

~--- --

...,. t The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust


PRESIDENT The Rt. H on . Sir J ohn Latham, G.C .M.G., Q.C. CHAIR~I AN Dr. H . C. Coombs EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hugh Hunt HO . SECRETARY faurice Parker

STATE REPRESENTATIVES : 1 ew South Wales Queensland Mr. C. J . A. Moses, C.B.E. Western Au stralia Professor F. J . Schonell Victoria Profe ssor F. Alexander Sou th Mr A. H . L. Gibson Tasmania Mr. L. C. Waterman Mr . G. F. Davies

THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST presents THEELIZABETHAN TRUST OPERACOMPANY with THESYDNEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and gratefully acknowl edges the assistance of THE N.s.w. STATE GOVERNMENT THE SYDNEY CITY COUNCIL THE AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION THE STATE COMPANY OF N.S.W. Quality is always in good taste. Q ua r_1ty an do-oo ad taste will always THE PRESS, RADIO AND BUSINESS HOUSES be found 111 and CHATEAUTANUNDA THE PEOPLE OF Sl'DNEY The branqy of Distinction. in the establishment of Opera m this city. N .S . W . A GENTS, TUCKER 1 CO. PT Y. LIMITED . ESTABLISHED 1 SlB

CT39.7l Suggestionsfron1 th e Largest Stock SYLVIAFISHER of completeOpera L .P Recordings I_t is said of Sylvia Fisher BEET HO VEN: FID ELIO (Rysanek / Seefried / Fischer-Die skau / Haflig er- tha~, not_ smce Melba , has an Aus­ Bavari an State Opera En s./ Fri csay £7 / ·/ · MOZART : TH E MAGIC FLUT E (Stader / Streich / Haflig er / Fischer- tra_lian smger made such a distin­ Dieskau Greindl / Borg/ RIAS Orch. and Chorus / guished name for hers elf in England Fricsay) £10/ 10/ · ~nd on the Continent. Born in Mel­ WAGNE R : LOH E GRIN (Kup per / Fehenberger / Frantz / Rohr / Braun - ourne, where she studied at the Bavarian Radio Orch . and Chorus / J ochum) £14/ -/ · R. STRA USS: DER ROSE NKAVALI ER (Schwar zkopf / Edelman n/ Lu d- Melbourne Conserv atorium and 1 . h wig/ Randall-Philh armonia Orch ./ Karajan) £12/ -/ · Adolf ?P!v~kovsky, brother of wt~e TCHAIKOVSKY: THE QUEEN OF SPADES (Heybalova / Bugarinovi ch/ s-reat v10lm1st, she went to Londo Marinkovi ch-Belgrade Nat. Opera Ens .; Baronov ich)­ m December, 1947, and exact! on~ £11/ 10/ · PUCCINI : (Milan ov/ Bjorling / Warren-Rome Opera Ens ./ yiar to dthe day of her arrival rhere Leinsdorf) .. . £5/ 15/ · s e ma e her debut at Covent Car'. VERDI: lL TROVATORE (Callas / Panerai / Barbieri / di Stefano- sings this role during her a e:r~n, as ~eonora in FIDELIO. She Ens ./ Karajan) £7 / 19/ 6 GLUCK: ALCESTE (Flagstad / J obin-Geraint J ones En s./ G. J ones) Op era Company, as well as EtiEN ngR~th t~e Elizabethan Tru st £11/ 10/ · N RD m PET ER GRIMES MOZART: IL SERAGLIO (Franck/S tader / Streich / Hafliger / Grein

Mail Orders TRAVEL Acce pted. Safe ar rival guarant ee d . Post age extra. AGENT Ask for your name to be included in the mailing list and receive our lat est has the release b ulletins. THE HOUSE,FOR'BETTE!\ , MUSIC answers on travel! 4 37 -43 9 Georg e Str eet . BX5252 437-439 George St. BX 5252. Betw een Market an d Park Stree ts

4 s Pardon me, madam- CONSTANCESHACKLOCK

. . mak es h er deb ut in Aus- tra IJa Ill one of her rnles- CARr-.JE , most famous · Alth ough sl · I, wor ld . renown. ed as a concert 1e and is ope;u c a1_ust, this is h er first visit to ustra l1a. Born in Nottin ham ,he comm enced her st d. . g ' whe n she w f u ies m 1939, · on a our-) ear scholar s 111 p at the R oyal Acad emy of J\I .. 111 J 9 J6 l U SIC. Kati R ank! s :~ w;s app oint ed by lI t e R oyal Op era \ r~ ~~i~1 e~ (o~.v~nt Garden, where she en seasons as lead ing She has sun g in pr act · II mezzo contr alto . the w · ica Y every cot t I · · Ill n ai Swas the first En gl1·s I1 sin· ger t m Y . th e world and a f ter ~ at y. . he was also th e first En gli h o_ ap~ ear Ill H olland and Ger- o on rn Bu enos Aires for 33 . s srnge1 to ap pear at th e T eatr to a~ra~ at tl~e Bolshoi Th eati-!a :~ :;cl th e first En glish sin ger eve~ e 1s an mt ern at ional . . . oscow. performed at the Bach F . I ec1_tal1st and befo re comin . perform a1 cl ' esuv al Ill Am erica SI I g to Austr alia ' 1ces an at least an equ al numb er 11 1as sun g 550 operatic o concen s and recitals.

your 'bargain1 is showing The lady made a mistake, you see. That "bargain" stole she rushed to buy has turned out to be the costliest flop of her career. If only she'd realized that, without spending more, a truly good yet inexpens ive fur could have been hers - together with the personal attenti on, the confident advice of a real craftsman furrier. As it was, t he salesgirl who served her knew less about furs than she did her self. 'f here ore such things as genuine fur sales, of course. Every furr ier must make room for new stocks once a year. But a really good fur - whether timeless mink or inexpensive marmot, whether ermin e, kolinsky or squirrel - deserves some thoughtful consideratio n. And chat can be a real pleasure. So, if you've mink on your mind or something more modest, do call on the man who knows furs, and sells nothing else. At Bernha rd Hammerman's salon you will find tru~ fashion in fur, true craftsma n· ship, true value.


