Track & Field News April 2019
Track & Field News April 2019 — 1 A wide variety of T&FN tour offerings is available. Make your plans now to join us for one or more of these exciting track and travel opportunities. ■ U.S. ~NATIO 2019NAL S~/WORLD ■ OLYMPI~ C2020 TRIALS. June ~ 19-28. The CHAMPIONSHIPS TRIALS, Drake 2020 Trials will be in Eugene, Oregon, at University, Des Moines, IA. Meet dates, the exciting new stadium at Hayward (Arrive July 29, Depart Aug. 10). This July 25-28. Tour dates for 3 nts. 7/25-28; Field built for the 2021 World Champi- will be our 18th Summer Olympic tour. 4 nts. 7/24-29 or 7/24-28; 5nts. 7/24-29. onships. This facility will have comfort- $5,600 deposit per person. $750 deposit per person. able individual seating (unlike the old bench-type seating at the old stadium) ■ EUROPEAN DIAMOND LEAGUE. and these Trials will be the opening Tour dates: August 23 - September 7. showcase for the New Hayward Field. ■ U.S. NATIO~ 2021NALS/WORLD ~ CHAM- The itinerary has three nights in Paris, This is the meet that will determine the PIOnsHIPS TRIALS, $100 deposit per three in Konstanz, three in Berlin and U.S. team for the Tokyo Olympics, and person now accepted. Probably Eugene. three in Brussels for the Paris, Zurich & this is always one of the best meets of Brussels DL meets and Berlin’s ISTAF. ■ WORLD TRACK & FIELD CHAM- the quadrennium. Lodging in motels Projected tour price $3975 per person PIONSHIPS, Eugene, OR. We are ac- walking distance to stadium. Earliest double occupancy.
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