give him a the largest political party in the U.S., making cloying appeals to break. It is, of course, our race's sympathetic ability to step out­ blacks, gays and "people of color" for their support. How would side itself and into the shoes of others that is both our blessing and the country react if these same pol iticians said they wou Id defend our curse (see Nietzsche's pronouncements on "the noble and the the rights of working class whites, or if they promised to stop the common"). At this juncture of history, however, the threats ar­ black-on-white crime epidemic that has turned our streets into rayed against us require that we abandon relativism. It has to be battle zones? The question is academic, really, since neither of the Our Race Right or Wrong-not just when we obey some pipe two major political parties has any intention of doing any such dream of color-blind, class-unconscious, universal, evenhanded, thing. one-size-fits-all Moral Law, but wherever and whenever our inter­ Disgusted, I reread Instauration's june 1992 editorial, "Ameri­ ests are on the line. ca Is Dead." Yes, I decided, America is dead. It has been dead for Some readers will repeat the position that after all it's our years. Occasionally some writers in Instauration wax nostalgic "idealism" that makes Euros so worthwhile, that if we ever lost it about the "good old days," when the Majority really was a majori­ we'd be " no better than our enemies" and thus not worth saving. ty; when it looked Iike the sons and daughters of Europe might ac­ Nonsense. First, not another people on earth is playing by those tually succeed in creating a civilization out of a wilderness. Ap­ rules, although every one of them is very keen to see us continue parently some people believed this up until the 1950s and 60s. I struggling to play by them. Second, the sense of Fair Play (like the don't know. I'm only 20 years old. instinct of altruism) only makes sense within a homogeneous or­ I do know this, however. My generation was robbed-robbed ganic society whose members are truly united by the genetic im­ of a homeland, robbed of a culture, robbed of a nation we should perative-not within a tyrannical monstrosity like modern Ameri­ have inherited. I see young Germans rallying behind the flags of ca where genocidal urges against whites run through daily life like their forefathers, singing, Deutschland Uber Alles at the top of open sewers through a slum. Even in the smallest possible homo­ their lungs and longing for an all-German Germany. I see young geneous organic society-the nuclear family-Fair Play scarcely people, Croats, Slovaks, Lithuanians, fighting and dying so that means that all members have equal rights or powers or that sound their homelands can be free and their cultures preserved. I am en­ policy can be made by taking a majority vote. vious. The American flag leaves me cold. To me the American na­ Besides, whom are we kidding with this air of perpetually in­ tional anthem is nothing more than a good song. jured innocence? No one-certainly not the jews, who know that I think back to when a friend and I visited Scandinavia last anyone not for them (Le., of them) is against them, and act ac­ year. We walked the streets of Copenhagen, sometimes alone, at cordingly. Our whining is just an unmistakable sign of weakness. 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. We had no fear. Can you imagine a Until we strip off the mask of fake universality and own up to the lone white walking through an American city of the same size at dear, deep-down chauvinism that must animate any healthy peo­ that time with no fear? We struck up conversations with strangers ple, we will be the laughingstock of the darkling world. in train stations and on buses. Go to an American city with a pop­ So please, Instauration writers, quit casting our racial situation ulation of half a million and try to find a friendly face (or even a in the same old scandalized terms over and over again. You recognizably white face) in a train station in the middle of the sound like nothing so much as an overgrown, uncoordinated girl night. Remembering Europe, I now realize that that is my home. repeatedly running in from the playground to tell Teacher that the I am not an American. This realization was a few years in boys just won't play nice. All healthy races are highly hypocriti­ coming, but it was inevitable, as I believe it is for anyone of my cal, lustily denouncing every successful move and tactic of their generation who is attuned to racial matters. Since I'm equal parts competitors even as they scheme to adopt them the second they Irish, Slovak, Polish and Austrian, I simply consider myself a Euro­ get a chance. Crying "Hypocrisy!" is a nonstarter in the new glo­ pean. Instauration can continue to criticize the "dual loyalty" of bal war of European Man against Mud. As homos, Negroes and so Jews, but from now on my only loyalty is to Europe. many of our mortal enemies have learned from jews, to get ahead 181 one must never apologize and never explain. just remember one thing: White Is Right. That doesn't mean we shouldn't blast the Why Did He Do It? race traitors in our midst. It does mean we should start acting like Ever since Perot quit the presidential race, Dallas rumor mills we're in a war instead of trying to teach Sunday school homilies have been grinding out reasons for his abrupt departure. Here are

PAGE 14-1NSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 some of the theories that have been bandied about: never been in dispute ....Considering the data from all studies, 1. Perot and his son have invested heavily in the Alliance Air­ the indication is that the difference between the two groups is port outside Fort Worth. Federal approval being a key part of the about 15 IQ points, with whites having a mean IQ of approxi­ success of any airport, it's possible the Feds told him they'd pull mately 100 and blacks a mean of approximately 85. This black the plug on him if he didn't drop out. and white difference quickly reduces to 11 points if blacks and 2. Before Perot opted out, a friend of mine told me that Ross whites being compared are of the same socioeconomic status." was going to make an important announcement about taxation, The 15 IQ points represent a standard deviation on the IQ one that might spell doom for the IRS. I suspect that as soon as scale. Thus only 2% of the blacks have an IQ of 115 or over, someone whispered the word "audit" into Perot's ear, he couldn't compared with 17% of whites. (More than 40% of the Japanese help but get the message. Considering how serpentine his tax re­ have IQs over 115.) So what? Well, myoid statistics professor turns must be, the IRS could harass him into the grave in no time. made the point that, although IQ tests mayor may not measure 3. Perot was not terribly enthusiastic about the idea of free intelligence, ''They do two things very well. They predict academ­ trade. Indeed, the day after the great welsh, the Mexican stock ic success and they predict financial success./I market shot upwards. I can't help but wonder if Perot didn't have In Human Behavior, social scientists Gary A. Steiner and Ber­ some outstanding loans with international bankers that were on nard Berelson stated that the mean IQ of college graduates is 120, the verge of being called in. and that the mean IQ of persons receiving Ph.D.s is 130. IThe lat­ My own theory is more complex. I hearken back to the days ter figure includes 2% of whites and an infinitely small number of when Pat Buchanan entered the Republican primaries. I couldn't blacks, which goes a long way in explaining why there are so few help but wonder if the party bosses had recruited him to steal Da­ black members of college faculties.) vid Duke's thunder. Duke, having lost the race for the Louisiana The situation is deteriorating. Thomas Sowell in his book, governorship, had plenty of time to mount a presidential cam­ The Economics and Politics of Race, points out that the black and paign. As Bush's only serious challenger, he would have received white middle classes are not having enough children to replace loads of media attention and once again would have been an em­ themselves, but that the black middle class is having fewer chil­ barrassment to G.O.P. regulars. Pat, ever the staunch party man, dren than the middle class members of the general population. may have volunteered to run solely to divert attention from Duke. This trend bodes ill for the coming supply of qualified students for Whatever his intentions, the effect was that Duke all but vanished higher education, especially for blacks. from the airwaves. But what to do if Duke decided to run as an in­ My question, once again, is why don't the universities stick to dependent? Wouldn't it be possible for the party bosses to have a merit in their selection of students and faculties? The role of high­ meeting of the minds and come up with a bipartisan red herring? er education is to identify and educate those students who have Certainly a man in Perot's position would be acquainted with a the ability to become the country's leaders, the managers and pro­ host of higher-ups in both parties who would guarantee his con­ fessionals needed to create and maintain an advanced, civilized tinued prosperity in a Republican or Democratic administration. society. Suppose they recruited him just to provide someone who could If we are to survive as an advanced society, it's the only poli­ vent the frustrations of the average voter-a safety valve, as it cy that makes any sense. In a struggle for survival, the first rule is were. Then, after he's had his say and the people had gotten the to face reality, regardless of how distressing it may be. gripes out of their system, he could drop out when it was too late 323 for Duke or anybody else to mount a serious independent candi­ dacy. So, when all was said and done, we'd be back to the same From the Oxford English Dictionary, 1933 wretched Januskopf system that millions of Americans hoped they would finally be rid of! Instauration (inst§Ii'I·J:m}. [ad. L. illstallrii­ Maybe there's some truth to all of the above; maybe there's no th"ill-CI/I, n. of action f. inslaunirc to restore: st.e truth whatsoever. But I can't get around the notion that the Ameri­ lNSToltE v. Cf..F. illstauralio/Z ~ 16th c. in Hatz. ~..] can people have once again been hornswoggled. 1. The nction of restoring or repairing; restora­ 770 tion, renoyation, renewal. a 1603 T. C,'WrWHIGHT Con/It!. Rllt'lII. l'v-. T. 1 At Unprinted letter to the Chronicle of Higher Education the time of the instauration of all things. 1612 SI.LDES Arotcs Drayton's P(1/roib. xi. lE6 Ifyou rt:ferre it to in:-tau­ Why doesn't higher education get out of the race business? ration of what was dlscontinut:d by \Vilfrids returne to his The Chronicle has a constant drumbeat of articles that cry with Archbishoprique. ll6zo ljAcos (lit!,:) lustauralio l\lagna. alarm at the dearth of black students and faculty in the U.S. halls Ibid. 35 (Sub-title) Pars Secunda operis qua; dicetur NOHllll of ivy. Fingers point in every direction as educators and politi­ Organum, si\"e Indicio Vera de Interpretatione Natura!.] 16z5 BAco~ Ess. Ded. Dk. Buckhm., My In"tauration, cians follow the old Navy policy, "When in trouble, when in I dedicated to the King: My Histori!:! of Henry the doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." Seuenth the Prince. tl 1661 FULLLR IV(11·thit's (J 8.~o) I. Why not look at the reality of the situation, which is: the pool 135 He gave the first institution, or (as others will have it) of blacks who are capable of success in university academics is the best illstauratiol1, to the university of Oxford. 1761 tiny. Because of birth patterns, it is getting even smaller. Ri0l:. Diet., I.d. Barott I l. 8 At this time he appear..; to have drawn the first out·lines of his grand instauration of My grandson has been pulled into Duke the past four sum­ the sciences. 1819 !\f. PATTISOS jllilloll vi. 68 Its aim was mers as one of a group of 400 of the brightest students in the to realise in political institutions that gn:at instauration of country. (He is now 17.) The first two summers were math, the which Bacon dreamed ill the world of intelligence. third chemistry. Last summer he took, of all things, psychology, t 2. Institution, founding, establishment. Ol,s. which was taught by George A. Kimble, professor of Psychology 1614 RAI.EIGH Hist. II/odd II. \1634) 491 Knowing the and formerly chairman of the Psychology Dept. at Duke. Dr. Kim­ instauration of these games to have been in the 408th yeare after Troy. 1631 H EYWOOD }~':"f[. Eliz. (1641) 51 The inchoa­ ble is the one of the authors of the textbook, Psychology, used in tion and lIbtanration of a glorious Church and Commonweal. my grandson's class. 1778 n... LOWTH 1'rallsl. lsaialz Notes (ed. 12) 2I3 The in­ Page 58 of Psychology contains this excerpt: liThe empirical stauration and :ldvancement of states. finding that American blacks and whites differ in average IQ has

