FIDELITY 64 HIGH Le specialists, particularly to confirmed Brain make a clear-cut choice between the latter Winds, in E flat, Op. 16". MILHAUD: devotees, for its main attractions are not so and am glad to have both discs. Muti is the Cheminée du roi René.* MOZART: Diver- much the performances themselves, engag- more vibrant and brilliant Rossinian, Ab- timento No. 14, in B flat, K. 270 (arr. ing but indifferently recorded, as the ex- bado the more sensitive and graceful- Baines).* cerpts from a 1955 lecture -recital and a equally legitimate approaches. Abbadós Among the precious legacies left us 1956 interview, even less well recorded yet London Symphony, however, plays with by the great artists of the past, there are quite intelligible. There are also several greater finesse than Muti's Philharmonia, some we treasure with a special affection by by a keenly poignant sense of brief spoken reminiscences and tributes and I suspect that in the long run it is to Ab- intensified abbreviated discog- such colleagues as conductor Norman del badó s elegant performances that I will unfulfillment: the in Mar, flutist Gareth Morris, and critic Felix want to return more often. All three discs raphies of musicians tragically silenced promis- Aprahamian. Like Arabesque's moving are well recorded. Angel's surfaces, it is the very prime of their incalculably earlier memorials to Maggie Teyte (8069) good to note, are excellent. D.S.H. ing careers. One thinks first perhaps of conductor Guido Cantelli, contralto Kath- and Kathleen Ferrier (8070), this one is ab- leen Ferrier, pianist William Kapell, violin- solutely essential for every aficionado's Recitals ist Ginette Neveu, tenor Fritz Wunderlich, most treasured memorabilia.
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