European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 4411-4415 Surgical therapy of hypertrophy: a comparison of complications and satisfaction rate in large and small superior pedicle custom-made reduction mammaplasty P. FINO, G. DI TARANTO, M. TOSCANI, N. SCUDERI

Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Policlinico Umberto I, Rome, Italy

Abstract. – OBJECTIVE: The reduction mam- tomatic breast hypertrophy. Large ptotic maplasty is indicated for patients with sympto- can become troublesome for patients, leading to matic breast hypertrophy. Although surgery is mastalgia, ulceration of the skin on the mamma- considered the gold standard treatment, it is ry crease, postural problems, and related back still debated which is the complication rate and pain, strongly affecting social life of the patients2. whether or not there is an increased complica- tion rate with increased tissue resection per bre- These patients can benefit greatly from a reduc- ast. The main objective of this retrospective stu- tion in breast size, as most symptoms are relieved dy was to determine whether the rates of compli- by reduction mammaplasty. Goals of reduction cations are higher in large reductions (≥2000 g mammaplasty are to improve physical, emotional per breast) as compared with smaller reductions and psychosocial discomforts, to restore a coni- (≤1999 g per breast) using the superior pedicle cal-shaped breast stable over time, maintaining custom-made technique. scars as short as possible3,4. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 90 consecutive operated patients was When performing surgery, performed. All the patients underwent a bilateral it is very important to preserve the blood supply breast reduction for macromastia. 43 patients of tissues as well as sensitivity, especially of the had a reduction of 1999 g or less and 47 patients -areolar complex (NAC)2,5. In 1922, Thorek had a reduction of 2000 g or more. described standard free nipple grafting reduction RESULTS: There were no statistically significant mammaplasty in gigantomastia6. Although this differences in the rates of nipple necrosis, hemato- ma, seroma, wound dehiscence, wound infection, technique remains simple and reliable, it can pro- loss or reduction of nipple sensation, and a patho- duce a non-aesthetic breast and nipple with poor logic scar between the large and small resections. projection and no sensitivity. It has gradually CONCLUSIONS: The large reduction patients been superseded by dermoglandular flap tech- pointed higher mean satisfaction rate than the niques and several pedicle techniques have been small reduction patients. The superior pedicle cus- described in breast reduction surgery2,7. tom-made technique is a safe method of breast However, like all surgical procedures, these reduction regardless of the degree of parenchymal resection, achieving a successful aesthetic out- new techniques are not complications free. Re- come with minimal scarring and high satisfaction ported complication rates vary widely, and there rate for both small and large breast reduction. is controversy as to whether or not there is an in- creased complication rate with increased tissue Key Words resection per breast8,9. The main objective of this Breast reduction, Gigantomastia, Germal flap, Cus- retrospective study was to determine whether tom-made technique. the rates of complications are higher in large re- ductions (≥ 2000 g per breast) as compared with smaller reductions (≤ 1999 g per breast) using Introduction the superior pedicle custom-made technique. We used the crossover point between small and large Reduction mammaplasty is one of the most com- reductions at 2000 g of tissue per breast, follow- mon procedures performed by plastic surgeons1. ing a simple cut-off method, as already described The reduction is indicated for patients with symp- by Chang et al8 and O’Grady et al9.

Corresponding Author: Pasquale Fino, MD, e-mail: [email protected] 4411 P. Fino, G. Di Taranto, M. Toscani, N. Scuderi

