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The Ledger & Times, March 24, 1956

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If 23, 1956

lairerthAt off, Selected As A 'resting to see Best Al! Round tentucky Community Newepspel ts along. Made Stalin's de:04 Largest -ran. Feb. 8 after 4 equacy. But he Circulation In The Kremlin's top City; Largest Largest Circulation In The five feet, seven Circulation In •,. City; Largest weighing 250 The County hard-eyed and Circulation he became a • In The County United Press IN OUR 77th YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afterrpon, March 24, 1956 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 11. Vol. LXXVII No. 72 STORM-TOSSED RAFT'S CREW Father Of Al Kipp SAVED Spring PTA Lynn Grove Dies On Thursday Hazel Group FHA Confers Honor Three Hundred And Fifty See Mr. Conference and Mrs Al Kipp anal 41S, Lynn Grove daughter Peggy. left yesterday Meets On chapter of FHA conferred an -honorary mcrning for Mansfield. Ohio, to membershai second Annual vFashion on C. W. Jones Show attend the funeral of Mr. Kipp's recently at th, Held Today Murray hospital father. Phillip Kipp who passed where he is Scout Troop patient. Approximately three away on Thursday night.. hundred and charge of the equisite floral ap- Mr. fifty guests Jones, former agriculture attended Spring Inter- pointments. the jewelry The annual Spring Conference tide and wear- Mr Kipp was employed at the A few teacher at Lynn Grove. was chosen II Thursday in the Reeital ing of the First District of Kentucky ipterested citizens. metil apparel. (everything from fancy Ohio Brass Company. He had last by the chanaer because Hall of the Fine Arts Building Congress Parent-Teacher Monday evening at the of his party dresses and maternity to . :Ape Assoeia- been in ill Hazel many at Murray State tion, health for some time. Methodist Church services rendered to the College. bathing suits and will be held in McCracken with Scouters As play clothes) but his death came as a surprise Hugh chapter the past year. The the guests arrived, they were were County this morning at Miller. Field Executive, Bab presi- furnished by the following a • mite l0:00 to his many friends dent and secretary o'clock. in the Miens- Moyer, District Commissioner. were present merchants: Belk-Settle. Murray field area. and to confer Rue Overby, the honor. Fashion Shop. Littleton's, ems The Murray High School PTA Chairman of Organ'. The Style -will be zeta-in and Extension, Shop, Corn-Austins. Lerman's represented with seven Funeral arrangements are. in in a second Jef- a .attempt frey's. and-ehi .1,at det-tanar ,; • tre-TFelersi -le- atetemttne e- dee ire Ted McCartylr--- Town & College Shop. Jul:a of, the Hazel - And- members. They are Mrs. Walter community for a BaS ,$.1109-a. Yaiaelles. Llhdsey's.. N. Scout Home On Blackburn. Mrs. Grayson McClure, Troop. Furlough B. Ellis Co.. The Cherry's and It , Mrs. Bill Nall. Mrs. A. A. Doherty. Annual was the thought of those Hue's Flower Shop. FFA, attending _Airman Third claaa _Jerry T Mrs. J. B. Wilson, Dennis Taylor, that there were reasons -- rs. of community McCarty of the ,U. S. Air Force, W. B. Moser: W. Z. Carter, Mrs. 4-H Fat Hog activities. seheduled Pasco and Mrs- James Rudy All- for the same is spending a twenty one day ' George Hart and Mrs. W C. Elkins. evening. which made britten. Music was by Mrs. John Show, Monday it. furlcugh with his The publicity book that . difficult for several of those parents, Mr. C. Winter and Miss has 'send Mrs. Lillian Watters. been kept during who were interested Amos McCarty of 220 During the school year The annual in Scouting the intermission, the guests , FFA and 4-H Fat to attend the North 13th street. by Mrs. Bill Hamrick will be meeting. The group enjeyed two musical selections by Hog Show and Sale will be held decided He spent his first judged at this conference. that another meeting would three months Mrs Howard Olila. accompanied at the Murray Livestmk Yards on be scheduled in basic training at San Dr. Lyman Ginger. Dean 'of .the for Tuesday evening. Antonio. by Miss Watters. Her selections Monday. aMarch, 241. March Texas pnd was then transferred illege of . Adult and Extension 27. at the Hazel High Were "My Hero" from Chocolate All hogs must be at the Yards School, as to Francis E. Warren Air Base aucation of the University of a further determination Soldier by Oscar Straus and "It's by 1100 a.m. on Moray. as judg- of the at Cheyenne. Wyoming fur three •aintucky will be the guest speaker Interest of the Hazel A ,Crand Night Fur Synging" from ing will begin 1:00 pm. citizens months schooling. the afternoon program Hogs in a Boy Scout program State Fair by Richard Rogers. will be sold at 7:00 After his leave here is . The Murray PTA plans to p.m.. for their boys. completed. Jim .Setiy. hair stylist, co- he will from Jean's il sponsor with To be eligible fo. show and sell be sent to Tokyo Japan the district, a $50 Preston Beauty Shop. contributed his ser- these animals, all boys Perry. Hazel Post Master, for a three year period. ..holarahip to one of the Murray or girls e:N.5 by combina and styling the must be was appointed as temporary chair- agh graduating seniors The dis- bonaflde FFA or 4-H h ;ir of the twenty-nine man of the • Mrs. C. Lowm models Agri. will club members living itt Callow-ay Hazel organization ict only co-sponstr eight efforts. Murray ROTC Rifles Music Department Chairman preceding the show.- or adjoining counties. ohools this year. Mrs. 37ihn Pasco publicity chair- Mr Perry urges that all adults. In Shoulder greelea An election for second s•icc- Matches by Dr. Ilia mason. BIM man for the show, said the show All animals will be show who pre interested in president will be held' as having Boy Grace Moore.' Mrs. G. B Scott, was 'successful in at this individuals Each Scout opportunities every way and meeting. ?FA or 4-H for the boys The Murray ROTC rifle team Mrs. Elmus Beale, The nominating com- member Mrs_ Howard she expressed her appreciation for rimy show and sell four of the Hazel community.' come wile compete for the first Olila and mittee, of which Mrs. W C Elkins time ' Mrs. C. C. Lowry. the reception given the show. The individua/s It a member owns to the meeting next Tuesday in sh older matches when the is a member will present the even- am - This was the second sicowing proceeds go for the more than four ing. March 27. travels benefit of name of hoes and they at the Hazel school. to Lexington April 7 for ; of this annual spring fashion Dr. Ralph W. Osborne. were pre- the Youth , Concerts and scholar- produced under stated regu- Mete:ng time is 7.30 la M. a match with the University sentation superintendent of City schools in of : which is spoesored by ships for the Egyptian Camps. both latione. .hey will be sold as odd Kentucky. Western and Eastern. the Music Paducah for consideration Department of the Mur- of which are sponsored by the lets and they will not Murray's record fur be a part RLIMINATION the year lay Wirreans Club Music De pertreetn of the show. TUBERCULOSIS is four wins and nine FORESEEN losses. The The program opened with the The hogs FOR TIM FUTURE - shown and sold must team is composed of six freshmen., Musa: Department Chii.rman. be Mrs. Angus Show within the weighed-in weight two seniors and one aiphomore C. C Lawry welconmng • • FRANK FORT. the guests nn range of 180 '.o 250 March 24 6P - Members of the team pounds. After The are seniori and expressing her appreciation a 5% new chairman of the State Charles reciation shrinkage has been calcu- and Merlin Larimer, Ben- to the jecal merchants Tuberculosis Sanitoria Commission, for their rr lated. this will . be t h ton; sophomore Larry Carbtree. And Sale Is e Dt. C. C. Howard. con... to the -fhow wergItt said Friday Hlopliftesville. adt of the animals. There will freshmen William Huie's Flower Shop was Is. •sesoa hope feta the coniplebe ir be two classes of hogs, each Dresbadt Munticelle, 111., Larry Of Teachers class elimination SURVIVORS OP Tad RAP'? based on of active tuberculosis Hasforci. Murray. Jerry La Cantata pose with an officer of weight. Light weight Van Dyke. rescue ship the Big Success in Kentucky within 15 or 20 years. USS Rehoboth before being transferred 180-230. heavy weight 230- Paducah. Robert Marsh. Ben" Assistant Peoria Greenville to the USS 250 . Howard was elected Victory. In the group (1. to r.) There will be a champion chairman ; Jerry Wade. Paducah, and are: Andrew Rost, Hol- from . of Retb.a Coach TO To Be Shown land. Eduard the commission at Speak Ingris (kneeling), ; Joaquin Guerero. The Nineteenth each of the weight a -meeting Street. Murray Argentina; Annual Ken- classes and Friday Natalia Mazuelos, Peru. the only woman from - the first gathering of the on the expedition; Com- lucky Aberdeen - Angus Breeders' thee