ESSENTIAL CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE II - MODULAR CSAP/CSSR 542A (1 Unit) • Course Outline • Fall 2020 • Discussion 10/26-11/22 Kevin Lewis I. PROFESSOR & CLASS INFORMATION Professor: Kevin Lewis Course Title: Essential Christian Doctrine II - Modular Course Code: CSAP/CSSR 542 A Credit Hours/Units: 1 Unit Term: Fall 2020 Class Days & Time: Discussion 10/26-11/22 Location: Modular Dept. Secretary: Megan Stricklin (562) 906-4570 Office Phone: 562-903-6000 X5506 Secretary Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: By Appointment Office Location: Biola Professional Building E-Mail:
[email protected] Office Mailing Address: Biola University, Course Website: Christian Apologetics Program, Dept. Website: 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639 Discussion: ITL Website: II. COURSE EXPECTATIONS This is a required, two-semester (Spring and Fall), core apologetics course. For each semester, students must carefully read the course outline, complete the assigned readings, participate in a four week discussion on Canvas, take an online exam, and submit a paper. Students must also attend the Summer residency lectures. (2 units, 1 per semester) III. REQUIRED & RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS A. REQUIRED TEXTS 1. Jeffery, Steve, Michael Ovey & Andrew Sach. Pierced for Our Transgressions. Crossway, 2007. 2. Lewis, Kevin. Essential Christian Doctrine Syllabus.1 Fall 2020 Version. Available online on my faculty webpage at 3. Shedd, W.G.T. Dogmatic Theology. 3rd Ed., Grand Rapids: P & R Publishers, 2003. 1 Note that I refer to the course notes available online as the “Syllabus.” The document explaining the course requirements—the one you are currently reading—is the “Course Outline.” ECD II-Modular-Fall Semester Course Outline Page 2 B.