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PACE 15 means the ruthless money-lending, usuri­ ous Shylock of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. It's highly unlikely that the Penguin Weird News Sheet day thriving by recasting themselves as or­ role was specifically modeled after a Jew. The Massachusetts Daily Collegian, the dinary citizens. Gary Simmons, through If anything, the film's director went out of student newspaper of the University of his use of common yet potent symbols, his way to show a huge concrete cross sit­ Massachusetts at Amherst, in order to asks us to undertake a rigorous investiga­ ting on top of the tall tombstone that avoid further violence-its offices having tion of prejudice on both very public and marked the grave of the Penguin's parents. been stormed twice by minorities and radi­ highly personal levels. What's more, would McDonald's, Coca­ cal leftists-has a black affairs editor, a Cola and Choice Hotels International sink woman's issues editor, a multicultural af­ Torturer Finally Executed a reported $65 million in a promotional ad fairs editor, a gay, lesbian and bisexual is­ Bleeding hearts almost burst their aor­ campaign for a film with anti-Jewish "im­ sues editor, a Third World affairs editor tas trying to commute the death sentence agery?" A Wall St. Journal article noted and, last but by no means least, a Jewish of William Andrews, the black thug who that McDonald's execs now demand to affairs editor. Newspaper staffers vote for took part in the 1974 Ogden "Hi-Fi Shop" see movie scripts up front before they editors. Minority members can vote for all torture and shooting of five white hostages, agree to a tie-in. They also insist on meet­ candidates, but whites are forbidden to three of whom died. While Andrews did ings with the directors of every film so the vote for editorial positions designated for not pull the trigger, he reportedly did force company can get a better handle on what minorities. all five hostages at gun point to imbibe kind of movie is being made. Drano, a caustic chemical used to unclog It's a cinch that Batman Returns would Flowers of Hate household drains. have been spiked early on if the charge of The term "hate" has reached new lev­ Part of the clockwork appeals rested anti-Semitic imagery had merit. As it was, els of fanaticism, as shown by the follow­ upon the claim that Andrews wasn't aware the anti-Semitism seems to have been con­ ing publicity release from the Whitney Mu­ that swallowing Drano could be lethal. His fined to the minds of two super-sensitive seum of American Art. It's one more lawyers also attempted to cast some doubt Jews, the kind who spend all their days striking example of the pot calling the ket­ on Andrews' exact motive in committing and nights sniffing around for the slightest tle black; of the guilty passing on guilt to the atrocity. In one interview, he acknowl­ hint of anything that can be deemed criti­ the guiltless. Anyone who can make hatred edged that his victims had suffered by cal of Jews. the theme of a garden has an HQ (hate drinking the stuff, but denied that their suf­ Like almost everything that emanates quotient) that must go through the roof. fering was his "intention." Asked what his from Hollywood, Batman Returns is the The Garden of Hate, an installation by intention was, he stammered and stuttered. property of Chosenites and is being distrib­ Gary Simmons, is modeled on traditional Former District Judge John F. Wahlquist uted by Warner Bros., a subsidiary of Time formal garden design. It consists of a flow­ noted that Andrews may also have sexual­ Warner, which has a Jewish CEO, Steve er bed, 15 feet in diameter, filled with red ly assaulted a hostage. Ross, and a Jewish president, Gerald Le­ and white azaleas arranged in the cruci­ During all the appeals and legal wran­ vin. Would two Jews, who run what is ba­ form pattern adopted by the Ku Klux Klan. gling, the NAACP referred to Andrews as sically a pro-Jewish media empire have The flowers are surrounded by a boxwood "the Rodney King of Utah"--one more re­ anything to do with a movie that was truly topiary. A flagpole rises from the center of minder that no one makes a case for white anti-Semitic? the cross, capped by a bronze eagle. separatism better than blacks themselves. Pornography, scatology, minority-bash­ Benches around the flower bed invite A further note: According to a Salt Lake ing cop-killing rap? Yes! But anti-Semitism? viewers to sit and reflect on the installa­ City paper, of the 47 criminals executed Never! tion. The Juniper shrubs and wood chips during the time of Utah's statehood, exact­ 207 complete the formal garden atmosphere. ly two have been black. The objects that comprise The Garden of On July 30, Andrews finally got what Black Hoaxer Unpunished Hate form an ironic and shocking combi­ was coming to him, as a motley ant!­ Back in March 1990 the press carried nation of familiar, loaded images through capital punishment group, many of them some antiwhite hokum about a black fe­ which the artist comments on the persis­ white, held a candlelight vigil outside the male student in Emory University who tent (jm)balance of racial, political and eco­ prison. curled up in a permanent fetal position be­ nomic power. A. F. SVENSON cause she had been the target of racial Each azalea in the garden plays an in­ barbs. Dr. James Laney, president of Emo­ tegral role in forming one of the most hate­ Semitic Nitpickers ry, immediately got into the act by de­ ful and reviled symbols in America-the Batman Returns, the hyped sequel of nouncing "renascent bigotry" and promul­ Ku Klux Klan cross. This contrast between all sequels, is under fire from Chosenites gating a mess of totalitarian regulations the loveliness of the flowers and the despi­ for its anti-Semitic "imagery and cultural that all but destroyed free speech on cam­ cable symbol they portray forcefully articu­ stereotypes." Oscar Cobblepot, the villain­ pus. Any "conduct (oral, written, graphic lates public, institutionalized prejudice as ous Penguin, displays too many traits of or physical) directed against any person or well as the masked, sanitized aspects of ra­ the traditionally conniving Jew: a "pale­ group. . .that has the purpose or reason­ cism. At the center of the cross, the flag­ faced, hooked nose [and] half-arched ably foreseeable effect of creating an offen­ pole, representing the ever watchful pow­ beast," claimed two Columbia University sive, demeaning, intimidating, or hostile ers-that-be, serves as a reminder that so­ seniors in the N.Y. Times. environment" was streng verboten. ciety is still tainted with prejudice and It's true that the Penguin character is Later it was discovered, as any Instau­ maintains a vested interest in the control unathletic, pushy, self-centered, scheming, rationist knew it would be, that the female and subjugation ofothers. Even such overt­ unattractive, socially repugnant, callous student's complaint was just another of ly racist organizations as the Klan are to- and slightly paranoid. But he is by no those minority-engineered hoaxes, in this

