SIIVORD FISHING FIRST TRIPS PAID WELL THIS ISLAND YEAR. NOW NEARLY FILLED jVITH SUMMER RESIDENTS. Schooners Marjorie Dorcas Turner, Tea at Aucocisco House Last and Albert Black Shared Friday $154, $124 a Great Summer and $122 Success. Goods Respectively. REFRIGERATORS u —- A'.:cocisco House. You find our store attractive and full The return of the headliners of the "The Kind that Save Ice" Undoubtedly the L,:ggest socal event swordfishing fleet last yet to have of merchandise that will interest week a happened on tne island you brought pecuniary reward or &t the hotel was that of the somewhat commensurate with the Tea •"Nuf Said" ha- at the zards of the Cai|BaDt hotel Friday after- business to at least three noon. vessels and Proprietress Mrs. Kemp Bat- their crews. The Marjo- chtiior SOUVENIRS r!e Turner gave this tea especially to the Goods Right had one hundred fish, island was out five people, all the summer resi- weeks, and sold in Port- dents of Metal Novelties Fir the island being invited. The and Pillows land for about 20 cents per pound, Bags -Prices hotel rooms were and Right sharing $154 per man. The Dorcas daintily pret- tily decorated with green ferns and Fountain Pens had a fare which netted her crew roses, the piazza filled with a Terms $124 each and the Albert Black, the being Right mass of these sweet-scented Kodaks and "lucky" ship, shared $122 each. The flowers. Fine What more Supplies Stationery Edmund Black, manned a charming background by Bailey could be found for the Remember we have Island crew mostly, had a run of hard many beautiful and •Iresses worn? of luck and as a Some these gowns Developing Printing result only netted $5c were needed for per man, her fish especially attractive, such as everything selling for 15 cent? that Books of Kind of Mrs. Haynes, who was dress- Every Magazines the cottage and bunga- Leather low. Goods Tennis Outfits Golf Goods R. S. DAVIS CO. Brass Novelties The Complete Homefurnishers Cor. Exchange and Federal Streets Loring, Short & Harmon F. E. HASKELL, Treasurer Monument Sq.

Peaks 3 a I a it & %nuse iSalplt t. SUiuie, iftmuiger YACHT Peaks Ifalmtb : : : UJasm lBait. fWaiite NOW OPEN THE PEACEFUL SCENE AT MACKEREL COVE, "" — ______per pound. The vagaries of the fish ed in a [ in youthful gown of white or- Famous for their habits are seen by the fact | years "" "" gfidy lr WHITES< when .the | tucked; Miss Dorothy Batche- C£-*» ^ I. f^hat Albert Blark had be°n a for its liberal man- out three or four handsomely amhroH.ered weeks, she was voile. Miss Margaret Sellman in a spoken by the Edmund Black and re- green charmeuse with duchess agement, superb ported only a few fish taken. Three lace, In Mrs. Batchelor in a de- Semi-Gloss and Flat. days after that a pink point location and fine Gloss, Made during lucky spell sprite and Miss she took 09 more while Mary Carye Batche- fish, the Ed- lor in an eld mund Black fashioned gown of blue shore dinners. Ev- saw and took but one voile for service around salt water. daintily trimmed with old Irish especially during that period. The vessels were lace. There were in all over erything modern. within miles of one thirty- thirty another at three island Make your boat a of as the time. people present. Accommodates 500. thing beauty Among those there were the About twenty five vessels from dif- Misses ferent Smith, Miss Mary Wright, D. Goodwin booklets well as points in now go to the Rates, and Searles, Mr. G. O. Mr. John pleasure. swordfishing grounds and most of Whitney, Wyer, Miss Margaret Mrs. floor on them are away at present on their Sellman, plans ap- Williams Haynes, Miss second trip, which takes them off Dorothy and the plication. The Yellow Front Paint Store Nova Scotia coast for some weeks. Capt. Frank Doughty of the Ed- (Continued on Page 5) mund Black being ill, his place is taken by his brother, Sinnett Doughty, forded great pleasure to all those who 47 EXCHANGE ST. this trip. While on the way here PEAKS Conn.; Mrs. Emile Rev, New York; ISLAND HOUSE attended. There are now ov

DRUGS KODAKS Bring or Bond your Film* for Developing, Printing and Enlarging Entrance to Wlldwood Inn. The Simmons Oamtmnd 8hore and Chicken Dinners Afternoon Tea Store, Sand Beach, Bath Houses, Suits to Let. 500 Foot for motor 633 Bathing landing Congress St., opp. Lafayette Hotel, Portland, Me. boats at all tides. Agentn for Page Bhaw'n, Fish, Dutch Dainties and ApoMo Candles WILD WOOD INN WILDWOOD PARK, CUMBERLAND FORESIDE SODA CANDY Wildwood Inn is the only place under personal management of English Tea Room, excepting 609 Congress Street, Portland, Maine.

Speaking of 8harks: Here Is a Mackerel Shark, or Horse Mack- erel, caught by two Casco Bay fishermen last summer, which Is about Haskell & double the size of Jones those recently taken off Boston. This fish weighed Company 550 MONUMENT pounds. 8everal of this species have been harpooned off Bailey A A TOOHEY SQUARE Island this summer and shipped to Portland and Boston, where they are canned for food, the labels reading "Tuna" when they reach the Reliable for Men and market. These sharks are harmless to human beings, or supposed Women's Wear Apparel Boys 'to be, anyway. The-Editors would not wish to guarantee'the-safety of bathers In their in company without stipulating an equitable Insur- Distinctive Deiign and ance rate. Qyality 568 CONGRESS ST. PORTLAND, ME. [ Wood. South Orange, N. J.; Mrs. Douglas Swift, Miss Eleanor Swift, Maplewood, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. ! Island i Von Blarsom, Paterson, N. J. and Bailey ! Woodbine Cottages | J MRS. HUMPHREY S. SINNETT, Prop. JOHNSON & LEEMAN Dr. Harriet Burnett and Miss Kath- CASCO BAY'S j LEADING GROCERY AND GENERAL STORE ! arine Burnett of East Orange, N. J., Bailey Island, Maine. We have everything needed for the and our meat Robin Hood Inn. arrived at their the table, department | Friday cottage This popular house was is the best in Casco All our boarding among Bay. vegetables are received Stove The season at Robin Hood Inn was Anoatock, for the rest of the season. the first to open its doors for the enter- and daily. Fireplace Wood. Our new auto truck assures the trade of opened with a bridal party from ! Mrs. H. B. Twombly of Summit, N. J., taining of guests. Location ideal, being service. prompt at the head of the famous Trenton and now another young mar- is their guest tor the summer. Dr. Mackerel ] Cove. Fine table supplied with the best BAILEY'S ISLAND TELEPHONE ried are 8011-2. MAINE couple staying here, Mr. and I Burnett, Miss Burnett and Mrs Twom- obtainable. Bathing, Boating and Fish- Mrs. CHas. I. Chatfield, of Richmond i hly motored up from East Orange via ing near the house. Rates and circulars Hill, L. I., N. Y. i Boston and Framingham, stopping at on application. Tel. C15. The guests are enjoying themselves ithe various beaches on the way up. in different ways. Thursday they : They had fine weather and a very en- went to New Meadows Inn and they ; joyable trip. Bail have had several card parties. ! Mrs. Anna Tracy ana tne Misses The JOHNSON y Island, Maine Mr. John M. Adams of Roland and of Lew- The First National Bank of H. F. Park, I Josephine Carolyn Tracy Portland AND COTTAGES JOHNSON, Proprietor Baltimore, Md„ is spending his sec- ! iston, Me., are spending the summer Open June 15 to October 1 ond summer on at 'at the View THE OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE Bailey Robin Hood Bay cottage. CITY Enlarged capacity.- Beautifully lo- Inn. His sister is Mrs. Everett Misses Margaret and Elizabeth cated at the south end of the island j near Liittle Harbor. Adams who has been at the Inn for Sheehan of Lewiston spent a week and Over The Johnson | Capital Surplus and cottages contain about but will not be here this i with Mrs. at the forty many years Tracy Bay View. ONE MILLION rooms, all pleasant and airy. Thor- year. Messrs. William and James Tracy DOLLARS oughly modern, toilets, bath, etc. Table The arrivals to date at this house ! and Miss May Tracy of Lewiston, 1110- supplied with best market Invites New Deposit Accounts and Personal affords. Sea food a are: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. tored down and spent a few at Interviews. specialty. Fresh Sawyer, | days milk, eggs, poultry and vegetables the on Brookline, Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. Charles j Bay View with Mrs. Tracy, raised the premises. Bathing. I. Chatfield, Richmond Hill, Long Is- j Mr .and Mrs. E. J. Starr of Spen- Boating and Fishing. New Dirt Tennis Courts, ltates on land, N Y.; Miss A. L. Woodman, I cer, Mass., motored up from their tion. applica- New York i home to That Red City; Mrs. L. A. Smith, spend the summer at the Dragon Shop H. F. JOHNSON, Boatbuilder New York City; Miss Nellie P. Cha- ] Starr cottage. of unusual things from aiound the world. Repairing Promptly Done pin, New York City: Rev. John A. I Mrs. W. H. Hathaway and son 628 Chapin, Doon. New Hampshire; Miss : Frank of Worcester, Mass., are the Congress St., Portland, Maine Juliet J. New York Dr. L. guests of Mrs. Starr at the Starr OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY rf»Y Tl~? T Jonas, City; T/"AX I 'I A Occupies a When a f~~l li. Ml T\ commanding situation at the M. Robinson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. i Cottage. you hive few leisure moments come in and our stock. i /IVIr,^ X southern and inspect C/\JL/ most picturesque end of the and Mrs. H. P. Miss Doro- Miss Ellen Starr has left a Husband, j the Island BAILEY ISLAND. island—within short walk of either MAINE. or bnv shore. thy Chicago, 111; Miss Sarah and is at for : : The Homestead table Husband, visiting Northport, Me., ! Island Prof, Mann assisted his eldest I Park and sister, Philadelphia, Pa.; ! a week, but will return to the Starr CASCO BAY •wiu service son in putting the finishing touches to YARNS are Miss Ida Stoll, Camden, N. J. ! Cottage after her visit. J j his new launch. The craft is expect- homelike Miss Shull has lett for her home, ! The occupant of the and in Mooring ed to have a of seventeen alB were speed New Bcok by Williams regretting that she had to leave Rob- much excited over the building knots Haynes. respects and will be one of the fastest "Casco excellent. in Hood Inn and Miss Massey's hos- ! of a fish pool in front of the cottage, Bay Yarns"—it suggests beats in the bay. The work on the Fresh It is she will return i Mr. and Mrs. Burnham thisl retired sea captain on the wharf pitality. hoped Dempster boat was started in New milk. Jersey by and the old fisherman in his next season once more. worked over it from Sunday the 9th the uory. vegetables j father and son and was freighted There is a and finally completed it on the follow- smack of the salt sea- from our to Portland and taken to Baileys breeze in it own The Johnson. ; ing Saturday. The pool is irregular and the whisper of the where it is being completed. over the garden. The guests at this hotel are in shape, and will hold pines rocky ledges against Tennis enjoy- ; gold fish, pond Those who desire the best in frozen which the surf breaks and Court. ing themselves thoroughly at card lilies, etc. ices white trade at Stetson's. The Stetson ! It Illustrated' parties, fishing and deep sea fishing I Miss Esther Root has been to Bos- foaming. hints of a pirate's buried Quality ice cream is unequalled. Their treasure liooklet. and ton for an on her and and of the smugglers' parties, sailing parties. Many opeiation eye line of souvenirs will also hiding appeal to place, of and OHtN take the beautiful walks the Island returned shipwrecks of JUNE 15th to OCTOBER 1st Wednesday. you. mermaids, THOMAS E. and it reminds us of sea HAZELL affords and are much charmed with j Mr. Wallace Bryant, an artist of The deep fishing Public Library has been open- and the place. Boston. has been a parties jolly picnics. Mass., painting ed and books may now be obtained There have been a number of ar- picture of Miss Burnham and sketch- "Casco Eay Yarns" is the titie on Wednesdays and Saturdays from of rivals to date and more are expected. ing different pictures of Mr. A. C. a new Dook by Williams three to five. This library his quite Haynes. in The guests arriving during the past Burnham's house and its surround- it the author has kept all the a few books already and the money prom- week are: Mr. R. S. Leard, Portland, ings. ises of his obtained from the production of the suggestive title. Driftwood ,iail^illK,"n" Dr. and Mrs. Win. Mrs. S. J. Starr and Miss Isa- On Sea Ocean Side. Me.; Lilliendahl Mary musical "Fannie no two readers will Cliff, Open to comedy, Brown of Probably agree 25. Sept. and son. Sea Gate, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. bella Starr of Springfield, Mass., have which of the j Superb View from 60 foot Portland Town,"' will go towards buy- "yarns" is best. There I Porch James N. Mr. opened their The on Fahlberg, Brooklyn. Y.; cottage, Tides, ing more. is the story of Captain Ed Linscott, i Thoroughly good table and comfortable and Mrs. Edgar B. Newton Maiden Lane for the rest of the sea- the rooms overlooking surf. Sampson, York landing is some old who suspected I son. receiving lobsterman, New dining room seats Highlands, Mass.; Mrs. A. F. Atwood, the were 60. much needed repairs. A great many boys tampering with his Winter address Nov. to Newton Miss A. L. Mr. R. H. Woodman has re- j May 10, Eustis Highlands, Mass.; just of thp rotten boards which have been pots. Next comes the tale of the i Fin. Atwood, Newton Mass. turned from a two weeks' cruise up Mrs. Highlands, there so long have been taken out and superstitious John Sylvester of Bai- A. McK. Gulliver, Proprietor. the coast of Maine in his Wind- yawl. new ones substituted, so that the ley's Island, who consulted an Indian Woodbine. joy. He stopped at the various har- wharf is now safe should a large fortune teller where he should dig for The season this is late in com- bors on the way up and went as far year crowd get on it for any reason. pirate gold and then—but it would at this house. as Penobscot Bay. Me bad fine weath- mencing However, not be fair to tell what befell him. some guests have arrived and more er and a delightful trip. His two Orr's Ladies' Summer Felts at '•Eustis." Island people will probably say ! are booked, who are sure to be daughters. Miss Margaret Metz and | pleas- that the delightful love story with the ! ed with Mrs. Sinnett's fine manage- Mr. Stuart Ford him. ROBIN accompanied unexpected turn at the end which is HOOD INN I ment of the oldest on of East —Proprietor— I hotel Bailey Miss Josephine Thorp j RHUBARB SEASON IS HERE laid on their island is the best. "The I The ideal Island. The arrivals at this hotel Grange, N. J., has just opened her Cruise of the location on the Souse" is the humorous ! on the east end Island—situated are: Miss Winifred Vere cottage on the Sea Bank for the re- and in full view of the Samuel, Two Excellent Methods of record of a camping trip Mr. ocean. Beautiful mainder of Preparing Haynes pine groves and walks Summit, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. F. Ed- the season. This Most and his | around the house. Healthful of All the brother-in-law, Batch- i The house is modern in mund Edmunds and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Streuli of Kemp every family, Cynwyd, Summer elor made two summers ago in a respect—toilets, baths and sewer- Pa.: Mrs. E. H. Plainfield, N. J., are the of Vegetables. tiny j age. Powell, Philadelphia, guests boat that "suffered from Mrs. at alternately Pa.: Miss Ida K. Meyer, Barker the Breakers for the I asthma Rates and Philadelphia, If and hiccoughs." Circulars upon Pa.; Miss B. L. Baltimore, summer. rhubarb is rightly cookcd it is as application Kingsbury, | true mi 1J1J1VUI11 clcan and Hardly "yarns," but no less Open June 15 Md. lVl^Illt-1 lil i>t t*\> I UII, bright and purifying at to September 15 j interesting, are the chapters in which Mass., spent Sunday with his fam- spring sunshine. And since it is about Long Distance j Mr. Haynes tells in his Telephone in the House The Willows ily at their cottage. 9."i per ccnt water, tlie is hard- fascinatingly cooking the have arrived j interesting style story of Casco Many people during Mis. Robert Heehner wishes to cor- ly tuore than the of water— I ibp heating Bay. This is the first time the ro- past week and the house is almost rect a mistake made in how the first num- yet poor, stringy, and unpalatable mantic of the has full. This is very to ber. j history Bay been encouraging It was said that she was it sometimes is as spend- some people cook it. collected. Mr. Haynes spent many E. E. Mrs. Johnson who expects a good her first summer on Bailey island, Maine ing Bailey, which If we want our weeks in the Maine SINNETT I season. The arrivals are: Mr. and rhubarb shredded to Historical So- was untrue. For eleven years she ha* J DEALER IN FIRST CLASS Mrs. Thomas the lust thread we have but to wnoh. ciety Library gathering his material; Estabrook, Mr. R'^liard been staving at the Homestead. This Groceries, Provisions;- Meats, and and he gives a Etc., First Estabrook, Berlin, N. H.; Mr. and Mr?-.. is peel cut it into small bits and add remarkably complete Canned Quality year the first she has been in a cot- sketch of Goods, General Cramer and to it about j B»y Merchandise, family, Portland, Conn.; tage. She has the Bel-goed for the half a cupful of boiling Fresh Fish and Ice ur uuui* ■►Mi* Miss Mary Marshall, season. water to two ^mneuiing interest- Large Line of Greenwood, cupfuls. In five minutes, Tennis Shoes and Rubber Goods Mass.; Mrs. Horan and ing about every important island. in daughter East Mr. Robert C. Heebner of Newton over just enough fire to boil it. or a Stock. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Even those familiar with the Orange, H. Centre, Mass., spent the week end at few minuics it is Bay SOUVENIR POST more, completely will find new facts in CARDS. Blanchard, Portland, Me.: Miss Kath- the with his wife j these pages. Store, Wharf and Fish Bel-goed, and fam- dissolved into shreds. If we want Market at Mackerel leen Me.; Mr. it j How many, for example, know that Cove Blanchard, Portland, ily. to Jack have undiluted virtue we may steam the Bay was named Lawrence, Boston, Mass.: Mrs. Mr. Chas. S. Bradley left Wednes- j by Capt. John A. it in a double boiler for half an hour Smith who visited it in HIM? He Derby Lawrence, Boston Mass. day for Baltimore after several weeks or until its great amount of water called it by its Indian name "Auco- at Bailey. Mr. had been on is Bradley cisco," "the The Seaside a short visit to friends at heated out. If we want it sirupy we meaning nesting place of SEASIDE Wiscasset. the COTTAGE Although only a very few have ar- Mrs. con cook it for five herons," and the English settlers Bai'ey Island, Me. Charles S. Bradley and Miss minutes or until Mrs. F. E. rived the week it is ex- contracted "Aucocisco" to "Casco." Ideal Cram during past Nannie C. Dorsey gave a dance Mon- tender in a sirup. summer home with a bountiful pected that more will come To pick at random in the book— table, including sea during dav evening at thfir cottage The Ur- Stewed food in abundance. to Rhubarb.