animals t h e grand At Cage Banquet mander Kelm, commanding officer. group since their appointment by The Murray School and Jaromir,,Gurecky, CzachIa-, Shots/ and Sale, held at Murray champion will be selected. k F Parent &lovelies,. They were adrift •- Gov. A B Chandler 90 days on the storm-tossed balsa raft State College this- steel. sorer ,iessisttatmn - ssy nandber In the PacifIc Ocean on Thursday. was basketball coach of the before they were rescued. The raft set out FT'A record books must be The commission elected Fred T. 17ac ox Is of plans underway for Teacher from. an outstanctng success, according turn- Peoria Caterpillers. D Tatars, Peru. last December 4, hoping ed in Mofatt. Frankfort. A. Locke, to reach the South Sea Islands, to Bobby Grogan by Mar.h vice chairman. . will Appreciation Week. March 25-31. propelled by winds and currents. to Robert Etherton of Murray, be the principal speaker at At top, members of the USS Reho- 15 4-H record books and renamed Joe D Miller. Frank- The Drineilal project both crew prepare president of the organization. mud be the ;annual Murray State College during the to secure equipment of the La Cantuta turned in to fort.; to ; the post • hoisting before A large crowd the Assistant County of executive New Scout • basketball banquet week, is to give the 38 teachers it aboard the was on hand Tuesday USNS Greenville Victory for passage to for Agent on director. , March Panama. (OfEcial the day of the Mow. 27. of the seltrsli. a .holiday on Friday U. S. Defense Dept. Photos from Inte 'national) the show and sale and a large Approximately 140 hogs March 30. 4- number Iso attended the fish din- are ex- Howard outlined The banquet. honoring the 1955- pected at the sow objectives ,of A faculty of parents and ner at the Kenlake Hotel on n d sale the commission Executive 56 Racer hoop team. wall be held patrons DeMille Masterpiece, Wed- Judges for which included "The King nesday the show will be Arhe in the North Dining of the wheel have been secured Of Kings" night. a budget appropriation of room of Scott. Bob Overbey, and 575.000 - -.-;Wells to teach all the classes that day. To Be Presented Here The female Angus bringing :the a Packer for drugs for non Hill at 6 pm For Two Days hover hospitalized W. F . Foster. president of the ; A large percentage of the "teach- highest price was Gemmel. of RLK, The speaker of the evening is Four Rivers Council. By Sea:1:s a graduate ers for he i'ay" will be men. Cecil B. fifteen months old heifer consign- of the University of DeMtlles immortal mas- so of America. announced today veell under the direction of ed by Etherton .hat Oklahoma He was a member 'Each church in town has been terpiece. -The King of Mr. of the Circle the Executive of Kings", Mr DeMille that it has Board of the Coon- the Oklahoma asked to give special recognition will be brought become RE Farms here in Murray. The team in 1950-51. to Murray on the most enduring This Week's cit has employed Mr. Jack D Fox to teachers some motion picture buyer. Shelby Wilson Balance ; Upon graduation Mr Leake join- in form on Tuesday March 27 and Thursday of T of Dun- Sheet to be the Scout Executive all time. It is established that 0 title ed the Caterpillar organization Sunday March 25 fir March 29 at 230 dec. Mississippi. paid $2.000 for the as and 7:30 pm. a billion people have council effective March 26. Mr. I assistant Mrs A. A. Doherty. lunch room The seen this beautifully bred Garnrner The coach and recruiter, The picture is being brought to great picture sire In chairman. in showings around The Hot Caterpillar teem won the. has invited each teacher Murray under the sponsorship of Geuremer _ of RUC is the $20.000 And Cold Wars AALI, 9r .of the world. With the cooperation Ziern.ament for the day to be the guest of the Murray Ministerial son of tileenmere 487. in 1952 and beat yo4r Association. of local committees it By CHARLES In the PTA in the school lunch No admission has been The Grand Champion M. MoCANN a liberal Rio de Janeiro won the "World charge will be made Shown not bull was independence only 2/1 nellItT.5, but consigned United Press Staff Correspondent policy in TOurnameht." room. and the public is invited by Rosecreek Farm of Algeria. Tunisia and and also in churches, schools, prisons. The week's good Morocco. Pre- The Bill Hunt -rn urged to see Madisonville. Kentucky. He and bid news mier Guy "Most Valuable this picture hospitals, homes. was on the Mollet warmly in army and Bandolier ;internaaional balanoe sheet: expressed Player" award will be presented For the last fifteen years :he navy of Rose Creek 45th. and his government's thanks. camps and on several battle The Geed to'a Murray player a: the banquet. PROCIAM1TION picture has been shown- was purchased by W. J. Foster in 500 fronts, in nearly every country 1 The United The Bad The winner's important cities in of Flogdland Farm. Stanley, States submitted I. name will be kept from New York the world. Ken- two The fear that any chance tucky important new proposals ..cret until the announcement at to San Francisco Thousands for $1,000. spark might, act off 1'0 ALL TO WHOM of The original picture has been Soviet Russia in an an explosion le dinner. The •ward, established THF,SF. PRE- ,a persons have viewed The Reserve Grand Chairrpion attempt to get between the the picture. carefully edited in recent the 'Arab nations and la- ast SENTS SHALL COME years, bull, Blacicrap great powers started toward year, was won first by Howie Frank Lancaster. manager of the a number Evader KR WHE reel intensified steadily Whereas, education le essential of titles have been an agreement on disarmament President rittenden. Varsity and Capitol theatres, consigned by Kenneth Reed of Eisenhower warned democratic has changed to bring it up to date. First it suggested that a major Toastmaster for the ao government and to donated the Versailles. Kentucky that the United war in dinner will Capitol theatre to and a beautiful music The buyer the Middle East would e the health. happiness, and pros- score based vras Skates and Russia each open be President Ralph H Woods. Mr. the Ministerial Association for the on M&O Farm of White Haven, up "a catastrophe to the perty Parsifal has been added. an area of 20_000 world." The 'I. • 0. Wrather swill -give the of the people in any com- showing of the picture. Tennessee for $1025. to 30.000 square United ; States miles of asked the United invocation. Music will munity. state or nation; and The Grand Champion their respective territor- Nations be furnished The simple Christian story por- female lee to authorize Secretary the Whereas. the teacher is '.he cen- was Bla.lobird for a test of arms control by College Girls' Quartet. trays the ,awe inspiring of B R. 155th and !air- General Dag Hammarakjold tral factor story of vey Secondly, it proposed .o try Admission to the banquet is by in a n y program of Jesus of Nazareth, Marshall was consigned by Holder Brothers that the to negotiate The King Tops a settlement •nvitat• educe t ion: and of United State and Russia of the on. Kings. of Gamaliel. Kentucky The buyer cut their Palestine dispute military manpowrr whi:h• is, t h e Whereas. there is a shortage of was- Madieon P. Jones of to 2,500.000 cause of . The story is presented with Harpelh men .he tension It was report well - qualified tea.hers in Valley Farm, each The proposals were New Ken- reverence, beauty and great power, Calloway Brentwood, Tennes- ed that Great Britain had Cold WaveXo tucky. and In made at a _meeting prepar- of Jack • under the direction see for $975. a United ed a plan for D. Fes 9f Cecil B. Nations disarmament instant military Hit Here Tonight Whereas. as a result of a con- Reaerve Grand Champion subcommittee action by Fox will suoceed Aiwyn DeMille. female in the Allied powers against A. Hughes tinuatis decreae in the was Qlleen London. The second, more who number of Those who see -The King 380th of Hill Crest and any country which made accepted a position as Scout young of First Game sweeping one, would the first By UNITFT, PRI men and v:omen ;n try:Meet Kings" always was consigned by Hill Crest Farms, involve a attack. There Executive of the Blue Grass report that it is corresponding was another report, i Cold air bl for teaching and an increase J. H. Qutsenberry cut in arms and from Council of Boy from in Fi religious experience thee -*All & Sons of Washlngton, that President Scouts it Lexing-:Canada the school population Winchester. arms spending dropped ternpeialuaai over in Kentlicky. never forget. Although The Marshall All-Stars topped Kentucky The buyer Eisenhower might ton. the picture 2. It became ask Congress I the northern plains and Midwest the teacher shoitage will become the Calloway All was Hayden Phebus increasingly ap- for was made in 1927. it was filmed -Stars last night of Reeves, "standby- authority to u and more acute unless at Tennessee parent that '.he job of s e Mr. Fox is a native of St Louis. shoved a heavy snowstorm immediate at- - the Carr Health building. 