PAGE 16-1NSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 ator Orrin Hatch, he received a new ap­ pointment, director of the National Insti­ tute of Mental Health, over the frantic ob­ jections of Charles Spielberger of the case dished up to divert attention from the innovation, white imitation." Fashion crit­American Psychological Association and hoaxess having cheated on a chemistry ics dubbed the crumpled, stumpy pants as Alan Kraut of the American Psychological exam. The head of the Atlanta NAACP ra­an expression of IIreverse rea I ity. " Society. Kennedy and Representative John cistically commented: "It doesn't matter... Dingell co-signed an open letter, which whether she did it or not because of all the Deathstyles of the AIDS Prone decried Goodwin's lIextremist and appall­ pressure these black students are under at America's homo "community" seems ing view" of the nature of urban problems. these predominantly white schools. If this... determined to self-destruct. After AIDS will bring it to the attention of the public, I made its appearance in the early 1980s, it Politically Attuned Brew have no problem with that." was commonly agreed that the spread of Hornell Brewing Co. of Brooklyn has the deadly disease was facilitated by pub­introduced a new malt liquor called IICra­ Travails of Der fwige Jude lic sex clubs, whose patrons enjoyed an zy Horse." The label features a picture of Sem itic defenders of free expression "exchange of fluids" with unlimited num­an Indian, with an inscription on the back are trying once again to put the famous bers of fellow deviates. of the bottle that reads, "The Black Hills of Nazi documentary, The Eternal Jew, under Across the country, these once popular Dakota, steeped in the history of the Amer­ wraps. The video revolution, which has establishments were shut down by public ican West, home of proud Indian Nations done so much to benefit the Triple X in­health authorities. But since gay blades .... A land ...of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, dustry, has also opened up a new outlet don't find private vice enough fun, sex and Custer." for classic flicks, such as Birth of a Nation clubs are quietly reopening in Zoo City U.S. Surgeon General Antonia Novello and controversial films produced in Ger­and other centers of perversion-a clear and various American Indian tribal chiefs many and the late Soviet Union. violation of public health regulations. have charged that the libation, brewed for Peter Bernotas, the scholarly head of Why should the rest of us be con­Hornell by G. Heileman, is targeted at International Historic Films, Inc. of Chica­cerned? Simply because AIDS is an expen­young people, especially Indians, whose go, has been selling Der Ewige Jude for sive disease, costing insurers and, in the babies have the highest rates of fetal alco­ $49.95 since 1987, along with 600 other end, the general public an annual $38,000 hol syndrome in the world and are more historic and documentary films. Recently, per case. And AIDS carriers do present likely to die from alcohol-related accidents TV muckraker Geraldo Rivera, treated the some danger to the as yet uninfected, as than any other segment of the U.S. popula­ audience of his syndicated "investigative proved by the deliberate spread of the dis­tion. news" show, Now It Can Be Told, to the ease by the late West Palm Beach dentist, Public health officials and Indian acti­ "scoop" that the Goebbels-sponsored doc­David Acer. vists admit that there is little that can be umentary was being distributed through done to halt sales of the product, available the U.S. mails. No Simian Similes, Please in 40-ounce bottles. There is a precedent, Jewish groups are quietly trying to con­Dr. Frederick Goodwin was forced to however. Last year G. Heileman dropped trol dissemination of the film, which in­resign as head of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, plans to market a malt liquor, named Pow­ cludes remarkable footage of the bloody and Mental Health Administration, follow­erMaster, after minority do-gooders charg­ and cruel way rabbis slaughter animals, ing his remarks at a public meeting of the ed that it was targeted at young black life among Polish Jews, and a review of NIMH Advisory Council on Mental Health. males. those parts of Jewish history about which Discussing a proposed "violence initia­ Semites would prefer that non-Jews remain tive," Goodwin said, "If you look, for ex­Folk Song Banned blissfully unaware. Sharon Rivo, executive ample, at male monkeys, especially in the The old tune, Shortenin' Bread, about director of the National Center for Jewish wild, roughly half of them survive to adult­a slave who steals bread to feed his chil­ Films at Brandeis University, charges that hood. The other half die by violence. That dren, has been banned by Spokane public the film is "only used for hate outside of is the natural way.. .for males to knock school officials for being "racially insensi­ the classroom," and wants it restricted to each other off." Goodwin went on to note, tive." The ban was instituted in time to re­ approved college courses. Barry Morrison "the same hyperaggressive monkeys who move the song from the program of a city of the ADL is calling for the issuing of kill each other are also hypersexual, so concert. "carefully developed guidelines," which is they...reproduce more to offset the fact While students were practicing for the ADLese for censorship. that half of them are dying." concert, Negro fifth-grader Satirhea Gon­ Goodwin then suggested that the be­calves complained to her father, Larry, that Whites Mimic Rap Culture havior of certain types of bipeds parallels other students were teasing her. District This season's fashion statement among that of the monkeys: "The loss of social music coordinator Ron Wildey, when the younger set is plunging waistlines. structure...particularly within the high im­brought on the carpet, tried to explain that Pants are often worn backwards and so pact inner-city areas, has removed some of the song has long been a standard because low that the practice has spawned a new, the civilizing evolutionary things that we it is easy for young musicians to play. hobbled way of walking. Black Rap croak­have built up.•.maybe it isn't just the Susan Hales, of the YWCA's Multicul­ ers adopted the style from prison inmates careless use of the word when people call tural Coalition, applauded the ban, which denied the use of belts and suspenders, al­certain areas of certain cities jungles ... .I "provides a good lesson in cultural sensi­ lowing their pants to slip low on their hips. say this with the realization that [these re­tivity." It remains to be seen if other school Characteristically, young whites are ap­marks] might be easily misunderstood." districts around the country follow Spo­ ing Rappers. Bill Adler, a business rep for Goodwin came under swift attack from kane's lead. rap groups like Public Enemy, smirked that 26 black congressmen, as well as Senator the new style is another instance of "black Edward Kennedy. But at the urging of Sen­* * * INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PAGE 17 each establishment clears an average of from $1 million to $2 million a year. In early june, the Mayor's Office of Midtown Another L.A. Riot in the Offing? and shut case I have ever seen. It was air­ Enforcement closed six such houses of ill Arrested three times since his beating tight." The outcome of the trial "was abso­ repute, in an effort to grab a few headlines. by the Los Angeles cops, Rodney King is lutely a travesty. [Ms. Jernigan] was just Dozens of other Asian massage parlors re­ suing the city for $83 million and expects not going to convict anybody of anything." main open, however, and continue to do a to get anywhere from $8 million to $10 thriving business. Profits continue to flow million. His most recent arrest was for Birth Controll/Refugees" to the Chinese and Japanese crime syndi­ drunken driving. Earlier, he was arrested u.s. domestic politics is playing an in­ cates that own them. for threatening his wife; still earlier for try­ creasing role in who is admitted as a refu­ The sexual needs of less affluent His­ ing to run down two undercover officers. gee. By international agreement a refugee panics and South Asians are being provid­ Police did not collar him when they is someone who is able to establish he has ed by houses that charge an average of caught him soliciting the favors of a trans­ been persecuted and oppressed in his $20 for 15 minutes. One section of Queens vestite prostitute. Since the TV networks homeland. In a new ploy based on a has 70 low-budget brothels, largely staffed deliberately ran that carefully edited part broad, extremely broad, interpretation of by illegal aliens from various Latin Ameri­ of the videotape around the clock, there­ "refugee," the anti-abortion lobby is pres­ can countries. At one house temporarily fore putting L.A. minorities in the mood for suring Washington to grant refugee status closed by police, condoms cost a buck, an insurrection, it would seem only logical to Chinese who allege they are fleeing and customers who have to wait are given that the networks should be sued for some their country's population-stabilization ef­ a cold beer from the well-stocked fridge in of the $1 billion in riot damages. forts. Mainland China, which has been the kitchen, which, according to the N.Y. In early August it was announced the overpopulated for centuries, is encourag­ Times, is "decorated with statuettes of the four cops, three of whom were already ac­ ing a one-couple, one-child policy. Virgin Mary and other saints." The women quitted on the state charges, will be tried In a country with an annual average in­ are paid $10 an hour. again, this time for violating Rodney King's come of $320, thousands have managed civil rights. The fourth, Laurence Powell, to raise the $10,000 fare for passage to The Persistent Gap whose guilt or innocence the jury could such countries as Peru, Panama and Mexi­ Michigan is one of a growing number not agree on, wi II not, as previously report­ co, which serve as launching pads for en­ of states that has mandatory competency ed, be retried on the original charge. Maxi­ try into the u.S. Word is now spreading tests for would-be teachers. Close to 1,860 mum sentences for all four men, if convict­ through China that couples who simply students in Michigan's 30 colleges of edu­ ed: 10 years in prison and a $250,000 claim they fear sterilization or abortion af­ cation took the 1992 exam. Overall, 88% fine. Once again the old Anglo-Saxon law ter their first child will likely be permitted of the students passed: 91 % of whites, against double jeopardy flies out the win­ to make it to the U.S., along with their infant. 82% of Hispanics, 78% of American Indi­ dow. ans, 68% of Asians, 55% of blacks. Earl What will happen if the defendants are Here Come the "Feet People" Nelson, director of the state's Education again pronounced "not guilty?" Another In the 12-month period ending Septem­ Minority Equity Office, attributed the black riot? Jurors may decide in advance that ber 30, 1991, the Border Patrol arrested students' relatively poor showing to "a convictions are the safest way to go. 1.13 million illegal aliens. The number ap­ lack of minority teachers." prehended during the current fiscal year Breakdown of Jury System will almost certainly exceed that of 1991. Cheating Teacher Caught Further evidence that minority racism According to the Border Patrol, for every To graduate and receive a diploma, and threats of minority violence are erod­ alien who is caught, two or three make it San Francisco high-school students are re­ ing the jury system: across the virtually undefended border. quired to pass a four-part test measuring -A juror in the felony assault trial of In the now dim past, single Hispanic basic proficiency in math, reading, English John Wiley Price admitted that he voted to males came to the U.S., worked for a grammar and composition. This year, acquit the controversial black Dallas while, then went back to Mexico or Latin 95.7% of the district seniors passed. County commissioner after he had re­ America. Today increasing numbers of Among those who flunked at Galileo High ceived death threats during the trial. Ac­ women and families are migrating-most School were three blacks. After the results cording to police, three of the jurors re­ permanently. Although they are frequently were in, Assistant Principal Lou Garrett, ceived such threats. The acquittal has been robbed and raped by Mexican border ban­ himself a Negro, invited the three students allowed to stand. dits or the professional smugglers (known into his office, where he allowed them to -In Birmingham (AU Circuit Judge as coyotes) who escort them across the change enough of their wrong answers to james Garrett was forced to declare a mis­ border from Mexico, droves of Mexican obtain a passing grade on the math exam. trial in the restaurant robbery case of black women are coming to the U.S. Last year Two had already failed the test twice; the defendant Marcus Thomas, after a black 15% of the illegals arrested at the San Die­ third had failed three times. juror, Rosa Jernigan, refused to convict go sector, which accounts for around half District officials became suspicious Thomas because he was a black man. of all apprehensions along the Southern when Garrett turned in a dozen math an­ Thomas, 24, was charged with 13 robber­ border, were females. swer sheets for Galileo seniors a day later ies. The evidence against him included: than those of their classmates. Three of the the restaurant's keys, found in his apart­ Aliens Create More Jobs multiple-choice answer sheets were full of ment; the testimony of two witnesses; a Downtown Manhattan is playing host erasure marks, with 26 answers changed confession; and a diary in which he wrote to a growing number of Asian vice dens, on one of the exams, 22 on the second, a detailed account of the holdup. Said publicly advertised as massage parlors. Ca­ and 13 on a third. Virtually all of the an­ judge Garrett, "This was the most open tering to a predominantly Asian clientele, swers had been changed from wrong to

PACE 18-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 shown "an unusual ability to get along with others" and was friendly with black and Hispanic co-workers. "He used to right. VVary school officials then required for Western civilization, for Anglo-Ameri­ hang around the course [classroom] after the three blacks to take the graduation can ideals, and sell the hell out of ill" Such he was finished, taking people's hats, kiss­ exam over again. All three failed. a forthright stance, Saunders felt, would en­ ing babies, making people feel good," By way of punishment, Garrett was hance the reputation of the college in a Hoff, who is planning to sue the JDO, placed on "administrative leave," which time of nationwide educational decline. freely confessed his Klan affiliation, telling amounted to giving him a three-week paid reporters, "We are here to bring blacks and vacation. Predictably, the San Francisco Open Season on White Kids whites together against the Jew media that branch of the NAACP has accused the The Rodney King verdict is continuing is trying to divide the blacks from the school district of racism, charging that the to furnish blacks an excuse to attack whites." He is planning to file suit against black educator's reputation has been dam­ whites. In Pittsburgh (PA) a black Ringgold the JDO. Norman Siegel, executive direc­ aged by the public disclosure of the sort of High School student, Richard Isbell, 19, tor of the New York Civil Liberties Union, "help" he gave his co-racialists. was charged with simple assault and disor­ agrees that Hoff's firing has set a "danger­ derly conduct after being accused of beat­ ous precedent" if allowed to stand. White Student Suspended ing Douglas Modery, an 18-year-old white In reporting the JDO's attack on Hoff, The First Amendment to the Constitu­ student, while a group of fellow Negroes the media never mentioned that Morde­ tion provided no protection for Palm chanted, "Rodney, Rodney," Modery was chai Levi is a convicted felon. That's not Beach County high-school student Nicho­ attacked as he was getting a drink from a the way the press and TV handled David las Sobb, who was suspended just before water fountain. Despite this incontroverti­ Duke, who was unfailingly referred to as a final exams for distributing flyers for a ble hate crime, which would have resulted former Klan leader. book, Disaster Zone-U.s.A. Authored by in permanent suspension and a jail term if Jack Morris, the tome discusses the down­ committed by a white student, all Isbell re­ latest Literary Hoax side of school integration, arguing that ceived was a 1O-day suspension. Last year, The Education of Little Tree, black parents and activists habitually raise a homey little book purporting to be the the specter of racism when black students Black Teacher Fired autobiography of an orphan, Forrest Cart­ are disciplined. To exorcise the specter, In the Chicago suburb of Harvey (lL) a er, who claimed to have been raised by Morris writes, schools go easy on blacks black grade-school teacher, Charles Hill, two wise Cherokee grandparents, reached and have made it a policy to accept their was given the heave-ho after he had or­ the top of the bestseller list before it was substandard academic performance and dered the only white pupil in his fifth revealed that the book's author was a behavior. grade class to wear a name tag proclaim­ white supremacist. Despite the IIbad news," Even the Florida branch of the ACLU ing, "My name is Buckwheat" (after the the book remains a bestseller, with nearly conceded that Sobb did nothing wrong, old Our Gang movie character). Hill be­ 700,000 copies sold. since he waited until after classes were dis­ came incensed when he discovered Ra­ This year, one of the 10 nominees for missed to distribute the handbills. Never­ chel Wollam drawing pictures of rainbows the American Bookseller Association's theless, Judge Edward Garrison approved during his class, instead of paying atten­ coveted Abby Award (for the work book­ the 17 -year-old white student's suspen­ tion to teacher. Samuel Rhone, superinten­ sellers most enjoyed selling over the past sion, agreeing with school board associate dent of Elementary School District 147, 1 2 months) is Brother Eagle, Sister Sky: A counsel Hazel Lucas that the material told the black educator IInot to come Message From Chief Seattle, which has needed to be restricted since it might pro­ backH after Hill refused to apologize for sold over 280,000 copies since its release voke riots. Garrison denied a request for a the incident and failed to participate in a last September. But, like the Little Tree temporary injunction that would have workshop on IImu lticultural sensitivity.H opus, it turns out that words attributed to forced the school to end Sobb's suspen­ Chief Seattle, who lived in the Pacific sion during final exam week. Klansman "Outed" Northwest until his death in 1866, could Mordechai Levy's Jewish Defense Or­ not have been spoken by the old Indian College President Quits ganization has borrowed a page from the brave. Instead, they were the creation of J. Harvey Saunders, for 15 years presi­ fags and begun "outing" people who are white screenwriter Ted Perry, who made dent of Westminster College in Fulton members of white racialist groups. The up some dialog for the 1972 eco-movie, (MO), resigned in May, after the faculty JDO has established a telephone bulletin Home. At this year's Earth Day, environ­ gave him a unanimous vote of no­ that reveals the home address and phone mentalists liberally quoted from the Chief's confidence. It was at Westminster that number of both the "racist" and his em­ alleged words, particularly his denuncia­ Winston Churchill, borrowing a line from ployer. Protesters are urged to call the ac­ tion of whites for killing buffalo on the Dr. Joseph Goebbels, gave his stentorian cused's boss and demand his dismissal. prairie from passing trains and claiming "Iron Curtain" speech. In May, Mikhail One of the first targets of this civil that Indians respected the Earth as their Gorbachev visited the Westminster cam­ rights busting campaign was William Hoff, IIMother.H pus, where he delivered what many of his a 57-year-old resident of Astoria (NY). Hoff Herman Viola, a spokesman for the en­ American fans, but not his few remaining was fired from his job teaching computer­ vironmental ist crowd, denied there was Russian fans, described as a "landmark" operator skills to nonwhites and aliens at any harm in falsely attributing eco­ address. Third World Employment Services, when homilies to the Chief, who never saw a The profs were apparently deeply of­ the JDO revealed that, in his off hours, he buffalo. He lamely opined that the mythi~ fended when, during an informal faculty is a grand dragon in the KKK. cal speech "conveys the feeling a lot of In­ meeting, Saunders asked this impermissi­ Hoff's former employer, a black named dians had. There was some Indian out there ble question, "Why don't we take a stand Angel Wilson, admitted that Hoff had who would have said that kind of thing."