—Wash, peel and Lane's Island Handy postoffice, wharf and the next two weeks. The house ar- chins in honor of was once an Indian beach. Mrs. C. J. Bonson's cut rhubarb and it Open June 25 to Oct. 1. rivals are: Mr. up put in an enan-el burial Bustin's Island Rates on application. and Mrs. Gerhard house guest. Mr. and Mrs. John T. ground; chang- Transients accommodated ware double boiler and cook until ed hands over the Becker, Worcester, Mass. Elsroad of New York City. card table; Peak's Dinners a Specialty tender. Put in sugar to taste, and let it Island was named for a man who Prof, and Mrs. Herbert E. Day of The melt down it never saw it; but Cousin's Island is Driftwood. Washington D. C. are spending their through before remov- Mrs. Gulliver is from still called for its first and again running lior fourteenth summer at their cottage ing fire. Every piece will re settler, hotel on a scale as in Chebeague has its Indian name, mean- quiet vears Grayrocks. Prof. Day is professor of tain its shape if the whole is not Stetson's Ice r>a-«t. "sweet Moshier's Cream Parlor Many have been attracted to botanv — ing water''; Island and biology in CJalloiulet col stirred, but if it is to be eaten as a BAILEY ME. this was ISLAND, house by the excellent board and I lege for the deaf in first owned by an adventurer The Boston. hot soi'p at luncheon, without crack- Quality Ice Cream, made on the fine rooms, which have a from London and was premises, the kind splendid Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Thurston of Bailey's settled ticular trade is the par- ers or bread, to be followed an demands, what we serve here. Our view of the ocean. The guests herp I D. by by a deacon from Massachusetts. of auto truck assures Washington C. have arrived at their you prompt \\'e are still are: Mrs. E. W. /New egg dish, whisk or beat it into shreds The taken delivery. making the delicious Warner, York cottage on the ocean side. are splendid illustrations, caramels and Stetson's j They with a candies. Box Candies, City: Miss Xar.nie E. Darsey, Balti- thp rarents of silver fork, it is a good tonic, from the author's own photographs, etc., Fruit, Soda, Cracker j the superintendent of Postal Cards, Magazines and all Goods, more, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas L. ! schools all nature distilled and are not the least attractive feature papers. Island agent for Casco of Washington. Mrs Thurs- flavored water, Breeze. Don't forget our Bay Md.: Miss ton of the book. circulating library, the latest hooks Bradley, Baltimore, Virgin- I is popularly known as Ida K uncontaminated except by the sugar. cents a day. Kodak only two ia W. Ficklen, Va.: Williams Haynes, the is a Supplies, Developing, Etc. Fredericksburg, Thurston, a famous authoress of Rhubarb in Sirup.—Add one cupful author, Miss Kate Newell Freder- frequent contributor of short stories Daggett, eighteen books for young people. of cold water to one of Mr. | cupful sugai nature studies burtr, Va.; and Mrs. C. E. Has- Miss Tillie of and to leading maga- Caray Hartford, and stir over fire until sugar kins, Quincy, Mass.; Mr. .and Mrs. C. dissolves. zines. and several of the first j Conn., is spending her second sum- Let cook "yarns" B. five minutes. Add four in Lyons. Montpelier, Vt. mer with Mrs. Tolles at the cup appeared periodicals. Their col- ! Edged iff fuls rliubarb and Very enioyable times arp had sit- Miss simmer. Each piece lection in book form will efihance his CHARLESS I Caray was here last year and THOMAS Bailey Island, W!e. ting around the tirr will retain shape, but will lose and the book is open playing par- j was very much charmed with the color literary reputation, lor games, cards and For a a distinct addition to the literature of CASCO BAY'S LEADING listening to Mrs. | Island. change, flavor with a teaspoon Gulliver's Victrola. ful of the Hay. Mr. Haynes knows the The Misses Co.vIp of Washington. vanilla if you like it that way. Bay CONTRACTOR and BUILDER D. arrived at Serve at end of from Portland to Cund.v's Harbor and C., Spindrift for tho meal "en compote,' All work The Homestead. he is alive to all its beauties. unclei my personal summer. They were at this Island without, cake or bread. keenly supervi- So He has sion. Estimates on far this hotel takes the lead as last summer and were so vividly reconstructed the past application. Job- | deUehted hing a far as both number of guests and so- with it that and pictured the very spirit of the j specialty. Satisfaction to they returned this sum* Real all. cial activities are "Casco Yarns" Is a | Estate antl Land for concerned. There | mer for the season. present. Bay sale. are THE HARVARD REGIMENT. book who knows Casco many guests already here and a i Miss Lawton of Plainfleld, N. J., is everyone Bay Estates Cared for number more are booked for the will want to own. Telephone next ; visiting Mrs. Barker at the Breakers week. The | tor a month. tramp of a thousand men a Sale, Hats "Eustis." Saturday evening musical enter- Mr. Frank Stone of Revere, Mass., inarching in the Harvard regiment Millinery 98c., tainment was given, which resulted in —Adv. I spont the week end at Brneside." answered many a challenge. Have C great success for the music lovers Miss All 'rhc hnn,1sornc rno,or Gladys Peabody of Lawrence college students, more and more fa- INf I boat here at the time. The { OrtlLiIllW PARTIF^/b1\11IjO inp "Tramp", cnrry- program was Mass.. will snend two weeks with Accomplished It. twenty passengers, can be j vored by become so private at engaged for as follows: circumstance, parties any hour of the or Piano solos, Mrs. Pren- I spent the week end at Braeside. Wife (to much flay night. We will lost in seeking personal comfort and damaged motorist)— Clem Theatre, Peaks arrange trips to tice: readings. Miss E. Bailey; vocal Miss M. .1. Billinus of Island, Trefethens, and Somervllle. success that "Why, Billy, what have you done?" Dayburn Casino and to othei solos, Mrs. Stuchell. private they have no interesting points in the 1'ay on application. I Mass., Mrs. H. W. Sears of the Experienced boatmen in Arlington. time for unselfish service? "Well, Instruction book says you Hates reasonable. charge. Thursday evening the children of Mass., and Mrs. I). L. Phillips of Mt- The reg- the house iment's ranks can't go from high gear to reverse entertained the guests by tie Rock. .Arkansas, are the HU°sts of regular and its well- GEORGE H. another entertainment. Fine ordered without entirely stopping the car, but LUBEE, Bailey talents Mrs. Colton at tne Morningside cot- marching told of many hours Island, Me. was displayed the children and the I did It."—Life. by tage. devoted to drill in the midst of busy evening was voted a great success. ] .Mrs. cralg and daughter of Chicago weeks in winter and spring. From Thfir programme was: French song. Illinois, are visiting Mrs. Colton at the of Misses day their enlistment to thrlr Dorothy and Beatrice liowell: Mornlngslde for two weeks. I final review the men have worked OPTICIANS violin solo, Miss Wesley rec- Mrs. A. Asbury: Friday C. Colton gavp a so- ft li. conscientiously to serve not them- We are the largest and WARD & itation, Miss Beatrice Howell; piano ! rial tpa In honor of Mrs. Opo. A o'd.^st op- SON j solo. Bennle selves but their Howell: autumn leaf Tnelo and Mrs. Waltrr H. Spars of country. Has Har- tical estab'ishment in Maine. BAILEY ISLAND, ME. dance. Miss Martha vard's tradition of """ Asbury. Arlington. Amontr thosp present restialnt, which 1'romnt and cartful service. The guests are Expert finding much enjoy- were, MiBS M. J. Hillings. Mrs. H. makes other colleges wonder rome- Plumbing Contractors. New ment S. KODAKS end * in the fine fishing Mrs. tlmes at what SUPPLIES possible Spars, Andrew Gibson, Mrs. they call a Harvard and up-to-date work around the Islnnd. Several Flora I. shop. We can sailing Hall, Miss Susan Gordon, Indifference, not only curbed but also MURDOCK parties have been held and more are CO., save you Mrs. f'prkins, Mrs. I). L. Phillip*. broken the money. Contractors for being planned. university spirit? The J Many play croquet Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Spars and fatn- Water and it is not an rfgiment silenced such questions. Its Supply Outfits, ! unusual zlght to see 11 v of Arlington, Mhss., havp takpn Windmills, several people at this manly bearing met the test of |T popular game. thp Atwood cottngp for the rpst of Maj. Tanks, Pumps, Pipe fitting, etc. Cot- The court (Jen. l/eonnrd Wood's tennis is in fine condition thp «pason. searching eye; tage a nnd the younger as well as the older the men's and plumbing specialty. Telephone. Miss EJdlth M. nin« of Snrlngfleld, vigorous step resolute r enjoy this game. Mnss., has hppn visiting at Hrpeze- faces gave weakness the lie and Expert workmen. rne arrivain nere arp MIhs TC. A. mere. scouted indifference.—IJoston Trans- f'rommelin. Whltr Plaina, N. Y.; Mr« Mrs. .Tohn Whlttlpr Greenlpaf. a rpl- script. Home Office, North Me. •Taa. J. Allen, N. 8ebago, Chatham, S,\ MIbb at I vp of thp famous and sons o* f'arolyn poet, Stephens, Summit, N. .7.; Mr. Springfield, Mass.. were thp guests and Mrs. Tt. Howell, Mlflpes Dorothy of Mrs. Cook at Breessemere. Distinction of Little Worth WILLOW cottage: and Ttratrlce Howell, Master Rrnnlo The wolf 8 Prof. Charlps Hphorg Mann of Npw gray distinction u that BAILEY ISLAND, ME. Howell, Montreal, Canada; Mr. and iprpev, ramp to his Mb Is worth five Join family Satur- scalp dollars, while Homelike «nd Mr*. C. F. Wood. Npw York Mr. dav for cottage, accommodating Boqucts Floral Dpulgns of nil kind* City: a fpw days' visit. Prof. Mann thut ot the coyote one and Mra. Jan. Doollttle, brings only tloi about twenty guests. View of ocean Morrlatown, will not bp able to thp spason lar. Most of the N. .T,: Mr. and Mra. E. sppnd distinctions are as and Inlands, centrally located. Rates C. Bogert, in thp Island on account of his COMPANY Hawthorne, N. Master pro- worthless to those who hold t&eio an reasonable. Special rates for the .T.; John Wood, fpHsional work hla bp- MAINS May, DENNETT, Florist nccpssltatlng the bounty on his is to June and MIbb Betty Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W 0. In New scalp the gray September. •MC0N01CMST. Opp the Library ing, Jersey. While on the wolf. Mr*. Walter E. Johnton, Prop. Tel. S8-W PORTLAND, ME. always been very popular and well attended by both the hotel guests and resiuuuts on the island. Island Market On before Long Long Island I Sunday last Dr. J. M. J Fro3t, the new superintendent of the Doughty's Landing Portland Division of the ^ethodist LONG MAINE Episcopal churches, preachcd a very is ISLAND, Casco strong, powerful and sermon More Bay House. helpiul Essential at the Nothing OUR STOCK OF Although the season here has been church here. Dr HMt. the extremely poor and slow in starting former superintended of this djstr^ ; Meats and this year, this house is still the fa- is now at the head of tue to Groceries, Provisions vorite of many people who come to District which formerly was under Dr. one's comfort the hot is the Best Obtainable the Bay for their vacations. Here Frost. during they know, is a splendid chance to Last Sunday marked the com- We All Orders and rest on the broad verandas and mencement of the vesper services weather than a Appreciate Will Give Personal Attention to the Same held Corset l>iazzas which are very popular at Cushlngs Pavilion. These af- perfect fitting among the guests. Another impor- ternoon services in previous years were In order to have a tant attraction here, most worthy of very popular and judging by the perfect fitting Corset you must shop where note, is that of the food served. It is first audience, will again be so. Thay j expert corsetieres schooled in the art of fitting, wait plain food, but of the best quality anu are held every Sunday afternoon at upon you. 4 grade and is most cooked o'clock. Special music of some Mothers leave the "Two Stores Down East" deliciously fitting of their daughter's first corset to our Metropolitan Dy the hotel chef. The sea food is sort will always be rendereu. Last care with a of an especial feature, all being fresh Sunday Mrs. Evelyn (Jummings of feeling security, knowing that their wants will be from the ocean a few hours before Newton, Mass., gave several -pleasing j properly cared for. GEO. C. SHAW COMPANY cooking and the vegetables coming solos. from gardens on the islands. The telephones which were install- Tho biggest event which has hap- ed on th€> island last fall are a great and Grocers this comfort to the of the island. Importers pened here, week is that of the people Choose Your Favorite annual all-day picnic on Monday, of Although all tho phones there at Make Manufacturing Bakers and Confectioners, and the Maine State Association of Mas- present are public pay stations it is of We a Purveyors Delicatessen Dainties ter Plumbers. They made their comforting to know that one can eas- carry stock of the choice models of the best known makers, headquarters at the hotel and at the ily reach a doctor in Portland, or Among others are—Modart, Redfern, R. & G., 585-587-589-591 Congress Street, PORTLAND, ME. pavilion run by Proprietor Charles E. accomplish an important errand so j Warner's, Royal Wor- There are at six cester, Nemo, American Down Town Store, 7 and 9 Preble Street. Cushing. It was at the pavilion readily. present Lady, etc. Prices $1.00 up. that Mr. telephones scattered all over the is- Cushing served the shore | dinners, which have made the place land so that no one cottage is at a I famous in Maine, to more than two i great distance from one. ANNOUNCEMENT TO CASCO BAY TRADE hundred people. By capable man- this agement stupendous task of White Felt Our new Market at Preble Street makes a specialty of pack- Crushers 49c, "Eustis." j serving so many at once was carriea —Adv. ing and shipping orders to any part of Casco Mail and I Bay. along and without a hitch. Tho day telephone orders have our attention and prompt patrons are was spent in sporting events, base- assured of the "Shaw" which has been quality, maintained ball, dancing, bathing and walking. for over years. ME. fifty Among the recent arrivals here are PORTLAND, Miss Etta L. Forbust, South Framing- I. ham. Miss Florence Woodman, Port- Littlejohn's land, Miss Marguerite Clark and Miss I Teresa A. Clark of Brooklyn. Mrs. Bertha Zivicken, Miss Ir^ne Zivicken, afternoon Mrs. Sampson en- i both of Watertown, Mass., Mr. and j Friday Casco House | tertained a number of ladies at whist, i Rav c"J!L^!!!i"ap"eP. Mrs. Charles A. Stevens of Worces- ter. Refreshments were served. Those : | at this were Mrs. Pres- Miss Florence Woodman of Port- present party | cott. Mrs. Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. ! land, Maine, is again at the s^asco Willis, ] Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Muran, I Bay House for the summer. Armington, West? Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. Barry, Mrs. j Want some reliable information about any of the Stillman, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Woodell, Going country The Dance Friday at the Bar- west of the Rockies—California. Night Mrs. Knight and Dr. Edilh Woodell. j Oregon, Washington, Ida- racks. ho, Montana, Nevada, Utah. Arizona, New Mexico, Texas? Mr. Theodore H. Morton is spend- I These dances which are given Want to know about farming rail- ing his vacation with his fiancee, Miss j something opportunities, regularly bore are most popular with road rates, routes, automobile hotels, resorts, | Ciiamberlin and her parents, at the highways, the summer people here as well as prices of lar.d, methods of farming, etc? | White cottage. j with the guests of the house. A | It's our business to know all about this Pacific coun- Mr. Maddock Stearns and Mrs. C. Slope trio of three Salem men, at | try. Sunset is the one I staying and Gertrude of Magazine big national magazine, re- the ! E. Stearns daughter j Barracks formed the orchestra ■ flecting the life of this country and giving accurate inform- Wakefield. Mass., will spend two which played splendid music. j ation concerning its growth and development. Send 10 weeks at the Arcade. cents a j for sample copy of Sunset Magazine and write us a j Mr. W. T. Hill and Mr. Chas. W. | Leading' hotel on the island. Finest view of Casco Bay possible. Pine letter Miss Myrtle Castner has now re- groves the hotel. Private riis liprht in every room. Ex- asking for whatever information you desire concern- Hill of Maiden, Mass., spent the week- alongside plant—r:is turned to | j cellent Table. and ing any state in the West. | her home in YVaverly, Bathing, Boating Fishing privileges. Dancing parties end at the Arcade. twice each week. Open June 30 to Sept. 15. Rates and circulars on appli- Mass., after spent her vaca- j j having Mr F. C. Underhill will spend two ! cation. Accommodates 100. Fine steamboat service. Telephone service. Call tion of two weeks at the j us SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU Regimental weeks with his family at the Rock- | any time. Only thirty minutes' sail from Portland. Clam Bake house ac- Barracks of the First, Tenth and j commodates i>00 guests with dancing privileges. Come to our hotel for a ledge. vacation. San Francisco Twenty-ninth Maine I pleasant Regiments. The Misses Teresa and Marguerite On the twenty-fourth of Mrs. j July Kavanaugh of Ashland, Mass., are i VV. A. Jones of Camp Cell, Doughty's the guests of Mrs. Underhill for a Landing expects to have as a guest week. for two or more weeks her friend Miss Laura Lewis and Miss Nellie I Miss Helen Crofut of Merrimac, Robbins of spent a Mass. Everett, Mass., J ENEMARK'S Shoe and Rubber week with Mrs. F. K. Robbins at the j Repair \ Rev. I. T. Johnson the minister of Uptown Place Shops Downtown Place the M. E. church is Highland Cottage. CLARK &, GRIFFIN here, entertain- K. Robbins of Everett, Mass., Congress Sq. Opp. Hall I Mr. F. City ing, at the parsonage, his daughter 1 spent the week-end with his family LONG ME. Telephones Mrs. F. A. and her child- ISLAND, Cumming at the Special attention—Our ren Highland. Uptown place is equipped with neat and of Newton, Mass. clean Master Wm. Forman Hunter of ! waiting parlors. Parcels checked free. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Pratt of Stone- Melrose Highlands, ..»ass., is visit- ham, Mass. and Miss Margaret Carn- j Meats and ing at the Highland Cottage for two j Groceries, ey of Melrose, arrived this Mass., weeks. week at D'Shawmut cottage and 1 iVirs. v. i\. r erguson anu laiuiiy ui will remain here until the first of r*ortland, Me., are stopping with the Provisions August. