International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 09, September 2019, pp. 169-179, Article ID: IJMET_10_09_018 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication


Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Gunadarma University Corresponding e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Sea toll is a concept to improve the transportation process of logistics in Indonesia which is currently being applied by the leadership of Indonesia's 7th President, . Therefore, the process of distribution of goods (especially foodstuffs) in Indonesia becomes easier. Then, it affects the price of products that are increasingly evenly across the territory of Indonesia. Logistics plays an important role in determining the competitiveness of an organization. This is because logistics can not be separated from the activity of a company, both manufacturing companies and service companies. The role of its distribution and management network is important for the company to increase profitability. As in the logistics process of goods experiencing delays, it will affect the production process of the company. Indonesia's geographical position is very strategic. Indonesia is located between a cross of two continents and two oceans, it makes the Indonesian sea region the world's trade pulse. Geographical structure is the main reason for a country or region to determine the transportation system it uses. Looking at the facts of Indonesia's geographical structure, where the Indonesian sea region is wider than its region, should sea transportation be a priority of use, development and repair. Sea transportation is instrumental in connecting one area with other islands so as to stimulate the regional economic growth (transport promote the trade) as well as support the growing economy (trade follow the ship) To avoid this, year 2016 government is in the sea toll trials. Before the sea toll, the process of distributing goods usually has to undergo a long transfer process so that the goods can be delivered. A long process in distributing goods will lead to several factors, such as the length of delivery time, high selling price, as well as the condition of the product that is likely to cause damage due to the long distribution process. With the sea toll will greatly assist the process of distributing more efficient and effective goods, as well as aligning the price of the products from the region one with the other region. One company that offers delivery services in Indonesia is PT. XYZ that serves delivery of goods. In this case, it is focused on transportation through sea lanes, where the thing that will be researched is the traditional sea freight delivery system with the sea toll. The research objective of this research is to get the best method of calculation of product delivery optimization in PT. XYZ, calculating the optimum operational cost for shipment of goods at PT. XYZ, knowing the percentage of sale price decline The 169 [email protected] Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto

product after using sea toll. The best method for shipping goods to some areas of Indonesia via sea transportation is by using the concept of sea toll. This is because there is a decrease in costs by 5% from before the concept of sea toll. Operational cost of shipment of goods from PT. XYZ to several areas of Indonesia (Sorong) amounting to Rp. 249,465,600.00 Key words: Sea Toll, Distributions, Hypothesis, One A- Way Analysis Varians Cite this Article: Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto, Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(9), 2019, pp. 169-179.

1. INTRODUCTION Sea toll is a concept to improve the transportation process of logistics in Indonesia which is currently being applied by the leadership of Indonesia's 7th President, Joko Widodo. Therefore, the process of distribution of goods (especially foodstuffs) in Indonesia becomes easier. Then, it affects the price of products that are increasingly evenly across the territory of Indonesia. Logistics plays an important role in determining the competitiveness of an organization. This is because logistics can not be separated from the activity of a company, both manufacturing companies and service companies. For example, the company channeled its products to customers by using a distribution network consisting of product streams from producers to consumers through displacement points, distribution centers (warehouses), and retailers. The role of its distribution and management network is important for the company to increase profitability. As in the logistics process of goods experiencing delays, it will affect the production process of the company. This will affect the development of the company. Especially if the product is acquired or products to be shipped different islands. This will affect longer delivery times and costs that are not as small as well. As an archipelago with vast seas and long coastlines, the maritime and marine sectors play an important role for Indonesia in both the economic and environmental, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects (Forum Rektor Indonesia, 2015). Indonesia's geographical position is very strategic. Indonesia is located between a cross of two continents and two oceans, it makes the Indonesian sea region the world's trade pulse. It can be proved from the Straits of Malacca and ALKI line which is generally a strategic trading route that traversed world trade ships with a volume of trades reached 45 percent of the total trade value of the World (Nugroho, 2014) . Geographical structure is the main reason for a country or region to determine the transportation system it uses. Looking at the facts of Indonesia's geographical structure, where the Indonesian sea region is wider than its region, should sea transportation be a priority of use, development and repair (Özpeynirci, et. Al, 2012). Sea transportation is instrumental in connecting one area with other islands so as to stimulate the regional economic growth (transport promote the trade) as well as support the growing economy (trade follow the ship) To avoid this, year 2016 government is in the sea toll trials. Before the sea toll, the process of distributing goods usually has to undergo a long transfer process so that the goods can be delivered. A long process in distributing goods will lead to several factors, such as the length of delivery time, high selling price, as well as the condition of the product that is likely to cause damage due to the long distribution process. With the sea toll will greatly assist the process of distributing more efficient and effective goods, as well as aligning the price of the products from the region one with the other region. One company that offers delivery services in Indonesia is PT. XYZ that serves delivery of 170 [email protected] Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll goods. The type of goods that are delivered by the average PT. XYZ is a textile material. PT XYZ receives logistics shipments through land, sea and air routes to various regions to the outside and the country. In this case, it is focused on transportation through sea lanes, where the thing that will be researched is the traditional sea freight delivery system with the sea toll. The research objective of this research is to get the best method of calculation of product delivery optimization in PT. XYZ, calculating the optimum operational cost for shipment of goods at PT. XYZ, knowing the percentage of sale price decline The product after using sea toll.