94-80. for $550 debunking American troops in tention - Josef Stalin as any erner- Missouri where he • across southern Michigan and into is given to this problem; Balanced scoring by Buyers attended the show a Communist saint attended ele- the Marshall and would gencY- New York State. and squad put them sale from Kentucky. incline the Kremlin f mentary and high schools . He at- in front 23-17 at Indiana, Il- o r 2. The violence in Cyprus Whereas, quite a while to devote by ex- tended Westiminister College Three to Oven inches of new the Keit ucky School der- WEATHER the first quarter and 44-36 at the linois, Arkansas, Tennessee a n d more 0,- trernists who in tention to demand that Britain. Fulton, snow was on the ground from Boards Association recognizes half. Mississippi. its own problems, and grant Missouri and served three the in them "self - determlnauon" a snowstorm Friday urgent need to retain st Gene •Herndon The average proportion ',o put less emphasis years as an officer in the United in a band our teachers cket. REPORT of Almo pumped price brough, by the as a step toward union with 'stretching on its meddling in Greece States Marine Corps. across southern Michi- and to attract young people for in 34 points for the local aggre- ten bulls was $592.50 The average those of other assumed the After bring countries. proportions of an open dicharged gan. teaching in our e hints, gation, but low scoring team price brought by the Tams of thousands of revolt from the service. Mr mates 49 cows was .Islandeis who opposed vio- ; Jackson. Mich., reported Now. Therefore. held the Calloway $344.00 Cotremureet agitators ranged Fox served as a volunteer Scout an ac- I George Hart, score down. Theeaverage of the entire lersce were cowed .by threats cumulation 'bite throughout the of Leader in his of 10 inches of 3n w Mayor of Murray. Kentucky, in Ron Doyle of North Marshall 59' animals sold was 1364.00. Soviet Union ex- death The native St. Louis DowN plainlreg extremist answer to a and Grand Rapids and Detroit. order ari promote an led the Marshall scorers the "why- of ',he debunk- and in 1947' wets employed by the appreciation With with 28. British crackdown w'as to plant a Mich.. had 7 inches. of the with Ed Jones ing to the people. But St. Louis Council of Boy S great contribution our and Sled Baker Legion Auxiliary Moscow time bomb in the bed outs The snowstorm- ,ufid Live dispatches told of of teen. Sir as a Field ExectLive. moving into New teachers are making to the com- 18 V y adding 16 and 14. confusion in Rus- John Harding. In 1953 he slain minds. governor and corn - accepted York and Pennsylvania today monwealth of Kentucky. do Marshall County 23 44 Will Meet Monday One question the peo- a position with the Cen- hereby By UNITED PRESS 66 94 mender-in-chief. dropped 4 inches in proclaim 9.95 Calloway County ple asked-- a question tral Ohio Council of Boy Scouts. six hours- at the week of March 25-21„ Southwest _ 17 36 53 80 The to whi:h ,he 3, Prime Minuaer Erie. and soothe central American Legion Auxiliary Kremlin Jawharlal Columbus. Ohio Pa.. and 3 inches at Buffalo. 1966 as Teacher Apprecic.ion Week Marshall 1941 leaders had no answer- Nehru where he served Kentucky -- Mostly cloudy, windy will meet Monday. March was: of India let Itease a blast NY. in Murray and ask ate Forwards: Metcalfe 5, 26. at Where were you while as Director of Finance and Dis- that appropriate and much colder today. S. Baker seven o*cicck in the against I Rain showers fell steps high today 14, Tucker. the evening at man you deified was policies trict Executive south of the be taken by all of 0 u r 45 Falr the tegion committing woich made it plain snow belt arid much colder tonight. Hall. all his crimes' there was al- Coming in Illinois and Indiana citizens as indivlduals and in Center: Hail 11. Doyle 28 most with Fox to Paducah or- low tonight 28 Sunday fair and Mrs Joe Berry is the no hope at presen. of and "moved eastward across Ohio. ganized groups. Guards: E Jones 16. chairman 3 France, long beset by irn- will be his wife and two children, to !Move their ap- cool. T Morgan of the program internal proving relations between Into PennePreania preciation 6. Mayer 2. E to be presented crises, received a this Barbara 8 years and by programs and activi- York 12. Harris. on heartening as- „ountry Jimmy lie Scattered the theme. "Community Ser- salt and India. Nehru had years rains also:, fell in ,ies honoring our teachers. Calloway ($) from the UnP.pd State.s. Am- old Mrs Fox is a native Some 5:30 cm temperatures vice" Mrs H T nothing but cendemnation nprthweitern Oregon and Done at - Farwards: Paschall. Waldrop and bassador C Douglas Dillon for of Tulsa. Oklohorno and a graduate near Murray. Kentucky. thie Louisville 37, Paducah Eldridge 2, Mrs Earl Nanny aston- Seattle. Wash. 42. Bowling Barnett 7. Morris will be the ished his hearers American defense policies, of William Woods College, the 19th day of March. in the Green 7. Lamb 13. hostesses when he said in arid im- Fulton. , The 46. Lexington 35, Londrin 41 a; speech plied fdissouri. wave of cold air Tollnwing • year of our Lord, one Centers: Herndon 34, C.Nochrun I. in Paris that the United approval of the polities of thot.Nand and Covington 31. The president. Mrs the snowstorm dropped the nine hundred Guardir Will Robert You- States stood solidly Cornmunde China. The Four Rivers Council mer- and fifty-six. and Evansville, 2. Fain 10, Reeder ng. behind France He wants the com- cury to Ind., 35, urges all members to attend in es Reds prise only 1 above zero at in the year of the 3, Warren, Pritchett. attempt to solve as North , to be given the off nine counties in Western common- and to bring visitors. -shore is- Grand l'oric.s. N. D.. early today. weaLh. African problems by Kentucky and one In Con the one hundred carrying out lends held by the Coun- Northern Minnesota and • Nadonallsts. ty. Tennessee. reported near sixty-fourth zero temperatures. .1 e . George Hart, Mayor IMILias4th `-roireasinearee-alkalereas Nigligilese-smosse- - -eathe • 11.

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PAGE —wo • Tim 1,PMGER & TIMES MURRAY, TM HIE LEDGER & TIMES SATURDAY - MARCH 24, 1956 oh/option 41 t.kuuilt.fri a tilitkos PLEILlsHING e'0111YANI, tne Visit Of oaainuttauun set the aturray TORNADO INFORMATION Ledger, few Oanoway Innae. and Ito Whats New alassit-rteraia, In tactob....'. £4, lead and Me West Kentuckian. J &attar) • UP•a Malenkov WHERE T0PNADOES CAN OCCUR: Washington JA.14•6 C WiLLIAlstb. PLIBLISHEiR Any place in the.United States at any time of the • resent. Las riga, vu reject any Ai:Wert-am& year. Thee happen most frequently ia the raldwestern, By HARMAN Letters to tbe southern and central stales (roam Marva through Big W. NICHOLS enaulic Septitiabei. Event Voice name eiltire.D ,Uolted QUI telPfinfun dI uol LOt In. us., Press Staff Correspondent IPar, 1.14 WIZ fillagerli WASIOINGTON is —What's new HOW OFTEN DO THEY OCCUR: By CHARLES M. aleCANN in Washington: GALL LOA AL. ribirar at...AIN 1.v. ii, tab- W Alaortnk. WILMailt CU. adb United Press Staff Correspondent Rep. Herbert C. Boniter, the dear.". Mein on.a. ierin - 1" records shco that the average number days rail, Ave-, New Yore. an IiIlliacauga, of edth tornadoes varies from about 12 per year in Georgi M. Maienkov's North Carolina at' ii.kts of the Mid-West to less visit to Democrat. couldn't rnj'sa **moo EA. Bosom ..„ than ens per year in the poroteaater.A po tar Western stales. London has turned. into quite an find his tongue when he was sub- waberws a. ale important occurrence. stitute presiding officer lui Ucs. Mozteoi Axe-Liao:AO. over the tof ' HOW TO RECOGNIZE A TORNADO. It now seems likely House. 