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Powers j Misses Cook at the Allston Cottage, who were here last week have now I | Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bryant and Our sixteen of success enables us to j returned to their home in Mills j years Dry child of Me., are also stop- last Saturday. Portlnd, meet want of the | ping at the Allston Cottage. every patrons that favor Anotner recent arrival is that of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coppenrath and t Dr. \V. C. Nutting and of us with their trade. Our stock is the best family friends of Jamaica Plain, Mass., Norwood, Mass. They are now in stopped at the Crow's Nest for a few obtainable. in all their cottage on the North Shore for Right prices departments days. They are on a cruise up the the rest of the season. j coast of Maine in Mr. Coppenrath's and we deliver all orders Come Miss Jessie Chase of Portland and promptly. boat, "Antoinette," of the Boston Miss Ruth E. Chase of Kennebunk- I in and our store. Yacht Club. inspect port were guests of Mrs. Laura E. Mrs. Wm. A. Sampson and son of Jones at her attractive on A Vacation in cottage Dorchester, Mass., and Mrs. J. W. Maine is Not Com- ! the We3t shore of the island. Woodell and Dr. Edith Woodell of I The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. I Waverly, Mass., are spending the a John W. Parker of New York plete Without Visit to city summer at the Brown Cottage, will regret to learn that will j they i Mr. and Mrs. Stillman of New York not be able to spend their summer j have arrived at Mrs. Prescott's. LITTLE!FIELD & CO. on the island this year. They have j j Misses Ada and Mary Dorr. Miss 109-111 COMMERCIAL ME. been the guests of Mr. Fred Wilson ST., PORTLAND, | Elsie Wood and Miss Lord of Woburn. Eastman's and his sister Mrs. Olive at Ballard Mass., spent a week at the Colomb their cottage each summer for twen- Cottage as the guest of Mrs. Colomb. ty years. Their friends are bemoan- MEATS and PROVISIONS Miss Elsie Briggs of Woburn, GROCERIES, ing the fact that they are not to vis- The Store with Prices. "Little Luncheon Corner" Mass., is spending two weeks with Quality Right it here this season. Mrs. Colomb. Mr. Fred Wilson and his sister We have everything needed to supply the table and only quality Miss Beatrice Diamond of Mrs. Olive Ballard Roxbury, j goods are sold here. We cater for hotel, cottage and yacht patronage. recently opened Mass., is visiting the Misses Miriam their cottage. "The Fruit and Berries. Our location enables us to attend to all island or- Wilson." for and Bertha Muran at the tiieir usual Alpine Cot- ders stay here. Mr. Wilson tage. j promptly. nu'.v has his motor-boat in commis- order, we will do the rest Mr. Gpo. E. arrived at the Telephone your sion and is Barry i enjoying many short Little to Christy visit his wife and j j trips about the Bay. Mr. J. Bluin son. ! of Dorchester is staying with him for the summer. New Recent of Summer Millinery, "Eustis."— I guest Miss Alice Hol- Adv. BERTHA FAKNHAM LGUGEE, Fiorist--Desiginr--Decorator combe of on Sunny Slope cottage me CHOICE CUT FLOWERS of all kinds in their Season. Climatic conditions pro- West End of the Island were Mrs. duce the finest SPENCER PEASprocurable as judged by Experts in this line. Agnes Midford and Mr. Harry Fur- Chicken Broth. We also carry an EXCLUSIVE LINE OF POTTERY—nothing duplicated—such as flower long, both of Springfield, Mass. Miss candle-sticks, jardinieres, bowls, tea-sets, vases, etc., which make nice One chicken or t'owi, onn carrot, one wedding and birthday gifts as well as pleasing souvenir gifts from Maine. Molcombe also entertained over the onion, one two stalks VISIT OUR NEW FLOWER STORE week-end, Mr. John Williamson and turnip, ce'ery, one 647 CONGRESS ST PORTLAND his daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Perry, teaspoonful suit, two tablespoon- Under the Columbia Hotel fuls two the States. both of Portland. All of Miss Hol- flour, tablespoonfuls barley, Orders delivered anywhere in United Phone 325S-W Portland combo's guests were much charmed three pints wnter. with the cool air and the beautiful Cut the vegetables up, !ny thc»n nt view of the harbor which can be seen the bottom of n itewpnn, on them from her p'aco cottage piazza. the J«»i 11 of the fowl. ami add tho Mr. Alton Mayberry of Watertown, water and barley: simmer slowly two Mass., joined hiH wife for a visit over and one-hnlf hours, moisten the flour the week-end at the cottage of her with a Utile Have You Read mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. water, add It and tho Richard Scnonland, with whom Mrs. suit to the broth, stir till the flour quaint "Corner"—it is a salon— ■yHis really spacious *1 Mayberry is visiting for the greater thickens, strain and serve. part of the summer. resembles a with its Japanese garden, colorful wistaria the summer GreyshIngles, home Fine Grained Cake. blossoms and of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Smardon of Casco Yarns its bamboo fixtures and its One egg. one cupful sugar, one-hnlf foliage, lighting tho West End has been the scene of Bay cupful of butter, one nnd one-half willow a gay house-party this past week cup- cool-looking chairs and tables. ftilM one and week-end. Those forming this flour, and one-half teaspoon* By WILLIAM HAYNES party were Mrs. A. E. Chase of Port- fills hnkwiK powder, one-hnlf The cool breezes habituate this cupful Author of "Sandhills Sketches" delightful spot, while land, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Bruce, Ne- milk, flavor. Bake In round tins. Put ponset Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Everett together with with a the of the hot summer sun Jelly. Frost table- rays never find their here. Rldlon of Saco and son Mr. way Harold, spoonful butter, one cupful of powdered Profusely Illustrated with Original Photograph? taken and Mrs. Elmer Parrot of Portland, The food is as sugar, little milk mill flavor. the Author in Casco Price One Dollar. For delicious and palatable as the surround- and Mrs, Addison Fryo also from by Bay. Sale Portland. Mr. and Mrs. and on are Frye at Booksellers in Portland and the Island?. beautiful. And the were Mock ings service is as prompt and cour- Mrs. Addison here for only over Champagne. the week-end, but the others had For the blistering August. dnys Is n teous as the are prices modest. been here for a week previous. drink of elder prepared so thnt It has Mrs, A. R. Bates of the West End nil the spnrkle nnd luster, of ehnm- lunch and tea is at her Special served entertaining cotage, Idyl- pngne nnd enough of the taste to de- daily. hurst, for a week, her friend Mrs. ceive. Get fresh sweet cider, boll It Charles Russell of West Somerville, _==__======^ Mass. down half nnd put nwny In senled hot- ties. Served with n Mr, and Mrs. Edwin S. Taylor of enrhonnted water Wollaaton, Masa., are at the Roxmont, It Is unexcelled. EASTMAN BROTHERS & BANCROFT aa tho house gueata for two weeks of REMEMBER Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Warren of the Knew Humin Went End are Nature. Colony. They greatly The That every added subscrib- PORTLAND, ME. enjoying the nailing in Mr. Warren'a sago "greed that It was Indeed auxiliary sloop, "Patsy Lee," which tfangeroua. "Rut," aald he. "If we put er helps to make this paper he np a sign Maine's Leading Dry Goods Store bought early thia nummer. warning people of the danger better tor Department It la planned by Mr. Chaa. E. Cush- they will at once try It to see for them- everybody ing to atart the regular dances at the selves, whereas, If we label It "Rad Pavilion aoon. Theae dancea have Form,' tliey will let It ftlone," Ull I TDF^T GREAT LKLJ I IIV/HflTFI I LaLa CHEBERGUE, MAINE niLL Charles VV.Uaml ton. Prop.

LARGEST SUMMER RESORT JOURNAL IN NEW ENGLAND Published Every WAR THURSDAY AFTERNOON CHIEF OF BRITAIN From July to September CROWLEY & LUNT, Editors and Publishers From servant to head of the think- Office, 92 Street, Room Me. Excknnge 5, Portland, ing machine of the British army in the TERMS—Summer Season, 50c; Single 5c. Copy, greatest war in history, this is the Advertising Rates on Application record of General Sir William Robert- Advertisers desiring changes must send in copy on or before Monday pre- son, who a few months was ceding day of publication to insure insertion. .- i ago ap- pointed chief-of the'-general 'staff ut' JULY 20, 1916. the war oflice in London and virtual THURSDAY, Most modern and up-to-date hotel on the Island with commander in chief of the British finest view of Casco Bay. Large chambers, toilets and baths on each floor. Private dance hall with men who are will- armies. dancing parties every evening. Music furnished by our own three- MINATURE There are some orchestra. ALMANAC. piece Bathing, boating, deep sea fishing and all water sports. Ten- the secretary of Robertson's rise to the very high- nis, baseball, etc. Private water ing to be traveling system the best in Casco Bay. Table sup- est In plied with vegetables from our own and Week of 20, the society for the prevention of the possible position the British garden milk and cream from our own July herd. Kates and circulars on application. Accommodates and army is unique. There is no other case 120. Sun Length of High Tine propagation of English sparrows, on record of a ranker the Day Rises Sets Day Morn. pay their own expenses, rather than attaining 20 4.25 7.21 14.51 2.37 to have no office at all. highest command in the British army, 21* 4.25 7.20 14.50 3.35 and only one other case in which a 12 4.2G 7.19 14.48 4.36 The surgeon who operated upon the ranker even came within measurable Summit 23 4.27 7.19 14.46 5.41 sultan of Turkey received a fee ol distance of it. 24 .4.28 7.18 14.44 G.46 which shows that more money Robertson is a genuine ranker, of 25 4.29 7.17 14.42 7.47 $40,000, House is to be extracted from the sick man Scottish descent. lie is the son of a 26 4.30 7.17 14.40 8.43 than from the average in- farm laborer in Lincolnshire, where he *Moon in last quarter. of Europe Chebeague- the United States. was born years ago, and his valid in lifty-six Island ,preliminary, education was received at One of the finest summer the" village school. When he left school boarding houses in the bay. Excellent location and' — restful of field and —-— scenery wood. Table first-class. Every comfort for those he worked in the fields for a time, and the best. Accommodates desiring 75 Reasonable rates. Open until September 25. then he had a great stroke of luck for one of such humble origin. He became MRS. CLINTON M. HAMILTON, Proprietor Moral a butler in one of the High Standard Means Something great houses in the neighborhood. At eighteen the military fever seized him and he enlisted. He chose a a crack More Than Negative Sort of Virtue regiment, the Sixteenth lancers, and he must have made an ideal cavalry- LEON R. HAMILTON. and man, for even now he is the beau Ideal of a Giocery General Store dashing soldier, tall, well set up, HAMILTON LANDING, GREAT CHEBEAGUE and with an firm chin and He had no one DR. ARTHUR T. President of Yale extraordinary jaw. to help him along, Our stock of Groceries, Meats and By HADLEY, University Provisions are the best obtainable and we aim. and he served in the ranks to please all the who favor us for ten years, but before long his ambition was people with their patronage. Brand Guar- anteed Canned Goods. Superba and he foresaw In his case Fancy Candies, Crackers, etc. Gasolene and motor boat roused, probably that the soldier's knapsack plies. We our trade sup- really supply with the famous Sebago Lake Ice. This is did Let us Quality Ice. contain the field marshal's baton. serve you. Our order teams are at your service. We must ourselves be to set an of prepared example restraint and He began then the study of languages and of military history, both of which devotion. We must not be content with the sort of virtue that have stood him in such good stead in his subsequent career. negative HOWARD S. He is much like Kitchener and some HAMILTON simply avoids offenses against the moral code of the community. We should possesses of the characteristics displayed by "K. of K." He is a tireless worker, has a mind that works like not ourselves as we General Contractor and regard temperate when abstain from excess in with red is a Builder simply lightning, dispenses tape, masterly organizer and will have none GREAT drink. We must CHEBEAGUE, MAINE face the harder task of excesses in word and but efficient, hard workers under him. Like Kitchener also he can say "No" to avoiding Complete contracts made and performed for a or a buildings, cottages, alterations, re- and peer prince, and if he considers a decision necessary he does not hesitate pairs, etc. Estimates furnished on thought We should not ourselves as moral when we application. Expert workmen. Cottage work a feeling. regard specialty. lots for to announce it. He is a strict and while Cottage sale and desirable cottages to rent. We care disciplinarian, greatly admired and estates. for simply abstain from violation of the or of commercial marriage contract, respected for the honors he has won, he is at times feared by the officers. law, or of the rules for keeping peace between men and nations. We must learn to think of marriage not as a relation entered into Souvenir two Chebeague Shop by people for their own pleasure but as a partnership in the serious CLAPP LIKES DAY EAST END. GREAT CHEBEAGUE TRAVEL Visit our souvenir and see the work of to be entered into with same shop many new novelties we offer you this season. life, the and the same Take home one of our fir intelligence pillows made from Chebeague fir Best and to tips. most costly devotion that we enter other manufacture. Our line of Post Cards is most attractive. upon any serious work. We must not lit1 does a deal of stock. Forty thousand irv regard Although pood Confectionery. Magazines, Papers, Children's Toys, etc. our Public money as our own, to be used in any way that the law allows, but traveling over the country, Senator Library Post Office Moses E. of HENRY W. BOWEN must stand to once Clapp Minnesota rarely ready be at more scrupulous in its and more Opposite Hill Crest and South Road acquisition travels at night. This is not due to generous in its use as we further from get away the pressure of immediate any prejudice against sleeping in one need anj have greater opportunity to decide for ourselves. We must not of the Pullman company's berths, be deluded false either. He journeys by daylight sim- SUMMER ORGAN by visions and theories of peace, but must set our hands to CONCERTS ply because he likes to do so. >»ot long on the new KOTZSCHMAR MEMORIAL ORGAN the work of the actual of war lessening danger by understanding other ago he and a younger man had to go (Best Organ in the World) at the and other boastful or on a of 14 hours or and the people nations, avoiding self-complacent speech, and trip more, CITY HALL other man AUDITORIUM to take our in national if a naturally proposed that preparing part defense fight is forced us. Congress, Myrtle and Chestnut Sts. upon they go on a night train. Daily Except Saturdays and 3 to 4 10 "Why do you want to go at night?" Sundays, p.m., Commencing July (Last Concert asked as if the idea of Sept. 12) Clapp, night WILL C. travel was a brand new wrinkle. MACFARLANE, Municipal Organist of Portland. No Reserved Seats. Tickets 25 Church in Great of "To suve time, of course," replied Cents. Danger Becoming Maid the man. "One has to sleep anyhow. of all Work at Behest of the Otherwise one wastes an entire day." Hobbyists "Waste a day!" exclaimed Clapp. "On a train! What're By BISHOP WARREN A.CANDLER you talking about? a of Methodist Episcopal Church, South Why, train's the very place RUBBER GOODS OF of all where QUALITY places you don't need to Auto Garden waste your time. You sit in Tires, Hose, Gloves, Ladies' and Gentlemen's your Raincoats, Mechm cal office and people come in to interrupt Rubber, Fancy Oil Clothing There is manifested in some quarters a to make the church disposition .vou aim you can inner away an Hour or two without of God a sort accomplishing a thing. PORTLAND RUBBER of maid of all work in the social But on a CO., 259 Middle St. system. Every hobbyist train—there's the place to devote yourself to quiet reflection and think demands that out. imaginable the church take up and advocate his tilings Nearly every good thing I ever did I carefully thought out tirst hobby. while out Preachers are looking the window of a train. No, you don't me to called upon to observe certain in their indeed, get go Trade with R. S. Ex- "days" pulpit min- unless I j Davis, corner by night have to. The chance to have a nice long day on the train is istrations, and these demands them are so change and Federal street, Portland, PHONE 902. upon numerous that too precious to let go they would, by." if you want the best in bungalow or if exclude the So yielded to, preaching of the Gospel from the churches in they journeyed by daylight. cottage furniture.—Adv. CENTRAL GARAGE order to make room for all sorts of schemes and programmes more or We make old hats look like new and re- ~ model -• them to the very latest less • '•> '■"*"+ «• ^ styles. worthy. •"*.* i i I HEIM, THE HATTER Demands are made that one Sunday be devoted to the discussion of "OLD SHACK'S" POSER 499J/2 Congress Street, Portland. relief from certain another for diseases, the advocacy of international peace Up One Flight. and universal another for the consideration Representative Warren Worth Panamas, Bangkoks and Leghorns disarmament, of the "social Bleached and Blocked. Hemp, Milans ST0U6HT0N. FOLKINS CO. Bailey of Johnstown, Pa., is a and Straws evil," and so on ad infinitum. person Resewed. Soft. Stiff, Silk, ; with definite views about things. When Velour, Panama and Straw Hats. Ren- Service Station for All Makes All this is in some ovating and Remodel.ng a Specialty. ! of Cars sense a great testimony to the power and purity he favors or opposes a proposition he of the does so with much AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE church. It shows that when men seek the amelioration of human earnestness and in- ills look to tenseness. For example, he has long 88 Oak they the church of God for first aid. But while it a St., Portland. Me. is testi- been strongly in favor of an adoption FANS MAKE INDIANS LAUGH to the it is a mony church, becoming peril to it. of Henry George's single tax ideas, and Men are in is in his Zack Wheat and Chief danger of losing sight of the supreme function of the equally strong opposition to Meyers Obliged the to Talk la Coahuil- church. a president's program for naval and English—One CHEBEAGUE FISH MARKET Not few preachers have succumbed to these demands until their military preparedness. la, Olher Cherokee. Hamilton's Landing has been of its ministry emptied evangelistic function and their pulpits One night Bailey sat in the lobby HAMILTON AND RINES, Proprietors of the hotel Chief T-Ieyei 8 and Zack the have become mere for the of where he lives in Wash- Wheat, We have everything in Sea Food and platforms advocacy special enterprises. noble ington talking gravely about the good red men with the Hrooklyn club, Quality is the first consideration. Our prices are right and our auto delivery in store for this nation have many good laughs at fans things just as sundry assures our patrons of prompt service. who wart to know if soon as single tax comes to be gener- they don't "talk We are open all day and invite all <» Indian-' to Inspect the market. ally applied throughout the country. each other. "We have to Congressman Dorsey W. Shackle- talk plain English. Wheat and I," Fixed Commercial Needed ford of Missouri was sitting close by. chirped Meyers, "for the Yery good Eastern Lines Policy Badly reason that I Steamship "Old Shack," as he is called, has a could never understand a sense of humor, though he doesn't word of Zack's aboriginal speech, By DR. F"RANK R. RUTTER look it. nor could he understand anything I Assistant miflht in own AU-the-Way-by-Water Chief Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce i v ^JB2I^XSS33GS!3BI 1,1 wou1(1 ,,ke *° nsk y°u .'ust onp Bay my language. As j question," said he to Bailey, and Bnlley nefx as I can make out, Zack's tribal MAINE STEAMSHIP LINE. and j bade 111ni go ahead. He whs fairly certain that he could refute any argument speech mine differ about as wide- Direct Between Portland and New York, 390 Slinekleford might have against the single-tax doctrine. ly »s French and Russian. I havo it i Miles—Time About 22 Hours. A fixed commercial is North Land anil North policy necessary at the "What I want to "Is on v.ack in one way. 1 I Steamships particularly present know," propounded Slmckleford, this: Why is it that though; speak Star from Portland. Leave Franklin time. With rumors of was thrv.e trade agreements that will give preferential rates there never a single case of appendicitis in this country until after Henry languages, English, Spanish and Wharf, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- j days at 6.30 p. m. of C»«orge to talk his Just answer me that!" the Coahuilla tongue, while Zack I duty between the allies, and with rumors of a customs union to cover h'j^uan slngle^tnx? From New York. Leave Pier 1!