7, h floor, Tru st Building, 155 King Street, Sydney BW 1309 b Th e best thin gs in lif e are not necessari ly th ose which mc1ke the THEBATTLE FOROPERA quickest profits. It took many years to popul ar ise the now widely­ It is bad taste to complain of the cost of an evening's entertain ment, attended orches tral concerts, and th e taste for opera, lik e good wine, is but it is to be doubted if good taste ever won a battle. Th e battl e for improved by exper ience. Last year our Comp any played to 159,3 I 8 opera in Australia is being fought and will be decid ed right he re and people, yet, despite thi s, a substa nti al subsidy was necessary. Thi s now. Some people , when told that opera does not pay for itself, survey subsidy is derived from th e grants mad e available to us by the Common­ the crowded audience and exclaim that its sponsors must be corrupt , wealt h and State Go vernm ent s and the City Coun cils of Sydney, incompetent, extravagant or mad . Yet in no country in th e world doe1 Melbou rn e, Bri sba ne and Ad elaide . opera pay for itself. Th e Ro yal Op era H ouse, Coven t Garden, costs the British taxpa yer £300,000 a year, and in Europ e considerabl y larger It is our aim to reduce th e call upon publi c fund s for the supporl sum s are spent by respon sible Governments and City Councils , whilst of opera and to use such funds as are gran ted to us for other purposes­ the opera seasons at Clyndebourn e and at the e:w York Metr opolitan training of art ists, the enco ura gement of authors , th e extension of our cou ld not function without substanti al assista nce from bu siness houses. activities in the schoo ls and countr y districts. I believe it is possible in public trusts and priv ate houses. time substant ially to close th e gap betwe en revenue and costs, and I To none of these sponsors suggest th at those who appreciate opera and who believe, as I do, that can th e above ep ith ets be fair­ it is a grac ious and desirable addit ion to living , shou ld make th e greatest ly app lied, and supp ort is effort to achieve this aim and to win th e battl e for opera in Australia. given in th e belief th at opera is as mu ch a requirement for Support can be given in severa l ways. You can encourage your a civilis ed community as friends to attend each opera in the season; you can join th e Tru st as recreation gro und s or muni ­ a member (a membership form is inclu ded in the progr amme); you can cipal swimming bath s. Thi s subscribe to th e Tru st Developmen t and Securit y Fund (de tails of this is a point we should bear in can be obtained by writing to the Tru st Offices in Sydney and min d in any campai gn to en­ Melbourne). On e of the mo st valuabl e ways of support is in booking coura ge good migrant s to thi s countr y. your seats early in the season, rather than waiting until th e season is drawing to its close. This will ensur e that you get good seats on th e We can feel some prid e nights that you want. in the fact th at nowh ere in the world do es opera come In whichever way you supp ort us, you can be assured th at you will so close to being self-support ­ not only be str eng th ening th e case for th e community of op era , but you ing as here in Austra lia. Thi will be laying the foundat ion stone of an opera company which will in is partl y du e to th e suppor t time bring credit and renown to this countr y, and, I hop e, some pleasure genero usly given to us by th e to you and your children . Aust ra lian Broad cast ing Com ­ mission in supplying its HUGH HUNT matchle ss Stat e orchestras , but chi efly to the high percenta ge of audi ence atte nd ance we have H UG H H U T , received during past seasons.

8 Executiv e Dir ector. 9 GLENDA RAYMOND r< < ::.:::::'.:~: ,:~:::: <,, \ <· , , , - <

is known throughout Aus­ tralia, New Zealand and England as OMEGA a concert and operatic artist. A student of Adolf Spivakovsky , she has made many appearances on radio and television in those coun­ tries, and will be remembe1 eel for her radio debut as the singing voice cJ/tMbn ~(J/mi&l of the late Dame N ellie Melba . In 1948, she went to Eng land, where she studied with famous Italian , Dino Borgioli, and eventually was placed under con­ I at ••• I tra ct with the London Phi lharmonic Orchestra.

, ,

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Author of WORLDPREMIER E Curly on the Comm enc ing We dn esda y, 3rd Se pt emb er, 1958 Rack THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TR UST

pr esent s

An Australian Pl ay The author of CURLY O THE RACK, Sydney radio writer, Ru Pullan, describes this play as a "conflict of people," within a set of circumstances which are as applicable in Sydney in 1958, as they were in Rabaul (the setting of the play) in late I 945. CURLYON THE RACK The six men and one woman in the play are caught in a series By of conflicts which revolve around their need for security. For Curly, money is the ultimate goal, simply for its own sake; for Scobie, it is a RU PULLAN shield against the outside world. The conflicts among th ese seven Wi th people rise and fall with the rapidity of a tropical shower; intrigue is their foundation; fear is their ever-present enemy; not only fear of their own making, but the ever-present scare of pockets of still-active An Out standin g Cast Japanes e soldiers . GRANT TAYLOR KEN WAYNE STEWART GINN MAX OSBISTON Into this tense atmosphere, a sense of proportion is introd uced to OWEN WEINGOTI JOH N GRA y take the place of the shell-shoc ked, post-war values. CORALIE NEVILLE

The idea for the play came to R u Pullan as a result of several Directed by MGEL LOVELL conversations on the fate of salvage, underground funds and profiteer· ing in the period immediately following the Second World War. Limited Season Only 13 12 Sopranos


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is an Australi an who has received acclaim overse as. For the pa;r five years he has been principal has earned th e distinction re11or with the Covent Gard en oi being th e first Australian singer Op era H ouse, and th e critics hav e to have been offered a contract in been unanimous in their prais e of Austra lia for an overseas opera hou se. his many performances. In 1955, he became a member of ince th en h e has sun g with th e 1he Sadlers Wells Op era Company , Car l Rosa Op era Company, th e ,1, princ ip al tenor, but ret urned Lo English Op era Group , th e Lond on ,\u,tralia last year to appear with Opera Club and Sadl ers Wells Op era the .Eli7abethan Trust Op era Com ­ Company. Hi s repertoire includ es pany in TOSCA and OTE LLO . over 20 well-kn own , orator io, On e of Aust ralia's leading , concert, rad io and television perfor mances throughout th e Uni ted King­ he is kn own here and overseas for dom, Germany and H olland. his perfor man ces in opera, oratorio and on the concert platform . Durin g thi s season he will sing the Hi s appearance with th e Eliz abethan Trust Op era Company 1itle role; in PET ER GRIME and LOH E GR IN. marks his first visit to Austr alia sin ce his departur e eleven years ago.

~~ rrn@filrnlfu&il J PTY. LTD. WINE, SPIRITAND GENERAL MERCHANTS Offer you Quality Wines in Bulk FLOR SHERRY ...... 30/ - per ga llon AMONTILLADO SHERRY 23/ - ., FRONTIGNAC ...... 22/- ., SWEET SHERRY ...... 19/ 6 ., ~RYJHERRY ...... 19/6 " RO N MUSCAT ...... 19/ 6 .. R.R. PORT 19/6 SAUTERNE ...... 17/- ., CHABLIS ...... I 3/6 ., HOCK ...... 13/6 ., BURGUNDY ...... ,...... 14/- 8 roundworld flights every week 2 Li~\~l~~ ···~-~~~ ·E·T···:::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~j~ :: Minimum quantity- 2 gallons We also offer you imported Italian Olive Oils, Olives, Anchovies, Chee se, Sardines, Salama, etc. Place your orders now FREE DELIVERIES 106-118 COMMON WEALTH ~ '-...._..../ JOb .43.58