2. LITERATUR RIVIEW Sea toll is a concept to improve the transportation process of logistics in Indonesia which is currently being applied by the leadership of Indonesia's 7th President, Joko Widodo. Therefore, the process of distribution of goods (especially foodstuffs) in Indonesia becomes easier. Then, impact on the price of the underlying material is increasingly evenly in the entire region of Indonesia1. Sea toll is a concept to improve the transportation process of logistics in Indonesia which is currently being applied by the leadership of Indonesia's 7th President, Joko Widodo. Therefore, the process of distribution of goods (especially foodstuffs) in Indonesia becomes easier. Then, impact on the price of the underlying materials are increasingly evenly across the region of Indonesia. No wonder until now many have asked about the benefits of the holding of the sea toll program. Although, indirectly all walks of life in Indonesia have felt the impact. The benefit of the Indonesian sea toll is to realize the first Nawa CITA, improving the welfare of all Indonesian society with the price of basic material needs in all regions of Indonesia, increased independence and the amount of income of fishermen Indonesia and the last infrastructure development and reduce the unemployment rate of Indonesia2. Distributions is one aspect of marketing. Distribution can be interpreted as marketing activities that try to facilitate and facilitate the delivery of goods and services from the manufacturer to consumers, so that its use as required (type, quantity, Price, place and when needed). Therefore, the ability to manage this Dewassa distribution network is one of the most important ones for many industries3. Distributions is the activity of movement of goods and services from suppliers to the end consumer through a distribution channel. This overall activity generates value added through delivery of goods to the location where the consumer is located, at the time when consumers need it, tool utility, and cost efficiency (Martono, 2018)4. The company no longer rely on the traditional ways of mendistriusikan of their products. The development of a technology and innovation in the management of distribution, allowing companies to create the send time speed and high efficiency in their distribution network. It was common something really at stake by customers lately. Distribution channels is a distributor of institutions transmit or deliver goods or services from the manufacturer to the consumer. The company faced obstacles in distributing its products come from internal and external side. From the internal side of the constraint can be derived from the policy of the company issued regarding distribution and service, as well as supporting sarana-prasarana in the distribution. While the external, constraints can be derived from the way the destination and place of distribution and consum ers3. Optimization is getting extreme price either maximum or minimum of a function with certain factors pembatasnya. If the issue will be resolved to the maximum value, then searched for her decision in the form of maksimasi. Optimization in problem solving is a way of decision making so that the optimal completion result is achieved according to the constraints of "State of nature" to be fulfilled. The widely used methods include Calculus, 171 [email protected] Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto

