Page: 1 Sustainable Electricity Options for Kosovo Noah Kittner1, 2, Hilda Dimco3, Visar Azemi3, Evgenia Tairyan3, and Daniel M. Kammen1, 2, 4 * 1 Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley 2 Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley 3 Kosovo Civil Society Consortium for Sustainable Development (KOSID) 4 Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley * Address correspondence to: Professor Daniel M. Kammen at: * E:
[email protected], URL: Abstract (word count: 125): We have developed an analytic platform to analyze the electricity options, costs, and impacts for Kosovo, a nation that is a critical part of the debate over energy access and the role of fossil fuels versus cleaner electricity options to meet growing demands for power. We find that a range of alternatives exists to meet present supply constraints all at a lower cost than constructing a proposed 600 MW coal plant. The options include energy efficiency measures, combinations of solar PV, wind, hydropower, and biomass, and the introduction of natural gas. A $30/ton shadow price on carbon increases costs of coal generation by at least $330 million USD. The results indicate that financing a 600 MW coal plant is the most expensive pathway to meet future electricity demand. | RAEL: | KOSID | Page: 2 1. Introduction Kosovo faces serious energy challenges, and is a critical test case for the future financing of new coal-fired power plants by the World Bank and the U.S. government. More than 95% of electric power generation comes from lignite coal in Kosovo.