*, speaks only two—English and Chero- N. U., Foot of Warren street. Tuesdays, and we must in a [ Germany Austria-Hungary, be position to know defi- keo Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 p. m. AiMftl Summer Day Trips. From the effect on our nitely industries of any proposed foreign action. Can Portland and New York Mondays at 10.30 a. m., June 19 to 11, 1916. we not, if we know the situation well enough to make CHINA'S NEW RULER LEE FOHL COACHES AT THIRD Sept. proper representa- METROPOLITAN LINE. tions, obtain rates of that will at least our on an Direct duty put products equality j Between Boston and New York Gen. LI Hunn who hns Manager 8tatlons Himself at Proper 13'/2 hours with those of other countries we now Hunc, long (a privilege which do not in Route via enjoy boon os ono of tlio Place for Use of Good Judgment Cape Cod Canal. recognized ablest Steel and in a of even and Express Steamships Massachusetts France), p«ssibly position greater advantage. soldiers In Chlnn, Is now president of Intelligence. and Bunker Hill the Orlontnl republic, hnvlnjj sueceed- Leave North Side. Ind'a Wharf, Bos- ton. week and at fi ed the Into Yunn Shlh Is Leo Fohl is spending a lot of tin© day Sundays p. in., Kid, nnd It be- Same service from Pier IN. on the returning lleved tlio change of rulers hns put nn cpachlng lino at third bane, North River. Foot of Murray street, Ntw York end to the plnns of the Nanking trlum- which Ib the place for the use of Judg- City. BOSTON & PORTLAND LINE. vlrnte and the Peking mnndnrlnnte to ment and Intelligence In the coaching Should Not Be to Hansom H. Fuller and Marriage Left Chance of a team. That Is the where Steamships Hay re-estnldlsh the empire. The southern point State. Leave Franklin Wharf, Port- the week at n. Chinese «re behind the new baao runners muBt be guided as to land, days 7.30 m., Sundays at solidly 9 m. the location of the which p. By REV. WILBUR F. CRAFTS president. ball, they rteturn, leave Boston week days and cannot see, and for t*-ls reason Fohl Sundays nt 7 p. m. of Washiflgton, D. C. At the snme time, there Is great anxiety concerning the attitude which seldom coaches anywhore but at PORTLAND Sl ROCKLAND LINE. Japnn will tnke toward China. Gen- third. Steamer Monhe^an, Leaves Portland Tuesday, Thursdny and Saturday at 7 eral LI spent two yenrs In Japnn In a. m. for Boothbav Harbor, Kockland and and a Fans Not Intermediate Speaking physically scientifically, bacholor, man or woman, the study of mllltnry alTnlrs, nnd he Is 8er!ous. landings. Return, leave Rockland Monday, Wed- around in a or ns While the Washington scribes have sticking factory boarding house, is useless. There is noth- looked upon favorable to Japanese nesday and Friday nt 5.30 h. m. for Influence In China. He Is visions of r pennant this season, the Portland and Intermediate landings. like it in since the time when animals were regarded ns ing history off "fans" are not the so paired together tho representative of the stu- taking Nationals INTERNATIONAL LINE. a Japanese and in the ark with few sclect I a serlounly. The largest crowd of the Steamships Calvin Austin and Gover- placed persons. suggest marriage dent element In Chinese politics, as op- Chlreen In who don't know when are necessity. prominent the tlirce recent revolution* In Chlnn, and It If they H. A. CLAY. Superintendent. natural that licked.—Wall Street Journal. Franklin i they should come Into power under the new regime. Wharf, Portland, Maine. ter part of last week for a short visit with their mother. On Saturday, July 15, a oily party of summer people left the isl&nd in the early forenoon for an all day picnic on Upper Goose Island. The Choose Your Sui's picnic party left in Curtis' boat which Bathing easily accommodated all who went. Among those who went were the From These Stocks Mispes Newell, Mr. William H. New- Complete ell and No woman son, Mr. Harris Newell, Mr. could wish for a more complete showing of at- and Mrs. Edward Mrs. tractive Capps, Stephen Bathing Apparel than is awaiting her at Capps, Professor and Mrs. Hamon and The Libby's. For those price-range is very little or as completing articles of your vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Miller. The picnic broad,—pay much, just you tion was a complete success one en- please. wardrobe call on us. that every Everything joying the day to the utmost. The men and wear. A party returned here GSalated Suits boys large line oksporting by moonlight and Bathing $1.50 Satin, Mohair or Bril- apparel A* arrived on the island without mis- tif <2* hap. Cotton Mohair Bathing liantine Bath. Suits, 5.00 jriuicosor anu Suits FRANK mrs. Jbiawanl Lapps j 1.98 M. LOW C& CO. have as a guest at their cottage Mr. Fine Mohair "Wool Poplin Bathing NOW and Mrs. J. T. Miller of Chicago, 111. Bathing BENOIT'S Mr. Miller is the head of the Unii Suits 2.25 Suits 6.50 272-278 Middle versity Press in St., Monument Sq., Portland, Me. Chicago. Neither he "Wool ncr his wife have ever before visited Mohair Bathing Other stunning Bathing here and both were greatly Suits 2.50 Recent surprised Suits of guests of Mrs. Henry J. I with the beauty and charm of the is- silks, satins and taf- Eird were Wool Misses Beatrice Long, Fal- land and the congenial Mohair Bathing mouth fellowship fetas, $6.98 to $10.00 Foreside, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. of the island life. Suits 2.98 also of Cliff Island Lang, the Foreside; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huston and Mr. Minot Mrs. I. Brilliantine Samuel Smith, Bretton Woods, jj Chebeague Huston and Mr. Albert Bennett all of Bathing Fitted one-piece Bathing Mt. Washington House, and Mr. Geo. Portland, Me., were geusts over the Suits 4.39 Suits Nelson of $2.98 to $5.00 Crawford House, N. H. week end of Mrs. Huston's daughter, (Continued from Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Goding of Wol- Mrs. Frank Page 1) SUMMIT HOUSE. Bennett. A'so laston, Mass., arrived on the island Mrs. E. E. Bates has as a house Complete Stocks of Suits last Bathing Friday afternoon. Thirty guests are enjoying their guest at her near Miss Mary Carye Batchelor, Mr. and cottage Central for Men and Children Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Paine left here summer vacation here at this time Mrs. N. I. Black, the Misses I Landing, Miss Mary Gibbons of Tren- Bennett, Sunday for their home in North and the ideal weather of last week Mrs. E. A. Mr. and ton, New Jersey. Solomons, Mrs. all an Robt. Cambridge, Mass., after an enjoyable' gave opportunity to spend each Mr. Rudolph Birdsell of Winter Ha- Nealey, Miss Frances Nealey, two weeks' in Mrs. visit at the Sweet Briar day sailing, fishing and bathing, ve, is his wife's O. P. Stone, Mrs. Wra. Black, Fla., visiting mother, cottage. while many of the older en- Mrs. Romaine R. Miss Dowd, Miss Louise guests Keyser at her summer Co. Mr. Gibson, Last Mrs. the P. Pitkin Saturday Rankin left the joyed delightful walks that home in the Massachusetts J. Perley and his Miss colony, fiancee. island after a Libby month's at abound here. The Sylvia and Miss stay her garden surround- Mr. Birdsell but recently joined his FREE Sherman, Kate Red this CONGRESS, AND OAK PORTLAND Farnsworth. cottage. Fern. She returned to ing hospitable hotel is a delight wife, who with her baby daughter, STS., her home in Maiden, Mass. to the eye and is the admiration of The hotel is now well filled Elizabeth, have been the guests of and Mr. and Mrs. John all. Roses in will in that Calder and son profusion of varied Mrs. Keyser since tne of stay condition until the of beginning San Francisco are due soon at the colors are to be seen and the season. end of the season, recent arrivals everywhere cottage of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Black with the well kept lawn and shub- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. being Mr. and Mrs. Kandoph Kandall Degague and for a two weeks' visit. a scene of who Mrs. Calder bery present of spiendor and daughter, Cleopatra, Mr. and Mrs. Baltimore, are here for the is Mr. Black's sister. beauty. Friday last week a Clifford Nansen and rest of the summer; Mrs. A. L. Stew- evening children Frances Miss Harriet Chapin of moonlight sail around the was and art and Mrs. H. I. and Brookline, bay Wilton, and Mr. William Capen, flUCOCISCO Cugle daugh- Mass., is the Misses ters, all of visiting Bennett enjoyed by several of the guests. all of Portland are at the Albert Philadelphia; Mr. and for a week. The party departed after Grannell nouse for a week or more. Mrs. Yowger, Philadelphia; Rev. and partaking and of supper and it was late in the even- Mr. Mrs. E. A. Heflestein and and Mrs. James Berry of To- Cottages their niece "Eustis" Millinery, 439 Congress.— ing when they returned to the hotel. are at the and nephew, and Mrs. Wm. Buckner ronto, eanaaa, guests Berry Adv. The were CLIFF MAINE of Brooklyn, N. Y. following among those pres- cottage, of Mr and Mrs. George ISLAND, ent: Mr. and Mrs. P. Blair Foulis, Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Berry are East Orange, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Kieauy enjoying their stay and have The Beeches. INCIDENTS OF "BONE" E. Davidson, East Orange, N. J.; made many friends among the mem- References—Special rates for Lewis This quiet, home-like boarding L. Hopkins, Arthur L. Hardy, bers of the Massachusetts colony. July and September. house still holds its attraction for Worcester, Mass.; Helen A. Rogers -Mr. A. H. Crosman has been visit- and MRS. K. B. BATCHELOR people who come away from the cities Susie L. Rogers of Leominster, ing his family for a short vacation for a quiet and peaceful rest. Here Queer Things Done by Heinie Mass. at Unquity Villa. He has now re- one may lose himself in the solitude ■itir. itiia ivirs. cnaineia or mcnmonct turned to resume his business at of his own meditations undisturbed. Zimmerman of Cubs. Hill, N. Y., who are at the Robinhood Milton, Mass. He brought with him People who have been here in former Inn, Bailey Island, for their outing, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rodgers also 01 years always return. Such is the case spent Friday last here on the island. Milion, who are enjoying greatly their The of Miss Whittaker, Miss and They were here at the hotel for din- sojourn here with their lriends. Beeches Boyd Left Third Base Unprotected to Carry Miss Curtiss, who have been spending ner and in the afternoon went to the Mss Rita and Miss Marion Gie re- CLIFF ISLAND Bat to Jack Miller—One in their vacations here but who have Play East end of the island to locate some cently opened their cottage Ashmelot now that is departed for their various homes Cardinal Game Shows He Has property owned by a relative. for the rest of the summer. They MRS. C. E. PETTINGILL in Massachusetts. One of the Mr. Chas. A. of Salem, came here from their winter home most Lots of Cunning. Woodbury Proprietor important features of this house is its | Mass., arrived at the hotel Monday in Winchester. Miss Hazel Harper for his home cooking, which is as good if not summer vacation. This is his of Keene, New Hampshire, is their I Beautiful Views of Sea and The recent peculiar incident in a better than that can I third season at the hotel and his tor a short | Shure. Yachting, Bathing and any be found in guest stay here, ■ frame in between the Cardi- the Bay. Chicago I many friends among the guests are Perhaps the earliest arrival of the Fishing. nals and Cubs, when Jack Smith of pleased 10 welcome him back. Mr summer resident at the Massachusetts the Cardinals stole third while Heinie Woodbury is a baritone soloist of are Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Cod- Among the recent sojourners at colony Zimmerman left the base great promise. He is a member of of Mass. Cliff are Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. I unprotected ding Somerville, They the Men's Singing Club of came here in and wit! Fiske, who have been spending their to carry Jack Miller's bat to hiin at Beverly, early April | Mass., an organization that is con- here late in the season. honeymoon at The Ledges, Sunset the plate, has recalled a pood many probably stay sidered one of the musical as house for a shor* Road, the cottage of Mrs. Geo. M. incidents of "bone" in the Great Zim's leading They have guests For Your Summer Home Fiske. societies in the Bay State. vacation Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Doliver MAPLEWARE LUNCH PAPER DRINKING NAPKINS Mr. Fiske is a graduate of but one must not that SETS, CUPS, career, suppose a of E Teth 1914 and holds a Saturday evening party young of NValtham, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. J. PLATES, ICE CREAM DISHES. PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. responsible po- all the queer he in are a sition with Kidder things figures people enjoyed moonlight sail to Beers of Boston, Mass., arrived last Peabody & Co., due to There is nothing better for roofs than mental phases. For instance, Peak's Island, where the for a Mr. and Mrs Boston. Mrs. Fiske nee Marie Eliza- they spent Sunday visit with Zim assisted in a in a be- time enjoying the several amuse- at their Bur-Nett. beth Blood of Wellesley, Mass., also play game Codding cottage GENASCO TRINIDAD LAKE ASPHALT ROOFING tween Cubs and last that ments that are offered on that attrac- Mr. Roberts of Arlington Heights graduated from.Wellesley 1914. They Cards year Write for tive island. those ariives soon to his vacation Samples will occupy the home of Mr. J. P. B. showed lie has a lot of craft in his Among enjoying spend the trip were Miss Persis Mis* at their in Fiske Stadhaugh, in for makeup. Arey, with his family cottage Auburndale, Mabel M. of the summer. After Arey Hopedale, Mass.; the Massachusetts colony. He will Oct. 1st will be The gnme was n affair in C. M. RICE PAPER COMPANY wild, wooly Miss Minnie Sullivan and Miss Alice as Mr. Herbert at home in Mass. bring his guest General Dealers Cambridge, They which seemed to Tolman and Paper are most everything happen other friends. Brown also from Arlington Heights. enthusiastic over Cliff Island 8 TO 16 EXCHANGE STREET and finally Zimmerman came to hat. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Burke with Miss and Miss Ethel Ro- PORTLAND, MAINE especially the lodges and hope they Dorothy lie had been their Mabel E. and Edmund may spend many vacations there. spiked badly and had children, berts recently enteitained for an all of New been out of the game for Burke, Jr., York City, are day Wednesday, .Miss Geraldine Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Higgins and days. here for an indefinite sojourn. The and Miss Hazel Banks both their son Paul and a of He drove a ball far to center and Ix)veitt party friends, i have never been to Casco all family Bay of Cape Elizabeth and Miss Kather- of Worcester, Mass., are among limped to second, then hobbled to prior to this outing, but have as a ine Bixby of Baileys Island. Miss SCOUTING WITH AN AUTO TRUCK those to have come here lately. third. There were two out and two rule spent their summers at Block Dorothy and Miss Ethel Roberts Mr. Murray of the island strikes on the batter. Rres- Island. Thompson Manager were both guests this week of Miss left last for New York nalian The Thursday City. delayed the game. He rushed following guests registered E'ixby at her home on Baileys Is- After a short visit there he will go to third base and ordered Zimmerman during the past week: Elizabeth M. land. to N. Y. Me has been North Woodstock, to get out and let him run. Harrison, Adams; Mary A. i \Ir Piphni'/l Unuron of tlio Miiaca- visiting Mr. Robt. Nealey. Ketchum. North Adams; Helen A. He asked consent chusetts colony has recently been Last week Wednesday at the man- Manager Huggins' Rogers, Leominster, Susie L. to Mass.; visiting friends in Farmington, Me. oeuvers of the Portland Yacht let him run and still keep Zimmer- club Rogers, Leominster, Mass.; Mr. and He is now at the Harvard Summer squadron a merry sailing party of is- man in the game. He made everyone Mrs. Edmund N. Y. Burke, City; Ma- Preparatory School which has a land folk might be seen in Mr. Nor- in the game and most of the spectators bel E. Eurke, New York City; Ed- man I. Black's camp in the lake region of Maine. yacht "Dhila." Those know that he wanted to run for IIeinie. mund Burke, Jr., New York City; of the The many friends of Miss Stella party included Miss Marjorie Then he to Zimmerman Mr. A. E. Davidson, E. Chas. whispered to Orange; Hal" will regret to know that she is Smith, Miss Mary Wright. Mr. Black Woodburv. Mass. steal home on the next ball. Salem, a and Mr. D. Goodwin Searles. pitched confined to the house with light Thrown off the case of the measles. She is now re- Mr. N. I. Black left the island on guard Cardinals paid no attention Mr. and Mrs. C. H. of In- covering and will soon be able to Monday for a short business trip to to the cripple and Zimmer- Thayer dian Orchard. have be out. Boston. He will remain there three man stole home and won the gnme. Mass., opened their summer home on the front Mr. William R0S3 a native of the days, returning next Thursday after- One of the funniest things in which noon. shore. Mr. Thayer was 'obliged to island recently bought the old home Zimmerman has figured occurred in leave the island on account of Mr. James Ross near Sunset There has heen a change in the Monday Brooklyn last year, when he walked off of business affairs but will Mr. James Ross it will 'be mail schedule so that now the mails return Landing. first base, which lie had renched on a later in the season. remembered died last The arrive on the island for four deliver- year. hit, and had Miss Louise Gamhill of house is now Will ies. They arrive at 8 and 11.15 in the nearly reached second be- Boston. i occupied by Air. fore Mrs. A. Gambill of Baltimore and Ross and his morning and at 2.