3•Cia.00 Claw that Malen- Unaccustomed as he was, Mattel kov was sent there by the Kremiag he called out *from the high chair: Usaally observed as a funnel- shaped cloud, spinning rapidly, arid eirterdatg toward the 114 has zisatur.r. earth from the as a sort of trial balloon. "The: gentleman from pet ...ea too. pet base of a thundercloud. Shin close by, it sounts like the roar of hunioreds in airplanes. Holifield, .11110eilla *i toeitiaulfily In other words, that 5Qjoiflar4 i.U.aialavaal. pet seal *LW. the Kremlin Mr. ." Bonner turned a 'mars. ta.:*- used hint Oulu, to get an idea of the burn and correeied himsell He TORNADO- "WEATHER": sort of reception that Premier said he meant Rep. Chet Holifield. SATURDAY — MARCH Nikolai A. Bulganin 24, 1956 sticky and Commu- Democrat from California. days with southerly winds and a threatening, ominous sky nowieter, many such aye nist l'arty Jeanne Crain occur without tornadoes. Chief Nikita S. Khrusn- gets a lot of alien- chev might expect on their visit tion from George Nader in the THE LEOPARD AND HIS SPOTS CLOUDS. next month. A gang of congressmen were en- romantic scene from the Cinema- But by pure coincidence, Malen- tertalned the other night at the Scope picture. -The Second Great- Familiar kov arrived Russian Ernbassy. A est Sex." which thuadersterm clouds fire present As hour or two before a tornado, topsy-turvy clouds in London just when June ..une will open Sunday • was Weser sometimes bingos down instead of ue The clouds often have a greerush-biack color. the news broke that Khrushchev, had by all, with the group at the Varsity for a three day rie people ot the looking at Lniteu States are so anxious for in • secret speech to the recent films of Bassiairo folk engagement. PRECIPITATION-. Communist dances. And incidentally. T World peace that it has been congress in Oliscow, the difficult tor us to under- had completed Americans lapping up stand t_unimunisM the process of vodka and ish firm has bought a couple of as it is practiced. in Rain, frequently nail, preceding the toraecio, *452 soviet liussia, and heary downpoar alter it has passed. debunking Josef Stalin rhe Russians more than tolerating Washington Ior taut stores The sftigans reason every change in the Instead of confining fine old Kentuoky Russian government TIME OF DAY: hiniself to bourbon. • will be °Brevish tweeds, tailored pelsonnei causes us to junketing about in his capacity renew our hopes that we can the American way." Or omething Inatic of minister IfielitIS With ttleM. Mostly beaten 3 and 7 P.M., but they for electric power like that a hare occurred at all hours. Gene Davis ot stations. Malenkoe has been in '.he Amencan Au, tt e nate neser thought tornobile Association ueneral D. Dwight Eisen- DIRECTION OF TRAVEL: constant communication with the has dug up hower was tne Kremlin. an old ropy if the AAA Camping • .411, u.NE1 mail wno could have served as Su- and Camp The Postal Service preme t_oinander He also has been in frequent Site Manual It was put News has a over troops ot so many In rncst cases they move from a westerly direction, usually from the southwest. couple nations witn consultation with Soviet Ambassa- out in 1924 and is interesting of pretty cute chuckles. sucii wine oinerences in meals. enough Out in Quitman. But we nate always be- LENGTH Of PATH: cl.:r Jacob Malik and First Deputy to reprire. Mo., Posnmaster iitted tnere are %cry The pamphlet said about Ethel G Wright was a little- puz- tew men who ,:ould do so, anu Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- food... f mine asparagus purifies sled when a kid asked for WAR asCitaiti.-ttratoo- tleafie-a tisuaity to to 40 ewes (tut average apeollf Is IS miles), but they may move forward for 300 myko, who went to London—also the blood. Cel- a "long nteeitieeo- jett. miles. two-cent by coinelstefice--to attend ery acts on the nervous system. stamp." The lady post- Ala° e unileOe that __todayak %nen he bef:ame our president. WIDTH Of PATH: disarmahaent talks. aloes act Ort the liver. SPinacli nraster 'delivered the' gads When tne rtussian guternmenc recognized nun as a leader An miasma visit is good for '.he kidneys And white she found out the little girl had who TM average width is about 400 yard', but they ;n mind Ile bull-dozed, bon rut imams over a mile in eidth. Monday. Malenkov rearranged his onions are tonic for insomnia." two one-cent stamps. deceived, or mis-lea. Inc reason we program to confer v.Oth Prime You don't have to write all the believe that is because the SPEED OF TRAVEL Soviet government, wheth- Minister Anthony above down. er neaneu uy Eden. London Josef siatini, or somebody. 25 to le-.' s.erage, dispatches emphasized that And a vacationing else, place,s 10 miles per but they twee varied from 5 to 139 1:11/103 per hour. this patron left great deal °I confluence visit was not one of ordinary Pretty soon, the high and mighty ',his note for in its military leaders, and the) Lowell, Ark, rural give WIND/ SPEED: courtesy. of Washington c a n walk risen mail carrier Edna R Tucker: tnem tne rignt uata. on tasenhower. "I'm There was considerable down the street and order tailor- leaving • surprise for a month, so please .tnere..tore we are not surpri.seu Estimated as high as 500 miles per made suits at the present turn DOW uuhta the tornado. when the British Foreign Office from . A Brit- send all my mail to Texas'. • Ut etents in Kumla.. Inc denunciation announced on .March 6 that Malen- 01 tne late Stalin, DESTRUCTION: &nu au ne $tood CAUSES OF kov would lead a delegation of .12 tor, is just one way dl lacing tne Iuturt Soviet sc.entuts on a long-sched- QUADS AND leausticany. rArty tmet MOTHER FINE -Mina J. nnrusncnev is (1) uled tour .British simply Violent winds which uproot trete, destroy buildings, and ',Oath create a serious hazard from of power stations. tening his people rresident newels: Divan through As The visit tasennower nas announced of the Soviet .scientists for a secono trim, to Britain. and a corresponding and it means more to rtussua (2/ Differences in liar pressure winch to get can lift automobiles and van cause but/dings to conapee. one by British scientists to Russia, aiong wan nim a.s our leader en tnan to continue to idolize was supposed to be merely a UUrtnets !Ike ./ WWI btallin. INTO STATES DEPARTMENT technical one. kb And, alike We Of COMMERCE — Weather Bureai. Malenkov is still one of the &Merely want world peace can't we All ire inadialui..rresatent Kremlin, inner circle, even as r..isennotver Itels that his nealth power minister. • wilirmit Him to continue KIDNAPED to serve us: Alter au 110 SON STILL MISSING On April 11. 1900, the Navy ac- Landon' dispatches still speak of Luitea states soldier, sailor ceptea its first submarine. the - mystery" of Malenkoie visit. or aviator nas hied a single the But it LS quite logical to assume smut at a tolefin be since U SS Holland, named f o r its he tfrougnt atiout tne uneasy builder. John Phillip Holland. that the Kiemiin did pick him fur al Wontice in am ea. Ann none nave suiltrd insult, nor has the trial balloon role—a role :or our beloved nautili e.s.petienied an anront. which his increasingly figure him, physically -uon I Utile:to coniniunioni can fits change its oasic At the tifne his visit was an- immorality any More than 'the Fatal Stabbing leopard can change zits nounced. open hostility was being spots. It e GU oelteve the expressed in London toward the Not sort ut weapons In baiiuS or Bulganin - Khrusbchev visit, The a man ot bourage can tontrui • tither, or both. /Shush government was worried over the pusinboity of anti-Soviet Brawl Relieved

Five Years Ago T94ay As far as tnat 1 tueLion goes. Ledger and both the Kremlin and the British Times File -- relieved. Mirth - goveinment must feet 24 ,1951 Malenkov nas masse quite a it He has broken away (ruin los Mrs. Blanche Pogue, age 91. passed formidable eacort to visit on- away Friday at schedule lpots. He has patted „.2:35 in the -afternoon _following an months. illness of three babies on the head in the best tradition. Mt: Her death came at grass-roots campatan the home of her son. Rudy Pogue was cheered warmly at a football of Lynn Grove. . She game he attended Saturday. is survived by one son, six nappened also that three six grand-children and But it great-grandchildren. - days after the announcement that Pat Sykes. Chad Stewart. Clyde Harp. Oliver McLe- Malenknv would visit London, r nts more, Jr.. gis and Bill Cain are expected to arrive Sunday broke out in Stalin's native Geoi in Murray. All of the against his unceremonious demotion The shale girl boys are stationed at the Nasal quads in St. Luke s hospital Incubators. I Base at San Diego, Calif. from Commtunst sainthood. disclosure the Khrushchey Mrs. Ethel Bowden. age 63. died ‘Vdnesday The of at 5:00 the us s atwhich a.m. from a ceberai hemorrhage in Frankfort, speech. Kentucky. e _1r "Ilad.ter.:ca1tm e e just thu She is survived by two daughters, .Mrs. son Lloyd Robin- • time of - Malenkov s arrival Hie of Frankfort, and Mrs. Boyd 'Norman of City. Oklahoma ,presence in London will Mop embarrassing She has take the. heat off that five grand-children and two great-grand- situation. It seems to be • bit children. RUDOLPH DIAZ, 12, a seventh of good luck for him fur the grade pupil, is shown in -Sapphire Lake,- the, Chi- Kremlin. motion picture made by the cago police custody Johnson Motor Co. on Kentucky in connec- Lake., will be shown tion with the fatal stabbing of several times MIGHT HIILP in Murray riorine the week of March 26. a fifth grade pupil, Anthony Brown. 