Year 5: Life in the & The Battle of Worcester Key vocabulary: Civil War A war between citizens of the same country. English Civil War A series of three armed conflicts and political plans Summer 1 between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists. The First English Civil War (1642-46), the Second English Civil War (1648) and the Third English Civil War (1649-51). Royalists King Charles's supporters were known as the Royalists and were nicknamed "" King Charles I There was a struggle between King Charles I and the Parliament of England over how England should be ruled. The King wanted to rule without Parliament telling him what to do. At first Parliament wanted to reduce the King's power, but later it decided that the country did not need a king. After Charles I’s execution in 1649, his son Charles II became King of although England was ruled by . Parliamentarians Parliament's supporters were known as the Parliamentarians and were nicknamed "". Oliver Cromwell English soldier and statesman, who led parliamentary forces in the English Civil Wars and was lord protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1653–58) during the republican Commonwealth. Battle of Worcester 3rd September 1651. The final battle of the English Civil War. Oliver Cromwell’s Parliamentarian defeated King Charles II’s Royalists of whom the majority Key Skills: were Scottish. The Royalist forces took up defensive positions in and around Worcester. Order significant events on a timeline. Understand the impact of specific events on Learning Sequence: people and their lifestyles. Recount a list of changes within a period Chronology – When was the English Civil War? Personal Enquiry: What’s so important about the Battle studied. Independently devise significant historical of Worcester? (Free choice of how to present this.) What was the English Civil War and what do we want to find out? enquiries based on a broad range of valid Final outcome: A Children’s Guide to the English Civil War questions. – the children’s questions answered through a The Royalists v Begin to critically evaluate their enquiry and multimedia presentation. The Parliamentarians consider ways in which it could be improved or developed. We will find out about the English Civil War, the dates, How did it affect the people? Choose the most appropriate way to present the key players and the outcomes. We will compile a information to an audience. local study of the Battle of Worcester and look for its The Battles – Edgehill, Marston Moor, Naseby Validate their reasons for using specific lasting signs today. evidence. The Battle of Worcester Compare accounts of events from different Lasting evidence in Worcester sources.