^0 and G.l", in the the paralyzed Superbas awoke family. | her three afternoon. and nipped him. It then appeared that daughters. Miss Eleanor, Miss Marion and Miss Katherine un last Miss Rita and Miss Virginia (xambill Crosby, well known to the summer Wednesday at the Library Zim thought three hands were out, and are aaain on the island. Miss Mary Carve Batehelor served They are people of the East End are again occupvlng as they did last year the being greeted their friends here. tea to the many island people who by Rufus Hamilton house on the North Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Gates and attend these weekly teas of the Li- Jr'hore. They being among the late the recent of Mr. and brary club. The Misses Pennett had family guests arrivals, had many friends al- Mrs. Charles of the West charge of tho tea this week and Miss they E. Wyno ready here who warmly welcomed End are now their on Chapin, their guest, poured. These at camp the them on this their second season on shores of Lake for re- expeditions are sent out from the base teas are one of the unique events of Sebago the Scouting cainp in Mexico for various the island. mainder of the summer. purposes. It be to tlie location the island which make it seem like may pet of foraging bandits In the vicinity of Mr. son of the or to rumors one big family of people living here. Cottage furnishings of all varieties Reginald Ridge, the enmp, verify of the movements of the Mexican troops. It is can lie Mr. John H. of the West End not a Mr. Wm. Black is now with his found at R. S. Davis Co. corner Ridge often that scouting expedition lias the convenience of having an auto Is to family at their cottane on Sunset of Exchange and Federal streets, 6 expected arrive here soon. His truck with it. here are road. He arrived here last Saturday minutes' walk from the wharf.—Adv. many friends planning a Dr. and Mrs. W. P. celebration in honor of his arrival. and will spend his entire vacation of Johnston and ADD CHEHEAOUE two weeks on the island. daughters, Miss Maude Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miss Edna Damererel Wright of and Mis Irene Johnuston have re- Wyne, have had as the week Brooklyn, sister of Miss Mary Wright, cently arrived at their pretty white guests past on their friends Mr. and Mrs. Eliot ANXIOUS arrived here last Monday for a week's cottage Artist's. Point. The MOMENTS Glover of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. visit with thn Misses Smith, who Johnstons have been among the reg- Glover will soon return to their have been entertaining Miss Mary ular summer visitors here for many summer home in Wright for the month of July. seasons and it was with great pleas- Strong, Me., where will remain The engagement of Mr. P. ure that they were again greeted by they for the remaining Perley of the Pitkin and Miss Sylvia Sherman of their many friends whom they have part, season. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Miss Sherman is made during th^ir previous stays here. now visiting for the summer with Miss Maude Richmond is, as anyone (Continued on Page 8) Mr. Pitkin and his mother at their who has seen her act will say, an cottage on the ocean side. Mr. Pit- actress of note and reat promise In Ladies' Hp -t Hats 98c., "Eustls."— kin has opened a vocal studio in the country. Miss Richmond has Adv. Portland for the summer. played in many of the leading thea- ters of the Dr. and Mrs. CI. H. Fulton of Mai- East She is well known Copra Trade Important. den, Mass., left last for their bv Portland people who were much Friday Tim trade in copra, which Ir. tin* home after a delightful week's visit pleased and charmed by her acting dried mont of Is one of the with Mrs. Wm. Itlack. when she played there a little over a coconuts, trnde lines of the world's Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kimball came yenr ago. Important to Portland by auto from Wakefield. «iih. wiiiiam »aix 01 rnuaaeipnia, mnrkets, copra giving forth coco oil, la Mass., Saturday a week ago and have Penn.. vlalting Mra. John Morgan which has mnny uses, Its principal use Af>h for a now opened their cottage on Sunset few daya. Mrs. Walt ac- being In the making of soap hy the Mra. road. Miss Helen Kimball arrived companied by Aah will then go great soap manufacturers of the world. in to the nirchea, where Mra. Anh early the week for the season. Maine, Coco hutter has also come to he an Mrs. Geo. Tarleton of St. will be the gueat of Mra. Watt for n Petersburg, Important article of world commerce, Fla., came here to week or more. fM « Saturday spend nnd much dried coconut meat Is used a few weeks as the guest of Mr. and Recent gueata of Mra. K C. Ood- the JUlf Mrs. Kimball. dard at her cottage near Rnatern throughout world In the confec- Mr. K*ll« I nntr Heinle Zimmerman. Landing are Mra. Henry Maxwell and tionery business. n for two or mor#» daughter Miriam of Maaa. In guest werka of he waa Mllbury, looking for hla clove. In the C. Wilaon Felt Her Loneliness. Mrs. Bird. Mra, K. of WatervlHe, Henry .1. name "I gnnic lie chased n runner Me., and her came suppose you miss your husband Mr*. Irving Cobb and daughter. caught daughter laat Wed- between hnsea to the further for their uaual aummer terribly?" "Indeed I do. You can't Mlaa Velma Cobb of Wakpflfld, Maud., bane, neaday out- which the harried ing. The daughtera of Mra. Imagine how I am with no one are at Cute cottage for the remain- Superba reached In Ood- lonely (Copyright.) Mlaa Annette and Miaa In the der of the summer. safety. dard, Ooddard house to contradict,"—Detroit Alice Goddard Palm arrived here the lat- Free Tress. Beach suit* It fashion's edict for men this summer.—News Item. Sniffln and Messrs. Lester G. Bird- sail and Edgar F. Dunning of New i York have arrived to spend the sum- Bustin's Island mer in the Snow Cottage, which Mr. New and Colon als Sniflin's mother has bought. W. S. Stylish Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Littlefield and I JORDAN & CO. Miss Ethel Littlefield ! of Boston, w th buck'e effects in The Bustin's large Tennis Team has been Mass., are the guests of Mrs. PORTLAND formed Dunning white and black leathers * lO and is ready to give and re- for two weeks. $ «pO ceive from challenges other islands. mi, j. »». Diuisueu in newion, Address all letters to Mr. Donald Mass., spent the week-end with his Hosmer. Groceries-Provisions family at the Lancaster " Miss Cotiage. Alice Teele and the Misses Aliss | Gwendolyn Jones of New York Maud and Eliza Fishing Tackle, Anchors, Oars, 1 Lunt of Somerville, City and Miss Hazel Rower of North Cordage, Mass., and Miss Oiled Martha Bennett of Andover, Mass., are as usual visiting Clothing, Dories, Skiffs $ Maiden, Mass., are occupying Miss Miss Bower at the Patterson's Bunchberry Lodge. cottage, Wambeck, for Mr. and Mrs. James L. Miller and July. Miss Jess Paterson of Mrs. W. S. Nahant, Mass., Gillam, Mrs. Biddle and came down in their motorboat last Master Richmond Gillam of South Friday. Mr. George Gordon of Bev- Manchester, Conn., are spending .the erly, Mass., accompanied them. That summer at the MERRICONEAG HOUSE Grant Cottage. evening Mr. Gordon and Mr. William j Mrs. So. Wells W. Cheney of South Miller left for Bar Harbor to attend Harpswell, Me. Manchester, Conn., and Mr. A. W. the Convention and Exhibition of the ARTHUR B. DICKEY, Mgr. Street of Ormond, Florida, have National Sweet Pea Society. taken the Bibo Cottage for the sum- On Thursday, July 13, Mr. Brain- Ideal Location on Casco Bay. Un- mer. Mr. j ard, Jaynes, Mr. Weller and Mr. obstructed water view on all sides. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harris of Taft conducted a picnic to Great Private Bath Houses. Good Boating Salem, Mass., spent a week with Mr. Chebeague. About twenty-five went. and Fishing. Excellent Table and Mrs. Ser- Jaynes. More were but did vice with going not, saying Shore Dinners a specialty. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Harris it was too spent hot, which was not the Tennis Court. Clock Golf. House two days with Mrs. case as Jaynes. the picnickers found a cool, now open. Booklets. Mr and Mrs. Raymond Tuttle; shady grove near the Hillcrest. They spent a few days at the sat Sprucedale around talking, until lunch time, Cottage. Mrs. Tuttle will return when they ate. Nearby was an ice later and stay through cream August. store, where the younger ele- HOTEL SER Miss Mary O'Sliea and Miss Vera ment invested in GABLES that delicacy, to- 24TH YEAR SAME MANAGEMENT. Merrill of Maiden, a Mass., spent gether with soft drinks and candy. New Fall Foots ie\dy for inspection. Make your se'ec- week with Mrs. SOUTH HARPSWELL, MAINE Humphreys at the Then the older ladies and some of tion early while sizes and widths are You Guppv farm house. Stands on the complete. the younger ones went for a walk, Directly Beautiful Casco save NOW. Bay. money by buying Mr. E. \Y. Tuttle of Somerville, while the others rested and played Excellent boating, fishing: private Mass., spent a few as the games under the trees. days guest Everybody bathing beach and houses: fresh eggs, of who went Mr. Obear, at his cottage. had a thoroughly good time butter, milk and vegetables from the farm Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Luke and all hoped to have every day; fish, clams and lob- and Mrs. another picnic sters or direct from the water; the rooms H. T. Fuller are at similar in the near are Walk-Over Boot again Roderique something fu- large, light and airy, sun Soule's ture. parlor, Shop house for the remainder of the Among those who went were: etc. Booklets sent. Free use of Boats to Guests. 544 summer. Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Jaynes, Mr. and Congress Street L. H. MERROW. ProDrietnr Miss Mary Lunt of Lexington, Mrs. Brainard, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Portland Mass., is visiting Mrs. Norris for a White, Mr. Taft, Miss Gould, Misses few days. Bower and Clarke, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Miss Ruth Adams, the Misses The Best in the Market Galloupe is visiting her Laura, Alice and Quick Delivery Telephone Connection Maud We Supply You With for the mother at the new Galloupe cottage Cunningham, Miss Wellington, Everything Table Under ONE Account for the summer. the Misses Barbara and Carolyn Mrs. R. D. Adams and daughter, Brainard, Anna Wrye, Helen White, FRANK L. PINKHAM Rosanionde of Salem, Mass., are Rosanionde Adams, Edith the Lawson, N. T. spending the summer at the Central Mesrs. Herman Bibo, Frederick South Harpsweil Market WORTHLEY, Jr. Cottage. White, Richard Blaisdell and Alden Dr. Louis Eugster of White. Huyler's Chocolates Just Received Mains's and Washington, Leading Optomstrist Optician D. C., has arived to join his family i nere are not many who visit Bus- Try the Cool Soda at Our Fo ntain tin's that 4T3 1-2 CONGRESS ST., CORNER CENTER ST. at the Chaletalloel, for the remainder miss seeing Mr. William of the summer. Miller's beautiful house and garden. i Opp. Preble Portland. House, Mr. \V. C. Russell arrived Saturday The house is a log cabin (larger than the usual Established 25 years. 16 years at this location at Camp Wliittier. kind, having two floors) Tel. 2174-W. Mr. \Y. F. Soule and Miss with many curios on the inside and All cars stop at our door Emma Your Wants J" ^Telephone Quick Service to Our EYES EXAMINED AND ACCURATELY FITTED. Soule of Auburndale, Mass., and Mr. outside. Outside the house his sta- Customers ble is LENSES GROUND PROMPTLY. MAIL ORDERS RETURNED and Mrs. Geo. Keyes will again be at also built of logs, with a fig- DUNN urehead of on one end | BROTHERS SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. Rockledge. Neptune Mr. and Mrs. Robt. of which was undoubtedly an old ship's | KRYPTOK INVISIBLE LENSES Montgomery & Natiok, Mass., will again spend the figurehead. | Groceries, Provisions General Mdse. TORIC AND THE NEW CROOKES Pir.e Ale and Sodn summer at their bungalow. Mr. Miller has worked for many Spring Ginger by the ca?e for 'a nily tiade 1 LENSES X 'I nis is one of the finest domestic specialty. years perfecting his garden and he bottlings and has a countiy-wide 2 KEELOCK AND SHURON EYE- Miss Florence Brockway of Boston, fj, taticn. r^pu- has done well. He has GLASSES Mass., is visiting Mrs. Newhall at certainly many foreign trees such as Japanese t Market at West all over GOLD FILLED EYEGLASSES, $1 Briarcliff. Harpswell Delivery South Harpswell J maples and French blue-tipped pines. >*4 ♦*♦ »*« »*« ♦*>»♦*♦ and up. Mrs. J. M. Newell is visiting Mrs. »J« 4*4 4JhJ» 4^4 »*4|J» 4*44*4 «|» 4*1 *« lj» •£♦ 4** »J» 4^4 «y»4**4*4 He has also imported bushes and «$• •£• «J» »J» «J« 4* »3* »I« *»* ^**1* *I4^ 1 COLORED GLASSES, 50c and up. Chaloner- for the summer. shrubs, Swiss and Swedish juniper, CONSULTATION FREE. TELE- Mrs. John Jarl of Roslindale, Mass., and Belgian Holly, etc. He PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT AND and Mr. Parker Holden of West Rox- English has varieties of both SAVE TIME. bury, Mass., have returned home af- many cacti, and beautiful. His rambler ter a few weeks' strange A. E. PINhHAIi N We have the finest lens ma- visit with Mrs. * grinding roses which have always excited SO. chinery in Maine and can Chase at the Nautilus. HARPSWELL, ME. guarantee much admiration were scorched in absolute i>n*s »i. i. ©uiun or urooKiine, accuracy. Mr. Lover's fire and will not bloom Mass., is the guest of Miss Ricker and this vear. In his back yard he has Miss Swan for two weeks. ) Horse & Auto Liverv two stumps which have grown together Our Miss E. P. Swan of Dorchester, stables are equipped to handle all the business of this place and in ?. cuiious shape. Bustin's Islanders we are to furnish automobiles Mass., spent a week with Miss Swan prepared and teams with careful drivers at any should always feel very grateful to hour of the or at her cottage. day night. Expressing and moving of all kinds receive prompt KENDALL A WHITNEY Mr. Miller for beautifying their island and careful attention Mrs. Merton Howland of Fieeport, Have all your baggage checked in care of A. E. Pink- DEALERS IN so. His sweet which South SEEDS Me., spent a day with Mrs. Byram. peas especially, ham, Harpswell, Maine. are so have won first, Mr. J. Frank Chase of West Rox- lovely, many Soil, Loam, etc., Grading and Excavating, Cellar Work, Wells, etc. second and third prizes. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FERTILI- bury, Mass., spent a few days with Mr. Newhall wishes to correct a ZERS, POULTRY AND DAIRY his family at the Nautilus. Mr. Chase SUPPLIES, WOODEN WARE, GAL- mistake in the first number that the The Place to Dine. is secretary of the New England VANIZED IRON WARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES, CORDAGE, ETC. fire engine was locked in its shed The Watch and Ward Society. Liberty dining room, 47 Brown Bibber & with tanks. It was Pinkham Mrs. empty out and Also in E. W. French of Sonierville, street, Portland, opened Wednesday specialties SUMMER COMFORTS, such as Ice Cream did good at the fire, to put Boats Mass., is spending the remainder of helping under the Stored, Repaired & Painted Freezers, Refrigerators. Lawn it out. management of Mr. Charles Swings, Croquet Sets, Window Screens the summer at her on the Machinery Overhauled cottage Mr. ha« his D. Dresser. This new and and Screen Doors. Call and see us. new road. Galloupe joined family up-to-date House Psintino in all lis branches at his new on the South side. cafe is an ideal to lunch » Miss Edith French of Sonierville cottage place when Motor Boat For !si le COR. FEDERAL AND He comes from Lexington, Mass. in (he TEMPLE STS., PORTLAND, ME. has arrived to spend a few weeks city. Mr. Eresser, the pro- J South Mr. George Meacham, Mrs. A. F. Harpswell, Maine with Mrs. French. prietor, conducted for Kinsley and Mrs. Homesley Butte of years the Elm- Mrs. H. C. Tong and daughter Bea- wood cafe on Elm Portland. New York are stopping at the Green street, trice of New Haven, are His hosts ot friends in Casco Conn., stop- Lodge for two weeks. Bay will ping at the Silver Cottage for a week bp jdeased to Know of his new loca- Miss Julia MacDonald and Miss or two. tion. AMERICAN DAIRY Jane McCall of Newark, N. J., are as LUNCH Miss Carrie Abbee of Denver, Col- D. J. MacDONALD, Prop. usual at the Midwood, Miss Mac- FALMOUTH orado and Mr. P. B. Gordon of Deca- HOI EL 121 Commercial St., nearly opposite Island Steamers and donald's pretty little bungalow on Filling the Gap. South Portland Ferry tur, Nebraska, spent a few days with PORTLAND, MAINE 180 Middle Street, Maiden Lane. Tradesman has heen nt the nearly opposite Postoffice. Mrs. bean and will return later. (who Milk, cream, etc., fresh from dairy farm Best of for a daily. foods, quickest ser- Mrs. H. E. Brackett has returned telephone quarter of an hour, to vice, reasonable charges. Finest in the European and American Plan equipment East. fro'ii a visit to Portland. Sweet Revenge. his apprentice)—"Here, William, take' Mrs. M. E. Downer. Miss Louise "Why, l didn't think Mrs. Dodde the receiver, as long as my wife is Downer and Mrs. Steele of Lexing- Could afford to have her little girl3 talking to me. You don't need to Most Centrally Located take ton. Mass., are again at the Ben- piano lessons." "She can't, but make any reply; only when she asks. Hotel in Portland Nevis. k»he wants »o get even with the family 'Are you still there, James!' say 'Yes, ADVERTISE IN L. THIS PAPER ! Mrs. E. Dunning, Mr. Harold in the flat nevt to hers." Amelia, dear.'"—Liverpool Globe. J. J. POOLER, Proprietor

-7Z77- -} SMOKE IN NAVAL BATTLES. -*TiAP OF**- Germans May Use Sulphurous Vapors When They Come Out to Attack British CASCO BAY Fleet. Two C.erman torpedo boats ran a British merchantman into Swedish MAINE territorial water recently, and, in order to get it out again, went near and enveloped it in a sulphurous and fuliginous cloud of smoke. It will he remembered that, in the action of the Dogger bank, German torpedo boats in aEfcnericEs the same way cast out clouds of smoko • ATC-An 0O«» OVlO'lO) in order to screen their battle ■■ •utcc bruis- ers from our squadron. It appears *£JR that the Germans have adopted tho defensive device of the cuttlefish. But it seems possible that there is a deeper design in this smoke plan. The Germans believe in their medium batteries, and, if they ever fight a fleet action, would prefer to tight it at moderate or short range, at which their inferiority of gun power would be less detrimental to them. May they not have devised this means of getting in to close quarters, and might it not also assist the approach of submarines? If this be the idea, then it would seem that the lee gago rather than the weather gage will have to be sought in the battles of the future.—London Observer.

