/ ~--- -- ...,. t The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Trust PATRON: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN PRESIDENT The Rt. H on . Sir J ohn Latham, G.C .M.G., Q.C. CHAIR~I AN Dr. H . C. Coombs EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Hugh Hunt HO . SECRETARY faurice Parker STATE REPRESENTATIVES : 1 ew South Wales Queensland Mr. C. J . A. Moses, C.B.E. Western Au stralia Professor F. J . Schonell Victoria Profe ssor F. Alexander Sou th Australia Mr A. H . L. Gibson Tasmania Mr. L. C. Waterman Mr . G. F. Davies THE AUSTRALIAN ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TRUST presents THEELIZABETHAN TRUST OPERACOMPANY with THESYDNEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and gratefully acknowl edges the assistance of THE N.s.w. STATE GOVERNMENT THE SYDNEY CITY COUNCIL THE AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION THE STATE OPERA COMPANY OF N.S.W. Quality is always in good taste. Q ua r_1ty an do-oo ad taste will always THE PRESS, RADIO AND BUSINESS HOUSES be found 111 and CHATEAUTANUNDA THE PEOPLE OF Sl'DNEY The branqy of Distinction. in the establishment of Opera m this city. N .S . W . A GENTS, TUCKER 1 CO. PT Y. LIMITED . ESTABLISHED 1 SlB CT39.7l Suggestionsfron1 th e Largest Stock SYLVIAFISHER of completeOpera L .P Recordings I_t is said of Sylvia Fisher BEET HO VEN: FID ELIO (Rysanek / Seefried / Fischer-Die skau / Haflig er- tha~, not_ smce Melba , has an Aus­ Bavari an State Opera En s./ Fri csay £7 / ·/ · MOZART : TH E MAGIC FLUT E (Stader / Streich / Haflig er / Fischer- tra_lian smger made such a distin­ Dieskau Greindl / Borg/ RIAS Orch. and Chorus / guished name for hers elf in England Fricsay) £10/ 10/ · ~nd on the Continent. Born in Mel­ WAGNE R : LOH E GRIN (Kup per / Fehenberger / Frantz / Rohr / Braun - ourne, where she studied at the Bavarian Radio Orch . and Chorus / J ochum) £14/ -/ · R. STRA USS: DER ROSE NKAVALI ER (Schwar zkopf / Edelman n/ Lu d- Melbourne Conserv atorium and 1. h wig/ Randall-Philh armonia Orch ./ Karajan) £12/ -/ · Adolf ?P!v~kovsky, brother of wt~e TCHAIKOVSKY: THE QUEEN OF SPADES (Heybalova / Bugarinovi ch/ s-reat v10lm1st, she went to Londo Marinkovi ch-Belgrade Nat. Opera Ens .; Baronov ich)­ m December, 1947, and exact! on~ £11/ 10/ · PUCCINI : TOSCA (Milan ov/ Bjorling / Warren-Rome Opera Ens ./ yiar to dthe day of her arrival rhere Leinsdorf) .. £5/ 15/ · s e ma e her debut at Covent Car'. VERDI: lL TROVATORE (Callas / Panerai / Barbieri / di Stefano- sings this role during her a e:r~n, as ~eonora in FIDELIO. She La Scala Ens ./ Karajan) £7 / 19/ 6 GLUCK: ALCESTE (Flagstad / J obin-Geraint J ones En s./ G. J ones) Op era Company, as well as EtiEN ngR~th t~e Elizabethan Tru st £11/ 10/ · N RD m PET ER GRIMES MOZART: IL SERAGLIO (Franck/S tader / Streich / Hafliger / Grein <ll ow Covent Garden 's l d. - RIAS -S.O. and Chorus / Fricsay) £7 / ·/ · ?ecome associated with so meaanmg dramatic soprano, h er name has PUCCINI: LA BOHEME (Callas / di Stefano / Panerai / Zaccaria. m. DER ROSENKAVALIER I~ famous_ role s- the MARSCHALL! Badi oli-La Scala En s./ Votto) £5/ 15/ · W1~h the latter role, she establis ho}iE m TRI STA and ISOLDE . VERDI : A MASKED BALL (Callas / Gobbi / di Stefano / Barb ieri- nenan sopranos to be heard . e erself as one of the finest Wa La Scala Ens ./ Votto) .. .... .... ................... £8/ 12/ 6 she sang her first It 1· smce Flagstad. It was onl y last h g- ROSSINI: THE BARBER OF SEVILLE (Callas / Gobbi / Alva / Zac- a 1an role-TURE DOT. year t at caria Ph ilharmonia Orch . and Chorus / Galliera) £8/ 12/ 6 MOZART: BASTIE N & BASTIEN NE (Streich / Holm / Blankenheim - __ 0 _ 0 _ __ 0 0 - -.._ u_ o-~..._._ ____________ _ Munich Chamber Ens ./ Stepp) ...................................£3 / 10/ · 0 BIZET : CARMEN (Michel / J obin/Dens / Angelici-Opera Comiq ue - - Ens. of Paris / Clu ytens) .... ... ......................... £8/ 12/ 6 ---- VERDI : LA TRAVIATA (Stell a/ di Stefano / Gobbi / Zaccaria/ Galassi-La Scala Ens ./ Serafin) £5/ 15/ · With the world at h1·s r· MASCAGNI: CAV ALLERIA R USTICAN A (Bjorling / Mil anov / Merr ill 1ngertips .. - RCA- Orch . and Choru s/ Cellini). LEONCAVALLO: PAGLIACCI (Bjorling / de los Angeles / Warren / Merr ill- -RCA-Orc h . and Chorus / Cellini) £8/ 12/ 6 YOUR Mail Orders TRAVEL Acce pted. Safe ar rival guarant ee d . Post age extra. AGENT Ask for your name to be included in the mailing list and receive our lat est has the release b ulletins. THE HOUSE,FOR'BETTE!