How Politics Drowned Out Science for Ten Endangered This report is a distress signal states, and others have resisted for at-risk plants and . federal management and adapting Introduction We can only successfully recover to climate change. States have If you were a 1970s biologist who studied declining ocelots or Hermes , you might them−under the Endangered Species tried to manage at-risk wildlife take action. You might write a bill. And if you wrote that bill, it might have looked very simi- Act−when we follow science. Yet, themselves, and then they kept us lar to the Endangered Species Act. And because it follows the science, it’s our nation’s most we’ve fallen down on the job in in the dark on their conservation effective law in preventing threatened and endangered species from going extinct. many ways. Special interests, state actions and population numbers. agencies, and even some members Thanks to the Act, when a biologist decides whether to list a species as endangered, the only of Congress have always applied As a result, species across the thing that the biologist can consider is science. Other matters, including economics, come pressure on species decisions. The country, on land and in our into play later. The science, however, stays central to every step. difference now is that the Trump waters, have suffered. This report Administration is itself infiltrated examines the lack of scientific But will that approach stand under the Trump Administration? Will U.S. Fish and Wildlife with special interest officials who decisions for: dunes sagebrush Executive Summary Service (FWS) biologists be allowed to follow the science? There are many reasons to fear completely disregard science. lizard, greater sage grouse, Hermes they are not and will not. copper , leatherback Science has not been followed sea turtle, Mexican wolf, North Due to incredible pressure from oil, gas, fishing, and other industries, and the states, previous in determining critical habitat, Atlantic right whale, ocelot, administrations struggled to hold the line on science. But the Trump Administration has gone adequate population numbers, pallid sturgeon, San Jacinto a step further and thrown science out the window. The administration has hired industry representatives to run its agencies. It pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords. It deemed a sci- and needed protections. Bad Valley crownscale, and wolverine. entific background unnecessary for positions that require scientific knowledge. And it’s trying practices continue—unsustainable Together these species are part of to slash science budgets at NASA, NOAA, EPA, and more. fishing, dams, development, oil a much larger story playing out and gas seismic surveys, and the in the United States right now—a The attack on science at the Department of Interior has mostly flown under the radar. But the border wall. Some highly imperiled turning back of the clock on threat here is just as real and dangerous. Science has been subverted to please special inter- species haven’t even been listed as science. This will harm not just ests—from extractive industries to states—for these . What these species endangered. Oil and gas industries, nature, but all of us. need is quick action to get their recovery back on track. And yet, they also serve as ambassa- dors to a larger story of species conservation concerns. Plants and animals need nothing less than a strong commitment to science. Without that, the forecast is dire for plants, wildlife, and humans.

Kierán Suckling Erik Molvar Michael Beck Greg Costello Center for Biological Western Watersheds Endangered Habitats Wildlands Network Diversity Project League

William Rossiter Todd Steiner Rhea Suh Cetacean Society Turtle Island Restoration Natural Resources International Network Defense Council

Dr. Andrew Rosenberg Jamie Rappaport Clark Leda Huta Union of Concerned Scientists Defenders of Wildlife Endangered Species Coalition

3 Net Decline: Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

The Pacific leatherback is the only soft-shelled sea turtle and is one of the largest in the world, weighing up to 2,000 pounds. The leatherback can migrate over 10,000 miles from foraging grounds to nesting beaches.

This beautiful species plays a key role in keep- In 2015, the Pacific Fishery Management Coun- ing its primary food source—jellyfish—in cil and the California Department of Fish and check. This helps protect important fisher- Wildlife approved a rule to protect the Pacific ies.1 With the loss of leatherbacks, jellyfish leatherback and other species from drift gillnet consume more fish eggs and larvae, making it fishing for swordfish. The Trump Adminis- difficult for fish stocks to recover. When leath- tration unexpectedly withdrew this erbacks migrate to nesting beaches, their eggs proposed rule in June of this year. The transfer nutrients from ocean to land, helping withdrawal reflects the fishing industry’s pow- to rejuvenate beaches.2 erful lobbyists and the Trump Administration’s blatant disregard for recommendations of its own fishery advisors.

