Brief for Petitioners
NO. 19-968 IN THE Supreme Court of the United States CHIKE UZUEGBUNAM AND JOSEPH BRADFORD, Petitioners, v. STANLEY C. PRECZEWSKI, JANN L. JOSEPH, LOIS C. RICHARDSON, JIM B. FATZINGER, TOMAS JIMINEZ, AILEEN C. DOWELL, GENE RUFFIN, CATHERINE JANNICK DOWNEY, TERRANCE SCHNEIDER, COREY HUGHES, REBECCA A. LAWLER, AND SHENNA PERRY, Respondents. On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit BRIEF FOR THE PETITIONERS DAVID A. CORTMAN KRISTEN K. WAGGONER TRAVIS C. BARHAM Counsel of Record JEREMIAH J. GALUS JOHN J. BURSCH KATHERINE L. ANDERSON TYSON C. LANGHOFER ALLIANCE DEFENDING ALLIANCE DEFENDING FREEDOM FREEDOM 1000 Hurricane Shoals Rd. 440 First Street, N.W. N.E., Suite D-1100 Suite 600 Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Washington, D.C. 20001 (770) 339–0774 (202) 393-8690 Counsel for Petitioners i QUESTION PRESENTED Whether a government’s post-filing change of an unconstitutional policy moots nominal-damages claims that vindicate the government’s past, com- pleted violation of a plaintiff’s constitutional right. ii PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDING & CORPORATE DISCLOSURE Petitioners are Chike Uzuegbunam* and Joseph Bradford. Both were students at Georgia Gwinnett College when this case began. Both are individual persons. Respondents are Stanley C. Preczewski, Lois C. Richardson, Jim B. Fatzinger, Tomas Jiminez, Aileen C. Dowell, Gene Ruffin, Catherine Jannick Downey, Terrance Schneider, Corey Hughes, Rebecca A. Lawler, and Shenna Perry. All are or were officials at Georgia Gwinnett College involved in enforcing the challenged policies, and Chike and Joseph sued them in their official and individual capacities. During this lawsuit, Respondent Preczewski left the employ of Georgia Gwinnett College, and Respondent Jann L.
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