Beyond Bree Back Issues: The Second Decade March 1991 - February 2001 Nancy Martsch, PO Box 55372, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413;
[email protected] March 1991: 1110"The Barrow-wight" by Nathalie Kotowski; "Gandalf, The Witch-king, and Eowyn", "Angmar the Hypothetical" by Tom loback, "Melkor", "The Elvish linguistic Fellowship Colloquium on the languages of Middle-earth", "Death of a Bookstore"; reviews "The 1991 'Beyond Bree' Tolkien Calendar", "The Silver Chair on TV", books The Ruby Knight, Pellucidar series, The Shadow Shaia, The Steerswoman; Publications, letters, News; cartoon "How Feanor Got His Name" by George Dunn. 12 pp. April 1991: 1110"Waiting for the Enemy" by Aleksandra Kosciuzuk; "Middle-earth Games, Pt II" (illos), "New from Iron Crown Enterprises", "Computer Game"; "The Easterlings" by Joseph Major, "The Witch King", "Poetry from Russia", "Middle-earth and Sea" by Norman Styers; books Illegal Alien, A World of Difference; "Tolkien Scrapbook", Publications, letters, News. 12 pp. May 1991: 11I0"The Dance at Bilbo's Birthday" by Jakob Ryngen; "Tolkien's Poems Set to Music [by Gene Hargrove]", "Discography: Tolkien-Inspired Recordings" compiled by Arden Smith with N. Martsch, music to "The Stone Troll", "What Did They Sound like?" by N. Martsch; "Frodo's Delay" by Jensen; The Great Hunt, The Founder; "Harper Collins Consolidates", "Tolkien Scrapbook"; Publications, letters, News; 11I0"Maglor" by Dunn. 12 pp. June 1991: letter from Mary Butler, Publishing Director Tolkien, Grafton Books; list of Grafton Representatives. "Hidden Powers: The White Council" by David Cofield; "Middle-earth Miniatures: Miniatures Rules, Miniatures, Chess Sets and Collectors' Figures". Books The Metrognome & Other Stories, Nightwing, Cat's Gambit.