
August 18, 2021


Representative , Chairman, has called a meeting of the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE.

Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Place: Roughrider Room, State Capitol, Bismarck

Video: This meeting can be viewed online at https://video.legis.nd.gov/

Agenda: Presentation of information and discussion regarding the committee's studies of gambling addiction; the juvenile justice process; the types of spousal support ordered by the district court and the desirability and feasibility of providing statutory guidance for awards of spousal support; the membership of the Board of University and School Lands and the Industrial Commission; the necessity of licensing shelter care programs for runaway, homeless, and former foster care youth and the ability of these youth to access temporary shelter; and the factors contributing to the nation's current firearm and ammunition shortage and the impact the shortage has had on the quality of life for citizens

Special Note: Anyone who plans to attend the meeting and needs assistance because of a disability should contact the Legislative Council staff as soon as possible.

Committee Members: Representatives Kim Koppelman, , , , , Mary Johnson, Terry B. Jones, , Lawrence R. Klemin, Jeffery J. Magrum, , , , Mary Schneider, ; Senators JoNell A. Bakke, Robert O. Fors, Diane Larson, Janne Myrdal

Staff Contact: Samantha E. Kramer, Senior Counsel

Any member unable to attend this meeting is asked to notify this office as soon as possible.


/S/ John Bjornson Director