No matter how corkscrewed by AIPAC the American political lation of the media imaginable? Why didn't Tom Lantos tell us process, I simply won't believe that we're predestined forever to that the Kuwaiti joan of Arc, who blubbered about Iraqi soldiers be patsies to the Zionist plundering of the Middle East. Like mil­ stealing baby incubators after killing the contents, was the daugh­ lions of other Americans, I'm sick of being hounded by Holocaust ter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S.? At any rate, such guilt into a conspiracy of silence which allows AIPAC and its "omissions" furnish the occasion for potshots at and pop analyses shadowy accessories to pirate what is left of the foundering Amer­ of what's laughingly called our political culture. At least I can let ican treasury for the sordid purpose of pillaging Palestine. I won't the media movers and shakers know that someone with a bite is be a party to letting either party, Republican or Democrat, write a monitoring their brazen bull. I could write debunking articles plank into their platforms mandating that Palestinians must walk which, even if accepted, would be slam-dunked out of sight into a the plank. I won't be a party to transfo~ming a party platform into Podunk College quarterly. Instead, I write directly to the image­ a staging area for AskeNazi Lebensrar/m on the West Bank. Nei­ makers in an attempt to pry open their closed minds an inch or ther a Jew, Arab, Nazi nor anti-Semue, I'm simply a naive Ameri­ two, hoping that this may bring home more bacon than a burst of can. I refuse to be Hegelianized by history or Zionized by the Six brilliance buried in The Greater Grand Rapids University of Un­ Million into accepting the unfilmed genocide of Jewry as a justifi­ finished Furniture and Political Soft-Science Review. cation for the ongoing camcorded genocide of Palestinians. I recently heard Senator Metzenbaum spreading his Zion ide Mere letters of protest can't counterfeit the conn iptive power (cyanide) on C-Span and lamenting the expulsion of Jews from of money. No matter how passionate, mere language is no anti­ Spain 500 years ago. Did he thank the Arabs for the 700 years dote to the poisonous fear and loathing editors feel about the pos­ they allowed the Jews to prosper? Did he lament the expulsion cf sibility of losing their jobs. They're terribly afraid of the tourni­ the Arabs? They lost a country. The jews were simply washed out quets the Jewish community will put around their necks, thereby with the tide. What else could Christians do with those early Ro­ cutting off the blood supply of money, i.e, advertising. senbergs and Pollards? The Jews in Spain were given a chance to convert. Did rabbis in Israel give the Muslims they evicted the I am a friend to other-directed and alternative media dedicat­ same option? (Note: It's against the law in Israel for an Arab to ed to exposing the hypocrisy of the leper colony mainstream me­ change his/her name in order to marry a jew.) dia which is afraid to touch the truth with its contaminated tongs and which fights tong wars over tittle-tattle and scampers from the Remember Alex Odehl The U.S. citizen who had the misfor­ sunlight in order to cultivate fungoid factoids in damp, dark bank tune to be an Arab booster of Palestinian rights? He was pipe­ vaults. Ah, for the vaulting ambition of telling the simple truth! bombed away by killers the fBI believes were members of the JDL; specifically, by a converted Jew named Manning who fled to Why was it incorrigibly insensitive of Ross Perot to address a Israel just a hotfoot skip and a snipped foreskin ahead of the fBI. hodgepodge of Rainbowites as "you people," when the Rainbow­ Once there, he went on a campaigning binge for Meir Kahane's ite-in-chief defended-at least excused-Cistern Souljah's sugges­ Kach Party, which aims to evict every last Palestinian from Israel tion that killing whites for a week would constitute a vacation for and the occupied territories. He openly bullied Arabs and (for a blacks? The Rainbow Coalition is aptly named. What else is it but price) took tourists on treks through the territory of the Intifada, a potluckless mess of pottage looking for the pot 0' gold at the until, under pressure from the U.S., he was finally arrested on the end of the U.S. Treasury? I heard Rev. Jesse Jackson the other day West Bank. He still hasn't been extradited to California for trial. refer to himself as the "senator" from Washington. Senator from Why are the Jews resisting? aWe don't surrender Jews to the goy­ the persistent State of Opportunism, is more like it. We have im," boasts the fanatical Gush Emunim Party. come a long way from the radicalism of the 1960s. Contrast the Shamir & Co. were appalled at what might politically fall out ticket, the tone, the strategy of the July Democratic Convention to if a member of the JDL was put on trial for the murder of an Amer­ the 1968 Convention. Sooner or later, all revolutions betray them­ ican citizen. So the Manning case ~uddenly involved profound is­ selves. After Watergate and Irangate and the S&L debacle, the sues of sovereignty. After 25 years of extorting taxes, oppression American booboisie still will not rebel. It will sink ever deeper and expulsions, doesn't Israel have sufficient jurisdiction in the into sulk. West Bank to ensure that the arrest of Manning was legal? Mean­ I doubted that Ross Perot could win. The system was rigged while, as Odeh lies amoldering in his grave, the lawyers fatten on against him. Nevertheless, his whole campaign, if one can call it their fees and Manning smirks. Why the delay? The Jews snatched that, had a refreshingly off-the-cuff quality. But the pros cuffed Eichmann from Argentina. We potshotted Panama to transplant him good, especially on his corn-fed ears. Because he quit, an­ our CIA plant, pineapple Noriega. Now we want to extradite two other terrible dose of cynicism has been injected into the main­ Libyans for the tragedy of Lockerbee. fine. L 'chaim. So what stream of the American body politic. Millions more voters will about Bobby Manning? pack it in and leave the spoils to the apes of AIPAC. Politicians are despised because they are despicable. One can As a teacher, I feel obligated to "keep up." I try, but as e.e. only hope-probably in vain-that the current outrage against in­ cummings' Olaf says, there is some garbage I will not gulp. Time cumbents will endure until November, until the electorate relaps­ permitting, I do skim a few newspapers and magazines to keep in­ es into its normal recumbency, the apathy and comatose condi­ formed about the brainwashing the bought media have in store for tion so favored by their "representatives" in the "occupied me. territory" known as Capitol Hill. Wasn't Desert Sturm und Dreck the most scandalous manipu­ V.S. STINGER

PAGE 20-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 BBC's Masterpiece Theatre, in tune with the mephitic times, is getting dykier and dykier. A lesbian supersoap, Portrait of a Marriage, depicting the family-wrecking pas­ sion of poetess Vita Sackville-West, mother of two, for a British officer's wife, ran for-three Sundays in July. The re­ peated scenes of two naked women thrashing around in the sheets was almost too much for an embarrassed Alistair Cooke, who half-apologized in his introduction for what was in store for viewers. Superb acting helped mollify more prudish critics, though the point about Sapphic love could easi Iy have been made without the close-up, same-sex ca­ vortings. Since there is almost no taste left in U.S. television, American viewers have come to depend on BBC and Mas­ terpiece Theatre to slow the descent of TV into pure swin­ ishness. If the trend continues, tubes on both sides of the Atlantic will soon be blinking with nothing more than ac­ tors' and actresses' private parts. Artistically, the main trouble with injecting raw sex into TV dramas, particularly those which pretend to be high­ with, explaining, "[O]ne thing this company [News Corp.] minded, is the jolting change of mood. All of us have our has to stand for is 'there are limits.'" Considering the shows animalistic moments, but we work up to them. We don't Fox Network has been airing, the limits have long ago been hold forth on the poetry of Rilke and then, without a word stretched to the breaking point. or even a wink, throw someone on the sofa. Art follows life. It strains credulity to listen to the edu­ From 121. An episode of PBS's European Journal pro­ cated conversation and watch the aristocratic posturings in filed a security firm based in Berlin, most of whose work a British great house and then in the next second be pre­ comes from businessmen under siege from loitering junkies sented with the spectacle of the characters performing or shoplifters-the kind of harassment that the regular po­ naked acrobatics. The world of illusion in which the play­ lice has little time for. By operating with a lot of manpower wright wants to trap us is shattered. Art goes out the win­ and a no-nonsense attitude, security firms manage to get dow to be replaced by shock. Perhaps one day TV produc­ quick, dramatic results. ers and directors will understand how much they are losing What I found fascinating was the company's staff: top when they del iberately throw in "dirty pictures" in order to man was a Greek who also ran a Berlin disco; in charge of gain a few rating points. training and operations was a Lebanese Muslim who had lived in Berlin for 16 years. Virtually all the private guards NBC broke all records for advertising greed in its cover­ were "unskilled" Turks and Yugoslavs. The only Germans age of the Olympics. In the last games at Seoul, Korea, in shown were the seedy-looking degenerates rousted out of 1988, 14 minutes of every half-hour were taken up by public toilets where they were selling or using drugs. commercials. This time they seemed to last even longer, The final segment was a report on an African arts festi­ what with the added "tie-ins" of the athletes sporting the val recently held in WUrzburg. The opening shot featured a products of their corporate sponsors. There's only one way wild-looking, dreadlocked, Caribbean-type Negro chanting to stop this ghastly procession of plugs, that is, to smarten about "oppression," "Johannesburg" and "Pretoria" to a up and start a quiet boycott of TV's biggest advertisers. The languid reggae beat. An interview with one of the "musi­ watchword would be, "Buy the least advertised product." If cians" indicated that most of them were not from where 10 or 20 million people would cooperate in such a salubri­ you'd think, but from Britain. The final shot showed a per­ ous venture, TV commercials would immediately shrink oxide blonde tooting away on a saxophone in a Negro jazz both in length and number. Without advertising support, ensemble. shows like Roseanne and the Donahue talkfest would go We are all supposed to be cheering about the "collapse off the air. So much the better for what is left of American of communism" and the spread of "democracy," "Westerni­ culture. (Phil Donahue hit bottom last year with the on­ zation" and the "free market" into Eastern Europe. But now­ camera marriage of two black homos. Some months later adays the witches' brew that passes for "Westernization" the presiding black minister died of AIDS and one of the strikes me as being far more of a minus than a plus for "newlyweds" tested positive for HIV.) whites (and particularly for Northern Europeans). Francis Yockey warned of this in The Enemy of Europe where he A revealing glimpse of the kind of people in charge of argued that America, not Russia, was the real danger to the what comes across on the tube these days was furnished by West. Russian hegemony in Europe, he wrote, would only Stephen Chao (race unspecified), erstwhile president of the temporarily prevail by means of brute physical force, while moronic Fox Network. To illustrate a point he was making American hegemony, by appealing to and actively encour­ about censorship at a meeting of bigwigs of Rupert Mur­ aging everything weak and decadent in the European doch's media empire, he hired a male stripper. The idea psyche would be much more damaging and destructive. didn't go down well with Murdoch, who fired Chao forth- Anyone watching the show I saw would have had to agree.