SCIENCE IGNORED Current Range Western Pacific leatherback popula- THREATS: Eastern and Western tions declined by more than 80 per- Entanglement in fishing gear Pacific Ocean cent and eastern Pacific leatherback Illegal harvesting of eggs populations declined by more than 97 Ingestion of trash (particularly percent over the last three genera- plastic bags) tions.3 They are decreasing because of bad Conservation Status fishing practices such as driftnets, the illegal Endangered - Endangered harvest of eggs, and ingestion of trash.4 These Species Act, Critically threats have continued even though leather- Endangered - IUCN Redlist backs have been listed since 1970. Remaining Population estimated 2,300 total; Eastern Pacific subpopulation = 633 and declining

> Keystone Species

5 photo©Stephanie Rousseau / Rousseau photo©Stephanie photo©IrinaK / photo©IrinaK Science Snubbed: Mexican Wolf (Canis lupis baileyi)

The Mexican wolf is one of the most endangered North American animals and the most endangered subspecies of gray wolf in the world. As an apex predator at the top of its food chain, a recovered Mexican wolf population should help restore damaged habitats.

SCIENCE IGNORED Supporting the killing of wolves5 Denying permits and suing the federal gov- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) ernment to stop needed wolf releases6 assembled Recovery Teams in 2003 and 2010 If the Draft Plan is put in place, Mexican to develop up-to-date Mexican Wolf Recovery wolves will be delisted once they hit 320 in the Plans. These teams of scientists and experts United States. Based on science, and Arizona concluded that recovery requires three and New Mexico’s opposition to wolf recovery, interconnected U.S. populations, the Draft Plan is a recipe for extinction, each with at least 250 wolves for not recovery. a minimum total of 750 animals.1

Unfortunately, FWS’ 2017 Draft Mexican Wolf OTHER wolves threatened Recovery Plan ignores the recommendations by human activities and falls far short of recovery, calling for: Current Range A recovery goal of 320 to 380 Red Wolf – Critically Endangered – East-central AZ, West- wolves vs. 750 Fewer than 30-45 remain in the wild; central NM, and Northern One U.S. recovery zone vs. three previously hunted to extinction and now Mexico zones neglected and mismanaged by FWS. The Colorado and Utah recovery zones were removed for political reasons, leaving just one Alexander Archipelago Wolf – Not zone crossing west-central New Mexico and Listed – Pressures from logging, road Conservation Status east-central Arizona.2 building, and overharvest are destroying Endangered subspecies this rare wolf, the deer it depends on, of gray wolf – Endangered The Draft Plan proposes giving Arizona and and the old-growth forest it calls home. Species Act New Mexico veto power over species manage- ment activities! Both states have a long record Remaining Wild Population of opposing conservation efforts, in spite of Approximately strong public support for the species. 3 The

states’ efforts included: THREATS: 113 HUMANS - Special interest in the United States, Spending tax-payer money on anti-wolf and state government and approximately lobbyists4 interference in recovery plans 28 in Mexico 7 photo©Robin Silver photo©Robin Disappearing Dancers: Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) The greater sage-grouse is an umbrella species— protecting it protects over 350 other types of plants and wildlife—for sagebrush environments. When the sage- grouse is distressed, the entire landscape is likely ailing.5

Sage-grouse require large areas of unspoiled, miles of leks instead of 4 mile buffers healthy sagebrush habitat. Protecting A 5 percent surface disturbance maximum in sage-grouse populations safeguards Wyoming vs. the recommended 3 percent the entire habitat, including other Exceptions, waivers, and modifications to wildlife such as elk, pronghorns, the plan, creating loopholes for develop- pygmy rabbits, sagebrush songbirds, ment and ferruginous hawks. Now, the Department of Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, on behalf of the Trump Admin- istration, favors administrative policy SCIENCE IGNORED changes and plan amendments, that have already begun to weaken sage- Based on science, the greater sage-grouse grouse protections promised under should have been listed as endangered un- the plans. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service der the Endangered Species Act. The federal relied heavily on plan protections to justify its government launched a National Greater 2015 decision not to list the bird under the Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy in 2011 to avoid Act. Stripping current protections will lead Current Range listing. For sage-grouse priority habitats, scien- right back to listing.8 11 Western US States tists recommended:6 (WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, UT, MT, CO, WY, ND, SD) No oil and gas leasing No mining THREATS: A three percent limit on surface disturbances Extreme sensitivity to oil and gas development: Conservation Status No more than one well-pad per square mile Drilling or siting one producing well No roads, powerlines, or surface operations within a few miles of a lek causes BLM (Bureau of Land 1 within four miles of mating sites (leks) population decline Mgmt.) and Forest Development exceeding three Service Sensitive Species; After pressure from state governments and percent of habitat within five miles of Endangered Species Act a mating location leads to localized oil and gas officials, the federal sage-grouse extinction2 Listing “not warranted” Resource Management Plans (RMPs) ignored : these recommendations, allowing: Livestock grazing leading to Remaining Population Invasive cheatgrass infestations3 and thus frequent burns and loss of Up to a 70 percent reduction of priority sagebrush used for food and cover 200,000- 7 habitats in some states Loss of grass cover needed for 500,000 olvar Surface operations in Wyoming within 0.6 hiding4 of an original 16 million M rik