12. at Jefferson school. TOKYO governmi The stabbing oecurred when l -- The Anthony took perated Japan. National_ Railway MI AHD exception to a MIS. IFIRY DAWAAN and 2-year-old daughter Pamela Tuesday ordered car stewards 10 Years Ago This sadly remark by Rudolph about a 13- to Week have their east IlleaSso. Laing Island, N. V., residence to year-old girl they knew. An- refrain from brushing passengers- Ledger and limes File Journey to the Danunaa farm home at Newton. la. Still missing thony died In a hospital of a •encirt nr.chming shaer--antess- astreit March Is their baby son Stephen, wbo was khlnopod 1946 from a cordage Oct. punctured lung. (interne:gnomon) aid the directive was al while Mrs Demmer, was grocery snooping. 'Mfrs will keep in 'aesigned discourage ronatillot tooeh withlviamtau to tipping. Mrs. Harry Sledd has returned from a two weeks county authorities in hope mime in- trip to Alabama rnation vial turn up. liltenui•1011•1 where she visited her parents and her daughter. Miss Frances Slkdd who is teaching music in Brookhaven. Ala. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Haron West. Miss Charlotte Owen, Mr Years Ago This Week and Mrs. Tom Rowlett and Preston Holland attended Ledger and Times File the state basketball tournament in Louisville last March 1936 week Mother, Mrs, Richard Shale, end. Is visited by her mother-In-law. Mrs. Flora Bogard died Tuesday in SO IA! the Shaia quadruplets, Atlanta, Ga., daughters of Mr and Mrs. Richard whre she was making her home with A new H. Shata, are doing fine In St. Luke's her son, Aubry Bo- church building has been started by the hoapital, Richmond. Va_ gard. mem- Doctors are optimistic, but cautimilly bers of Elm Grove Baptist Church. so, hoping the girls bay• one of the best known *waned a blood ezmnIleation r la Besides her son, Mrs. Bogard is Baptist fogrgoeslinewol le•••••••••••••••••• • survived by a daught- churches in this seetiOn, about five miles er, Mrs. Talbert Harmon, Hazel. Murray east of on Eggner's Ferry Highway. 'She old On Sunday. March 17. at five o'clock church frame in the after- has been torn down to make way for the new noon. Miss Jane Orr, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs: one. Vester Orr. became the bride Dale & Stubblefield of Merle T. Basken, son Funeral services for W. Drug of Mr. and Mrs. George Baskpn of Memphis. P. Carter, 62 years of age, were held Saturday afternoon from the Martin's A birthday celebration was held at the home of Mr Church. Chapel PRESCRIPTIONS The services and burial Was from the and Mrs. Fred Wilkerson on March 17, honoring Frank cemetery. church Hargrove who was years L 75 of age ,on March W. and Mr. Carter died at the home ....11=1••••••••. Mrs. A. L. Bazzell who was 55 years of age of his daughter, Mrs. on March 17. Cheshe Butterworth. west of Murray. The- Wren Pietnre "biartr win ri the 'new+'by delay fllsir, R. H. Falwell. Murzay insurance Man, letter Tuesday received a be brinight ni the Varsity Theatre ' Esther Olinc.ceti. Augusta Ciolli Walls Cleaned that his Dodge sedan. stolen here On No- in Murray belitinig Wednesday.' Mantell. vember 5. Joe Karen Steele. Jerry 1931. had been recovered in Texas. Marcia HI. The picture drew four Paris. Frank RILEY'S Thieves took Sutton. Walter Kelley BY about six hams and two sides of meat comers this week in and Robin Morse. NEW MACHINE from the smokehouse the annual FURNITURE at ('rose Spann's Wednesday night. prtsereation of awarals. It The picture concerns a not .00 & APPLIANCES The thieves w a s RUG drove into the yard and loaded the meat nominated in erght divisions handsome young man who meet, CLEANING SERVICE while the family was at a nearby church a not to attractive girl They- find -From The Kitchen To 'The Parlor- attending serv- The picture ices. won the award for the romance both have been IN YOUR HOME Murray, Ky. ... • ...... Telephone 58'7 Work on rebuilding the the best actor, the bed picture, the seeking Mason Memorial Hospital best screenpley is proceeding, at rapid ,pace and the best direc- Managei Frank !An-aster says SPECIALTY WALL & RUG DETERGER and it is expected that the tor Ernete Brognine received CO. structure will be ready for occupancy the that he is pleased to bring this CALI, Ji.SeiE L. TUCKER by early summer, best actor award. lie is teee College farm Road I supported award winning picture to Murray. Phone gel-

1irfo' eou '4.0.7 100 1 'V, v t 'rile •a

ea ISIM•Ors•nomp. V s 0 -'411Vriava,sai*-ssmana.esmous..ark. - - r• ' Aoss. amb.S.•••‘VVy-,ssss...•••••••••••. ••.••••••••• • ' '

.• S .

SATURDAY - MARCH 24, 1956 THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KY. "I PAGE THREE cat+ travel. I'm the happiest a 'settee up on the bulletin board. Although 4111411111 man in the world. I the first ,sofficial Navy ei f! Rain Costs just learned A nickel deposit for each • that I am knife, uniform was adopted by the Con- retired and won't have fork and spoon U1. to - returnable at • • PrOnliSeS pay you lugs another cent as tinencal Congress in 1776, it was long ns the end of the meal. Sporting I live, Howdy. man!" not conimcnly worn as few officers I) Goo Things have leveled off. c ds i;d ,ffo-.:! .. • ,:-.p',.. --e outfit. The Post Office Department got etails On this report from a Charleston, S. C., mailman Company He says he picked up • GREEK BLOCKADE RUNNER IN ISRAEL letter with a penciled notation Disarmament saying: "Pt this doesn't By HIARMAN.W. NICHOLS get there in 30 days, please United rnma Staff Correspondent walk faster." LONDON ftli The United WASHINGTON (IP - It looks States promised further details of as if this oeing an The Post Office also election year. hears that its do-it-now disarmament plan President Eisenhower again will a lady was having a little trouble despite FOR FURNISHED Apt., 2 rooms and Russia's new series of SALE- I I haul off and pitch the first pill with the -mail-o-mat" machine leer 4:4 NOTICE private both. Stoker heat, free gar- to in tests announced here and open the baseball season. the Post Office sub-station In Washington. age. W P Dulaney, 1112 Olive. This in TRA NICE sort New S KITCHEN cabinet. OUR of relaxes things in the front York's Grand Central Station. office will be closed all day Phone 363-J. M24C Exctiange Furniture Co., 3rd office of the Wilson sporting Abraham Saloway offered Harold E. Stassen, the and on Saturday until goods to help. U. S. Maple. Phone 877. further notice outfit "Want to "disarmament lot of alien- M2I5C beginning 3 ROOM downe.airs apt. Private. which always hand-tools a mail something?" he secretary," began un- March 24 H. E. Jenkins, veiling ader -- Furnished or unfurnished glove for our leader. asked. the American plan Wednes- in the EXTRA NICE twin Plumbing and . Call beds cornipleke 11424C 386-J daytime, "Young man," the day with a dramatic proposal the lf Mama- with springs 1625 nights. M2613 lady said, "all for and mattresses. Pric- One year Mr. Eisenhower said he I want is a z. 20.000 to 30.000 eeend Great- NOTICE: We have dose." square mile "test ed to sell. Exchange Letter ooxes. 2 APTS.. unifurnashed, would, then changed his mind strip" Furniture, Kraftall , newly dec- and Abraham obligingly fetched in Russia and the United open Sunday 3rd & Maple, expansion files. Harp lot- took off one Phone 877. 1420C orated. 103 N. 12th St. Call at 101 for Georgia to play golf. from across the States where preliminary a three day ter files, third cut, fifth lobby. disarma- cut sad North 12th. Dick Nixon, the vice president, ment control MONUMENTS straight cut manila M213P measures could be file folders - - stood by as the relief hurler. But tried out. Murray Marble and Granite and clear, amber, lemon FOR RENT: worka. and green ROTO-TILLER Trac- it rained. and Ike came back and The congressional baseball teams lders of fine memorials Cel-U-Dex index tabs. tor for garden Almost a couple of e for Ledger & or lawn use. Bilbreys did the honors himself. That meant are not training in the South at the same time the oiJer had century. Times Office Suppli, call Phone 886. Britith The aftneans Porter White. 55. TI' M27C two expensive gloves-one for the this year. Too busy. Defense Ministry announced Manager. Phone ,eds, tailored 121. A4C President and one for Nixon. But the charity Washington star that Russia has "recently embarked NOTICE: Attention Farmers. FOR RENT: omething -- Need TWO BEDROOM game will be staged on some further nuclear tests." Or BOAT. MOTOR and a small compact at Griffith • TRAILER in- book to record house at Penny. Hardwood Stadium_ Russ* surance. See receipts, floors, en June 19, anyway. The began a. similar series at Wayne Wilson or call disbursements, pirchase electric heat, An officer of the Iternal start running water_ See Revenue managers will be Sid Herlong of of last summer's "Summit 321. Murray, Kentucky. of machinery, Service A4C depreciation, taxes, James Coleman, J. H. Churchill was walking down the Florida far Conference" in Geneva • Nil• interest, the Democrats and and it 's insurance and miscellan- Funeral Home or hall the other day was Phone 688-W-3. when he ran Glenn Davis of Wisconsin for the believed the new series was News h&c a eous items? We now have across 1 COLD DRINK box, 25x42. See Farm M27P a 90-year old fellow leaning Republicans. timed to bring pressure Record Books. on the de chuckles at Summer Texaco Service, Office Supply, on a cane. London N 4th Daily Disarmament Conference. Pos'anaster S. Phone 196 Ledger & Times, call 55. 