17 *Recapfut4e thethtill * of the OperaSeaiot1 * * The Story of the Opera THEBARBER OFSEVILLE

Figaro, formerly valet to Count Alma.viva , has now set him self up with these magnificent recordi ngs in busi ness as a barber in Sevill e. In th e hou se opposite his shop liv es old Dr. Bartolo , with his houseke ep er, Marce llin a, hi s servant. by the world's greatest artists . .. Ambrosius, and his young ward , Rosina. Becau se of her excee dingly

CARMEN ( Bizet). Co mpl ete re co rding with Sola ng e large inh er itanc e, Dr . Bartolo has resolved t0 marry h er. Count Alma.­ Mi chel, , Mi che l Den s, M artha Angelici , Orch es tra and Chorus o f the Th eat re National de viva, however, h as chan ced to m eet Ro sina in the str eets and has fallen l'Oper a-Comiqu e, Paris , co ndu cted by Cluytens ...... 330CX.1016 8 Compl ete reco rding with Suz anne Juy ol, Lib ero D e Luca , Janin e Mi che au, Juli e n Gi ova nnetti , Orche stra and in love with h er. He ha s only ju st found out where sh e lives, and, whi le Chorus of Op era-Co miqu e, Paris, co ndu cted by Wolff .. LX T.2615 /7 Con chit a Supervi a sing s Carmen ...... P MA O.10 24 ,ere nading h er in the guise of a student , ha s also discovered his former Carmen Suite by The St . Lou is Symphony Orchestra .. P .82 88 Flower Song in Oper atic Re ci tal by M ario Del M onaco L X T A.52 02 valet's occupatio n and whereabouts. They m eet and Figaro, for a fee, LOHENGRIN ( Wagner). Lohe ngrin Fa rewe ll in "Gigli At Carnegie H all" ...... OAL P . 1329 offers to facilit ate the match between the Count and R o in a. *BARBER OF SEVILLE (R ossini) . Complete recording with M aria Call as, , Luigi Alva , N icola Zaccaria, Fritz Ollend orff, Philharmoni a Orchestr a and Ch orus, co ndu cted by Aice o Gallie ra 330CX.1507 / 9 T h e story of th e opera concerns itself with var ious schemes and * To be released shortly. ROSENKAVALIER (S trau ss). Complete re co rd ­ plots by Barto lo on the one h and , and Alm a.viva, directed by Figaro, ing with Eli sa beth Schw a rzkopf , Christ a Ludwig, Otto Edelm ann ...... CD .I on the oth er, for the hand of Ro sin a. (Ve rdi). Complet e re co rdin g with Renata Tebald i, M ario del M onaco ...... LXTA. 2 735 /7 Compl ete reco rding with M aria Call as, Ri chard Tucker 330CX.1318 / 20 Both parti es in turn emplo y th e dubious serv ices of th e "R everend" LA BOHEME ( Pu ccini) . Com pl ete recording with Victoria de Los Ange les, Ju ss i Bjorling, Robe rt M e rrill OALP .140 9/ 10 Don Basilio, Ro sin a's singin g teach er and a man with few scrup les. In CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA ( Ma scagui) . Compl ete recording with Giu sepp e Di Stefano , M aria S 330CXS .1182 a series of hil ar iou s 18th centur y situ ations , inv olvin g di guises , mis­ Call as ...... l 330CX.118 3 understa ndings , etc., this popul ar plot unfolds itself, aided by Ro sin i's FAUS T ( Goun od) . Complete recording with Vi c­ tori a de Los An ge les , Boris Christoff , Ni co lai Getld a . . OALP.116 2/5 spark lin g and scintillatin g tun es, until finally Figar o's many ru ses succeed TOSCA ( Puccini). Complete reco rdin g with M ar ia Callas , Giuseppe Di S tefa no, Tito Gobbi ...... 330CX.1094 ' 5 in bringing th e youn g lovers tog ether and a happy olution is found for every charact er, including old Dr . Bartol o. ELIZABETHANTHE AT RE

For a Season com mencingSaturda y, 19t h Jul y, 19 58 THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST in association with The State Opera Company of New South Wales preaents THE ELIZABETHANTRU ST OPERA COMPANY (n * ' * THE BARBE~ OF SEVILLE * Music: ROSSINI Libretto: STERBINI * CHARA CTERS English Tra nslati on by irginia Card . rran slation by arrangement with Boosey & H awke, . COU T LMAVIVA DONALD SMITH Score by arrangement Ri cordi. TH E SYDNEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DOCTO R B RT OLO NEIL WA RRE N-SMITH Leader ER EST LLEW ELLYN By counesy of T he Australian Broadcasting Comrni ion BASILIO , a singing teacher ALAN LIGHT * * * FIGA R O, a bar ber ROJ~ER T SIMMONS Conductor of T H E BA RB ER OF SEVI LLE .. £ Rl C CLAP H M

FI OR ELL O, serva nt to th e Count . JOH N GERMAIN SCENE : The action* of the opera tak es* place out sid e a nd within* Or . Bart olo's house in eville . AMB RO SIUS, erva nt to the doctor GREGORY DEMPSEY T IM E: The Eighteenth Centur y. There will be one interval of 15 minut es. RO SI A, the doc tor's ward ROSALIND KEENE * Prod uction b) * * MA R CELL INA , Rosina 's governess STEFAN H AAG ELLA BANNER bcenery b) JOH ' OR T H COTE Costum es designed by ST DE TELEC NOTARY GREGOR Y DEMPSEY Continua GEOR GE H i\fP l-OlEY