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PAGE 21 The View from the White Tip

CODESA (Convention for a Democratic South Africa) has reproduce, especially if there is a string of them. However, only a been negotiating with de Klerk for a "new" constitution in ap­ couple of nights ago I heard an announcer on the English radio proved U.S. style. The blacks understandably cannot see the point programme producing these clicks with perfect facility, probably of "negotiating" what has already been accepted in principle­ because he had acquired the tongue from childhood. I shall never black majority rule. They want it "now, now./I As a consequence forget listening to the children of ranchers in north-west Bechua­ CODESA II has ended in a stalemate or damp squib, though not naland (Botswana) chatting away to one another in the Bushman before Mandela had subjected de Klerk to a deserved and con­ tongue. You never heard such a volley of clicks! But all that aside, temptuous tongue-lashing before the entire world. After cunningly I should mention that Hottentots, apart from unreliability, have al­ ensuring that de Klerk had first signed the Declara­ ways had a name for treachery. tion of Intent, thereby making himself and his gov­ ernment beholden to the African National Con­ In apparent emulation of Mandela, President de Klerk gress, Mandela then set about belittling him by was also airborne, this time bound for the Persian Gulf referring to the State President as "he," which and presumably looking for oil. However, he left Pik was a calculated affront. To be sure, Mandela, Botha behind, a significant decision in that the whatever else he might have done, has a definite most senior minister after Pik is the Minister of mora I advantage over de Klerk, in that he never be­ State Affairs (Dr. Gerrit Viljoen), who is ill. Just be­ trayed his race or tribe. When Dr. Treurnicht described low him on the totem poll is the former Minister of De­ Mandela's speech as "but another symptom of the lack of fence, General Magnus Malan, who has since been rele­ respect which Africa has for weakness," he was right. Is gated to the innocuous post of Minister of Water Affairs Mandela sorry that CODESA has bogged down? I would and Forestry. If Pik had accompanied de Klerk to the Gulf, say that the most important lesson to be learned from the General Malan would have been left in charge of the home Xhosa-Hottentot's sudden dropping of his mask is what it front with his finger on the button, so to speak. This was portends for the whites under a future ANC rule. However, as something de Klerk didn't fancy at all. I wonder why. CODESA II was only a duet, with the Zulus and the Conservative Meanwhile, the three-year relationship between de Klerk's Party absent, it cannot really be expected that the ANC will ever son, Wi Hem, and the Coloured girl, Erica Adams, the daughter of rule much of this besieged and betrayed country. Labour Party leader Deon Adams, has apparently come to an end. A few months ago Mandela was in Oslo urging (demanding) Erica appears to have no regrets. I imagine Willem was inspired the Norwegian government not to lift sanctions against his coun­ by his Dad's table-talk. As elsewhere, there is a world of differ­ try before the ANC is firmly in power, regardless of the suffering it ence in South Africa between liberal anti-racism and reality. I might cause "his people." This was not the way he spoke to stock­ don't suppose Dad is sorry it is all over. brokers in Johannesburg. Nowadays he is supposed by liberals to be a South African, and not just a Bantu, though it is clear he him­ Joe Siovo has retired from the political scene. His place as self does not subscribe to that myth. He is an Xhosa, nothing else, head of the South African Communist Party has been taken by who in a land of indoctrinated blonds can speak more openly. Chris Hani, the former chief of the ANC military (terrorist) wing, Admittedly, blacks are expected to talk and behave like blacks, MK, which is short for uMkhonto weSizwe. Joe is suffering from but it is positively grotesque that they should be permitted to do bone cancer, which fortunately is no trivial complaint, though he so in the ancestral lands of Northfolk. This should be holy ground is still sufficiently alive to describe CODESA as "an endless soap for us. It should be a desecration for a black to set foot on it and opera with each installment ending in a false climax, like Dallas." act against their own kinfolk elsewhere. Unfortunately, however, In view of the ~nemy's love of symbolism, it may be of interest it is in Scandinavia that the black races reap their richest harvest, to know that Siovo, in Slavic, means "word." Perhaps this was for Nordics, having eaten the poisoned apple of liberalism, har­ why Joe was selected to spread the Communist word in South Af­ bour a deadly hatred for their own kind. rica. If he should soon shuffle off this mortal coil and his supposed From Oslo, where Mandela told a news conference that the terminal sickness is not just a ploy, the ANC and its associates will ANC is a peace organisation that rules out armed struggle, he resemble little more than a rudderless ship manned by baboons. went to Sweden and Finland where he collected plenty of boodle while urging that sanctions be maintained against South Africa. Mandela's wife, Winnie, has been found guilty in the Rand Su­ No nations have given the ANC terrorists more money, pro rata. preme Court on charges of kidnapping and assaulting four people Having read over what I have written about Mandela, it has from a Soweto church manse in 1988. As he sentenced her to six struck me that Instaurationists might not know what I mean by years imprisonment, Justice Michael Stegman described her as a calling him an Xhosa-Hottentot. In point of fact, Mandela is what "calm, composed, deliberate and unblushing liar./I Immediately Afrikaners call a geel Kaf;r, meaning a yellow Kaffir, indicating applying for leave to appeal, which was granted, Winnie is not in Hottentot-Bushman (Capoid) blood. All Southern African Bantu the least worried about ending up in jail. Although the Mandelas are distinctly lighter in shade than those nearer or in the Congo. are now getting divorced, ex-hubby should be in power before This is certainly due to Capoid admixture, which infuses Mande­ her appeals run out. Even if he isn't, President de Klerk would la's veins. The Xhosa, invaders from the north, overran the Hot­ surely see to it that the South African judiciary, famed for its politi­ tentots in the eastern Cape and absorbed the women, with the re­ cal independence, would be pressured into dismissing the case. sult that the X in their very name is a Hottentot click, which the Or so she thinks Zulus also have acquired. It is a very difficult sound for whites to Her trial, by the way, almost ended at an early stage because a

PAGE 22-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 key witness was abducted and other witnesses were too fright­ ened to testify. When these problems were eventually sorted out, the prosecution introduced forensic evidence of blood samples taken from the walls, curtains and even ceilings of two of Win­ nie's outside rooms, where some of the youths were held, togeth­ er with bloodied sjamboks and bloodstained clothing and blan­ kets. It must have been quite a party. In court Winnie couldn't help smiling when she was reminded of it. Police revealed that the detective whose work resulted in Win­ nie's conviction, Captain Dempsey, was also investigating allega­ tions implicating her in the murder of a Dr. Abuybaker Asvat, who refused to treat one of the badly beaten kidnap victims at the Mandela house, saying that the youth needed to be hospitalised. For this disrespectful lack of cooperation, the physician was mur­ dered. That is yet another crime scheduled for trial. Winnie, of Archbishop Tutu plugs un-Christian sanctions course, is no stranger to murder. Her best friend was found guilty of murdering her husband. With typical Bantu cunning (for most nakedness. Though I had never seen a totally naked Christ, I, a blacks intelligence is cunning), Winnie's friend arranged for two non-Christian, was offended and even shocked. I have heard this male accomplices painting has now been removed, but in the nave there was still to burst into her more to come, something known as "quilts," which is the Ameri­ home at night, when can-style commemoration of local homos who died of AIDS. she was in bed Some dear old girls were seated at a table soliciting funds to help with her husband, in the fight against the plague-though not against the cause of it. and murder him, The Church of England, as we all know, is packed with queers. thereby making it The only wonder is that it hasn't yet set up shop in Sodom itself. appear that she her­ self had no hand Professor Chris Barnard, the pioneer heart surgeon, is still with in it. She was very us, in spite of his declared intention of going off to live in Switzer­ disconcerted when land. His handsome physiognomy still beams at readers of the so­ the police had lit­ cial pages of the Cape Times. Presumably he still believes there is tle difficulty in smell­ no such thing as a pure race and that so-called racial differences ing a rat. The mur­ are only cultural. Presumably he also still believes that hybrid deress was sen­ peoples are much superior to those of pure race (who don't exist) tenced to death, and that this is proved by the Americans, who are the most racial­ much to Winnie's ly mixed people on earth, but have created the most powerful na­ grief, but she was tion. not hanged and To put it mildly, this is quite breathtaking ignorance, unforgiv­ has recently been able in a medical man. Does he honestly believe that America released. could have been built up into the world's most powerful nation The latest news by a pack of mongrels, instead of by clear-cut Nordics? I can only is that Winnie is suppose he is making the common error of confusing race with now suspected of nationality, which is equally unforgivable... He is apparently fol­ Lovebirds Nelson and Winnie in happier times being implicated in lowing in the footsteps of Sir John Wolfenden who described the the murder of two other people. The police are investigating. She English as being "one of the most mongrel people of the human is also due for questioning about the disappearance of nearly half race," because they were formed of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes a million rands from the ANC funds. There seems to be no end to and Normans. her shenanigans. It cannot be denied that Chris Barnard was an outstandingly good surgeon, but I cannot think of anyone who more vividly ex­ Like Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu is still adamant that emplifies the folk wisdom that says the cobbler should stick to his sanctions against his country should remain firmly in place, even last. though his fellow blacks suffer most from them. Tutu has been very much out of the news in recent times, which must gall him Up north in Nairobi, Dr. Richard Leakey, the internationally considerably. The same cannot be said of his son, Trevor, who is renowned anthropologist and nature conservationist, is due to still regularly appearing in court for trespassing on the Johannes­ stand trial for the crime of racism. When he was head of the Na­ burg airport's restricted area. He has a fixation about planting tional Museums of Kenya (there is one, I recall), he deliberately bombs on international airliners. employed Europeans and Americans as assistants instead of hiring For the first time in years I visited St. Tutu's cathedral, St. local black "scientists." Black Kenyans have never properly under­ George's, here in Cape Town. I examined the score or more wall stood what Leakey was doing in unearthing the remains of early tablets and reliefs commemorating the British soldiers who fell in man. They were not too pleased that the hominids looked much the wars against the Xhosa in the eastern Cape some 150 years like themselves. I hope he will not be condemned to the same fate ago-wars that obviously were not finished off properly. What as his uncle, who was a blood-brother of the Kikuyu of Mau Mau grabbed my attention was a very large painting near the altar de­ fame. To show their appreciation of their white brother the Mau picting Christ being taken down from the cross. His hands were Mau buried him alive upside-down! This unusual form of capital bloody and torn by the nails from which he had been suspended punishment has always been hushed up lest other whites suspect (which is a physical impossibility). More striking was his complete that black Africans are not quite civilised.

