No. IN THE Supreme Court of the United States ———— WORLD PROGRAMMING LIMITED, Petitioner, v. SAS INSTITUTE, INC., Respondent. ———— On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ———— PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI ———— WAYNE F. DENNISON JEFFREY A. LAMKEN REBECCA M. LECAROZ Counsel of Record BROWN RUDNICK LLP ERIC R. NITZ One Financial Center MOLOLAMKEN LLP Boston, MA 02111 The Watergate, Suite 660 (617) 856-8200 600 New Hampshire Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 JUSTIN M. ELLIS (202) 556-2000 W. ALEX HARRIS
[email protected] MOLOLAMKEN LLP 430 Park Ave. JORDAN A. RICE New York, NY 10022 MOLOLAMKEN LLP (212) 607-8160 300 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60654 (312) 450-6700 Counsel for Petitioner WILSON-EPES PRINTING CO., INC. – (202) 789-0096 – WASHINGTON, D.C. 20002 QUESTIONS PRESENTED 1. Whether federal or state law governs the respect that must be accorded to the judgment of a foreign court in diversity cases. 2. Whether a district court’s decision on the merits of a claim becomes moot, and must be vacated, if the court of appeals determines that the plaintiff has not proven entitlement to the only remaining relief sought in connection with that claim. (i) ii PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDINGS BELOW All parties to the proceedings below are named in the caption. iii CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Pursuant to this Court’s Rule 29.6, World Program- ming Limited states that it has no parent corporation. World Programming Limited further states that no pub- licly held company owns 10% or more of its stock.