OFFICER JOSEPH DREWNIAK * * MUS IC ST Ff * SOLDIERS ND MUSICIA S: Musical Dire ctor KAR L R KL Fr ank Brozzesi, R ay Collier, Mauri ce Fox, Leo McKernan. Associate ConducLors ­ Peter ort h, R ex Porter, W alter R ychto wski. ER lC CLA PH f , GE OR C TINT , Ell , GEO RGE H UM PH R El * * * G eneral M anage1 ROBERT QUENT l r OPERA STAFF <;1.ifl Produ cer-. Musical Director STEFAN II \,IC ROBIN LO \EJOY Produ c1ion S1agc ,\J anage, KENNETH SO TH C I 1E tagc \ fanagcr IV11.LL\M THO i\!PSOi\ A'i~t. l..,1agc ~lana gc 1~ JAM ES DOO\/£ JOY COl 'CKE Bw ..ine..,~ ~fanag er I.Ours VA EYSW;-.i Opera Secrc1ary H ELEN \f, IR I I J,c Elia1bctha11 l ru,t Opc1 ,l ~rec ha 11htf-J NORMAN PARKER . GEOFFREY KEE:-.'E Com pan)\ new Ill u_sica l di ~-cno 1 i:-. 0 11~ . of Electrician~ WlLLIAi\ I BOl 1LTON , GLE /\ OLE Properri ;\fas1er the wor ld '~ 01us 1a11d111gmu sica l pc1,o n alille!', . J OHN COl 'S!'\S \ Vardrobc i\fi "Lre~s I Ii, name i!-i a, fa111ou!wcd bv the Kroll Th eatre , Ber lin . The . _ ELIZABETHAN JOHN CLUGSTON \I 1l",badc11' ~talc Opera. The Gra, Opera and the _famuu, Ge1 man I hcatrc . Pr ague : Ch icf Elec1 rician ROBER T CUNN INGHAM THEATRE I he '\a,i ouupatio11 of Czechoslovakia brought 111111 to England l!J.16. he Chie f Prop erty Ma ster JACK BETT!SON ""'!· "' P11blici1 y rc{ci, cd LIie appoinl11te 11l of 1nu~ical dirccLor of the nc~vh •fo~111ecl Cc)\Clll RO N PATTEN PUBLI CITY cal{!Cll Opc1a Compa111 . !11 1952 he went 10 ~cotland as the mu"rnl d11ct101 of the ~wtmh PTY. LTD . J \c111011alOrc1te ',l1a, whc1c h e again proved his quality a:,, cl ma,r~r . lu11lclc1 <_>fmu,~c l\.atl Ranl-..1 i, al,o a lOmposcr of note a nd has IIHlll) lOmpo:1uo11, Lo h1, ucd 1~; * * * * * * * I hl'"( i11dudc ll\e ,,mphonic,. numerous s01~gs_a n d an op~ra "Deidre of the ~orro,, •\, The fa na g·e111enl reserves th e right to 1nake an y alt era ti on in th e cast which ma, wl11u.h -.,h,11cd f11-.,1 ptill ' in a Fc,1i, ·al of H11La1n compeutt011 be rendered necessary b y illn ess or any other unavoidable cau se. Th e Man agemen t reserves the right of rdusing admission to the Th ea tr e. Taking photogrnphs during th e performance of thi s produ ction is prohib ited . Assoc iat e Conducto rs Smoking is n o t permitted in the Auditorium.

CREDITS Scenery comtructed at 1he Tivoli Theatre, Sydney , and pain1ed by John Nort h cote . Properries constrnncd a1 the Elizabethan Theatre , Sydney, and by Ronald McDonald. , vardrobe for Carmen and Lo h engrin made by Ph yll Foulk es and assistan1s al the Natio na l Theatre , Melb o urn e. \Vardrobe for and The Barb er o f Seville made by Gladys J enni ngs and a\!"listants. W oollen Garments for PETER GR I~IE S- by Knit Tex Pt y. Ltd . Wig s for Lohe ngrin by i\lona ,v orkman. Electrical equipment suppli ed by Strand Electric and Engineering Company, i\l elbourne; Pani , Vienna; Reiche and Vogel, Berlin. SEN IOR SE RVICE cigarettes and pipe tobacco su ppli ed by W. D . & H . 0 . WILLS (AUS T .) LTD . All minerals supp lied by 'co urt esy SCHWEPPES LTD . "C RAYON S" TINTED N YLO NS by PRESTIGE . NESCAFE supp lied by courtesy ESTLE'S FOOD SPE CIA LITIE S (AUST.) LTD . . i\l embcrs of th e ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE arc in aucndanc e at tins Lheatre on a voluntary basis Electrical Equipment installed in th e Elizabethan Theatre is by STRAND ELECTRIC & ENGINEERING CO. LTD., and is und er the superv ision of their ERIC CLAPH A f Sydney repre sentative , Mr . Reginald Bartram. GEORG TI 1TNER SOUND REI FORCEME 1 T SYSTEM specia lly installed in 1his 1hca1re by A f ALGA i\IATED WIRELESS (A/ A IA ) LTD. Assistant Conductor: GEORGE HUMPHREY 22 23 BECOME A TRU ST MEMBER THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN

By becoming a member you support Lhe Australian Elizabethan Theatr e rru,t THEATRE TRUST ventures LhroughouL Lhe Commonwealth. Your annual sub sidy forms financial backi ng for all Au stralian pro duction, undertaken by th e Tru st, such as SUMMER OF THE EYE 1 TEEN TH DOLL. THE SHIFTING HEART , and th e Trust' s first Au stralian musi cal, LOI.A i\10;'-rIE/. Application Form R edu ction on Se.at Prices :\ 0 1 only arc )OU supp or ting a grand cause, but ou receive great benefit. J he Date trcm end ou demand for sea t for maj or production s in the past ha s highli ghted the advantage of being a Tru st Member. \p art from a PRI CE REOU C1 ION FOR To: . EAT , members also have outstand ing BOOK! G OPPORTUNI rrn . a, thc 1 ha,c The Board of Directors of FIR T CALL O T HE PLA 1 THE AUSTRALIA ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST, Subscriptions Ta x Deductible 85 Goulb urn Street, Sydney. Your annual mem bership sub scription is a deductible allowance for income tax purpo e . I, A member ship form is contained in this pr ogramm e on oppo itc pag e. J

Telephone .. desire to become a SUBSCRIBING MEMBER at £5 per annum,

If yo u wish to 10m those who are already suppo rtin g th e 'Trust venture SPO SORING MEMBER at £500 or more , throughout the C omm on wea lth , yo u may do so by pay ing an in itial subscription of T HE AUSTRA LI A ELI ZABETHA THEATRE TRUST of £ 5. Su bsequent annual subscriptio ns are £ 5 and are due on the 1st July, and are payabl ·e bef ore 31st D ecem ber. Member ship entitl es you to priority and enclose my cheque for £ ... boo~ing f or t wo seats at any given performan ce. Inf ormat ion regarding the wor~ of the 'Trus t and coming produ ctions will be regularly sent out to I hereby agree, if admitted, to become a member th ereof and to membe rs. be bound by th e Memorandum and Articl es of Association for the time being of The Australian Elizabethan Th eat re Trust . Y ou may also assist th e wor ~ of the 'Trust by giving a donat ion, and the 'Trust w elcome s all dona tions, whether they be large or small.