\ , MUSIC answers on travel! 4 37 -43 9 Georg e Str eet . BX5252 437-439 George St. BX 5252. Betw een Market an d Park Stree ts 4 s Pardon me, madam- CONSTANCESHACKLOCK . mak es h er deb ut in Aus- tra IJa Ill one of her rnles- CARr-.JE , most famous · Alth ough sl · I, wor ld . renown. ed as a concert 1eand is ope;u c a1_ust, this is h er first visit to ustra l1a. Born in Nottin ham ,he comm enced her st d. g ' whe n she w f u ies m 1939, · on a our-) ear scholar s 111 p at the R oyal Acad emy of J\I .. 111 J 9 J6 l U SIC. Kati R ank! s :~ w;s app oint ed by lI t e R oyal Op era \ r~ ~~i~1 e~ (o~.v~nt Garden, where she en seasons as lead ing She has sun g in pr act · II mezzo contr alto . the w · ica Y every cot t I · · Ill n ai Swas the first En gl1·s I1 sin· ger t m Y . th e world and a f ter ~ at y. he was also th e first En gli h o_ ap~ ear Ill H olland and Ger- o on rn Bu enos Aires for 33 . s srnge1 to ap pear at th e T eatr to a~ra~ at tl~e Bolshoi Th eati-!a :~ :;cl th e first En glish sin ger eve~ e 1s an mt ern at ional . oscow. performed at the Bach F . I ec1_tal1st and befo re comin . perform a1 cl ' esuv al Ill Am erica SI I g to Austr alia ' 1ces an at least an equ al numb er 11 1as sun g 550 operatic o concen s and recitals. your 'bargain1 is showing The lady made a mistake, you see. That "bargain" stole she rushed to buy has turned out to be the costliest flop of her career. If only she'd realized that, without spending more, a truly good yet inexpens ive fur could have been hers - together with the personal attenti on, the confident advice of a real craftsman furrier. As it was, t he salesgirl who served her knew less about furs than she did her self. 'f here ore such things as genuine fur sales, of course. Every furr ier must make room for new stocks once a year. But a really good fur - whether timeless mink or inexpensive marmot, whether ermin e, kolinsky or squirrel - deserves some thoughtful consideratio n. And chat can be a real pleasure. So, if you've mink on your mind or something more modest, do call on the man who knows furs, and sells nothing else. At Bernha rd Hammerman's salon you will find tru~ fashion in fur, true craftsma n· ship, true value. BERNHA~ 7, h floor, Tru st Building, 155 King Street, Sydney BW 1309 b Th e best thin gs in lif e are not necessari ly th ose which mc1ke the THEBATTLE FOROPERA quickest profits. It took many years to popul ar ise the now widely­ It is bad taste to complain of the cost of an evening's entertain ment, attended orches tral concerts, and th e taste for opera, lik e good wine, is but it is to be doubted if good taste ever won a battle. Th e battl e for improved by exper ience. Last year our Comp any played to 159,3 I 8 opera in Australia is being fought and will be decid ed right he re and people, yet, despite thi s, a substa nti al subsidy was necessary. Thi s now. Some people , when told that opera does not pay for itself, survey subsidy is derived from th e grants mad e available to us by the Common­ the crowded audience and exclaim that its sponsors must be corrupt , wealt h and State Go vernm ent s and the City Coun cils of Sydney, incompetent, extravagant or mad . Yet in no country in th e world doe1 Melbou rn e, Bri sba ne and Ad elaide . opera pay for itself. Th e Ro yal Op era H ouse, Coven t Garden, costs the British taxpa yer £300,000 a year, and in Europ e considerabl y larger It is our aim to reduce th e call upon publi c fund s for the supporl sum s are spent by respon sible Governments and City Councils , whilst of opera and to use such funds as are gran ted to us for other purposes­ the opera seasons at Clyndebourn e and at the e:w York Metr opolitan training of art ists, the enco ura gement of authors , th e extension of our cou ld not function without substanti al assista nce from bu siness houses. activities in the schoo ls and countr y districts. I believe it is possible in public trusts and priv ate houses. time substant ially to close th e gap betwe en revenue and costs, and I To none of these sponsors suggest th at those who appreciate opera and who believe, as I do, that can th e above ep ith ets be fair­ it is a grac ious and desirable addit ion to living , shou ld make th e greatest ly app lied, and supp ort is effort to achieve this aim and to win th e battl e for opera in Australia.
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