'I"? -May I help you onto M24C an elevator, A buncn of kids at Taft Junior Informed sources said Stassen a little. puz- F. H. A. News or something," the tax man sated_ would enlarge HAVE YOUR home '...reated now High took to walking off with the on the American d for a "long "No sir," the old timer plan at Ago UPLE USED Platform rockers. against termites. Five year guaran- said. silverware So the authorities put today's session of the e lady post- The Lynn Grove' chapter of love-power Exchange Furniture, 3rd & Maple. tee. We spray for ants. conference while await- giVids When mp..hs,. Future- -Homemakers- of America Phone 877. iilver fish, mosquitos, roachei ing a Russian reply to his initial ale girl had M20C and held their meeting Thursday, CROSSWORD PUZZLE chinese elm Starch trees. Insured and 15 stamps. ACROSS 33 PUW OUIDOGI FOR licensed (No. LPC0195). Ktlly -Command to EIMW SALE: NEW 14-FOOT metal horse MMIIIHM LIDU Stassen proposed Wednesday that Exterminakor and Pest Glenda Cooper acted 1-Policeman 84,Prepoaltlos boat. 10-h.p. Johnson Motor. Call Control, as secretary oulogun RODIN the United States and Russia Kelly Produce at (slung) 35-Lasso both 383 Cu. Ph. 441. A18C the meeting as part of her 4-Whip 117-Carpenter's U000 Tomg create test areas patron left M27C.: 8-Religious covering 20,000 junior degree with Marilyn Las- tool MOM NUUMOMMq to 30,000 Ark., service 38-WrIre name square miles-roughly the rural siter presiding as parliamentarian.. 12-Fuse 5.10'.140 vmnm NOTICE:: Just received a suPPIS 89-Abov• and size of West Virginia-in which Tucker: "I'm 4Bus. Mrs 13-PrepositIce mucking gW4 41DO Opportunities at Skrip ink in a new large Lillian Lowrey from Mur- 14 military experts 1. so please econo- -Lamb's pen 40-Prielles Wal AM:4 WaUlij from the two mical size, black laundry ray Training School was one of name vestment nations Texas". mdelible 1S-Allow UUSR00216 dUMFA could experiment Jointly marking ink, the guest speakers. making a very 41-Indennit• - • er,.e • to MONTHLY SPARE TIME. various colors ot 18-To some article OMMBI Marl ISRAELI SOLDIIRS look out towards the with means of detecting war-scale interesting talk. extent Greek ship, Konitsa, as she refilling and collecting stamp pad ink. all colors of foam on her visit to 42-Corn bread SOME19 W9IBOWS9 rides out rough weather military buildups. money 18-Li bera tes 44-1)estrous in Eilat harbor after running through the from -ubber stamp pads. pre-inked Japan. Frances Perry, district sec- 20-Lampreys DUIV FIC1009 Egyptian our five cent High Grade Also 47-A DM blockade with a cargo of cement for Israeli housing. IE nave numbering retary gave an interesting 21-Symbol for 61-Period of EUal The Each test zone would contain Nut machines in this area. machine ink and talk time Konitse is the first ship to run the blIkadeinto at No on her sodium 52-Arrow poison Eilat since April. least one selling! To Ink pads Ledger & Times Office trip to Hardinsbuig Leader- 1.2-itan's 53-Smooth MS, when another Greek vessel came port. airfield and rail qualify for work you 2-Mighty through. (International) Supply. call 55. , ship Training conference which •nickname 64-Edge terminal and various non-secret must have car. referenses, $640 Tr $3-Mountains of 65-Dispatch 4-Part of face 4 was held in the summer. Europe 5--Collection rrilitary installations in which the cash, secured by inventory. Devot- The it-Bristle elf THURSDAY is 'Hat's Day! purpose of the conference is n-Encountered 57-Weaken tact* Kuwait, Britain's effects of a major assembly ing 6 hours a week to business. 25% off to 29-Scottish cap 8-Brook 'Achilles Heel' of regular studio prices for children give all district officers a better 20-Arrange in DOWN 7- ilostairy soldiers and supplies could be your end on per centage collec- folds 5- Yardstick • TUMMY 6 inc. to 6 years only No appoint- understandinx of F.H.A. 1-Young cow observed. tions Will net up $400 mon'.hly 21-Conjunction 2-River In 11-Ift9ervone ment necessary. Wells 82-Sink tn middle oeber very good possibilities of tak- & Wrather Arrangements for 11-Des-litre The proposal is a logical Studio. the two speak- iktriel oeer full t.ime tamale TFC 17-Frei not CYPRUS MAN to President egth increas- ers were made by Janice Arm- # -Baby Eisenhower's "Open , I 3 v 5 is7 1 0 0 15 Ionian ing accordingly. For interview, in- strong and Marie Rogers deity Sky" plan for air inspection as part 22-Ugly. as a clude phone old UAW AM in application. Write of their state degree. rs. • (3 so woman means of guaranteeing peace. FOR RENT - SEA 14AliA Royal Direributing Co.. In., 1001 Refreshments were served 24-Sun god - - - - before is II pothole Chestnut St.. Platte. 7, Pa. M2f9i. the meeting adjourned. - itzttrP• name 3 ROOM 27 LISTEN TO WNBS unfurnished apt. Bath, Betty Sue Armstrong, Reporter rf LeI /k4'2o -Philippine wired for electric Moslem AN Each Sunday stove $25 month ...... 2, 22-Ireland is at 8:15 a.m. WANTED Near college Edgar Morris, phone le le 384n eras I oda Hear 1380-M. M24P The first, Commandant of the 20- ondansed Navy freademy 11 M •/./,. //be rnolstpre "HOW CHRISTIAN WANTED: Clean "was Commander SAUDI cotton rags, no DUPLEX APT. 12-Cussed 5th and Pine. Un- Franklin Bushanan. ' 23-Idle SCIENCE HEALS" buttons. sappers or silk. Ledger & furnished, MAMA 3 robins and, bathe Miura The Navy Department w a s 25-Near TFNC only Phone of Jacket AHP 7iT 40/8-R. established on Apr,1 30. 1796 45 r • • f 7 fl itdensr .a▪ I 40-Puta op stak• Alf 44 VI 41-Ceoled C6. 1 PLUMBING 42-Earo• Winds -- 43 ,/,..„,iso *4 se whIrlietea A PRIMO Arab lever against the British in TO SAVE MONEY 44-81,-.111an the Middle East could ZA be Kuwait British protectorate sheikhdom On Your Plumbing *7 4 volcano on the Persian gulf. .0 iko a 42-Si1kworm Kuwait, with MAC* pedwiettee gOLDM 54 and Iltouieflillig tenr-tean Needs Coat WITCH tbe area of New 12 .13 0* made's? Jersey, la the biggest oll-producing area in the 47-Pretli: title Middle Dist-reserves totaling 15,000,000,000 barrels. Half of ?4c ZOLA NI i• . Ede Britain's oil comes ROSS 42-Number Crum Kuwait. Kuwait seta around $280,000,000 Elroy Sykes 01164 Iola Son Ilsortved perselenhe soir Till 11011113111:1111LL rye 45-Males a year royalties. All is serene with Britain and Kuwait Deorsbstsisl Or 454 reeeeese.aea. MM. ftssabosia. 60-Openwork now, but if PLUMBING S WAS Plo•••• law Kuwait should "go Arab,' CO fabric' oil-thirsty Britain might be ousted. Call 1654 CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO den or 1701 was heavily pompous, immacu- Jason drew her behind the • MEG FOUND it Impossible to lately NANCY attired He looked tired and others. "I must talk to you, Meg.' enter into the carnival spirit of the worned, Meg thought, and won- "L.ater." She wanted to push - By Ernie Bushmilisi town. Already long lines were dered maliciously whether banking trouble from her. is.I. 45e 7-' WHAT ARE forming on Second Avenue and YOU I on or huaamile caused turn the more Jason hesitated, then allowed DROPPED A Pike Street, down which the pa- concern. DOING, NANCY' She glanced again at himself to be drawn along with DIME rade would pass. There were Charlotte. IN THE LAKE Excitement splashed the others. Tim, Matilda and Mi- crowds about the Totem AND Pole on from tier. If she reels like this chael carried the chatter. I'M DRAINING Yesler where the parade would abolit Michael, why on earth did "Meg," Jason spoke start. Meg's uncomfortable harshly, IT de- she ever marry Barclay? "that Nome ship ..." II. pression remained. Was Jason "There ors. he tar. Matilda shrieked. "What is It, Jason? Are abeence responsible? When you in he was -Michael! Michael! Here we are: some kind of trouble around, she didn't over the feel shunted off You-boo, Michael!" Norne ship?" ihand unwanted, as she did today. • it • Heads turned. Mors voices "No. Not me. I-I've mls Nathan, as got to tell if he sensed her chimed in with Matilda. "Buys, you that-" mood, smiled down at her. "Jason'll Coonselorr -Hooray tor Michaall" But he had waited too long. Now make it to the docks. But with a Matilda, waving her arms like a they were in sight of the ship from Nome just in, Cox you'd windmill, plowed to the fore and house. It was Tim know Jason would who stopped slice time with Michael swung ner oft ter feet and short, then broke a sharp knife." Into a staggering kissed her on both cheeks. "Good rtm. At the docks, straining with the old Matilda!" "Heaven be