MESA VERDE. In southwestern Colorado the largo tract of land now known an the Mesa Verde National park was net aside from the Ute reservation by an act of congress In 1906 on account of the numerous ruins of cliff dwellings which occur In its canons. Thin en- lightened legislation was In re- sponse to the universal recognition that these remains had an education* al Importance. trips about the many islands of Casco blooded, are very valuable and bring ALL NEED CHANGE OF DIET Bay. a high price when sold. Mrs. K. C. Dubach and Miss A. Du- Mr. A. who is in the Percy Strout, Winter Foods Should Not Be Contin- 1 bach, who have been spending the electrical business at I Boston, Mass., ued the Hot New SouthHarpswell summer have to During Days of Perfection Oil Cook here, gone North- is staying at the Haskell cottage with Stoves the Summer. "THE field. Mass., to a church conference. his wife, for two weeks. LEADING OIL STOVE OFTHE WORLD" They expect to return later to stay Mr. T. J. Arnold and his son Irving THE MERRICONEAG. for the rest of the season, as they are have gone to Paterson, N. J., and will Chance of diet Is just ns essential to very fond of Harpswell with its va- return later in the season. As a birth- good health, once the warm weather The of and the walks season at the above house is riety scenery many day gift Mr, Arnold has just present- arrives, as a change of clothes. No now far which may be taken, such as the one ed his son with a one advanced and Manager fine new "Winton would think of in is to Ash Point and that Sto Six" dressing heavy Dickey reporting a larger number through with which Irving plans to take woolens, furs and Safe of vers' Woods. velvets with the Economical guests than recorded at the same many trips. thermometer time last Mr. E. A. The Harpswell Laboratory men Prof, and soaring. Why, then, feed Efficient year. Billiard of Mrs. F. T. Mall of Johns the Aitiaetive went in system during the hot Boston with his family are as usual collecting their boat to Jew- Hopkins University made an enjoy- days with the same sort of spending the entire month of July ell's Island, where they were success- able visit to the Harpswell laboratory heavy food which in makes here. The rest of the year he is say- ful finding many sea urchins and last Friday. up the winter menu? other creatures of the Too ing good things about the Merricon- sea, which Haskell's Island rejoices at the ar- few housewives realize that the eag in they preserve and examine under th;* rival of particular and South Harps- Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Harriman body craves change of diet once the We carry in s'ock ONE to FOUR BURNER well in Another enthusiast microscope. of with chil- warm Stoves. Booklet mailed on general. Haverhill, Mass., their weather sets in. on request is Mrs. Groeback of D. They go John D. Green of Detroit, Mich., Washington, dren. Paul, Katherine and Elinor. As in serving May hot soups, secretary of the Detroit Jewell Stove C., has gone to a private sanitarium visitors the Harriman's have Miss steaming The meats, heavy as CO. Co. This is the sixth consecutive in Portland, due to illness. She had Marion Fishback of D. desserts, just though Emery-Waterhouse Washington, it were the HARDWARE PAINT? OILS just come here for the summer with middle of winter and then VARNISHES season that Mr. Green, his wife and C'., Mr. N. Howe and Miss Geraldine Pearl wonder Cor. and Middle Sts. Four Minutes' Walk from daughter have spent at this place. her two boys, Robert and William, Howe of Lexington, Ky. why their families do not seem Custom House Miss Natalie Green is entertaining and was looking forward to a happy Miss Harriet Robbins of Danville, to relish their food. summer. her friend. Miss Carrie Allen of Al- 111., made a delightful visit at the Begin in May to serve summer N. A. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Abbott of Au- bany, Y. Mr. and Mrs. O camp of Dr. H. V. Neal for a few meals, for warm weather is then here have with Charter of Brookline, Mass., who have burn, Me., arrived their days. and a change of diet is necessary to been guests of the Ocean View for the children. Margaret, Helen and Far- The sad news of his father's death good health. Make the first last re- rington, for a stay of a few weeks. called change Oren six years are settled for the Dr. D. S. Johnson, who has in Hooper Sons Mr. and the appearance of the table. If mainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. G. Sherwin of Wor- been stopping with his family in the who have you have been In the Albert D. Morstadt of Brooklyn, N. Y., cester, Mass., been staying Pyer Stover cottage, to Cromwell habit of using and in cloths use Heating the "Sunset on Hurri- accompanied by their nephew and Cottage'' Conn., the old home of his parents. doilies during the sum- : cane visited Auburn for a mer niece are registered for the next Ridge, day Mr. L. H. Scott left for Worces- season, as they give the appear- where Mr. Sherwin | three weeks. They are also former formerly taught ter, Mass., where business calls him. ance of coolness and summer comfort. I in the Little FREE PHONE SERVICE patrons of the Ocean View which is Edward High school. He will return for a Plumbing shortly long stay. They are, too, a great saving of labor closed for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Robt. Chambers, who is one of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paul and their 3290-3291 during the warm weather season. It Orem of ar- the staff of Cornell University, is ex- Wm. Bengies, Maryland, children, Shepiey and Dorothy, left is no idle task to Call us—your order will re- to his now wash out a big table- rived on Thursday for a ten days' stay pected join wife, stopping after a week end at.their Engineers happy stay cloth ceive at the view once a berry stain mars its personal attention and received a most cordial greeting Bay collage. cottage in the Auburn Colony. STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE from their friends. Mr. Orem at- The Auburn Colony rejoices to wel- pristine beauty, but if a dolly be-: come once more Mr. W. K. comes soiled how tracts attention by his likeness to Dana, Buy Summer Millinery at "Eustis." easy it is to take Ship Stoves. Lanterns and with President Wilson. Mrs. Dana, who will stay in —Adv. this single piece and dip it into the Galley Furnishings The tennis has been out their cottage for a few weeks. FIRELESS court laid j tub. During the berry and fruit sea- COOK STOVES and is the attractive on the A very enjoyable dinner party was point I son, when so many spots are apt to Gasoline Engines and for the with given by Mrs. W. A. McCandless at Water $8.50 to grounds young people appear no matter how careful the (lin- Systems $35.03 theii j the Colony. As guests of the occa- rackets. this were ers, labor-saving scheme should Captain Getchell lias taken out fish sion Mr. Williams, noted poet Cousin's Island and who be given consideration. ing parties nearly every day and good writer, wrote the life of j Some F. & C. B. catches are brought in. Pres. Hayes in two volumes; Mrs. housewives go so far as to NASH CO. Register of Merriconeag House Williams, Mrs. Dahlgren. wife of Dr. substitute the paper doilies for the 384-390 FORE ST. COUCH HAMMOCKS ITlrie Dahlgren, of linen Since July 7. professor biology Miss Lillian Goddard of Roslindale, ones, throwing them away as in Princeton Dr. $5.95 to Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Chartier. Brook- University; Neal, Mass., is stopping at the Barnacle as they become soiled. These come in so $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Car- professor of zoology in Tufts College, the line, Mass.; guest of Mrs. R. Gcddard. many pretty designs and are so inex- ter, Maiden, Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs. Neal. Mrs. J. A. Smith and Mass.; grandchildren pensive that this form of table adorn-1j A. Philbrick, Watertown, Mass.; Miss With the arrival of Charles Wil- of have to Brighton, Mass., arrived nient Is both and liams pretty economical. ! Carrie Allen, Albany, N. Y.; Earl Kimball, 'cellist in the Sym- spend the remainder of the summer SUMMER FURNISHINGS Staples, Turner, Mrs. G. M. phony orchestra in Philadelphia, and at the Me.; Edgecliff. Griffin Co. of Staples, Turner, Me.; Miss Dora Mr. 11. Grebe, a leading Philadelphian Mrs. F. M. Guinans of Roxbury, SPOTS ON VARNISHED TABLE Engraving every description Warren, Lewiston, Me.; Miss Mildred pianist. Harpswell people may feel Mass., is visiting at Braesiue. Warren, Lewiston, Me.; Alvira that whenever the occasion demands, Miss Frances Jamieson of Tufts Blemishes That Housewife Half-Tone and Line Staples, Lewiston, Me.; Dr. N. C. Gil- a concert well worth hearing could College, Medford Hillside, Mass.. will Annoy May Engraving Be Eliminated if Methods bert, Chicago; E. B. Crockett, Port- be given. Miss Emma, Antonia and spend the remainder of July at the Proper Designing and land; Mildred Craig, Portland; Annie Rose Grebe of Winchester, Mass., all Braeside. Are Employed. Illustrating M. Mr. and are Mr. Freeman Gren Stearns, Portland; Mrs. accomplished pianists, spending Andrews of Dorches- Hooper Sons vacation E. J. Lipin, Portland; L. E. Savage, their here, enjoying many ter, Mass., is visiting Mrs. Bissett for i Tho white spots which appear on walks and about the 45 MIDDLE ST. Portland; Anna Silke, Portland; Mr. pleasant trips Harps- week end. tlie top of tho table, due to the acci- Exchange St., Portland, Me. and Mrs. H. E. Luxford. Mr. well. are as Mrs. Geo. Conrad of Boston; They expecting shortly Maiden, Mass., dental application of heat from hot Only a Minute from the and Mrs. A. G. their guests Mr. Carl Grebe of West is the guest of Mrs. Bissett. 1019 Chandler, Brunswick; dishes need not a careful Phone Soldiers* Pa. worry house- Monument Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Morstadt, Brook- Philadelphia, Mr. W. F. Prime, Mr. S. F. Prime , wife long if she will remember that lyn, N. Y.; Evelyn & Paul Eugstrom, The Harpswell Yacht club held its I and Mr. Horace Fobdell were the the Brooklyn, X. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. annual meeting at the boat house guests at the Avalon for the week | original appearance of tho var- Hawley, Barnstead. N. h".: Mr. and with the result that Mr. II. H. Noyfrs end. nish may be restored by simply re- Mrs. J. D. N. of Georgetown, Mass., was re-elected Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Milliken forming its surface. To do this it is Carty, Portsmouth, H.; | WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Carl J. W. T. E. Commodore for the year. A and son Paul of Maiden are to Hawley, Bath, Me.; ensuing the necessary apply some varnish sol- OF new float will be built in order that ] Harris, New Haven, Conn.; F. L. guests of Mrs. Scribner for two ! vent—not varnish remover—and then T. E. yachtsmen may have a chance to weeks at Doyle's Barn. Mr. Milliken Blinn, Brunswick, Me.; Greig, ! allow it to dry. The most easily ob- Providence, R. Herbert haul out their "tenders" for over is deputy in the Maiden Treas- Souvenir Spoons I.; McCallum, City tained solvents are alcohol and am- New York; P. E. Hazelton, New Hav- night. urer's office. j monia. Moisten a Wit of clean cloth Brooches en; Mrs. T. S. Bacon, A pleasant visit over the week end A very, pleasant and successful Stand Schenectady, ! with TeleDhonesleiepnones 5 1858 Night was Mr. and Mrs. barn was the solvent, rub it quickly over N. Y.; Eva M. Wagner, N. Y. Mills, enjoyed by Harry dance given by Mrs. Scrib- Novelties, etc. j Residence 2819 Service N. Y.; Wm. Orem and wife, Balti- Goodyear, with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ner in Doyle's Barn iast Saturday the white spot, then let it dry. Per- Public more; Bernice Nelk, Lewiston, Me.; Packard as host and hostess. evening. About fifty were present. mit the moistened cloth to touch the Automobile 7- Passenger Paekai d Arthur Nelk, Jr.. Lewiston, Me. Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams Kimball All the dances in vogue at present varnish but a few seconds for as soon GEO. T. SPRINGER Touring Car of Everett, Mass., are for a were HOUR, DAY OR WEEK stopping danced and all present had a as the varnish is acted upon the SERVICE ten vi.-dt at -he Haskell by Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, SEA GABLES HOTEL. days' cottage. very enjoyable and long-to-be-re- solvent it will Ij. W. THOMPSON rub off, leaving the Silverware No better Mr. J. P. Thomas, after a short mem bered time. 254 Danfcrth proof could be asked for wood on the table bare.—L. S. Street Portland, IVIe. vacation, has returned to Boston, Mrs. G. W. has Foltz, the reputation which the Sea Gables Phillips returned 515 CONGRESS ST., PORTLAND, .£tand, Cor. Brown and where he is in the architec- j Colorado Agricultural College, Fort Congress Sts. has established than the fact that the engaged to Host on for a few days. Will meet steamers at C.isco Whaif tural business. Mr. Frank Collins, Colo. Bay guests who have been there formerly G. Conrad is visiting his \ on request. Mr. are commencing to come back. A large and Mrs. .lohn R. Webber have family for two weeks at the Bunga- I number of have al- arrived at Downing cottage, where low. Mr. Conrad has re- Beets. permanent guests recently Cooking OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS ready registered and more are ex- they will stay through the month of in- ned troni the West and after his Wash them. Hotel pected. The attractive situation of July. visit here will proceed to New York. Don't scrape them. Temple Miss Carrie Allen of N. Mr. Louis O. Van Doren JOHN A. CLARITY, PROP. Examined the Sea Gables combined with its Albany, Y., of New The skin must be intact. tyes is enjoying a short sojourn here. York and Mr. Lawrence V. 20-22 TEMPLE ME. comfortable quarters and the luchious City D. This is an ST., PORTLAND, 3 Mr. who is with important item. shore dinners which are given Stanley Wheeler, Harris of Winsted, Conn., are to Plan. Glasses Repaired If broken, the flavor and color European We do make it the best hotels in the Chase and Sanborn's in Boston, is spend the remainder of the summer goes. our own and among Rooms 50, To and $1.00 per day. broken grinding duplicate here with his wife for a ten va- at Poll slowly an hour, drain and rub lenses from the pieces. Bay. The recent arrivals are Mr. days' Hackmatack Lodge. Renovated, and cation. off the skins. Newly Papered and Mrs. L. G. Hanson of Portland, Miss Eleanor S. Van Etten of New Painted. SMITH-SOMES CO. Mrs. John A. Sterritt is spending York is at be diced nnd covered with 578 CONGRESS Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Talton of Port- City visitng Hackmatack They may ST., PORTLAND, ME. land. Mrs. E. B. Austin and Leonora her vacation here, coming from Wash- Lodge for two weeks. cream sauce. I). to the beauties ASTOR CAFE Austin of Boston, Phiiy Dunbar of ington, C.. enjoy Mrs. Van Doren would like to sell They're better with the of simple Portland, Mr. Alfred Dunny of Bruns- Harpswell. a small donkey. The price is fifty French dressing. 