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PACE 23 mara Bailey, stabbed her in the stomach, killing her unborn child....As if to prove the old adage, "Beneath the savage breast still beats the savage heart," Aaron and Half-Jewish, half-black singer Lenny 14-year-old runaway, robbed her, stomped Millie Yelloweyes, two Amerindians, ad­ Kravitz advertises his double loyalty by her and, after letting her go, tried to run mitted he and his wife had drowned a 3­ gluing a yarmulke on his dreadlocks. over her with their pickup truck.... The year-old boy left in their care by his moth­ # scene was so gory it even turned the stom­ er while she attended school in Ohio.... Can a saint who has an illegitimate child achs of veteran police officers. Pervis Tracey Holloway, 18, a Detroit black, still be a saint? Albert Einstein can. He and Payne, a coked-up Negro in Millington claimed her 4-month-old baby had died Mileva Maric, of Serbian and Hungarian (TN), broke into the apartment of Chari sse from various "accidents," including a brok­ origin, had 'a baby girl in 1912, who was Christopher, a newly divorced white secre­ en leg, a broken rib and an arm half­ immediately put up for adoption and for­ tary, and stabbed her and one of her two wrenched out of its socket. An earlier gotten about. They weren't married until children to death and almost killed the daughter had died of starvation in 1988 1914. Maric, by the way, was no dummy. second. Although this happened five years when Tracey was only 14. She escaped a She passed the entrance exam to the pre­ ago, Payne is still sweating it out on death murder rap for the death of her first baby. stigious Swiss Federal Poly technical Insti­ row. Not for the second infanticide. tute that her husband flunked. Bombfather # # later left Maric and their two legitimate AIDS ITEMS: A Harrisburg (PA) whore, Amradeep N. Singh, 15, stole a BMW. children (one a psychotic) and, after an ac­ who averaged 50 customers a week, tested While fleeing from the Pittsburgh police at rimonious divorce, took a Jewess for his HIV positive when arrested. . . .Jeffrey nearly 100 mph, he crossed the center line second wife. Hanlon was the first homo to be convicted on a curve and smashed into a Ford Festi­ # under Michigan's new AIDS disclosure va driven by Heather Steven, 23, an attrac­ M.K.O. Abiola, 54, the immeasurably law. He failed to tell a fellow queer of his tive college student studying to be a dieti­ rich chief of Nigeria's Yoruba tribe, swears deadly infection. The judge gave him pro­ tian. She died immediately. Singh, critically he has only four wives and 69 children bation because he had already served sev­ injured, was still alive at last report. What and that Gloria Ubeh-Abiola, 34, who en months in jail awaiting trial. Twenty­ really killed Heather was Emma Lazarus's sued him for divorce in New York City, four states now have AIDS disclosure laws. come one, come all immigration policy. was only one of his 18 concubines. Gloria Some 300 persons have been prosecuted # swears differently, claiming to be one of nationwide for not haVing clued their sex GOD SAVE US FROM SUCH CONSER­ his 26, not four, wives and the mother of partners in on their dirty little secret. ... A VATIVES! Sam Zakhem, a Lebanese Ameri­ three of his 79, not 69, children. A New batty Brooklynite knifed an HIV-positive can, formerly Reagan's ambassador to Bah­ York judge dismissed the divorce action, woman, then proceeded to use the knife, rain, was charged with accepting, along but ordered the African stud to pay Gloria still dripping with blood, to stab three oth­ with two other associates, $7.7 million $15,000 a month in temporary child sup­ er people. Police assured the victims they from Kuwait to stir up war fever against port, plus the $50,000 fee she owes the in­ wouldn't get AIDS because the HIV Iraq in the spring of 1991. Arrested with famous Jewish divorce specialist, attorney lives only briefly in air and because blood him were two other prominent "conserva­ Marvin Mitchelson. runs outward in knife wounds. Needle jabs tives": William R. Kennedy Jr. and Scott # are much more dangerous; the blood is Stanley Jr., owner and editor, respectively, MISCEGENATION SNIPPETS: Roger sucked inward. of the defunct Conservative Digest. Kenne­ Ebert, the portly, pudgy, four-eyed TV film # dy is a precious metals speculator whose critic, married black divorcee Chaz Ham­ MINORITY ODDBALLS: Paul Lowinger, company went bust in 1988. Stanley is a mel-Smith, a late thirtysomething Chicago an Oakland (CA) shrink, was arrested for Birch Society troglodyte. All three men are lawyer. Columnist Ann Landers (Eppie Le­ trading drugs for sex. He made the mistake charged with spending only $2 million on derer) was an honored guest, along with of trying to solicit a female undercover warmongering propaganda and keeping Ebert's Jewish alter ego, Gene Siskel.... agent. .•.John Buettner-Janusch, onetime the rest for their personal use. In ripping Noisome noisemaker David Bowie's wife, chairman of New York University's anthro:. off Kuwait they also violated the selective­ Iman, the internationally renowned cafe­ pology dept., died in a medical center for ly enforced Foreign Agents Registration au-Iait model, will now be able to com­ federal prisoners. A civil rights crusader Act-selectively enforced because the mute from his $5 million 110-room castle who dyed his hair blond, he was convict­ ADL, to name one group, has never been in Ireland to his lush $6-million tropical ed in 1987 of sending poisoned candy to a prosecuted forfailing to register. abode in the Grenadines.... Carl Bern­ judge who had jailed him on a drug # stein, who made millions pulling the plug charge....George J. Goldsborough, 67, a PARASITE CORNER: Meyer Blinder, con­ on Watergate, ;s now dating Faye Wattle­ bigtime Maryland lawyer, has been victed in Las Vegas of taking investors to ton, the comely quadroon who works for charged with professional misconduct for the cleaners in a penny stock caper, was Planned Parenthood. forcing a secretary and a client to submit jai led after he warned the prosecutor, "I'm # to being spanked, in one case a bare­ going to kill you."...One of America's BLACK-ON-WHITE CRIME: In Spokane bottom spanking. fastest-talking, fastest-stealing Jews is IICra_ (WA) on May Day, four black males went # zy Eddie" Antar, whose chain of electron­ on a wilding, intending to "kill a white BABY KILLERS: Christopher Thomas, 2, ic stores folded after Antar decamped to Is­ man" and "do a Rodney King thing." Shots left alone from 6:00 to 11 :30 p.m. while rael with some $60 million. Tracked down were fired at various whites, including a his black mother worked in a topless bar in a luxury condo in a Tel Aviv suburb, Ed­ jogger, a cop and a motorist who got a in Tucson (AZ), found his way to a swim­ die was arrested by the Israelis and is due bullet in the shoulder... .In Largo (FL), ming pool outside the house, fell in and to be extradited to the U.S. But who four females, all black, looking for a drowned.... In Liberty City (FL) an intrud­ knows? Jews, especially the Israeli variety, "cracker to beat up," picked up a white er, still at large, having failed to rape Xio­ have a habit of protecting their own.