E 9 photo© Dammed: Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus)

The pallid sturgeon—a top predator in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers—has ancestors that date back to the dinosaurs. This “living dinosaur” has silver bony plates, lives for more than 50 years, grows up to six feet long, and weighs up to 80 pounds.

Dams built in the last century changed the flow dam. A human-made side channel for fish pas- of major rivers, and blocked pallid from freely sage would be added.5 Pallid sturgeon experts swimming. Newly hatched pallid need hundreds believe it is very unlikely that the fish will use of miles of free-flowing, oxygen-rich waters to the channel. survive. When dams break up these rivers, the young fish drift into reservoirs. There, they sink The side channel alternative was selected to the bottom and die from lack of oxygen. The by federal agencies because it was the least Upper Missouri and Yellowstone river popula- expensive option. Regional farmers who receive tion has fewer than 100 wild-born adults and irrigation water from the dam agreed. hasn’t reproduced in 60 years.1 The science indicates that pallid stur- geon recovery will only be possible if Katie Steiger-Meister/USFWS their young are able to mature. This

photo© SCIENCE IGNORED can only happen with enough drift distance (determined by river miles, water temperatures, The pallid sturgeon was listed as endangered and flow rates) for sturgeon after spawning. in 1990. The impacts of dams on fish are well known, but federal agencies have not followed expert recommendations that include:2,3,4 Other Examples of Species Threatened by Dams Changing the amount and timing of water from Fort Peck Reservoir on the Missouri Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Current Range River to be more natural (so fish will be Salmon – Threatened – Four lower Snake Northern MT to New cued to migrate and spawn) River dams devastating this salmon spe- Orleans, LA (Missouri, Increasing the temperature of the water from cies. Mississippi Rivers and Fort Peck Reservoir (so newly hatched pallid major tributaries) can grow faster) Southern Resident Orca – Endangered Removing the Intake Diversion Dam on the – Only 77 individuals remaining and Yellowstone River and using pumps to pro- still declining because their food source, vide water for farmers (so adult pallid can Snake River salmon, are dwindling. Conservation Status spawn further upstream) Endangered under the ESA

These recommendations would help Remaining Population pallid recovery in the wild. None Extremely depleted with no have happened. In fact, federal agencies stable populations THREATS: have proposed replacing the rock dam on the Yellowstone River with a permanent, concrete Loss of habitat due to a series of dams 11 Development Debacle: San Jacinto Valley Crownscale (Atriplex coronata var. notatior)

The San Jacinto Valley Crownscale is an annual plant found only in the floodplains of Riverside County, California.

