NEW DELUXE ALL CUACH STREAMLINER CINCINNATI • INDIANAPGi * • LAFAYETTE • CHICAGO CENTAL "SYSTEM DELUXE RECLINING SEAT COACHES roomy, adjustable re the fp#c- air-conditioned coat The James H hitcomh xitnum «' and freedotti of tnovt mid parted The James Whitcomb Riley FOR SPEED f fs the beloved American poet "stream- between Cincinnati, Indianapolis and J—1 lined" into immortal verse, the life, Chicago, with stops also at LaFayette and philosophy, joys and sorrows of the Kankakee, the first streamlined train ser "home folk" of Indiana, so has modern vice and fastest schedule between the train design "streamlined" for American cities of this route. travel the beautiful James Whitcomb The cars of the new train from the head• Riley of the New York Central System, end consist of a mail car, two stainless newest of de-luxe, reclining seat, all- steel de-luxe coaches, a dining car, two coach, economy, day trains. additional de-luxe stainless steel coaches Commencing Monday. April 28, 1941, the and a de-luxe observation solarium car. seven-car, completely air-conditioned Named in honor of the revered Riley, the James Whitcomb Riley will make a round new streamliner, of inspiring exterior and trip daily except Sundays via the New pleasing interiors, will traverse the heart York Central System-Rig Four Route of Indiana for almost 200 miles of its THE OWING CAR . The James IVIntromit Hi The James Whit comb Riley ...FOR COMFORT pathway of swift service from the Ohio individual reserved seats, exquisite diner. River to the shores of Lake Michigan, serving special low-priced meals, inviting between Cincinnati and Chicago- It will observation solarium with club cafe, and provide Indianapolis the busy capital of other excellent appointments, should the "Hoosier" state, and the later home quickly find favor with travelers from all of the venerated poet-philosopher, with parts of the country whose journeys bring an outstanding new train to Chicago and them to these important cities of the* Cincinnati.
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