[Bucks.] Hat 556 (Post Office Hatters

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[Bucks.] Hat 556 (Post Office Hatters [BUCKS.] HAT 556 (POST OFFICE HATTERS. HURDLE MAKERS. .J'OJ:l\TERS • •\.dcock M. l\Iarket sqnare,Buckingbaru Montague Henry, Ivy house, Chalfont See Carpenters. Connor 1\I. Market square, Aylesbury ~t. Giles, Slough LACE DEALERS. Devereux G. !t'Iarket square, Chesham N ewman A. Seer green, Beaconsfield Ayers W. St. John st. Newport Pagnf'll Jeffreys D. Queen's sq. High Wycombe Newman J, Seer green, Beaconsfielu Biss J. High street, Buckingham Titherley W. G. Market st. Aylesbury INNS. Crook :Miss S. Waddesdon, Aylesbury ·rucker W. Market squarP, Chesham SPe Publir House.<~. Gee P. Hig-hst.Olney, NewportPa~nell Webb & Hill, Walton street, Aylesbury Tyrrell C.LittleTingewick,Bnckingham Whitlock J. High street, Olney, New- IR.ONPOUNDERS, LACE MANUPACTURER.S. port Pagnell Chapman J. Market sq. Stony ~tratford Cowley A. W olverton rd. Stony Stratford HAY & STRAW DEALERS. Davis E. Three Households, Chalfont St. Gilbert T. High street, Hig-h Wycombe 8rp, al.~o Straw Dealrr.~. Giles, Sloug·h Godfrey E. London road, Buckingham Bowen J. Railway terr. High Wycombe Denchfield L. Wing·, Leighton Buzzard Viccars R. Padbury, Buckingham Brooks T. Terrick, Ellesborough Hobbs J. Lane end, Wes~ Wycombe LAMP WAREHOUSE- Darvill H. Great Kimble, Tring Hobbs J. S. Lane end, ~1gh Wycombe PARAPFJ:N. Darvill J. Great Kimble, Tring Sheen Thomas, Buckmgham road, Saunders John Francklin, Haddenham, Gates J. Aston Clinton, Tring Aylesbury Thame Gates T. Buckland, 1'ring White George Herbertson, Chesham LAND AGENTS. Landon J. Canal wharf, Aylesbury New town. Chesham SeP Agents-Land ~c. Lucas W. Fenny Stratford IRONMONGERS. LAND MEASUBEB.S. Mayne G. High street, Winslow Almond W. West street, Great JI.Iarlow Hill H. Chalfont St. Giles, Slough Ray J. High street, Stony Stratfi)rd Batting A. West ,;treet, Great JI.Iarlow Rose J. Temple street, Aylesbury Roberts G .. Saunderton,~rinces Risboro' Bovingdon W. & H.High st.Beaconsfield LAND & BUli:LDJ:NG COMPY. Sc?tt J. High street, Wmslo~ Bradford H. M. Weststreet,Buckinglnn High Wycombe Land & Building Com- Sp1Cer T. Heath, Iver, Uxbri~ge Burrell T. High street, Great Marlow pany (T. Theed, sec.), High street, Tho~pson E:Askett,Monks Rtsborough, Chapman J. Market sq. Stony Stratford High Wycombe • Prmces R~slJOrough Clipson Misses S. & A. High st.Chesham LAND STEWARDS. "'\ arney J. '' endover CooperT.Hi~·h st.Olney,NewportPagnll Batt T. (to J. P. Ellames, esq.), Little HERBALIST. Duffield M. High street: Slough Marlow, Great Marlow ~Iiles M. New Brad well, Stony Stratford Floyd W. Wendowr Beauchnmp W. (to D. Cameron, esq.), French J. L. Horn street, Winslow Great H ampdeu Great l\Iissenden HOOP. RENDERS. French R. T. High st. Newport Pag·nell Clarke R. V. (to' C. S. Lovett, esq.), East D. w:aterside, Chesham French 'V. H. 1\Iarket sq. Buckingham ~oulbury Leighton Buzzard East N. H1gh street, Chesham Grim~dell W. Chur~h st. High Wycombe Gibbons w:E.(to Col. William.~, M.P.), HOP FACTORS. Hardmg W. 0. II1gh street, Chesham St. Peter's street Great Marlow BraUford H.~· West st. Buckingham Harris H. Great Horwood, Winslow Hay P. (to W. Selby-Loumdes, e.~q. Coles T. S. High street, Olney, Newport Holderness ~rs. ~· Colnb~ook, S~ouglt, J.P.), Whaddon, Stony Stratford Pagnell Loosley R. ". H1g·h st. Prmces Rtsboro Hinton \V. (to Sir H. Verne11, bm·t. ), Coling & Hipwell,Tickford Pnd.Newport Maclean Mrs. E. Highst. Great Marlow Middle Claydon Winslow · Pagnell; & at High street, Olney Mason J. High stree~, High Wycombe lletcalfe C. (to Lord Che.ghmn), Dell SOP MERCHANTS. l\lenke!! J · & Son,_ Sptttal st. Gt.l\Iarlow farm, Latimer, Chesham Elkington & HumphrPy, WeRt street, Nash T. G~eat l\hssenden, Haversham Ralston J. (to C. R. S. Murmy, esq.), Buckingham Neal G. High stre~t, Chesham . Medmenbam, Great Marlow Maydon G. High street, Winslow Need ham T · B: H1gh st. Eton, Wmdsor Row ell J. (to the Rev. W. A. Utltwatt, Parsons T.R.!t'Iarket pi. Princes Risboro' N ewland C. Htgh street, Beacon~field of Maids Moreton), Well street, Northcroft T. Chalfont St. Peters, Ger- Buckingham . HORSE BREAKERS. rard's Cross Taylor Ambrose Lloyd (to the Baron Harnson H. H_Iucher street, Chesham Odell J. High street, Newport Pagnell de Rothschild), Temple square, M~rsliall J ..High stree~, Beaconsfield Odell J. High street, Stony Stratford Aylesbury Th1rk W. Lmslade, Le1ghton Buzzard Pacey _G. Ayl~sbury ;t. Fenny Stratford Thame T. (to Jtir. Paxton), Barton HOR.SE CLIPPER. Plumrtdge Mts'l ~· Colnbrook, Sloug·h Hartshorn, Buckingham Peacock T. Coin brook, Slough Rogers Mr~. F · HIgh street, Amersham W ebster A. (to Lord Overstone), Wing, Rose H. Hurh street, Chesham LeiO'hton Buzzard HORSE COLLAR. ~AKER. Sayers G. High street, Stony Stratford Willi:ms T. (to Lord Carington ), Smith "'\V .. Newnton Longvt!le, Bletch- Sey~our Mrs. & Son (wholesale ~· re- Gayhurst, Newport Pagnell ley station tml), Market square, A~lesbury Witham J. H. (to the Duke of Somer- JIOR.SE DEA'LERS. S?epard J · Oxford road, High Wycombe .~et), Gerrard's Cross, Slough Brungwing R. High st. Great Marlow Sm~er D. ~olnbrook, Slough LAND SURVEYORS. Gregory c Aston Clinton Tring Smith T. Kmgsburv, Aylesbury A d B I . h T . Phipps H 'Marsh Gibbon 'Bicester Tilbury \V. & Son, Crown lane, High An t:r:e~sJ Q. v!n"tr:t' oe,Wpng . · ' \xr b ns JSS . uam on Ins1 ow Hmtth A. Woburn sands, Wavendon, ·~ycom e J L B d h' H'rth \V b W 0 b Tomkins J. Well street Buckingham Atty · · ra en am, 1,.,_ ycom e Smith• Furn Holhngdon . Soul bury LeJO'h-. U n d erwoo d J oh n, Ch al't· ont "'Rt . p e t er ,s, DoddD I J.R' Heath h d' IverB' 't U xbr1dgeA I b B · d ' ' "' Gerrard's Cross ur ey Jc ar , 1er on, yes ury ton uzzar \Vatmore W., White Hart street, High Foxley J. High st~eet, Stony Stratford HOSIER.S. Wycombe Greenwood G. Brtll, Thame F~lks M. Market square, vy-mslow Wells John (uJholesale) High street, King J. High street, Winslow Kmg G. l\'lark.et square, Wmslow. :Newport Pa"'nell ' Lane E. Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames Sanders W. H1gh street, Eton, Wmdsor 0 Lett W. Burnham, Maidenhead Whitlock J. Highstreet,Olney, Newport .J'EWELLER.S. Peart T. Haddenham, 'rhame Pagnell Alexander N. J. High st. Eton, Windsor Smith S. Green end, Newport Pagnell HOSPITAL. Field T. Market square, Aylesbury Taplin D. Oxfurd road, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire General Infirmary Hollingshead G. High street, Olney, LANDSCAPE GARDENER. (Z. D. Hunt, esq. hon. treasurer; ~· Newport Pagnell Robinson J. Alpha road Slour:t'h Ceely, esq. J. H. Ceely, esq. C. Lehmann F. :Market square, Ayle:~bury ' 101 Hooper, esq. surgeons in ordinary; Levy A. High street, Eton, Windsor LAST m:AX.ER. Rev. J. Wood, M.A. chaplain; R. Pearce G. s. High street, GreatMarlow Ives G. Newland, Htgh Wycombe McCormick, house surgeon; H. Hey- Watford W. Bridge street,Buckingham LATH R.ENDER. wood, sec.; Miss E. Russell, matron), .J'O:B MASTER.S. MeadH.H.WestWycombe,High Wycmb Aylesbury HOTELS. Cross J. Silver street, Newport Pagnell LAUNDRIES. See Public Houses. Fowler John Kersley Market square, & Beeson Mrs. M. Walton, Aylesbury Prebendal farm, Aylesbury Big·g Mrs. A. ":alton, Ay!esburr HOTEL-PRIVATE. Hill T. Crown lane, High Wycombe Bray Mrs. C.Htghstreet,StonyStratford We'!t J. High street, Great .lHarlow Holland J. T. Wendover Masters Mrs. G. Calverton end, Stony HOUSE AGENTS. Sanders F. Bletchley, Bletcbley Station S~ratford . See Agent8-Land ~·c.; also Auc- Smith A Woburn sands Wavendon Whtte Mrs. M.A.Sp1ttalst.Gt.Marlow tioneers. Wobur~ ' ' Wiltshire C. Hig-h street, Slough HOUSE DECORATORS. Watkins W. High street, Beaconsfield LEAT~ER CU'TTERr"· See Painters. Wright J. Easton street,H igh 'Vycombe Sheppard W. High street, Eton,'' mdsor .
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