M any of the 'Theat re seats hav e been given by friends o-f the 'Trust, both (Usual Signature) in A ustrali a and overseas. A don ation of £10 will pr ov ide one seat, and a plaqu e bearin g the name of the donor will be fixed to th e arm of the chair. All cheques should be made payable to: "THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHA ' THEATRE TRUST,"

Should yo u be d·esirous of joining th e List of D on ors, please leave your ALL SUBSCRIPTIO S DEDUCTIBL E FRO M IN COME TA X nam e and addr ess at th e M anager's Off ice. 25 24 PH I LI PS~ ;§mmdf2/u» ,a Tenors ,f Ill your home every night *


Complete Opera OPERA HIGHLIGHTS . I. Softly Awakes My Soprano-Solange Heart ("Samson and Delil ah "-Sa int-Saens). Laroze, Tenor- 2. love Come to My Aid ("Samson and Dolilah" -Sa int Saens). 3. Knowest Thou The land ("Mignon"-Thoma s}. 4. Card Song (" Carmen " -Sizet ). 5. 0 Don Fatale {"Don COSI FAN TUTTE K 588 (Mozart). Com- Carlos " -V erdi). 6. Stride la Vampa {"II plete Opera with Teresa Stich-Randall, Trovatore"-Verdi) . 7, Grand March and Soprano - Ira Malaniuk, Meno -Soprano - Chorus from Act 2 ("Alda"-V erdi). Marla Waldemar Kment, Tenor- Walter Berry , Barl­ van llos vay , Contralto-V ienna Symphony tone-Graziella Sciutt i, Soprano-Deno Ern­ O rchestra-Conductor W ilhelm Loibner and * ster , Bass-Vi enna State Opera Choir, Vienna The Netherlands Opera Choir, The Radio Symphony Orchestra. Conductor Rudolf Philharmonic O rchest ra (Hilver sum) , Conduc• Mora It. A00417/19L tor Paul van Kempen . N00649R CARMEN (Bizet>. " Highlights " featuring Kenneth Neate and other leadin g singers of (Donizetti!. L'Op era Com ique. Pnll BL lucla's Arla and Mad Scene. Reverse Rosina 's Aria "Una voc e po co fa " from ''The FAMOUS TENOR OPERA ARIAS (Mozart) . Barber of Sev ille" (Rossini) . Gianna d'Angelo . Qua ! mi conturba i sensi . .. Fuor de l mar Soprano with the Orchestra of th e San Carlos DONAL D SMITH (ldonien eo) -Ah, no sdreb be ii vlver mlo . .. The atre Napl es - Condu ctor Francesco non tem er, amato bene (ldomeneo}-Dalla Molina;!, S06141R sua pa ce ()-11 mio tesor o lntanto (Do n Giovanni)-Un' aura amorosa BARBER OF SEVILLE ( Rossini). Overture (Cosi fa n tutte)-Ah, se fosse intorno (La Rever se : " The Daughter of th e Regiment" clemenza di Tito). Leopold Simoneau, Tenor (Donizetti). L'Orch estre de s Concerts Lam· with the Vienn a Symphony Orchestra, Con­ ductor Ber nhard Paumgartner . A00740R oureu11:-Conductor Paul van Kemp e~OQOObA I

11 FIDELIO ( Beet hoven >. "leonor e , Ov ertu res Nos . 2 and 3. Reverse: " Egmont " O verture & LOHENGRIN (Wagner>. Bridal Chorus " Coriola n" Overture . Hagu e Philharmonic Preludes to Acts I and 3. Netherlands Ope ra Orchestra-Condu ct or W ilhelm van Otterloo . Choir Rad io Philharmonic Or chestra . C~F GOS306R ducto ~ Paul vt'tn Ke mp en 401 035 ~,; :' ~-t,_- A V Al LAB LE FROM YOUR "• * FAVOURITE RECORD STORE

GREGORY DEM P EY P668.58 26 27

ALAN LIGHT NEIL EASTON ha, sung all type s of and ..\ n opera tic baritone of great quality, he ba " roles in more than 40 operas and has more than 30 principal roles to his is making hi s second appearance with credn an d is making his second appear· the Elizabet han Tru st Opera Com­ • ance wit h the Elizabethan Trnst Oper a pan). Durin g last seaso n he appeared A great little piano Company. in " La Boheme" and "T ales of Hoffman ." built to fit YOURloungero om!

B ecause to-d ay's hou se is sma ller and because no home is complete without its piano , we offer, for YOUR home , the new "Knight." Modern as TV ir. design , finished in a wide choice of shades to match your own decor and of a ton al excellence th at made Eileen Joyce decl are, "Wh at splendid tone and touch! The perfect instrument THE KNIGHT for any home! " The "Kni ght" is -AND IT CAN BE YOURS alre ady famous in Europe and in FOR ONLY America . Call in and hear it. 1 NEIL WARREN-SMITH 33 9 will be remembered for hi s previou s performances wit h the Eliwbethan A WEEK! ROBERT SIMMONS 1-Ias appeared with the Sadlers \ Velis and Tru st Opera Compan y, parucularly 1hat of "Colline" in " La Boheme" and 338 Geo rge Stree t, Sydney . Carl Rosa Opera Compan ies an d has " Ketzal" in "The Bartered Bride." He BL 2331. '.nade many appeara nces for the B.B.C. 111 iadio and on televi sion . H e has also has been a member of the Compan) 328 Chapel Road , Bankstown. Ming in Holland and Pa ris . since its inception in 1956. UY 1404 . 29 and at Wollongong , Newcastle , Goulburn , Or ange , Tamworth, lismore Baritones LOLA MONTEZ

AUTHORS : PeLer S1a1111a1d (Mu sic), Peter Benj amin (Lyric s), Alan Bur ke (Book).

Th e first Austr alian musical to be presented by the Australian Elizab ethan Th ea tr e Trust will make its debut at the Eli zabethan Th eatr e in early October. Its lust y setting is of Ballarat in the grip of th e Gold Ru sh in 1856. JOHN GERMAIN DESMOND PATTERSON World -famous courtesan, Lola Montez, visited Ballarat at th is time, pre sentin g her world-famous strip-tease "Spid er Dance ".

The editor of th e local paper had some scathing things to sav about Miss Mont ez, and was promptly horse-whipped for his remark s by her. Into th ese factual happ enings the authors have woven a thread of fiction, and hav e come up with a musical that was un animously * * * acclaimed by th e publi c and pr ess alike in a "try-out" of the production in association with th e Uni on R epertory Compan y, Melbourn e, at their Union Theatre earlier this year. Th e acclaim was such that th e season was exte nd ed, which is unusual for the Union Th eatre , as th ey have a set schedu le for productions each season .

PR ESS CO MME NTS: " Lola Mont ez 1s a show to see" (headlines) ... " It is getti ng monotonou s now to keep saying of new Australian pla ys and shows-' Thi s will sell abroad '-b ut we will say it again .. . the show is essentially Aw,tralian and essentially cos­ mopolitan. This cou ld be our first real Australian mu sica l." " - Howard Palm er, " Melbourne Sun. "T he sto ry line is criss-crossed wiLh incidents of vigorous hum our ... but the hea , t of Lhe pl ay is warm a nd i[ th e ul Limatc tesi o( a good mu sical h the ~weetness of its n1usic, there ate three o r fo ur tun c.s here which will 1a111ah,c you for da ys."- Bru ce Grant , " ~lelbourn c Age ." "Th ere are good choru ses a nd songs with first-cla ss lyric s and catch y, unus~al tune s . . I have no doubt about the popularit y of 'Lola ' with Austrahan audiences ... "- H . A. Stand ish , " Melb ourn e Herald ." CLIFFORD GRANT MURRAY MARDARDY

30 3 I Sopranos

A full range of latest recordings always * available

Whate ve r yo ur tastes , Nichol son's JUDITH STAFF ca n supply the di scs you wa nt . Our complete ra nge of long -pla ying and stand ar d speed record ings embra ce; all types of music-o p era , class ical popular a nd jazz. All labels are stocke d in our new e nlarge d Recor d Depart me nt . We also have a wid e se lect ion of * record players, re cor d stor age alb ums, reco rd rac ks and all types of need les and stylii. Special attention given to co untry clients. Packing and postage extra ]A NNE ROSS on all items.


