MATH34042: Discrete Time Dynamical Systems David Broomhead (based on original notes by James Montaldi) School of Mathematics, University of Manchester 2008/9 Webpage:∼dsb/Teaching/DynSys email:
[email protected] Overview (2 lectures) Dynamical systems continuous/discrete; autonomous/non-autonomous. Iteration, orbit. Applica- tions (population dynamics, Newton’s method). A dynamical system is a map f : S S, and the set S is called the state space. Given an initial point x0 S, the orbit of x0 is the sequence x0,x1,x2,x3,... obtained by repeatedly applying f: ∈ → n x1 = f(x0), x2 = f(x1), x3 = f(x2),...,xn = f (x0), ... Basic question of dynamical systems: given x0, what is behaviour of orbit? Or, what is behaviour of most orbits? + + Example Let f : R R be given by f(x)= √x. Let x0 = 2. Then x1 = f(2)= √2 1.4142. And ≈ x = √2 1.1892 and x = √1.1892 1.0905. 2 p → 3 The orbit of≈2 therefore begins {2.0, 1.4142,≈ 1.1892, 1.0905, ...}. The orbit of 3 begins {3.0, 1.7321, 1.3161, 1.1472, ...}. The orbit of 0.5 begins {0.5, 0.7071, 0.8409, .9170, .9576, ...}. All are getting closer to 1. Regular dynamics fixed points, periodic points and orbits. Example f(x)= cos(x). Globally attracting fixed point at x = 0.739085 . ··· Chaotic dynamics Basic idea is unpredictability. There is no “typical’ behaviour. Example f(x)= 4x(1 − x), x [0,1]: Split the interval into two halves: L = [0, 1 ] and R = [ 1 ,1].