Dinamic Programming, Linear Programming, Geometry and Inventory Theory (Hiller and Liberman, 1982 in Tarmidhi, 2005)5. The hypothesis comes from the Greek language which has two meanings of the word "Hupo" means weak or less or under (temporary) and "thesis" means (statement or theory, proposition or statement presented as evidence). Thus, hypotheses is a temporary statement that is still weak and needs to be proved or alleged that is still temporary. Then experts interpret the meaning of hypotheses as an estimate of the relationship between two or more variables. So it can be interpreted that the hypothesis is a temporary answer or estimate (alleged) to be tested for the truth.The statistical hypothesis is a statement or estimate of the state of the population that is still temporary or weak in nature. The statistic hypothesis can be in the form of variables such as Binomial, Poisson, and Normal or the values of a parameter, such as average, variance, standard deviation and proportions. The statistical hypothesis will be accepted if the test result justifies its statement and will be rejected in case of denial (the disclaimer of the statement)6. Hypothesis testing is a procedure done with the intention of deciding whether we accept or reject a hypothesis. In hypothesis testing, the decisions made are uncertainty, meaning that the decision could be right or wrong, giving rise to risk. Its small risk is expressed in the form of probability. Hypothesis testing is the most important part of statistic inference (statistic inductive), because based on the test, decision making or problem solving as a basis for further research can be resolved. Analysis of Varians (Anova) is a method to describe the total diversity of data into components that measure various sources of diversity. The base hypothesis of the decision making in the variety analysis is the first to measure the diversity caused by the trial error and the second is to measure the diversity caused by the trial error plus the diversity caused By the difference of Varieties6. Statistics not only confronted for comparing two or more populations, for example, there are three methods of work were available to compare the working methods of the third requires the analysis of other so-called analysis range commonly called ANOVA. Anova rather than just comparing the range of population but rather the album the average population. The naming of the analysis range in the process because the anova of sifting through diversity according to sources that can be ensured. This diversity of sources used u.s. benchmarking to know which sources led to diversities7. Variety analysis is a method to describe the total diversity of data into components to measure various sources of diversity. It is the definition of variety analysis. Variance analysis is a method to describe the total diversity of data into components that measure various sources of diversity. The experiments above gained two components, the first measuring the diversity caused by experimental errors and the second measuring the diversity caused by experiments with plus diversity caused by the difference in Varietas6. Variant analysis or analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to test the average of three or more populations. The average population is equal or not equal. The basic concept of ANOVA is raised by R.A. Fisher8. One-way analysis of variance is used for testing the difference between the average K samples when the subjects are randomly defined in some groups or groups. The linear equation describing the one-way test model is8: 172 [email protected] Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll

Xik = μ + αk + eik

Description: μ = The overall average of all classification populations Αk = Classification effect in K Group, specifically where the value is made sample Eik = Random errors incorporated in the sampling process The zero hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for one-way Anova are:

H0 : αk = 0 Ha : αk ≠ 0

The zero big hypothesis, so:

μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = …

One-way ANOVA summary can be seen from the 2.1 table below. The symbol used in the table differs from the one in the above concept. MSB is a mean square between the treatment group (MSA), while MSW becomes a mean square error. N symbolizes Total data (sample) as a whole. NK is a large sample of the K. TK group representing the total number of values in a particular group. T is the sum of all values in all combined groups8.

Table 2 Summary Analysis Varians Variation Degrees of Average Number of squares F ratio sources freedom squared SSA= Between criteria Grup K = 1 MSA = F =

Sampling Error SSE = SST - SSA N - K MSE = SST=

Total, T N-1

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Reasearch methodology used to analyze, design or manage a process or program invarious field. The research methology is illustrated with flowchart.diagrams. First Step is collecting data at PT. XYZ. There are several planned stages of data collection. First is survey Goods distribution beforer use sea toll. The Survey was conducted to collect all cost distributions, shipping, delivery. The second data collection is studying to implementation of sea toll concept in Indonesia, because this is very impotant for distributions line sea. The third data collection choose a solution in solving a good problem. This hypothesis with One A-Way Analysis of Varians methods, so with use this method, can get low cost for distributions and short time delivery. The next step fr further research is to make a optimazation with algorithm program. 173 [email protected] Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto

Data Collection - Survey Goods Distributions before use Sea Toll - Concept Sea Toll in Indonesia - Choosing A Troubleshooting Solution

Data Processing: - Hypotesis with One A-way Test (Anova) - Simulation used Sea Toll Concept - Simulation calculating cost of No distributions after used Sea Toll

Result is Expected ?


