Day 1- 15Th November' 2018- Thursday from to 09:00 AM 10:00
Day 1- 15th November’ 2018- Thursday From To 09:00 AM 10:00 AM Registration 10:00 AM 12:35 PM Inaugural Session 10:00 AM 10:20 AM Arrival of Chief Guest Sh. Shivraj Patil, Former Home Minister and Governor of Punjab & Lighting of Lamp 10:20 AM 10:30 AM Presided by : Sh. Ashok Prasad, IPS (Retd) Former Secretary (IS-MHA), Technical Advisor & Spokesperson MHA. Guests of Honour:- 1. Sh. Vivek Bhardwaj, IAS, Joint Secretary–MHA. 2. Sh Amrit Abhijat, IAS, Joint Secretary-MOHUA 3. Sh. Ashit Mohan Prasad, I.PS, DGP Internal Security Division, Karnataka, 4. Sh. R. N. Dhoke, IPS-ADGP (Security) Punjab. 5. Sh. Anand Kumar, IPS - ADG (Law & Order) U.P. 6. Sh. Anil Khaitan, Former President, PHDCCI. 10:30 AM 10:45AM Welcome address by Kunwar Vikram Singh, Chairman 10:45 AM 11:00 AM Address by Sh. Ashok Prasad IPS (Retd) Technical Advisor & Spokesperson MHA 11:00 AM 11:15 AM Address by Sh Amrit Abhijat, IAS, Joint Secretary-MOHUA 11:15 AM 11:35 AM Address by Sh. Vivek Bhardwaj, IAS, JS-PM –MHA. 11:35 AM 11:40 AM CAPSI Suraksha Shaurya Puruskar Awarded Posthumously to Late Security Guard Sh. Bishambar Singh Citation 11:40 AM 12.10 PM Inaugural Address by Sh. Shivraj Patil, Former Home Minister and Governor Punjab 12.10 PM 12:30 PM Presentation of Mementos and Awards 12:30 PM 12:35 PM Vote of Thanks by Sh. Vishwanath V Katti, President CAPSI. 12:35 PM 12:50 PM Tea Break 12:50 PM to 1:55 PM - Working Session 1 12:50 PM 1:10 PM GST Imposition – Survival of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises of Security Sector- A National Challenge.
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