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DE'l'onshire . (Kehll''s G78 TAVTST0CK. DE'l'ONSHIRE . (KEhLl''S • OFFIOIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephoni!} Express Delivery & Pu~lic PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. 'felephone Call Office, 4 Abbey place. John Henry Cemeteries, Plymouth road & Dolvin road, Thomas Henry Riordan, postmaster Cranch, clerk to the joint burial committee Tavistock Hospital, Spring hill, H. J. Pinker M.R.C.S'. URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Eng., L.R.Q.P.Lond., G. F. Aldous F .R.O.S.Edin.,. Meetings held at the Council offices on the first tues M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.Lond. & A. Bowhay M.D.Durh.,. day in each month at 7.30 p.m. D.P.H.Camb., L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. Members. Lond. hon( consulting surgeons; Charles Cumberla.nd Chairman, Jonathan Snow J.P. Brodrick L.R.C.P. & S.Edin., G. Hillyar L.R.C.S.,. Vice-Chairman, Huratio John Trebilcock. L.R.C.P.Edin., J. Leslie Watt M\B., C.M.Aberd.~ All retire in ApTil, r922. C. M. Leakey L.S ..A.. & F. F. C. Willington M.D.,. B.Ch., B.A.O.Dublin, medical officers; Richard Brown John James Alexander J.P William Philip Gill John Fuge Alford Arthur James Buckle L.D.S.Eng. hon. surgeon-den4iist; F. J. Butcher, hon_ John Backwell William Lewis secretary; Miss M . .A.. Pye, matron J olw Y alland Barkell Archie Lane Mitchell County Court, Guildhall, His Honor H. W. Lush-Wilson­ John Vickary Beale Richard Tucker K.C. judge; William W evill 'Mathews, registrar &. Henry Chichester J Amos Buller Venning high bailiff; Harry Barkell, chief clerk ; John Doidge,. William John Follane1 sub-bailiff; office, 2 Church lane. The courts are­ held once every month. commencing each day at Io Officers. o'clock. The following places are within the distriet :­ Clerk, William John Martyn Wivell, Council offices, Beerferris (or Bere Ferrers), Brentor, Buckland Mona­ Drake road ~horum, Calstock (Cornwall), Coryton, Cudliptown. Treasurer, Sidney Herbert Colmer, Lloyds.. Bank, Bed­ Dartmoor, Gunnislake, Hingston Down (Cornwall), Hor­ ford square rahridge, Latehley, Lamerton, Lewtrenchard, Lydford .Medical Officer of Health, James Leslie Watt M.A.., Town, Marystow, Marytavy, Meavy, Mill Ilill, Milton­ M.B., C . .M ..A.berd. 32 West street .A.bbot, Morwellham & the Quays, Petertavy,Princetown, Collector, Thos. Hy. Cranch, Council offices, Drake road Sampford Spiney, Sheepstor, Stowford, Sydenham Snryeyor & Sanitary Impector, Frederick Cilmble Damerel, Thrushelton, Tavistock, Yelverton, Walk­ Assoc.R.San.Inst. Council offices, Drake road hampton, Whitchurch Superintendent Fire Brigade, Waterworks & Markets, For bankruptcy purposes, this court is included in that Thomas Brown, IS Trelawny road of Plymouth & East Stonehouse, Alfred Norman Felix Goodman, 7 Buckland terr!l.ce, Plymouth, official COUNTY :MAGIS'l'R.A.TES FOR T.A.VISTOOK PETTY Tece1ver• • SESSIONAL DIVISION: . Benson Thomas, Egremont, Tavistock, chairman Fire Brigade-, Engine station, Guildhall square, Thoma~ Brown, superintendent, & men Alexander John James, Parranwell, Tavistock 16 Barrington Alfred Edward . Guildhall, Guildhall square Batchelor Reginald Lewis Public Swimming Bath, Trelawny road, W. J. Bowhay,.. Burnard Robert F .S.A. Stoke, Teignmouth · caretaker Chichester Henry, Grenofen, Whitchurch, 'l'avistock Ship wrecked Fishennen & Mariners' Royal Benevolen~ Collier Fred M. Bradworthy, North Devon Society; Miss Winney, Spring hill, hon. representa­ Croft Sir Alfred W oodley K..C.I.E. Rumleigh, Bere tive. See advertisement A.lston, Devon Tavistock Library, .Abbey buildings, T. Down, hon_ Doble Richard Dennis, l1- W o burn terrace, Tavistock A. Doidge Thomas, Edgnl.oor, Bridestowe sec. ; John Quick, librarian French George, Grey Hound farm, Post