Next Research Optimazion with algorithm

Flowchart Problem Distribution Goods

4. DISCUSSION AND RESULT Before to the concept of sea toll freight system through the sea is done traditionally, meaning the process of delivery must be through several times the treatment. So it takes a long time in the delivery of goods. Disadvantages of this traditional system in addition to the long delivery time, will affect the condition of the goods sent. It could be condition of damaged goods, when the length of delivery time. The process of shipment of goods before the sea toll is only carried out on large ports in some parts of Indonesia. As in the area of that can carry goods transporting to various islands such as or Papua only exist in the port of Tanjung Priok and . So that the delivery of goods will take a long time if the shipment is done from an area not close to the region of the 2 large ports.It is also on the process of sending granulated sugar done by PT XYZ. The company is delivering goods to several parts of Indonesia such as Papua, Sulawesi or Kalimantan. The process of shipment is carried out from big port to big Port also, so that the process of distributing goods to the destination must be passed again by land transportation, which takes quite a long time. So this will affect the condition of the goods sent, otherwise it will affect the high shipping cost, because the goods are done quite a lot. The following table 3 Data delivery of granulated sugar prior to the sea toll. Table 3 explains the delivery made by PT. XYZ from to various regions in Indonesia. The products shipped are granulated sugar. Delivery is in 1 semester (6 months). Also can be seen delivery charts of sugar products. According to table 4.1 that there is a lead time for each shipment to various regions. In addition, there is a fee charged in the delivery of granulated sugar. The highest cost for the shipment of granulated sugar is Jambi area, Rp. 3.23.470.000. This is because sugar demand is very high for the region.Demand for the lowest sand sugar is Ambon area, from November 2018 – April 2019 Delivery Terajadi only 161 Ton with shipping cost of Rp. 103,719,035. The process of shipment of sugar is done by private company. 174 [email protected] Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll

Table 3 Product Delivery Before use Sea Toll Alokasi PPI Volume per Buying No Tujuan Area NOV DES JAN FEB MAR APR Lead Time Total Cost (Ton) Truck/Cont20" Rate 1 Aceh Sumatera 8 93 1 54 1 40 1 43 1 46 1 52 1 58 2 3 4 45 10-14 days 3 97.385.000 2 Ambon Sulampua 1 61 2 5 2 6 2 6 3 2 2 8 2 4 2 3 6 70 2-3 Weeks 1 07.870.000 3 Balikpapan Kalimantan 4 04 6 9 7 2 6 6 6 2 7 2 6 3 2 3 4 30 7-9 days 1 73.720.000 4 Kalimantan 2 43 4 6 3 6 4 4 3 7 3 6 4 4 2 3 4 21 7-9 days 1 02.303.000 5 Bengkulu Sumatera 3 06 6 9 4 2 5 2 4 9 4 2 5 2 2 3 4 01 5-7 days 1 22.839.110 6 Denpasar Balinusra 1 .669 2 68 2 76 2 86 2 77 2 76 2 86 2 0 4 01 1-2 days 6 69.995.015 7 Gorontalo Sulampua 2 78 4 6 4 5 4 9 4 7 4 6 4 5 2 3 4 85 8 - 10 days 1 34.830.000 8 Jambi Sumatera 7 .729 1.252 1.211 1.367 1.321 1.233 1.345 2 3 4 30 5-7 days 3.323.470.000 9 Kendari Sulampua 2 70 4 6 4 2 4 4 5 2 4 2 4 4 2 3 5 21 8 -10 days 1 40.670.000 10 Kupang Balinusra 2 42 4 6 3 4 4 2 4 4 3 4 4 2 2 3 4 22 10-14 days 1 02.124.000 11 Lampung Sumatera 7 .652 1.278 1.28 8 1.298 1.200 1.321 1.267 2 0 4 01 3-5 days 3.068.452.000 12 Makasar Sulampua 2 87 4 6 4 7 5 0 4 6 4 6 5 2 2 3 4 80 7 days 1 37.760.000 13 Manado Sulampua 2 42 4 6 3 6 4 2 4 0 3 6 4 2 2 3 4 90 2-3 Weeks 1 18.580.000 14 Mataram Balinusra 1 79 3 5 2 4 3 4 2 8 2 5 3 3 2 0 4 22 5-7 days 7 5.538.000 15 Sumatera 7 .709 1.345 1.345 1.243 1.212 1.342 1.222 2 3 4 20 9 - 11 Hari 3.237.780.000 16 Sumatera 2 .030 355 3 45 3 21 3 22 3 54 3 33 2 3 4 01 2-3 Weeks 8 14.913.050 17 Palembang Sumatera 1 .596 2 67 2 00 3 42 2 45 2 00 3 42 2 3 4 01 3-5 days 6 40.690.260 18 Palu Sulampua 2 97 4 6 4 7 5 2 5 3 4 7 5 2 2 3 5 20 6-8 days 1 54.440.000 19 Pangkal Pinang Sumatera 1 .704 2 78 2 99 2 87 2 89 2 64 2 87 2 3 4 15 9 - 10 Hari 7 07.160.000 20 Pare-Pare Sulampua 2 83 4 2 4 7 5 0 4 5 4 8 5 1 2 3 6 21 2-3 Weeks 1 75.743.000 21 Pekanbaru Sumatera 2 99 4 6 5 3 5 6 4 5 5 2 4 7 2 3 4 21 9-10 days 1 25.879.000 22 Ponanak Kalimantan 3 43 4 6 6 4 5 2 6 3 6 3 5 5 2 3 4 21 7 - 9 Hari 1 44.403.000 23 Sorong Papua 1 18 2 0 1 9 1 8 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 9 7 20 2 - 3 weeks 84.960.000 24 Jayapura Papua 1 20 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 8 1 9 7 10 2 - 3 Weeks 85.200.000 (Source: Delivery PT. XYZ Novemer 2017 – April 2018) Figure 1 is normality test and hypothesis determinationThis hypothesis test was conducted to take a temporary conclusion from a study. So it will make easier in the analysis process and the conclusions that are being filed. The hypothesis testing was conducted with the F test, wherein the F test used two-way Anova as his maid method. This F test will compare from the test results that have been done with the pre-defined table F value.Before testing the hypothesis with the F test, test the normality. Test data normality is used to determine whether the data is distribution is normal or not. Data normality testing uses a Shapiro Wilk sample of one sample because of the < 30 data, with the Syaat Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 the data is a normal distribution. Conversely if Asymp Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05 then the distribution data is abnormal. Here is figure 4.3 results from the normality test Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Shipment Cost ,185 24 ,033 ,859 24 ,024 a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Figure 1 Normality Test Result of the Noormalitas test done with sample NE sample Shapiro Wilk that the value of ASYMP. Sig. (2-Tailed) obtained 0.24, assuming normality is fulfilled. This indicates that the distribution of data is a normal distribution so that it can be used test analysis One Way Anova (Anova one way).Hypotheses are used as temporary statements that are still weak and need to be substantiated or suspected that are still temporary. The one-way ANOVA analysis process begins with determining the formulation of the Ho and H1 hypotheses. Ho of this study is there is a difference in the average shipping cost before and after the use of sea tolls. The H1 of this study has no average difference in shipping costs before and after the use of sea tolls.This analysis is used to compare the average difference between before and after the use of sea tolls on freight costs. To detect the difference in shipping costs before and after the use of sea tolls seen from the test grounds is if H0 > 0.05 then H0 is accepted which means 175 [email protected] Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto there is a difference in the average shipping cost before and after the toll use Sea. Conversely if H0 < 0.05 then H0 rejected, stating that there is no average difference in shipping costs before and after the use of sea tolls. Here is the result of one way Anova processing ANOVA Biaya Pengiriman Sum of df Mean Square F Sig. Squares Between Groups 613129,625 23 26657,810 2,780 ,098 Within Groups ,000 0 . Total 613129,625 23

Figure 2 Hypotesis Test Based on the results of the calculations using SPSS software, that the significant value gained 0.98 which means more than 0.05. Can be declared H0 received. There is a difference in the average shipping cost before and after the use of sea tolls. In addition to shipping costs, another thing that affects the high price of sugar is high demand with little supply. In addition, the length of delivery time will affect product handling costs. Next figure 4 Sand sugar Price chart in some parts of Indonesia. Rp20,000 Rp18,000 Rp16,000 Rp14,000 Rp12,000 Rp10,000 Rp8,000 Rp6,000 Rp4,000 Rp2,000 Rp-