The species is a small, shrubby plant with gray rule because the species was already covered leaves, with a unique ability to absorb salts from under other state and local conservation soil making the plant’s leaves glow in sunlight.1 plans.5 The species also controls soil erosion.2 Currently, developer Highland Fairview is planning to build the nation’s largest master The crownscale population is declining, much planned corporate park adjacent to the San like populations of many other rare plants in Jacinto Valley Wildlife Refuge, home to the California. In fact, there are 136 plant species crownscale. listed under the Endangered Species Act that are endemic to California.2 The FWS decision not to designate critical habi- tat for the San Jacinto Valley crownscale in 2005 is a result of clear political interference SCIENCE IGNORED by former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior. This individual tampered There is no designated critical habitat with fieldwork by ordering biologists to exclude for the crownscale currently. vernal pools (temporary pools of water) from The species has been listed for almost 20 critical habitat designations in California. Hav- years, but, as the following timeline portrays, ing close connections with building industry political interference has restricted full recovery officials and lobbyists, the Deputy Assistant of this critical species. Secretary said that the economic cost of includ- ing these areas was unacceptable.6 These In 2004, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service temporary pools are one of the primary Current Range (FWS) scientists recommended 15,232 acres habitats for the crownscale.7 San Jacinto Valley in of critical habitat designation.3 Southern California In 2005, FWS issued a final ruling denying San Jacinto Valley crownscale critical habitat for the San Jacinto Valley habitat will likely continue to be crownscale. developed so long as critical habi- In 2008, the Center for Biological Diversity tat designations are not set by FWS. Conservation Status filed a lawsuit citing interference by the Bush Endangered - Endangered Administration in the final ruling on critical Species Act habitat designation for the crownscale. THREATS: In 2012, as part of a settlement agreement Loss of habitat—fragmentation, Remaining Population for the lawsuit, FWS proposed a rule to es- modification, and degradation— tablish 8,020 acres of critical habitat for the due to agriculture and urban 106,000 as of 2000; current data crown scale.4 development unavailable In 2013, the FWS chose not to finalize this Competition from non-native plants 13 photo©Larry Sward Walled In: Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis)

Ocelots, beautiful and elusive cats, are top predators and serve the ecosystem role of controlling the population size of rabbits, birds, fish, rodents, snakes, lizards and other prey.

Commercial exploitation had been a major SCIENCE IGNORED threat to the species, but the poaching of oce- lots has significantly declined since the species The last straw for the U.S. ocelot was originally listed under the Endangered population may be the Trump ad- Species Act. ministration’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall. A barrier of this magnitude In Texas, it has been estimated that more than would further worsen the isolation of Texas 95 percent of the dense thornscrub habitat and Arizona ocelots from those in Mexico and preferred by ocelots has been converted to agri- lead to continued inbreeding and most likely culture, rangelands, or urban developments.1 extinction within the United States.3 These changes to one of the last U.S. strong- holds for ocelots have made recovery extremely The administration’s decision to move forward difficult. Continuing habitat loss, collisions with the border wall is contrary to sci- with vehicles and inbreeding of small, isolated ence that shows that habitat connectivity Current Range groups are keeping ocelot population numbers is a primary threat to the ocelot and other AZ and TX, plus Mexico low.2 rare wildlife. The border wall would and Central and South obstruct wildlife migrations that America are essential to healthy habitats. A recent study has identified more than 90 endangered or threatened species that would be severely harmed by this 2,000- Conservation Status mile wall.4 Endangered – Endangered Species Act Throwing billions of dollars at this border wall plan and demol- Remaining Population THREATS: ishing an iconic wildlife refuge Loss of habitat connectivity will not make the U.S. safer. It will, 53 in two isolated however, be a disaster for people and com- populations in TX; munities, and tragically sacrifice endangered a few scattered in AZ; species like jaguars and ocelots and their fragile environment.5 1421 in Senora, Mexico; decreasing population trend per IUCN 15 Photo©eli77 Political Pressure: Dunes (Sceloporus arenicolus)

The -eating dunes sagebush lizard is small at 2.5 inches long, has one of the tiniest ranges of any U.S. lizard, and is very picky about its small home.1

It only lives among shinnery oak trees in the Private, local, and state officials, as well Mescalero and Monahan Sand Dunes of New as Texas State agencies, hammered FWS Mexico and Texas. Its fate directly reflects the about the alleged negative economic effects health of these two dune systems. Conserva- of listing.5 As a result, FWS approved the tion of this lizard helps protect many other inadequate state plans. rare dune-dwellers, including an endemic tiger beetle and a june beetle. The conservation plan prepared by Texas has unclear commitments and lacks transparency, making it nearly impossible to measure results. Worse yet, sand mining began on pri- SCIENCE IGNORED vate lands within the lizard’s habi- tat after the conservation plan was Listing the dunes sagebrush lizard under the approved.6 The sand is mined for nearby Endangered Species Act (the Act) was tried fracking.7 This activity was not addressed in multiple times, but the listing was denied in the plan, so even Texas has no authority to 2012 due to political and industry pressure on regulate the sand mines or their effect on the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).2,3 lizard.8 If we are unable to monitor Current Range the decline of the dunes sagebrush Mescalero and Monahan New Mexico and Texas offered state-based lizard, in Texas particularly, it Dune Systems in conservation plans instead of federal listing. makes its recovery almost impos- southeastern New Mexico Withdrawing the dunes sagebrush lizard from sible. and West Texas its candidate status under the Act was not based on scientific recommendations. Instead, as admitted by the former regional director of the FWS Southwest Conservation Status region, “there was no way that we were New Mexico – Endangered; going to list a lizard in the middle of oil THREATS: Not listed in Texas or under country during an election year.”4 Extreme sensitivity to wind and Endangered Species Act solar energy development, off-road vehicles, shinnery oak removal, and Remaining Population oil and gas development Unknown - found only in Sand mining (for use in fracking) shinnery oak dune habitats in Texas 17 photo©USFWS Fed Funding Foiled: Hermes Copper Butterfly ( hermes)