praised!" others to see the ships, Meg caught he yelled. lie's just the same as he always "It's Kemp come back from her breath. Ahead of the trans- the was, Meg thought And wasn't grave!" port moved two revenue cutters sure He iooked stronger, harder All strength drained from Meg's and a training ship. As they drew maybe. A.nd who was that tanned body. The sunshine splintered nearer, the steamers dropped back be- officer behind tum ? de looked the fore her eyes. She clutched UL' ABNER am-, either side of the transport. Jason, way Captain Kidd should nave. clung to him, but her eyes Siorming a single line abreast glued Rw Al Why, it was Kyerron! As black themselves to the man standing reaching from shore to shore. The WE'RE ALL. as another Spaniard and with a beside the picket gate. NOW DO TH' bands struck up "The Star Span- &Arc.7 -- WE'RE swaggering abandon that re- "Kemp, Kemp, 'Us lunatic gled Banner," went on to "Dixie" rye ROCKY rainueo her of Kemp, though no turned at last" Tim shouted. HIDEOUS IN MOVING!! and "America." People sang, broke MOUNIT'iN men could have been more physic- Meg's feet had carried her to off to weep, lifted their voices the GAINING THE DANILIGHT.I) MONSTER ally dissimilar. gate. She was aware that Jason again. Meg clung tightly to Time ON US .7 KNIOW Charlotte drew in her breath. had moved away from her, that Mkhael stood beside MAH "Fancy show," Jason spoke Meg looked at her as she darted her, not touching her, NAME? from behind tier. torward. "Michael:" Just looking at her with sympathy In his eyes. She faced about, looked at him °Lotty!" Michael seized her and Her eyes blurred. It took greater In surprise He breathed Quickly kissed her heartily, but be released will than she had ever imagined eas if he might have been running; her almost at once and held out Ins to focus her gaze, to bring his face was oddly pale. He looked, hand to Barclay. "Surely kisses the fea- tures of the man on the Meg thought suddenly, as he had are courtesy 01 the port today, other side -law. of the gate Into clarity. when he fought Ryerson on the Barclay 7" He wore the rough clothes, plaid tichard day she had Ire seen him. He "You are looking very well, Mi- mackinaw, the fur cap riding the Id. Va.. looked-she tried to fumble to- chael." Barclay spoke terrnaliy but back of his head that Meg had la have ward understanding-this time he Meg saw that his eyes, like Char- seen a dozen, a hundred, miners of bore a look of defeat iotte a, went above and beyond hti- the Klondike wear. It couldn't be The boats docked. Soldiers enact to linger on Ryer/ion. Kemp. Kemp was dead, buried streamed down the gangplank, "Clyde," Charlotte whispered. under tons of snow and ice. Yet- Ts• lily 0 •-sba Agirlso • were reclaimed by their families. Meg could feel C." Mb by the trembling of yet the features were ,M1.10 by•••••••17.1! Everybody cried and laughed her Kemp's, the and body. bright .ug &shouted. Meg hair like Johnny's Wile looked at Jason "Charlotte." He bent AMITE an' SLATS down, Kemp's. He had Kemp's mile, ...again. Something was wrong. She aimed tier lull on the mouth, and Kemp's grace of movement By Raeburn Van- Bums knew a sudden need to share it lifted his head. There as he was a casual- came toward her. •rt with him. Why, she must love ness about it that revolted 'CHARLIE DOBBS, Meg. He was standing In (rent of her ALL RIGHT, SONNy-- you him! Yes, of course she loved him. Why, he might nave kissed ESCORT SERVICE"- a -a now. "Meg. sweetheart. My golden GOt NO BUSINESS The minute they were free of this huss , that very way! HE (GASP) WASN'T witch!" The voice was Kemp's ROMANCIN' IN A melee she'd tell him so. She leaned And then the crowds were KIDDING too, Coaxing. Intimate, persuasive. PUBLIC. toward him. breaking up into Intimate PLACE,' groups, He took her into his arms and "Jason!" intent on reaching the streets to kissed her gently and then lifted His expression changed. She had see the parade. his head. Meg looked full into • sudden feeling that he was go- Michael finished inn shaking hands eyes and the qtrangeness swooped 'ing to take her into his arms, was with Jason and laughed. "The over her once more. Kemp's going to kiss her. She didn't care! fatted calf ?" eyed; • hadn't been hard and relentless One more embracing couple Jason nodded grimly. "At least and-ely. This Man's were. She wouldn't be noticed. a hall dozen of them." felt dizzy. The ground rocked be- At the very moment when he Michael lashed. "I thought we neath her. She swayed and Kemp'. bent toward her, Charlotte and might go home first." He grinned arm went around her. Before Barclay Linden rushed up to them. at Matilda. "That is, if I have • blackness enveloped her, she had "Have you seen Michael? Have home 7" CO. time to understand dimly that you seen him?" Meg shook her Matilda snorted. "Your room's Kemp had returned to her-and head angrily. been ready for weeks, Michael had come back a stranger. Behind Charlotte, Barclay Dark." (To Be Continued4

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.e.••••••••.••••=••. ...04...11 .4 4..14.' - PAGE TA! •• LEDGER & TIMES — ML'RRAY, KY. SATVRDAY — VARCH 24, 1C)58 Vaughn Home Scene Women's Club News Activities Circle HI WSCS Uncle Sam U.S. CONSULATE IN TUNIS - Page Meet Held Tuesday [ Jo Burkeen, Editor. Mrs. Leonard Vaughn opened . . Phone 694-M-4 or 763-J Weddings Locals her home on West Main Street for Could Use '.he meetng of Circle III of the Woman's Society of Christian Woman's .11isszonary Service of t h e First Methodist Some Doors Society Has Meet .1/rS. Corn Presents Churt-h held on Tuesday. March SOCIAL CALENDAR M. at two-thirty o'clock in .he By Tuesday Program At Meeting afternoon. HARMAN W. NKMOLS Afternoon United Press Staff Correspondent The Woenan's Missionary Society Of CW Fellowship Saturday. March 24 the hrwne of Miss "The World Federation WASHINGTON ,111 — it you are of the First Baptist Church held Chu-a Eagle and The general program meeting Of Meth- The Garden Departme.n1 of the Moss Ruby of odist Women- was between age one ant/ three, have Its regular monthly program meet- Simpson at 7:30 o'clock. the Christian Women's the theme . of Murray Woman's s • • • Fellowship ribs that are well sprung, ing at ..he Club will have of Ohe the very interesting program pre- and a church on Tuesday. their annual Easter First Christo-n Church wits nose that is cold March 7B, egg hunt 04 , held sented by Mrs. John Winter. She and wet to the at two-thirty o'clock in the club house The Woman's Missionary Tuesday. March 20. at two• touch — Uncle Sam the ••iterrioon. lawn a tIO 00 Society thirty told of the work of the women and needs you. o'clock. All children of the o'clock in the afternoon at and grand- Memorial Baptist Church the church. read parts of letters from mission- You of course children of the entire Woman's will meet a'. artes have to be a dog. "'Make Me A Channel of Ble&s- the church at seven- in various parts of the world. It would help a help Club. ten years of age and thirty o'clock. if you also Int" was the theme of ..he program under Mrs. H. C. Corn presented the were a German shepherd are invited They • • • • Mrs. V E Windsor, But this presented by the members of the are to bring only program general baskets. for he afternoon on the WSCS president, gave should not discourage poodles. Rye Po-nt Mission subject. "Fifty the very cockers, c.rzle Mrs • • • • The American Legion Auxiliary Years In Argentia." timely devotion on t h e theme, terriers and the alley kind E C Junes v.-as .11 charge Alpha Department The devotion was of pups. of the The pi the I will meet at the Legion Hall at given by Mrs. "Prayer." Her scripture was from program. Walter F Baker Murray o'clock. Mat-thew 6 and I Woman's Club will meet SeV'n Thessalonians 5. The Army is in the market St 1. Mrs Johnroe Garner gave the the club house at two-thirty • During the business session pre- for dogs, and thinks German shep- o'clock_ Tuesday. • Presiding at the meeting was / devot-on froen Luke 10:25-27 and Match 27 sided over by the president, Mrs. Mrs. herds are the bestest • • • The Lynn Grove, Homemakers John James. 'sold of the irassion work bemg M. C. Ellis, the officers for the If You are interested, you can Club will meet with Refreshments were served by done by the Five Pomt circle. IsLos Monday, March 26 Mrs. Leon new ,chuhch year were elei....ed write to the Office of he Quarter- Chambers at one-thirty the hooters to the eighteen persons • r C Jones discussed Community The regular nweting of t Is e o'clock. who are as follows: present. master General. Remount Section. lidsions A_AUW book club will be held • • • • Washington 2.5. a. Murray Mrs. D. C. If you pass HERE'S THE WRECKAGE In the U. S. consulate In Tunis, French Star chapter No. 433 Ed Frank Kirk, president; the test, you have a good chance ^Becalase of Order of Mrs. John Morocco, after It was sacked by a mob of angry French. Files Love. 