Nuncius 29 (2014) 499–530 Documenta inedita ∵ Domenico Cirillo’s Collections A Recently Rediscovered 18th-Century Neapolitan Herbarium Massimo Ricciardi* Musei delle Scienze Agrarie, musa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico ii
[email protected] Maria Laura Castellano Musei delle Scienze Agrarie, musa, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico ii
[email protected] Abstract The herbarium of the 19th-century Neapolitan botanists Vincenzo and Francesco Brig- anti was acquired by Orazio Comes in 1892 for the Royal Higher School of Agriculture in Naples. Based on a study of the handwriting on their labels, Comes concluded that some of the dried specimens were the sole remains of the herbarium of Domenico Cir- illo, the distinguished 18th-century Neapolitan botanist, entomologist and physician. * We wish to thank Stefano Mazzoleni who encouraged our research, supported our work and read the complete text, giving us many helpful suggestions; Mark Walters who painstakingly translated the text into English; Riccardo Motti who made all of his information on both Cirillo’s herbarium and his botanical works available to us; and Adriano Stinca who was extremely helpful in attempting to trace Cirillo specimens in the other herbaria of the Muse- ums of Agricultural Sciences and in taking pictures of all the dried specimens. We are also indebted to Anna Millozza of La Sapienza University of Rome who facilitated our research on Cesati’s handwriting in the Rome herbarium, to Mariolina Rascaglia who facilitated the research at the Naples National Library, and to Massimo Vicinanza who expertly reproduced manuscripts and signatures from a number of documents.