The Hermes copper butterfly, one of the most endangered species in California, is a couple of new subdivisions and one major wildfire away from extinction.

Hermes are rarely seen far from their spiny red- SCIENCE IGNORED berry plants or buckwheat nectar plants, and live in small distinct colonies (groups). The Scientists provided data that supported the colonies are often independent from each other listing of Hermes copper butterfly as threat- even when close to each other. Although the ened or endangered under the Endangered Hermes lives in only a small area of San Diego Species Act as far back as 1991. With multiple County, California, protecting this butterfly can petitions and a court order ignored, years of help preserve the environmental functions, ser- red tape have left the Hermes and its habitat vices, and biodiversity provided by its unique unprotected. range. In April 2016, FWS, for the third time, ac- Of the 57 known historic populations, 17 knowledged that the species warrants a listing populations were still in existence, 28 popula- of threatened or endangered but declined to tions were believed to be locally extinct, and move the listing forward. According to the the status of 12 populations was unknown as FWS, budget constraints and higher priority of 2011.1 Additionally, recent Hermes colonies species are the reasons.2 Range have been exceedingly small or nonexistent San Diego County, California, in many of these sites. At sites where Hermes Since most Hermes copper butterflies are west of the Cuyamaca have been recently seen, the maximum number found in the southern portion of San Diego Mountains, and Northern spotted is generally less than five. County, one large wildfire could Baja California, Mexico nearly wipe out the entire species. Wildfires in 2003 and 2007 already caused significant colony extinctions. Conservation Status Federal listing is essential for the Listing found warranted, protection of the butterfly’s habitat. This is candidate species under the only way to create the funding the Endangered Species Act THREATS: necessary to stop species decline, Loss of habitat provide sanctuary land, and Remaining Population Wildfires ultimately expand Hermes Extremely depleted; Development populations. actual number unknown

19 photo©David Horner photo©David Wrong Way: North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glaciali)

North Atlantic right whales are critically endangered due to oil, gas, and wind energy development, pollution, and military sonar, but boat strikes and entanglement in fishing gear continue to be the primary threats to species recovery.1

The most reliable population estimate of right The administration’s actions forced the Bureau whales was 451 in 2016.2 16 right whales were of Ocean Energy Management to reverse its found dead between April and October 2017 January 2017 decision to cancel six offshore from ship strikes and entanglement in fishing seismic testing permits in the Atlantic. Instead, gear – an alarming, record number!3 the process has begun for a new 5-year plan that allows more energy exploration, leasing, and development of the entire Outer Continental Shelf.5 SCIENCE IGNORED Ocean warming is changing where right whales A major concern for the right whale is travel and search for food, making it that much continued or expanded seismic oil harder to reduce fishing net and ship strike and gas surveys. These surveys stress right deaths, reversing recovery efforts. Despite whales, directly affect their health, and cause 40 years of protections and recovery plans, slow reproduction.4 human actions continue to push this species toward extinction. Current Range The Trump Administration is pushing North Atlantic Ocean expanded offshore drilling for oil and gas, and preventing necessary marine sanctuaries that include prime right whale habitat. Conservation Status Critically Endangered – Endangered Species Act

THREATS: Remaining Population Entanglement in fishing gear Approximately Ship strikes Seismic surveys, pollution, 450 and military sonar > Keystone species

21 photo©Brian Skerryphoto©Brian Climate Casualty: North American Wolverine (Gulo gulo)

The wolverine is one of the toughest animals in the world, custom-built for cold, snowy climates. The wolverine is one of only a few winter predators at high elevations and is also an important scavenger.

