An Analysis on Barack Obama‟S Speech Viewed from Grammatical Cohesion
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An Analysis On Barack Obama‟s Speech Viewed From Grammatical Cohesion THESIS Submitted as A Partial Requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Sarjana Pendidikan) in English Departement of IAIN Bengkulu By: OCTA FITRIA NINGSIH NIM 21232885 STUDY PROGRAM OF ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTEMENT OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TADRIS THE STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDY BENGKULU 2019 iii MOTTO The Act You Give In Life Will Return To You As You Do Octa Fitiria Ningsih v DEDICATION This thesis dedicated to. 1. Allah SWT as the only one of my God, the researcher would like to say Alhamdulillah to Allah SWT, who has given me blessing, healthy, strongest and patience in finishing the thesis. 2. My Father Aslaidi Suhari and My Mother Hermawati, who always pray for my success. I want to express my deepest thanks for all of your love which always you give to me. I love you so much. You are my biggest motivation. 3. My brothers Perdiansyah and Muhammad Juliansyah. Thanks for motivation and the prayer you‟ve given me. 4. I would like to dedication this thesis to all my family who had supported me throughout the process. Thanks for my big family. 5. My advisor I Mr. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd and my advisor II Mrs.Detti Lismayanti, M.Hum has guided me with patience. 6. I also would like to dedication this thesis to Cho Kyuhyun and Super Junior who had support and motivatme to finhising this thesis. 7. Special thanks for my lectures in IAIN Bengkulu. 8. My best friends Husni Andalas, Riko Ade Maulana, Hasmar Husein, Detriani, Meri Herdayani, Herti Puspa sari, Sinta Rahayu, and Putri Handayani. Thanks for all that you have done for me, support and happiness. 9. Muchly thanks for all of my friends in English faculty, thanks for your kindnesses. Especially PBI C, thanks for being my family, I love you all. 10. My best almamater, IAIN Bengkulu. ABSTRACT Octa Fitria Ningsih. 2019. An Analysis On Grammatical Cohesion Of Barack Obama‟s Speech on November 2016 Based On Halliday and Hasan Theory. English Letter Study Program, Islamic Education and Tadris Faculty. Thesis, English Education Study Program, Tarbiyah and Tadris, State Institute of Islamic (IAIN) Bengkulu. Supervisor: 1. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd 2. Detti Lismayanti, M.Hum. This study is aimed to find out what is the types, dominant and function on Barack Obama‟s speech on November 2016. This study was designed as qualitative study because it analyzes the data from of word descriptively; This research used document analysis as its approach during the process of research, the researcher collecteddocument. The document which is used in this reseach Ob ama‟s Speech in The analysis was concern with types of grammatical cohesion (reference and conjunction). After analyzing the data the reseacher found grammatical cohesion has function on Obama‟s speech, there three functions of grammatical cohesion found within the speech. The researcher found the types of grammatical cohesion are reference and conjunction. From the analysis it can be said that there are 9.662 data, found on four speeches. Where are the reference has 6.746 items and conjunction 2.816 items that the mostly used the reference with percentage 70,55% while conjunction it was 29,45%. Reference has three important functions; (1) to avoid repeating the same words, (2) to point out a scale of proximity, and (3) to compare something or situation. Second is conjunction, it has five functions are (1) to relate similar or identical words, (2) to coordinate sentences which have the same context, (3) to support previous sentence, (4) to opposite the preceding statement, (5) to connect between cause and effect in a sentence. Third, the general and basic function of grammatical cohesion is to relate words, clauses, phrases, or sentence in order to make the sentence meaningful. By reviewing this study, it is expected to give valuable contribution to the language users; speakers and writers. This study can be used as additional information in learning and applying good grammatical cohesion especially in the speech text. Moreover, this study also expected will be useful for next researcher who interserted in doind similar study and for those who have a great attention to the cohesion in both of written and spoken text. Keywords: Cohesion, Grammatical Cohesion, Halliday and Hasan Theory vii ABSTRAK Octa Fitria Ningsih. 2019. An Analysis On Grammatical Cohesion Of Barack Obama‟s Speech on November 2016 Based On Halliday and Hasan Theory. English Letter Study Program, Islamic Education and Tadris Faculty. Thesis, English Education Study Program, Tarbiyah and Tadris, State Institute of Islamic (IAIN) Bengkulu. Supervisor: 1. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.Pd 2. Detti Lismayanti, M.Hum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa jenis, dominan dan fungsinya dalam pidato Barack Obama pada November 2016. Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian kualitatif karena menganalisis data dari kata secara deskriptif; Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis dokumen sebagai pendekatannya selama proses penelitian, peneliti mengumpulkan dokumen. Dokumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pidato Obama di Analisis ini berkaitan dengan jenis kohesi tata bahasa (referensi dan konjungsi). Setelah menganalis data, peneliti menemukan bahwa grammatical cohesion memiliki fungsi. Pertama, Peneliti menemukan tipe-tipe dari gammatical cohesion yaitu reference dan conjunction. Dari analisis data dapat disebutkan terdapat 9.662 item. Dimana ada 6.746 item dari reference dan 2.816 adalah conjuntion dimana yang paling banyak digunakan adalah reference dengan persentasi 70,55% sedang conjunction hanya 29,45%. Reference memilki tiga fugsi utama yaitu; (1) untuk menghindari kata-kata yang sama, (2) untuk menunjukan skala kedekatan, (3) untuk membandingkan sesuatu atu situasi. Kedua adalah conjunction memilki lima fungsi diantaranya; (1) untuk berhubungan dengan kata-kata yag sama, (2) untuk mengkoordinasikan kalimat yang memiliki konteks yang sama, (3) mendung kalimat sebelumnya, (4) untuk statment yang bertentangan sebelunynya, (5) untuk menghubungkan antara sebab dan akibat dalam kalimat. Fungsi umumnya adalah untuk menghubungkan kata, klausa, prasa atau kalimat untuk membuat kalimat meiliki arti. Dari meriview penelitian ini, diharapkan memberikan kontribusi yang berharga bagi pengguan bahasa; pembicara dan penulis. Penelitian ini bisa digunakan untuk menambah informasi dalam pembelajaran dan penerapan grammatical cohesion yang baik spesialnya dalam text pidato. Bahkan, penelitian ini jug diharapkan berguna untuk peneliti selajutnya yang tertarik untuk melakukan penelitaian yang sama dan mereka yang memiliki perhatian lebih pada cohesion dari kedua written dan spoken teks. Keywords: Cohesion, Grammatical Cohesion, Halliday and Hasan Theory. ACKNOWLEDGMENT In the name of Allah the beneficent, the Merficul in the name of Allah the most Gracious and Merficul. Alhamdulilah, all praise be to allah the most graceful and the Merficul, after suuch a hard work , finally the writer could finish research and finish the report in the form of the minor thesis (skripsi), entitled “An Analysis on Grammatical Cohesion of Barack Obama‟s Speech Based on Halliday and Hasan Theory (Barack Obama Speech on November 2016)”. 1. Prof. Dr.H. Siradjudin M., M.Ag, M.H as Rector of the IAIN Bengkulu. 2. Dr. Zubaedi, M.Ag M.Pd As The Dean of Tarbiyah and Tadris faculty of IAIN Bengkulu. 3. Feny Martina, M.Pd as the chief of English Study Program IAIN Bengkulu. 4. Dr. Syamsul Rizal, M.pd as fisrt Supervisor. 5. Detti Lismayanti M.Hum as Second Supervisor. Finally the words are not enought to be expressed, except praise is to Allah the worlds for blessing and guidence, May their good deeds be accepted by Allah subhanahuWata‟ala Amin. Bengkulu, Februari 2019 Octa Fitria Ningsih NIM. 2123238825 ix LIST OF CONTENT Page COVER.....................................................................................................................i RATIFICATION.....................................................................................................ii PRONOUNCEMENT.............................................................................................iii APRPOVAL SHEET..............................................................................................iv MOTTO...................................................................................................................v ABSTRACT...........................................................................................................vii ABSTRAK............................................................................................................viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT......................................................................................ix LIST OF CONTENT...............................................................................................x LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................xi LIST OF APPENDICES........................................................................................xii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Problem..................................................................1 B. Identification ofTheProblem..................................................................8 C. Limitation of The Problem.....................................................................8