18 TEMPLE STREET wick, Mr. Jas. S. Smith and Miss Miss Annie after dollars, including a sleigh, wagon, Finest 25 cent dinner in this city. Packard, spendinu Slice them Into it while they are hot Kate Smith of New York M. J. a week in Boston, has returned to harness, etc. CORbES' CAFE City, nnd they're delicious. First-class in K. Estabrook of Brunswick and Mr. Harpswell, where she will spend the Mrs. Josephus Rogers, Miss Helen Every Particular You know the three or Private Rooms T. G. Estabrook of Brunswick, Mr. rest of Hie summer motoring and Rogers and the Masters Sherwood proportion, Dining four times 565 1-2—667 1-2 and Mrs. A. G. Wales of St. Johns- sailing in her yacht, the "Iris." and Donald Rogers, and Mrs. Perci- as much oil as vinegar and Congress St. bury, Vt.; Mr. Adolph Krungle of Mrs. val Rogers are spending a week at pepper and salt to taste. COMMONWEALTH HOTEL PORTLAND, MAINE Margueritta Brewer, daughter the Boston, Mass.; Mrs. C. H. Rhode of of Mrs^. V. K. is Sqeezin cottage. (Incorporated) McCandless, expect- Mrs. Boston, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ed Fred Chandler, Mrs. Roland a at the McCandless cottage in the Making Mattress Pad. Opp State House BOSTON, MASS. Established 1S92 Estabrook of Brunswick and Mr. and Chandler, Mrs. Teague, Miss Sarah AUCTIONEERS colony for a few weeks vacation. Make a cover of Messrs. and John cheesecloth, meas- W. P. Mrs. B. F. Geld of Boston. The Misses and Frances Chandler, Philip DRESSER & SONS May Chandler, and the Misses uring it a quarter of a yard all around Steams of Frankford, Marion, Philadelphia, than the mattress. REAL ESTATE Steps were taken in Npw York on are Margaret, Mildred and Evelyn Chand- larger Then spread spending a short vacation here. 80 EXCHANGE ST., ler of New made it on the it thick PORTLAND, ME. July lfith to establish a complete unit The Harpswell boat took Gloucester, Me., up mattress, padding Telephone connection. laboratory a week's house at the Chandler with of aerial coast patrol suggested by a few of the professors and their party cotton, just the size of the mat- Special attention given to Farms. Tim- ber Lands and Seashore Rear-Admiral R. E. ami wives on a cottage. tress. Tie it and leave a of a Property. Prop- Peary others, very enjoyable and profit- quarter erty nought. Sold and as one the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marston of Appraised. Loans of most essential under- able trip. They landed first on Rag- yard around without any cotton In to on Mortgages. in a na- Woodfords spent Sunday with Mrs. takings perfecting system of ged Island, where sea specimens were tuck in around the mattress. This tional defence. Since Rear Admiral and stowed Gurney. collected, away for future does away with any clumsiness and has offered the use the Rev. Tut tie and family of Wood- Peary by gov- use. Dinner was cooked in the open, does not fords, Me., have arrived at their cot- pull awny from the edge. ernment of Flag Island, which is only after which a beautiful sail up Quo- Offers rooms with hot and cold tage on the West side. Rev. Tuttle water for and New and a short distance from Harpswell, Iiog Bay was enjoyed and all return- $1.00 up. which in- Old Books is of the Woodford's cludes free use of shower baths. AT there is great interest locally in the ed in the best of spirits. pastor Congrega- Cabbage Slaw. BARGAIN PRICES tional church. Nothing to Equal This In New establishment of a station on it. All Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Spencer o" Lew- Tnke n head of cabbage and slice Visitors Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barton of England are looking forward to the date wheO isfon are their with very thin. Wash and | occupying cottage put in kettle ■Rooms with private baths for will be about over Waterville, Me., are the guests of aeroplanes flitting their children, Patrick. Elizabeth and with .hist water to $1.50 per day up: suites of two HUSTON'S, 92 Portland Mrs. for two enough cover. Sim- Exchange St., the bay and some even hope that and Gurney weeks. rooms and liath for $1.00 Dorothy, expect to stay for the mer slowly until then drain per day ner be a Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gibb and family tender, and up. chance, they may given trip remainder of the summer. and add of are enough milk to cover and Room in one. Mrs. L. Lawson of Portland is stop- Dedham, Mass., occupying Dining and Cafe First- HOTEL summer. some salt and to Class. Plan. BRUNSWICK Mr. Irving n. Tied man of at Birch wood during the pepper taste. If you European Brooklyn, ping the Ridou cottage for the G. V. SEEMAYER, Prop. Miss Delia J. of have some from a ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. N. Y., has arrived for a ten-day visit season. Dodge Maplewood, gravy roast, add, Hot and Cold Water in Stone Every Room with Mr. Nelson who Mass., is spending three weeks with but if not add a floors, nothing wood but Oildersleeve, a pieasant visit Mr. A. P. Brad- good-sized piece of the Private Paths iiy Mrs. Duran at the Will-Octa doors. has a cottage on Hurricane Ridge. ford of en- cottage. butter. Serve hot. European Plan ?1 day up, with bath, $1.50. Poston, Mass., Is being very with its own Equipped Sanitary Cafe connected Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Teange and joyed at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Vacuum Cleaning Plant. of Ladies' Trimmed Hats 98c., "Eus- Comblnat on Meals 25c, 35c, 50c Mrs. Pickering Lewiston. Me., have Everett G. Sherwin of How to a Worcester, t Cook Asparagus. Strictly Temperance Hotel. Special Chicken Dinner 50c arrived and will occupy their beauti- Mass. is."—Adv. every day Out off the touph stalks, wash SEND FOR HOOK LET. 21-23 Preble St., Portland, Maine ful cottage on Hurricane Ridge for a the After very happy stay. Mr. and tender STORER F. CRAFTS. General Mgr. the the summer. parts nnd tie in bunches rest of Mrs. Williams of Princton. N. J., have Nature's Plan. again; in a WM. H. ROHR A new bovs' camp has been started returned home with a im- place saucepan and cover with lingering Nature. 1h? meditative mnn of the at Harpswell with seven boys already- pression of Harpswell. | boiling water. It will take from 20 to Marine world fnpins to say, has no necessary Eagle Engines enrolled. The head is Edgar P. Paul- Nathaniel who has been 80 minutes to cook it. Ten Jones, stop- minutes STANLEY MARINE MOTORS son of West Point, where Mr. Paul- contact with pnin, nnd yet willingly ping with his parents in their cot- before taking It tip ndd a tenspoonful son Is of the children's assumes Hit' The /VNDERSO\^ Perfox Waterproof Ignition, supplies, re- principal tage on Haskell's Island, has gone to burden. groat phy- of salt for each bunch. When done ENGRAVING CO. pairing. overhauling. Oasolene for sale. school at the United States Military a at sician's answer seems to be: military camp Long Island, "Stay serve on toast with Photo- Engravers 14 COMMERCIAL As counsellors are butter sauce, or WHARF PORTLAND Academy. Philip where he will train to he when- your wonder; it is tld.s very pain, tills ITluVrntor*. ready Just spread with butter. De*ignnrv Telephone S. Fox of Portland, a graduate of ever the "call" comes. of plain r'-Zm T0*C5 apparent Inconsistency nature, that w rem Ait Eowdoin, and Edward I>. Damknurer Mrs. I. F. Sullivan has arrived, to brings out man's supremest a senior a; qualities 85 MftrKat, IDEAL. of Santa Cruz. Cal., the he a guest of Mrs. Alhee in her mag- 8towaway Chests. Qtroot*, LUNCH of virtue and knowledge, making him ^PORTLAND^ Springfield Y. M. c. a. college. The nificent new on Hurricnne The upholstered rhest la B. Duniec, Prop. cottage a veritable stowawny which Is called | god." a camp, Camp Caseo, Hidge. Mrs. Sullivan expects to stay becoming regular piece of bedroom 118 CENTRE ST., PORTLAND will be limited to thirty boys. They for ten or days more. furniture, nnd the newest have tall Meals a-la-carte and will at Harpswell for the rest of THE Combination stay Mrs. E. P. Pendlebury and her end pieces that the UBERTY Chintz Covers for Books. give cliest a settle 47 Breakfasts. July and during August will go to the daughter and well known BROWN STREET. Jean, long effect. To hnve a Dinners and White Mountains and return the lat- During the summer months, when fnhrlc that matches Regular Suppers, 25 visitors nt Harpswell, have arrived | Portland, Maine. rents. books are be or hnnaonlzes with the other ter part of the month. from their home at Pa. liable to read out of furniture Charles D. Frankford, j In Dresser, Prop. Dr. Irving uaiiuns, a ooe- As doors In arbor or the room 1* essential In the cover- leaning guests they have Miss Frances hammock, and per- Homo like dining room where ev- Mann.. Is lag. tor of Springfield, spending Walton, who is also from Frankford. haps left there, It Is well to make gay erything served i« cooked on the the summer here with his vlfr at the HENRY LEVIN Mr. F. Walton, a leading soap and •Ittie chintz covers to slip on them. premie*. Buropean Plan. launch of Mr. Calkina' father anrl cottage oil manufacturer of Philadelphia, Is Pliose can be Here's a Trick. Moomn in connection. Is situated hastily caught together mother, which Just nhovr expected with his as Rah n shortly wife, with feather-stitching In a contrasting little hntter unrler the edge Merchant Tailor the Ocean View. Although I)r. Cal- guests of the Pendlebury's. -hade and will to of the spont. of the cream 92 Me. ha<» come here for a short time add the appearance pitcher; It Exohang* St., Portland, Wns The people of Harnswell rejoice at Had Learned this la the >f iho book as well as servo to \vll? prevent a drop of eroam from Something. during the summer, first the arrival of Mrs. Abble A. Brackett pro- Cleansing, ft a the tect It. running down over the Business Mnn (to for Pressing Repairing Specialty year he will upend all season here and Miss Hazel M. Bracket! of Bos- pitcher. nppllcnnt Job) Calkins —"Ilnve ii and he and Mrs. are welcom- ton, Mass., with Mrs. Geo. Malett you colloRo dlplomn?" Ap- with that will ed heartily hopes they also of Boston, as guest In their cot- Superdevoted. Lemon Juice In 8alad* pllcnnt—"No, sir; hut I hnve sovcrnl future summer* here. !>r. Cal for For all salnds stork crrtlflentes tlint spend tage two weeks. flho (romantlcRlly)—Would you risk containing fruits or mining might has a fine motor-boat called the ho Vlns A litter of eleven full-blooded life for sake? flsh, lemon Juice Is much to be offered In evidence thnt I hnve been which he has your my ptu- "Yewada" with already Scotch collies was horn at the Alhee ferred to the school of Ho (ardently)—I'd beard a Hon In vinegar. through experience."— We his friends many delightful cottage. These Again Say given dogs, being full- hi* den with a safctv razor! Puck. CASCO BAY AND HARPSWELL island so LINES. well that they have come YORK & JACKSON CO. here for several years. Time Table Effective 2, 1916. July Mrs. Harry Cook and WEEK DAYS her daughter Homes Furnished and Mr. From Portland (custom House Wharf) I Complete son-in-law, and Mrs. Sargent To (Forest Eaton, who in City Landing)— BUNGALOW OR CAMP SUPPLIES previous years have 5.45, 6.45. 7.45, 8.45, 10.30 u. 111.. 12.15, spent their summers 1.00, 2.15, 4.15, here, were the 5.15, G.15, 7.30, 8.15, 9.30 guests on p. in. 232 MIDDLE STREET. Look (or the Red Sign Wednesday of Mrs. Haw- To Cushlng Island—6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 10.30 kins. They returned a. Thursday to m.. 12.15. 2.15, 5.15, 6.15, 8.15 p. m. their new summer To Little and Great home on Great; Diamond Islands, Diamond Island. Trefethen and Evergreen Landings Mr. Eaton and Mr. Allan \ To Ponce and 609 Portland and will spend Doughty Landings (Long Congress St., Portland, Me. Breakfast after 8. their winter Island)—7.00, 10.00 a. there. 8.00, m.. 12.15, (2 doors east Public Library). Luncheon 11 to 3. For Hot 2.00. 4.15. 5.15. 6.15, a7.30 p. ni. Mr. J. T. Hollis Afternoon Tea until 7 m. and and Days To Cleaves p. family Mr.! Landing (Long Island)—8.00 and a. Mrs. E. E. now jj m., have 2.00, 5.15, 6.15 p. in. TEL. 3484 BOOMS SINGLE AND EN Walsh, re-! To Little SUITE turned to Chebeague—8.00 a. m., 2.00, their homes in Belmont. I For 5.15 p. m. Mas3. Cold They enjoyed i To Western Landing (Great immensely their Days —10.15 Chebeague) stay at near a. ni., 1.3), 6.15 p. m. Tarrymore the East To End Cliff Island, Central Landing (Great where they remained for a little j Chebeague) South Harpswell, Bailey over a month. Island and Orrs 10.15 a. Our store I• Island—7.00, DOW &* PINKHAM Mr. and Mrs. is stocked in.. James with 1.30, 5.15 p. ni. McQuarrie and up-to-date To Sunset and Eastern Landings (Great family, all of Portland, have returned Chebeague). Cousin, Llttlejohn and to their home there. Bustln Fire Insurance to summer • Islands, Mere Point, Birch Miss Julia goods equip your home Island and 35 Stenhouse and Miss Bet- for Harpswell Centre—8.15 a. Exchange St. Portland, Mo. m., 5.15 p. ni. ty Ingle, her for the Dwellings, Cottages, Hotels and Seaside H. N. guest summer, Property. PINKHAM have both all sorts of RETURN (Week Days) insured in the H. W. returned to Holiday weather To Portland leading companies. SUSSKRAUT, F. C. HUSSEY House, i the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. From Peaks Island (Forest Land- City Stenhouse. have been ing)—6.15, 7.20. 8.15, 'J.15. 11.00 a. They visiting in.. Mrs. Pattee in 12.35. 1.20, 2.35, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.50, Castine, Me. and have FIVE 8.35, 10.15 m. FLOORS RIGHT p. greatly enjoyed their stay from j GOODS RIGHT From Cushing away PRICES \ Island—7.00, 8.00, 9.00, •j 10.45 > the island. a. m.. 12.45, 2.45, 5.45, 6.45, 8.45 NOVELTY RUG p. m. COMPANY mi. Harry L. Robinson lias been From Little 25 Diamond Island—6.20, 7.20. Lancaster St. Portland, Me. spending his two weeks' vacation with 8.20. 9.50, 11.25 a. m„ 1.40, 3.45, 5.40. RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS his wife at their 7.00 p. m. cottage near Eastern From We have the for the or Call see He —0.15. 7.15, just Rug Cottage Bungalow. and our Landing. returned in the early 8.15, 9.45, 11.20 a. different Our will of the T. m., 1.35, 3.40. styles. prices please you. Reference Portland Nat. part week to F. 5.35, Worcester, Mass., Foss 6.55 ill. & p. Bank. where Sons! he will resume From Trefethen (Peaks his business. Landing Island) Mr. Robnison House —6.10. 7.10, 8.10, 9.40, 11.15 a. m., 1.30. and wife have been on Complete Furnishers 3.35. 5.30, 6.50 p. ill. the island for ;j From many summers and have Evergreen Landing (Peaks Island) a great many friends among the mem- —6.05. 7.05, 8.05, 9.35; 11.10 a. in., 1.25, bers of the East End and Preble 3.30, 5.25, 6.45 p. ill. colony. Congress Sts., Portland 5 From Ponce Landing (Long Island)—5.55, THE THOS. LAUGHLIN CO. Mr. Bicknell Hall, due to 6.55, 7.55, 9.25. 11.00 a. changes ■ m., 1.15, 3.45. at the "fr *t' ■!■ * * >t ti.AAa,,* t 5.15, 6.35 p. in. Central Landing wharf, was Prom Doughty Landing (Long Island) — Motor Boat and Yacht recently placed there to straighten out 5.45. 6.45, 7.45, 10.50 a. Supplies 9.15, in., 1.05. the affairs of the Casco 3.15, 5.05, 6.25 p. ni. Bay and From Cleaves Landing (Long Island)— M arine Hardware Harpswell lines. Mr. Hall last year 5.40, 6.35, 7.35. 9.00 a. ill.. 3.00, 6.10 p. ill. was the freight at From agent Central | Richards, Exeter, N. H.; Mrs. J. B. Little Chebeague—6.30, 7.30, 9.05 Landing, but this HILL GREST а. year is purser on Newcomb, m., 3.05, 6.15 p. ni. PUBLIC LANDING 184-186 Boston; Dorothy Folson, From COMMERCIAL ST. the steamer Miss A. Cliff Island—7.15, 10.45 a. ill., 3.20, Maquoit. The manage- Boston; Deniutn, X. Y.; Miss 5.00 ni. ment p. of the boat, line have now re- SEVENTY GUESTS C. Demuth, N. Y.; Frank W. From Western ARE REGIS-' Demuth, Landing (Great Che- placed him as purser on the N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John beague)—5 20, 10.30 a. 3.05 ni. Maquoit. TERED AT in., p. Miss THIS HOTEL. Hannan, From Central Landing (Great Che- Tents For Sale and To Let Emily Chamberlain of Spring- Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Or- 10.20 a. beague)—6.55, ill., 2.55, 4.40 field, Mass., is visiting Miss Hart- rok, Nutley, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. F. p. ni. Dancing and Sailing Parties Give From Lester Harris for two weeks. She l Keyser, Miss South Harpswell—6.30. 9.55 a. Pleasure to Philadelphia, Pa.; M. F. m., SULKOWITCH HARDWARE & PAINT CO. will leave for Guests. 2.30, 4.15 p. m. her home In Spring-1 O'Donnell, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss L». From — field Bailey Island (York Landings 377 FORE STREET soon. Miss Chamberlain was a j Signumd, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss A. б.15, 9.40 a. ill.. 2.15. 4.00 m. This popular and ideal p. classmate of Miss Harris when hotel has O'Donnell. Miss From Orrs Island—6.00, 9.30 a. they i over Philadelphia, Pa.; A. ill., 2.00. Between and Market Sts. Near Island were seventy guests within its 3.45 p. m. Exchange Steamers in Smith college. They both' hospit- j Murray, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss M. A. From able doors and each Sunset Landing (Great Chebeague) belonging to the class of 1313. day bring added O'Donnell, Philadelphia, Pa.; R. E. —6.55 a. m., 12.10 noon. numbers. Many of the guests of last Dolan From Workmen's Mrs. William Allen Harris arrived I^ang, C. Strand, Maiden, Cousin Island—6.40. 