Wolverines once ranged across much of the lost due to climate warming by 2045; northern contiguous US before being driven to 63 percent by 2085.4 near-extinction here in the mid 20th century. Today, they’ve returned only to a few regions The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) with- in the Northern Rocky and Cascade Moun- drew its proposal to list wolverines as threat- tains, from populations in Canada. In the US, ened under the Endangered Species Act (the wolverines also inhabit Alaska. Act) in 2014. Conservation groups challenged that decision and a federal judge ordered the FWS to reconsider its decision. The FWS ap- pealed to a higher court, and the case is still SCIENCE IGNORED pending.

Habitat loss from climate change is its primary Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, and threat. The best available science shows that: Montana, along with a number of industry organizations, including In the lower 48, wolverines depend on al- snowmobiling and oil and gas North American Range pine habitats that maintain deep snow cover interests, have opposed listing the Northern Cascades late into the spring for denning, year-round wolverine, arguing that state manage- and Northern Rocky use, and dispersal; ment is sufficient to protect the species and Mountains1 climate change science is inadequate to Warming temperatures due to climate support listing.5 As a result, there is pres- change are reducing spring snowpack in the sure to keep the wolverine off the endan- West; and gered species list. It would be tragic if one Conservation Status of the most iconic wild predators, having Petitioned for listing under The loss of spring snowpack is likely to returned to the contiguous U.S. after de- the ESA2 significantly reduce wolverine habitat and cades of persecution, was again lost—this may increase vulnerability to trapping and to time for good. Remaining Population disturbance from recreational and industrial Estimated activities. THREATS: Loss of habitat, disturbance, and 250-300 in the US3 Research suggests that 31 percent of exploitation due to climate change current wolverine habitat will be Fragmented habitat Recreational and incidental trapping