'I See. My 'Ole Eastern Star will Pasco. first vice-presi- of walking off with $125. Place," and "Speaking Houseivives' Scold iU-- regular meetng dent: Mrs. L. M. Ind documents were destruyed. The mob was protesting alleged The -Word- Joke---- at the Overbear. second Have to have the paws for it, American interference. were the articles presented Masonic Hall at vice-president; (Personals) finternationeu PladropototoJ by Mrs. The 40-Hour seven - fifteen Mrs R. H. RobbIns, though. Well-cushioned. Hind legs Porter Rolland. Mis. Ira Week o'clock. se..retary; Mrs. Davy Hopkins, WRONG Fox gave NEW YORK IP —Some LynnO.te ir the name must be straight. And "pasterns," NAME. iembarrassing today. the articIe. And My Task of .he • • • • treasurer: Mrs. Norman chosen by A natj.on's housewives Hale. wor- Mr. and Mrs. whatever they are, must be strong. I The parents ai.e Communists and solo, -Oh Master Let Me want to know The Lydian Sunday School ship chairman; Mrs. Lynn Dale Burkeen Walk who is lucky enough Class Frank Rob- of Dexter Route The girl dogs aren't too popular had christened their children "Sta- With Thee",. was sung to work that of the Firs. Baptist erts, publicity One for their MILAN, Italy (IP — The parents by Harry 40shotu week. Church will chairman; Mrs. Otry daughter, with the Army brass — and may Iun.•• Hanipsher.. meet at Paschall, weighing eight pounds of at least 187 Italian Arid as the home of Mrs Noble world call chairman; Mrs. 91: oun:es. as well resign themselves to pro- children for all that talk about Farru at seven Oren Hull, born at the Murray were finding their sons' The opening the 30-hour week -thirty o'clock. yearbook chairman; Hospital Friday, ducing recruits. names and prayers to come, well... • • • • Mrs. George Hart, March 16. — rommambimi were led by Mrs. librarian. The Ideal Male Bern.e Miller Wednesday. and and Mrs. One study showed many women March 28 Mostly, the Army is looking for bie If people get out of Funeral Wreaths Georgr Upchurch re- average The Dexter Homemakers A special service will be Odid A a 14. - hour work' tya Club at:. the.. daughter, IX:meta Kay. aweigh- the ideal male. There.. are it bench- sPert'velX, __WA-S1-__C-_Wella. rues, slitsbett anli-ineet-oiroOr Mrs' church -on Good Friday. :Mg and Sptays dent presaded --kott— ehtin'te"cr- Sit drays' Orbie 'Culver seven pounds ounces. was of things a pup ought to .read up Owners may worry about whe'h- at the meettig and Sundays at one o'clock. March 30. Organ musie will be born would make a 913- to Mr and Mrs Dwane Nor- on before he gets his master to er they will get the same 'gentle 4 rtistically A rrang4d • • • • played from eleven hour work week. Some. of thern. o'clock in the via Melton, 1104 Pogue, on Friday, watch as he puts his paw mark pet back. morning to one J:Crock. mothers of three or more small Thursday, March 29 in t h e March 16 at the Murray Hospital on a blank. afternoon and the The Army children, aye raged two loads of The Protemus Homemakers Club church will be •'. _must be sound, sturdy" The has another school open for anyone for the pups CAPITOL wash six days a week and did their will meet with Mrs. Baol Smith for medoatioo. requirements state,- working type, before they are TODAY and Special material WHOOY 'washed out" SUNDAY ironing between 9 pia, and mid-- at one o'clock. will be placed revealing evidence or power en- of the service. The night. • . • • in the church for the service durance and energy. Well-propor- dogs have to forget everything SEE Mr and Mrs CORUCHE. Portugal ar — An- tioned body. good bone, deep chest. they have learned about being 15th at Poplar — Call 4 These tacos were derived from Joe Rob Haley Rev. Cameron Meacham of Pad- tonio nasty. interviews of A:mo Route One GraMola. 38, won a bet Good teeth healthy gums Tail sometimes it isn't easy. The Is asp with young families bY are the par- ucah will by the guest speaker for Tuesday' Home ents of a daughter, Karen by consuming 50 eggs in must be bushy and he must be Journal researchers. Jo, the next general CWF meeting 13 minutes at a A Sampling of 48 weighing seven pounds three cafe. 'He took bright of eye Must be alert and families inter- to be held Tuesday, April 17. seven of them v.ewed ounces, born at soft boiled and the steeady of paw and responsive to for the publication's 'series the Murray Hos- Group I served refreshments other 43 on how yoang pital Friday, March 16 unooaked. wasting them command." America lives. show- following ...he close of the meeting. down with brandy ed that the mil.her °La three or Dogs that qualify can look for- four children averages.' a 14-hour ward to sentry duty and a chance Wallis Drugl day and often works 17. Eighty- to sink an eye, tooth into the two per cent sod husbands helped cifinSunday shank of a spy about to cut a WE HAVE IT WE WILL GET IT wIth the chilth-en: 393 per cent wire running into one. of our airplane plants. OR said hubby gave a hartd with both IT CAN'T BE HAD • children. and housework; is per Recruits take their "basic train- 41 cent slid their spouses helped not in( at the Army Dog Training a'. an a• h. rn, Center. Fdrt Carson, Colo. Eight to 12 weeks of indoctrination and off they go to permanent duty various Air Force installations. - LAST TIMES TONIGHT — DALE Replaces A MA11 & STUBBLEFIELD FRED MacMURRAY The pup. more often than not. replaces a man And at $125 • dog. in "GUNPOINT" plus so much • month for dog food, it saves us taxpayers a pretty Will Be OPEN this Sundayi with Walter Brensaan penny The dogs. as one wag put It. for your Drug, Prescription and Sundry Needs. considers •'it's a man's life. but SUNDAY - the dog loves it." MONDAY TUESDAY WE WILL BE CLOSED from • They are never mistreated ' 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p.m. for Church flour they are taught tr. get CiNEIMASCOPE TECHNICOLOR The law. fawn oan of Frazee, Luse lianas (a 4a Melugin & Holton uSECOND INSURANCE AGENTS • AUTOMOBILE — FIRE —.CASUALTY

CREATE Telephone 331 Gatlin Building ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM—As Jesus and His disciples approaahed Jerusalem to observe the Passover, He told two of them,"Go ye in- Murray, Kentucky to the i JEANNE village over against you; in the which at your entering ye CRAIN61016E shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, NADER bring and "It Does Make A Difference Who Writes Your NEM KAIIIN BEV him hither. And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? Insurance" LABE thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him." • Mall VAN The disciples did : DOM KEITH ANDES as they had been commanded and, with Jesus PAUL seated upon the colt, the band resumed its journey into Jerusalem. 61111111 ..14( As they — rovrnit proceeded, multitudes spread their garments and the branches of tree's in the way. crying "Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest." And they proclaimed, "This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth- of Galilee." ACADEMY AWARD ta4vat,‘- • PAINT! PAINT! We have just WINNER —fiot week purchased the complete stock of a paint store and have OF 4 AWARDS anything you may need in a The other guys canted (Best Picture dames... he wanted a girl!. Exterior or Interior Paint of the Year) •t. Interior Paint - Enamels - Varnish - 4hellac - Super-Kemtone, all colors ) wisorr,rviss, 14 lir; • (Best Actor IN PINTS - QUARTS of the Year) or IN GALLONS Ernest $3 50 Gal. Borgnine Outside White $3.00 Gal. (Best Linseed Oil $2.00 gal. Asphalt Base Aluminum Screenplay Paint, Asphalt Roof Coating. Oak Ridge Surplus Red Barn of the Year) Paint $2.00 gal. SUPPER—When oesentsrHECHT-LANCASTER THE tAST the day of the feast of the unleavened bread arrived, the disciples asked Jesus where they should prepare We Do Spray Painting MARTY the Passover. lie instructed Peter and John, "Go ye into the city, (Best and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow - INSIDE or OUTSIDE inn ERNEST BORGNINE him. And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the - Direction .BETSY BLAIR house, The Master sayeth, Where is the guestchamber, where I of the Year) Story and Screenplay ll PADDY CHAYEFSKY shall eat the Passover with my disciples?" This accomplished, Jesus Deeded by DELBERT MANN and the twelve disciples gathered to eat, but, as they did, Jesus warned, "Verily, I say unto you, One of you which eateth with Glindel rite shall betray me." Breaking bread, Reaves STARTS He said, 'This is my body ONE-HALF MILE VARSITY which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me." Then He FROM CITY LIMITS on LYNN GROVE ROAD WEDNESDAY aktook the cup, saying, "This cup is the new teitament in my blood. :fri,..• • which is shed for you." TELEPHONE 184-W

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