11.55 a. m. JP Compensation week are here for Mass.; • at Noddle to their first visit and Elizabeth B. From Littlejohn Island—6.35. 11.50 a. ni. L. JvJiNlLiiJ & LU. Fire and Marine Insurance Head join her at ! Schocke, N. Y.; Harriett family the ideal weather that From Eastern Landinq (Great Che- <»itiuiuillliimii!ll(lllllliui!!::illliiillliuiilii:iiiuiitllili 41 their summer residence here. Mrs. prevailed gave M. Trimble, Exchange St., Portland, Me. j them an Worcester, Mass.; Miss beague—6.20. 11.35 p. ni. Harris has been opportunity to see the island A. M. From in Springfield up to Archibald, Worcester, Bustin Island—6.00. 11.15 a. ill. in all its and Mass.; From Mere and Seashore a the present but is now on the glory splendor. Many Cort R. Hincken, Point—5.35. 10.50 a. m. Dwellings, Hotels, Cottages Property time, of this Eoston, Mass.; Miss From Birch for year's tourists are from Phila- Edith A. Island—r>.30. 10.45 a. in. Losses island the remainder of the sum- Stevens, Cambridge, Mass.; From Harpswell Specialty. Promptly Adjusted. delphia and New York Centre—5.15, 10.30 a. ni. mer. Mr. William Allen Harris, Jr., City and sev- Mrs. Dudley J. Fagan, N. Y.; Miss SUNDAYS. will eral have been in their From Portland spend part of his summer vaca- outspoken Gladys C. Fagan, N. Y.; J. C. Des- praises of the To Peaks — tion on bay and of this Island (Forest City Landing) a naval cruise prepared by ideal sauer, N. Y.; J. L. Katz. N. Y.; J. 7.nn, 8.00. 9.00. 10.30 a. ni.. island in particular. The 12.20. 1.15. the government along the same lines dancing Block, N. Y.; Jennie S. Gordon, North 2.00. 3.00. 4.00. 4.45. 5.45. 7.00. 8.00 p. ill. parties conducted the To GEORGE E. LEONARD as the camp at by management Grafton; Maria E. Cushin-j Island—9.00, 10.30 a. ni., Plattsburg. This on Gordon, North door to Tuesday and 12.20. 3.00. 4.45. 7.00 n. ni. (Next Postoffice) GREAT CHEBEAGUE, MAINE cruise begins in the middle of August Friday evenings are Grafton; I.ottie E. Munro, Worcester; To Little and Great a success Diamond Islands, Our stock of Groceries, Meats and Provisions is the best obtainable and we aim and extends for a month. proving delightful and the R. E. Lange, N. Y. Trefethen and Mr. Harris, j Evergreen Landlnas to supply you with the best. Ice Cream or measure. music of the trio is of (Peaks j by plate Jr., will either leave Portland or Bos- Kearney the Mr. Wolter C. Rogers, Island)—7.00. 8.00. 9.30. 10.30 We solicit your and assure of courteous treatment supervisor a. patronage you and prompt ton on highest order. These three of in.. 12.20, 1.15, 2.30, 3.30, 5.00, 6.00, delivery of orders. Aug. 15th. young music in the public schools of Os- a7.30 p. ni. musicians give music and Miss Louise Gambill of delightful sining. New York, and well known in To Ponce Landing (Long Island)—7.00, Boston, Mrs. all the are | guests much pleased with musical circles arrived 8.00. 9 30, 10.30 a. in.. 12.20, 1.15, 2.30. A. Gambill and daughters Eleanor at the hotel j these social affairs. At the dinner 3.30. 5.00. 6.00. a7.30 o. m. and Rita Gambill, all of 1 Monday evening for an indefinite To Douihty Landing (Long Island)—8.00. DEAN BROTHERS Baltimore, and supper hour the trio a select have returned to the Rufus give outing. Mr. Rogers' many friends 9.30. 10.30 a. m.. 12.20, 2.30, 3.30 Hamilton program and 1.15, request numbers are here are glad to have 5.00. 6.00, a7.30 p. ni. house for their stay of the summer's him among To Cleaves gladly given. The moonlight even- them once Landing (Long Island)—9.30 duration. This is their second season again. For many seasons a. in., 1.15. rn. ings of last week offered 3.30, 5.00 p. The Monument Shoe Dealers on but an oppor- he had charge of the social functions To Little a. Square Chebeague already they have for Chebeague—9.30 m.. 1.15. tunity and friends sailing motor parties. at this hotel and events 3.30 p. m. in and Shoes at Prices many among the neighboring Several many happy Tn r.liff lolanrl = r> Evarythinz Sport Outing Right delightful affairs were can be cottagers of their on the enjoy- remembered by those who colony ed by the and Landings (Great Chebeague) South North Shore. guests Friday evening were fortunate enough to be at tho and after the Harpswell, Bailey Orrs Islands— dance a large party enjoyed hotel that time. 10.00 a. a5.30 m. Chebeague is not behind New Jer- during m., p. WILLIAM SENTER & COMPANY a sail for about two hours. To Sunset and Eastern Landings (Great sey with its man-eating sharks. We ! Friday Chebeague). Cousin, and morning early before breakfast a Littlejohn have wild cats on the so the Bustin Islands. Mere Point, Birch island, of from is j party gentlemen the hotel Island and Harpswell Centre—10.00 a. report being circulated. According ...JEWELERS... ; started away on a fishing trip to EAGLE ISLAND m., a5.15 p. m. to rumor he was last seen near the RBTURN 51 EXCHANGE STREET, POR1LAND. MAINE Half Way Rock. While enroute to (Sundays). home of Mr. Hamilton Admiral To Portland Ephram by their and Mrs. Robert E. Peary Souvenir Views of Portland & Mr. destination breakfast was enjoy- From Peaks Island 'Forest Citv Land- Charts, Compasses, Spoons, Vicinity Hamilton himself. Several oth- and family are at Island for ed and when the fishing grounds were Eagle ing)—8.25, 9.30. 10.50 a. rn.. 12.35. 1.35, er people state that have seen l the they reached all were summer, though their arrival was 2.20, 3.20. 4.30. 5 20. 6.20. 7.30. 8.30 p. m. an ready to try for the From Orrs Island—7.00 a. m., 3.00 p. m. exceptionally large yellow cat with much later than usual on From Cushini Island—0.15. 11.00 a. m.. coveted honor of the account of From Sunset Landing (Great Chebeague) a flat head securing largest 12.45. 9.30. 5.00. 7.15 p. m. and pointed ears. Last the Admiral's intense interest in the —8.40 a. ni.. 4.15 ni. fish. This honor is the chief aim From —8.15, 9.35. p. fall a wild cat of this From Cousin Island—S.30 a. m., 4.05 p. ni. description of all Preparedness movement as relating 11.15, 11.55 a. m., 1.45, 3.00, 4.00, 5.15. was participants. Mr. Henry B. Let- From Littlejohn Island—S.25 a. m., 4.00 seen on Island to the and 7.35 p. m. Littlejohns by sen, was Navy to the proposed aero 6.40, p. ni. Quincy, Mass., the success- From Great Diamond Island—8.10, 9.30. people living there. It is supposed squadrons. The that From Eastern Landing (Great Che- ful member of the party in this oc- suggestion 11.10, 11.50 a. m., 1.40, 2.55. 3.55, 5.10, that the animal crossed over to Che- Island beague)—8.10 a. m., 3.45 p. ni. casion and his Eagle be chosen as one of the 6.35, 7.30 p. m. on largest fish tipped From Bustin Island—7.55 a. m., 3.25 p. m. beague the ice which freezes over bases as offered Admiral From Trefethen Landing (Peaks Island) j about nine pounds. About 56 fish aeroplane by From Mere Point—7.35 h. ni., 3.05 p. m. in the for —8.05. 9.25, 11.05. 11.45 a. in.. 1.35. 2.50, sufficiently winter a horse were Peary seems to meet with considera- I From Birch Island—7.3u a. m., 3.00 p. ni. Continued from secured in all and these were 3.50, 5.05. 6.30. 7.25 p. m. page 5 and wagon to travel on. The rumor ble From Centre—7.15 a. m.f 2.45 taken to the approval and Casco Bay would From (Peaks Island) Harpswell j kitchen and prepared Evergreen Landing p. m. also says that this cat was seen in the tlistinction —8.00. 9.20, 11.00. 11.40 a. m.. 1.30, 2.45, for the meal. those certainly appreciate Additional Trip—Saturdays Only—10.00 the woods near the evening Among 3.45, 5.00, 6.25, 7.20 n. m. Miss Massachusetts on of sheltering this important station. A p. m. From Portland to Little anil Emily Mansfieid and Miss ] this trip were Jos. J. Heywood, From Ponce (Long Island)—7.50, in the of this sea- I better Landing Great Diamond Islands, Trefethen and Elisa Mansfield, both of colony early part Duncan strategic spot would be hard to 9.10, 10.50, 11.30 a. m„ 1.20, 2.35, 3.35, Worcester, son. Attleboro, Mass.; Barnes, N. Evergreen Landings (Peaks Island) are find indeed. 4.50. 6.15. 7.10 p. ni. Mass., at the home of Y.; A. L. N. Robt. L. and Ponce Landings (Long Island). Re- visiting Trie Suburban club Bangert. Y.; From Douihty Landing (Long Island)— Mrs. Addison of Woodfords turn—Leave Ponce Landing. 10.40 p. Hamilton. They are Roy, Bloomfield, N. J.; J. H. Eaton, 9.01, 10.40, 11.20 a. m., 1.10, 2.25, 3.25, was delightfully entertained last week m.. Evergreen Landing, 10.45 m., here for a two weeks' visit and will D. the scarcity of meat 7.00 m. p. Washington, C.; F. Keyser, Phila- Remembering 4.40, 6.05, p. 10.50 Great by Mrs. Nellie Hill at her home here, — Trefethen Landing, p. m.t then return From Cleaves Landing (Long Island) to their home in Massa- j delphia, Pa., and Mr. B. Let- there, the peace dove is wary about Diamond Island, 10.55 p. m., Little The club came here for an all Henry 8.35. 10.25 a. m.. 2.10. 4.35. 6.00 p. m. chusetts. both day Diamond Island, 11.00 p. m. They have previous- son, Quincy, Mass. visiting Europe. From Little Chebeague—8.30, 10.30 a. m., session and was much with ly visted here on the island ana are pleased Mr. Frank of 2.15, 4.30 m. the Demuth, purser the p. References. as much in entertainment of their hostess. From Cliff Island—8.15 a. m.. 4.25 p. m. iove with it now as steamer "North Star" of the Eastern they Among those were From Western Landina (Great Che- a Stops on notice to Purser to land ever were. present Mrs. W. RED DRAGON GIFT AND A. Steamship Co.. in company with his SHOP beague)—8.05 a. in., 4.10 p. m. passengers only. x Express, Schedule Rev. Allen, Mrs. J. Boyman, Mrs. J. notice. Joseph Remick, minister of the I sisters. Misses A. and C. Demuth, are TEA ROOM From Central Landinq (Great Che- subject to change without Wright, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. E. Stu- beague)—7.55 a. m., 4.00 m. Unavoidable delays excepted and sub- Methodist Episcopal church here will here at the hotel for their summer GREAT CHE/BE p. art, Mrs. W. R. Read, Mrs. T. L. AGUE, ME. From South a. m., 9.30 ject to change without notice. now hold two services in vacation. Harpswell—7.30 the evening Gifts to please all. Open day anil p. m. Brewster, Mrs. R. Small. Mrs. A. Rob- B. Pres. He will hold a service at G.00 m. at ] mr. ana Mrs. r. or pmia- evening. Lunches, Ice-cream. Box can- Brom Bailev Island (York Landing—7.15 E. WINSLOW, p. Mrs. Clara iveyser the church inson, Beal, Mrs. J. E. dles, etc. Special parties can be ac- a. 3.15 m. C. W. T. GODING, Gen. Mgr. for those on the western delphia, registered 11 for a m., p. l>oud and Pa., July commodated on order. end of children, Jerrold and Doris, the island who wish to attend. two weeks' vacation. This is their Frank L. all of Woodfords, and the hostess, Pettingell, Prop. At 8.00 p. m. another service will be first vacation in the lower part of Miss Ethel Fog?, Mgr. Mrs. Nellie Hill. All enjoyed so very held at the Hill Crest Hotel for the the bay, but they have spent some much the good time here that it was residents of that end of the Eastern time at Peak's Island. with great reluctance that de- end of the island. they Miss A. M. Archibald and sister. parted for their different homes on Mr. Robert Miss Ethel M. Archibald of Everett, Gertrude Albion of the East End the afternoon boat to the city. Walker-Crowley has Mass., registered Sunday, July 16, for signified his intention to join the I Miss May Crowder or Norfolk, Va., naval an indefinite outing. Soprano Soloist and cruise which is run by the Gov- Is her Mrs. W. visiting sister, O. Day, — ernment on Among the recent arrivals are: the same basis as the at her near Central Vocal Teacher j cottage Landing, j Ella M. Plattsbnrg camp in New York. He Sullivan. N. Y.; Mr. and The Red Dragon Gift Shop and Tea Mrs. B. J. N. E. H. Eastern leaves Portland on the Vir- Whittemore, Y.; Landing, Great Chebeague battleship Room is proving a most popular ginia for a cruise of a month in place length. with the summer tourists. Simmons Mr. William Allen is to be Harris, Jr., and Hammond's delicious ice cream is another man from to Chebeague Join served here. Plan to visit this at- this cruise. tractive shop while on the island. Contractor Howard S. the THE ADAM Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Roland B. French of STYLE well known carpenter has a crew of Wakefield, Mass., are occupying the workmen several contracts finishing Fendessen cottage on the front shore. here on the island. Mr. Hamilton has The family were here last season and a large amount of work under con- purchased from Messrs. Fred G. Ham- struction In Portland and vicinity, yet ilton and Henry W. Bowen about four he is personally all and Shoes superintending acres on the shore front. It Is the in- his contracts hero on the island. His tention of Mr. French to build a fine Caps present plans are to at spend least bungalow. The family will remain For at two or three days of ea»?h week here. Bathers, Hay's until late in the season. Mr. Hamilton has huilt MEDIUM-PRICED many of the Mrs. Peter N. Popoff, accomnanied ATTRACTIVE, GOODS fij»p summer homes here. by her daughters, the Misses Claudia Right from the factory, new and serviceable. Mr. Harry Oliver left the Island The and Olga and her sister, Miss Natnlia supply Ik short this season, better buy yours now If have Monday'for a short trln to the WMto you Mltropolsky, has taken the Hfll home- not already. Mountain* with his Wil- friend, Mr. stead for two weeks. Mrs. Popoff is liam O. Alden of Portland. DIVERS' CAPS, Red, Rlack or Green 29c the wife of Rev. Peter N. Popoff of Pin In Powen's souvenir shon at the East Caps—Red, Green, Blue, Black 25c the Russian Orthodox church at Sa- end of the island is where can Fancy Caps—8 styles to choose from you lem, Mass. Mme. PopofT and Miss find a nlco line of souvenir nostals. .'. ...39c, 50c, 59c, 89c each Mltropolsky are both vocal pupils of 63c, ft9c, choice hooks, candies and to Bathers' Shoes, Black or White 25c Rifts Mrs. Gertrude and pair se"H your friends. Walker-Crowley Bathers' Pumps, to tie on 50c nre soloists, while Miss pair Mrs. John' F. Hamilton of accomplished Cork Surf Balls Portland is a talented 19c with Tipr Olga Popoff graceful and Water relative, Mrs. Nichols of Wings 25c Wakefield. Mass., came to the Island dancer^ Kapo Swim Wings t1.5Q wir. i«.ngnr noufinion raine or Fori- MonHsv afternoon and onened the land and Mr. A. O. Foster of B^verlv Talcs, Creams and I>otions for use after the bath. Hamilton cottage. The ladles ore to Pecause we can were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. show you in real life, all the most snend a woek or more desirable here and they and Mrs. Walker at their in Period plan to entertain Crowley things Furniture—and their MAIL f»ests. complimentary furnishings ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED Mr. charming cottage, "The Breeze," for o in and Floor and Mrs. H. A. ana Drapery win! Wilson the week end. Coverings—we Corns and see how. daughter Kathleen are now on the ALWAYS LOOK Mrs. Walter IT. 8mith of Beverly, THE STORE Island. Thev arrived h*re but verv BEAUTIFUL Mass.. accompanied by her mother. recently and will probahlv here atay Mrs. BenJ Larcom, also of the Garden for the remainder of the summer. City, are the guests of Mrs. Smith's H.H HAY SONS This season they ar<» occupying the —- son, Roland l». Smith, at the West TWO DRUG cottage of Mrs. J. F. STOPS3 Home near "B^st- end. Mr.. Alvin H. Smith ern of Beverly, amu Landing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson MIDDLE ST. CON GIF? ES5 3Q Mass., is also the guest of his broth- come from Houston, Texas, f/here PORTLAND, MAINE. er. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Smith CORFYJ Mr. Is Vifllson connected with the will spend their vacation at Cousin's Pice Institute. It Although Is a great Island and will enjoy camping there ■ distance to come both the 28 Free they like for two or three weeks. St., Portland Founded 1836