23 photo©Steven Gnam photo©Steven Notes 2011. A Report on National Greater Sage-grouse 1. Center for Biological Diversity (CBD). N.d. Endangered Ocelots in Arizona, Texas” (Center for page 18 polling/Polling%20memo%20AZ%20NM%20 Conservation Measures. Available at www.blm. Saving the San Jacinto Valley Crownscale. Center Biological Diversity, June 26, 2017), https://www. Hermes Copper Butterfly 2013.pdf gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/co/programs/ for Biological Diversity. Online at http://www. wildlife.Par.73607.File.dat/GrSG%20Tech%20 ocelot-06-26-2017.php. 1. “Petition to list Hermes Copper Butterfly as page 6 4. Maffly, Brian. 2013. Legislators steering another Team%20Report.pdf. Valley_crownscale, accessed July 26, 2017. Endangered under the Endangered Species Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtle $300,000 to anti-wolf crusade. The Salt Lake 3. J.E. Janecka et al., “Reduced Genetic Diversity and Act,” accessed October 28, 2017. http://www. Tribune. Mar 07 2013. http://archive.sltrib. 7. Molvar, E.M. 2015. The shrinking geography 2. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2017. Isolation of Remnant Ocelot Populations Occupying 1. Gibbons, M.J. and Richardson, A.J. 2009. Patterns com/story.php?ref=/sltrib/politics/55960783- of sage grouse conservation. Santa Fe, NM: Environmental Conservation Online System. a Severely Fragmented Landscape in Southern copper_butterfly/pdfs/petition.pdf. of jellyfish abundance in the North Atlantic. 90/300000-anti-contract-game.html.csp WildEarth Guardians, 17 pp. Online at http:// Washington DC: Department of the Interior. Online Texas,” Conservation, 2011, 1–12. Hydrobiologia 616:51-65. https://www.researchgate. at, accessed July 25, 2017. 2. “Species Assessment Form: Lycaena Hermes,” 5. Arizona Game and Fish Department [AZGFD] 4. “House Appropriations Committee Greenlights net/publication/226822375_Patterns_of_jellyfish_ The_Shrinking_Geography_of_Sage_Grouse_ accessed October 13, 2017, et al. Cover letter to Benjamin Tuggle, April 15, 3. Federal Register. 2013. Endangered and Threatened Trump’s Destructive Border Wall” (Center for abundance_in_the_North_Atlantic; Purcell, J.E. and Conservation_Fina.pdf?docID=16402. docs/candidate/assessments/2015/r8/I05C_I01.pdf. 2014. Arizona Game and Fish Department is the Wildlife and Plants; Revised Designation of Critical Biological Diversity, July 18, 2017), https://www. Arai, M.N. 2001. Interactions of pelagic cnidarians first signatory. Letter accompanies “Mexican wolf 8. Scott Streater, “Millions of Acres of Grouse Habitat Habitat for Allium munzii (Munz’s Onion) and and ctenophores with fish: A review. Hydrobiologia page 20 management in Arizona and New Mexico: A Opening to Mining,” GreenWire, September Atriplex coronate var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley border-wall-07-18-2017.php. 451: 27-44. Cooperating Agencies Alternative,” 15 April 2014. 22, 2017, Crownscale), April 16. Washington DC: Department North Atlantic Right Whale publication/226927949_Interactions_of_pelagic_ stories/1060061473/search?keyword=Millions+of+acr of the Interior. Online at 5. “House Appropriations Committee Greenlights Cnidarians_and_Ctenophores_with_fish_a_review_ 1. “President Trump and Secretary Zinke Open up 6. Lobos of the Southwest. 2017. Whose Side Are es+of+grouse+habitat+opening+to+mining. fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-04-16/pdf/2013-08364.pdf, Trump’s Destructive Border Wall.” Series_developments_in_hydrobiology_155. Comment Period for New 5-Year National Offshore They On? States’ Efforts to Derail Wolf Recovery. accessed July 26, 2017. page 16 Oil and Gas Leasing Program | U.S. Department of 2. Wilson, E.G., Miller, K.L., Allison, D. and Magliocca, page 12 Derail_Wolf_Recovery.pdf 4. Federal Register. 2012. Endangered and Threatened the Interior,” accessed October 13, 2017, https:// M. “Why Healthy Oceans Need Sea Turtles: The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard Pallid Sturgeon Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Revised Critical Importance of Sea Turtles to Marine Ecosystems.” page 10 Habitat for Allium munzii (Munz’s onion) and 1. Ryberg, W.A., M.T. Hill, D. Lay, and L.A. Fitzgerald. secretary-zinke-open-comment-period-new-5-year- Oceana. 1. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2014. Revised Atriplex coronate var. notatior (San Jacinto Valley 2012. Observation on the nesting ecology and national-offshore. Why_Healthy_Oceans_Need_Sea_Turtles.pdf. Greater Sage-Grouse Recovery Plan for the Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). U.S. Fish and Wildlife crownscale), April 17. Washington DC: Department early life history of the dunes sagebrush lizard 2. North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium Annual 3. “Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys Coriacea) :: 1. Holloran, M. J. 2005. Greater sage-grouse Service, Denver, Colorado. 115 pp. of the Interior. Online at (Sceloporus arenicolus). Western North American Meeting, October 22, 2017. NOAA Fisheries,” accessed October 14, 2017, http:// (Centrocercus urophasianus) population fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-09-11/pdf/2012-22033.pdf, Naturalist 72: 582-585. response to natural gas field development 2. Jacobson, R.B., Annis, M.L., Colvin, M.E., James, accessed July 25, 2017. 