PAGE 24-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER-1992 4th war between India and Pakistan; a Russian civil war; an Angola-South Africa conflict; an Iranian attack on Iraq; another Korean war; a Nicaraguan invasion of Michael Milken, arguably the biggest antees 20% of New York City contracts to Honduras; a Romanian-Hungarian flareup; swindler in the history of jewry, got 10 blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and a joint Libyan and Sudanese attack on years for racketeering and securities fraud. women. The Forward, a Jewish newspa­ Egypt; a Chinese-Russian fight over Mon­ By snitching on some fellow Jewish insid­ per, headlined: IiDinkins Slighting Jewish golia. All told, Dupuy predicts 1,136,215 ers and junk bonders, he managed to get Business." casualties. The U.S., he guesses, will be en­ his sentence reduced to 33 months and 26 # tangled in the Korean and Central Ameri­ days by female Judge Kimba Wood, who The U.S. came in 5th in a recently re­ can wars and will suffer 3,420 casualties. just happens to have a Jewish husband. leased World Competitiveness Report. ja­ # This means he will be eligible for parole in pan was 1st, Germany 2nd, Switzerland In a 24-hour period beginning Thursday March of next year. Milken paid $1.15 bil­ 3rd, Denmark 4th. night, July 13, gunfire killed 15 New Yorkers. lion in fines and restitution, but he will still # # be able to keep a whopping $125 million, Blacks, 12% of the U.S. population, Forbes magazine Ouly 20, 1992) lists the plus a couple of other hundred million he comprise 21 % of the military. Cuts in the 25 richest individuals or families in the has squirreled away in family trusts. A lot Defense Dept. budget are expected to re­ world. 14 are Americans, 2 japanese, 1 of Americans would be willing to go to jail duce black ranks by 80,000 in the next 3 Korean, 4 Germans, 1 Swede, 2 Canadians for two years if they could come out with years, including some of the 34 black gen­ and 1 Brit. 3 of the Americans are Jewish. $125 million. A lot of Americans have erals and admirals. The Brit is vaguely Jewish. No Arab sheiks served 10 to 20 years in jail for stealing a # appeared on the list. tiny fraction of what Milken stole. A Home Box Office poll alleges 88% of # # blacks are unhappy about the ways things It cost $38,000 to treat a U.S. AIDS pa­ Asian political loyalties in Santa Clara are going in the U.S. tient for 1 year; $400 in black Africa. AIDS County (CA): Chinese, 38.8% Republican, # spending worldwide for 1992 may reach 32% Democrat, 26.6% declined to an­ In a typical congressional election, only $3.5 billion for treatment; $1.4 billion for swer, 2.6% other parties; Vietnamese, 35% of the potential electorate votes. In prevention; $1.7 billion for research. 57.9%, 19.1%, 18.9%, 4.2%; japanese, the 1984 presidential race, 68% of eligible # 31.4%, 53.5%, 13.4%, 1.7%; Filipino, voters registered and only 53% voted. 41 million Americans, age 18 and over, 28.3%, 57.3%, 12%, 2.4%; Korean, # remain unmarried, compared to 21 million 39.1%, 39%, 19.6%, 2.3%. If the above Spotlight reports Ouly 13, 1992): "Since in 1970. figures are representative of the voting 1982 pro-Israel PACs have invested $21.4 # habits of all Asian Americans. It's evident million in House and Senate campaigns to The U.S. had 5.7 million farms in 1900; that Asian minorities don't vote en bloc as give aid to Israel-more than any other only 2 million in 1988. do ce-rtain other population groups. lobby on Capitol Hill. In the past 10 years # # the 59 members of the House Appropria­ Although latin crooner julio Iglesias The annual U.S. medical bill is now run­ tions Committee have received an average boasts of libedding 3,000 women" in 71 ning at $817 billion. of $25,000 each and the top 23 members countries, he still tests negative for the # of the House Foreign Affairs Committee AIDS virus. Blacks buy 50% of all movie tickets, ac­ have received an average of $86,401 # cording to black columnist Barbara Reynolds. each. But it's paid off. During these same 60% of American adults say they are af­ # years Congress has voted Israel $40 bil­ filiated with a Protestant denomination: 21 of the 28 millionaires in the Senate lion. That's a return of $2,000 for every Roman Catholic, 26%; Jewish, 2%; Mus­ are members of the Democratic Party, dollar invested." lim, 0.5%; Orthodox and other Christian, which adamantly keeps calling the Repub­ # 0.5%; Hindu, Buddhist, Eastern, 0.5%; no lican Party the party of the rich. In 1951-80 more than a 10th of Jamai­ religion, 7.5%; no answer, 3%. (City Uni­ # ca's population migrated to the U.S. In versity of New York study) TFR (Total Fertility Rate), the number of 1980-90 nearly another 10th arrived. # children a woman will bear in her fertile # 25,000 Israelis reside in South Florida. years, is down to 1.9 in the industrial na­ Minorities are now the majority in 51 of Most arrived on student and tourist visas, tions. In the LDC (Lesser Developed Coun­ the 200 cities with populations of more which they have either allowed to lapse or tries), the TFR is 3.8, down from 6.1 in than 100,000. which they constantly renew. People hold­ 1960-65. # ing such visas are not allowed to work, # In the Gulf War the U.S. Army deployed though many Israelis do just that. The Tuberculosis, once practically eliminat­ 305,000 troops, 26,000 of them women. 25,000 figure does not include illegal Zi­ ed in the West, now claims 26,000 cases a During the war 31 sex crimes were com­ onists who may outnumber the legals. year in the U.S.; 50,000 in Western Eu­ mitted, largely by male Gis against female # rope. The dangerous rise in TB is another Gis. An additional two sexual assaults When FDR was president, a House mem­ "gift" from the immigrants of the "develop­ against American troops were charged up ber had two personal staffers. Today a rep­ ing nations," which account for 98% of to our friends, the Saudis. resentative has 18; a senator, 40. the 3 million TB-related deaths each year. # # # In his new book, Future Wars, Col. Tre­ 3 countries (South Korea, Holland, Ban­ Treating the law against minority set­ vor Dupuy, a military prophet of sorts, gladesh) have population densities of 400/ asides most cavalierly, Mayor David Din­ writes that 10 wars will break out in the sq. km. or more. In 2050, one-third of hu­ kins has enacted a new program that guar­ next 3 years: a 6th Arab-Israeli conflict; a manity is expected to live in such ant heaps.

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992--PAGE 2S umn, the elderly men and all women in the center, the young men on the perimeter. Outside, the police had established a protective corridor from the building to the Canada. Jews feel free to criticize and ised that the seminar would only take subway. After a short walk, during which demean any person, any nation, any race place over their dead bodies. The Jewish the demonstrators howled with rage when in the world-and boy do they ever! But Board of Deputies added its two shekels they failed to break through the police woe betide those who think that turnabout worth with demands that the American at­ lines, everyone was safely ensconced in is fair play and dare to criticize Jews. Take torneys--Sam Dickson, Martin O'Toole the sea led-off subway station. the case of James Keegstra, a onetime and Kirk Lyons--be barred from Britain. Singing Britannia Rules the Waves, the schoolteacher in Eckville, Alberta, who The morning of the seminar Dickson revisionists boarded a waiting train, which occasionally lectured his students on al­ went to David Irving's house where CAFE took them a couple of stations away where leged Jewish conspiracies. Jews themselves had announced it would hold a demon­ another contingent of pol ice escorted them constantly write about anti-Semitic con­ stration. But the protesters got the address out of the station, after which they scat­ spiracies, Marxist-invented plots about wrong and were actually gathered several tered and went their separate ways. greedy capitalists and sundry other shady doors away railing against some hapless In his speech, Irving revealed that the complots that boggle the imagination. But owner of another apartment. About 1,000 construction blueprints from Auschwitz for mentioning vague Jewish conspiracies, assorted Jews, Communists, Marxists, IRA were only a couple of doors down the hall Keegstra was arrested, lost his job, was supporters and Rastafarians were chanting from the room where the Goebbels' Diar­ publicly humiliated, found guilty and fined slogans and carrying placards, some call­ ies were found. Irving also let it be known $5,000 in a trial that was later declared a ing for a return to Bolshevism and to the that local free speech lovers were hurling mistrial. In July some seven years after his unadulterated proletarianism of Lenin and rocks through the windows of London original "crime," he was fined $3,000 in a Trotsky. Since Dickson was not known to bookstores stocking his books. He said he new trial, to the dismay of inquisitorial the demonstrators, he was able to mingle was countering this literary sabotage by Chosenites who wanted him jailed. with the rowdy crowd and pick up sam­ promising to pay the cost of repairing the Not everyone is willing to take such a ples of the incendiary leaflets and raggedy shattered glass of any store victimized by beating to get in a few critical remarks news sheets. The most amusing agitprop the rock throwers. about Jewry. Fear of the kind of retaliation was in the Trotskyite Spartacist Workers' visited on Keegstra is all-pervasive, which Hammer, which brimmed over with com­ A lady from Cameroon by the name of is why Jews have become the Teflon race. plaints about how all of the comrades' Desiree Ntolo built a 25-ft. long mud hut good work had been undone in the Soviet in her garden in Dagenham, East London. Britain. On the Western scale of occu­ Union. "Smash the counterrevolutionary The construction job consumed six months pations lawyers fall somewhere between Yeltsin," was one headline. and 20 tons of mud. She explained to her ragpickers and junk bond salesmen. The About 250 people attended the semi­ horrified British neighbors that she wanted exception which brilliantly proves the rule nar, where they were treated to speeches "a cultural home ...a little African para­ was the trio of nervy, valiant Southern law­ by Lyons and Dickson. The piece de resis­ dise...a sanctuary in which to practice yers who "invaded" London in early July tance was David Irving's dramatic en­ [her] brand of the Jewish religion...a to participate in a sem inar on the subject trance midway into the proceedings. Irving place to get away from her children" (six of revisionism and how best to disseminate had been plastered all over the British at last count, but no father in sight). When the revisionist message. press following the Sunday Times an­ the local council gave her seven days to The meeting place was cleverly select­ nouncement that he had been hired to tear down the monstrosity, the New States­ ed by the organizers who divulged its loca­ translate the Goebbels Diaries, recently man & Society (the British equivalent of tion to no one. Those desiring to attend the unearthed in a dusty Russian archive. After the Village Voice), came to Ms. Ntolo's de­ seminar were instructed to proceed to a the Jewish Board of Deputies orchestrated fense, saying it saw nothing wrong in hav­ rendezvous point where further instruc­ a smear campaign against the Times, the ing a mud hut in an English garden. tions would be given. Attendance was by editors released a mealy-mouthed state­ invitation only. Tickets had to be purchas­ ment to the effect that Irving had been Winston Churchill, the scourge of Nazi ed in advance. hired solely because he could read Goeb­ Germany, made some very Nazi-like nois­ At the rendezvous the ticket holders bels' almost indecipherable scribblings. es when he was Home Secretary in 1910. were told to go to Great Portsmouth sub­ Under no condition, Times readers were He informed some colleagues that more way station where transportation would be assured, would he be allowed to interpret(?) than 100,000 "mentally degenerate" Brits waiting. But when they arrived, they were the Diaries. Unmollified, Jews upped the should be forcibly sterilized. Otherwise, directed into a building across the street ante by demanding that Russia close its ar­ he was afraid that "the British race" would where a ha II had been reserved down­ chives to revisionist scholars and that inevitably go downhill. stairs. The building, belonging to the Inter­ henceforth only establishment historians During WWII, to foment hatred against national Student Association, had a glass be allowed through the door. Germany, Churchill stormed against Nazi door which could only be opened when London bobbies, quite professional eugenics, while Western liberals, who an attendant pressed a buzzer. and courteous, assured the safety of the knew nothing about their hero's controver­ The elaborate precautions were neces­ meeting once it was underway. They sial ideas, wildly applauded "good old sary because of much publicized threats sealed off the building from the rent-a­ Winnie." If these ideas had been known in by CAFE (Committee Against Fascism in mobs which had finally discovered where 1940, Churchill might never have become Europe), whose leaders were especially in­ the gathering was being held. When the Prime Minister. But it was not until some censed by the announcement that David session ended, pol ice took charge of what 27 years after his death and 55 years after Irving would be a speaker. CAFE and other became a quasi-military operation. At a he vented his opinions on breeding a bet­ related Marxist extremist groups had prom- given signal everyone formed into a col­ ter British race that his words were re­