33 32 A MIJST fo•· Theatre Lo vers Staff Produ cers

A full y illustrat ed publication THEAUSTRALIAN THEATREYEARBOOK Edited by


Cont ain ing ar ticles by Austra lia's leadi ng Criti cs, Th eatre Executives and Business L eaders.

1. Preface by Dr. H . C. Coombs ROBIN LOVEJOY 2. Introduction by Hugh H un t STEFA N HAAG 3. An Idea is a Fact . by Myra R oper 4. The Doll in London ... by John Sumn er Guest P roduc er General Manager 5. Opera in Australia by Rob ert Qu entin 6. Amat eurs and All Th at by H . A. Stand ish 7. J. C. Willi amson by Harald Bowden 8. Carroll-Fuller Theatr es by Jun e Lan sell 9. The Tiv oli Circuit by eil Maver 10. Where No w? by Bru ce Grant 11. Id eology in the Soviet Th eatre by Hu gh Hu nt I 2. Australi an Elizab ethan Tru st Activities, 1958




34 35 Repertoire for the first four weeks STATE OPERA COMPANY (N.S.W.) of the Season President: SIR BER 1 ARD HEINZE , Kt.B ., M.A., LL.D. , Mu s. Doc., F.R .C.M. Vice-President: WILLIAM G. JAME S, Esq. Hon. Secretary : AUBREY M. Kl\"OWLES