Figure 4 Grafik Cost Product (Source: Data Processing 2019) The high price of provisions and prices between the eastern and western areas in Indonesia mainly due to the high cost of freight/logistics because almost all vessels sailing from west to east carry full of goods, but relatively empty for direction Instead. In addition, in fact, the common problems faced by Indonesia is the cost of logistics that is still much more than the other countries, as well as the quality of infrastructure that is still not good. The World Bank study showed that the logistics costs in Indonesia reached 30% of Grooss Domestic Product (GDP).One of the efforts undertaken by the Government today to overcome the price inequality of goods between the Eastern and western regions of Indonesia is the implementation of the concept of sea toll. Sea toll is meant to be the construction of sea transportation by ship or marine logistics system, which serves nonstop from Sabang to Merauke. The following is the calculation of transportation costs of sugar delivery to some regions in Indonesia. Since the establishment of the sea toll by President Joko Widodo in year-end 2016, that the sea toll route is managed by 2 enterprises, namely PT and ASDP. So that the process of shipment of goods before with the sea toll is carried out by private companies, then after the use of sea toll freight processing goods to various regions carried out by state-owned enterprises, so the shipping cost will be cheaper. The use of sea 176 [email protected] Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll toll is also carried out using large-sized vessels, so the transportation process will be more than before. Here is the table 5 the cost of transporting PT. XYZ before the sea toll.

Table 5 Cost Shipment Before Sea Toll Rate/Kg (Before Sea NO Desnaon Toll) 1 Aceh Rp 4 45 2 Ambon Rp 6 70 3 Balikpapan Rp 4 30 4 Banjarmasin Rp 4 21 5 Bengkulu Rp 4 01 6 Denpasar Rp 4 01 7 Gorontalo Rp 4 85 8 Jambi Rp 4 30 9 Kendari Rp 5 21 10 Kupang Rp 4 22 11 Lampung Rp 4 01 12 Makasar Rp 4 80 13 Manado Rp 4 90 14 Mataram Rp 4 22 15 Medan Rp 4 20 16 Padang Rp 4 01 17 Palembang Rp 4 01 18 Palu Rp 5 20 19 Pangkal Pinang Rp 4 15 20 Pare-Pare Rp 6 21 21 Pekanbaru Rp 4 21 22 Ponanak Rp 421 23 Sorong Rp 7 20 24 Jayapura Rp 7 10 Tanjung Priok – Sorong = 1.704 Nm So: Cost Shipment = 0.4 x 1.704 Nm = 681.6 = Rp. 685 So the cost of shipping Jakarta-Sorong with sea toll of Rp. 685/kg. If delivery to Sorong as much as 136 tons will be obtained: Biaya pengiriman = Rp. 685 x 136.000 kg = Rp. 93.160.000/Rate Based on the calculations that have been done, there is a delivery cost for one time delivery to various regions. Here is the table 6 shipping cost of sugar to several regions in Indonesia by using the sea toll. Table 6 explained about the amount of shipment of sugar to various regions in Indonesia. It can be seen that there were no significant changes to the level of the amount of sugar shipments to Indonesian territory. The high shipment of granulated sugar is in 3 regions, Jambi, Lampung and Medan. While the smallest demand is in Ambon area that is at less than 500 tons for 6 months delivery. Here's the table 7 product price after use sea toll. 177 [email protected] Neng Sri Mardiani, Tri Mulyanto