PAGE 26-INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992 leased by the Public Records Office. It ceed the sum of 28 billion marks. Two made another demarche to the KGB in never ceases to amaze how government days later the paper confessed it had gross­ 1983 when, according to the London officials can get away with leaking stories ly understated the reparations figure: Times, he approached Viktor Chebrikov, that destroy their enemies and bottle up for "Since 1952 much more money was paid then KGB chief, and suggested, "In the in­ decades information that would destroy out, which means that the total is difficult terests of world peace, it would be useful their friends. to determine. It is estimated to be from 70 and timely to take a few extra steps to to 80 billion marks." The mark is currently counteract the militaristic policies of Ron­ France. Charles de Gaulle took Khrush­ worth 68¢. ald Reagan." If Kennedy'S dealings with chev rowing in a lake in Rambouillet in the Soviet Union during the cold war were the course of their famous meeting in The Hardship Fund of the Conference reprehensible, his friend Tunney's connec­ 1959. Well out of earshot of the press, the on Jewish Material Claims against Germa­ tion to David Karr, a Jewish operative with Soviet boss suddenly seized the hands of ny was created to force the German gov­ KGB links was scandalous. Not surprising­ the French president and gasped, "We're ernment to make onetime payments to ly, Karr had equally close ties to Senator both Whites, you and me." (De Gaulle: the those Jews who lived on the thither side of Alan Cranston and the late Armand Ham­ Ruler by jean Lacouture, Norton, N.Y., the Iron Curtain and had been unable to mer, the hectomillionaire pal of Lenin and 1992, p. 390.) file claims before the 1965 reparations cut­ a couple of U.S. presidents. Hammer­ off date. By the end of 1991 the Fund had also no surprise-was recently revealed to The late jean-Paul Sartre, the over­ dispensed 450 million marks to 90,000 have been a Soviet Union courier. praised existentialist phi losopher (who claimants in 29 countries. The new wave stole much of his existentialism from Mar­ of immigration from the former Soviet Un­ While a stream of Soviet Jews flows tin Heidegger), and the late Simone de . ion has produced 14,000 new claims, west to Western Europe and the U.S. and Beauvoir, the overpraised feminist, may most of which German taxpayers will have south to Israel, another stream is flowing have been world-renowned intellectuals, to settle-or else. The or else means that eastward back to Russia. Speculators like but in their private lives they did things the country will be flooded with Holocaust Marc Rich, the billionaire fugitive from in­ that would put pigs and other barnyard reminders, along with new salvos of anti­ come tax evasion charges in the U.S., has creatures to shame. Simone was a flaming Semitism. set up a 50-man office in Moscow to trade bisexual with a special yen for American Reparations to Jews after WWII has be­ in oil and aluminum. All kinds of juicy Negro novelist, Nelson Algren, and Claude come one of the biggest con jobs in histo­ deals are being made between jewish pub­ Lanzmann, Jewish producer-director of ry. Consider that in the very years the Jews lishing houses in New York and the KGB. Shoah, the infinitely long and infinitely were bleeding West Germany for what Some Jews are returning with the hope of boring film about the Holocaust. Sartre, they had allegedly lost to the Nazis, Jews saving communism by refurbishing the while promising his eternal devotion and in the Middle East were seizing huge revolutionary ideology of Trotsky, whose loyalty to Simone, bedded women all over hunks of Palestine without bothering to tilt towards internationalism was down­ France. His favorite mistress was Arlette EI pay any reparations to the dispossessed played and criminalized by Stalin, a Geor­ Kaim, an Algerian. Palestinians, who by the end of 1991 had gian who every once in a while displayed With two such rotters as Sartre and de been stripped of 90% of their land. signs of Russia firstism. Beauvoir comprising some of the brightest Martha Phillips, 43, a U.S. citizen, literary lights of the 20th century, it is easy Poland. An interesting paragraph bur­ went east with the Jewish flow. Moving to to see why the current wattage of Western ied in the middle of a N.Y. Times report Moscow last year, she immediately started civilization is so weak. For a complete from Warsaw on Auschwitz and Birkenau preaching the Trotskyite gospel. Her gory roundup of the French duo's animal antics, Oune 17, 1992) stated: "It was previously class warfare demagoguery must have see Letters to Sartre by Si mone de Beau­ thought that four million died at the rubbed some Russians the wrong way. voir (Little, Brown, N.Y., 1992) and Wit­ camps. More recent research has revealed Having gotten rid of Stalin they probably ness to My Life, the Letters of Jean-Paul the figure to be closer to 1.5 million." For realized that switching to a Trotskyite dictat­ Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir, edited by Si­ more than four decades the U.S. "newspa­ orship would be descending from the sec­ mone de Beauvoir (Charles Scribne~s Sons, per of record" had stuck rei igiously to the ond lowest to the lowest circle of hell. At N.Y., 1992). higher figure. any rate, someone broke into Ms. Phillips' apartment in February and strangled and Holland. Joods Kapse, a song on a Russia. Ted Kennedy'S marriage to Vic­ stabbed her to death. compact disk, went to #3 on the Dutch Hit toria Reggie, a divorcee with two children, Jews are not at all happy about the way Parade and remained there until Jewish or­ seems to be going fairly well. No Chappa­ the investigation of the crime was handled ganizations managed to have it with­ quiddick incidents so far. Eventually there by the Moscow police, who originally drawn. It was not just about Little Red Rid­ may be some acrid political arguments, as called it suicide. Betsy Greenberg of Den­ ing Hood (Kapse in Dutch), but about a Victoria comes from a Lebanese family, ver, the dead woman's sister, and William little Jewish Red Riding Hood Uoods is while her new hubby has long supported Phillips of Toronto, her brother, are certain Dutch for Yids). Even more shocking, the Israeli armed incursions into Lebanon. Vic­ it was a llpolitical assassination" and have grandmother was described as being filthy toria's father, a Democratic hanger-on of hired a Jewish attorney to uncover the al­ rich and having a protruding hooked pro­ Governor Edwin Edwards (LA), has now leged coverup. boscis that reeked of Jewish-style nostrility. been acquitted in his first trial for S&L fraud. But there are four more trials to come. If Americans were shocked by the Germany. The Frankfurter Allgemeine In the interim, the Russian newspaper, atomic spying of the Rosenbergs and Jona­ Zeitung, which often reads like a German Izvestia, has published a story that in 1978 than Pollard, think how Russians must feel version of the N.Y. Times, solemnly stated Fat Face begged the KGB to go to bat for a about Major General Vladislav Lobanov, (April 21, 1992) that German reparations company run by his good friend, one-term who recently defected to Israel. Lobanov (Wiedergutmachung) to Jews did not ex­ California Senator John Tunney. Kennedy says he is not Jewish, but does have a jew-

INSTAURATION-SEPTEMBER 1992-PAGE 27 fact is, the academicians are more eager to ban former Communist Party members than to ban Jews. But when the candidate fits both categories, which is ~II too often ish wife and a half-Jewish son. For years lated to Jews to sensitive jobs. Needless to the case, it is automatically thumbs down. he was a top-ranking officer in the Soviet say, such a policy is riling to Jews and To give open and closeted anti-Semites Union's ballistic missile program and held gives their watchdog organizations an ex­ in Russian scientific circles a lesson in Jew­ the U.S.S.R.'s highest security rating. An­ cuse to complain about discrimination. ish power, American Jews persuaded the other top Soviet defector, who knows all One of the Jews' targets is the Russian U.S. National Academy of Sciences to re­ the details of the U.S.S.R.'s biological war­ Academy of Sciences, which, they c..Iaim, quest the resignation of one of its most fare program and whose name has been has been deliberately blackballing Jews prom inent foreign associates, Igor Shafare­ kept secret by British Intelligence, is now and minorities. Of the four candidates re­ vich, a world-class math whiz. Shafarevich in Britain. cently rejected for membership in the nu­ had the audacity to criticize the Teflon To prevent further exposure of their clear program of the Academy, three were race by writing some anti-Jewish articles military secrets, Russians are being more Jews. The fourth was the recently appoint­ that might well qualify as hate crimes in careful about promoting Jews or people re­ ed Russian Minister of Atomic Energy. The some states of the U.S.

least qualified to lead this or any other country is the man who spends most of his life trying to land the job. Governance de­ mands an entirely different talent than Let's Get With(out) It have to worry. This time he would be sit­ electioneering. Unless ignorance is consid­ The Republic and Democratic political ting out any and all wars in the White ered a political virtue, the people least conventions are over and done with and House operations room moving pins on qualified to vote comprise the majority of won't come around again until next leap maps, while his countrymen once again voters. year. They used to be hootenannies and would be giving their all for the greater Get wise, folks. Your vaunted represen­ fun to watch. Several presidential candi­ good of. ..what? tative government is obsolete from the bot­ dates fought it out on the convention floor, Instaurationists are hardly likely to vote tom up and from inside out. Hard science and it often took several roll calls before if they are only offered a choice between got us to the moon. The soft sciences are anyone won. Now it's all cut and dried-a two establishment lapdogs eager to roll pushing us back to the jungle. Let's snap to computerized circus with a lot of clowns, over on command. If forced into a voting it and choose our leaders on the basis of but nothing suspenseful or exciting going booth at gun point, however, Majority acti­ merit not blather. Let's inject hard sciences on in the ring. Even the elephants and don­ vists should vote for Clinton. A Clinton ad­ like physics, chemistry, biology and genet­ keys-not to mention the delegates--are ministration would speed the day of the ics into statecraft. We are still in the dark papier-mache. Equally distressing were the coming American Ragnarok a little faster ages of politics, and we won't make it to hired claques who yelled their canned than would a Bush administration, what the light until we savvy that democracy is phrases so loudly and shook their placards with the high inflation, wide-open borders for the birds. so wildly that the speakers had difficulty and permissive attitudes towards crime uttering their sound bites. that are part and parcel of Democratic pol­ Truthful Trustee Not Terminated Under the Democratic big tent, Clinton itics. Since things won't get any better in Don Chapman, a trustee of the Chica­ and Gore continued to pretend they were this country until they get much worse, go suburb of Palos Township, came under middle-of-the-roaders and most of the Par­ Clinton could be depended on to move us fire after he asked and answered the ty faithful, if not most Americans, bought to the point of no return a few years ahead Gretchen Frage in his local newspaper col­ it. The traditional Democratic warmonger­ of Bush of Arabia. umn, "Are blacks as smart as white peo­ ing that helped inveigle the U.S. into two Pat Buchanan made the best speech ple? No, it's not even a contest. Any apti­ world wars, Korea and Vietnam and heard at either convention, putting aside' tude test will show whites far ahead." He whose martial ardor only cooled in the hot the flowery but empty rhetoric of Mario went on to observe that the Japanese knew Vietnamese jungles bounced back with a Cuomo, Jesse Jackson and Barbara Jordan. enough about America to build their auto vengeance when The Slickster outmonger­ Pat is obviously positioning himself for the assembly plants in predominantly white ed Bush on armed intervention in the Bos­ next presidential contest. If the decline of parts of the South. In another column, nian conflict. What Bush and Clinton don't the U.S. continues at its present pace, the Chapman wrote that an estimated 40% of seem to know is the Serbian soldier is one country may be ready for him in 1996. It the members of Congress are homosexuals tough cookie. Nazis, backed up by the won't be ready for David Duke until the and that homos "back the black movement Croatians, expended several divisions and year 2000, if then. It probably won't be 100%." a lot of firepower trying to put Tito, a rene­ ready to unburden itself of the political Though complaints from the local gade Croat, and his Serbian guerrillas out grandstanding responsible for the conven­ branch of the NAACP were deafening, of business in WWII-to no avail. tions and the whole idiotic political system Charles Richards, owner and publisher of Having draft-dodged the war in Nam, until sometime in the middle of the 21 st the Regional News, which carries Chap­ Clinton would seem particularly unfit to century, if there's anything left of the coun­ man's column, said his paper will contin­ lead the U.S. into a Balkan bloodbath, try by then. ue to carry it. Other town trustees said that should he and Hillary set up house at Isn't it time to become party-poopers in they cannot force the columnist to resign. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. next January. the political sense of the term and dump "They can ask," Chapman said, but "I'm However, as commander-in-chief, with no the kind of government that gives us not going to do it. They're a bunch of Bo­ draft board to face, this time he wouldn't clowns instead of statesmen? The man zos."