Registered Office: ROOM 204, 19 HU TER STREET , SYDNEY JULY: Saturday, 19t h (Premi ere) PETER GRIMES It will be not iced that this season is being pr esented by The Elizabethan Theatre Trust in association with the State Op era Co. (N .S.W.). Monday , 21st PETER GRIMES Tue sday , 22nd (Premiere) CARMEN The Stat e Opera Co. (N.S.W .) came int o being in December , 1957 (form erly Wedne day, 23rd PETE R GRIMES National Opera of Au st.), and we were fortunate lo obtain as our Pre sident ir Thursday, 24th CARME Bernard Heinze, Director of th e Conservatorium of Music, Sydney , and other leading musical and business per sons as Executive members . Friday , 25th PETER GRIMES CARMEN Saturday , 26th (Mat.) Our function is to supply assistance for the annual Sydney Opera Season, and Saturday, 26th (Eve.) (Premi ere) THE BARBER OF SEVILLE during the remainder of the year to stimul ate the growth of opera and music Monday , 28th CARMEN generally throughout New South Wales. One of our other main objectives is to encourage and provide opportunities for young Australi an artists. To this end a Tuesday , 29th THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Younger Set ha s been formed, whose membership already exceeds two hundred. Wednesday, 30th CARMEN Thursday, 31st PETER GRIMES An invita tion is extended to prospective Company and Youngr et members , and on enquiry the Hon . Secretar y will be ple ased to post a brochure , explaining privileges and activities. AUGUST: Frid ay, 1st THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Subscrip tions : Saturday, 2nd (Mat.) CARMEN Company Member s-Annual £3 3 0 Saturday, 2nd (Eve.) PETE R GRIMES Life 50 0 0 Monday , 4th THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Younger Set (age I 7 to 35 years)-Annual 0 0 Tuesday , 5th (Premiere) LOHENGRIN Wednesday, 6th THE BARBER OF SEVILLE Thursday , 7t h LOHENGRIN --·-·-·-- -·-·--·----- Frid ay, 8th TH E BARBER OF SEVILLE Saturday, 9th (Mat.) PETER GRIMES Saturday , 9t h (Eve .) CARMEN OTHERNOTABLE AUSTRALIAN SINGERS Monday, 11th LOHE GRIN Tuesday , 12th THE BARBER OF SEVILLE appearing with the Company W ednesday , 13th (Prcm icrc) FIDELIO Thursday, 14th LOHE GRIN Friday, 15th FIDELIO Lettie Powell Ray Collier Jo seph Drewniak Saturday , 16th (Mat.) TH E BARB ER OF SEVILLE Brian Thomp son Anthony Fenek Satu rday, 16th (Eve .) LOHENGRIN Teresa Adams, Marissa Brozzesi, Lina Denison, J eanette Earl, Paree Glesson, Mary Hayman, Dorothy Hitch , Violet Holman-Hunt , Anita Kelly, Dor een Morrow, Christ ene Palmer, Frank Brozzesi, Maurice Fox, Leo McKernan, Peter North, Rex Port er, Walter Rychtowsky, Final Two Weeks to be Announc ed Walter Schleicher, Sergio Stracciari, George Th om, Ferdin and Togni . 36 37 Industries Ltd., link Belt Co. Pty. Ltd., Malleab le Costings Ply Ltd E W Ftf Pty. Ltd., J. R. Tregon_ing Ltd., Mrs. K. E. Miller, The Million,· Club' of N.S.v-l., "og,' S. J . M:n~gue, W. I. M:skoe, C. J. A. Moses, C. B.E., The Musicol Associotion of N S w Seat Donors Nolly L1m1ted, The Not,onol Cash . Register Co. Pty. Ltd., Nock & Kirb Ltd w· f-i' Mony potrons hove ossisted the Elizobethon Theolre in re-seoting the stolls of the Northam, ~ - R. Sted':'on, A. E. M,llword, R. E. Pironi, D. D. O'Connor , berek~· O ·d · theotre by denot ing the cost of o seat or seots . Their nomes will be offixed to these The Old V,c. Austrol,on Tour Compony, 1955 The Old Vic T t Ltd s· g en, choirs to slond as a memento of their generosity. Oli".ier, Joseph Son key & Sons (Austrolio) Pty. Ltd., John· L;,u:ght (Au,;', 17o)urepce The cost of each stall chair is £10, with the donat ion being deduct ible from toxotion. L1m1ted:,George Potterson Pty. Limited, Mr. 0. E. Phillips, Gwen Plumb and °rhel~~ Should you be desirous of joining the list of dono rs, pleose leove your nome and address Scott, I~.. memory of Mrs. E_. W. Ard ill ( Founder of the Playgoers' Club)" "Th at the Monager's Office, Ploygoers Club, Maurice Point, Parke W. Pope Celia Pringle Lt C I J 13 e The Elizobethon Theolre monagement, as o mark of appreciotion, list below donors NTerenc Re Rottigon,. M Eric A Roy, R . Williom . Rees (Sydney)'. , Mme . pierr· e R'emon .-do ' ·L. B. . Renni· P~e,e to hand ot time of this programme going to press. an enn,e, rs. . ep1n, Desolie M. R,chordson, Richard Rodgers ( New York)' A. F. Albert, Elsa Albert, Sir Bronson Albe ry, Alon M. Allan (London), Vesto Battery Mrs. A. B. F. Role, Mrs. C. E. Rouse, Anno Russell, Dr. Maurice Ryon, Normon R d ' Co. Ltd., A. R. Allen, Mr. G. McEncroe Amory, Mr. W. M. Leonard, Ampol Petroleum ~oeb ';., R1de, ~lo&n RSydgep,Peggy Sager, St. Jomes' Players (Townsville, Queensl~n~j· Ltd., Dr. Edith Anderson, Aquilo Steel Co. Ply. Ltd ., M. A. Armstrong , A. E. Armstrong, eo. , amp e on ty. Ltd._. Preston G. Soywell. T. A. R. Soywell M J K' M.L.C., Ben Arnott, Arts Council of Austrolio (N.S.W. Division), The Sxdney Savoge Shhortl, T. R. M. Scott, Peter Scriven, Peter Scriven Puppets Ronn Sh ft'0 rJ'· R · S alto, Mr. ond Mrs. J. A. Show, "Simon ond Louro" on·d "Th Do ' Blrs. Son~ Club, Australian Broadcast ing Commission Stoff Socio\ Club, Australian Nationol C M W H SI d e eep ue ea Airwoys Pty. Ltd., G . D. Bonks, Lorelei Booker, Bennett & Borke\\ Ltd., Norman _ompony, rs. . . ermon a e, W._ Hermon Slade, Slozengers-the Cho ice of Cho . M. Borrell, Effie M. Borrell, Neil M. Borrell, Mrs. Neil M. Borrell, Trevor J. Barrell, p1o_ns, Mrs. Non Smith, Mr. Fronk Smith, Mrs. E. 0. Nige l Smith W J S 'th J ':' A. Bosser, William Becker, Phyllis Benjamin (M.l.C ., Tasmania), Michoel Benthall (The Sm,th, A.C.I., A. E. Smith, Ellen Smith, Hon. L. S. Snider M L C · · mi ' nid~ss,e Olga Stacey, Mory Elizabeth Mitchell, W. C. Stevens Pty' Lt.d · ·N·Mrs. LS.tS. S er, Old Vic). Dick Bentley, Beryl Newell, Elsie Beyer, Mr. 0. D. Bisett, Bitumen & Oil M n L t S h' S . ., oncye ewort and Refineries (Aust.) Ltd., Bloxlond Roe Ply. Ltd., Edouard Borovonsky, The Borovonsky oy e yn on, op ,e tewort ond Ellis Irving, Victor Stiebel (Lond O n) p f Ballet Co., 1955, Lady Violet Broddon, Holbroo ks, Mrs. Gordon Brody, Brannon's Pty. A. K. St~ut, The Strand Electric Co. (London and Melbourne) M p St ' Srobessor Corporot1on Ltd., W. 5. Tatlow Mrs J h K Th ' rs.. . rouss, un earn Ltd., Jomes Brennon, The Brisbone Arts Theolre, The Brisbone Repertory Theatre, British Limited, Miss B. Tildesley, Mi,; E. oTilde;le o~ps~n, NDohj Sybil Th~rndike, Ternico Boitel Australasian Organisation, Mr. ond Mrs. Wolloce Browne, I. C. Buckinghom, M. G. Toohey, Mr. H Tronser Twelfth Ni ht Th y,t . . . IC o as Memorial Fund, Allon Buckingham's Limited, Mr. Ernest Buckwolter, Mr. and Mrs. E. W . Burbridge, Mrs. James Theatre Repertory Co. ( Mel,bourne) i U ·tdr; I Bri~baned , Mem?ers of the Union Burns, Mr. Reg. Cohill, Miss Theresa Coh ill, Canberro Repert ory Society, Miss B. M. 195 0 1 Copel, Miss E. N. Copel, Mr. A. C. Corr , Corrier Air Cond itioning Ltd., Gornet H. Carroll, ~: 1r~1::t.