Supplement to the London Gazette, 15 January, 1943

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Supplement to the London Gazette, 15 January, 1943 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 15 JANUARY, 1943 758047 Flight Sergeant Douglas Hamilton STYLES, regulation shall be substituted for the corresponding Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, No. 418 regulation in the Royal Warrant 'dated 22nd (R.C.A.F.) Squadron. September, 1940, and shall henceforth be construed Flight Sergeant Styles has taken part in 99 and have the same effect as 'if it formed part of the operational sorties. In May, 1941, he was the said Royal Warrant: — navigator of an aircraft which, whilst operating "13. Eligibility. off the West Coast of Ireland, attacked and (1) The Distinguished Flying Cross shall be damaged a Junkers 88. Since September, 1941, granted to such officers and warrant officers, and the he has participated in a large number of intruder Distinguished Flying Medal to such non-commissioned operations over enemy occupied territories. This officers and men, as shall be recommended to Us by airman has always shown great keenness and deter- or through Our Secretary of State for Air (or, in the mination in the performance of his duties. His case of any of Our Dominions the Government whereof skill in locating and bombing enemy airfields at shall so desire, the appropriate Minister of State for night has set a fine example to the members of the said Dominion) for exceptional valour, courage his squadron. He has flown as navigator in opera- or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations tions that have resulted in severely damaging 4 against the enemy. locomotives. (2) The Air Force Cross shall be granted to such 1331106 Sergeant Ronald Edward WILKES, No. 35 officers and warrant officers and the Air Force Medal •Squadron. to such non-commissioned officers and men, as shall In December, 1942, this captain of aircraft be recommended to Us by or through Our Secretary was detailed for an attack on Duisberg. When of State for Air (or, in the case of any of Our commencing his bombing run he was heavily Dominions the Government whereof shall so desire, engaged by anti-aircraft fire and his aircraft was the appropriate Minister of State for the said badly damaged, 2 engines being rendered useless. Dominion) for exceptional valour, courage or devotion With admirable coolness Sergeant Wilkes released to duty whilst flying, though not in active operations his bombs and by skilful evasive tactics withdrew against the enemy. without further damage. Descending gradually, (3) The following shall be eligible for the said a constant height was ultimately maintained on decorations and medals: — the homeward journey, until a Junkers 88 was (a) officers and men of any Military or Air Force encountered, which made 3 attacks. Display- raised in Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and ing superb airmanship Sergeant Wilkes man- Northern Ireland, Our Indian Empire, Burma, any oeuvred his disabled aircraft to avoid these attacks of Our Colonies or a territory under Our protection; and eventually flew safely back to base. On a or within any other part of Our Dominions Our previous occasion in the same month, in adverse Government whereof shall so desire or within any weather conditions this, airman had persisted in territory under Our protection administered by Us his mission to attack Turin although, shortly after in such Government; setting out, his air speed indicator and one engine (b) officers and men of the Air Branch of Our failed. Throughout, Sergeant Wilkes has displayed Navy, of ranks equivalent to those above- . quiet confidence and fine leadership. His out- mentioned, -serving with any of the aforesaid standing example of devotion to duty in the face Military or Air Forces; of heavy odds is worthy of the highest praise. (c) foreign officers and men, of ranks equivalent to those above-mentioned, who have been associated Air Ministry, i$th January, 1943. in operations with any of the aforesaid Military or ROYAL AIR FORCE. Air Forces ". The KING has been graciously pleased to approve Given at Our Court at Saint James's this toth day the following awards with effect from the dates of November, 1942, in the sixth year of Our stated: — Reign. Air Force Cross. By His Majesty's Command. Acting Wing Commander Donald William SCIVIER (43073)- *4"th June 1941. Archibald Sinclair. Acting Wing Commander Douglas Reginald SCOTT (90246), Auxiliary Air Force. 9th October 1941. Air Ministry, i^tk January, 1943. Acting Flight Lieutenant John Arthur SWORD, D.F.C. THE CONSPICUOUS GALLANTRY MEDAL (84698), Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. i7th (FLYING). February 1942. ROYAL WARRANT. GEORGE R.I. AMENDMENTS. GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of » In notification of i8th December 1942 (p. 5506, Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions col. 2), concerning Flying Officer A. L. NORMAN, beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Royal Australian Air Force, for (Aus. 40700) read Emperor of India; To all to whom these Presents (Aus. 407006), and for Aus. 344666 Corporal J. TRAM shall come. Greeting. read Aus. 344666 Corporal J. TRIM. Whereas Her late Majesty Queen Victoria was graciously pleased by Her Order-in-Council dated Air Ministry, i^th January, 1943. 7th July, 1874, to establish a medal designated the THE DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS, THE Conspicuous Gallantry Medal for such petty officers AIR FORCE CROSS, THE DISTINGUISHED and seamen of the Royal Navy and non-commis- FLYING MEDAL AND THE AIR FORCE sioned officers and privates of the Royal Marines as MEDAL. distinguish themselves by acts of conspicuous ROYAL WARRANT. •gallantry in action with the enemy. GEORGE R.I. And whereas We deem it expedient to provide for GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of the award of the Conspicuous Gallantry (Medal to Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions members of Our Military and Air Forces for acts of beyond the ' Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, conspicuous gallantry whilst flying in active opera- Emperor of India; To all to whom these Presents tions against the enemy. shall come. Greeting. Now therefore We do by these Presents for Us, Whereas We did, by a Warrant under Our Sign Our Heirs and Successors, ordain that the following Manual, dated 22nd September, 1940, amend and regulations shall govern the award of the said medal consolidate the regulations governing the two to members of Our Military and Air Forces: — decorations designated the Distinguished Flying Cross 1. Description. and the Air Force Cross, and the two medals The Conspicuous Gallantry Medal shall be as designated the Distinguished Flying Medal and the described in the above-mentioned Order-in-Council, Air Force Medal, and did direct that the regulations that is to say, it shall be silver and shall bear on the so amended and consolidated and incorporated in the obverse the Royal Effigy and on the reverse the said Royal Warrant should be the regulations govern- words " For conspicuous gallantry " encircled by a ing the said decorations and medals; wreath surmounted by a crown. And whereas the said Royal Warrant was amended 2. Ribbon. by Royal Warrants dated nth March, 1941, and 23rd The medal shall be worn on the left breast pendent February, 1942; from a ribbon one inch and a quarter in width which And whereas We deem it expedient that a further shall be in colour light blue wth dark blue marginal alteration should be made in the regulations governing stripes one eighth of an inch' in width. the said decorations and medals; 3. Abbreviated title. Now, therefore, We do by these Presents for Us, The award of the medal shall entitle the recipient Our Heirs and Successors, ordain that the following to have the initials C.'G.M. appended to his name..
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