Table 6 Cost Shipment at Indonesia Area Rate/Kg (Aer Sea Total Cost Aer use Sea NO Desnation Mileage (N/m) Total Shipment Toll) Toll 1 Aceh 934 Rp 3 74 910 Rp 339.976.000 2 Ambon 879 Rp 3 52 181 Rp 63.639.600 3 Balikpapan 345 Rp 1 38 411 Rp 56.718.000 4 Banjarmasin 367 Rp 1 47 249 Rp 36.553.200 5 Bengkulu 287 Rp 1 15 331 Rp 37.998.800 6 Denpasar 403 Rp 1 61 1681 Rp 270.977.200 7 Gorontalo 782 Rp 3 13 292 Rp 91.337.600 8 Jambi 289 Rp 1 16 7753 Rp 896.246.800 9 Kendari 803 Rp 3 21 290 Rp 93.148.000 10 Kupang 405 Rp 1 62 250 Rp 40.500.000 11 Lampung 203 Rp 8 1 7687 Rp 624.184.400 12 Makasar 742 Rp 2 97 297 Rp 88.149.600 13 Manado 780 Rp 3 12 262 Rp 81.744.000 14 Mataram 470 Rp 1 88 214 Rp 40.232.000 15 Medan 863 Rp 3 45 7777 Rp 2.684.620.400 16 Padang 350 Rp 1 40 2117 Rp 296.380.000 17 Palembang 370 Rp 1 48 2117 Rp 313.316.000 18 Palu 987 Rp 3 95 1666 Rp 657.736.800 19 Pangkal Pinang 889 Rp 3 56 313 Rp 111.302.800 20 Pare-Pare 1015 Rp 4 06 1728 Rp 701.568.000 21 Pekanbaru 914 Rp 3 66 294 Rp 107.486.400 22 Ponanak 390 Rp 1 56 309 Rp 48.204.000 23 Sorong 1704 Rp 6 82 366 Rp 249.465.600 24 Jayapura 1720 Rp 6 88 136 Rp 93.568.000 Tabel 7 Product Price After use Sea Toll NO Nama Daerah Wilayah Harga Sesudah Tol Laut 1 Denpasar Balinusra Rp 1 4.000 2 Kupang Balinusra Rp 1 5.000 3 Mataram Balinusra Rp 1 4.600 4 Balikpapan Kalimantan Rp 1 4.950 5 Banjarmasin Kalimantan Rp 1 4.850 6 Pontianak Kalimantan Rp 1 4.800 7 Ambon Sulampua Rp 1 7.000 8 Gorontalo Sulampua Rp 1 6.750 9 Kendari Sulampua Rp 1 6.000 10 Sulampua Rp 1 4.550 11 Manado Sulampua Rp 1 3.000 12 Palu Sulampua Rp 1 6.650 13 Pare pare Sulampua Rp 1 4.550 14 Aceh Sumatera Rp 1 6.250 15 Bengkulu Sumatera Rp 1 3.500 16 Jambi Sumatera Rp 1 3.750 17 Lampung Sumatera Rp 1 3.600 18 Medan Sumatera Rp 1 5.000 19 Padang Sumatera Rp 1 6.200 20 Palembang Sumatera Rp 1 3.100 21 Pangkal Pinang Sumatera Rp 1 2.900 22 Pekanbaru Sumatera Rp 1 2.500 23 Sorong Papua Rp 1 6.500 24 Jayapura Papua Rp 1 6.700 (Source: PT. XYZ) Based on the normality test of the data to be processed that a significant value of 0.24. The tested Data can be said to be a normal distribution. Normal distribution Data is Datta that has a value of > 0.05. Testing this nromalitas using Shapiro Wilk, this is due to data that will be processed in less than 30 data. So the testing is done with Shapiro Wilk. If the data will be processed above 30 data, then the test can be done using a sample Kolmogrov Smirnov.Based 178 [email protected] Optimization Analysis of Freight Lines and Operational Costs by Using Sea Toll on hypotheses that have been tested with one-way test F Anova, a significant value of 0.98 is obtained. The value of 0.98 is compared to a value of 0.05, if the value is significant < 0.05 then Ho is rejected, otherwise if the significant value is > 0.05 then Ho is accepted. In the Signitation value 0.98 > 0.05, Ho was accepted, stating that Ho was accepted stating that there was a difference in the average shipping cost before and after the use of the sea toll.The result of the calculation has been decreasing the cost of shipping goods to several regions in Indonesia by using sea toll of 5%. Decreasing shipping costs will affect the price aspect of the product in some regions, especially the eastern region. In addition to the decline in shipping costs with the concept of sea toll, the effect of the concept of sea toll is delivery time. The delivery time is faster by 30% from before the sea toll. Delivery time will affect the condition of the goods sent. The longer the product is sent meal will be potentially damaged, especially the goods in the form of staple. In addition, the influence of delivery time will also affect the scarcity of goods available in some regions.

5. CONCLUTION The best method for shipping goods to some areas of Indonesia via sea transportation is by using the concept of sea toll. This is because there is a decrease in costs by 5% from before the concept of sea toll. Operational cost of shipment of goods from PT. XYZ to several areas of Indonesia (Sorong) amounting to Rp. 249,465,600.00.


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