Patients and Methods skin was preoperatively evaluated with a pinch test to allow appropriate skin resection, result- Patients ing in a rhomboidal draw. After local anesthe- sia with adrenalin 1:200.000 infiltration and a A retrospective chart review of 90 consecutive careful depithelization of the periareolar area, patients performed between September 2010 and dermal incisions were made up to the pectoralis June 2015 was considered. All the patients under- muscle fascia through glandular-adipose tissue. went bilateral breast reductions for macromastia Saving the dermal flap previously depithelized, at our facilities. Smokers, patients with diabetes glandular resection was performed according to mellitus or those who had previously undergone the traditional inverted V shape and a pyrami- breast surgery or a balancing procedure for can- dal glandular portion was removed inferiorly up cer were excluded because of the possible bias in to the mammary crease and superiorly approxi- the results analysis. mately 1 cm below the dermal flap. Medial and All the procedures were performed by the lateral edges of the inverted V were rejoined and same surgical team. The entire protocol was the dermal flap was then fixed with 3 interrupt- approved by the Ethics Committee of Sapien- ed 2/0 resorbable stitches to the new mamma- za, University of Rome. Age, height, weight (in ry crease, to hold the inferior pole of the new kg), body mass index (in kg per square meter) breast, preventing a recurrence of such (BMI), resection weight per breast (in g) and as very often happens with vertical scar tech- midclavicular point-nipple distance were re- niques. Skin resection was made after glandular corded (Figure 1). resection to minimize the tension of the sutures. A round block was performed around the , followed by closure of the vertical scar, which Surgical Technique was converted to an L-shape scar only when the skin excess was too redundant in the lower pole, Keeping in mind the anatomical variability of to keep the vertical scar no longer than 6 cm for a each patient, we performed a custom-made re- better aesthetic outcome10. Closed suction drains duction for each patient as previously described were used routinely and were usually removed elsewhere10,11. Preoperative markings were made on the third postoperative day. with the patient in standing position, consider- ing standard marking lines from the middle-cla- vicular point to the nipple. The new nipple was Evaluation of complications positioned at 19-22 cm from the midclavicular and rate satisfaction point, and the new areola was marked at this Data regarding complications rate were re- point with a 3.5-4 cm radius. Therefore, with the corded for each patient of both groups. Occurring patient lying down, we considered 10-11 cm of complications were nipple necrosis, hematoma, distance from the media-sternal to the projection seroma, wound dehiscence, wound infection, loss of the new nipple on the mammary crease. After or reduction of nipple sensation, and pathologic marking of the future vertical scar, the level of scar. Wound infection was diagnosed by a posi- the new inframammary line (IML) was moved 6 tive culture swab. Loss or reduction of nipple was cm below the new areola. The excess periareolar scored by a subjective patient base. Patients were


Figure 1. Intra- operative images of surgical procedure: A, depithelization of superior pedicled dermal flap; B, glandular resection; C and D, fixation of dermal flap;E , restoration of conical shape.

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Figure 3. Pre- and postoperative photographs demonstrating good mammary reduction, remodeling with short scars, and the recovered girth.

distance and tended to be taller and weighed more. Patients of large reduction group were elder than the small reduction one. There were no statistically significant differ- ences in the rates of nipple necrosis, hematoma, Figure 2. Pre- and postoperative photographs demonstrating seroma, wound dehiscence, wound infection, loss good mammary reduction, remodeling with short scars, and the recovered girth. or reduction of nipple sensation, and a patholog- ic scar between the large and small resections. There was a lower rate of wound dehiscence and wound infection in the smaller resection group asked to score postoperative rate of satisfaction as compared with the large resection group, but on a visual analog scale from 0 to 10. The highest no statistical difference was found. Four patients possible level of satisfaction was 10. The overall were culture-positive for the following organ- evaluated follow-up period was six months. isms: Staphylococcus species, two breasts; Pseu- domonas aeruginosa, one breast; Streptococcus Statistical Analysis pyogenes, one breast. These patients with clinical The statistical significance of the differences and laboratory evidence of infection received ad- between mean values was determined using one- ditional days of antibiotic coverage until negative way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s culture swab. LSD; p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Body mass index had no statistically signifi- cant effect on the rate of nipple necrosis, hema- toma and seroma formation, nipple sensation, Results wound infection or hypertrophic scarring: pa- tients with higher BMI values (≥ 35 kg per square The age distribution of the patients ranged from meter) and lower BMI values (≤ 34.99 kg per 17 to 65 years (mean, 45.7 yrs). The body mass square meter) had similar complication rates. index (BMI) evaluated in the last seven years was However, BMI had a statistically significant 27.4 kg/m 2 on average. 86 breasts (43 patients) effect on wound dehiscence (p ≤ 0.05): a higher had reductions of 1999 g or less and 94 breasts (47 mean BMI predicted wound dehiscence. Differ- patients) had reductions of 2000 g or more. ences were statistically significant when consid- Preoperatively, the range of distance from the ering the overall body mass index, although no midclavicular point to the nipple was 33.4 to 53 significant difference was found when comparing cm. The mean resection weight was 1715 g (990- the BMI-related wound dehiscence rate between 2825 g) for the right breast and 1670 g (1010-2427 small and large mammaplasty reduction groups. g) for the left breast (Figures 2 and 3). Large reduction patients pointed higher mean As expected, the large reduction group had satisfaction rate (9.3 ± 1.8) than small reduction larger preoperative midclavicular point-nipple patients (8.6 ± 2) (p ≤ 0.05) (Figure 4).