3. “2017 North Atlantic Right Whale Unusual 2. Li, Y. and T. Male. 2013. Dunes sagebrush lizard html. in western Wyoming. PhD Dissertation. D.A., Welker, T.L., and Parsley, M.J., 2016, Missouri Mortality Event :: NOAA Fisheries,” accessed University of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming. River Scaphirhynchus albus (pallid sturgeon) effects 5. Federal Register. 2013. Endangered and Threatened the cautionary tale of a candidate species denied. 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A meta-analysis of greater sage-grouse with mining stocks in the hottest oil region in 2. USFWS. 2016. Meeting Notes from Mexican Wolf Impact Statement. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. report-investigation-julie-macdonald, accessed July Centrocercus urophasianus nesting and brood- America. September 29, 2017. CNBC. https:// Wolverine Recovery Planning Workshop. April 11-15, 2016. 27, 2017. rearing habitats. Wildlife Biology 13:42–50. 5. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2016. Lower Galleria Plaza Reforma, Mexico City, Mexico. p. 4. with-mining-stocks-in-the-hottest-oil-region-in- 1. “Gulo Gulo (Wolverine),” accessed October 28, Yellowstone Intake Diversion Dam Fish Passage 7. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2012. 5. Rowland, M.M., Wisdom, M.J., Suring, L.H. america.html. 2017, 3. Research & Polling. 2008. Wolf Recovery Survey— Project, Montana Final Environmental Impact Atriplex coronata var. notatior (San Jacinto & Meinke, C.W. 2006. Greater sage-grouse as Arizona. Statement. Valley Crownscale) 5-Year Review: Summary and 2. “Species Profile for orthN American Wolverine an umbrella species for sagebrush-associated 6. Collier, K. 2017. Oilfield sand miners encroaching Reading17WolfSurveyAZ.pdf; Tulchin Research. Evaluation, August 17. Washington DC: Department (Gulo Gulo Luscus),” accessed October vertebrates. Biological Conservation, 129, 323–335 on threatened west Texas lizard. August 14, 2013. New Poll Finds Strong Support for Wolf page 14 of the Interior. Online at 2017. Texas Tribune. https://www.texastribune. 28, 2017, Protection in Southwestern Border States. 6. (NTT) Sage-grouse National Technical Team. San Jacinto Valley Crownscale five_year_review/doc4139.pdf, accessed July 25, org/2017/08/14/comptrollers-office-oilfield-suppliers- speciesProfile?spcode=A0FA. 2017. threatening-dune-sagebrush-liza/ 3. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, “50 CFR Part 17,” Federal Register 78, no. 23 page 14 7. Lininger, J.C., C. Bradley, and T. McKinnon. 2011. Impact of dunes sagebrush lizard protection on (February 4, 2013), Ocelot oil and gas activity in west Texas. A Center for FR-2013-02-04/pdf/2013-01478.pdf. Natural Resources Defense Council – Our board member, Jan Randall, Ph.D., has 1. Sonja E. Jahrsdoerfer and David M. Leslie, Biological Diversity Report. Center for Biological 4. McKelvey, K. S., Copeland, J. P., Schwartz, M. K., Acknowledgments Diversity, Tucson, Arizona. Matt Skoglund; Turtle Island Restoration done another stellar job of organizing our “Tamaulipan Brushland of the Lower Rio Grane Littell, J. S., Aubry, K. B., Squires, J. R., Parks, S. A., Elsner, M. M. and Mauger, G. S. (2011), Climate Network – Cassie Burdyshaw; Union incredibly helpful judges on the Scientific Valley of South Texas: Description, Human Impacts, 8. Dexheimer, E. 2017. West Texas sand rush We are grateful to each member group that and Management Options,” Biological Report change predicted to shift wolverine distributions, of Concerned Scientists – Jacob Carter; Advisory Committee: Richard Buchholz, PhD, exposes fault in state’s lizard protection plan. nominated species for this year’s report. (USFWS, November 1988); Thomas A. Tremblay, August 17, 2017. American-Statesman. http:// connectivity, and dispersal corridors. Ecological Western Watersheds Project – Erik Molvar; Gregory S. Butcher, PhD, Sylvia Fallon, PhD, We’re particularly grateful to those who helped William A. White, and Jay A. Raney, “Native Applications, 21: 2882–2897. doi:10.1890/10-2206.1 Wildlands Network – Greg Costello, Malcolm Hunter, PhD, David Inouye, PhD, Gary Woodland Loss During the Mid 1900s in Cameron shape the top ten stories: Center for Biological -politics/west-texas-sand-rush-exposes-faults-state- 5. Defenders of Wildlife v. USDOI, USFWS, etal., County, Texas,” The Southwestern Naturalist 50, Diversity – Chris Nagano, Collette Adkins, Kim Crumbo, and Katy Schaffer. A. Krupnick, PhD, Thomas E. Lovejoy, PhD, lizard-protection-plan/mkN7SNg7L1k9Tjyit/ Filed 8/17/2015, No. CV 14-246-M-DLC, accessed no. 4 (2005): 479–82. Jim Cronin, and Tierra Curry; Cetacean Society Terry L. Root, PhD, and Brian Silliman, PhD. October 28, 20 International – William Rossitor and Many thanks go out to our staff, particularly 2. “Feds to Analyze Wildlife Services’ Impacts on David Kaplin; Defenders of Wildlife – Derek Goldman, Rachel Jankowski, and Mitch We’re thankful for Kimberly Sutherland Aaron Hall and Leigh Anne 24Tiffany; Merry, for their work on this report. for crafting the species profiles and 25 Endangered Habitats League – Michael Beck; Orith Kolodny for her moving design. Report developed by

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