~b~rtP1;· ~dlntre,MUniersity 0! n~:lbou;: ,nl~~l~n/0:,~;~~n J~~·.'-r~-.,~: 0. B.E., Mrs. C. Cossimotis, Sir Lewis Cosson, A. J. Chown, John Clements, The Clock The Students of W~sley .Colie ' U o_tso\ Mr. V. G. Watson, Waugh & Josephson Ltd., Milk Bor ond Tobocconist Pty. Ltd., Dr. Kevin Coen , Morjorie Evelyn Coles, Kenneth White, Dorothy Crosby Whitf.;,J6 ~iversii ~f Syjn•t George H. West , Miss Dorothy Fronk Coles , Commonweolth Filmcroft Loboroto ries Pty. Ltd., Dr. H. C. Coombs, Mrs. Jo_hnWhitford, Jerome Whyte (New Yo~k) Hrs. Id ~-ii'.Whi~ord, ML _and Mrs. David H. C. Coombs, Callee's Possiono Limited, Noe l Coword , Mr. ond Mrs. C. H. Cull, Miss P. F. Wilson, Miss Beatrice Wines G or? . , ,ams, . _M. W11\1oms,D. Wilson, Miss L. A. Cull, Normon Cull, Horold S. Dorke, Dorothy A. Darke, Colin Lloyd Davies, Ltd., Viennese Theatre p t J y ' doogie Withers, Voctric Electrical Applionces 6 Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Dowson, "Dear Chorles " Comp ony, Ausl rolio, 1955, Mary J. Denison, J. M. Field J L 5 ' M efr_ldon.P een ' Mrs. P. A. Yeomans, Elizabeth Zieman , · · , ons ,e eter G I · Cl' O ·1 · W. E. Dickson (President, Legislotive Council), Mr. C. Doring, Mr. ond Mrs. Moree! Mercury Theatre (Queensland) p I d bon,s, _1ve g1 vy, June Ogilvy, Wynum 6 Dekyvere, Mrs. Robert Dixson, Herbert M. Dougloss, Dorotheo Dowling, Mavis Dowling, Lilian Baylis, Presented by th~ / ': ii Y t~e . Vic-Wells Association in Memory of Mrs. Anne Downie, John S. Drysdole, Drysdole & Sons, Miss Joonne Duff, The Eagle & Patrick Donnell Ms FI IC· e .' Associot,on ,n Memory of Emma Cons Mr Globe Steel Co. Ltd., Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Edwords, Mr. & Mrs. S. 0. Edwords, Mr. & Mrs. Little Theatre, 'Ma;k;y c~"n'.:~:ni\· ~h:cl;ffe, C. Aickin & Son_s Pty. Ltd., Rockho,;_,pto~ O J. A. Benson, Vivion Edwords, Dr. Horoce Eizenberg, Dr. R. L. Ernst, A. W. Foirfox, Lady St. George, Bowrol Choral Societ D ~\ Mr. Aubrey L Gi~son, Soroptimist Club of M. Foirfox, Rhodo M. Felgote (M. B.E.. Brisbone), Miss G. F. Walker-Smith, Mr. J. A. Coffey, B'Noi B'Rith Sir John M~'nash. o n McKee, M,ss Emily Rothery, Dr. R. McV. Ferguson, Ion De Farronti, Noel and Judith De Ferronti, Fosseys Pty. Limited, Anonymous, A_rts, Mr. ond Mrs. Philip Rudder, Mrs. ~odge, R~y Lowler, Woggo Wogg~ School of Mrs. H. F. Friend, A. Ben Fuller, Miss Morgaret Gont , Mrs. Selmo Gordiner , Gearin­ Kirsovo, Mrs. C. M. Ahier Mr ·~ Carmichael, Yoss Repertory Society, Helene O'Riordon Ltd., Mrs. E. M. Geelon, Jomes Brunton Gibb, Gilbert & Borker Mfg. Co. Francis Feledy, Arthur Joc~bs, Est~~rTi. Ahctr, M15s G~rtrude Pohlmeyer, Moya Feledy, (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Sydney De Vries (Boritone), Miss Morgoret Gillespie , Girls' Secondary Vagobond, P-,etry Society of A t . ~ns_ odn, Penguin Club of Austrolio, To on Old Schools Club, Mr. Dennis Glenny, Mrs. Maurine Go ldston, Morjorie E. Gooda ll, J. W. Music Club, In Memory of Dou_,d'"rt'E 1 nde Artists (A'sio) Pty. Ltd., Queen Victoria Goodsell, C.M.G., Sir Eugene Goosens, Jone Gordon (Bungendore), Kothleen Gorh•'."• Jeon Maguire, Mt. lso Amoteuvi h . vans, M'.'· Jeon B. Soywel\, In Memory Mercio The Governors ond Directors of the 01d Vic., Mollie Gowing, Betty Green field, Jim lege ( 1956). In memory of C r_ T ~otricol(}ociety, Sydney Kindergorlen Training Co l Greenfield, Miss Doro Grimley, Mrs. C. M. Guine y, Dr. C. M. Guiney, Anonymous, H~yes; K. J. Lawrence, Dr. G~r~~ M~o~: onoted by ,the Playgoers'_ Clu_b) , Mollie M·. Croft Hollom, Sir Edword Hollstrom, Oscor Hommerslein, 2nd (New York), Koy Wives Group University of Te h I Sydon, Women s College, University of Sydney Hommond, Pou\ Hommond, Mr. M. T. Honsen , Mrs. M. T. Honsen, Gerord Horkins, Mrs. Myro E. Armstrong Mr Mc 'y0 ~gy, tonley Owen & Sons Pty. Ltd., D. V Cosbolt ' Mrs. Gerord Horkins, L. G. Horrison, Mrs. A. W . Harvey, Stonley Howes, Mr. ond Mrs. (Sydney Bronch)' Ronald C~hen· M rctr;:;ig, ~'- Paul's College, The English Associatio~ Cloude Heoly, Jnr., Kotherine Hepburn , Robert Helpmonn, L. R. Hewitt, Eost Bros. Anderson, Modom Dusdi Pin M~lok~j' M. · A omson, Mr. E. 0. Anderson , Mrs. E. 0. Ply. Ltd., Mr. F. Hogon , Mrs. A. Hordern, Jnr. , Wo\\oce Horsley, Viola Horsley, of the late Malcolm McEochern M ' rs. S E. Simpson, Fronk McEochern, In Memory Bruce Horsley, Mory Horsley, Potricio Horsley, Ion Horsley, Mrs. R. M. F. Houghton, Ken· Gollery First Nighters ' Club", M'r o~d ond Mrs. Len McEachern, Mrs. Nito Lesnie, "The neth Wilkson, John Gloss, Ernest Turnbull, Hoyts Theotres Ltd., Mr. John G. Hurley, G. I. I J/8 / 51: ~roce Stofford, presiden·I) M Mrs.dA. D. Robb, Poetry, Poets, People ( founded D. Hutcheson, The Independent T~eotre (Sy'dne y) , Olive \ngoll, A. C. \nghom Ply. Ltd., Dr. Mrs. W1n1frod H. Mingoy, Mrs F 'A ' · on Mrs. 0. B. Thomas, Mr. Oswold F. Mingoy, W. W. Ingram, Elso Jocoby, Ion Jacoby, Jocqmar (London), Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Henry Dixon Hughes, In memor of Lidd · · Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Borcloy-Smith Mrs J Jones & Co. Ltd. ( 1.X.L.), Mr. Robert Kopferer , Sir Normon Kolar, T. Kelly, N. M. Khlly, Theotre, Mrs. John Broin~wski CylotBeSrr_ell ( do noted by the Ploygoers' Club)' Cai rns Litt!~ Woolworths, Original Disploys Pty. Ltd., Joseph H. Borrett, Claude R. S. Arc e_r, 1 o 1mes. John F. Abbott , Fred H. Lester , Raymond J . Kirby, Moya Kirby, Jomes R. Kirby, ~ovin J. Kirby, Jome s N. Kirby, Phyllis K. Kirkpatrick, Miss B. M. Knox, Miss A. _B. nox0 , Eve Landor, Vivien Leigh, Mrs. E. 0. Lemaire, Bill Linnit (London) , The Austin Mt ' This progromme is designed lb~the ELIZABETHAN THEATRE Co . (Aust .) Pty. Ltd., Georg e Lloyd, Nuffield (Aust.) Pty. Lt'd., The British Motor L or· ! porolion (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., G ilbert Lodge & Co. Ltd., Foster Mortin, Nigel B. F ';'"' S~ON PAITEN PUBLICITY PTY. LTD. 421 Miss Margaret Lundie, John McCollum, McCothies Pty. Ltd., Mr. B. P. Mc or ont lo whom":ii ;~;:t, _Sydney. . . 'Phone : BA 2098 Dr. M. B. Mcilrath, Mr. F. J. McKenno, C.B.E., Miss Je on B. McKenzie, Nellie Sto~ar Printed by PEERLESS PREss'"p~~ enquiries should be mode. Momoriol Club, Mrs. H. H. McNoll, Miss Glodys H. Morks, Mrs. Poul Morlin,M i'5' LTD~., 558~0 Geo~rge S=tree t,==Sydn~ey. ===1J B. M. Mott~aws, Matthews, Thompson & Co . Ltd., Professor W. Milgole, • co I====~ ·