4413 P. Fino, G. Di Taranto, M. Toscani, N. Scuderi

rior pedicle techniques. Although these reports, complications, particularly wound problems, re- main relatively common as well as satisfaction rate varies grossly among different studies. Analysis of the demographic data reveals that women who require larger reductions tend to be taller, weighed more, have a larger BMI consistent with , and have significantly more ptotic breasts. Our findings demonstrate that, in addition to the majority of potential complications, partial or total nipple loss is not significantly increased in reductions of greater than or equal to 2000 g. The rate of wound dehiscence was reduced by Figure 4. Pre- and postoperative photographs demonstrating both smaller reduction and lower BMI. A high- good mammary reduction, remodeling with short scars, and er mean BMI predicted wound dehiscence when the recovered girth. considering the overall population. Conversely, no significant difference was found when comparing Discussion the BMI-related wound dehiscence rate between small and large mammaplasty reduction groups. Brest hypertrophy is a debilitating condition both This probably is owing to split-up of the popu- physically and emotionally. Historically, the most lation, reducing the number of patients in each dependable procedure for this condition was free group and therefore the statistical significance. nipple grafting12. However, newer evidence in Mean overall satisfaction with the operation was surgery has shown that nipple transposition in excellent, and patients reported that they definitely conjunction with pedicle-based reductions can would recommend the operation. Large reduction achieve even better results12,13. Although these mammaplasty scored higher satisfaction rate (p ≤ new findings, reported complication rates vary 0.05). Patients with large breast can benefit greatly widely and there is controversy as to whether or from a reduction in breast size, as most symptoms not there is an increased complication rate with deeply influence physical, social and psychological increased tissue resection per breast8,9. life: women who undergo reduction mammaplasty The main objective of this work was to deter- have a functional improvement in musculoskeletal mine whether the rates of complications and pa- pain, , sleep, and breathing. Psychological tients satisfaction are higher in large reductions benefits are vast and include improved self-esteem, (≥2000 g per breast) as compared with some sexual function, and quality of life, in addition to reductions (≤1999 g per breast), using a cus- less anxiety and depression. It has been shown as tom-made technique that uses a superior dermal this improvement could vary proportionally with the flap, combining the advantages of round block dimension of breast reduction performed20-22. and vertical scar. To better evaluate these rates, we retrospectively reviewed a population of 90 patients who underwent Conclusions reduction mammaplasty; we subdivided the popula- tion into two groups, fixing the crossover point be- In this study we described a reduction mamm- tween small and large reductions at 2000 g of excised aplasty that combines advantages of the round tissue per breast. We choose this point following a block and vertical scar techniques, employing a simple cut-off already described by Chang et al8 and superior dermal flap that sustains the breast tis- then reviewed by O’Grady et al9. Even if these au- sue and avoids herniation and flattening. We thors studied the complication rate in large and small demonstrated that this technique could be used inferior pedicle reduction mammaplasty, we found for breasts ranging from mild to severely hyper- this method really simple and reliable, fitting also the trophic with various degrees of ptosis, with the evaluation of other pedicle-based techniques. advantage of a short scar. This custom technique, Some previous papers8,9,13,19 have focused on tailor-made for each patient, achieved a success- the common complications associated with reduc- ful aesthetic outcome with minimal scarring and tion mammaplasty and some scholars have exam- high satisfaction rate for both small and large ined patient satisfaction of both inferior and supe- breast reduction.

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