Bridge, Prince- Town hall, Bedford square, James Bnrgoyne,. keeper town, Devon · Pethybridge Frank TAVISTOCK UNION. Soltau John Thomas Board day, fortnightly oll"'friday at 2 p.m. at the Union Spear Sir John Ward, Venn house, L!ttnerton, Tavistock Poo-r Law Institution. Stranger Richard Northcott, Plymswood, Tavistock The Tavistock union comprises the following parishes,. Tucker Col. Charles Marwood, Sortridge ho. Horrabridgs viz :-Bere Ferris (or Beer Ferrers), Bradstone, Brentor,. Ward Frank, Burrville, Brent tor, Tavistock Buckland Monachorum, Calstock (Cornwall), Coryton,. The chairmen, for the time being, of the Tavistock Ur­ Dnnterton, Kelly, Lamerton, Lewtrenchard, Lydford, ban & Rural District Councils, are ex-officio magistrates Liiton, Marystow, Mary Tavy, Meavy, Milton Abbot,. Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Williams Cbiloott, 5 Peter Tavy, Sampford Spiney, Sheepstor, Stowford, Bedford pla.ce - Sydenham Damerel, Tavistock. Tavistock Hamlets.. Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every alternate Thrushelton or Thurshelton, Walkhampton,Whitchurcb. wednesday at 11 a.m. The following places are included The population of the union in t8gr was 27,II0 & in in the petty sessional division: Bere Ferris, Brentor, rgii was 25,500; area, r5g,oo8 acres; rateable value­ Lamerton, Lydford, Marytavy, Milton Abbot, Peter­ in 1918, £146,126 tavy, Sampford Spiney, Syderlham, Tavistock, Tavi­ Chairman of the Board of Guardians, W. Helson.. atock Hamlets, Whitchurch Borough, Kelly, Lifton Clerk to the Guardian:;: & Assessme-nt Committee, A­ OOUNT£ PdLIOE FOROE (K DIVISION). Kenneth G. Johnstone, Town Hall chambers Oonsists of 3 sOO"geants & 2r constables, under the com­ Treasurer, Theodore Rowe, Bank house, Market street.­ mand of Sul'erintendent Oapt. William J. Gordon; Tavi~k the local force consists of I sergeant & 4 constables Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, North district, John Palmer, 4 Parkwosd place, Tavistock; TAVISTOCK RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. South district, A . .B. Oallaway, I2 Chapel ~t.Tavistoek The parishes in the District are the same as in the Inquiry Officer, John Palmer, 4 Parkwood pi. Tavistock Uruion, with the exception of Tavistock & Calstock Vaccination Officers, Calstock sub-district, A. H. Calla­ (Cornwall} way, r2 Chapel street, Tavistock; Tavistock sub-dis- The Council meet at the Rural Council offices, Tavi­ trict, John Palm-er, 4 Parkwood place, Tavistock stock, for sanitary & highway business every fourth Medical OfftceTil & Public Vaooinaroors, BI!'I'e F'errers dis­ friday, at 2 p.m trict, Hora.ce George 'Brown M.A., L.R.C.P.Lond.p Ohairman, Richard Rowe, Longbrook, Milton Abbot M.R.C.S.Eng. The Firs, Bere Alston; Buckland dis­ trict, George Toms Revell L.R.C.P.Edin., M.R.C.S. t Officials. • Eng. The Retreat, Yelvf'rton ; Calstock district, Alberi Olerk, A. Kenneth G. Johnstone, Town Hall chambers, Bowhay M.D.Durh. D.P.H. Gunnislake; LewtTenchard' .l3edford square district, ChristophE'r Richmond Benson M.R.C.S.Eng. Treasurer, Theod-ore Rowe, Bank house, Market street Lew Down; Lifton district, c~il BPnjamin Thoma• Medical Officer of Health, Charles Cumberland Brodrick MusgraveJ M.D. The Cotta.g-e, Lifton; Tavistock dis­ L.R.~.P. & S.Edin. 26 West street trict, James leslie Watt M . .A.., l\LB., C.M.Aberd.' 32 Highway Surveyors, North, F. G. Cornish, T{)wn Hall West ~treet~ Tavistock ; Marytavy district, Frank chambers, Bedford square; South, William Henry Postlethwaite M.R.C.S.Eng-., L.S.A.Lond. ThE' Nut­ Batten, :Brinsabatch, Brentor · shelL :Brentor; Whit church £r, South Lydford district,. Sanit'3ry InspectQr, Thomas Henry Harris A.I.S.E. 1 Charles Cumherland Brodrick L:R.C.P. & S.Edin. 2fi Millbrook place West street, Tavistock - • • .
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