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Sharia and public policy in Egyptian family law

Berger, M.S.

Publication date 2005

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Citation for published version (APA): Berger, M. S. (2005). Sharia and public policy in Egyptian family law. in eigen beheer.

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Download date:02 Oct 2021 INDEX

Abü Zayd, Nasr 93ff

Adoption 42,65

Apostasy definition of ~ 89-91 ~ in interreligious law 32, 40 ~ in international conflicts law 69

Blasphemy 95, 100

Bridal gift, see Dower

Changing religion (see also Apostasy) ~ in interreligious law 31-33, 40 ~ in international conflicts law 68-69, 79 procedure to ~ to 33

Characterization 56

Citizenship 27, 35, 76-78, 115, 126

Conflict(s) law (sometimes also: private international law) definition 16 Egyptian ~ 52ff European origins of ~ 52, 74 internal ~ (see also Interreligious law) 54ff interreligious ~, see Interreligious Law Islamic ~ 51-52

Connecting factor nationality as ~ 55, 73, 75, 78, 81 religion as ~ 53-54, 59, 75 domicile (or residence) as ~ 15, 54, 75, 78

Constitution, Egyptian ~ 97, 99, 126

Conversion, see Changing religion

Court(s), Family ~ abolition of ~ 29, 107 milli ~ 30-31, 105-107 national ~ 29, 41 Sharïca ~ 105-107

Custody 43, 61, 72

Dar ~ al-Islam 76, 104

165 ~ al-Harb 76, 104

Dhimmi definition in fiqh 27, 51-52, 105 'modern' ~ 49-50

Discrimination ~ based on color or etnicity 71 ~ based on gender 71 ~ based on religion 72

Divorce ~ by the wife 66 ~ for Catholics 46, 55, 83 ~ for Greeks and Italians 79ff unilateral ~ (talaq) 45, 66

Dower (mahr) 63,71,110,112

Explanatory Memorandum ~ to the Civil Code 34, 58 ~ to Law 462 of 1955 49, 83, 106

Family law(s) duality of ~ 46, 102 Egyptian Muslim ~ 23-24 Egyptian Non-Muslim ~ 30-31 ~ as general law 28, 46-47, 107, 130 ~ as special law 28, 39, 130 plurality of ~ 25, 55, 77, 84, 102

Fiqh 103ff

Freedom - of belief 97ff ~ of choice 88 ~ of divorce 66 ~ of marriage 42 ~ of religion 97ff, 105

Hanafi doctrine

~ in Egyptian law 27, 113

Harbï 27

Heresy () 95, 96

Hisba 94

Human rights 97, 100

Ijtihad 136

Inheritance law (also: intestate law, law of succession m Islamic ~ 28, 38, 66-67 non-Muslim ~ 29

Interreligious law definition 17-18, 103, 116 ~ in Egyptian law 25, 26, 48-49 ~ in Hanaff fiqh 104-105

Jurisdiction ~ in the fiqh 104-105 ~ of the Muslim (or: Sharica) court 105, 109ff ~ of non- over Muslims 41, 105

Law(s) comparative ~ 20 conflict ~, see Conflict(s) law general ~, see Family law as general law interreligious ~, see Interreligious law Islamic ~, see Sharica ~ Nr. 462 of 1955 25, 28, 32-34 personal ~ 52, 53 special ~, see Family law as special law

Mancini 53, 57, 73

Marriage ~ between Muslim woman and non-Muslim man 39, 62 ~ between non-Muslims of different rite and sect 29, 44 substantive conditons to ~ 63 validity of ~ 45, 62 voidable ~ 33, 65, 110

Musta'min 27,52


recognized ~ communities in Egypt 30, 106

Obligations, marital 64

Party autonomy 39

Polygamy 45, 63, 82-83

Protection ~ of rights, see Right(s) ~ of family life 48 ~ of non-Muslim principles 112 Principles, essential ~ of Islamic law 36, 73, 83, 92-93, 112, 120 ~ of Muslim family law 36 ~ of non-Muslim family law 44-46, 48, 82ff

Public policy

167 consequences of applying ~ in European laws 17 Dutch ~ 15 Egyptian ~, definitions: ~ 37, 43, 48, 123 general ~ 60-61, 70 Islamic ~ 43, 45, 48, 60-61, 71, 121 negative ~ 37, 41ff, 48 positive ~ 37, 38ff, 47 ~ by the Court of Cassation 34-35 ~ in the Civil Code 34 ~ in interreligious law 34 ~ in the legal literature 35-36 English ~ 20, 57 European ~, definitions: 16-17 negative 17 positive 17 European origins of ~ 17, 57 French ~ 20, 57 ~ in Hanafi fiqh 109ff ~ in interreligious law 33

Right(s) constitutional ~, see Constitution essential ~ of Islamic law 71 fundamental ~ 74 human ~, see Human rights ~ of God 74, 94, 97 ~ of Muslims 35, 59, 96-97, 122 ~ of non-Muslims 48, 81ff, 112 ~ of religious minorities 85, 126

Rite(s) Definition of ~ 30 non-Muslim ~ in Egypt 30

Rule(s) Islamic ~, see Principles, essential ~ of Islamic law Mandatory ~ 59

Sect(s) Definition of ~ 30 non-Muslim ~ in Egypt 30

Sharïca Definition of ~ 20-24, 103 ~ in the Egyptian Constitution 23, 69, 97, 126

Jaiaq, see Divorce, unilateral

Testament (or testamentary succession) 67-68

Testimony ~ of non-Muslim against a Muslim 40

168 Tolerance, religious ~ 85-87, 128

Unbelief (kufr) 95ff, 100

Unification of personal status laws 46-47, 76ff

Waiting period (cidda) 42, 63, 109-110, 112

Witnesses ~ to conversion to Islam 33 ~ to Islamic marriage 37, 40-41, 44-45, 63-64, 68, 102-109-110, 112-113